eVAGUS, October 2009

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Content Editorial


From the President


Message from the SCOME-D p4 Still exChanging the world‌ p5 Message from the SCOPH-D p6 Foreword by the new SCORA-Director


From the SCORE-D


From the SCORP-D


Introduction to the Team of Officials


eVAGUS The official IFMSA newsletter.

October 2009

eVAGUS  |  October 2009

Conferences IFMSA will be represented in:

Upcoming Observant days:

The 20th European Students’ Conference – Revolutions in Medicine 4th – 7th October; Berlin, Germany http://www.esc-berlin.com/

UN Calendar of Observances http://www.un.org/events/calendar WHO Calendar of Observances http://www.who.int/mediacentre/ events/annual/en/index.html

XIX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology & Obstetrics 4th – 9th October; Cape Tow, SAR http://www.figo2009.org.za/

WHO Calendar of Consultation Meetings http://www.who.int/mediacentre/ events/meetings/en/index.html

Fifty-sixth Session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean 5th – 8th October; Fez, Morocco http://www.emro.who.int/rc56/information.htm Network Meeting of Secretary-Generals Directors of YFJ Member Organisations – including the Information and Networking Day on Funding 8th – 9th October 2009; Brussels, Belgium World Health Summit 2009 15th to 18th October, Berlin http://worldhealthsummit.org/ HAI Europe Open Seminar "EU Policy in Action–In Whose Interest?" 23rd October 2009; Brussels, Belgium http://www.haiweb.org/ Action Planning Meeting YFJ joint meeting with IPPF 6th November 2009; Brussels, Belgium

Editorial Dear IFMSA members, Today I am very proud to present you with the first edition of eVAGUS in its new design! After one year of silence eVAGUS is out again to inform you about the news and internal work within IFMSA. You will notice that every page contains different information representing different aspects of our IFMSA work. This edition includes a message from the President and the Standing Committee Directors, together with a list of the upcoming events and meetings in which IFMSA shall be represented.

Contact Information:

General Secretariat: IFMSA c/o WMA B.P. 63 01212 Ferney-Voltaire France Phone: +33 450 404 759 Fax: +33 450 405 937 Email: gs@ifmsa.org Homepage: www.ifmsa.org Feedback: publications@ifmsa.org

www.ifmsa.org  medical students worldwide

The mission of IFMSA is to offer future physicians a comprehensive introduction to global health issues. Through our programs and opportunities, we develop culturally sensitive students of medicine, intend on influencing the transnational inequalities that shape the health of our planet.

We, the new IFMSA Team of Officials, want to use this edition to speak to you, to welcome you in the new term and to encourage you to continue the work that you do. Your work is what we are! Your work is the building block for us to achieve our goal and make this planet a healthier place to live on! Enjoy reading! Alexander Werni

eVAGUS is an IFMSA publication © Portions of eVAGUS may be reproduced for non political, and non profit purposes mentioning the source provided. Notice: Every care has been taken in the preparation of these articles. Nevertheless, errors cannot always be avoided. IFMSA cannot accept any responsibility for any liability. The opinions expressed in eVAGUS are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of IFMSA.

Publications SD Director 2009-2010

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eVAGUS  |  October 2009

From the President March Meeting 2010 IFMSA-Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand 7th – 13th March 2010 Theme: "Complementary and Alternative Medicine"

to the needs of international medical students. We are faithful to our mission to

Dear IFMSA members,

ensure medical students are better pre-

You have just started to read the first edi-

pared for their future role as physicians.

tion of eVAGUS in the term 2009-2010.

In its 59th year, IFMSA is continuing to be

August Meeting 2010 IFMSA-Quebec & CFMS, Montréal, Canada 31st July – 6th August 2010 Theme: "Health and the City"

This seems as a perfect opportunity to

one of the largest and most important stu-

introduce to you our new Team of Of-

dent organizations that brings together

ficials, present to you the updated look

over 1.2 million medical students from 97

of our Federation, as well as share with

National Member Organizations world-

Africa Regional Meeting December 17th – 23rd 2009, Khartoum, Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Theme: Refugees & Peace "Darfor Call"

you some of the joint principles and plans

wide. As an organization run by medical

your team of Officials will work on in the

students for medical students, we should

upcoming year.

be very proud of fantastic achievements made through the joint efforts of our

Regional Meeting of the Americas January 5th – 11th 2010, Quillota, Chile (IFMSA-Chile, Chile) Theme: "Inequality and Social Work in Health: Generating Tools for the Change"

A new team of Officials elected during the

predecessors, particularly as IFMSA is a

58 General Assembly will surely remem-

volunteer organization based on mutual

ber October 1 for a very long time; the


Asia & Pacific Regional Meeting March 16th – 21st 2010, Bangkok, Thailand (IFMSA Thailand, Thailand) Theme: "A Chance for More Choices"

ney as a part of an international team of

We invite you to join us in making IFMSA

34 medical students and recent graduates

history – together.

TOM 1 October 14th – 18th 2009 Amsterdam, the Netherlands (IFMSA-NL, The Netherlands)

We are hereby making a bold promise to

We promise never to forget what brought

continuously strive for the best and never

us to medicine, our community and col-

give up; to scale up the representation

leagues that supported us to be elected

Silva Rukavina

of medical students, coordination of joint

for this task we are about to take. We will

President 2009-2010

activities and initiatives, build meaningful

celebrate our joint values and principles,

partnerships, as well as to continuously

regardless of the cultural differences; en-

support our Federation for the benefit of

suring to cooperate, share ideas and ex-

all medical students across the world.

periences in order to adequately respond

TOM 2 December 26th – 31st 2009 Nova Gorica, Slovenia (SloMSIC, Slovenia)



day they embarked on a year-long jour-

from 22 countries – working together as student leaders for a healthier tomorrow.

www.ifmsa.org  medical students worldwide

On behalf of the IFMSA Team of Officials 2009-2010,

Page 3

eVAGUS  |  October 2009

Message from the SCOME-D Dear SCOMEdians, SCOME was one of IFMSA's first standing committees since its foundation in Margot Weggemans SCOME-Director 2009-2010

1951. Ever since, SCOME has acted as a discussion forum for students interested in the different aspects of medical education. Our mission is to promote modern medical education. This is necessary because healthcare is changing rapidly on multiple fronts. However, medical schools are not or only slowly introducing changes

Within SCOME we try to reach the afore-

to keep improving medical education cur-

to their curricula. As a result, we question

mentioned goals by teaching and train-

ricula worldwide.

that students are able to face the needs

ing students, developing projects, ex-

In the coming weeks, I will work on the

of healthcare in a modern society if their

changing experiences and spreading

formation of the new SCOME internation-

curricula do not change as well.

information. This would not be possible

al team. If you are interested and would

Most medical faculties throughout the

without the input and involvement of all

like to be part of it: start writing a letter

world have already been working on their

SCOMEdians be it on the local, national

and if you have any questions, don’t hesi-

curricula. Medical students also play an

or international levels. The mailing serv-

tate to contact me!

important role and should be actively in-

ers are an important way of exchanging

The new term officially started last week,

volved in the process of reform. After all,

experiences and spreading information. I

so let's work together and make it an-

medical students are directly exposed to

therefore encourage everyone to contin-

other great SCOME year! I'm very much

medical education curricula and can be

ue their excellent work and be even more

looking forward to working with all of you!

rightfully assumed to be experts on their

active on the SCOME mailing lists. Your

educational system!

input can be really helpful for others and

Margot Weggemans

only by working together we will be able

SCOME Director 2009-2010

www.ifmsa.org  medical students worldwide

Page 4

eVAGUS  |  October 2009

Still exChanging the World… Dear SCOPEans; At the core of its creation, the standing committee on exchanges was the first standing committee in IFMSA history.

Ali Cankut Tatliparmak SCOPE-Director 2009-2010

Ever since, student mobility and exchanges have always been the largest IFMSA activity in itself. Having reached over 250000 medical student participants in its exchange programs, IFMSA today offers a month-long clerkship for 8000 medical students per year in over 86 countries, 1100 faculties and 700 Local Committees.

cover even more faculties and countries

ited to exchanges, as work is continuous

Being the largest student-run exchange

around the world. Most medical faculties

on supporting these exchanges with a

program in the world, SCOPE still keeps

nowadays give their outgoing exchange

complete Incoming Package that includes

the same mission statement for 58 years:

students academic credit after partici-

"student guide"; a guide with useful infor-

"To promote cultural understanding and

pating in SCOPE programs. Morever, in

mation written by the contact persons.

cooperation among medical students and

order to receive academic credit for Pro-

I would like to stress out that SCOPE has

all health professionals, through the facili-

fessional Exchanges, the quality of the

grown and improved within decades of

tation of international students’ exchang-

clerkships must be secured. Under this

time. And now we need to carry the torch

es". The Standing Commitee on Profes-

theme, SCOPE has introduced an as-

to maintain SCOPE’s importance and im-

sional Exchange allows the students to

sessment tool that the student carries

pact in the lives of medical students.

deepen their medical understanding, their

during the clerkship. It includes a detailed

awareness of global health issues as well

logbook, a detailed checklist specific

as to widen their cultural backgrounds.

for the department and an evalutation

SCOPE is constantly trying to improve

form to be filled by the supervising tutor.

Ali Cankut Tatliparmak

the quality of its program while growing to

SCOPE's activities however are not lim-

SCOPE Director 2009-2010

www.ifmsa.org  medical students worldwide

Let’s keep exChanging the world!

Page 5

eVAGUS  |  October 2009

Message from the SCOPH-D Since more than six decades, the IFMSA Standing Committee on Public Health has brought together medical stu-

Louise Mulcahy SCOPH-Director 2009-2010

dents from all over the world who want to positively contribute to their society. During the last 12 months SCOPH has truly experienced a highly invigorating and innovative year. This would not have been possible, had it not been for all SCOPHians who so devotingly and enthousiasti-

Upcoming events World Mental Health Day 10th October World Diabetes Day 14th November

cally dedicated their time to make a difference!

is composed of an extremely motivated

create a more effective way of working.

For the upcoming year we will continue

team – local SCOPHians working on

Through our activities we strive towards

to build on the high level our SCOPH net-

projects within their local committees and

our common vision of a healthy society

work currently stands and further expand

those assisting and coordinating nation-

and to further develop our potential in

the opportunities our Standing Commit-

ally and internationally. Be it on the local,

becoming more skillful and contributing

tee offers. The focus of the year will lie in

national, regional, or international level,

health professionals. – YOU, as public

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 16th November

four key areas: 1 Assisting SCOPHians

we all form one very orange team!

health enthusiasts, form SCOPH and

worldwide in their work, 2

Continuity &

At the international level you will be able

make all this possible!

High Quality, Educa-

to rely on the assistance of the SCOPH

SCOPHians worldwide can look forward

World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Day 19th November

tional and Interactive General Assembly

Dream Team 2009-2010, which will be in-

to yet another fruitful year within our be-

SCOPH Sessions and 4 Efficient Dis-

troduced to you very soon. The SCOPH

loved Standing Committee… Because

tribution of Information on Opportunitites

Dream Team is there to advise you in

together we will keep SCOPH rocking!!!

Universal Children’s Day 20th November

offered by External Organisations within

your everyday work, guide you through

SCOPH to Local SCOPHians.

any problems you may encounter and to

Louise Mulcahy

In order to achieve these goals, SCOPH

provide you with the necessary tools to

SCOPH Director 2009-2010


Sustainability, 3




www.ifmsa.org  medical students worldwide

Page 6

eVAGUS  |  October 2009

Foreword by the new SCORA-Director

Branislav Chrenka SCORA-Director 2009-2010

Upcoming events Breast Cancer Awareness Month Breast Cancer Awareness 4th Monday in October AIDS Vaccine 2009 Conference 19th to 22nd October 2009 Paris, France http://www.hivvaccineenterprise.org/ conference/2009/index.aspx United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) 29th to 31st October 2009 San Francisco, CA, United States http://www.2009usca.org

and meeting people to listen to their stories. Each of us has their story, some are painful, some are joyful… But we all have the abil-

Dear IFMSA friends and SCORA devo-

ity to listen to each other. And that is what

tees :-)


I am writing these lines on the train on my

These lines are also destined to ALL SCORA

way from Milan to Genoa to help co-facili-

people who are working day by day, putting

tate the Italian peer education training done

their energies, time and effort into a bigger

And also travel; travel anytime you can af-

by SISM Italy; and I realize what I love the

picture that we're trying to build… Into the

ford it, search for opportunities for meetings

most about the work in SCORA and IFMSA.

picture of a world free of fear and discrimi-

where transportation, accommodation and

I started with SCORA 3.5 years ago, I know

nations, a world that doesn't know rape and

meals are reimbursed.

how it is to struggle on the local and nation-

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), a world of

Dear friends, when I said you are never

al levels, I also know how it is to celebrate

equal opportunities, and the list continues…

alone in your journey I did not lie. For sure I

WAD for the first time, I know the joys and

I wanted to tell you all that you're not alone

can tell you that in all SCORA activities you

fears of NORAs and LORAs. But I will tell

in your work even if sometimes, it seems

do, if you need support, advice or help you

you what changed my perspective from a

that way. There are many others like you,

can turn to me. My interest goes as far as the

local "patriot".

in your region, in your city or village, all you

most hidden SCORA peer educator in the

Money limited me all the time, my mom’s re-

need is to reach out, meet with them and

most hidden place of the world, so please

tired, I’ve never met my dad and we all know

share. That is the magical word in our work.

let us use this year 2009-2010 together to

how exhaustive medical studies are. But

SHARING. Always remember, "Shared sor-

grow up and develop personally, as human

from time to time on the SCORA server or

row is 2 times reduced, shared joy is 2 times

beings. Let us become better people and let

thanks to cooperation with local NGOs you

bigger!" That’s why I wrote about listening.

us invest in and help all those who need our

received an e-mail promoting a conference,

Listen to the people, let them share and

help and assistance, because none of your

a summit or a seminar…, which is FREE of

dont be afraid to share your own stories,

effort will be ignored nor forgotten. The more


your fears, your motivation, your work, your

you give from your heart, truly and warmly,

And thus I started to travel, my personal bor-

goals, your accomplishments, your ideals,

the more you get back. Thank you for the

ders widened and so did my tolerance and


time you put into reading these lines.

compassion. How? I love to listen to people,

By sharing and listening you can discover


so I always used the chance of travelling

the key to happiness…


www.ifmsa.org  medical students worldwide

Page 7

eVAGUS  |  October 2009

From the SCORE-D

there are countries in which there is more than one very good conference therefore

Federica Balzarini SCORE-Director 2009-2010

Dear SCORE family, dear IFMSA,

we extended the maximum number of Con-

In MM09, Tunisia (continued at AM09,

ferences per NMO to three. We, however,

Macedonia) a new SCORE small working

still prefer to receive only one Conference

group started: SCORE's role in Scientific

Application Form per NMO.


You can submit your NMO's preferred Con-

One of the outputs of this SWG was the

ference using this spreadsheet:

creation of a Calendar containing most of


the international student scientific confer-


ences around the world. The calendar will

spreadsheet that will be available online so


be color-coded with the colors of the Olym-

that interested students may sort the data

The Calendar will be advertised by mail,

pic rings corresponding to the administra-

however they want.

on the IFMSA website, and in pre-existing

tive regions of the IFMSA. Each confer-

Summary Important stuff to remember: You have till 31st October to submit the spreadsheet to SCORE-D >> click here for filling in the form (http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewfor m?formkey=dGY3UVNDT0RRdXVsYV9EL Vp1UkV3UFE6MA) On 15th December it will be available online!!!

IFMSA publications including SCOREview.

ence will have the following information if

The deadlines are as follows:

the header is clicked:

• September 23 – first email sent to

This project will compile the relevant infor-

• Name of the conference

NORE’s and the NMO mailing-list ask-

mation from a large number of conferences

• Location of the conference

ing to provide 1 to 3 conferences in their

around the world and for the first time, put

• Language of the conference

country with the above information.

it in one place in an accessible way so that

• October 31 – deadline for submissions

it may be accessed by the 1.2 million medi-

• Dates of the conference • Theme of the conference • Who is eligible to participate • The deadline for submission of abstracts

from the NORE's • December 15 – launch the calendar with all the information

cal students represented in IFMSA and anyone else interested in scientific pursuits. Besides, it will be a good way of promoting

Within the NMO, who chooses this Confer-

medical students' conferences held in your

• Deadlines for registration



• Registration fees

In countries that have SCORE, this job will

• A short description

be done by the NORE. In countries that

Thank you for your cooperation!

• The website

don't have SCORE, this will be made by

Federica Balzarini

We will also compile this information in a

the NMO Executive Board. As we know,

SCORE Director 2009-2010

www.ifmsa.org  medical students worldwide

Page 8

eVAGUS  |  October 2009

From the SCORP-D

Mori Mansouri SCORP-Director 2009-2010

World Food Day 16th October International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 17th October United Nations Day 24th October International Day of Science and Peace 11th November International Day for Tolerance (UNESCO) 16th November Universal Children's Day 20th November International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 25th November International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 29th November

elements of vision, mission and goals.

IFMSA external partners.

From these, we will then go on to develop

SCORP highly values first hand experi-

I am writing this while deeply touched

themes, objectives and activities. Your

ence of its members in the field of human

and inspired by your generous words of

valued participation is key to ensuring the

rights and peace. Through our SCORP

congratulations and encouragement over

success of this process. I hope when the

exchange project, we provide an oppor-

the past few weeks. I'm eternally grateful

time comes, you will be generous with

tunity to be at the forefront of the battle

for the confidence placed in me by your

your contributions.

against human rights abuses and actively

NMOs and I am determined to honour

We are committed to developing sustain-

cultivate the next generation of human

that trust.

able and effective ways to extend our

rights leaders. This experience affords

First, I wish to extend my deepest respect

range of activities to new and low activ-

the opportunity to promote human rights

and appreciations to my predecessor, Ms

ity groups around the world. We will sup-

and raise awareness of the channels

Thatyana Turassa Ernani and her team

port African, Asian and American budding

through which we can draw attention to

for all they’ve achieved over the past

SCORP groups through our educational

cases of human rights abuses.

year. Thanks to your dedication and sup-

programs, resources and materials, and

Friends, our success in the last year is

port, SCORP has grown from strength to

SCORP International Team support. We

the product of your hard work and dedica-

strength. You have inspired us, increased

recognise that we have much to learn

tion at the local, national and international

our membership and developed new ini-

from students in those regions and there-

levels. I hope you are all as proud as I am

tiatives to further our cause.

fore it is essential to empower them to

of what we, as a team and friends, have

SCORP is well positioned for another ex-

take on human rights and peace issues

accomplished. SCORP is at an incredibly

ceptional year in 2009-2010. We will build

in their countries.

promising moment and as we look for-

on the current momentum and will shift

We must ensure SCORP visibility by

ward to the year ahead, we should con-

into a high gear immediately and expand

supporting our projects to apply for

tinue to build on our recent successes to-

our work.

IFMSA recognition. Together with the DA

gether. Human rights and SCORP needs

I would like to begin the year by devel-

Projects, I'm willing to provide all the nec-

you more than ever.

oping a strategic plan of how you would

essary support to help projects acquire

like to take SCORP into the future. Over

endorsed and transnational status. This

Mori Mansouri

the coming month, we will begin a con-

will ensure that such projects can reap

SCORP-Director 2009-2010

sultative process to develop SCORP's

the benefits of their involvement with the

strategic direction centred on three key

IFMSA including access to grants and

www.ifmsa.org  medical students worldwide

Page 9

consists of the Executive Board, the Standing Committee Directors, the Regional Coordinators, the Liaison Officers, the Support

Chijioke Kaduru (Ghana) Vice President for Internal Affairs vpi@ifmsa.org

Division Directors and the Supervising Council. We are here for you! If you have anything you need help with, want to

Minke van Minde (The Netherlands) Vice President for External Affairs vpe@ifmsa.org

Margot Weggemans (The Netherlands) Director on Medical Education scomed@ifmsa.org Ali Cankut Tatliparmak (Turkey) Director on Professional Exchange scoped@ifmsa.org

Regional Coordinators

The IFMSA Team of Officials

Silva Rukavina (Croatia) President president@ifmsa.org

Standing Committee Directors

The IFMSA Team of Officials 2009-2010

Executive Board

eVAGUS  |  October 2009

Aman A. Yousif (Sudan) RC Africa rcafrica@ifmsa.org

Fiorella Barbagelata (Peru) RC Americas rcamericas@ifmsa.org

Louise Mulcahy (United Kingdom) Director on Public Health scophd@ifmsa.org

Mineyoshi Sato (Japan) RC Asia Pacific rcasiapacific@ifmsa.org

Chantal Fenech (Malta) Secretary General secgen@ifmsa.org

Branislav Chrenka (Slovakia) Director on Reproductive Health incl. AIDS scorad@ifmsa.org

Manel Hafsi (Tunesia) RC Eastern Mediterranean rcemr@ifmsa.org

Francisco J. Reyna Sepulveda (Mexico) Treasurer treasurer@ifmsa.org

Federica Balzarini (Italy) Director on Research Exchange scored@ifmsa.org

Andrea Labruto (Italy) RC Europe rceurope@ifmsa.org

give some feedback or input, please don’t hesitate to contact us: we are at your disposal! If you want, you can also print this page to have easy access whenever you need!

Mori Mansouri (United Kingdom) Director on Refugees and Peace scorpd@ifmsa.org

www.ifmsa.org  medical students worldwide

Page 10

Silva Rukavina (Croatia) LO to WMA and UN president@ifmsa.org

Robbert Duvivier (The Netherlands) SCOME LO lme@ifmsa.org

Vesna Jugovec (Slovenia) LO to WHO lwho@ifmsa.org

Florian Stigler (Austria) SCOPH LO lph@ifmsa.org

Maxime Moulin (France) LO to UNESCO lunesco@ifmsa.org

Imene Ben Ameur (Tunisia) SCORA LO lra@ifmsa.org

Jelena Pavlovic (Serbia) Training SD Director training@ifmsa.org

Yorgos Polychronidis (Greece) Former Official supco@ifmsa.org

Lucía Carratalá Castro (Spain-Catalonia) LO to Student Organisations loso@ifmsa.org

Diego Iemmi (Italy) SCORP LO lrp@ifmsa.org

Alexander Werni (Austria) Publications SD Director publications@ifmsa.org

Birol Tibet (Turkey) Member with extensive Exp. supco@ifmsa.org

Jésus Mateos del Nozal (Spain) Projects SD Director projects@ifmsa.org

Sergej Godec (Slovenia) Member with extensive Exp. supco@ifmsa.org

Remco Kruithof (Switzerland) LO to Research and Medical Associations lorma@ifmsa.org

www.ifmsa.org  medical students worldwide

Marija Ljubicic (Serbia) Alumni SD Director alumni@ifmsa.org

Supervising Council

Support Division Directors

Liaison Officers

eVAGUS  |  October 2009

Stefan Buttigieg (Malta) New Technnologies SD Director ntsdd@ifmsa.org

Melhim Bou Alwan (Lebanon) Outgoing EB Member supco@ifmsa.org

Jessica Valeria Tang Herrera (Peru) Former Official supco@ifmsa.org

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