Youth PreWHA Sponsorship Prospectus 2022

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Medical Students Worldwide

Executive Board President Amine Youcef Ali Vice-President for Activities Fátima Rodríguez Vice-President for Finances Rajesh Sharma Vice-President for Members Mariona Borrell Arrasa Vice-President for External Affairs Inês Chico Viva Vice-President for Capacity Building Zain Muthana Vice President for PR&Communication Mustafa Hushyar

Liason Officer to the WHO Iris Blom Youth PreWHA PR&Communication Coordinator Olga Wdowiczak

Publisher International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) International Secretariat: c/o IMCC, Norre Allé 14, 2200 Kobenhavn N., Denmark Phone: +31 2 05668823 Email: Homepage:

Contact Us

The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is a non-profit, nongovernmental organization representing associations of medical students worldwide. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently maintains 141 National Member Organizations from 130 countries across six continents, representing a network of 1.3 million medical students. IFMSA envisions a world in which medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally, so to shape a sustainable and healthy future. IFMSA is recognized as a non-governmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization and works in collaboration with the World Medical Association.

This is an IFMSA Publication © 2021 - Only portions of this publication may be reproduced for non political and non profit purposes, provided mentioning the source. Disclaimer This publication contains the collective views of different contributors, the opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of IFMSA. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the IFMSA in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.

Notice All reasonable precautions have been taken by the IFMSA to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material herein lies with the reader. Some of the photos and graphics used in this publication are the property of their respective authors. We have taken every consideration not to violate their rights.



Letter to prospective partner


Our online impact


Youth PreWHA Program


Support young changemakers


Benefits for you


Sponsorship proposal

Youth PreWHA 2022 Sponsorship Prospectus

Thank you for considering working with the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). Since 1969, our global network of 1.3 million medical students from 130 countries has constructively engaged with the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure active youth participation and engagement in global health governance. As global health governance is a complex field, there is a need to provide high-quality training to youth, to strengthen their health advocacy efforts as they endeavor to represent the youth voice. The Youth Pre World Health Assembly (Youth PreWHA) provides the opportunity for 60 youth health advocates from all over the world to develop skills, gain knowledge, and contribute to collective advocacy prior to the World Health Assembly (WHA). The Youth PreWHA training revolves around analyzing and exploring contemporary debates pertinent to the issues tabled in the agenda for the WHA. We are very excited to celebrate our 10th anniversary in the upcoming Youth PreWHA! Hundreds of our students have participated in the Youth PreWHA in the past 9 editions, and many have taken up positions as leaders in their respective fields. They have also taken up active roles in their national professional associations and joined various NGOs and international organizations. Their impact on global health is inspiring and it is a privilege to be a part of their journey. It is with great pleasure that we invite you to join the IFMSA as a partner of the Youth PreWHA to be held in May 2022, in the hybrid setting.

Together, let’s spark a sense of social and global responsibility amongst our future health professionals. Let’s improve patient care by investing in our future doctors and expanding their horizons. Let’s make the Youth PreWHA an event powered by you! We sincerely look forward to working with you.

Iris Blom

Inês Chico Viva

IFMSA Liaison Officer to the World Health Organization

IFMSA Vice President for External Affairs

4 Youth PreWHA 2022 Sponsorship Prospectus

IFMSA communication targets medical students and young health proffesionals. Most of these students are active users of social media platforms in almost every aspect of their life. They connect with friends, build up their professional network and proactively involve in organizational events and initiatives. We also reach relevant global health and student organisations. They are key IFMSA partners as together we create the global network of students and professionals in the medical sector. We often join forces to deliver international campaigns and events to broadcast our common goals. IFMSA is present on almost every social media platform, reaching thousands of young people every day. The total number of our followers in our social media is almost 250,000 accounts. As our partner you will have the opportunity to reach young, ambitious people all over the world and align your brand with leading global health organisations.

Follower count




Average post reach




Post likes, comments shares, saves




Tweet impression




Visits on profile




Our social media accounts reach mainly young people from 18-24 years old (majority on Instagram) and from 25-34 (majority on Facebook) We reach woman and men to similar extent, with around 55% of our followers being women and 45% being men.

Youth PreWHA 2022 Sponsorship Prospectus 5

ACADEMIC PROGRAM Our academic program is held over 4 intense days and aims to educate, inspire, and empower. The three academic pillars of the Youth PreWHA in 2022 are: Meaningful Youth Engagement Universal Health Coverage Global Health Education Around these cross-cutting and dynamic themes, a comprehensive and integrated program will be built that will also include main topics of the World Health Assembly’s agenda.

EXPERT KEYNOTES Delegates will be treated to high-level keynote dialogues and discussions with leading global health professionals. Traveling or connecting to the Youth PreWHA and WHA from around the globe, our speakers are world-class and will fit well with your organization’s brand. Former speakers include Dr. Tedros Adhanom (Director, World Health Organization) Dr. Maria Neira (Director, World Health Organization), Prof. Ilona Kickbusch (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva), Dr. Michaela Told (Graduate Institute of Geneva), Michel Sidibé (Executive Director, UNAIDS), HRH Princess Dina Mired of Jordan, Dr. Otmar Kloiber (SecretaryGeneral, World Medical Association) among many more We give our partners an opportunity develop a keynote speaking slot in our program, providing an opportunity to share their vision and passion with a captive audience.

FASCINATING PANELS Panel discussions will bring together different sectors, backgrounds, and worldviews to challenge and inform our delegates as well as answer their burning questions. Our partners have the opportunity to contribute or nominate a panelist to engage in dialogue with our youth and other professionals 6 Youth PreWHA 2022 Sponsorship Prospectus

HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES Delegates get to practice their diplomacy and advocacy skills and implement their newly gained knowledge in a range of interactive activities. These skills are invaluable to the delegates when they go on to represent the IFMSA at the World Health Assembly.

SOCIAL PROGRAM Across five nights, our social program will connect and engage delegates with each other and with your organization. The social program of the Youth PreWHA aims to celebrate diversity, multiculturalism, and global cooperation by creating lasting connections between delegates.

GROUP DINNERS AND VIRTUAL NETWORKING EVENTS Every day, delegates look forward to winding down with their colleagues over a meal in Geneva or networking events online. With your assistance, we will make sure they think of you when they remember these best of times and associate your organization with friends, food, and a day of inspiration.

We will have a full schedule available for you to peruse if you so wish to find where we might best align with your needs.

Youth PreWHA 2022 Sponsorship Prospectus 7

Youth PreWHA delegates are critical thinkers and are motivated and invested in working for a better world. Many of us are looking to move beyond clinical medicine and make a difference. In addition to working in diverse fields and areas, many of the Youth PreWHA participants are likely to seek out further study to complement their medical degrees. By partnering with us, you can guarantee our young global leaders think of you first when it comes to studies, work, volunteering, or any other opportunity you can think of. In addition, the Youth PreWHA is the opportunity of a lifetime for many young people, and your contribution will be gratefully acknowledged by many future world leaders.

By supporting us you will promote:

EQUALITY Our driving ethos is an equal opportunity for our members. However, we recognize that financial barriers rob students of life-changing experiences like attending the Youth PreWHA. Every financial contribution to the Youth PreWHA contributes directly to lowering the participation fees of this event.

GLOBAL REACH IFMSA is represented in over 100 countries and is the voice of 1.3 million medical students worldwide. Our event will offer a clientele of approximately 55 young professionals, typically from over 30 countries across every region of the world.

DIVERSITY In supporting this event you can appeal to a globally diverse range of interdisciplinary medical, veterinary, pharmacy, and allied health students, among other fields. We have strict quotas for regional and gender representation in our delegation, so you know you will be working with a truly representative group of young people.

SUSTAINABILITY The IFMSA strives to ensure its events are climate-friendly and environmentally sustainable. We will strive to decrease the environmental impact and increase the social impact of our event through ethical and sustainable food choices, carbon-offsetting, and other measures. It is crucial for us to uphold our core values as young citizens of the world through the organization of a sustainable conference. 8 Youth PreWHA 2022 Sponsorship Prospectus

We are exceptionally proud of the capacity of our event to provide flexible options to you and believe the Youth PreWHA is an opportunity not to be missed. We place particular importance on communication and we are committed to working tirelessly to ensure the Youth PreWHA provides the full potential for our partners. This year we are particularly motivated to bring the Youth PreWHA to new heights. The 10th edition will ensure the best opportunities for both participants and partners, increasing the exposure and relevance of the young Global Health voices.

Sponsoring us will provide you access to:

GLOBAL RECOGNITION OF YOUR SUPPORT Along with other current and previous partner organizations such as the Graduate Institute of Geneva, UNAIDS, the World Health Organisation Partnership on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, StopTB, the Global Health Workforce Network, the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research and many more.

BRAND EXPOSURE Increased exposure of your brand amongst health students and young health professionals, as well as brand alignment with a global, high-level, world-class youth event and youth organization.

RELATIONSHIP WITH IFMSA IFMSA is a professional UN-recognized and widely respected youth organization, reaching and representing millions of medical students every day.

ANNIVERSARY EDITION OPPORTUNITIES Youth Pre World Health Assembly takes place for the tenth time. This year we are connecting previous editions with future opportunities and establishing activities with previous participants, partners and speakers for the best event exposure ever.

They supported us in previous editions:

Youth PreWHA 2022 Sponsorship Prospectus 9

We want to make sure that the sponsorship opportunity is tailored to your needs. We developed the sponsorship packages to introduce our resources. We are able to customize this experience to meet your expectations. Please email us at and we would be delighted to work with you to deliver what you might be after.

We look forward to a great collaboration!

Barter Sponsorship Sponsor our sustenance - by sponsoring a lunch or lunches throughout the week, delegates will appreciate your kind contribution both anticipatorily and during lunches themselves; Goodie Bags Items - we are looking for sustainable products to provide our participants on site Virtual Goodie Bags - provide our participants can receive sponsored items or products, discounts, etc. to widely advertise your product Contact us to establish a barter proposal.

Change-Maker Scholarship Program The IFMSA strives to reduce financial and other barriers to participation for all its members. The Change-Maker Scholarship Program provides a unique opportunity to invest directly in the bright future of a Youth PreWHA delegate. Named scholarship will be provided for a consenting Youth PreWHA participant. Sponsorship money will waive the delegate's registration fee or/and contribute to other expenses (such as travel), as well as provide general support to the Youth PreWHA.

The Scholarship Fee includes: Report for your institution from the participant regarding what the scholarship meant for them and their future Logo included included in any PowerPoint presentations at the opening & closing ceremony Logo is included on all Youth PreWHA related printed & online publications Logo on IFMSA webiste, presented as a sponsor

Contribution 10 Youth PreWHA 2022 Sponsorship Prospectus

for 6 months






Platinum Name and logo included in the conference booklet Logo included included in any PowerPoint presentations at the opening & closing ceremony Logo is included on all Youth PreWHA related printed & online publications

for 1 month


Organizational name on all IFMSA social media advertising for the Youth PreWHA



Opportunity to provide a panelist for a panel session during the Youth PreWHA



Acknowledgement during keynote sessions and the networking events



during selected activities



Logo on official merchandise




Your 20-minute keynote lecture during the Youth PreWHA




Blogpost on IFMSA Website with publication on social media on the selected topic







Logo on IFMSA webiste, presented as a sponsor

Display of your promotional materials (eg. leaflets, banners)


for 1 year

during entire event


for 6 months

Youth PreWHA 2022 Sponsorship Prospectus 11


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