IFMSA Asia-Pacific Regional Strategy 2018-2021 Background A strategy outlines the road map for an institution or organisation that spans the next few terms. It facilitates long-term planning to address the needs of internal and external stakeholders. The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) has been stepping up its efforts in strategic planning in recent years. Not only has the Federation adopted its new 3-year strategy, but bodies and structures within the Federation, like Standing Committees and regions, have also been introducing their own strategic plans. Asia-Pacific (AP) is the only region to date without a strategy. As an endeavour to set clear directions to guide the region’s sustained development in the coming 3 years, the Regional Team (RT) 2017-2018 has set up a regional Small Working Group (SWG) to formulate an AP Strategy 2018-2021 for adoption at the Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM) 2018. Process The regional SWG on AP Strategy was formed in January 2018. The SWG performed preliminary consultations with RT members in February, and with participants at the regional sessions of March Meeting 2018, in order to establish priorities for the subsequent consultation phase. Important stakeholders were identified, and the consultation plan was finalised.The main round of consultations took place in early May, with the following stakeholders and modes of consultation: ● National Member Organisation (NMO) Presidents: via online survey ● General members: via IFMSA Asia-Pacific Facebook group ● ●
IFMSA Team of Officials (TO) and Executive Board-elect (EB-elect): via email In addition to the above, our consultation priorities document was open for comments from anyone during the consultation period
The consultation data was then analysed and synthesised into the strategy presented below. For transparency of the strategy formulation process, the entire consultation procedure and all data collected (in both raw and summarised forms) can be reviewed in this public folder: Outcome The resultant strategy and its baseline assessment (to be conducted by the SWG directly following the adoption of the strategy) shall inform the RT of the upcoming 3 terms. Future Regional Assistants are mandated to draft their Annual Working Plans in accordance with the strategy, and report on progress achieved by measuring the indicators listed below (unless otherwise specified, time frame of all indicators are by the end of the 2020-2021 term).
IFMSA Asia-Pacific Regional Strategy 2018-2021 Overarching theme: Sustainable growth
Pillar 1: Regional development and general member engagement Goal 1.1: Improve online communications and information dissemination ● Action 1.1.1: Expand member reach of existing online platforms ○ Indicator 1.1.1: A 50% increase in online reach parameters (e.g. likes, views) on at least 1 platform ● Action 1.1.2: Explore options to diversify and personalise channels of communication ○ Indicator 1.1.2: Recommendations submitted for adoption at APRM 2020 by Regional Team (RT) or a regional Small Working Group (SWG) on communication channels and platforms ● Action 1.1.3: Regularly assess needs for and deliver open webinars ○ Indicator 1.1.3: Regional webinars delivered for at least 2 topics assessed as important for the members ● Action 1.1.4: Set up informal discussion space for ideas and knowledge exchange among members ○ Indicator 1.1.4: Needs assessed for and discussions initiated on at least 1 thematic topic per month ● Action 1.1.5: Develop effective communications strategy and means of disseminating information together with Asia-Pacific (AP) National Member Organisations (NMOs) ○ Indicator 1.1.5: 80% of AP NMOs report that information from IFMSA is communicated effectively to all of their members Goal 1.2: Promote member participation in regional and international opportunities ● Action 1.2.1: Analyse barriers for participation (e.g. financial, time/date issues) ○ Indicator 1.2.1: A regional SWG on member participation established and submit recommendations for adoption at APRM 2019 ● Action 1.2.2: Draft and implement action plan to tackle the identified barriers ○ Indicator 1.2.2: Action plan proposed by SWG on member participation implemented and evaluated by APRM 2020 ● Action 1.2.3: Work with NMOs to create incentives for members to sign up for AP regional initiatives ○ Indicator 1.2.3: A 20% increase in total number of applicants to Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM), sub-regional trainings (SRTs) and regional external meetings Goal 1.3: Engage AP alumni ● Action 1.3.1: Collate and share best practices from AP NMOs ○ Indicator 1.3.1: A report summarising best practices of engaging alumni from at least 80% of AP NMOs ● Action 1.3.2: Establish framework for engaging AP alumni
Indicator 1.3.2: 30% of AP NMOs report improvement in alumni engagement upon implementation of framework Action 1.3.3: Maintain regional alumni database ○ Indicator 1.3.3: Annually-updated alumni database with at least 100 new entries per year shared with AP NMOs
Goal 1.4: Strengthen external representation ● Action 1.4.1: Seek regional internship opportunities from external organisations ○ Indicator 1.4.1: At least 1 new internship opportunity for regional members secured per term ● Action 1.4.2: Identify and evaluate existing and potential partnerships (e.g. SEARO, WPRO, SEARAME, WPAME, AMSA, PMSA) ○ Indicator 1.4.2: Partners of IFMSA AP region clearly mapped and terms of partnership clearly outlined, updated per term ● Action 1.4.3: Engage partners in project collaborations ○ Indicator 1.4.3: At least 1 new project collaboration developed with external partner(s) on regional level ● Action 1.4.4: Introduce members to policy making and advocacy (e.g. guidebook, webinars, workshops, WHO simulation) ○ Indicator 1.4.4: 30% of AP NMOs report increase in members' knowledge and skills in policy making and advocacy per term ● Action 1.4.5: Establish official regional policy process ○ Indicator 1.4.5: At least 1 regional policy adopted and implemented
Pillar 2: Activities management and capacity building Goal 2.1: Define regional priorities ● Action 2.1.1: Assess regional needs and prominent topics within IFMSA work scope ○ Indicator 2.1.1: A survey to NMOs conducted annually during the 1st month of the term ● Action 2.1.2: Identify items of IFMSA global priorities with particular relevance to the region ○ Indicator 2.1.2: 1-5 items of IFMSA global priorities openly announced as yearly regional focus areas based on the region’s capacity ● Action 2.1.3: Establish regional priorities to guide internal and external work ○ Indicator 2.1.3: A list of yearly regional priorities, and RT annual working plan (AWP) based on the priorities, shared with all members by end of 1st month of the term ● Action 2.1.4: Adapt Standing Committee (SC) strategies to formulate region-specific strategy for each SC ○ Indicator 2.1.4: Standing Committee (SC) regional strategies shared with all members, annual report by SC Regional Assistants (RAs) on progress achieved ● Action 2.1.5: Develop system of aligning focus areas of NMOs and SCs under yearly theme(s)
Indicator 2.1.5: Yearly theme(s) reflected in AWP of all SC RAs; 30% of NMOs organise at least 1 activity on the theme(s) every year Action 2.1.6: Review alignment of work at least annually ○ Indicator 2.1.6: Alignment of work and regional priorities discussed at APRM every year
Goal 2.2: Enhance visibility and impact assessment ● Action 2.2.1: Construct platform for sharing of experience among activity coordinators and members ○ Indicator 2.2.1: 50% of AP NMOs believe they benefit from the sharing platform ● Action 2.2.2: Increase activity enrollment rate in IFMSA Programs ○ Indicator 2.2.2: A 20% increase in total number of activities enrolled from AP ● Action 2.2.3: Create tools and resources for impact assessment ○ Indicator 2.2.3: 50% of AP NMOs find the tools and resources useful for improving their impact assessment ● Action 2.2.4: Collect data on regional level assessing overall impact on particular themes ○ Indicator 2.2.4: Annual AP impact assessment report on yearly theme(s) and regional priorities adopted at each year's APRM Goal 2.3: Promote national and transnational projects and exchanges ● Action 2.3.1: Promote SC development in new NMOs ○ Indicator 2.3.1: All new NMOs active in at least 4 of the IFMSA SCs (or equivalent divisions) within 2 years of joining the Federation as Candidate Member ● Action 2.3.2: Consult other regions and existing transnational project organisers (e.g. ACTION) on best practices ○ Indicator 2.3.2: Consult the experience of at least 3 other regions and 3 transnational project organisers ● Action 2.3.3: Establish regional activities collaboration framework ○ Indicator 2.3.3: At least 1 transnational project formed following the framework ● Action 2.3.4: Increase number of AP members going on exchanges ○ Indicator 2.3.4: A 10% increase per year in total number of SCOPE and SCORE contracts involving AP NMOs ● Action 2.3.5: Increase number of intra-regional exchanges ○ Indicator 2.3.5: A 10% increase per year in total number of SCOPE and SCORE contracts signed between AP NMOs ● Action 2.3.6: Incentivise organisation of regional capacity building (CB) initiatives ○ Indicator 2.3.6: Clear guidelines and framework on organising regional CB initiatives (including supporting roles of RT outlined) formulated and shared with AP NMOs Goal 2.4: Standardise capacity building systems ● Action 2.4.1: Review results of international CB SWG and adapt recommendations to the AP region ○ Indicator 2.4.1: CB recommendation report tailored for AP adopted at APRM 2019
Action 2.4.2: Establish guidelines on planning and following-up of CB in specific and methodical manner to address NMO needs ○ Indicator 2.4.2: Guidelines formulated based on consultation and needs assessment, adopted at APRM 2019 and reviewed by APRM 2020 Action 2.4.3: Compile standardised training materials / online modules for the region ○ Indicator 2.4.3: Standardised training modules adapted for AP by 2019; 30% of AP NMOs utilise regional CB resources nationally by 2020 Action 2.4.4: Ensure sustainability of CB workshops in AP region ○ Indicator 2.4.4: At least 4 IFMSA-certified CB events per term, with at least 1 on regional or international scale
Pillar 3: Administration and NMO representation Goal 3.1: Work on regional representation of member organisations ● Action 3.1.1: Contact and follow up on potential AP NMOs ○ Indicator 3.1.1: At least 5 potential NMOs contacted per year and possibility of joining IFMSA discussed ● Action 3.1.2: Explore ways to boost member attendance to IFMSA General Assemblies (GAs) and Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM) ○ Indicator 3.1.2: At least 3 ways identified and implemented in collaboration with AP NMOs ● Action 3.1.3: Improve AP NMOs representation in delegations to external meetings ○ Indicator 3.1.3: Delegates from at least 50% of AP NMOs present in IFMSA external meetings each year Goal 3.2: Systematise administrative processes ● Action 3.2.1: Increase transparency and accountability of Regional Team (RT) work ○ Indicator 3.2.1: Have observer(s) in at least 80% of RT meetings; monthly reports from all RAs openly shared with all AP general members ● Action 3.2.2: Refine AP Internal Operating Guidelines (IOGs) to effectively outline and govern regional operations ○ Indicator 3.2.2: 80% of AP NMOs believe IOGs adequately regulate all regional processes ● Action 3.2.3: Maintain a centralised shared resources drive ○ Indicator 3.2.3: Most updated versions of all relevant files on regional administration, SCs, Programs and external representation locatable after each GA and APRM ● Action 3.2.4: Build and maintain regional archive to document important outcomes, official documents and reports of each year ○ Indicator 3.2.4: Documents on each year's regional priorities, AWPs, impact assessment data, external meeting reports, APRM, plenary submissions, RT minutes and reports, SWG outcomes etc. locatable ● Action 3.2.5: Improve handover process across RT terms (e.g. manuals, webinars, checklists, trainings)
Indicator 3.2.5: A 20% increase in confidence and knowledge scores rated by incoming RAs for their position
Goal 3.3: Ensure regional meeting quality and sustainability ● Action 3.3.1: Survey AP NMOs and general members on APRM (e.g. duration, dates, visa, communications, logistics, sessions, theme event, publicity, finances) ○ Indicator 3.3.1: At least 80% of AP NMOs and 100 general members consulted on the mentioned aspects ● Action 3.3.2: Make guidelines available for best practices from previous Organising Committees ○ Indicator 3.3.2: Guidelines shared with all AP NMOs and updated yearly
Pillar 4: Finances and fundraising Goal 4.1: Strengthen fundraise efforts ● Action 4.1.1: Map existing and potential regional sponsors ○ Indicator 4.1.1: Regional database with at least 5 potential annual sponsors ● Action 4.1.2: Secure stable and sustainable funding sources for APRM ○ Indicator 4.1.2: Guidelines for sponsorship packages shared with all AP NMOs; at least 20% of APRM budget funded by annual sponsors ● Action 4.1.3: Explore ways for RT to support fundraising for regional initiatives (e.g. guidelines, certification) ○ Indicator 4.1.3: A regional SWG on finances and fundraising established and submits recommendations for adoption at APRM 2020 Goal 4.2: Build national capacity on finances and fundraising ● Action 4.2.1: Support IFMSA Strategy in conducting CB for NMOs on relevant topics (e.g. finances & fundraising, reaching out to and engaging partners, visibility and promotions) ○ Indicator 4.2.1: 80% of AP NMOs report increase in financing and fundraising capacity ● Action 4.2.2: Assist IFMSA in developing manuals for handling these tasks ○ Indicator 4.2.2: Manuals utilised by at least 80% of AP NMOs Goal 4.3: Create a support system for regional financial issues ● Action 4.3.1: Investigate feasibility of setting up regional financial support framework ○ Indicator 4.3.1: A regional SWG on finances and fundraising established and submits recommendations for adoption at APRM 2020
Submitted by the Asia Pacific Regional SWG on the Strategy 2018-2020 Mokshada Sharma - Regional Director for Asia Pacific 2017-18 Gabriel Wong (Internal Development Assistant for Asia-Pacific) (SWG Coordinator) Chris Yin Hang Chan (AMSAHK - Hong Kong) Mahnoz Illias (BMSS - Bangladesh) Rannissa Puspita Jayanti (CIMSA-ISMKI - Indonesia) Ashandi Triyoga Prawira (CIMSA-ISMKI - Indonesia) Chaitanya Kalra (MSAI - India) Accepted in the Asia Pacific Regional Meeting 2018 Seoul Korea.
Algeria (Le Souk) Argentina (IFMSAArgentina) Armenia (AMSP) Aruba (IFMSA-Aruba) Australia (AMSA) Austria (AMSA) Azerbaijan (AzerMDS) Bangladesh (BMSS) Belgium (BeMSA) Bolivia (IFMSA-Bolivia) Bosnia & Herzegovina (BoHeMSA) Bosnia & Herzegovina – Republic of Srpska (SaMSIC) Brazil (DENEM) Brazil (IFMSA-Brazil) Bulgaria (AMSB) Burkina Faso (AEM) Burundi (ABEM) Cameroon (CAMSA) Canada (CFMS) Canada – Québec (IFMSA-Québec) Catalonia - Spain (AECS) Chile (IFMSA-Chile) China (IFMSA-China) China – Hong Kong (AMSAHK) Colombia (ASCEMCOL) Costa Rica (ACEM) Croatia (CroMSIC) Cyprus (CyMSA) Czech Republic (IFMSACZ) Democratic Republic of the Congo (MSA-DRC) Denmark (IMCC) Dominican Republic (ODEM) Ecuador (AEMPPI) Egypt (IFMSA-Egypt)
El Salvador (IFMSA-El Salvador) Estonia (EstMSA) Ethiopia (EMSA) Finland (FiMSIC) France (ANEMF) Gambia (UniGaMSA) Georgia (GMSA) Germany (bvmd) Ghana (FGMSA) Greece (HelMSIC) Grenada (IFMSAGrenada) Guatemala (IFMSAGuatemala) Guinea (AEM) Guyana (GuMSA) Haiti (AHEM) Honduras (IFMSAHonduras) Hungary (HuMSIRC) Iceland (IMSA) India (MSAI) Indonesia (CIMSA-ISMKI) Iran (IMSA) Iraq (IFMSA-Iraq) Iraq – Kurdistan (IFMSAKurdistan) Ireland (AMSI) Israel (FIMS) Italy (SISM) Jamaica (JAMSA) Japan (IFMSA-Japan) Jordan (IFMSA-Jo) Kazakhstan (KazMSA) Kenya (MSAKE) Korea (KMSA) Kosovo - Serbia (KOMS) Kuwait (KuMSA) Latvia (LaMSA) Lebanon (LeMSIC) Lesotho (LEMSA)
Libya (LMSA) Lithuania (LiMSA) Luxembourg (ALEM) Malawi (UMMSA) Malaysia (SMMAMS) Mali (APS) Malta (MMSA) Mexico (AMMEF-Mexico) Montenegro (MoMSIC) Morocco (IFMSAMorocco) Nepal (NMSS) The Netherlands (IFMSA NL) Nicaragua (IFMSANicaragua) Nigeria (NiMSA) Norway (NMSA) Oman (MedSCo) Pakistan (IFMSA-Pakistan) Palestine (IFMSA-Palestine) Panama (IFMSA-Panama) Paraguay (IFMSAParaguay) Peru (IFMSA-Peru) Peru (APEMH) Philippines (AMSAPhilippines) Poland (IFMSA-Poland) Portugal (ANEM) Qatar (QMSA) Republic of Moldova (ASRM) Romania (FASMR) Russian Federation (HCCM) Russian Federation – Republic of Tatarstan (TaMSA) Rwanda (MEDSAR) Saint Lucia (IFMSA-Saint Lucia) Senegal (FNESS)
medical students worldwide
Serbia (IFMSA-Serbia) Sierra Leone (SLEMSA) Singapore (AMSASingapore) Slovakia (SloMSA) Slovenia (SloMSIC) South Africa (SAMSA) Spain (IFMSA-Spain) Sudan (MedSIN) Sweden (IFMSA-Sweden) Switzerland (swimsa) Syrian Arab Republic (SMSA) Taiwan - China (FMS) Tajikistan (TJMSA) Thailand (IFMSA-Thailand) The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MMSA) Tanzania (TaMSA) Togo (AEMP) Trinidad and Tobago (TTMSA) Tunisia (Associa-Med) Turkey (TurkMSIC) Turkey – Northern Cyprus (MSANC) Uganda (FUMSA) Ukraine (UMSA) United Arab Emirates (EMSS) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (SfGH) United States of America (AMSA-USA) Uruguay (IFMSA-URU) Uzbekistan (Phenomenon) Venezuela (FEVESOCEM) Yemen (NAMS) Zambia (ZaMSA) Zimbabwe (ZIMSA)