IFMSA Executive Board 2019-2020 President Nebojsa Nikolic (Serbia) Vice-President for Activities Saniya Sahasrabudhe (India) Vice-President for Members Paulina Birula (Poland) Vice-President for Finance Gabriela Cipriano (Peru) Vice-President for External Affairs Tarek Ezzine (Tunisia) Vice-President for Capacity Building Hayder Noori (Iraq) Vice-President for PR & Communication Saad Chaibi (Morocco)
International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) International Secretariat: c/o IMCC, Norre Allé 14, 2200 Kobenhavn N., Denmark
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The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization representing associations of medical students worldwide. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently maintains more than 130 National Member Organizations from more than 120 countries across six continents, representing a network of 1.3 million medical students. IFMSA envisions a world in which medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally, so to shape a sustainable and healthy future. IFMSA is recognized as a nongovernmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization; and works in collaboration with the World Medical Association.
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Message from the Executive Board 19-20
Important Information & Timeline
EB Support Teams President VPA VPF VPE VPCB VPPRC Regional Directors Assistants Americas EMR Europe Standing Committee International Teams SCOME SCOPE SCOPH SCORA SCORE SCORP Summary Privacy Policies & Disclaimer
Message from the
Executive Board Elect19-20 Dear IFMSA member! It is our honor, to open, with great pomp and enthusiasm, the first call for the International Assistants and Program Coordinators for the 2019-2020 term ! International Teams and Program Coordinators are pillars of the work of our federation. It is only with ITs and PCs that we are able to implement new ideas, challenge the status quo and shape our federation as a leading youth organization! We call motivated IFMSA members from across different parts of the world, equipped with time, dedication, passion, and ideas to join us in the beautiful journey of the 2019-2020 term. We request NMO presidents to share this manual widely to their NMO members and encourage NMO members to apply for various IT and PC positions. In this combined call manual, you will be able to have an overview of the proposed structure of International Teams, task descriptions and selection criteria for various positions. In the immediate upcoming pages, we have outlined the uniform streamlined process for application. This is followed by the proposed and expected timeline for the International Team and Program Coordinators Calls. Feel free to directly email us at for any questions or inquiries about any specific position or about the process of application. We will be sure to answer you and your concerns as soon as possible. Yours truly, Executive Board Elect Gabriela, Hayder, NebojĹĄa, Paulina, Saad, Saniya and Tarek
Important Information
How to Apply All candidatures are to be sent only to email account by 3rd of September 2019 23:59 GMT. They will be then shared with the relevant Official Elect, and shortly after with NMOs. Late candidatures will be deemed invalid and will not be considered!
• Filled Candidature Form (CF), signed and stamped by the NMO President; if the candidate is the NMO President, the CF must be signed by a suitable alternative NMO board member. You can find the document to fill here. Example of filled CF can be found here. • A filled out Technical Data Card (TDC) for International Assistants and Program Coordinators. You can find the document to fill here. Example of filled TDC can be found here. • A motivation letter: not more than one page long. • A plan of action: not more than two pages long. • A curriculum vitae adapted to the position, not more than two pages long. Proof of information provided in the CV should be available upon request by a National Member Organization. • High-resolution, colored, passport-sized photograph, for publication purposes. • One copy of the identity page of the candidate’s passport for registration purposes.
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Important Notes • Candidates must ensure that the subject of their email contains the code corresponding to the position they are applying for. • All the information about the codes can be found in the call. • Kindly download the word files of the CF and the TDC, fill with appropriate information refer to the examples attached. Save documents as following (preferably): CF: GS_2019AM_CF_ITPCCandidates(Name) TDC: GS_2019AM_TDC_ ITPCCandidates(Name) Example as per the sample attached CF: GS_2019AM_CF_ ITPCCandidates(MayaDevSingh). TDC: GS_2019AM_TDC_ ITPCCandidates(MayaDevSingh) Convert the appropriately filled, signed and stamped word documents into PDF documents (preferably) and attach them to the email that contains code. Finally send it to before 3rd September 2019, 23:59 GMT
Important Information
Timeline 19/08/2019
1st call for International Teams and Program Coordinators
Deadline for the 1st call applications
List of the candidates + candidatures shared with NMOs
Share the validity of the 1st call candidates
Deadline for NMOs to give inputs for the 1st call applications
14/09/2019 15/09/2019
The decision of the 1st call for International Team and Program Coordinators 2nd call for International Teams and Program Coordinators
Deadline for 2nd call applications
Share the validity of the 2nd call candidates
Deadline for inputs from NMOs for the 2nd call applications
The decision of the 2nd call for International Team and Program Coordinators Appointment of International Teams and Program Coordinators selected candidates from the 1st and 2nd call 3rd call for International Teams and Program Coordinators
Deadline for NMOs to give inputs for the 3rd call applications
Share the validity of the 3rd call candidates
Deadline for inputs from NMOs for the 3rd call applications
The decision of the 3rd call for International Team and Program Coordinators
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Alumni Assistant Introduction Dear IFMSA members, With the introduction of the Alumni Engagement Framework, we’re looking into taking a more active approach in regards to the development of the Alumni database and work with former members of our Federation. In order to do this, we’re going to try out for the first time to have Alumni Assistants that will help the President work on the framework and reach its goals. We are looking for experienced members that are familiar with IFMSA’s structure and possibly have some experience working with Alumni in their NMO.
Involving and working with IFMSA Alumni has been something IFMSA has had a lot of difficulties with, and that is where you can come in and help IFMSA! I am looking forward to seeing your applications and if you have any questions about the position please don’t hesitate to contact me at Regards, Nebojša Nikolić IFMSA President 19/20
There is no set in a stone number of Assistants yet and this will be confirmed during the selection process, but I am looking for 1-3 people to start this off. We will together work on identifying and dividing the tasks in order to work on the Alumni Engagement Framework throughout the year.
Available Positions • Alumni Assistant (2)
President Alumni Assistant
Alumni Assistant Team Structure Description Task Description 1. Assist President in finalizing the Strategy points related to the Alumni 2. Assist the President in starting of the work on the Alumni Engagement Framework specifically • Alumni Communication • Alumni Events • Alumni Networking • Alumni Engagement 3. Assist the President in updating the IFMSA Alumni Database
Selection Criteria 1. Attendance of at least 2 General Assemblies 2. Availability throughout the term (online meetings, email responses, General Assemblies and Regional Meetings) 3. Motivation and a creative approach to the topic (IFMSA Alumni Engagement Framework) 4. Ability to work in a multicultural environment 5. Preferably worked with Alumni in the respective NMO 6. Experience with Google applications (Google Form, Google Sheet + coding within, Google Docs) and data analysis; 7. Proficiency in English
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Program Support Assistant & Evaluation Assistant Program Support Assistant
Introduction Program Support Assistant is central for of Program Support Assistant comes with the work of Programs team! creative and administrative challenges to work on! Program Support Assistant work as I understand from my experience of I encourage IFMSA members equipped being one is beyond assisting the VPA with time, dedication, and basic to coordinate the work of Program knowledge of IFMSA programs to apply Coordinators. for the position of Program Support Assistant. For any further questions Program Support Assistant is crucial and queries feel free to contact me on to the work of promotion of the or IFMSA Programs, helping NMOs with Whats App message on +919820528801. queries related to the IFMSA Programs processes, finally assisting Program Coordinators and being part of various Saniya Sahasrabudhe Programs Team collaborations. This term I envision the work of Program VPA 2019/2020 Support Assistant to join me and team of Program Coordinators with the work of consolidating Programs data for various IFMSA external representation initiatives. To help implement Program Coordinator competency module and further update various IFMSA Program documents and • Program Support Assistant (1) processes. With these plans, the position
Available Positions
VP ACTIVITIES Program Support Assistant & Evaluation Assistant
Team Structure Description Programs Team constitutes Program Coordinators, the Program Support Assistant and the VPA. While the Vice-President for Activities is charged with the overall development of the Programs structure, as well as the facilitation of the Program Coordinator group. It is the Program Support Assistant who plays a very important and active role in the smooth coordination and administration of the programs team. The Program Support Assistant is essentially expected to have the same technical skills as that of Program Coordinators with added soft skills of team facilitation and coordination, only then can a Program Support Assistant support and care for 13 Program Coordinators, assist VPA, and essentially be a part of the programs team.
Task Description 1. Help VPA in coordination of Program Coordinators and general workings of the Programs team 2. Help VPA with the team building efforts of the Programs team 3. Assist VPA during General Assemblies with Program-related tasks 4. Coordination of activities enrollment and activity reporting with the VPA and Program Coordinators 5. Assist VPA update IFMSA Program documents and processes, activity database and Program based certification process 6. Assist VPA and Program coordinators with Program promotions 7. Assist VPA with following up with Program Coordinators handover process, Annual working Plan development and implementation, collaborations, competency module implementation and evaluation and finally IFMSA program updates. 8. Kindly read IFMSA Program IOGs ( here ) for further details and Program Coordinators Application Toolkit ( here )for further details.
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
VP ACTIVITIES Program Support Assistant & Evaluation Assistant
Programs Support Assistant Selection Criteria 1. Attendance of at least 1 General 6. Soft skills to conduct interaction with Activity Coordinators, to facilitate Assembly /Regional Meeting; sessions and team work 2. Availability throughout the term (online meetings, email responses, General 7. Plans to further the work of the Assemblies and Regional Meetings) Programs team and assisting VPA with the Programs team coordination 3. Knowledge of IFMSA Programs and 8. Plans to further the Program, empower their implementation processes NMOs in regards to IFMSA Programs 4. Clear understanding of the tasks of the and Program promotion Program Support Assistant 9. Ability to work in a multicultural 5. Experience in coordination of a team/(s) environment
Evaluation Assistant Introduction Hello! This term we enter the third year of the implementation IFMSA strategy 20172020, evaluation of activities, meetings and administrative endeavors that IFMSA works on is central to the IFMSA strategy. Over two years the specific work of Evaluation Assistant in IFMSA has expanded. I would like to begin work with a small Evaluation Team, instead of a singular evaluation assistant. With this call, I invite you to apply for the posts of Evaluation Assistant.
tools for various IFMSA meetings, and promotion of the same. To track usage of the evaluation data in external and internal work, and accordingly improvise the current evaluation system. Finally, introduce objective-based evaluation and acquaint regional and international teams with the same, for better prepare pre and post-meeting evaluation.
Looking forward to reading your applications and learning more about evaluation from The plan for this term is to streamline the you throughout the year of work. evaluation of General Assemblies, Regional Meetings. To work on standardized impact assessment and evaluation
VP ACTIVITIES Program Support Assistant & Evaluation Assistant
Team Structure Evaluation Assistants (2)
Team Structure Description Two Evaluation Assistants work as a team and assist VPA in pre and post-meeting evaluation, their certificates, and reports. Further work with VPA on creative, capacity building and promotion efforts of the IFMSA evaluation team.
Task Description 1. Assist VPA in conducting pre-meeting and post-meeting evaluation and impact assessment. (General Assemblies, Regional Assemblies) 2. Work together with VPA in order to improve the evaluation of our meetings through collaboration with the IFMSA officials and International Teams. 3. Create Google Forms for evaluation 4. Analyse data from the evaluation and conduct an impact assessment 5. Expand evaluations to other IFMSA Activities 6. Assist VPA in with the process associated with the certificates of the IFMSA meetings 7. Assist VPA with the reports of IFMSA meetings and other IFMSA activities 8. Assist VPA in developing an objective-based standardized meetings evaluation toolkit
Selection Criteria 1. Assist VPA in conducting pre-meeting and post-meeting evaluation and impact assessment. (General Assemblies, Regional Assemblies) 2. Work together with VPA in order to improve the evaluation of our meetings through collaboration with the IFMSA officials and International Teams. 3. Create Google Forms for evaluation 4. Analyse data from the evaluation and conduct an impact assessment 5. Expand evaluations to other IFMSA Activities 6. Assist VPA in with the process associated with the certificates of the IFMSA meetings 7. Assist VPA with the reports of IFMSA meetings and other IFMSA activities 8. Assist VPA in developing an objective-based standardized meetings evaluation toolkit
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Fundraising Assistant & Financial Development Assistant Introduction Dear IFMSA Members, I hope my message finds you doing well and ready to start yet another adventure! It is my pleasure to open the call for two Fundraising Assistants & a Finance Development Assistant. As we are coming closer to the end of the IFMSA Strategy, it is critical to fulfill the remaining goals, especially set in Pillar I by taking up last year’s achievements and using them as the way forward with innovation and increased efficacy. Also, the structure and job description will uphold the IFMSA’s Ethical Fundraising Framework through every procedure and tasks the assistants shall have, such as grant applications, double-checking sponsorship proposals, fundraising efforts, building capacity in Finances, effective partnering, NMO collaborative work & organization and constant updates to the grant database. The profile of these assistants must meet key characteristics and skills such as motivation to serve our members, knowledge of NMO Financial Sustainability, experience in Fundraising and grant application, knowledge of G-Suite and handling of databases.
Of course, we are medical students and expertise in each of these areas is not mandatory since this escapes the “mould” of our learning system and the Federation’s role as a capacity building organization. If you don’t fulfill all experience criteria but are passionate and willing to learn, I will take this into account and ensure the team works together to fulfill all tasks and learn together, and I promise we’ll have fun along the way, too. Have you got what it takes? If you do, please contact me with any further questions and send in an application. I look forward to hearing from you, Gabriela
Available Positions • Fundraising Assistants (2) • Financial Development Assistant (1)
VP FINANCES Fundraising Assistant & Financial Development Assistant
Fundraising Team Structure Assistants Description Task Description 1. Search of funding opportunities & identification of potential donors for the Federation to be in line with the IFMSA Global Priorities & IFMSA’s Ethical Framework on Fundraising 2. Overseeing of possible fundraising opportunities with IFMSA Alumni with the VPF 3. Management and organization of Grant Database 4. Work closely with Regional Finances Assistants for seeking grants & sponsorships for the Regional Meeting and other Regional Capacity Building Events 5. Actively engaging with Liaison Officers for seeking and coordination of grants 6. Collaborative work with VPF for support in grant writing applications & sponsorship revision 7. Double-checking of hosting NMOs’ financial stability (RMs & GAs)
Selection Criteria 1. Experience in financial matters & grant application writing 2. Knowledge in database management and processes related to it 3. Familiarity with SCs & Regions’ Strategies 4. Previous experience in fundraising & stakeholder mapping 5. Proficiency in English 6. Availability for online meetings 7. Attendance to at least one GA
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
VP FINANCES Fundraising Assistant & Financial Development Assistant
Financial Development Assistant Task Description 1. Actively follow up on the SWG on Financially Sustainable GAs to implement recommendations on IFMSA Events 2. Update & Revision of the Financial IOGs (including TAF selection criteria) & IFMSA’s Ethical Framework on Fundraising 3. Management and organization of Grant database 4. Overseeing of capacity-building efforts on Financial Management & Administration for Regional Assistants and IFMSA Members 5. Collaborative work with VPF for the update and reshape of the Financial Management workshop to fit Regional needs 6. Exploring new ways for membership fee calculation & payment for NMO stability with VPF 7. Support in capacity building and follow up of GA’s Financial Committees
Selection Criteria 1. Experience in capacity building and team management 2. Experience in financial matters & NMOs’ problematic 3. Familiarity with the IFMSA Financial Resources and processes 4. Knowledge of SCs & Regions’ Priorities in financial matters 5. Database management & organization 6. Proficiency in English 7. Availability to attend online meetings 8. Attendance to at least one GA
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
VP for External Affairs
External Affairs International Team Introduction Dear IFMSA members,
to improve the external image of IFMSA, as well as the optimisation of its impact I hope this note finds you well and in will guide the work of the team. good health. It is my utmost pleasure to open the first call of its kind for the Feel free to email me ezzinetarek@ International Team of External Affairs. for comments, questions or enquiries. I am also reachable on With the expansion of the external Whatsapp (+21699091994), Messenger representation of IFMSA comes a need and Telegram but emails are the fastest for a sustainable structure to support it. way to reach out! This work has already been developed a lot with the valuable contributions of Making sure that IFMSA internal and previous UN Task Forces that aimed external work are aligned and reflected in to align our work with the UN 2030 the best of ways to external stakeholders Agenda and the SDGs. With the will of is not an easy task. I am sure that incorporating this concept to the very together, we can make it happen! core of the federation, bringing it closer Looking forward to reading your to the regions, and after consultations applications, with NMOs, the idea of this International Team was born. Sincerely yours, The general profile of the External Affairs International Team is a background in Global Health and Diplomacy, an understanding of the UN System and its 2030 agenda and an Interest in Policy design, implementation, review and monitoring. What I believe is necessary for the work of this team is the ability of being critical and analytical, and the tendency to always keep an eye on the bigger picture. Motivation and willingness
Available Positions • External Affairs General Assistant (1) • Policy Assistant (1) • External Affairs Capacity Building Assistant (1) • External Affairs Regional Assistants (5)
VP for External Affairs External Affairs International Team
Team Structure Description Team Structure Description As we’re switching from a UN Task Force to a more sustainable structure for the External Representation of the IFMSA, the first version of the External Affairs International Team aims to incorporate the needs of the VPE, Liaison Officers and NMOs to reach a more efficient advocacy for the federation. The Team will include a General Assistant who will be working closely with the VPE toward the coordination of the IT as well as a Policy Officer and a Capacity Building Officer who will take care of specific parts of External Representation. In addition, Regional Assistants will help design and implement External Representation strategies for the regions and NMOs while being part of the Regional Teams and fulfilling tasks toward Regional Directors according to their priorities and annual working plans.
External Affairs General Assistant The External Affairs General Assistant will be working closely with the VPE to ensure the quality of IFMSA External Representation. The GA will be mainly responsible for the alignment of IFMSA work with the Sustainable Development Goals and will take over the 2030 agenda and related reporting with the team. While the Vice-President for External Affairs is charged with the overall development of the External Representation of the federation, as well as the coordination of the Liaison Officers, It is the External Affairs General Assistant who will play a very important and active role in the smooth coordination and administration of the External Affairs Regional Assistants in collaboration with the VPE.
Task Description
1. Assisting IFMSA VPE and Liaison 4. Communication with relevant UN Officers in terms of UN opportunities Constituencies (ICMYO, MGCY, 2. Co-coordinating the External Affairs YOUNGO etc.) in collaboration with the International Team with the VPE VPE and relevant LOs 3. Ensuring the alignment of IFMSA work 5. Scheduling, minute-taking and following with the UN 2030 Agenda and the SDGs up on the outcomes of the IT’s Online and produce related reporting to the UN meetings as well as LOs’ meetings when System relevant Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
VP for External Affairs External Affairs International Team
External Affairs GA Selection Criteria
1. Experience in External Representation including but not limited to meetings’ attendance, policy making, Global Health Advocates workshop attendance/facilitation 2. Experience in Team Management and Dynamics 3. Experience in developing reports, newsletters and design 4. Motivation 5. Understanding of Global Health, UN 2030 Agenda and the UN System are highly considered
Policy Assistant The Policy Assistant is the person who will be concerned with the guiding rules and principles of the IFMSA. Reviewing, developing, and implementing policies is the name of the game for policy workers. With a currently underdeveloped policy process in IFMSA, this person will also be responsible for improving the policy making in the federation in collaboration with the VPE.
Task Description 1. Overseeing the bylaw-dictated timeline of policy review and creation, including managing the calls and deadlines related to selection of Policy Commissions, all the rounds of inputs from NMOs etc. Coordinating the preparations of the IFMSA Policy Usage Reports with the VPE 2. Assisting IFMSA Liaison Officers, International Team members, Regional Team, and NMOs in policy work including policy creation, implementation and evaluation as well as identification and development of key policies 3. Ensuring the consistency of IFMSA Policy Documents and make sure of their quality (review their scientific relevance, avoid overlaps) 4. Improve IFMSA systems for policy making, implementation, usage and monitoring (a currently underdeveloped aspect of IFMSA policy processes) 5. Contribute to national policy-making capacity building and support NMOs in their policy work
Selection Criteria
1. Experience in Policy Making, Design, 3. Understanding of Global Health, UN 2030 Agenda and the UN System are highly Implementation and Monitoring considered 2. Motivation
VP for External Affairs External Affairs International Team
External AffairsDescription Capacity Building Assistant Team Structure Capacity building related to external representation has rapidly expanded in the previous years. There is strong interest form NMOs for more support with external representation at the national and regional levels, including on topics such as national policy-making, engaging with external partners and seeking opportunities for collaboration, advocacy and lobbying, negotiating sponsorship agreements and other topics. Additionally, the Global Health Advocates workshops has become a fairly stable component of PreGA and PreRM trainings and several NMOs has expressed their interest to hold this workshop during SRTs and national events. This area being expanded, a need for an External Affairs Capacity Building Assistant has arisen.
Task Description
on important external representation 1. Ensuring the quality of the external issues for use by NMOs, Regional and representation workshops at the International Teams and Liaison Officers international, regional and national 3. Conduct online trainings in diverse topics levels, monitoring and evaluating their of external representation outcomes 2. Develop new toolkits and/or guidelines
Selection Criteria 1. Experience in External Representation and working with non-formal education including but not limited to meetings’ frameworks attendance, policy making, Global Health 3. Motivation Advocates workshop attendance/ 4. Understanding of Global Health, UN 2030 facilitation Agenda and the UN System are highly 2. Experience in Capacity Building, considered designing and delivering workshops
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
VP for External Affairs External Affairs International Team
External Affairs Regional Assistants (5) The External Affairs Regional Assistants will be working with both the VPE and the RD of the relevant region toward a more sustainable external representation of the region and its NMOs, as well as the alignment of their work with the UN System. While the tasks toward IFMSA External Affairs remain similar, those toward the region might vary in accordance to the priorities of the relevant region and its Regional Director.
Task Description 1. Bringing together regional approaches towards external representation and ensuring their impact on the ground in collaboration with the VPE and the relevant RD 2. Monitor and assist with implementing the external parts of the Regional Priorities 3. Ensure a proper focus on the implementation of the SDGs in regions’ internal and external work based on our Global Priorities related to the implementation of SDGs, through clear monitoring and evaluation frameworks which are regional, yet interconnected among all regions 4. Be responsible for external representation capacity building in the region, including conducting external representation sessions at the Regional Meetings (or generally on a regional level through webinars and similar opportunities) 5. Develop and strengthen regional networks of national VPEs to help them develop external representation in their NMOs
Selection Criteria 1. Experience in External Representation including but not limited to meetings’ attendance, policy making, External Representation workshops attendance/facilitation 2. Experience in Capacity Building, designing and delivering workshops and developing non-formal education frameworks 3. Understanding of Regional Priorities and ability to contribute to the development of the region in terms of external affairs 4. Motivation 5. Understanding of Global Health, UN 2030 Agenda and the UN System are highly considered
VP for External Affairs External Affairs International Team
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
VP for Capacity Building
Capacity Building International Team Introduction Dear IFMSA Capacity Builders,
ideas mentioned in the task descriptions of each position. And if you have any Do you want to make a change in questions or need more information, this federation? don’t hesitate to contact me via email (dr. Do you want to have an impact on or WhatsApp (+9647705864397). its members? Do you want to be a part of the IFMSA’s backbone?
I am very excited to work with you and Do you want to work in an amazing I am sure that we will have an amazing team with diverse backgrounds Capacity Building International Team family this term. and experiences? Hayder Noori
If you do believe in this and you have the ability, commitment and time availability to sail with us, then all you have to do is to read this carefully and apply to be a part of this wonderful family.
VPCB 2019-2020
Think globally and act locally, the vision that we all believe in. With this being said, our focus this term as the CB international team will be NMOs development and trainers education. We are looking for motivated members who have a clear vision for Capacity Building within the IFMSA, who will commit to working within a friendly, passionate and innovative family. This term we will follow up on the work done previously, develop it and implement new
Available Positions • • • • •
General Assistant (1) Development Assistant (1) Education Assistant (1) Online Training Assistant (1) Regional Assistants (5)
VP for Capacity Building Capacity Building International Team
General Assistant Team Structure Description Task Description
1. Being in charge of the trainer database 2. Assisting the VPCB in the implementation of the trainers’ pool 3. Updating the Capacity Building event calendar 4. Managing the certification process of workshop participants 5. Assisting the VPCB in general tasks 6. Actively coordinating their CB buddy group by creating at least five meetings during the term and empowering the NMOs to collaborate with their Buddies, share experiences and develop their own CB systems
Selection Criteria 1. 2. 3. 4.
Having extensive experience in working with GSuiteÂŽ Experience with organizing Capacity Building workshops Being an IFMSA trainer is a bonus Having had a national or international position within Capacity Building is a bonus.
Development Assistant Team Structure Description Task Description
1. Evaluate and update Capacity Building resources 2. Being the CB IT contact person towards the SCs in approving SRTs, selecting trainers and analyzing the data after the evaluation process 3. Assisting the VPCB in creating the pilot course 4. Creating a guide on how to establish CB in NMOs that lack the division 5. Creating a need assessment to be filled by the NMOs to plan the workshops through the term 6. Actively coordinating their CB buddy group by creating at least five meetings during the term and empowering the NMOs to collaborate with their Buddies, share experiences and develop their own CB systems Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
VP for Capacity Building Capacity Building International Team
Selection Criteria 1. Good understanding of Standing 4. Being an IFMSA Trainer is a bonus Committees work in Capacity Building; 5. Having had a national or international 2. Experience in working with GSuiteÂŽ position within Capacity Building is a bonus 3. Experience in organizing SRTs
Education Assistant Task Description
1. Working on the implementation of Trainers camp. 2. Developing courses for Trainers education on specific topics. 3. Assisting the VPCB in implementing the Competency model. 4. Provide support to workshop coordinators regarding facilitation methods. 5. Assisting the Online Training assistant in creating Online courses/workshops. 6. Actively coordinating their CB buddy group by creating at least five meetings during the term and empowering the NMOs to collaborate with their Buddies, share experiences and develop their own CB systems.
Selection Criteria
1. Be an IFMSA trainer 2. Having Extensive experience with facilitating workshops 3. Experience in working with GSuiteÂŽ 4. Being a trainer of any Youth NGO is a bonus 5. Having had a national or international position within Capacity Building is a bonus
Online Training Assistant Task Description
1. Creating further online educational opportunities for IFMSA trainers 2. Assisting the Officials and other IT members in creating Online courses/workshops 3. Developing the Online Training Manual and Working with the Development assistant in creating the pilot course 4. Actively coordinating their CB buddy group by creating at least five meetings during the term and empowering the NMOs to collaborate with their Buddies, share experiences and develop their own CB systems
VP for Capacity Building Capacity Building International Team
Online Training Selection Criteria 1. Be an IFMSA trainer 2. Having Extensive experience with facilitating workshops 3. Experience in working with GSuiteÂŽ 4. Being a trainer of any Youth NGO is a bonus 5. Having had a national or international position within Capacity Building is a bonus
Regional Assistants (One for each region) Team Structure Description Task Description 1. Creating a Baseline assessment for 5. Contacting and encouraging the NMOs every NMO in the region regarding their in hosting SRTs, and assisting them in CB development. the application process. 2. Evaluating the Baseline assessment 6. Collaborate with the CB IT to keep trainer and establishing plans for each NMO in and event databases up to date and improving their Capacity Building system support the certification and evaluation or forming a new one. process of international events within the 3. Establishing a follow-up process for each Region. NMO for evaluating its CB development 7. Actively coordinating their CB buddy through the term. group by creating at least five meetings 4. Support the Regional Directors with during the term and empowering the creating and implementing regional NMOs to collaborate with their Buddies, strategies. The RAs will mostly provide share experiences and develop their own input and support for the process of CB systems. these strategies.
Selection Criteria 1. Having a good insight over Capacity Building within the region 2. Experience with organizing Capacity Building workshops and SRTs 3. Being an IFMSA trainer is a bonus 4. Experience in strategic planning is a bonus 5. Having had a national or regional position within Capacity Building is a bonus 6. Having previously attended NMO Management sessions, an SRT or any Pre-event (RM or GA) workshop is a bonus
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
VP for Public Relations and Communication
Public Relations and Communication International Team Introduction Dear IFMSA members,
If you are interested please send in your applications as instructed, and If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time, either via email or via WhatsApp message (+212662727982)
It is a pleasure to address you today. As the term is about to start, IFMSA is looking for experienced, passionate and dedicated members to promote its image, sustain its online presence and propose creative content that truly reflects the Looking forward 1.3 Million students that we represent. applications. The Public Relations and Communication team will work closely with IFMSA Leadership and Structures (Programs, TF, and Activities) to promote a strong strategic branding, an inclusive and 2 ways Social Media engagement, Relevant and updated Publications, and Creative Content and PR Capacity Building opportunities for all members. The proposed structure should equal between the high workload and the coverage of all PR focus areas of the VPPRC position while having a compact empowered and flexible team ready to adapt to members’ and officials’ expectations.
Saad CHAIBI VPPRC 2019-2020
Available Positions • General Assistant (1) • Development Assistant (1) • Social Media & Community Management Assistant (1) • Website & Online Platforms Assistant (1) • Publications & Content Creators (4)
VP for Public Relations and Communication Public Relations and Communication International Team
General Expected Profile: Team Structure Description • High proficiency in English; • Great Motivation and Availability • Interest in PR, Social Media, and Communication Platforms. • Experience in using G Suite® incl. Mail, Drive, Meet… • Good background knowledge of IFMSA, its structure, its activities, and the strategy • Basic knowledge about the following software: Adobe® InDesign®, Photoshop®, Illustrator® or Similar Publisher® GIMP® or Piktochart (or similar programs); Selected assistants will be in constant and close communication with the VicePresident for Public Relations and Communication, via both official (email) and non-official (WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.) communication channels. As an assistant, you will be provided with the capacities and the resources (templates and necessary materials) to fulfill your tasks. Meanwhile, appointed assistants will have to attend online capacity building courses in the field, which will be scheduled early in the term. The attendance of the courses is mandatory.
General Assistant The General Assistant will be in charge of the General PR work, assisting the VPPRC in managing the daily team activities and tasks, and liaising the Publications & Content Creators with the Officials to follow up on Publications requests. The General assistant will also be working with the VPPRC in seeking sponsorship opportunities.
Task Description 1. Assist the VPPRC in developing general IFMSA publications 2. Monitor the implementation of Corporate Identity and track its usage 3. Guarantee the sustainability of Merchandising
4. Assist in the development of MSI and Create and further improve the IFMSA Newsletter 5. Investigate sponsorship opportunities
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
VP for Public Relations and Communication Public Relations and Communication International Team
GA Selection Criteria 1. Good team leadership skills and coordination. 2. Strong background knowledge of IFMSA, its structure, its activities, and the strategy. 3. Mastering the following software: Adobe® InDesign®, Photoshop®, Illustrator® or Similar Publisher® GIMP® or Piktochart (or similar programs); 4. Experience in developing newsletters and design. 5. Possibility to attend the next General Assemblies is a bonus.
Development Assistant The Development Assistant will be in charge of the follow-up and the tracking of the marketing strategy indicators of success as well as the 4thPillar of the Strategic Plan. The DA will assist the VPPRC in the creation of a competency model for the PRC Team and Webinars and toolkits for members and Officials but also work on a standardized Public Relations and Communication Workshop.
Task Description
1. Assist the VPPRC in achieving the PR&C related goals of the Strategic plan. 2. Track and Follow-up the implementation of the Marketing Strategy. 3. Lead Capacity building initiatives: Webinars and Toolkits. 4. Develop a baseline assessment for a standardized PR Worksop. 5. Develop Social Media Guidelines, together with the Social Media & Community Management Assistant. 6. Oversee the compliance with copyrights and GDPR.
Selection Criteria 1. Knowledge about the development and implementation of strategic plans. 2. Past Capacity building experience is recommended. 3. Basic Knowledge about GDPR.
VP for Public Relations and Communication Public Relations and Communication International Team
Social Media &Description Community Management Assistant Team Structure The Social Media & Community Management Assistant will be in charge of maintaining a strong streamlined presence on Social Media and improve our daily interaction with our target audience. The Assistant will work with the VPPRC to update the Social Media Guidelines, to create an engagement policy and to implement it.
Task Description 1. Manage social media. developing adapted designs for different 2. Track IFMSA insights on different outlets. channels. 5. Provide feedback on current & future 3. Develop the engagement policy and the social media content; Social Media Guidelines, together with 6. Investigate tools to improve the overall the Development Assistant. management and integration of IFMSA’s 4. Assist Publications & Content Creators in Social media outlets.
Selection Criteria 1. Understanding of IFMSA work and previous working experience in Social Media. 2. Availability throughout the term.
Website & Online Platforms Assistant Team Structure Description The Website & Online Platforms Assistant will be in charge of the maintenance of the website ( in collaboration with the VPPRC and other Officials. Meanwhile, the assistant will also help the VPPRC in initiating and maintaining other online and databases (Activities, Alumni...)
Task Description
1. Investigate alternative Web Creation Companies to host the website. 2. Develop a Website Proposal by initiating an evaluation of the current platform. 3. Maintain the blog section of the website.
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
VP for Public Relations and Communication Public Relations and Communication International Team
4. Manually input information into different databases. 5. Investigate options for increasing website traffic and visibility. 6. Investigate options for better integration of the website with the different Social Media platforms of IFMSA. 7. Create and maintain a system whereby forms and surveys can be centralized on the website. 8. Investigate options for a Registration System to be used for IFMSA General Assemblies and Regional Meetings. 9. Investigate the options and possibilities for the online store of IFMSA merchandise; 10. Assist the VPPRC to develop the IFMSA mobile application (myIFMSA). 11. Maintain and improve the Activities database and Alumni database.
Website & Online Platforms Assistant Selection Criteria 1. Understanding of IFMSA work and previous working experience in Social Media. 2. Previous experience in building or managing a website. 3. Knowledge about Wordpress® platform. 4. Good knowledge about Information and technology. 5. Experience in developing applications is recommended but not mandatory.
Publications & Content Creators (4) The Publication & Content Creators team will consist of four people that will be in in charge of creativity and design. The Assistant will cover different tasks from Producing Standing Committee’s and Regions’ publication to graphic design, video creation and the maintenance of an Image Library. Please note that even though the selected Assistant will be working closely with the Standing Committee and Regional ITs, while they will not be considered as part of those teams and will instead be coordinated by the VPPRC.
Task Description
1. Work on developing unique thematic additions for IFMSA publications. 2. Assist in creating calls for image submissions for publications. 3. Review and select photography submissions for publications. 4. Perform basic photo editing using Photoshop or similar programs.
VP for Public Relations and Communication Public Relations and Communication International Team
5. Occasionally write photography-articles for IFMSA publications (instructions and assistance will be provided). 6. Create and maintain an image library containing a selection of approved photography that can be used to enhance our communications. 7. Produce publications and assist Standing Committee Directors, Regional Directors, VPA, VPE, and Liaison Officers when it comes to their publication’s needs. 8. Provide advice to NMOs on national publications. 9. Create Video content to promote IFMSA’s work and activities. 10. Create high quality visual and video materials for all educational purposes.
Selection Criteria 1. High proficiency in English; 2. Mandatory knowledge in Adobe® InDesign®, Photoshop®, Illustrator® 3. Experience with graphic design. 4. Prior experience in video editing is a bonus.
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Regional Directors’ Assistants
Introduction My dear Americas!
that are passionate about our NMOs and their growth, and that believe in the impact that can be achieved if we fuel the already existing potential. Every position in the team has been considered due to our needs as a Region and represents an incredible opportunity if you’re willing to accept the challenge. Their tasks are detailed below. I’m looking forward to reading your applications, and if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me by email ( or Whatsapp (+593984544258).
I’ve said it several times: we are the ones to watch. I utterly believe that during these last years, Americas’ NMOs have developed several skills that have placed them in the spot. Nevertheless, there are many administrative and operative skills that, individually as well as collectively, need to be strengthened; as well as guidance on how to achieve our national and regional objectives. Thus, we require skilled, motivated and inspiring people that lead us not only to become better but to aspire to be better. The Regional Team Llama hugs from the middle of the world, is the keystone to NMOs development and the link to the global mindset that we urge to have. I eagerly invite you to María José Jaramillo Cartwright become part of this team and be part of a RD Americas 2019/2020 new chapter in Americas’ story. During this year, from a regional level, it is intended to synchronize every area: internal, external, capacity building, activities, exchanges, finances, among others. The assistants will be fundamental to guide our NMOs into an understanding of basic concepts, as well as specific matters related to each; accomplishing their own objectives while developing our Regional Priorities and Strategy.
Available Positions • General Assistant (1) • Internal Development Assistant(1) • Finance Assistant(1)
We need people in our regional team
Regional Directors’ Assistants Americas
General TeamAssistant Structure Description Task Description This position requires an experienced member, especially on administrative skills, that is willing to work closely with the RD in general tasks to ensure a synchronized and structured work of the Regional Team and the NMOs. Specific tasks may vary and will be defined by the RD based on the Region’s needs. The tasks of the General Assistant include, but do not limit to: 1. Compiling and updating the regional resources folder. 2. Assist the RD in the promotion, development, implementation, and review of the Strategy and Americas’ IOGs. 3. Coordinating RT’s monthly online meetings and minute taking 4. Assisting the RD in meetings with NMOs and minute taking 5. Assisting the RD in the contact and work with the Regional Meetings OC 6. Assisting the RD in compiling and assessment of the RT’s and NMO’s reports and resources. 7. Assisting the RT and NMO’s in creation, adaptation, translation or reviewing documents.
8. Assisting the RD to promote collaboration within RAs towards regional work. 9. Assisting in the implementation of regional publications such as the Americas’ Heartbeat. 10. Assisting in the facilitation of Presidents’ Sessions during the Regional Meetings and the Regional Sessions during General Assemblies 11. Assisting the RD in the management and moderation of the Facebook group, the regional link of The Americas within and other social media tools.
Selection Criteria 1. Google Drive, Microsoft Office, Gmail and design tools skills. 2. Attended at least one Regional Meeting and one General Assembly. 3. Preferably, have any other international experience such as SWGs, sessions teams, etc. 4. Knowledge of the Regional Strategy, Regional Priorities and Americas’ IOGs. 5. Proficiency in written and spoken English. 6. Online availability throughout the year, as well as for relevant meetings (e.g. Regional Meeting, GAs.)
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Regional Directors’ Assistants Americas
Internal Development Assistant (1) Task Description The Internal Development Assistant is a position for a highly skilled and experienced member, especially on administrative and development skills. Executive and conflict management, planning, analysis and managerial skills are some of the different capabilities that are needed. Also, awareness of the Region’s requirements and NMO’s situation is fundamental. Specific tasks may vary and will be defined by the RD based on the Region’s needs. The tasks of the Internal Development Assistant include, but do not limit to: 1. Assisting the RD to promote NMO development in the Region. 2. Assisting the RD to promote, implement and develop the Regional Strategy within NMOs, with special focus on the third and fourth pillars. 3. Assist the RD to promote national strategy development and follow up. 4. Assisting the RD in contacting, recruiting and developing new NMOs. 5. Assisting the RD in the creation of NMOs’ development plan according to their needs 6. Coordinating with the Capacity Building Assistant, as well as all of the other RDs, CB opportunities for NMOs for soft and hard skills development. 7. Assisting the RD in meetings with the NMOs when the RD sees fit. 8. Assisting the RD in the analysis of
NMOs’ reports and surveys to conduct interventions. 9. Assisting in the facilitation of Presidents’ Sessions during the Regional Meetings and the Regional Sessions during General Assemblies 10. Creation and leadership of SWGs to strengthen NMO development if there is a regional need to do so. 11. Assisting the RD in the promotion of regional and international tools for NMO development. 12. Assisting the RD in the individual follow up of the Region’s NMOs internal problems in terms of structure, bylaws, conflict management, legal status, and NGAs.
Selection Criteria
1. Attended at least one Regional Meeting and one General Assembly. 2. Preferably, have any other international experience such as SWGs, sessions teams, etc. 3. Preferably, previous executive management experience. 4. Knowledge of the Regional Strategy, Regional Priorities and Americas’ IOGs. 5. Proficiency in written and spoken English. 6. Online availability throughout the year, as well as for relevant meetings (e.g. Regional Meeting, GAs.)
Regional Directors’ Assistants Americas
Finance Assistant (1) Team Structure Description Task Description The Finance Assistant is a new position, based on our recent Regional needs. The position requires a motivated member, skilled and with knowledge in planning finances, obtaining stability and opportunities for our members. Specific tasks may vary and will be defined by the RD based on the Region’s needs. The tasks of the Finance Assistant include, but do not limit to: 1. Assisting the RD in the promotion and development of National Financial Strategies. 2. Assisting the RD in the implementation, development and review of the Regional Strategy, especially on the fifth pillar. 3. Assisting in the facilitation of Presidents’ Sessions during the Regional Meetings and the Regional Sessions during General Assemblies 4. Coordinating with the Capacity Building Assistant CB opportunities for NMOs financial development. 5. Assist the RD in the promotion of grants and other fundraising opportunities within IFMSA (e.g. TAF, solidarity funds, Erik Holst Fund, etc.) and outside IFMSA.
6. Assist the RD in the follow-up and guidance to NMOs of grants and other fundraising opportunities applications. 7. Assist the RD in the individual follow up of the Region’s NMOs financial stability and needs.
Selection Criteria 1. Preferably, have international experience such as Regional Meetings, General Assemblies, SWGs, sessions teams, etc. 2. Preferably, previous financial experience (e.g. VPF, treasurer, OC financial development, financial strategy development, etc.) 3. Preferably, previous successful fundraising experience (e.g. successful grant applications) 4. Knowledge of the Regional Strategy, Regional Priorities and Americas’ IOGs. 5. Knowledge of the IFMSA’s grants and fundraising opportunities. 6. Proficiency in written and spoken English. 7. Online availability throughout the year, as well as for relevant meetings (e.g. Regional Meeting, GAs.)
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Regional Directors’ Assistants
Introduction Dear region,
applying for regional grants. The tasks of the other positions are detailed in their It is an honor to be addressing you respective International Teams sections. officially the first time as your regional director elect. Our region is growing, and Don’t hesitate to apply to the regional we need to strive to fulfill the legacy of team as this is a unique self-challenging youth in the region. The regional team learning experience allowing you to grow represents one of the main focal points as an individual and make a change. in the regional work. Therefore, trying Should you have any questions, don’t to select a team that is not only skilled hesitate to contact me at +212662099631 but could work in harmony is one of my or via email at hammani.amr@gmail. priorities as a Regional Director. In this com. regard, the positions I’m opening this term are based on the development priorities of the NMOs. Yours, The regional team will be composed of two General Assistants, one Finance Assistant, one capacity building regional assistant and one External assistant in addition to the regional assistants of the Standing Committees. The choice of these positions came from reflecting on the experience of the outgoing regional team as well as the NMOs’ priorities in terms of organizational development. The tasks of the general assistants will be mainly assisting the Regional Director in the follow-up with the various daily affairs of the region. The Finance Assistant will be focusing internally on building the capacity of the NMOs in terms of financial management and working externally on
Aamr Hammani RD EMR Elect 2019/20
Available Positions • General Assistants (2) • Finance Assistant
Regional Directors’ Assistants EMR
General (2) TeamAssistants Structure Description Task Description The main responsibility of the general assistants will be to follow up on the daily affairs of the region by assisting the regional director in his various functions. One of their new tasks this year will be to coordinate the monitoring and implementation of regional priorities with the relevant regional team members. The exact division of tasks between the 2 general assistants will be agreed upon in the first weeks of the term. The detailed tasks will include but will not be limited to: 1. Assisting in the development of the region in support areas based in NMOs’ needs 2. Scheduling, minute-taking and following up on the outcomes of the Regional Director’s Online meetings (Regional Team, NMOs..) 3. Assisting the NMOs in various issues (preparation for IFMSA meetings 4. Assisting in the preparations for the EMR16 meeting (theme event, survival kits, launching calls, activities fair and presentation..) 5. Coordinating the reporting of the regional team
6. Preparing the General Assemblies regional sessions 7. Following up and reviewing the applications of the candidate and upgrading NMOs 8. Coordinating one of the regional priorities monitoring and implementation process for each of the General Assistants in coordination with the relevant RAs
Selection Criteria 1. Must have attended at least one Regional Meeting and one General Assembly 2. General availability throughout the year 3. Access to a stable internet connection 4. Ability to attend at least the Regional Meeting and one of the General Assemblies 5. Proficient in spoken and written English 6. General knowledge about one/both of the Regional Priorities is a plus (NonCommunicable Diseases and Global Health Workforce) 7. Proficiency in Google suite is required, social media and poster design skills are valued 8. Facilitation and note-taking skills are a must
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Regional Directors’ Assistants EMR
Finance Assistant Task Description The Finance Assistant is a new position that we’ll be opening this year. It is first of all one of the objectives of our strategy. Opening this position is also motivated by the fact that finances have been constantly coming up as a priority for NMOs in our region as sponsoring and grant opportunities are limited in our region. The list of tasks include: 1. Building the capacity of NMOs in finance-related matters (Financial planning and strategy, approaching sponsors…); 2. Creating and developing a national treasurers’ network to promote best sharing practices amongst NMOs; 3. Share funding opportunities with NMOs and EMR members; 4. Accompanying NMOs applying to grants and sponsorships when needed; 5. Applying to regional grants in collaboration with the external assistant and following up on the outcomes and reporting; 6. Fulfilling and monitoring the financial pillar of the EMR strategy.
Selection Criteria 1. Must have attended at least one Regional Meeting and one General Assembly 2. Previous experience in financial management, preferably an anterior NMO treasurer/VPF position 3. General availability throughout the year 4. Access to a stable internet connection 5. Ability to attend at least the Regional Meeting and one of the General Assemblies 6. Proficient in spoken and written English 7. Proficiency in Google suite is required
Regional Directors’ Assistants
Introduction Dear Members of the European Region, with October nearing, we are approaching a new start in our Federation. A start that offers the newly elected Officials not only a chance but a privilege to choose their own team to work with during the whole term. I am, therefore, honored to invite you all to apply for the European Regional Team 2019/20. It will consist of one General Assistant, Fundraising & Development Assistant, External Representation Assistant, Regional Assistant for Capacity Building, and Standing Committees Assistants This year will bring us many tasks to focus on - from strengthening the communication between the NMOs, evaluating and prolonging the Strategy, continuing the work on mental health and establishing new ground for the health workforce to organizing a successful EuRegMe as just the main ones. I will be looking for competent, hardworking, passionate and reliable members to assist me in carrying them out.
your candidature ... make 100 % sure you can commit to this obligation! The progress of the Region depends on how united the EuroTeam is as a whole and it is up to every single one of its members to contribute to their fullest. I want to emphasize how this decision is not to be taken lightly. The workload that it brings can be high and intensely challenging at times. But on the other hand, this is also what makes the experience of working in the Regional Team so special and fulfilling. The opportunity to see something you are putting so much effort to grow and develop beautifully is, in my opinion, priceless. With that being said, I am eagerly awaiting your applications! I have high expectations for our work during the term, and I also promise to strive towards creating a safe and supportive atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable.
If there is any way I can be of more help, please do not hesitate to contact me If you find yourself in these words, then through email (gita.mihelcic@gmail. stay with me. Carefully read through the com) or Whatsapp (+38651437977). task descriptions and selection criteria below and then scroll to the part with instructions on how to apply. Now, there’s Gita Mihelčič only one thing left to do before you submit RD Europe 2019/2020
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Regional Directors’ Assistants Europe
Available Positions
• General Assistant (1) • Fundraising and development Assistant(1)
General TeamAssistant Structure(1) Description Due to the restructuring of the UN Task Force to External Representation International Team, I have decided to keep one General Assistant focusing on internal aspects of the regional priorities as well as assisting the RD with the general tasks. The other General Assistant has been transformed to External Affairs Assistant and will be focusing on external matters with regards to our priorities as well as other specific tasks appointed by the External Affairs IT. The General Assistant will be working closely with the RD to ensure the smooth operation of the European Region. The position itself requires a highly experienced member with management and administrative skills. Their specific tasks will vary throughout the term and will be outlined by the RD based on the needs they see fit.
Task Description 1. Coordinating monthly online meetings, including minute taking 2. Coordinating, compiling and sharing RT members’ reports 3. Assisting the RD with the revision and update of the European Regulations 4. Assisting in the monthly implementation of publications (e.g. European Sting) 5. Managing and moderating posts on IFMSA - European Region Facebook page 6. Preparing and updating the resources folder on the regional priorities 7. Coordinating SWG on a respective regional priority, if SWG is deemed necessary 8. Developing and coordinating regional campaigns on a respective regional priority (in collaboration with respective SC) 9. Communicating with the NMOs alongside the RD and other assistants 10. Assisting in the facilitation of Presidents’ Sessions during the Regional Meetings and the Regional Sessions during General Assemblies 11. Preparing a handover manual for the next General Assistant
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Regional Directors’ Assistants Europe
Selection Criteria
1. Strong motivation and ability to maintain high-quality work 2. Experience with using Google Drive and proficiency in using design tools 3. International experience (attended at least one GA and/or RM, participated in SWGs, etc.) 4. Availability for the entire term, including prompt response time to urgent emails and timely response to other emails 5. Availability to attend the European Regional Meeting 6. Availability to attend at least one General Assembly 7. Availability to meet online with the European Team at least once per month 8. Availability to meet online with the RD at least once per month 9. Good command of written and spoken English 10. Excellent teamwork, leadership and communication skills 11. A strong sense of responsibility and orientation towards results
Fundraising & Development Assistant The Fundraising and Development Assistant will be in charge of supporting the Regional Team and the NMOs with evaluating and implementing the European Strategy, mainly in strengthening NMOs developmental aspects and helping out with financial matters.
Task Description 1. Implementing the European Strategy with the RD and other assistants, specifically with regards to: • supporting NMOs with applying for Erasmus+ and other European grants, • supporting NMOs with the creation of a financial plan, • creating a platform for NMO collaboration in financial matters • supporting NMO Strategy development 2. Assisting the RD in compiling and assessing the Need Assessment Form and the NMO reports 3. Planning NMO capacity building in internal communication matters alongside the RD and the Capacity Building RA 4. Communicating with the NMOs alongside the RD and other assistants 5. Assisting in the facilitation of Presidents’ Sessions during the Regional Meetings and the Regional Sessions during General Assemblies 6. Preparing a handover manual for the next Fundraising and Development Assistant
Regional Directors’ Assistants Europe
Fundraising & Development Assistant Selection Criteria 1. Vast experience in fundraising and financial matters 2. Extensive, and ideally successful, experience with applying for European grants (e.g. Erasmus +, European Commission, Council of Europe, etc.) 3. Good knowledge of NMOs structures, and the Region’s main issues and priorities 4. International experience (attended at least one GA and/or RM, participated in SWGs, etc.) 5. Availability for the entire term, including prompt response time to urgent emails and timely response to other emails 6. Availability to attend the European Regional Meeting 7. Availability to attend at least one General Assembly 8. Availability to meet online with the European Team at least once per month 9. Availability to meet online with the RD at least once per month 10. Good command of written and spoken English 11. Excellent teamwork, leadership and communication skills 12. A strong sense of responsibility and orientation towards results
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee On Medical Education (SCOME)
International Team Introduction
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes machinery of SCOME? Do you want to be a whole orchestra to play it.” - H. Luccock. the change you want to see in Medical Education? Implementing the SCOME vision and mission isn’t a one-man show. Every year, a regionally diverse team comes to join the SCOME Director and Liaison Officer on Medical Education issues in order to work together, so as to engage members worldwide in creating an impact on Medical Education Systems locally, and globally. Joining the SCOME International Team is genuinely a transformative process: as the desire to change the state of students involvement in Medical Education is what ignites the motivation to take an international leadership role, the Team’s impact relies on instigating collaboration with members worldwide, through a close communication and a constant availability during the term to empower medical students worldwide with knowledge, skills and motivation to question one’s medical education system, and thus ignite the change process. So, are you ready to show commitment, hard work, and dedication to creating an impact through SCOME? Do you think you have got the knowledge, skills, and motivation to participate in the leadership
If Yes is the answer to all the questions above, then this call is for you! Read the application process further detailed in this document, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me through marouane.amzil.007@gmail. com . All the love, Marou
Available Positions • SCOME General Assistant (1) • SCOME Development Assistant (1) • SCOME Regional Assistant: - Africa (1) - Americas (1) - Asia-Pacific (1) - EMR (1) - Europe (1)
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Standing Committee On Medical Education (SCOME) International Team
Team Structure Description Team Structure Description: Collaboration is one of the core values of the SCOME International Team. All the roles that are further detailed below are designed in order to engage all team members as team players and speak with one voice, the voice of the SCOME International Team. As the Regional Assistants are our connecting bridges to our members worldwide, the General and Development Assistants play a major role in providing the team with the tools to support and strengthen collaboration with members worldwide
General TeamAssistant Structure(1) Description The SCOME General Assistant is the vessel that connects all members of the team. This position embodies the values of accountability and collaboration, as through the belowdescribed tasks, they ensure the team’s commitment to the annual working plan execution and develop collaboration routes with and within the SCOME International Team.
Task Description 1. Establish communication within the International Team through scheduling and following-up on the monthly online meetings. 2. Ensure the accountability of the International Team by preparing and timely organize the monthly reports. 3. Develop a plan for online communication with members that allows the visibility and accessibility of SCOME related information and opportunities on our communication platforms. 4. Collaborate with the VPPRC and Publications Team in matters concerning SCOME publications. 5. Review, update and organize the resources and information shared with members, through continuous update and promotion of the SCOME Public Folder. 6. Coordinate the interregional collaboration within the SCOME International Team and develop strategies to activate and enhance the involvement of NMOs in SCOME.
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee On Medical Education (SCOME) International Team
7. Assist the SCOME Director in following up and reporting on the SCOME Strategy 18-21. 8. Assist the SCOME Director in the preparations and follow up for the General Assemblies’ SCOME Sessions and in the overview of the preparations and follow up for the Regional Meetings. 9. Contribute to the execution of the international team’s annual working plan.
Selection Criteria 1. Excellent mastery of spoken and written English, as it is important for taking minutes of meetings and communication. 2. Previous experience in SCOME, whether on a local, national or international level 3. Previous experience in G Suite (Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Sheet, Google Maps…), online communication (internal and public social media platforms) and media design (posters, videos, gifs…) 4. Previous attendance to SCOME Sessions in one IFMSA Meeting or Regional Meeting. 5. Good facilitation skills: previous attendance to an IFMSA certified SCOME Workshop (TMET or AMET). 6. Great sense of accountability: readiness to engage the team to follow-up and commit to internal deadlines, as well as the ability to deal with a high workload. 7. Great sense of creativity regarding promoting SCOME and its tools towards members worldwide. 8. Great sense of initiative and leadership within the SCOME IT. 9. Availability during the term for frequent Online Meetings with the SCOME Director, and eventually the LME and the SCOME IT. 10. Availability during the term to attend at least one IFMSA General Assembly, and eventually Pre-General Assembly or a Regional Meeting.
Development Assistant (1) The SCOME Development Assistant represents one of the core values of SCOME IT, which is: Quality. This position has the responsibility in assuring the quality of the tools SCOME provides members worldwide, such as the development and follow-up on Capacity Building Workshops, or involvement of SCOME related IFMSA Programs in the local and global SCOME Activity.
Standing Committee On Medical Education (SCOME) International Team
Task Description 1. Establish regular communication with workshop coordinators and ensure the abidance of the SCOME Capacity Building Regulations and Capacity Building Internal Operating Guidelines 2. Follow up on the SCOME workshops, producing an annual impact report by the IFMSA General Assembly meeting in August 3. Develop and coordinate with the SCOME Director the workshop proposals for preGeneral Assemblies and pre-Regional Meetings 4. Coordinate the collaboration between the International Team and the relevant Program Coordinators, through developing joint actions aiming to promote the implementation of IFMSA Programs 5. Collaborate with the General Assistant on the review, update and organization of capacity building resources and information shared with members 6. Contribute to the execution of the international team’s annual working plan
Selection Criteria 1. Excellent mastery of spoken and written English, as for example it is important for workshops proposals development and review 2. Previous experience in SCOME, whether on a local, national or international level 3. Having a trainer education, namely an IFMSA Medical Education Trainer 4. Previous experience in SCOME Capacity Building: participation or preferably coordinating a SCOME related workshop 5. Previous experience in G Suite (Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Sheet, Google Maps‌) 6. Basic knowledge about Research and impact assessment 7. Previous attendance to SCOME Sessions in one IFMSA Meeting or Regional Meeting 8. Great sense of accountability: readiness to engage the team to follow-up and commit to internal deadlines, as well as the ability to deal with a high workload 9. Availability during the term to attend at least one IFMSA Meeting, and at least PreGeneral Assembly or a Pre-Regional Meeting 10. Online availability to review proposals and respond to emails within a short frame of time
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee On Medical Education (SCOME) International Team
Regional Assistant (5) Accessibility is the main value the SCOME Regional Assistant represents. Being the bridge between the global vision of SCOME and the local actions of members is a crucial role to embody the IFMSA motto “thinking globally, and acting locally”. A bridge means a two ways road, where the SCOME International Team supports members worldwide in developing their local actions, as well as understanding the different approaches to students involvement in Medical Education.
Task Description: 1. Establish regular and active communication with and among NMOs in the region and SCOME 2. Assess the regional needs and collaborate with the International Team to establish regional priorities with internal and external goals 3. Be responsible for the SCOME sessions at the Regional Meetings, as well as Regional sessions at General Assemblies 4. Encourage interregional collaboration between fellow regional assistants 5. Share relevant information on Medical Education opportunities and resources for the region 6. Contribute to the execution of the international team’s annual working plan
Selection Criteria 1. Good mastery of spoken and written English, as it is important for communication with NMOs 2. Previous experience in SCOME, whether on a local, national or international level
3. Previous attendance to SCOME Sessions in one IFMSA Meeting or Regional Meeting 4. Good understanding and a clear plan for NMOs development in Medical Education within the respective region 5. Availability during the term to attend the respective Regional Meeting, at least one IFMSA General Assembly, and eventually Pre-General Assembly 6. Good facilitation skills: previous attendance to an IFMSA certified SCOME Workshop (TMET or AMET) 7. Great sense of accountability: readiness to engage with the team and commit to internal deadlines, as well as the ability to deal with a high workload 8. Great sense of creativity regarding promoting SCOME and its tools towards members worldwide 9. Great sense of initiative and leadership within the SCOME IT
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee On Professional Exchange (SCOPE)
International Team Introduction My beloved SCOPEople,
Are you sure you wanna miss this chance?
October 1st is coming fast and for that, It’s a major opportunity for personal and I would like YOU to be part of the SCOPE professional growth. It’s the moment for International Team 2019/2020. you to show the world your skills, share I remember when I read this call last year. experiences and your knowledge. It’s A mix of excitement and nervousness. I YOUR moment! must say, writing this call is making me feel the same way again!!! I am waiting for you <3 Well, I will try to show you some of the advantages of becoming part of the International Team according to my Gaby Macedo SCOPE experience... Director 2019/2020 Being part of the SCOPE IT last term has given me extra skills that will follow me forever in my professional and personal life. Some of them are Conflict Management and Problem Solving, dealing with different cultures and how • 1 General Assistant (GA) to respect them, despite, of course, some • 1 External Development Assistant Google and Canva skills hahaha. (EDA) But the biggest and best thing was: having • 1 Internal Development Assistant another family. I trust my IT everything! (IDA) Every good or bad thing. Every tear of joy • 5 Regional Assistants (RA) being or sadness. We really are a family. one for each Region Besides, I had a bigger one: the NEOs! An amazing and crazy family. They not only gave me the strength to step up and apply for Director, they also have been my main source of motivation.
Available Positions
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Standing Committee On Professional Exchange (SCOPE) International Team
Team Structure Description: Those 8 people + SCOPE Director + LME will be a family for 366 days. Respect, trust, understanding, good communication, transparency, motivation, commitment, and hard work are expected. Together, if everybody sticks to those words, we will achieve success! Of course, sometimes things may get hectic and stressful, but as a family, we will overcome it all. Most important: you will not be alone! Both I and Mental Health Watch for the IT will be there to support you. Are you ready to join the SCOPE Directorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Army? Composed by Captain Marvel (GA), Iron Man/Woman (EDA), the Elder Wand (IDA) and Supergirl/Superman (RA), this is the incredible team for next term. Check out below their special skills...
Team Structure Description
General TeamAssistant Structure(1) Description The General Assistant will work closely with the SCOPE Director and some tasks can be jointly worked on. The most important are: database issues, check new IT company, manage the Capacity Building events in SCOPE and Public Health Exchanges. More specific tasks vary throughout the term and they will be outlined by the SCOPE-D based on the needs she sees fit.
Task Description 1. Fulfill the tasks mentioned in the SCOPE Regulations, specifically point 4.4.4 2. Keep the SCOPE Director updated on the progress on any tasks assigned to him/ her 3. Submit Monthly reports, Mid-Term / Endterm reports as the rest of the SCOPE International Team as well as collection and compilation of reports of the SCOPE IT 4. Assist in the achievement of the Annual Working Plan
5. Help with the Exchange Platform (database) by collecting all bugs from NEOs, reproducing the errors, dividing them according to a scale of priority and then forwarding them to the SCOPE Director, alongside with developing a list of minor improvements for the Exchange Platform 6. Improve the Public Health Exchanges with SCOPH and SCORE ITs 7. Constantly update the NEOs and SCOPE Director regarding the database 8. Help in the minutes and action plans of the SCOPE IT Online Meetings
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee On Professional Exchange (SCOPE) International Team
9. Help in the compilation of late CAs and SCOPE statistics 10. Perform an Evaluation of the exchange program of each NMO (with the help of the SCOPE IT) by collecting the results of the database EFs 11. Work on Capacity Building within SCOPE, ensuring TNET and PRETs be up to the same standard of quality (with the help of the SCOPE and SCORE ITs) and following up on the Exchange Trainers. Work on the update of the CB database. Collaborate with the CB IT 12. Assisting the SCOPE-D in creating and managing forms and surveys as well as Google Calendar for SCOPE 13. Be involved in contacts with the IT company and future companies 14. Facilitate the process of updating the most necessary SCOPE Manuals 15. Assist SCOPE D in Development of the new Global Health Theme strategy, actively involve NMOs in participation 16. Help SCOPE D in maintaining SCOPE Social Networks Pages (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) 17. Take care of creating/updating SCOPE IT Handover manuals and the general handover manual for the NEOs 18. Assist the SCOPE-D in the creation of the new SCOPE Strategic Plan 19. Create infographics related to SCOPE if/ when needed 20. Attend SCOPE IT Online Meetings, at least once per month
GA Selection Criteria 1. Must be a member of a SCOPE Active NMO 2. Should have experience within SCOPE (preferably be a former or current NEO or VPX), and have knowledge of the database and the Global Health strategy 3. Should have experience in capacity building within SCOPE (preferably be an Exchange Trainer) 4. Should be available for the entire term 5. Have internet access for frequent online meetings regularly and respond to emails within two days 6. Should be motivated and creative to improve the positionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s working area 7. Take part in every discussion within SCOPE 8. Respect deadlines - very high value 9. Should be able to attend both General Assemblies, better if you also can attend TNET and any PRET 10. Work transparently and be willing to learn 11. Have good skills in English and high skills with Information and Technologies tools 12. Should be willing to help the rest of the team if they are overloaded by work
Standing Committee On Professional Exchange (SCOPE) International Team
Internal Development Assistant (1): The IDA will work closely with the SCOPE Director and some tasks can be jointly worked on. The main goal will be to keep improving and developing SCOPE internally. We have unfinished initiatives and even more ideas. The IDA will be working closely with the whole SCOPE IT and specifically with RAs in terms of implementation of the initiatives into actions.
Task Description 1. Fulfill the tasks mentioned in the SCOPE Regulations, specifically point 4.4.4 2. Keep the SCOPE Director updated on the progress on any tasks assigned to him/ her 3. Submit monthly and mid-term and endterm reports as the rest of the SCOPE International Team 4. Assist in the achievement of the Annual Working Plan 5. Help in preparations of the SCOPE Sessions for General Assemblies together with the Sessions Team 6. Work intensively on Educational Activities: implementing the ready ones (Global Health Training, Basic Surgical Skills Training) and creating new ones (e.g. Patients History Taking, etc.) 7. Assessment, follow up on and implementation of SCOPE Initiatives (Trilateral Exchanges, SCOPE-SCORE Exchanges, Exchanges in Multiple Departments, Preclinical Exchanges, etc.) 8. Being the link and the main contact person in the Inter Standing Committee and
Programs Coordinators Collaboration 9. Internal Development Assistant is responsible for all the main work related to Exchanges Week 10. Attend SCOPE IT Online Meetings, at least once per month 11. Creating, sharing and promotion Pre Departure Training guidelines, including but not limited to the UNESCO PDT 12. Being the main responsible for the creation of new manuals after reviewing with the IT and agreeing on the most useful ones 13. Analyze the feasibility of the creation of MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses), to provide tools and knowledge to interested SCOPE Members located anywhere around the world, in collaboration with SCORE 14. Responsible for other ways of online Capacity Building in collaboration with the CB IT and SCOPE GA, facilitate the work when agreed on the way
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee On Professional Exchange (SCOPE) International Team
IDA Selection Criteria 1. Must be a member of a SCOPE Active NMO 2. Should have experience within SCOPE (preferably be a former or current NEO or VPX), and be aware of the main initiatives; 3. Should have knowledge of Academic Quality within SCOPE, evaluation and impact assessment 4. Should be available for the entire term 5. Have internet access for frequent online meetings regularly and respond to emails within two days 6. Should be motivated and creative to improve the positionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s working area
7. Take part in every discussion within SCOPE 8. Respect deadlines - very high value 9. Should be able to attend both General Assemblies, better if you also can attend Regional Meeting and any PRET 10. Work transparently and be willing to learn 11. Have good skills in English and high skills with Information and Technologies tools 12. Should be willing to help the rest of the team if they are overloaded by work
External Development Assistant (1) The EDA will work closely with the SCOPE Director and LME and some tasks can be jointly worked on. The main goals will be to keep improving and developing SCOPE externally, to improve our external representation with a big emphasis on the recognition of exchanges. The EDA will be working closely with the LME as well as with the whole SCOPE IT and specifically with RAs in terms of recognition and visa issues.
Task Description : 1. Fulfill the tasks mentioned in the SCOPE Regulations, specifically point 4.4.4 2. Act as the link between the SCOPE IT and the LME 3. Keep the SCOPE Director updated on the progress on any tasks assigned to him/her 4. Submit monthly and mid-term and end-term reports as the rest of the SCOPE International Team
Standing Committee On Professional Exchange (SCOPE) International Team
5. Assist in the achievement of the Annual Working Plan 6. Help in preparations of the SCOPE Sessions for General Assemblies together with the Sessions Team 7. Work together with SCOPE-D and LME in order to gain Recognition of Exchanges in NMOs/LCs: 8. Perform and analyze an extensive survey on Recognition of Exchanges 9. Create a strategy and define the most vulnerable targets 10. Update Endorsement Letters 11. Other tasks if deemed needed by SCOPE-D, LME, EB 12. In collaboration with the LME, LOSO, LWHO, and EB members create the strategy on tackling the Visa issues for students going to an exchange 13. Together with the SCOPE-D and LME facilitating the External Representation work: 14. Looking for and working on applications on various grants that could be suitable for SCOPE work 15. Investigating possible conferences where SCOPE work could be reported 16. Submitting the abstracts in external journals after agreeing with the SCOPE-D 17. Identifying opportunities for SCOPE mainly in the field of Global Health Education. 18. Developing the SCOPE Magazine,
with articles from NMOs sharing their Exchange related experiences focusing on Externals and tutors 19. Maintaining the collaboration with external organizations together with SCOPE-D and LME: 20. CUGH – on Global Health Strategy 21. IADS – on SCOPE-IADS exchanges 22. AIESEC, Erasmus, etc. – on visa issues 23. Any other that may appear in the Needs Assessment to be sent at the beginning of the term 24. Keep the collaboration with the current Insurance company and search for others, especially in terms of liability and malpractice insurance 25. Keep updated the Stakeholder map related to the needs of SCOPE together with the stakeholder manual 26. Updating the Endorsement letters in collaboration with the LME and creating the plan on the most needed ones 27. In collaboration with the LME creating the new endorsed SCOPE Handbooks 28. Following up on the Evaluation Form (Pre- and Post-) system after its implementation and assess the impact 29. Endorse the Educational Activities created by previous IDA within the term 30. Attend SCOPE IT Online Meetings
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee On Professional Exchange (SCOPE) International Team
EDA Selection Criteria 1. Selection Criteria 2. Must be a member of a SCOPE Active NMO 3. Should have experience within SCOPE (preferably be a former or current NEO or VPX), and be aware of the main initiatives 4. Should have knowledge of Academic Quality within SCOPE, evaluation and impact assessment 5. Should be available for the entire term 6. Have internet access for frequent online meetings regularly and respond to emails within two days 7. Should be motivated and creative to improve the positionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s working area 8. Take part in every discussion within SCOPE
9. Respect deadlines - very high value 10. Should be able to attend both General Assemblies, better if you also can attend Regional Meeting and any PRET 11. Work transparently and be willing to learn 12. Have good skills in English and high skills with Information and Technologies tools 13. Have good advocacy skills and preferably the experience of collaboration with externals 14. Have knowledge of how to look for scientific articles on the internet 15. Should be willing to help the rest of the team if they are overloaded by work
Regional Assistants (5) The RAs are the link between the SCOPE Director and the NEOs of each region. RAs manage SCOPE in their respective regions, from contacting and developing new NEOs and NMOs to managing any problems within the region in collaboration with the SCOPE Director and the Regional Director (both of them must be regularly updated about what is happening in the region). It is a fully committed member of the SCOPE IT ready to work closely with all the members (other RAs, GA, DAs, D) in order to achieve the best outcome.
Task Description : 1. Fulfill the tasks mentioned in the SCOPE Regulations, specifically point 4.3 2. The RAs shall assist the SCOPE Director in the realization of her Annual Working Plan, and work on the basics of Academic Quality within the region (selection of outgoings, Pre-Departure Training (PDT), Upon Arrival Training (UAT), etc.) as well as the other tasks 3. They should help NEOs in preparations for the IFMSA International Meetings including
Standing Committee On Professional Exchange (SCOPE) International Team
but not limited to following up on accomplishing the Voting Rights status of all the SCOPE Active NMOs of the Region 4. The RAs should (at least four times per term) contact all NMOs, to see if they need any support including Mental Health issues. They should also contact all nonSCOPE Active NMOs and help them set up SCOPE in their country if they want to 5. They should also regularly organize online meetings with the NEOs (personal or group) of their region and if needed, webinars on specific topics, as well as facilitate discussions within the region and present the results to the SCOPE IT 6. The RAs should assist NMOs willing to organize a PRET (Professional and Research Exchange Training) in the preparation and agenda-setting (with the help of the SCOPE and SCORE IT) and follow up on the process in collaboration with the SCOPE GA 7. SCOPE Regional Assistant should stay in touch with SCORE RA of the same region and work together with him/ her on the joint projects (Regional Sessions, Regional Meetings, etc.) 8. Providing a link between their region and the SCOPE Director, and actively and regularly checking the status of each NMO in their region 9. Fulfilling any SCOPE related task requested by the SCOPE Director 10. Actively engaging him/herself in the recruitment of new NMOs within their region
11. Investigating and assisting in solving exchange problems in their region 12. Preparing and facilitating the SCOPE sessions at their Regional Meetings and delivering handouts and/or reports no later than 4 weeks afterward 13. Preparing and facilitating the SCOPE regional sessions at the IFMSA General Assemblies 14. Ensuring that NEOs filled out their ExPlore pages by the deadline in order to obtain voting rights 15. Checking NMOs Exchange Conditions from the NMOs within their region before the August Meeting, ensuring they do not violate the SCOPE Regulations 16. Attend SCOPE IT and Regional Team Online Meetings 17. Actively working on the SCOPE IT and the Regional Team 18. Actively searching for NMOs wishing to organize Professional and Research Exchange Training (PRET) in their region and informing them about application procedures, deadlines, and organizational details 19. Share the concerns of NEOs from the region to the IT to ensure discussion and participation 20. Last but not least, the Regional Assistants will be responsible for the SCOPE Sessions at the Regional Meeting, as well as the Regional Sessions at the General Assemblies
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee On Professional Exchange (SCOPE) International Team
RA Selection Criteria 1. Must be a member of a SCOPE Active NMO 2. Should be motivated to improve the region greatly 3. Should have experience within SCOPE (preferably be a former or current NEO or VPX and an Exchange Trainer) 4. Should be available for the entire term 5. Have internet access for frequent online meetings regularly and respond to emails within two days 6. Take part in every discussion within SCOPE 7. Respect deadlines - very high value 8. Should be able to attend at least one General Assembly and the Regional Meeting and possibly PRETs 9. Extensive knowledge of SCOPE Regulations 10. Work transparently, humbly and be willing to learn 11. Have good English skills and effectively work with technologies, especially Google Docs 12. Should be willing to help the rest of the team if they are overloaded by work
Standing Committee On Professional Exchange (SCOPE) International Team
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee On Public Health (SCOPH)
International Team Introduction Dearest SCOPHeroes,
requires of you and what you have to offer I am absolutely delighted to be sharing with the committee. Be well-acquainted with you the call for International Assistants for the needs of the people whom you intend to serve. Consult your predecessors to the the term 2019/2020. extent that it is appropriate and come up with Great achievement often comes from great an inspiring vision for your term. teams. As a great team, we will motivate each other to develop our lovely orange I look forward to reading your candidatures committee into an inspiring space for all and meeting you through the interviews that of our members. A team that is so people- will be conducted once the candidature is oriented that the members we serve are deemed valid. empowered to serve their communities If selected, you will have a year filled with through what we teach them. I envision the growth, through exciting challenges that will SCOPH International Team being balanced in get you out of your leadership comfort zone. that we will complement each other’s varied It will be a fun, fulfilling and fruitful term. strengths and in this way make up for each other’s weaknesses. The team needs people If you have any questions, please do not who are passionate about public health, who hesitate to contact me at sarahmaitho@ think creatively and critically to steer growth. or any of the current SCOPH IT members, we will be happy to answer any We have the SCOPH Strategy as our guiding question(s) you might have! star towards the SCOPH Vision to empower leaders and promote health. As the Strategy I wish you lots of energy, inspiration and enters its final two terms, we will be devoted courage as you take this step. towards its accomplishment and align all our Warm orange hugs, efforts to it. Sarah Maitho The SCOPH IT 2019-2020 will be composed of 1 General Assistant, 1 Development SCOPH Director 2019/20 Assistant, and 6 Regional Assistants, our very own Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues (Omnia El Omrani) and yours truly, myself. · General Assistant
Available Positions
As you write up your application, I encourage you to think critically about what the position
· Development Assistant • Regional Assistants (RA)
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Standing Committee On Public Health (SCOPH) International Team
Team Structure Description: The SCOPH IT 2019-2020 will be composed of 1 General Assistant, 1 Development Assistant, and 6 Regional Assistants, our very own Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues (Omnia El Omrani) and yours truly, myself. As often as is necessary, we shall have the Liaison Officers for Student Organisations (Saad Uakkas) and World Health Organisation (once appointed/elected) join us in the IT.
General TeamAssistant Structure(1) Description Task Description 1. Assisting in the formation and implementation of the SCOPH ITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Annual Working Plan, based on the AWPs of SCOPH Director and LPH 2. Helping the SCOPH Director in the implementation and evaluation of the SCOPH Strategy 2018-2021 3. Coordinating the IT meetings (including minute taking, and setting agendas for IT work) and IT reports 4. Reviewing and updating the SCOPH Public Database and its content, ensuring it follows IFMSA Privacy Policy and copyright usage 5. Collaborating with the VPPRC to update the IFMSA website and coordinate with the publications team 6. Coordinating SCOPHâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s communication channels and designing materials such as publications, infographics, and newsletters
7. Assisting the SCOPH Director in monitoring the Public Health Exchanges and revising NMO applications for Public Health Exchanges 8. Assisting the SCOPH Director in the evaluation and revision of SCOPH Regulations and Annexes 9. Assisting the IT in international campaigns and their other tasks and activities, including cooperating with the LPH on external representation opportunities 10. - Helping with planning, execution, and follow-up of SCOPH Sessions at General Assemblies 11. - Assisting in the preparation of Survival Kits and Follow-Up Kits for General Assemblies and Regional Meetings 12. - Attending the SCOPH IT Online Meetings (85% participation required), one-onone progress Online Meetings with the SCOPH Director and General Assemblies (recommended)
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee On Public Health (SCOPH) International Team
GA Selection Criteria 1. Fluency in written and spoken English 2. Sufficient understanding of SCOPH, SCOPH Strategy 3. General availability throughout the term â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the capability to attend SCOPH IT Online Meetings and both General Assemblies, having adequate internet access for timely response to emails 4. The motivation for the position and ability to follow and respect deadlines 5. Experience in SCOPH and/or public relations (should have at least one year experience in SCOPH and/or have attended at least one IFMSA International Meeting)
6. Experience with Google Drive, social media platforms and proficiency in using design tools 7. Good facilitation skills (recommended to have conducted at least one SCOPHrelated session previously, on the local, national or international level) 8. Clear and innovative ideas on how to engage members, enhance NMO involvement and increase the visibility of SCOPH within IFMSA 9. Be accessible to SCOPH members when needed to provide support and help in any of their endeavors
Development Assistant (1) Task Description : 1. Assisting in the formation and implementation of the SCOPH ITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Annual Working Plan, based on the AWPs of SCOPH Director and LPH 2. Helping the SCOPH Director in the implementation and evaluation of the SCOPH Strategy 2018-2021 3. Assisting RAs with activating SCOPH in NMOs, as well as support already active NMOs in SCOPH development and efforts 4. Fostering collaboration between Standing Committees 5. Assisting the IT in preparing materials (manuals, toolkits, etc.) and revising resources for capacity building 6. Identifying internal capacity building needs and developing strategies to tackle them 7. Collaborating with the VPCB in all SCOPH-related capacity building opportunities 8. Coordinating the SCOPH-related workshops in SRTs in all Regions 9. Developing, revising and updating SCOPH capacity-building guidelines and SCOPH workshop proposals for International Meetings with the SCOPH-D
Standing Committee On Public Health (SCOPH) International Team
10. Developing standardized criteria and evaluation tools for workshop quality assessment and improvement, including the follow-up methods 11. - Producing an annual impact report in line with SCOPH workshop assessment 12. - Coordinating the certification of SCOPH workshop Participants by liaising with the VPCB and VPA 13. - Assisting the IT in international campaigns and their other tasks and activities, including cooperating with the LPH on external representation opportunities 14. - Attending the SCOPH IT Online Meetings (85% participation required), one-onone progress Online Meetings with the SCOPH Director and General Assemblies (recommended)
GA Selection Criteria 1. Fluency in written and spoken English 2. Sufficient understanding of SCOPH, SCOPH Strategy 3. General availability throughout the term â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the capability to attend SCOPH IT Online Meetings and both General Assemblies, having adequate internet access for timely response to emails 4. The motivation for the position and ability to follow and respect deadlines 5. Experience in SCOPH (should have at least one year experience in SCOPH and/or have attended at least one IFMSA International Meeting) 6. Experience in capacity building/having a trainer education (preferably PHLT-related) 7. - Good facilitation skills (recommended to have conducted at least one SCOPH-related session previously, on the local, national or international level) 8. - Interest and experience in capacity building processes within IFMSA (e.g. SRT application processes) and developing assessment tools 9. - Be a hardworking team player with the ability to work transparently and take part in IT discussions 10. - Be accessible to SCOPH members when needed to provide support and help in any of their endeavors
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee On Public Health (SCOPH) International Team
Regional Assistant (2 for Europe, 1 for all other regions)
Task Description : 1. Assisting in the formation and implementation of the SCOPH ITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Annual Working Plan, based on the AWPs of SCOPH Director and LPH 2. Helping the SCOPH Director in the implementation and evaluation of the SCOPH Strategy 2018-2021 3. Aligning the work according to the SCOPH Strategy 2018-2021 and Regional Priorities 4. Assisting the DA with activating SCOPH in NMOs, and supporting already active NMOs in SCOPH development 5. Developing strategies to increase NMO involvement in SCOPH on a regional basis 6. Disseminating relevant information, documents, opportunities and calls to members in the Region 7. Preparing and facilitating the SCOPH Sessions at their respective Regional Meetings and Regional Sessions during General Assemblies 8. Preparing Survival Kits and Follow-up Kits 9. Promoting SCOPH-related opportunities and promoting collaboration between NMOs 10. Communicating with fellow Regional Assistants and ensuring transregional
collaboration, as well as sharing best practices 11. - Facilitating the enrolment of SCOPH Activities in IFMSA Programs and actively communicating with Program Coordinators for increased efficiency 12. Developing capacity building opportunities and SCOPH materials development for the Region 13. - Collaborating with the LPH and respective Regional Director on external representation opportunities and assisting in preparations for the meetings 14. -Assisting the IT in international campaigns and their other tasks and activities 15. - Attending the SCOPH IT Online Meetings (85% participation required), one-on-one progress Online Meetings with the SCOPH Director, respective Regional Meeting and General Assemblies (recommended)
Standing Committee On Public Health (SCOPH) International Team
RA Selection Criteria 1. Fluency in written and spoken English 2. Sufficient understanding of SCOPH, SCOPH Strategy 3. General availability throughout the term â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the capability to attend SCOPH IT Online Meetings and the Regional Meeting of their respective Region, having adequate internet access for timely response to emails 4. Recommended availability to attend also both General Assemblies and pre-Regional Meeting to conduct workshops if needed 5. The motivation for the position and ability to follow and respect deadlines 6. Experience in SCOPH (should have at least one year experience in SCOPH and/or have attended at least one IFMSA International Meeting) 7. Experience in organizing and planning sessions (preferably SCOPH-related) 8. Good facilitation skills (recommended to have conducted at least one SCOPH-related session previously, on the local, national or international level) 9. Interest and experience in Program enrolment 10. Have a clear strategy on increasing NMO involvement within SCOPH and enhancing communication 11. Be a hardworking team player with the ability to work transparently and take part in IT discussions 12. Be accessible to SCOPH members when needed to provide support and help in any of their endeavors
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (SCORA)
International Team Introduction Dearest members,
If you’re already smiling and with many ideas in your mind to write down, first take a breath, get your laptop and for any question you may have, do not ever ever hesitate to reach out to any current International Team member, or myself, as SCORA Director elect, we will be more than happy to assist you!
You cannot imagine how excited I am to be writing these lines to all of you, mainly those motivated or curious enough to go through the next pages and explore how the next term will look like. The positions’ descriptions have been carefully revised listening to various input from the current SCORA International All the best, Team - from here on abbreviated as IT members in order to maximize the impact we can achieve within the Standing Committee. On behalf of Egle and Lalu, LRA elect and This will ensure the proper division of the SCORA Director elect, workload and continuity with the previous term.
Lalu Being a part of the International Team is certainly a unique adventure you can live in IFMSA. If you feel ready to challenge yourself, if you are shaking with emotion, looking forward to learn things you didn’t know you could learn, put in practice all your skills and your knowledge on SRHR, this message is for you! We are looking for hardworking, creative and extremely passionate members that are willing to be team-players and contribute to the development of our Standing Committee and have the time of their lives on the way!
Available Positions · Regional Assistant for Africa · Regional Assistant for the Americas · Regional Assistant for Asia Pacific · Regional Assistant for EMR · Regional Assistant for Europe · General Assistant · Development Assistant for Member Engagement · Development Assistant for Capacity Building
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Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (SCORA) International Team
Team Structure Description: For this next term, the IT positions have been restructured with the following purposes: having member engagement and capacity Building as priorities and maximizing the potential of every position without compromising the quality of the work. Paying attention to the workloads, tasks overlaps and envisioning a functional and understandable structure, the outcome has been the division of the Development Assistant tasks into two different positions that prioritise member engagement and capacity-building in order to support RAs in these respective areas and increase the synergies in the team, having more internal collaborations between all the integrants of the team: the GA, DAs, RAs, Director and LRA.
General TeamAssistant Structure(1) Description The General Assistant will ensure active and consistent communication within the team and with members. It is the responsibility of the General Assistant to coordinate together with the SCORA Director the International Team’s online meetings – ensuring the scheduling, minute taking and proper follow up;-and to guarantee the team’s accountability through reporting. Additionally, the GA will work on SCORA X-changes closely and thoroughly, ensure some basic publication work and assist the SCORA Director on SC related tasks.
Task Description 1. Contribute to the implementation of the SCORA Director and the LRA’s Annual Working Plans 2. Attend the Online Meetings for the Standing Committee International Team 3. Attend General Assemblies (strongly recommended) 4. To be available and active in the planning, execution, and follow-up of SCORA sessions at General Assemblies 5. Support the SCORADirector on the revision and update of the SCORA Regulations
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (SCORA) International Team
6. Coordinate all tasks related to SCORA X Change: o Promote of the calls for host and participants o Acceptance of proposals and follow up with OCs o Evaluation of each season o Work on the improvement of the SXC academic quality o Incorporate a Code of Conduct to the Regulations o Develop a follow-up system for participants to facilitate their engagement after the SXC in International opportunities and also at a national level 7. Develop communication guidelines for the Standing Committee 8. Coordinate the general publications work, sharing calls and relevant information via email and other online platforms 9. Coordinate and issue the bimonthly SCORA newsletter 10. Coordinate the IT monthly report system and mental Health watch 11. Support the SCORA Director with the monthly OLM preparations and follow up
GA Selection Criteria 1. Must have a sufficient understanding of SCORA X changes 2. Must have experience and knowledge of using social media and using design tools 3. Should have at least one year of experience in SCORA, having been involved in any kind of way at the local, national or international level 4. Availability to attend General Assemblies (strongly recommended) 5. Should have attended at least one IFMSA International Meeting (Regional Meeting or General Assembly) 6. Should have good facilitation skills and have facilitated at least one SCORA related session previously, either on the local, national or international level
7. Be available for the entire term (October 2019 - September 2020) and have sufficient and constant internet access for frequent online meetings and responding to emails within two days 8. Respect deadlines, work transparently and take part in every discussion within the SCORA IT 9. Should be accessible to SCORA members when needed and help them out with any subject they require 10. Should have sufficient spoken and written English skills 11. Must be motivated and passionate about SCORA as well as hardworking and able to work in a team 12. Should be able to develop new approaches and have new ideas on how to perform their tasks 70
Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (SCORA) International Team
Development Assistant for Capacity Building Team Structure Description In order to analyze and address the capacity building needs of the Standing Committee in an adequate and impactful manner, the position of Development Assistant for CB has been created. This way, apart from centralizing in one person this key aspect of our work, the RAs can also benefit from the collaboration with this new position when needed guaranteeing the quality of their CB moments such as cooperations and SRTs follow up among others.
Task Description 1. Contribute to the implementation of the SCORA Director and the LRAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Annual Working Plans 2. Attend IT monthly online meetings 3. Attend General Assemblies (strongly recommended) 4. Draft proposals for pre-General Assemblies and per Regional Meetings workshops 5. Coordinate a SCORA Capacity Building needs assessment analyzing the NMO report and other relevant questionnaires. 6. Coordinate the creation of a peer education training in the online training platform 7. Align our current workshops with the CB Internal Operational Guidelines 8. Follow up on the HEAT manual issuing, implementation and evaluation
9. Coordinate the development of a new SRHR essentials training to be proposed in pre-General Assemblies 10. Be the main contact person for SRTs inquiries. 11. Collaborate with the VPCB team on the acceptance of SCORA workshops proposals, follow up and evaluation including certification of OC and participants. 12. 13. Collaborate with RAs on the preparations, promotion, follow up and evaluation of their respective cooperations such as LACMA, NECSE, SECSE and NORA Weekend 14. Explore ways to connect trainers after their participation in workshops via online as part of the follow-up
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (SCORA) International Team
DA CB Selection Criteria 1. Must have a sufficient understanding of at least one SCORA training; or substantial capacity-building experience 2. Should have at least one year of experience in SCORA, having been involved in any kind of way at the local, national or international level 3. Availability to attend General Assemblies (strongly recommended) 4. Should have attended at least one IFMSA International Meeting (Regional Meeting or General Assembly) 5. Should have good facilitation skills and have facilitated at least one SCORA related session previously, either on the local, national or international level 6. Be available for the entire term (October
2019 - September 2020) and have sufficient and constant internet access for frequent online meetings and responding to emails within two days 7. Respect deadlines, work transparently and take part in every discussion within the SCORA IT 8. Should be accessible to SCORA members when needed and help them out with any subject they require 9. Should have sufficient spoken and written English skills 10. Must be motivated and passionate about SCORA as well as hardworking and able to work in a team 11. Should be able to develop new approaches and have new ideas on how to perform their tasks
Development Assistant for Member Engagement: With the purpose of having members as the centre of all IT efforts, these new task division will enable the IT to be constantly reminded that the creation of new opportunities, the engagement in campaigns and the close work with Programme Coordinators itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s essential for the next year to be successful. The Development Assistant for Member Engagement will also work closely with the RAs in the activation of SCORA in NMOs, support regional campaigns and encourage transregional collaborations.
Task Description
1. Contribute to the implementation of the SCORA Director and the LRAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Annual Working Plans 2. Attend IT monthly online meetings 3. Attend General Assemblies (strongly recommended) 72
Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (SCORA) International Team
4. Conduct an evaluation of the strategic plan 2017-2019 and propose a way to proceed (add annexes if needed) in the MM till the alignment of strategies in IFMSA. 5. Main contact person for Program Coordinators and their inclusion in the Standing Committee activities 6. Coordination of the creation of Small Working Groups for major campaigns or the creation of manuals and toolkits 7. Work on the standardization of campaigns concept notes, guidelines for the preparations and timelines, follow up and evaluation
8. Ensure the Campaign calendar is followed 9. Coordinate the SCORA Online Open Spaces 10. Be responsible for the activation of the Standing Committee in NMOs that are not SCORA active collaboration with the RAs 11. Be responsible for encouraging the creation of regional campaigns and transregional collaborations 12. Reform and regularly update the SCORA Database
Selection Criterea 1. Must have a sufficient understanding of strategic planning, IFMSA programs, small working groups and previous experience on campaigning. 2. Must have experience and knowledge of using social media and using design tools 3. Should have at least one year of experience in SCORA, having been involved in any kind of way at the local, national or international level 4. Availability to attend General Assemblies (strongly recommended) 5. Should have attended at least one IFMSA International Meeting (Regional Meeting or General Assembly) 6. Should have good facilitation skills and have facilitated at least one SCORA related session previously, either on the
local, national or international level 7. Be available for the entire term (October 2019 - September 2020) and have sufficient and constant internet access for frequent online meetings and responding to emails within two days 8. Respect deadlines, work transparently and take part in every discussion within the SCORA IT 9. Should be accessible to SCORA members when needed and help them out with any subject they require 10. Should have sufficient spoken and written English skills 11. Must be motivated and passionate about SCORA as well as hardworking and able to work in a team 12. Should be able to develop new approaches and have new ideas on how to perform their tasks
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (SCORA) International Team
Regional Assistants (5): SCORA Regional Assistants (RAs) are the link between the NORAs of each region and the SCORA IT. They are expected to disseminate documents, calls, campaigns, information and initiatives within their respective regions. Communication between the RAs and the Director is key in order for the SCORA Director to be informed about what’s happening in each region and assist whenever it’s needed. The RAs also facilitate discussions within the region, conduct capacity building spaces such as Online Meetings and are responsible for the SCORA sessions at their respective Regional Meeting as well as the Regional Sessions at the General Assemblies.
Task Description 1. Contribute to the implementation of the SCORA Director and the LRA’s Annual Working Plans 2. Attending the correspondent Regional Meeting (mandatory) 3. Attend General Assemblies (strongly recommended) 4. Be responsible for planning, facilitating and following up on the Regional SC Session in Regional Meetings and the General Assemblies 5. Assisting with SCORA International Campaigns, Small Working Groups, manuals, and the SCORA Open Spaces 6. Cooperating with the LRA on external representation opportunities within their Region 7. Attending the Online Meetings for the Regional Team and the Standing Committee International Team actively participating in the discussions. 8. Providing a link between their region and the SC-Director and LO, as well as actively and regularly checking the status of the work within the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health and rights in
SCORA-active NMO in their region 9. Assessing the needs of the region together with the Regional Director and SCORA members to proactively fulfill said needs 10. Disseminating SCORA relevant documents, opportunities and calls to members in the region 11. Working with Development Assistant for Member Engagement on activating NMOs in their region 12. Contacting and working together with the Development assistant and VPCB RA on capacity building events held within the region 13. Reporting and assisting in solving any SC-related problems within their region 14. Promoting and embracing regional initiatives and encouraging regional and trans-regional collaboration 15. Assisting NMOs in enrolling their projects in IFMSA programs and ensure proper linkage with the Program Coordinators 16. For the RA for Europe: being the main coordinator for NORA weekend preparations, execution and follow up
Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (SCORA) International Team
RA Selection Criterea 1. Must have a sufficient understanding of the ongoing issues in SCORA in their region 2. Should have at least one year of experience in SCORA, having been involved in any kind of way at the local, national or international level 3. Availability to attend Regional Meeting (mandatory) 4. Availability to attend General Assemblies (strongly recommended) 5. Should have attended at least one IFMSA International Meeting (Regional Meeting or General Assembly) 6. Should have good facilitation skills and have facilitated at least one SCORA related session previously, either on the local, national or international level 7. Be available for the entire term (October
2019 - September 2020) and have sufficient and constant internet access for frequent online meetings and responding to emails within two days 8. Respect deadlines, work transparently and take part in every discussion within the SCORA IT 9. Should be accessible to SCORA members when needed and help them out with any subject they require 10. Should have sufficient spoken and written English skills 11. Must be motivated and passionate about SCORA as well as hardworking and able to work in a team 12. Should be able to develop new approaches and have new ideas on how to perform their tasks
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE)
International Team Introduction Dear SCOREans, It is my pleasure to open the call for the SCORE International Team for the term 2019/2020. The first SCORE Strategic Plan has come to an end and the post 2019 era has begun for SCORE. Building on the achievements of the past terms and developing new ideas will be the drivers for this upcoming term. So if you are passionate about SCORE and want to work on developing our Standing Committee together with an amazing International Team, don’t hesitate and apply to be part of the next SCORE IT! IFMSA runs the largest student-run exchange program in the world, filling in the gap of the lack of access to research and research education. As a SCORE IT member, you will meet and serve the thousands of NOREs, LOREs, CPs and Exchange enthusiasts who work tirelessly to organize Research Exchanges with an outstanding quality. However, you will also help and motivate SCOREans to organize research activities, campaigns, and capacity building events, expanding the scope of our work. During this upcoming term we will not only focus on strengthening Academic Quality throughout all NMOs, but also on Research Education and advocacy of our Research Exchange program. To achieve all our goals, we will collaborate as the biggest International Team in IFMSA with 1 General Assistant, 1 Internal Development Assistant, 1 External Development Assistant, 5 Regional Assistants and 5 Supervising Board members (elected by the SCORE Working Committee). Furthermore, the Liaison Officer for Medical Education Issues (LME) will be an integral member of our team.
Our plans will be ambitious and the workload will be high. Therefore, be prepared to dedicate yourself
fully, work hard and to face challenges throughout the term. Luckily, we will work together as a team to achieve our goals and we will face all challenges together. Always remember that you will have a whole team to support you and that by the end of the term this IT will be your new SCORE family.
Below you can find an overview of the team structure and a detailed description for each position. I encourage you to read the SCORE Strategic Plan 2016-2019 (here) and the Manual on Research Exchange (here) for more information. Do not hesitate to contact me at mattpierre1997@gmail. com (email) or +32475505657 (Whatsapp) in case you have any questions. I look forward to reading your applications! Big blue hugs,
Matthieu Pierre SCORE-D 2019/2020
Available Positions
· General Assistant · Internal Development Assistant · External Development Assistant · Regional Assistant for Africa · Regional Assistant for Americas · Regional Assistant for Asia-Pacific · Regional Assistant for EMR · Regional Assistant for Europe
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Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) International Team
Team Structure Description: The SCORE International Team 2019/2020 will differ from the previous SCORE ITs in several aspects based on my experience and consultations with current and previous IT members. First of all, there will only be one External and one Internal Development Assistant, which reduces the number of Development Assistants from three to two. However, the workload regarding development tasks will only increase. Therefore, we will see a shift from development tasks towards Supervising Board members and Regional Assistants in order for everyone in the SCORE IT to be involved in developing our dark blue Standing Committee. Secondly, there will be a much closer collaboration with the Liaison Officer for Medical Education Issues as well as other Liaison Officers and Regional Directors in order to increase our visibility and collaboration with externals.
General TeamAssistant Structure(1) Description The SCORE General Assistant usually has two main responsibilities, the IFMSA Exchange Platform & database as well as Capacity Building in SCORE. Furthermore, taking minutes of meetings and compiling SCORE IT reports is also a task of the SCORE GA. However, this year will bring lots of new tasks to the SCORE GA, including monitoring the implementation of the new IFMSA Exchange Platform and working together with Program Coordinators to involve SCORE in IFMSA Programs.
Task Description 1. Help NOREs with IFMSA Exchange Platform issues and constantly seek for improvements 2. Work closely with the SCORE-D, SCOPE and the VPPRC for the implementation of the new IFMSA Exchange Platform 3. Be the IT contact person for capacity building within SCORE, including responsibility towards analyzing, improving and developing workshops such as the Professional and Research Exchange Training and Training New Exchange Trainers workshop 4. Assess the possibility of having a Training Research Trainers workshop 5. Lead the alignment of Public Health Exchanges and GAP in collaboration with the SCORE Supervising Board
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) International Team
6. Assist the SCORE-D in achieving the 11. Take minutes and create action points for goals in the Annual Working Plan and the the SCORE IT online meetings SCORE Strategic Plan 12. Collaborate with the Program 7. Work closely with SCOPE to organize Coordinators & SCORE External joint Regulations Discussions during Development Assistant to motivate General Assemblies NOREs to enroll their activities in IFMSA 8. Organize the NORE Folder and create a Programs LORE Folder 13. Collaborate with the Vice-President for 9. Compile and share the SCORE IT Reports Activities (VPA) to issue certificates 10. Help prepare the SCORE Sessions for related to capacity building events in General Assemblies together with the SCORE Sessions Team
GA Selection Criteria 1. Have extensive experience in SCORE, preferably be a current or former NORE 2. Preferably be able to attend both General Assemblies 3. Preferably be an Exchange Trainer (have attended and graduated from the Training New Exchange Trainers workshop) 4. Have extensive knowledge of SCORE Regulations and the Manual on Research Exchange (MoRE) 5. Be dedicated to the improvement and development of SCORE 6. Be creative and innovative regarding Database issues and Capacity Building in
SCORE 7. Be available for the entire term (October 2019 - September 2020) and have internet access for frequent online meetings and responding to emails within two days 8. Respect deadlines, work transparently and take part in every discussion within the SCORE IT 9. Have good English skills and work effectively with technologies (f.ex Google Drive) 10. Be a team player who is ready to help the rest of the team
Internal Development Assistant: The SCORE Internal Development Assistant (IDA) will have two main responsibilities this year: Educational Activities and Research Camp. Therefore, the IDA will work mainly on the IFMSA Global Priority â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Access to Research and Research Educationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. For this, the IDA will work closely with the LME to seek collaboration with or endorsement by externals.
Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) International Team
IDA Task Description
1. Finalize Educational Activities in the process of development and collaborate with the SCORE EDA and LME in search of collaboration with or recognition by externals 2. Develop new Educational Activities in collaboration with or recognized by externals 3. Continue to improve the SCORE Research Camp by analyzing its impact, seeking for collaborations or endorsements by externals, creating regulations and writing a scientific article to be published in an international journal 4. Organize at least two Research Camps in the term 2019/2020 (the IDA must be able to attend at least one Research Camp)
5. Renew the Academic Quality Logbook in collaboration with externals 6. Make a template for a Scientific Report in collaboration with externals 7. Develop collaborations with other Standing Committees, after proper planning is done by all interested parties and approval by the Standing Committee Directors 8. Assist the SCORE-D in achieving the goals in the Annual Working Plan and the SCORE Strategic Plan 9. Keep the SCORE-D updated on the progress of any tasks assigned to him/ her 10. Help prepare the SCORE Sessions for General Assemblies together with the Sessions Team
IDA Selection Criteria 1. Have extensive experience in SCORE, preferably be a current or former NORE 2. Preferably be able to attend both General Assemblies 3. Preferably be able to attend Research Camps organized throughout the term 4. Have extensive knowledge of SCORE Regulations and the Manual on Research Exchange (MoRE) 5. Preferably have participated in the creation and/or development of previous initiatives and/or Educational Activities for SCORE 6. Have knowledge about the process of (medical) research, as highlighted in the
Curriculum Vitae 7. Be available for the entire term (October 2019 - September 2020) and have internet access for frequent online meetings and responding to emails within two days 8. Respect deadlines, work transparently and take part in every discussion within the SCORE IT 9. Be dedicated to the improvement and development of SCORE 10. Have good English skills and work effectively with technologies (f.ex Google Drive) 11. Be a team player who is ready to help the rest of the team
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) International Team
External Development Assistant: The SCORE External Development Assistant (EDA) will continue to work on the initiatives started in the previous term, such as the External Representation Package and the Basic Research Competencies Framework. The EDA will also work hand in hand with the LME to increase SCORE’s visibility and external representation. Furthermore, the EDA will be the main person responsible for supporting NOREs to achieve recognition on a national level.
Task Description 1. Work closely with the LME and SCORE IT throughout the whole term 2. Perform an external mapping with help from the LME, to draft a list of possible externals, from all 5 regions, that may want to collaborate with SCORE 3. Write abstracts or articles and make posters about SCORE initiatives (Research Camp, Global Action Projects …) in collaboration with the IDA and LME to submit to journals or present at conferences 4. Finalize the Basic Research Competencies Framework in collaboration with the LME and SCOME IT 5. Finalize the External Representation Package and support NOREs to advocate for recognition in their NMOs 6. Create a toolkit for national implementation of the Policy Document ‘Access to Research and Research Education’ 7. Update the Research Resources Database at least two times with updated resources and promote its use amongst NOREs
8. Obtain external recognition or support of the Educational Activities created or being developed by the Internal Development Assistant 9. Update the Academic Recognition Database throughout the year based on responses in the NORE Report 10. Provide NOREs with updated information and documents regarding the Academic Recognition status of SCORE 11. Any other tasks timely assigned by the SCORE-D, related to SCORE’s external work (presentation of abstracts, application for grants, etc.) 12. Assist the SCORE-D in achieving the goals in the Annual Working Plan and the SCORE Strategic Plan 13. Keep the SCORE-D updated on the progress of any tasks assigned to him/ her 14. Help prepare the SCORE Sessions for General Assemblies together with the Sessions Team
Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) International Team
EDA Selection Criteria
1. Have extensive experience in SCORE, preferably be a current or former NORE 2. Preferably be able to attend both General Assemblies 3. Have extensive knowledge of SCORE Regulations and the Manual on Research Exchange (MoRE) 4. Have extensive knowledge about the process of (medical) research, as highlighted in the Curriculum Vitae 5. Preferably have experience in the field of advocacy and obtention of Academic Recognition in exchanges 6. Be available for the entire term (October
2019 - September 2020) and have internet access for frequent online meetings and responding to emails within two days 7. Respect deadlines, work transparently and take part in every discussion within the SCORE IT 8. Be dedicated to the improvement and development of SCORE. 9. Have good English skills and work effectively with technologies (f.ex Google Drive) 10. Be a team player who is ready to help the rest of the team.
Regional Assistants (5): SCORE Regional Assistants (RAs) are the link between the NOREs of each region and the SCORE IT. They are members of SCORE who are actively involved and highly motivated to help all NOREs in their region, where they promote best practices, campaigns, information, and initiatives. The RAs also facilitate discussions within the region and are responsible for the SCORE sessions at their respective Regional Meeting as well as the Regional Sessions at the General Assemblies. This year, the RAs will also take an active role in SCORE initiatives such as campaigns and in updating manuals.
Task Description 1. Provide a link between their region and the SCORE-D, and actively and regularly check the status of each NMO in their region 2. Create an Annual Working Plan for their region according to the Needs Assessment at the beginning of the term 3. Share the concerns of NOREs from their region to the IT to ensure discussion and participation 4. Support the NOREs in their region in establishing and developing SCORE in their NMOs,
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) International Team
and improving their SCORE activities 5. Support NOREs in problem-solving, receiving voting rights and improving the Academic Quality in their NMO 6. Organize sharing is caring online meetings with the NOREs of the region to discuss common problems faced or other relevant topics at least twice a year 7. Be in charge of SCORE initiatives such as the SCORE Awareness Campaign or Exchanges Week 8. Be in charge of updating outdated manuals in SCORE in collaboration with other SCORE IT members 9. Actively promote Global Action Projects (GAP) in their region in collaboration with
the SCORE Supervising Board 10. Assist NMOs willing to organize a Professional and Research Exchange Training (PRET), in collaboration with the SCORE General Assistant 11. Organize the facilitation of the SCORE sessions during the Regional Meeting of their region 12. Support the SCORE-D in the preparation of the SCORE sessions and organize the SCORE regional sessions at each GA 13. Actively work in the SCORE IT and the Regional Team 14. Assist the SCORE-D with the SCORE Annual Working Plan and complete any tasks assigned to him/her
RA Selection Criteria 1. Have experience within SCORE, preferably be a current or former NORE 2. Be able to attend the Regional Meeting of their region 3. Preferably be able to attend both General Assemblies 4. Have extensive knowledge of SCORE Regulations and the Manual on Research Exchange (MoRE) 5. Be available for the entire term (October 2019 - September 2020) and have internet access for frequent online meetings and responding to emails within two days 6. Respect deadlines and be motivated to improve the region in any possible way
7. Work transparently and take part in discussions within the SCORE IT 8. Be dedicated to the improvement and development of SCORE 9. Have good English skills and work effectively with technologies (f.ex Google Drive) 10. Be a team player who is ready to help the rest of the team
Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) International Team
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP)
International Team Introduction Dearest SCORPions, A while ago, a very dear friend reminded me that life is a big puzzle, to which we continuously add new pieces with each new experience, idea or decision we make. Each new piece builds on the old ones and only adds more clarity and diversity to the overall picture of the puzzle. Very similarly, SCORP is a very unique puzzle, that throughout the years, SCORPions worked on to add the special pieces to it, leading the efforts to make the world a better, more colorful and harmonized place. Successive generations of empowered and motivated SCORPions, led by our federation’s motto of “think global, act local”, worked to promote and protect human rights and peace through advocacy, capacity building, and raising awareness among various other activities and projects, as the green peacebuilders continue to take an active contributing role in their communities by supporting the development of a universal culture of human rights, being aware of their own rights and responsibilities towards the rights of others, and as such contributing to the development of their societies. The SCORP International Team are the facilitators of those efforts. This team will work throughout the term to carry on the development of SCORP, as well as to guide and facilitate the efforts of SCORPions from around the world to achieve our visions of a peaceful and inclusive world. The work of the International Team will be guided by the following principles: Interdisciplinarity (as Human Rights are the firm base that allow-us to continue our work in all the fields we work on), following a Rightsbased Approach, Sustainability of work, and most importantly putting the Members at the Core of our work, in order to serve our members and our beloved SCORP in the best possible manner. As a final note, Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “
We are not satisfied and will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”, and until such times come all we can do is to step up, take action and start the change from ourselves. So if you are ready to start the change, do not hesitate to join our ship! You can find the detailed team structure and the specific tasks of each position below. Also, make sure to take a look at the Standing Committee regulations, Strategic Plan, workshop regulations as well as other important documents and resources in the SCORPions Drive [here], to guide you through your application process. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at mfasalih97@gmail. com ! Looking forward to reading your green filled application! To peace … and beyond, Mahmood Al-Hamody SCORP Director 2019/2020
Available Positions
· Capacity Building Development Assistant (DA) · Public Relations and Communication Assistant (PRC) · General Assistant (GA) · Regional Assistant for Africa · Regional Assistant for Americas · Regional Assistant for Asia-Pacific · Regional Assistant for EMR · Regional Assistant for Europe
Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) International Team
General TeamAssistant Structure(1) Description The General Assistant is responsible for the sustainability of the Standing Committee, as well as the evaluation and documentation of the various efforts we do in SCORP. In addition, the GA acts as a crucial link between the Activity Coordinators, Program Coordinators, and the SCORP International Team. The GA also plays an important role in assisting the SCORP-D and the LRP in aligning the internal and external efforts.
Task Description 1. Connect activity coordinators with relevant Program Coordinators and promote activity enrollment to IFMSA Programs, act as a liaison to Program Coordinators. 2. Coordinate the preparations for SCORP Fair before and during General Assemblies. 3. Assist SCORP-D in following up on the progress made on SCORP Strategic Plan, as well as evaluating it. 4. Assist the SCORP-D and the LRP in following up on the progress made on SCORP Global Priorities, as well as evaluating them. 5. Coordinate tasks related to GoSCORP: • Promote the calls for hosts and participants • Reviewing of proposals and selection of accepted events. • Support in the follow up with OCs as well as on the evaluation of each of the events. • Work on the development and sustainability of GoSCORP. 6. Coordinate tasks related to SCORP Camp: • Promote of the calls for host and participants • Reviewing of proposals and
selection of host. • Coordinate with the OC to develop the theme of the camp as well as the workshop proposals. • Follow up with the OC as well as on the post-event evaluation. 7. Regularly update the SCORPions folder and ensure its sustainability. 8. Support the SCORP-D in reviewing the Standing Committee regulations, as well as coordinating the voting processes before, during and after General Assemblies. 9. Evaluate and assess the utility and impact of SCORP manuals, toolkits, and other resourcesa. 10. Support the SCORP-D in the preparations of General Assemblies as well as the follow-up process. 11. Assist the SCORP-D and the LRP in their general work; including (but not limited to): taking minutes during OLMs, writing press releases, reporting processes, developing manuals among other tasks. 12. Attend Online Meetings for the SCORP International Team, General Assembly Sessions Team, one to one meetings with the SCORP-D as well as other meetings when relevant
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) International Team
GA Selection Criteria 1. Good command of written and spoken English. 2. Good understanding of SCORP and the way the Standing Committee works. 3. Having a human rights-based approach from how you analyze events to how you shape your work. 4. Being open to feedback and advice, and having the ability to do self-reflection. 5. Experience in leadership roles, teamwork and/or high workload management. 6. Experience with Google G Suite and other online work platforms. 7. Being open to learning new skills and knowledge in order to implement through the term. 8. Being available for the entire term (October 2019 - September 2020) and have internet access for frequent online meetings. 9. Respecting deadlines and being responsive to emails and other forms of communication.
10. Work transparently and take part in discussions within the SCORP IT 11. Has knowledge of the GoSCORP as well as the SCORP Camp regulations and procedures. 12. Has knowledge of the SCORP regulations as well as IFMSA constitution and bylaws. 13. Has knowledge of strategic planning, the SCORP Strategic Plan as well as the IFMSA Strategy. 14. Has knowledge of the work of IFMSA Programs as well as the Global Priorities. 15. Has experience in managerial work, such as (but not limited to) reporting, taking minutes. (Recommended) 16. Has experience in external work, such as (but not limited to) writing press releases, drafting policy documents or had attended external meetings before. (Recommended) 17. Availability to attend both General Assemblies (March 2020 and August 2020). (Recommended)
Capacity Building Development Assistant The Capacity Building Development Assistant main role is developing and ensuring the sustainability of the capacity building efforts of the Standing Committee. The DA is responsible for supporting the NMOs in organizing SCORP-related capacity building events, and follow up on the reporting, evaluation of these events. The DA also follows up on the certification process under the supervision of the Director.
Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) International Team
CB DA Task Description 1. Update and revise capacity building databases and resources relevant for SCORP. 2. Review the proposals of SCORP-related workshops by NMOs, and to ensure these events are aligned with the SCORP Regulations and Capacity Building IOGs. 3. Assist the SCORP-D and the LRP in drafting preGAs workshop proposals, as well as the RAs in drafting preRMs workshop proposals. 4. Follow up on the integration of the SCORP-related Global Priorities in the Standing Committee capacity building events, under the supervision of the SCORP-D. 5. Follow up on the SCORP-related capacity building events, as well as tracking the certification process under the supervision of the SCORP D. 6. Coordinate with the LRP to utilize external resources for internal capacity building. 7. Work on creating online capacity building opportunities through the IFMSA online training platform.
8. Working in collaboration with Regional Assistants to identify capacity building needs of the NMOs within the different regions. 9. Maintenance and improvement of Human-Rights Trainers online platform. 10. Coordinate with the General Assistant on developing the workshop proposals of SCORP Camp, under the supervision of the SCORP-D. 11. Responsible for creating standard curricula for the TNHRT and HRMP among other SCORP-related workshops. 12. Act as a liaison between the Capacity Building International Team and the SCORP International Team. 13. Support the SCORP-D, the LRP, as well as International Team members in capacitybuilding related issues. 14. Attend Online Meetings for the SCORP International Team, General Assembly Sessions Team, one to one meetings with the SCORP-D as well as other meetings when relevant
CB DA Selection Criteria 1. Good command of written and spoken English. 2. Good understanding of SCORP and the way the Standing Committee works. 3. Having a human rights-based approach from how you analyze events to how you shape your work. 4. Being open to feedback and advice, and having the ability to do self-reflection. 5. Experience in leadership roles, teamwork and/or high workload management.
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) International Team
6. Experience with Google G Suite and other online work platforms. 7. Being open to learning new skills and knowledge in order to implement through the term. 8. Being available for the entire term (October 2019 - September 2020) and have internet access for frequent online meetings. 9. Respecting deadlines and being responsive to emails and other forms of communication. 10. Work transparently and take part in discussions within the SCORP IT. 11. Has knowledge of the SCORP regulations as well as IFMSA constitution and bylaws. 12. Has knowledge of the SCORP Strategic Plan as well as the IFMSA Strategy.
13. Has knowledge of the work of IFMSA Programs as well as the Global Priorities. 14. Be a Human Rights Trainer (has attended and graduated a TNHRT, or facilitated a TNHRT as a TNT graduate). 15. Has a solid experience in training and/or capacity building. 16. Has knowledge of the SCORP workshopsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; regulations. 17. Has knowledge of capacity building with IFMSA (e.g. SRT application process, workshop proposal etc.). (Recommended) 18. Previous facilitation of an IFMSA workshop, preferably SCORP related. 19. Availability to attend both General Assemblies (March 2020 and August 2020). (Recommended)
Public Relations and Communication Assistant The Public Relations and Communication Assistant will work on the SCORP International Campaigns, promote current events as well as focus on the activities SCORPions conduct. The PR&C Assistant will also be responsible for the various SCORP platforms, in addition to ensuring the visibility of our membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; work. They will be responsible for coordinating our publications, updating our SCORP activities database as well as conducting activities and campaigns in line with SCORP related days and theme events.
Task Description
1. Organize International Campaigns Database, SCORP Active Map, as well as (especially World Human Rights Day, the Events Map. World Refugee Day, International Peace 3. Publication of the newsletters and Day etc.) and activities to highlight infographics as well as other publications important international days related to and communication. SCORP. 4. Act as a liaison to the Public Relations 2. Regularly updating the SCORP Activities and Communications IT
Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) International Team
5. Follow up on the usage of the IFMSA Corporate Identity in the various SCORP publications, and ensure that data collection efforts are aligned with the IFMSA privacy policy as well as the GDPR. 6. Promotion of international activities of SCORP and ensure regular updates for the members to increase member participation and interest. 7. Increasing the visibility and promotion of SCORP Activities around the world. 8. Organizing social media channels, assisting the team with Public Relations
issues. 9. Support the SCORP-D in establishing a database of the Standing Committee Alumni. 10. Coordinate with the LRP to ensure the visibility of our external efforts. 11. Support the SCORP-D, the LRP, as well as International Team members in public relations related issues. 12. Attend Online Meetings for the SCORP International Team, General Assembly Sessions Team, one to one meetings with the SCORP-D as well as other meetings when relevant
PRCA Selection Criteria 1. Good command of written and spoken English. 2. Good understanding of SCORP and the way the Standing Committee works. 3. Having a human rights-based approach from how you analyze events to how you shape 4. your work. 5. Being open to feedback and advice, and having the ability to do self-reflection. 6. Experience in leadership roles, teamwork and/or high workload management. 7. Experience with Google G Suite and other online work platforms. 8. Being open to learning new skills and knowledge in order to implement through the term. 9. Being available for the entire term (October 2019 - September 2020) and have internet access for frequent online meetings. 10. Respecting deadlines and being responsive to emails and other forms of communication.
11. Work transparently and take part in discussions within the SCORP IT. 12. Has knowledge of the SCORP regulations as well as IFMSA constitution and bylaws. 13. Has knowledge of strategic planning, the SCORP Strategic Plan as well as the IFMSA Strategy. 14. Has knowledge of the work of IFMSA Programs as well as the Global Priorities. 15. Knowledge of the SCORP international campaigns such as World Human Rights Day. 16. Experience in public relations, promotion and visibility. 17. Proficiency in using design tools. 18. Experience and knowledge of social media. 19. Experience in using databases. 20. Availability to attend both General Assemblies (March 2020 and August 2020). (Recommended)
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) International Team
Regional Assistant (5) Regional Assistants serve as a crucial link between the International Team and the NMOs, as well as between different NMOs in the same region. In addition to being part of the SCORP International Team, Regional Assistants will also be part of their regional teams and will need to work collaboratively within both teams. Regional Assistants are expected to assist in and guide the development of SCORP within their respective region.
Task Description 1. Provide a link between their region and the SCORP-D, LRP and rest of IFMSA. 2. Responsibility for tracking the NMO SCORP active status as well as identifying and recruiting NMOs to become SCORP active. 3. Responsibility for planning, facilitating and following up on SCORP sessions at the relevant Regional Meeting as well as for the regional session of the General Assembly. 4. Dissemination of SCORP relevant documents, opportunities and calls to members in the region. 5. Actively engage in supporting NMOs within the region and helping NORPs to find motivation, ideas, and relevant information by reporting, investigating and assisting in solving any SC related problems within the region. 6. Ensure regular and effective communication with NORPs within the region. 7. Actively search for NMOs wishing to carry out international activities (such as capacity building events or campaigns) and assisting them with preparations as well as providing information on procedures, deadlines, and organizational details. 8. Act as a link between different NMOs in the region to ensure collaboratively working within the region and sharing of good practice and innovative ideas. 9. Creating a need assessment and regional
priorities at the start of the term to guide their work. 10. Collaborating with the SCORP Development Assistant regarding the capacity building events within their regions. 11. Collaborate with the SCORP General Assistant on regional campaigns and regional activities within international campaigns, whenever relevant. 12. Monitor the activities within their region and making sure that they are submitted to the SCORP Activities Database, and support the General Assistant in linking the activity coordinators to the relevant Program Coordinator. 13. Encouraging members from their region to actively participate in international events, small working groups, SCORP policy documents and external events. 14. Participation in some tasks related to external representation such as National Policy Development follow-up with NORPs and participation in the creation of SCORP related policy documents before IFMSA General Assemblies. 15. Attend Online Meetings for the SCORP International Team, General Assembly Sessions Team, one to one meetings with the SCORP-D as well as other meetings when relevant
Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) International Team
RA Selection Criteria 1. Good command of written and spoken English. 2. Good understanding of SCORP and the way the Standing Committee works. 3. Having a human rights-based approach from how you analyze events to how you shape 4. your work. 5. Being open to feedback and advice, and having the ability to do self-reflection. 6. Experience in leadership roles, teamwork and/or high workload management. 7. Experience with Google G Suite and other online work platforms. 8. Being open to learning new skills and knowledge in order to implement through the term. 9. Being available for the entire term (October 2019 - September 2020) and have internet access for frequent online meetings. 10. Respecting deadlines and being responsive to emails and other forms of communication. 11. Work transparently and take part in discussions within the SCORP IT 12. Has knowledge of the SCORP regulations as well as IFMSA constitution and bylaws. 13. Has knowledge of strategic planning, the SCORP Strategic Plan as well as the IFMSA Strategy. 14. Has knowledge of the work of IFMSA Programs as well as the Global Priorities.
15. Availability to attend the Regional Meeting of the respective region. 16. Availability to attend regular SCORP IT online meetings, progress meetings with SCORP-D, online meetings with NORPs within their region as well as Regional Team online Meetings 17. Availability to attend both General Assemblies (March 2020 and August 2020). (Recommended) 18. Availability to attend the pre-regional meeting and conduct SCORP related workshops if such an opportunity arises. (Recommended) 19. Fluency in major languages spoken in the region. (Recommended)
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Coordinators Introduction message from the VPA Hello! Since its implementation in 2015, IFMSA programs have seen remarkable progress: with good enrollment rate across 5 IFMSA regions, and alignment of Programs. IFMSA Programs is set to achieve greater efficiency in the upcoming term with the introduction of the Program Coordinator competency module. This sets a path for a creative endeavor within the framework, this also calls for better use and application of the programs impact assessment so that we can truly “Think globally, act locally!”. Translate the impact of the local, national and regional activities to global health and youth advocacy. I am looking for a team of highly motivated Program Coordinators, who are passionate and knowledgeable about the topic and focus areas of the Program. Who are equipped with the knowledge of Activity management, Project development and are enthusiastic to work with Activity coordinators from across the world. Who are interested in impact assessment and are willing to work together for the promotion of activities and finally bring more emphasis on evaluation in IFMSA’s work.
IFMSA Programs are not only there for Enrolling and Reporting activities but they are center staged to empower NMOs and build internal collaborations. If you have knowledge about Activities, are interested/curious to work with IFMSA Programs, and are willing to dedicate your precious time for the Programs teamwork do apply, I am looking forward to reading your applications! Going over Program updates and development over the past 3 years, and the Program Coordinator selection process over the same timeline, I have worked on the past 4 months since the election on a Program Coordinator application toolkit ( here ). It is aimed to convey the expectations and exact description of the working profile of a Program Coordinator. Kindly ensure that you go through it before you apply and before the interview. In this toolkit I have linked must-read resources, that will help you understand more about current workings of IFMSA programs and plans for the upcoming term. If any further questions or feel free to contact me at or whats message on +919820528801. Saniya Sahasrabudhe VPA 2019/20
Program Coordinators
Team Structure Team Structure Description • 1 Program Support Assistant • 13 Program Coordinators • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Communicable Diseases Environment and Health Emergencies, Disaster Risk and Humanitarian Action Ethics and Human Rights in Health Gender-Based Violence Healthy Lifestyles and Non-Communicable Diseases Health Systems HIV/AIDS and other STIs Maternal Health and Access to Safe Abortion Medical Education Systems Mental Health Realizing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Teaching Medical Skills
Program Coordinators Task Description 1. Actively participate in the handover process with your predecessor as well as provide handover for your successor; 2. Review all documents about IFMSA Programs and the respective 3. Program you’re applying for, and assist in updating them; 4. Actively help with the enrollment of Activities into the Program, Assess and approve affiliation of activities with the respective IFMSA Program; 5. Review the activities based on the activity management criteria and resources; 6. Help Activity Coordinators with evaluation and impact assessment;
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Program Coordinators
7. Properly follow up on reporting of the Activities, 8. Based on all enrolled and reported activities (before 15th June) produce an Annual Program Impact Report, to be submitted to the IFMSA General Secretariat and presented at the AM2019. 9. Assist Officials in their work related to your Programs topic, which 10. might include conducting sessions on Programs topic, campaigns, 11. help out to prepare sessions if not present at GAs etc; 12. Assist Officials in use of Programs data in external representation; 13. Work on the promotion of Programs
and support NMOs’ involvement 14. Take part in the Competency Module at the beginning of the term and develop the Annual Working Plan accordingly. 15. Availability for General Assemblies to be present in person or adequately instruct selected Program Representative to participate during GAs; 16. Availability for online meetings. For specific details read the What does IFMSA Programs do? And What are the expected duties of a Program Coordinator part of the Program Coordinator Application Toolkit (here). Also, read the IFMSA Programs IOG (here)
Selection Criteria According to IFMSA Bylaws paragraph 14.19, any applicant for the position of Program Coordinator must fulfill the following criteria at the time of appointment: • Be a medical student when the term of offices commences; • Be a member of a National Member Organization (NMO) with Full or Associate Membership Status; • Not be a member of a National Member Organization (NMO) that is in violation of IFMSA Constitution and Bylaws.
Program Coordinators
Any applicant not fulfilling the above criteria will not be considered in the selection process. For the selection itself, the following items will be taken into consideration. Please follow the instructions provided on how to include information about the different items in your Letter of Motivation, Plan of Action or Curriculum Vitae (CV): • Motivation and proactiveness •Availability throughout the term (online meetings, email responses, General Assemblies and Regional Meetings) • Knowledge on the topic of Program • Experience in activity management, project development, activity evaluation and impact assessment • Theoretical and practical knowledge in data collection and statistical analysis • Knowledge on IFMSA Programs and their implementation process • Plans to further the Program, empower NMOs in regards to IFMSA Programs and Program promotion • Soft skills to conduct interaction with Activity Coordinators, and session facilitation skills • Willing to establish new collaborations with IFMSA TO and ITs (mention the specific initiatives you would like to work in with Standing Committees) • Ability to work in multicultural environment • Prior attendance of IFMSA meeting is beneficial but not a requirement For further details regarding the additional skills refer to the Program Coordinator application toolkit ( here ).
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
Summary Candidates must ensure that the subject of their email contains the code corresponding to the position they are applying for. All the information about the codes can be found in Google sheet attached Link to the IT and PC 1st call Email Subject Code sheet
All applicants must make sure that the subject of their email includes the code relevant to the position they are applying for. This will help us sort the applications and, most importantly, make sure that we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss any application received. Applicants interested in a Regional Assistant position, should note the following dates and locations of the Regional Meetings of 2019-2020 Link to the dates of the Regional Meetings, PreRegional Meetings, General Assemblies and PreGeneral Assemblies ( here )
Disclaimer and Privacy Policies Ever since GDPR was implemented back in May 25th 2018, IFMSA has been working tirelessly to implement the necessary changes and mechanisms for protecting the personal data we collect and deal with everyday. Candidates and appointed International Team members and Program Coordinators are expected to be knowledgeable about our Policies on Data Protection and they’re invited to read the following documents : • Privacy Policy - this is our main document which gives an overview and describes how IFMSA handles personal data (here); • Cookie Policy - this is about the personal data we collect automatically when someone accesses our website (here); • Internal Privacy Policy - this document gives you an overview in regards to personal data of people who hold IFMSA Positions internationally (“IFMSA Leadership”), including but not limited to Officials, International Assistants, Task Force members, among others. This will be sent to every elected / selected member and accepting the position means you agree to the terms of this policy (here); • Non Disclosure Agreement - this document must be signed by the person (s)elected, which makes the person binding to the work they do and must not disclose it outside the working group of people. This document was presented by the IFMSA President last MM19 (here and here); • Code of Conduct for GDPR Compliance - this document regulates how people (s) elected should handle personal data and what not to do in order not to breach the General Data Protection Regulations, as well as consequences of those breaches (here).
The personally identifiable data that we are collecting through this call is collected only for the purpose that has been stated in each specific section. All the personal data collected in this call will be deleted after there will no longer be a use for them. By providing your personal data through processes including, but not limited to, filling an application document, through your email, within your work, or through filling a data collection form, you are providing your consent that your data is collected for the previously stated purpose, stored for the aforementioned length, and processed in the aforementioned manner. You may find our complete privacy policy here to know more about your rights with your personal data and how we are handling them. Refusing to provide specific data or consent for data collection is possible, however as we have mentioned within our privacy policy, IFMSA may not be able to select, provide, or convey the relevant application or submission for their relevant purpose without these items.
Call for International Assistants & Program Coordinators 2019-2020
International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations
Dominican Republic (ODEM)
Lebanon (LeMSIC)
Saint Lucia
Lithuania (LiMSA)
(IFMSA-Saint Lucia)
Ecuador (AEMPPI)
Luxembourg (ALEM)
Senegal (FNESS)
Egypt (IFMSA-Egypt)
Malawi (MSA)
Serbia (IFMSA-Serbia)
Malaysia (SMMAMS)
Sierra Leone (SLEMSA)
Aruba (IFMSA-Aruba)
El Salvador (IFMSA-El Salvador)
Mali (APS)
Singapore (SiMSA)
Australia (AMSA)
Estonia (EstMSA)
Malta (MMSA)
Slovakia (SloMSA)
Austria (AMSA)
Ethiopia (EMSA)
Mauritania (AFMM)
Slovenia (SloMSIC)
Azerbaijan (AzerMDS)
Finland (FiMSIC)
Mexico (AMMEF-Mexico)
South Africa (SAMSA)
Bangladesh (BMSS)
France (ANEMF)
Montenegro (MoMSIC)
Spain (IFMSA-Spain)
Belgium (BeMSA)
Georgia (GMSA)
Sudan (MedSIN)
Bolivia (IFMSA-Bolivia)
Germany (bvmd)
Morocco (IFMSAMorocco)
Sweden (IFMSA-Sweden)
Bosnia & Herzegovina (BoHeMSA)
Ghana (FGMSA)
Nepal (NMSS)
Switzerland (swimsa)
Greece (HelMSIC)
The Netherlands
Grenada (IFMSAGrenada)
Syrian Arab Republic (SMSA)
Niger (AESS)
Taiwan - China (FMS)
Albania (ACMS) Algeria (Le Souk) Argentina (IFMSAArgentina) Armenia (AMSP)
Bosnia & Herzegovina – Republic of Srpska (SaMSIC) Brazil (DENEM)
Guatemala (IFMSAGuatemala)
Nigeria (NiMSA)
Tajikistan (TJMSA)
Brazil (IFMSA-Brazil)
Guinea (AEM)
Norway (NMSA)
Bulgaria (AMSB)
Haiti (AHEM)
Oman (MedSCo)
Thailand (IFMSAThailand) Tanzania (TaMSA)
Burkina Faso (AEM)
Palestine (PMSA) Pakistan (IFMSAPakistan)
Togo (AEMP)
Burundi (ABEM)
Honduras (IFMSAHonduras)
Cameroon (CAMSA)
Hungary (HuMSIRC)
Canada (CFMS)
Iceland (IMSA)
Canada – Québec (IFMSA-Québec)
India (MSAI)
Panama (IFMSAPanama)
Trinidad and Tobago (TTMSA) Tunisia (Associa-Med) Turkey (TurkMSIC)
Indonesia (CIMSA-ISMKI)
Paraguay (IFMSAParaguay)
Catalonia - Spain (AECS)
Iran (IMSA)
Peru (IFMSA-Peru)
Turkey – Northern Cyprus (MSANC)
Chile (IFMSA-Chile)
Iraq (IFMSA-Iraq)
Peru (APEMH)
Uganda (FUMSA)
China (IFMSA-China)
Iraq – Kurdistan (IFMSAKurdistan)
Philippines (AMSAPhilippines)
Ukraine (UMSA)
Ireland (AMSI)
Poland (IFMSA-Poland)
Colombia (ASCEMCOL)
Israel (FIMS)
Portugal (ANEM)
Costa Rica (ACEM)
Italy (SISM)
Qatar (QMSA)
Croatia (CroMSIC)
Ivory Coast (NOHSS)
Cyprus (CyMSA)
Jamaica (JAMSA)
Republic of Moldova (ASRM)
Czech Republic
Japan (IFMSA-Japan)
Jordan (IFMSA-Jo)
Republic of North Macedonia (MMSA)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (MSA-DRC)
Kazakhstan (KazMSA)
Romania (FASMR)
Kenya (MSAKE)
Denmark (IMCC)
Korea (KMSA)
Russian Federation (HCCM)
Uzbekistan (Phenomenon)
Dominica (IFMSA Commonwealth of Dominica)
Kosovo - Serbia (KOMS)
Russian Federation – Republic of Tatarstan (TaMSA)
Venezuela (FEVESOCEM)
Rwanda (MEDSAR)
Zimbabwe (ZIMSA)
China – Hong Kong (AMSAHK)
Kuwait (KuMSA) Latvia (LaMSA)
United Arab Emirates (EMSS) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (SfGH) United States of America (AMSA-USA) Uruguay
Yemen (NAMS) Zambia (ZaMSA)
medical students worldwide