AM2018 : Presentation and Call for Candidatures

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THE IFMSA AUGUST MEETING 2018 An event inspired by your potential - powered by IFMSA-Quebec The August Meeting is one of the bi-annual General Assembly (GA) of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). IFMSA-Québec is candidating to be the host of the 2018 edition of the August Meeting. Preceding the GA, a pre-conference for medical students will be organized. Residents, junior doctors and IFMSA Alumni will be engaged in a health symposium that will run parallel to the GA.

Pre-General Assembly A focus on capacity building of health learners st


General Assembly Inspired by your potential



Health Symposium for Junior MDs: The first of its kind! nd


July 29 - August 2 , 2018

August 2 - August 8 , 2018

August 2 - August 5 , 2018

~ 350 participants, including 100+ national university students of various disciplines

~ 900 participants from over 100 countries

~ 200 participants, incl. 100+ residents & young physicians from Canada

City to be determined



Investing in the potential of future physicians Founded in 1951, IFMSA is one of the world’s oldest and largest student-run organizations. It represents, connects and engages with medical students from 130 national members organizations in 122 countries around the globe. IFMSA is recognized as the official voice of the medical students worldwide within the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the World Medical Association. It envisions a world in which all medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally. Founded in 2004, IFMSA-Quebec is a member of IFMSA as well as the international and community branch of the Federation of medical students of Quebec. It gathers 4.100 medical students from all 4 medical faculties of Quebec around global health, human rights and peace, sexual and reproductive health, medical education, and public health issues as well as professional, research, and immersion exchanges.

Envisioning healthcare outside the hospital We believe that the hub of innovation is within our millennials. We want to create a unique opportunity for innovation and inspire the future stakeholders of medicine by organizing this three-part event. Our project aims to build a community of global citizens in order to have an impact on the quality of care of our patients. We will drive change by fostering connections between future Canadian physicians, and by introducing them to the endless opportunities of global health. We will engage our peers differently by providing one of a kind trainings and workshops on current healthcare challenges. This event will engage future physicians differently, and contribute to the changes we want to see in our health system. Students will feel empowered by their knowledge and build on their new international connections. Our outreach is enough to create a youth movement and spark the missing sense of social and global responsibility amongst our Canadian physicians. We will strive to ensure a sustainable meeting with minimal ecological footprint (carbon-neutral). Let’s improve patient care by expanding our future doctors horizons. Let’s make the IFMSA August Meeting 2018 an event powered by you. |


Sparking an International Dialogue on Health Pre-General Assembly (3 working days) ● Day-long trainings on advocacy, leadership and communication ● Team Building activities and personalized learning sessions ● Special workshop about health beyond the hospital ● Peer-to-peer capacity building among medical trainees on necessary skills on becoming a physician of the 21st century (based on the CanMEDS Framework) General Assembly (6 working days) ● Sessions in Public Health, Human Rights and Peace, Medical Education, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Research Exchanges, and Professional Exchanges ● Theme event on healthcare outside the hospital with all-star multidisciplinary speakers ● Plenary sessions and election of IFMSA Officials ● Activities presentations that promote sharing initiatives and innovative ideas among international student leaders ● Cultural and social events promoting the city of Montréal Health Symposium for junior MDs (3 working days) ● Professionalism and Accountability ● Networking opportunities ● Wellness and Mindfulness ● Financial Management ● Career Planning ● Balancing Family and a Career ● Health Innovation Hub

Adding value to our Canadian Partners IFMSA is represented in all the Canadian faculties of medicine and is the voice of 1.3 million medical students worldwide. Our three-part event will offer a clientele of approximately 1000 young professionals with high income horizons. Our participants are dependable, hard working and dedicated. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to reach highly educated Canadian citizen as well as an international audience, without having to leave the country. Approximately twenty national medical leaders will work during the next two years to make this event happen. More than 40 medical students from Canada will be able to act as delegates during the event, while another 50 will support as on-site volunteers and representatives of national organisations. The August Meeting 2018 will be largely publicised in all of the 17 medical faculties across the country and within the residents provincial and national associations. It will be promoted in the largest media networks, and we expect a progressive growth on social media. This is the opportunity to establish a national dialogue on emergent health issues that matter to Canadians. It is a unique chance to showcase our innovative ideas, our successes in health policies, and our sense of social accountability to medical learners from around the globe.

Materializing a better tomorrow If you are interested in supporting this unprecedented event and ensuring its success, we offer an array of advantageous and tailored sponsorship packages. We hope to develop a strong partnership together and take the next step of discussing it directly with you! Contact the Organizing Committee of the August Meeting 2018 today at |


Call for Candidatures Organizing Committee of the IFMSA General Assembly August Meeting 2018 An event inspired by your potential

Context During its last national congress, IFMSA-Quebec unanimously voted to apply as host of the General Assembly August Meeting 2018 (AM2018) of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). An Organizing Committee (OC) was then formed to start the planning processes. The AM2018 will be the largest national event ever organized by medical students of the country!

The AM2018 in a snapshot ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

1000 medical students, residents and junior doctors meeting up for a full week in Montreal in 2018; Quality trainings, various sessions complementing our medical education, and diversified social programs at night; A special occasion to meet colleagues from over 100 countries around the world; A unique experience in the organization of large-scale event, with a direct gain of personal skills in management, leadership and communication; A chance to create a space for a national dialogue on health issues that matter; A possibility to foster sustainable partnerships with health organisations and institutions in Quebec, in Canada and across borders; An occasion to surpass your limits by joining a motivated and experienced team, who will fire you up for the next two years.

For more information, see the Presentation Document.

Structure of the Organizing Committee The Central Organizing Committee (OC) will be composed of seven (7) positions: ● Chair ● Vice-Chair ● Secretary ● Treasurer ● Logistics Director* ● Marketing Director* ● Financial and Human Resources Director* The OC is in charge to plan the meeting, and will be supported by an extended support team in the second half of 2017. As of today, four of its members are already nominated by IFMSA-Québec. The three positions followed by a star (*) have still to be filled! More details below.

Proposed tasks for each position For all positions ● Be present to the bi-mensual meetings of the Organizing Committee; ● Plan 5-10 hours of work per week; ● Actively participate to the discussions and decision-making process of the Organizing Committee; ● Attend at least one IFMSA General Assembly (world) before August 2018; ● Commit to respect and promote the values, principles and objectives of IFMSA-Québec. Logistics Director ● Supervise the logistics of the event, especially when it comes to lodging/accommodation and venue; ● Ensure the sustainability of the event (objective of a carbon-neutral event) ; |


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Plan three meals per day for all delegates at the lowest costs possible; Establish partnership to facilitate transports of delegates; Ensure that the logistical needs are fulfilled (number of rooms, materials, internet/IT, etc); Be co-responsible of the communications with Tourisme Montreal.

Marketing Director ● Create and establish the corporate image of the event (e.g logo); ● Develop and update the website; ● Develop the communications strategy to maximize the event’s visibility; ● Manage media and social media accounts; ● Coordinate the designs of all official publications (mise en page, graphism) and create diverse content for our social media channels; ● Coordinate the creation of promotional videos and other visibility tools. Human and Financial Resources Director ● Establish and execute the fundraising plan to ensure the event financial viability; ● Actively search for financial and institutional partners; ● Facilitate the procedures for visa acquisitions for international delegates; ● Support the registration process for delegates; ● Be responsible to coordinate with the employee (who will be hired in early 2018) ● Recruit volunteers for the event.

Candidature Criterias ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Be a medical student in Quebec Be present at IFMSA-Quebec National Congress (Sept. 24th 2016) Show interest in large-scale events Master English and French (spoken and written) Show experience in the tasks of the position you apply for Medical graduation planned for 2019 or later (2020, 2021, 2022, etc) Not be on the executive or administration board of IFMSA-Quebec or the FMEQ for 2016-2018; Not be on IFMSA-Quebec national team for 2016-2018.

Candidates must submit the following documents to by Sept. 17th 2016: ● Curriculum Vitae (maximum of 2 pages) ● Motivation Letter (maximum of 1 page) ○ The motivation letter should include the following: personal motivation to be on the organizing committee; relevant past experiences; vision for the desired position. ● Declaration of the Conflict of Interest (positions you have in other organisations, associations or interest groups, etc). The candidates will be selected by the Organizing Committee already in function (composed of 4 members). The results will be announced official during the National Congress of IFMSA-Québec, taking place in Sherbrooke on September 24th, 2016. For any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at |

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