Call for applications : Trainers SRT2017

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Call for Applications: Trainers SRT2017

February 17-19 2017

WHAT IS A SUB-REGIONAL TRAINING? According to the international regulations of the IFMSA Capacity Building division, a SubRegional Training (SRT) is an event of a few days in duration open to all members of IFMSA worldwide and containing at least two streams of training given simultaneously. Each stream aims to equip and motivate medical students to become socially involved and informed about subjects that are not always covered by university medical education. A SRT mainly consists of presentations, workshops and small working groups on topics included in the main theme of each stream. A partnership with external organizations is also sometimes established to enhance the program of activities.

IFMSA-QUÉBEC’S SRT2017 The SRT2017 presented by IFMSA-QUEBEC will take place from the 19th to the 17th of February 2017 in the beautiful city of Québec. Canadian and foreign medical students are invited to take part in the SRT as trainers or participants. The 3 days of training will be split into 2 streams given simultaneously: Stream #1: Leadership and Project Management Stream #2: Health Care in Danger Note: The official themes and names of the streams will be confirmed shortly.

You participated in the TNT2016 in Sherbrooke? It was actually an SRT! Want to know more? Visit



The trainers must be available for the whole duration of the SRT and must be ready to collaborate with the Vice-president of projects starting from the beginning of October 2016.

Send your application in .pdf format to before Wednesday October 5th 2016 at 23:59.

The program of activities of each stream will be elaborated by a team of three trainers in collaboration with the Vice-president of projects. The trainers will have (but are not limited to) the following tasks:  Decide of the subjects addressed in the activities of their stream.  Design and deliver presentations and interactive workshops in English on the subjects determined for the given stream.  Develop a visual support (ex: power point, video-clip) for every presentation.

Note: several resources from previous trainings will be available for the trainers as a tool to help them build their own presentations.

SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS  Be an IFMSA certified Trainer;  Show a sense of organization and teamwork;  Possess an ease for oral expression in front of an audience;  Be motivated!

Your application should contain the following documents: • A one-page maximum motivation letter answering at least the following questions: • Why do you wish to get involved as a trainer for the SRT2017? • What are your personal skills and your previous experiences which would make you a good trainer? • In which stream do you wish to get involved and what are some of your ideas of subjects to present? • A two-page maximum curriculum vitae maximum (CV) containing your contact information. • Your IFMSA Trainer Certificate in .pdf format. The Vice-president to the projects will contact by email the selected trainers within three days after the deadline of submission of applications.

CONTACT INFORMATION Questions? Contact :

Lena Zotova, Vice-Président of projects for IFMSA-Québec at

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