Invitation Package Trainees- TNT2016

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IFMSA-QuĂŠbec presents....

Training New Trainers: The World beyond 2015: ready to leave your marks Sherbrooke City | February 5-7 2016

SUMMARY Introduction


Letter from the Director of Projects: Theme event


Word from the President


Letter from the Organizing Committee

Potential trainers

§ Why Sherbrooke? § What does it take?

Logistics & Program § Dates § Venue & Accommodation 2

§ Proposed Agenda

A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR OF PROJECTS Dear IFMSA members from all around the world, It is with great pleasure that we’d like to invite you to the 2016 edition of IFMSA-Québec’s Training New Trainers (TNT). The event will take place in the charming city of Sherbrooke (near Montreal) from February 5 to Feb. 7, 2016. What is a TNT? A TNT is a 3 days training where the participants are brought together to tackle different health issues and think outside the box through activities that allow them to develop their leadership, communication and entrepreneurial capabilities. It aims at providing the participants with the tools to become the change they want to see happening in the society. 2016 IFMSA-Québec TNT edition The “TNT: The World beyond 2015: ready to leave your marks” will feature two parallel streams answering the needs of today’s medical students: the first one will feature sessions on what is needed to be a good leader and to translate one’s ideas and projects into reality and concrete results; the second one will be oriented toward global health issues focusing on humanitarian aid and risk relief, peace building, climate change and the implementation of the post 2015 agenda in order to become a great advocate for these causes and make youth voice resonate to the decision-making bodies . Some joint sessions will allow all participants to meet and get trained as a group. Take a look at the proposed agenda on page 12 for more details. Anne-Lou McNeil-Gauthier Director of projects and head of the TNT coordination 3

Expected number of participants We are hoping to attract between 20 and 40 participants (for about 15 participants per stream) but have the capacity of accommodating many more at our venue, should the need arise. We therefore also invite members of NMOs in the Region, and across the world if you are interested in a Quebec experience. Any IFMSA student that would happen to be in Québec or that could make it would be enthusiastically and warmly welcomed by the IFMSA-Québec Organizing Committee.

WORD FROM FROM THE THE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT WORD IFMSA-Québec is the international and community based division of the Fédération médicale étudiante du Québec (FMEQ) that mobilizes the 3900 medical students in Quebec on the regional and international levels. In IFMSA-Québec, we strongly believe that a well-rounded and sensitive physician has to be aware of the social and global aspects of health in order to respond to the needs of his/her community. In this vein, IFMSA-Québec is constantly looking to empower its members and find innovative ways to let their voices be heard in order to facilitate their roles as agents of change at both the local and international levels. Whether you are a “newcomer” or a more experienced member, a TNT is the perfect occasion to learn new skills or polish your existing ones and to refresh your knowledge in global health with the more up-do-date data, research and reports. Indeed, in a context where the Millennium Development Goals reached their deadlines and that a new sustainable development agenda is on the table, this is more than relevant. Our goal is to build capacity among our members in Quebec, in the entire American Region as well as in all the IFMSA family in order to have a real impact within and beyond community. This is why we would be more than pleased to welcome participants from the 5 continents to take part to this unique experience. We are looking forward to see you next February, David-Alexandre Galiano President of IFMSA-Québec


A LETTER FROM THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Dear IFMSA members, It is our honor and privilege to formally invite you to our annual Training New Trainers, being held in the wonderful city of Sherbrooke this upcoming February 5th to 7th, 2016. A central feature of TNT's philosophy is to introduce medical students to important issues and subject matters from a different perspective from what you’ve learned at school. By focusing on building leadership, inter-personal skills, public speaking skills and self confidence, just to name a few, we hope to challenge the way you think so that you can build the foundations for becoming a critical thinker and an articulate and diplomatic physician.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of Sherbrooke University,

TNT is dedicated to promote teamwork and learning through constant individual engagement with the issues at hand. Our main purpose is to build strong leaders that are able to collaborate and to tackle contemporary issues that plague the world.

Anthony Bismar Head of the Organizing Committee

I am committed to work with the Organising Committee towards further enhancing this magnificent and transformative event, whose philosophy is based on the principles of vigorous intellectual discourse combined with empathy and cultivation. I invite you to join me, in what promises to be a deeply meaningful journey!



Sherbrooke City is a land filled with fascinating places and amazing landscapes. This vibrant, thriving city is renowned for its cultural facilities, world-class educational institutions including the Université de Sherbrooke, elite sports teams and exceptional nightlife. At a short one-hour drive from Montreal, Sherbrooke City is a central area with a great access to outdoor facilities. This perfect balance between the big city lifestyle and the countryside’s open spaces is what makes our city’s location so exceptional.

Are you an adventurer who loves the outdoors and craves for excitement? From skiing, hiking, sightseeing, or tasting the local cuisine, known in our popular jargon as the Sugar Shack or Cabane à Sucre, Sherbrooke has it all.

The city is well known for its beautiful countryside; vast forests, dazzling mountains, rivers and stunning lakes, Sherbrooke allows you to discover what nature has to offer at its best.

Known as the gourmet capital of the Eastern Townships, Sherbrooke City will amaze and satisfy the true gourmets. While many restaurants emphasize on regional products, all offer a unique and diverse cuisine. Let yourself be tempted by the creativity of our chefs and dare to discover many flavors from here and elsewhere! See you soon in our city!

The Organizing Committee of Université de Sherbrooke Try one of the gorgeous provincial protected parks in the area, including the spectacular Mont Orford national Park. Lac des Nations is another popular destination, with opportunities for ice skating. The public transportation will allow you to move easily in the city so that you can discover many of its incredible areas !

ATTENDING THE TNT AND LOGISTICS Dates The TNT will be held on February 5-7 2016. The event will start late afternoon on the 5th and will end late afternoon on the 7th. During those three intense days, participants can expect up to 24 hours of high-quality trainings.

Venue § §


The 2016 TNT will be held in the premises of the University of Sherbrooke. One large room with a capacity of 200 students, equipped with a computer, projector and screen, a sound system, a whiteboard (may also be used for icebreakers, ceremony or lunch); Two small classes for small groups of about 10-20 students, equipped with a computer, projector, screen, a sound system, a whiteboard and very comfortable chairs;

Accommodation As mentioned previously, each trainer or IFMSA member will be welcome to stay at an IFMSA-Québec residence in Sherbrooke city (cost included in the registration fees).


Weather in February in Quebec is usually between -5oC and -10oC. However, one may not be surprised if temperature drops at -20oC during the night. Pack accordingly!

You want to attend the TNT?

Registration is open until January 25th for everyone. We sadly can’t offer registration discount for international delegates nor travel grants. However it will be our pleasure to warmly welcome you in Quebec. To register please fill in this registration form: We will also send more information through Facebook and the NMO server. So stay tuned in IFMSA Official Servers and/or follow our Facebook page at for more updates!

Registration fees The registration fees are of 30 $CAN for the weekend, including food, accommodation, material, transport and t-shirts. After your registration has been received and approved, you wil receive a paypal link to process with the payment.

Certification An official certificate issued by IFMSA “world” and allowing you to give trainings throughout the world as a certified trainer will be given upon full attendance to the three days.

MEET THE TRAINERS Leadership stream

Stéphanie Lantier-Labonté is a 4th year medical student at University of Sherbrooke. She got her TNT certification in Chicoutimi in 2012, and her TOT (Training Old Trainers) at the Panama's RM in January 2014. Then, she had the chance to deliver many sessions on leadership skills and to co animate two TNT, in 2013 and 2014 in Québec.

Omar Cherkaoui is a 24 old years guy from Morocco and will serve as our international expert trainer. He will be in charge of the “Leader” stream. He is at his last year of medical studies, currently preparing his thesis to be a General Practitionner on "Impact of exchanges on medical students' understanding of global health issues". Yes, he is very interested in the medical student exchanges, which is pretty normal as he is currently the IFMSA Director on Professional Exchanges (SCOPE). Omar received his TNT in Chile (2013) and his TOT in Kuwait (2014) and delivered several trainings in different IFMSA meetings. He is very much excited in delivering this training and share his experience with you.

She loves to facilitate workshops because her numerous past experiences corroborate the feeling that peer learning is an efficient way to learn and grow !

MEET THE TRAINERS Leadership stream

Alexandre Suey is another of our trainers

Mia-Fay Nadeau will be a trainer for the

for the Leadership. He graduated from the 2015 TNT in Montreal and hosted a workshop during the Global Health Colloquium in March 2015. He is relatively new to the team, but has acquired a solid leadership background in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets both by experience and by formation. These skills have served him well as an executive member of his CEGEP’s students association and as student representative on Edouard-Montpetit College’s administrative board, and he shall be among us to help transmit them to a future generation of Trainers.

next TNT in Sherbrooke. She is presently very implicated in multiple projects: LO of SCORA committee, redactor in chief of the medicine student journal, responsible of the 2015 MedGames video committee. In the past, she has worked on building 3 different businesses, and she has also served as mentor for a Junior Achievement enterprise. She participated in the Montreal 2015 TNT and is back this year as a Trainer to teach you what her own experiences have taught her, and to give you the best insight on all the practical knowledge she has cumulated throughout the years


Advocacy and Disaster Medicine stream Chérine Zaïm is a global health



(Director of Projects of IFMSAQuébec) will serve as the main trainer and the focal point to the IFMSA Training Support Division. She will be responsible for the “Advocate and Disaster Medicine” stream. She has received a TNT in Trois-Rivière (2014) and a TET in Colombia (2015). She already organized one TNT in Montreal (2015) and gave trainings in Mexico at a International Conference. She attended the COP21 and the 32nd International Conference of the Red Crescent and Red Cross. She sees this training as a platform for discussion to raise awareness and bring solutions to the main challenges faced by the humanitarian action in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris agreement.

fanatic and has worked for the last three years for the Quebec chapter of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations, where she now acts as president of the Board of Directors. Besides having been local president for the organization for the last three years, she has also been involved in the development of several peer education projects in her city. Through her work, she hopes to do her part in educating the future generation of physicians to look at health issues, here and elsewhere, from a global point of view, a growing interest in the changing medical reality!

Wenzhen Zuo is currently holding the position of Vice-President of Internal Affairs. She has a strong interest for Global Health and Climate Change as can testimony her past involvement as program coordinator for the project My Planet, My Health and as National Officer for the Global Health Standing Committee. She attended the 9th UNESCO Youth Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals. She will link the post 2015 agenda for Sustainable Development with climate change and humanitarian action.


L’Association Médicale Québécoise The AMQ brings together members of the Québec medical community in a context that promotes reflection and action in the best interests of the health of Quebecers. The association gives a voice to the medical profession and makes medical leadership a priority.

The AMQ will give the session entitled Lobby 101 and political systems. The session will cover the federal and provincial levels’ political systems and the responsibilities of each in terms of health. It will also provide tools to be a good advocate and how to catch the attention of the policy makers.

Leadership Stream / Advocacy and Disaster Medicine Stream

Ilario Maiolo has worked for the Canadian Red Cross since 2004. He currently serves as Deputy Director of Government and Movement Relations. Previous to joining the Red Cross, Ilario worked as a consultant for the Government of Canada, particularly for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. He has lectured in universities across Canada on the topic of International Humanitarian Law, as well as on International Disaster Relief Law, and has published articles on both topics. Ilario is also a professor at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law- Common Law Section . Ilario is a member of Le Barreau du Quebec, the Law Society of Upper Canada and holds Civil (LL.L.) and Common Law (LL.B.) degrees from the University of Ottawa, and a Masters in International Law from the University of Geneva. Advocacy and Disaster Medicine Stream


TNT by IFMSA-Québec- The world beyon 2015: Saturday





Conflict Management : The boat

9:00:00 9:30:00

Leadership training part II : STYLES

10:00:00 10:30:00 11:30:00 12:00:00

Humanitarian aid and International Law (Red Cross)

13:00:00 13:30:00

Tips for effective comunication



Introduction / Ice-breaker


Ground rules / General Expectations

16:00:00 16:30:00 Group Dynamics Leadership Training :what is a 17:00:00 leader ? 17:30:00

Peace Building and WHS

Motivation and Empowerment

Field simulation: being in the Response Team

Disasters in Today’s World : The Main Challenges

Team Building Rally in Sherbrooke


Lunch Co-facilitation sklls

Advocacy Training (Lasor Talk/EPIC)

Wrap-up session

Project Management : Building a Project from A to Z

Introduction to Disaster Medicine



Advocacy (Lasor Talk/EPIC)

Functions of the Health Sector in Disaster settings



Lobby 101 and political systems (Association médicale Québécoise)




Advocate/DM Breakfast

Presentation skills: Body language, the art of making a big impression








Break Creative Thinking Conflict Management (Part II) & Leadership (skills integration)

The Health Care system in Disaster Risk Reduction The Health Care System in Preparedeness and Response

Evaluation and Feedback



Social Program

Social Program

Global Thinking: the post 2015 agenda, what’s next ?

Evaluation & Feedback Closing Ceremony: Being prepared for the post 2015


Advocacy and Disaster Medicine stream DAY 1 16:00-17:00 : Introduction to Disaster Medicine • •

In context and Epidemiology General concepts: Disaster Risk Reduction VS Emergency Preparedeness

17:00-18:00 : Disasters in Today’s World- The main challenges faced by the Health Care Systems in context of Disaster • • • • •

Climate Change Conflict and Violent Settings Migration HealthCare in Danger Sexual and Gender Based Violence

DAY 2 8:30-10:30: Humanitarian aid and International Law- Canadian Red Cross • • • •

7 principles of Humanitarian Action International Laws and Refugees’ Rights Human Rights Interactive simulations and case studies

13:00-14:00 : Functions of the Health Sector in Disaster Medicine • •

General responsabilities: Planning, Organizing, Deployment/Mobilizing, Monitoring Who is part of the team? Introduction to Sunday’s simulation

14:00-15:00 : Advocacy Training • • • •

National Entities and Policies Mapping the power EPIC structure Practical exercice

17:00-17:30: The Health Care System in Disaster Risk Reduction • • •

Recap on DRR DRR Strategies Safe Hospitals Initiative

17:30-19:00: The Health Care System in Preparedeness and Response • •

Going through the response steps : from preparedeness to rehabilitation Mental Health and the rehabilitation process


Advocacy and Disaster Medicine stream DAY 3 9:30-10:00: Peace Building and World Humanitarian Summit • •

Violent and Armed Conflicts: main challenges World Humanitarian Summit Initiative and Doha Declaration

10:00-12:00: Field Simulation, being in the response team •

Real time simulation and roles play

13:00-15:00: Global thinking: the post 2015 agenda • • • • •

Recap of 2015: COP21,Sendai Framework, New SDGs What can we do as medical students (Brainstorm session) What does the community needs to know? How can the local population can contribute (bottom-up)? Wrap-up and recap on the knoledge gained

Note: All the sessions will be interactive with possibility to ask questions and various teaching methods (videos, cases studies


The OC has prepared you two nights of fun in the beautiful Sherbrooke City.

5th of February The night of the 5th of February, a Rally will guide you around the city so that you can discover its different neighborhoods and touristic attractions. Bring warm clothes and your camera to take pictures throughout the journey.

You will then finish the night around a hot beverage and meal at one of the numerous famous restaurants of the city. More details on the location still to come

6th of February After a long day of training, the night will be dedicated to relax and have a good meal with everyone. Take the opportunity to get to know more each other and the trainers network with students from all around the province of Quebec and the world, in short, make new friends.

Stay tuned, more details to come‌

Thank you! Looking forward to welcoming you this February 2016 in Quebec!


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