Bylaws & Constitution of IFMSA-Morocco (Post 2nd NGA)

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BYLAWS & Constitution The first Constitutions and bylaws adopted by the founders of IFMSA-Morocco. Rabat, Morocco April 2012 Amended in Marrakech, Morocco, October 2013

The IFMSA-MOROCCO Constitution

1. Name 2. Nature 3. Principles 4. Objectives 5. Members 6. General Assembly 7. Officials 8. Executive Board (EB) 9. Standing Committees 10. National Coordinators 11. Finances 12. Amendments to the Constitution 13. Dissolution

1/ Name 1.1. The official name of the Organization shall be In English: “International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations – Morocco” In Arabic « ‫ المغرب‬- ‫» الجمعية الوطنية لطلبة الطب‬ In French : «IFMSA – Maroc » 1.2. The official abbreviation shall be IFMSA-Morocco 1.3. The Organization is established in RABAT, Morocco

2.1. The organization is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization of medical students in Morocco 3/ Principles 3.1 The organization pursues its aims without political, religious, social, racial, national, sexual or any other discrimination. 3.2 The organization promotes humanitarian ideals among medical students and so seeks to contribute to the creation of responsible future physicians.

2/ Nature 4/ Objectives

4.1 The goal of the organization is to serve society and medical students all over Morocco through its activities by: a. Developing the knowledge and attitude of the Moroccan students in a personal, social and academic level. b. Training medical students to use their knowledge and skills for the benefit of society. c. Giving Moroccan medical students the opportunity to participate and learn through the existing international discussions that address health issues. d. Strengthening the position of both male and female students towards tolerance and understanding of multiculturalism, access to healthcare and the health challenges around the world through student exchange programs and international cooperation. e. Representing Morocco within the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). f. Increasing the participation of medical students from Morocco in global health projects locally, nationally and internationally 5/ Members 5.1. The organization is composed of members and honorary Members. 5.2. All members, shall act according to the Constitution and Bylaws of the organization and shall fulfill their obligations. 6/ General Assembly 6.1 The General Assembly is composed of all members of the organization. It is the highest authority and making-decision body of the organization. 6.2 The other categories of members are admitted to the meeting but have no voting rights. 6.3 The General Assembly shall meet at least twice each year. The General Assembly decides on the place and date for the next General Assembly meeting. 6.4 Official invitations for General Assembly meetings have to be sent out to all members, including the candidate

members, the associate members and the Honorary Life Members, at least one month in advance by the Executive Board. 7/ Officials 7.1 The 16 officials responsible for the management of IFMSA - Morocco are the members of the Executive Board (5), all National Coordinators of Standing Committees (6) and all Support Division Directors (5). 7.2 An IFMSA-Morocco Official is a person elected by the General Assembly. 7.3 All IFMSA-Morocco Officials have to work according to the IFMSA-Morocco Constitution and Bylaws of the organization and have to promote the principles and objectives of the organization. 7.4 All IFMSA-Morocco Officials have to present an activity report to the General Assembly, at the end of their term. 7.5 An IFMSA-Morocco Official will cease to hold his/her position: a. At the end of his term; b. By a written resignation; c. By his death; d. By removal from his position by court in cases provided for in law. e. By removal from his position by a decision of the General Assembly. 8/ Executive Board 8.1 The organization shall be managed by the Executive Board. The Executive Board of the organization is composed of five people: 8.1.1 President 8.1.2 Vice President for External Affairs 8.1.3 Vice President for Internal Affairs 8.1.4 Treasurer 8.1.5 Secretary General 8.2 The Executive Board has a duration of one year term with possibility of reelection. 8.3 The Executive Board is entitled to officially represent the organization. 9/ Standing Committees

9.1 The work of the Standing committees is coordinated by a National Coordinator, elected by the General Assembly. 9.2 The Standing Committees of IFMSA – Morocco are: - The Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME) - The Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH) - The Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE) - The Standing Committee on human Rights and Peace (SCORP) - The standing Committee on Reproductive health including HIV/AIDS (SCORA) - The Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) 10/ National Coordinators: 10.1 They are responsible for the daily management and functioning of standing committees on the national level. They are also responsible of coordinating between their Local Officers of their respective Standing Committee. 10.2 There is one National Coordinator per Standing Committee 11/ Support Divisions: 11.1 The work of the support divisions is coordinated by a Director, elected by the General Assembly 11.2 The support divisions of IFMSAMorocco are: Publications SD New Technologies Support Division Training Support Division Projects Support Division Alumni Support Division 12/ Support Division Directors: 12.1 They are responsible for the daily management and functioning of the support divisions on the national level. They are also responsible of coordinating between their Local Officers of their respective Support division 12.2 There is one Director per Support Division

13/ Finances 13.1 The income of the organization is composed of contributions of members, subsidies, gifts, legacies and other contributions. 13.2 The individual contribution shall be fixed by the General Assembly yearly. 13.3 The financial year of the organization runs from 1st September up to and including 31st of August of the next year. 13.4 Annually, within six months after the end of the financial year – subject to an extension of such period by the General Assembly – the Executive Board shall report at the yearly meeting of the General Assembly about the developments and the pursued policy in the organization. It submits the accounts and the statements of assets and liabilities for approval to the General Assembly. These documents shall be signed by all members of the Executive Board; if the signature of one or more of them is lacking, this shall be disclosed, stating the reasons thereof. 13.5 The Executive Board is responsible for all financial actions of the organization. 14/ Amendments to the Constitution 14.1 Amendments to the Constitution have to be decided upon by the General Assembly by a two third majority. 15/ Dissolution 15.1 The dissolution of IFMSA-Morocco shall be decided by the General Assembly by a three quarter majority of all members. Voting by e-mail is possible. A proposal for dissolution shall be sent out to all LCs at least six months before the beginning of the General Assembly meeting. The proposal shall be sent out by email. Any funds remaining at dissolution will be spent according to the objectives of the organization to an institution of general benefit.

The IFMSA-Morocco Bylaws : 1. Name of the organization : 1.1. The official name of the organization is: International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations – Morocco « ‫» الجمعية الوطنية لطلبة الطب – المغرب‬ 1.2. The only abbreviation recognized is « IFMSA-Morocco » Contents The IFMSA Bylaws 1. Name of the organization 2. Language 3. Mission statement 4. Constitution and bylaws 5. Logo 6. Members 7. Meetings 8. Executive Board 9. Standing Committees 10. Support Divisions 11. Projects 12. Reporting 13. Elections & voting 14. General Secretariat 15. Officials 16. Amendments to the constitution & Bylaws 17. Official relationships 18. Supportive Partnerships 19. Finance 20. Financial Management 21. Attending IFMSA GAs, IFMSA activities & any representation of IFMSA-Morocco in any occasion 22. Local Committees 23. Reference of not written bylaws

2. Language 2.1 The official language of IFMSAMorocco is English internationally and Arabic and French nationally. 3. Mission Statement 3.1 Our mission is the same of IFMSA which is to offer future physicians a comprehensive introduction to global health issues. Through our programming and opportunities, we develop culturally sensitive students of medicine, intent on influencing the transnational inequalities. And we add to IFMSA mission ours which are : a) representing the organization at an international level b) increasing the participation of Moroccan medical students in projects about public health locally, nationally and internationally. c) provide opportunities for internships, training and activities that promote awareness of medical students from Morocco to social and cultural issues, and also public health. 4. Constitution and Bylaws 4.1 IFMSA-Morocco shall be governed by its Constitution and Bylaws. 4.2 The Constitution is the highest law of IFMSA-Morocco. The Constitution shall never be suspended.

4.3 The Bylaws regulate the practical internal management of IFMSA-Morocco. 5. Logo : 5.1 The official logo is :

6. Members : 6.1. The Organization is composed of members, hereinafter also referred to as: full members, associate members, candidate members and honorary Members 6.2. All medical students inside Morocco are considered as candidate members and the student himself decides how much active he wants to be in IFMSA-Morocco. 6.3 All active members of IFMSA-Morocco Local Committees are considered as associate members. 6.4. All the members have the right to take part in all IFMSA-Morocco activities, projects and exchanges. 6.5 Local Officers, Local presidents, National Officers, Support Division Directors and IFMSA-Morocco executive board are considered as full members. 6.6. IFMSA-Morocco full members are the only ones who have the right to vote in officials 6.7. Regulations to obtain full and maintain membership of IFMSA-Morocco; a. member has to be signed in one of the committees and is an active

member in IFMSA-Morocco. b. Associate member becomes a full member after he applies to, and is elected as Local Officer, local president, national officer, support division director or member of IFMSA-Morocco executive board. c. Executive Board has the right to take the full membership from any student if he didn't work within the bylaws of IFMSA and IFMSA-Morocco. 6.8. Regulations for IFMSA- Morocco Membership Fees: a. Candidate members don’t pay any fees for IFMSA-Morocco. b. Associate and full members pay an amount of fees that is determined by his Local Committee. d. each member has to renew his full membership after completing the year, and he has to pay the fees determined for that year, then sends a letter or e-mail to the Vice president internal telling him that. 6.9 IFMSA-Morocco has Honorary list for persons, the status shall be granted to persons who have greatly contributed to the achievements and aims of IFMSAMorocco. Being in the honorary list doesn’t mean that the person is a member in IFMSA - Morocco. The Officials with voting rights and executive board can elect Honorary Life Members list during the Annual meeting. 7. Meetings 7.1 Meetings of the IFMSA-Morocco are the sessions of meetings done to discuss IFMSA-Morocco topics and work. This is held once every two months at least. Other than that, an online meeting is held once every two weeks. 7.2 The official working languages during the Meetings is Arabic & French & English. 7.3 The Chairperson can decide upon adjournment of the meeting. If the

chair fails to adjourn the meeting, any official can suggest the adjournment of the meeting. 7.4 Chairperson should be from the Executive Board and if the president is attending he is the one who is responsible to do it or to appoint one instead of him. 7.5 After each meeting there should be a report, all reports shall be written. A copy on paper and (if possible) in digital format must be handed in to the Executive Board. 7.6 All reports shall include : a. the title of the report b. the author of the report c. the date of the report d. the meeting for which the report was written e. a summary of the report f . the report itself 7.7. The General Secretary of IFMSAMorocco shall name all the officials and write who is absent. The absent official will not have a vote in the meetings except if the Executive board gave him the right to vote late in specific topics. 7.8. Participants in Officials meeting are: a. IFMSA-Morocco Executive Board Members b. IFMSA Officials c. National Coordinators of standing committees d. Support Division Directors e. IFMSA-Morocco LC Presidents 7.9. Observers in IFMSA-Morocco Meetings are: a. Any medical student in Morocco b. Invited guests c. anyone form supervising council The participation of persons of must be approved by the Executive Board of IFMSA – Morocco 7.10. Speaking rights. All participants and observers have speaking rights during the Meetings and National Assembly.

7.11 Proposing rights. Only full membership participants have proposing rights during IFMSA-Morocco Meetings. The Chairperson is responsible for the conduct of the meeting and for interpreting and giving his ruling on all matters of procedure, order, competency and relevancy, as stated in the Constitution and the Bylaws. 7.12 The Chairperson in the meetings is the President of IFMSA Morocco; if the president is absent Vice President Internal will take his position or any Executive Board. 7.13 Executive Board meetings are having the same way of work but attended only by Executive board members. 7.14 During National Assembly (in which officials and executive board members are elected), full members who will elect them have to: a. Be active members in IFMSA-Morocco. b. Have signed and applied for the National Assembly meeting. c. Not been suspended from IFMSAMorocco for any reason. d. Had taken part in IFMSA or IFMSAMorocco activities and projects in that year. 7.15 At the start of elections, the chair must do a roll call. All members with voting rights will be called to see if they are present. Official voting cards will be handed out to the members that are present. The results of the roll call will be recorded and incorporated in the minutes. 7.16 Any full member participant mentioned on the credential form can speak or ask questions for the candidature persons. 7.17 In Elections simple majority is needed to elect persons. 8. Executive Board

8.1 The Executive Board is the body responsible for the work of IFMSAMorocco in the year they are elected for. 8.2 The Executive Board will be composed of 5 members as follows: a. President b. Secretary General c. Treasurer d. Vice-President for Internal Affairs e. Vice-President for External Affairs 8.3 The term of office of all Executive Board members is one year. 8.4 No individual is allowed to be a member of the Executive Board for more than three election periods. 8.5 President of the Executive Board must attend all General Assembly Meetings or to send one of the Executive Board members to attend it on behalf of him, and he will be the representative of the delegation. 8.6 President tasks: a. Chair the Executive Board. b. Call for meetings of the Executive Board. c. Represent IFMSA-Morocco to external relations and maintaining contacts. d. Follow up and support the activities of committee officials. e. Develop short- and long-term strategies for the work and structure of IFMSAMorocco, especially in relation to external organizations. f. Monitor the work of the IFMSA-Morocco electronically groups and announcements. g. Raise funds for IFMSA. 8.7 Secretary General tasks: a. Be responsible of the administration, correspondence and archives of IFMSAMorocco. b. Produce the minutes of the Executive Board, officials meetings, and national annual meeting and send them in due time to the Supervising Council and IFMSA through the president. c .Be responsible for the functioning of the General Secretariat.

d. Update the Constitution and Bylaws with the changes decided upon the National Assembly. e . Prepare and send out invitations, provisional agenda, and other relevant information concerning National Assembly Meetings. f. Assist the Vice President for Internal Affairs in maintaining the contact between the members and the Executive Board. g. Inform members that they have lost membership status or having been excluded from IFMSA-Morocco immediately after the National Assembly Meeting. h. Raise funds for IFMSA-Morocco. 8.8 Treasurer tasks: a. Be responsible for the financial administration and bookkeeping of IFMSAMorocco. b. Collect membership fees c. Be responsible for the official bank account of the IFMSA-Morocco, with the NMO President. d. Present an adequate report, as decided by the Executive Board, on the financial situation of IFMSA-Morocco at every executive board meeting. e. Propose the budget of the next financial year. f . Present an annual financial report, preferably reviewed by a professional auditing company. g. Review the budgets of all IFMSAMorocco projects and events. h. Deliver receipts received during his term to General Secretariat at the end of his term i. Raise funds for IFMSA-Morocco. 8.9 Vice-President for Internal Affairs tasks: a. Be responsible for the development of the organization. b. Be responsible for maintaining contact between the members and the Executive Board.

c. Emphasize sufficient support to full members to ensure their survival in IFMSA-Morocco. d. Develop an annual evaluation procedure and subsequent needs assessment for full members. e. Contact every member at least twice each year and to ask for suggestions and complaints. f. Assist the Secretary General in updating the full members Manual. g. Establish contacts with associate members stimulate them to join and participate in IFMSA-Morocco activities. h. Raise funds for IFMSA-Morocco. 8.10 Vice-President for External Affairs tasks: a. Develop and implement fundraising strategies for IFMSA-Morocco. b. Be responsible for the public relations and mass media contacts of IFMSMorocco. c. Be responsible for the development of promotional material for IFMSA-Morocco and support the work of the New Technologies and Publishing Dept. d. Raise funds for IFMSA-Morocco. 8.11. The Executive Board can delegate tasks to others. Any Executive Board member can propose to delegate one of his personal tasks to another person. The Executive Board has to take a decision about this. The Executive Board member to whom this task belonged will remain responsible himself for this task at all times. 8.12 The Executive Board shall meet at least one time each month. 8.13 The quorum for an Executive Board meeting is the total number of Executive Board members minus 1. 8.14. All Executive Board members have one vote at the Executive Board meeting. 8.15. The Executive Board takes decisions with at least three votes in favor.

8.16. Presence shall be preferably physical presence. Alternatively, presence can be by video conferencing, telephone connection or direct internet connection. 8.17. An agenda for the Executive Board meeting shall be sent out at least one week before the meeting. The agenda for the Executive Board meeting shall contain at least the following points: - adoption of the past Executive Board - minutes, activity reports by the Executive - Board members, financial report by the Treasurer. 8.19. Executive Board members who cannot attend have to inform the other Executive Board members and submit their activity report in writing. 8.20. Executive Board members who are not present can submit written proposals in advance. 8.21 Only the Executive Board may allow observers to be present at Executive Board meetings. 8.22 Observers of Executive Board meeting are: a. Associate members of IFMSA-Morocco b. honorary members c. Invited guests e. Members from organizations in an official relation with IFMSA-Morocco f . External advisors 8.23. All participants have both speaking and proposing rights during the Executive Board meeting. 8.24. The IFMSA-Morocco Executive board is responsible to send the annual report requested by IFMSA and it should be filled and sent as IFMSA required and in the dates they asked for with all the information they requested and as written in IFMSA bylaws. 9. Standing Committees

9.1 A Standing Committee works to benefit a specific field of interest. The activities of a Standing Committee shall be continuous. 9.2 A Standing Committee consists of a Standing Committee Director and the medical students working in the fields of interest within the Standing Committee. 9.3 Any member can become a member or withdraw his membership of a Standing Committee through an official application to the Executive Board. 9.4 IFMSA-Morocco Standing Committees are: a. The Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME) b. The Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE) c. The Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH) d. The Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) e. The Standing Committee on human rights and Peace (SCORP) f. The Standing Committee on reproductive health including AIDS (SCORA) 9.4. IFMSA-Morocco committees are the same of IFMSA committees. 9.5. The National Officer of a Standing Committee has speaking and proposing rights during National Assembly Meetings and speaking and proposing rights at Executive Board meetings. 9.6. The National Officer of the Standing Committee must attend the National Assembly Meetings. 9.7. The Standing Committee Directors with the approval of EB can appoint assistants to help in the work of the standing committee. 9.8. The Standing Committee meets during the National Assembly Meetings. The Standing Committee meets at least twice a year. 9.9. The standing committee assistant have to be a full member and/or an

associate member of IFMSA-Morocco and will have to present a filled out application. 9.10. The Standing Committee assistant cannot represent IFMSA-Morocco in any way to externals without approval from the Executive Board. 10. Support Divisions

10.1.1.IFMSA Support Divisions are designed to carry out a general task which is of permanent importance for the internal management of IFMSA-Morocco. 10.1.2. IFMSA-Morocco Support Divisions are: a. The Projects Support Division b. The Publications Support Division c. The New Technologies Support Division d. The Training Support Division e. The Alumni Support Division 10.1.3. All Support Divisions work under the direct jurisdiction of the Executive Board. Decisions of the Support Divisions shall be approved by the Executive Board. 10.1.4. The Director of a Support Division shall a. Co-ordinate the activities of IFMSAMorocco within his specific field b. Collect relevant information c. Inform and support Officials and Project Coordinators of IFMSA-Morocco on issues related to his activities 10.2. The Projects Support Division 10.2.1. The Projects Support Division is the advisory and reference body of issues related to IFMSA-Morocco Projects. 10.2.2 The Projects Support Division shall: a. Evaluate the extent to which candidates for IFMSA-Morocco Projects meet the minimum criteria for IFMSA-Morocco Projects, as defined in the Bylaws. b. Present a written report of candidate projects to the Officials council.

c. Advise the Officials council whether to accept and reaccept candidates for IFMSAMorocco Projects d. Maintain an updated IFMSA-Morocco Projects database. e. Present in co-operation with the IFMSAMorocco Executive Board a report with the updated list of projects, grants and events (either they have the status of the official IFMSA-Morocco project or not) that commit IFMSA-Morocco legally, to every National Assembly. The short summary of each that project, grant and event should be presented to the National Assembly. The summary must include: I. An interim financial report till that date, provided by the project Coordinator and an interim budget for the next six months II. The deadline for final Financial Report as required by projects sponsors and partners. III. The deadline for the activity report as required by projects sponsors and partners IV. The full name and contact details of the Coordinator on behalf of IFMSAMorocco 10.2.3. A Director that is elected at the National Assembly Meeting leads the Support Division. The director of the Projects Support division may appoint other persons to the Projects Support Division.

Division as needed to fulfill the tasks of the Publications Support Division.

10.3 The New Technologies and Publications Support Division 10.3.1. The IT and Publications Support Division is responsible for producing the IFMSA-Morocco publications, including: Medical Student Magazine . Any release or announcement from the IT & Publication Department or director should be approved first by Executive Board. 10.3.2. The Director may appoint other persons to the Publications Support

11. Projects 11.1. The term Projects refers to activities in any field of interest of medical students within IFMSA-Morocco and IFMSA principles, aims and policy statements. This includes Projects, Events, Workshops, Surveys, Networks and Campaigns. 11.2. Projects in all there categories must comply with the Constitution and Bylaws of IFMSA and IFMSA-Morocco.

10.4 The Training Support Division 10.4.1. The Training Support Division coordinates initiatives in leadership and skills training and the development of human resources in IFMSA-Morocco. 10.4.2. The Training Support Division works towards organizing skills training sessions in conjunction with IFMSAMorocco activities. 10.4.3. The Training Support Division functions as a resource for full members, in that it recommends trainers, training material and training methods, and in that it advises and supports training programs organized in IFMSA-Morocco. 10.4.4. The Training Support Division is open to all IFMSA-Morocco members and invited persons. 10.5. The director of support divisions are named as following Projects Support Director for the Projects Support Division, Publication and IT department Director for The Publications and New Technologies Support Division, and training support director for the Training Support Division. 10.6 These Support Divisions directors can appoint students from full members or associate members for tasks but they will still be responsible of doing their job.

11.3. Any full member or associate member in IFMSA-Morocco can propose a project as candidate for IFMSA-Morocco Projects. 11.4 The candidature may be sent to the Executive Board by email at any time of the year. The candidature must include a scanned completed candidature form signed and stamped by the students wants to work in the project, a proposal with its plan, the name of the Coordinator, executive summary, project objectives and methods. 11.5 The Executive Board will review the project and gain advice from the Projects Support Division Director and other relevant Officials. The Executive Board will decide upon the endorsement within one month of receiving the application. The Executive Board should inform the members the endorsement within one week of the endorsement. 11.6 The project gaining the endorsement will receive a letter of recommendation from the Executive Board and can use the text "endorsed by IFMSA-Morocco" in their project material. This letter must be sent within a month by the Executive Board. 11.7.The project that fails to receive the endorsement will be notified by the Executive Board. 11.8.To keep the endorsement of the project the project coordinator has to deliver a half-year report and a complete description of the project for the IFMSA Morocco VPI and Projects Manager . These must be sent to the General Secretariat. 11.9.The Executive Board or the National Assembly can decide to remove the endorsement from a project from proposal of IFMSA-Morocco. This calls for simple majority.

11.10.For IFMSA initiatives and IFMSA transnational projects, these projects follows IFMSA bylaws and constitutions completely. 11.11.These items must be considered in the written project proposal for new projects and events of national IFMSA-Morocco projects. They should be explained as clearly as possible: a. Name of the project or event b. Name of Responsible Standing committee(s) c. Name and address of Organizing Committee or project leader d. Names of the project Local Organizing Committee and International Organizing Committee coordinators if existed. e. Details of any participating organizations f . Executive summary g. Background and identification of a problem, baseline survey, reasons and aims of the project h. Methods i. Expected outcome j. Description of the evaluation procedures k. Duration of project l. General plan of action m. Plan of action for the coming year n. Involvement and role of the target group o. Tasks of participating students p. Description of the management and organization of the project r. Description of how information will reach local and international students if existed s. Tentative deadlines for application t. Description of selection criteria u. Description of how the results of the selection will reach the applicants Application form v. General budget in EURO or Dollar w. Detailed budget for the coming year in EURO or Dollar

x. Description of contacts taken with senior organizations and professional supervisors. 12. Elections and Voting 12.1. Full members elect the IFMSAMorocco Executive Board, National Officers and Support Division Directors during the National General Assembly. 12.2. Candidature to any of these positions shall be sent before March 25th of that year. 12.3.Candidature should include member CV, history in IFMSA-Morocco, motivation letter and Future plans. 12.4. Each candidature has to do a presentation before election for the members in the meeting of elections. 12.5 Elections preferred Date is in April and not to precede April 1st or to exceed April 20th . 12.6. A. Each member can candidate to one position only in the Executive Board or one position only as official. B. No two members can co-candidate for any executive board or official position.. 12.7. In elections, the voting should be democratic and there should be a committee “elections & credentials committee� who will be responsible to watch the elections and to be sure that everything is going according to the bylaws. 13. General Secretariat 13.1. The General Secretariat is the head office of IFMSA-Morocco. 13.2.The General Secretariat is the administrative body of IFMSA-Morocco. 13.3. The General Secretariat works under the direct jurisdiction and responsibility of the Executive Board. 13.4. The General Secretariat can use the facilities of the faculty if the dean accepted that.

13.5. The General Secretariat is responsible for the official communication within IFMSA-Morocco 13.6. The General Secretariat shall store the IFMSA-Morocco archives and documents. 13.7. The General Secretariat and its archives shall be opened to the current full members and those who had been in IFMSA-Morocco the last two years. 13.8. At least one copy of the following documents shall be filed in the archives of the General Secretariat, after they have been adopted by the National Assembly: a. Minutes of the National Assembly Meetings b. Database including the status of all full members in IFMSA-Morocco c. Midterm and final reports of all IFMSA Morocco Officials d. Reports of all IFMSA-Morocco Projects and Events e. Final reports of the Financial Committee I. Financial status of IFMSA Morocco in IFMSA. 13.9. At least one copy of the IFMSAMorocco Constitution and Bylaws shall be filed in the archives of the General Secretariat after every National Meeting. 13.10. At least one copy of the written financial report by the Organizing Committee of every National Assembly shall be filed in the archives of the General Secretariat, after the Executive Board has adopted it. 13.11. At least five copies of the IFMSAMorocco Annual Report shall be filed in the archives of the General Secretariat. 13.12. At least five copies of all IFMSAMorocco publications shall be filed in the archives of the General Secretariat. 13.13. At least one copy of the minutes of all Executive Board Meetings shall be filed in the archives of the General Secretariat after their adoption. At least one copy of the minutes of any accompanying proposals adopted at the Executive Board

Meetings shall be filed in the archives of the General Secretariat after their adoption. 13.14 At least two copies of all IFMSAMorocco agreements with any organization, partner, sponsor, person or legal entity shall be filed in the archives of the General Secretariat 13.15. At least one copy of candidature documents of candidates for IFMSAMorocco Official positions, Honorary Life Membership, IFMSA-Morooco membership, Documents and official contacts with IFMSA executive board and officials, IFMSA-Morocco actions with, IFMSA-Morocco work in IFMSA Transnational projects and IFMSA Initiative projects shall be filed in the archives of the General Secretariat after. 13.16. At least one copy of candidature documents of candidates for IFMSAMorocco Officers or Executive Board position shall be filed in the archives of the General Secretariat. 13.17. A copy of all official and non official positions list given by Executive Board or National Assembly 13.18. Receipts for the last five years.

14. Officials 14.1 An IFMSA-Morocco Official is any person elected by the Full members in annual meeting or appointed by the Executive Board, as defined in the Constitution. 14.2 An IFMSA-Morocco Official must meet the following requirements at the time of application: a. Be a medical student. b. Be a full member c. Have basic knowledge of the structure, function and relations of IFMSA-Morocco. 14.3. IFMSA Officials council is: a. The members of the Executive Board b. Standing Committee Directors 14.4. The Officials shall:

a. Abide by the Constitution and Bylaws. b. Fulfill the described tasks of the appointed positions as specified the Bylaws. c. Apply strategic and operational planning, execution control/monitoring/evaluation and project management standards. d. Make an effort to attend all IFMSAMorocco activities. e. Send a report to the IFMSA-Morocco Secretary General two times a year. f. Provide information concerning his activities upon request to any member. g. Maintain regular communication with the members. 14.5. In the absence, suspension, removal, resignation, or death of an elected IFMSA Official, the Executive Board must take a decision regarding the replacement of that official The Executive Board may decide either to redistribute tasks among themselves, or to have a special election for that position at the next meeting. This decision can only be taken during an Executive Board Meeting. 14.6. In the event that the Executive Board takes the decision to have a special election for a vacant position at the next Meeting, then the election may take place at special meeting for full members. Candidates must fulfill all criteria for becoming an IFMSA-Morocco Official. The elected candidate will assume office immediately upon election and will fulfill only the remainder of the current term. Candidatures must be handed in to the Chair no later than two days before the day of the elections. Candidates must have an opportunity to give an oral presentation the day before the election. The election will otherwise proceed in accordance with the bylaws listed herein. During the interim period between when the vacancy is created and the new officer is elected, the Executive Board may

choose to appoint an interim officer to fulfill relevant responsibilities for the interim period. 14.7. Vacancy of Executive Board positions. In the special instance of the suspension, removal, resignation, or death of an Executive Board member, there shall be a right of ascension as follows: a. The Vice-President on External Affairs shall replace the President, in the event of the absence, suspension, removal, resignation, or death of the President. The Executive Board must decide if this is to be an interim or permanent appointment. b. The Vice-President on Internal Affairs shall replace the Secretary-General, in the event of the absence, suspension, removal, resignation, or death of the Secretary-General. The Executive Board must decide if this is to be an interim or permanent appointment. c. The Vice-President on External Affairs shall replace the Treasurer, in the event of the absence, suspension, removal, resignation, or death of the Treasurer. The Executive Board must decide if this is to be an interim or permanent appointment. d. If a Vice-President is suspended, removed, resigns, dies, or assumes another position on the Executive Board, his tasks will become the responsibility of the remaining Executive Board members, who will decide about redistribution of these tasks among themselves. The remaining Vice-President shall take the title of Vice-President. without reference to Internal Affairs or External Affairs. The Executive Board may decide either to have a special election for the vacant VicePresident position at the next Meeting, or to redistribute these tasks among themselves. In this instance an election must be conducted to elect a permanent Executive

Board member for the vacant position at a special meeting. If the Executive Board decides to make a permanent appointment as listed above, then the Executive Board may decide either to have a special election for the vacant Vice-President position at the next Meeting, or to redistribute these tasks among themselves. 14.8. Vacancy of Supervising Council positions. In the case of a vacancy of any of the positions during the year, a special election for that position must be conducted at the next Executive Board Meeting. The elected person will fulfill this position for the remaining period in accordance to bylaws. 15.Amendments to the Constitutions and Bylaws 15.1. Proposals for changes must be submitted to the IFMSA-Morocco General Secretariat before the National Assembly by one week. General Secretary should ask members to submit the bylaws changes three weeks before the NA. 15.2. The IFMSA-Morocco General Secretariat has to distribute the proposed changes to all full Members no later than the one month after approval. 15.3. Once a change to the Constitution has been proposed, no further amendments to that proposal may be submitted at any time 15.4 Changes to the Constitution are voted upon by ballot. 15.5 Changes to the Constitution require a two-thirds majority. 15.6 Amendments to the Constitution will take effect immediately after the National Assembly unless otherwise specified in the proposal. 15.7. Any amendments to the Constitution shall be exclusively discussed and voted on under the point of the agenda “Amendments to the Constitution and

Bylaws� This point cannot be reopened during the same National Assembly Meeting. 15.8 A proposal to change the Bylaws must be submitted in writing or by e-mail to the Secretary General one week before National Assembly. The Secretary General has to send a compilation of all the received proposals in writing or by e mail to the Full members who have been full members for one year or more in IFMSA-Morocco a week before opening of the National Assembly. 15.9 Changes in Standing Committees at the international level are applied immediately on the national standing committees. 16. Official relationships 16.1. Official relationships of the IFMSAMorocco with other organizations shall be based on health, education, science, social and humanitarian affairs. 16.2. The decision to establish an official relation with another organization can be made by the Executive Board and has to be approved by the Officials of IFMSA Morocco, or can be decided by the National Assembly and has to be pursued by the Executive Board in both cases. In the case of a decision to establish an official relation with another student organization, this should always be decided by the Officials with voting rights and pursued by the Executive Board. The final agreement with the other student organization has to be approved by the National Assembly. 16.3. Any communication or co-operation with an external organization, institution or partner of IFMSA-Morocco, either on behalf of IFMSA-Morocco or concerning an official project of IFMSA-Morocco, has to be approved by IFMSA-Morocco officials with voting rights and IFMSAMorocco Executive Board.

16.4 All official relations between IFMSA and any international organizations, make that relation valid to IFMSA-Morocco except in case that National Assembly voted on stopping that relation locally. 17. Supportive Partnerships 17.1. Supportive partnerships connect IFMSA Morocco to a profit making body with an interest in providing IFMSA-Morocco with resources. 17.2. The decision to establish a supportive partnership is made by the Executive Board. 17.3. No supportive partnership can make IFMSA-Morocco work against any part of its Constitution and Bylaws. 17.4. A supportive partnership must be regulated by a contract that has been reviewed by a lawyer and which includes a. Specification of if, when, where and how the supportive partner can use IFMSA-Morocco name b. The rights and conditions for canceling of the contract. c. The contract duration, this must not be more than 3 years, after which extension will be possible with the approval of the GA. d. Contract should be according to the Moroccan law and must never be used in any way that is not acceptable to Moroccan law, society or community. 18. Finances 18.1. This part includes regulations for the IFMSA-Morocco General budget, if anything is not listed here; IFMSA bylaws are the reference to measure on. 18.2. The IFMSA-Morocco General Budget includes all income and expenses related to the management of IFMSA-Morocco and the travel expenses of the IFMSAMorocco officials for GAs if covered totally or partially.

18.3. The Treasurer shall propose the IFMSA Morocco General Budget for the upcoming financial year to the Officials council who will decide upon it during the yearly meeting. Treasurer shall send the proposed IFMSA-Morocco to Executive Board. 18.4. A budget must be adopted by the Executive Board, officials. 18.5. In case the budget proposed by the Treasurer is not adopted, the Executive Board must consult Officials and submit a new budget or amendments. 18.6. The budget shall include: a. Income b. Expenses for: I.Administration. II.Communication. III. Printing IV. Executive Board V. Other expenses. 18.7. Team of officials decides if travel expenses of the delegates are covered during GA’s. 18.8. Travel expenses exceeding the budget will not be refunded. 18.9. Expenses, which are not related to travel costs, can exceed the budget with no more than 10%. 18.11 The financial year of the Federation runs from the first of October until thirthy september of the next year. 19. Financial Management 19.1. Any expenses and expenditures of IFMSA-Morocco not directly allocated in the budget can be authorized by: a. The Treasurer and president b. The ExecutiveBoard. In case of an urgent matter the Treasurer or the President may make decisions with another executive board member. The Executive Board must reconfirm such a decision as soon as possible. 19.2 To ensure the continuity of IFMSAMorocco, the organization shall possess a

reserve fund consisting of at least 5% of the total budget. The capital from the reserve fund can only be released with signatures of the complete Executive Board. 20. Attending IFMSA General Assemblies, IFMSA activities, and any representation of IFMSA-Moroocco in any occasion. 20.1 IFMSA-Morocco should work and do their best to have representatives of IFMSA-Morocco in IFMSA General Assemblies. 20.2 At least the president of IFMSAMorocco has to attend the presidents' session in the General Assembly. 20.3 Each IFMSA-Morocco delegation member should attend all the sessions of the committee he was sent to, and he has to attend one of the trainings and bring a certificate for that. 20.4 If the member of the delegation didn't do what was requested by him in 22.4, he will not get any fund from IFMSAMorocco for the costs, and he will pay his costs of the General Assembly participation by himself and give IFMSAMorocco the money back. 20.5. IFMSA Executive Board decides how the funding of the General Assembly participation will be. 20.6 Executive Board decides how many participants should go to the GA, with at least one participant to each GA. 20.7 Executive board member(s) should be existed in the delegation, and the executive board decides how many Executive Board members should attend the Assembly. 20.8 The president should be in the delegation of IFMSA-Morocco, if the president is not going the executive board has to delegate a person to substitute the president and to do his tasks in the General Assembly.

20.9 IFMSA-Morocco Delegation should write a report about their activities done in the general Assembly, a copy of that report should be kept with the Secretary General. 20.10 Any representation of IFMSA for any participant in any occasion should be approved by IFMSA-Morocco Executive Board. Executive Board decides if the participation in that occasion will be funded or not before sending the participant. 20.11 The Executive Board decide how much to cover from the expenses of the delegation members. The Executive Board decides how many students will be going with full coverage, partial coverage and no coverage. 20.12 Regulation of IFMSA Morocco participation in international meetings: a. The executive board should be represented in any delegation by at least one. If the president is not going to the General Assembly or not attending the presidents` sessions then a person from the executive board has to be appointed before the delegation leaves Morocco by the Executive Board. b. The delegation to any international meeting shall have the representation of the 2 local committees 21. Local Committees 21.1 IFMSA Morocco can have one local committee at each university where a medical school is established. 21.2 In case that new medical faculties have been established, a local committee in that university can join IFMSA Morocco but it has to follow the same constitutions and bylaws of both IFMSA and IFMSA Morocco. 21.3 Local committees have their own structure, and their own elections for Local officers.

21.4 Any local officer can candidate to any official position in IFMSA Morocco on national level. And his candidature has to be according to the bylaws listed above. 21.5 The local committee should have the following positions; president and a local officer for each committee (Local Officer on Research Exchange, Local ExchangeOfficer, Local Officer for Medical Education, Local Officer for Human rights and peace, Local Public Health Officer). 21.6 Local officers should work on the same field of each standing committee and should follow the national standing committee in its bylaws. Each Local Officer has to send the National officer reports on their activities. 21.7 Each local committee can send its members to IFMSA meetings through IFMSA Morocco and after being approved by IFMSA Morocco executive board. 21.8 President in the local committee is the one responsible in front of the executive board of his local committee work. 21.9 Any decision oversteps, contravenes or had been taken not according to the bylaws of IFMSA and IFMSA Morocco enables the executive board to reject the local office. 21.10 IFMSA Local committee should follow the bylaws of IFMSA and IFMSA Morocco in all their activities. 21.11 IFMSA-Morocco Local officers and Local presidents have the right to vote in the national assemblies of IFMSAMorocco. 21.12 The Local committee full members elects the remaining seats of their board after the national elections. 21.13 IFMSA-Morocco EB candidates should have been one of the team of officials for at least one year before. 21.14 The delegation to international meetings supported by the central budget should be divided equally to the Local

Committees. Each LC choose their delegates. 21.15 The Local Executive Board in each LC is the one responsible for the selection of the Student who will go for exchange and also the students who are going to represent IFMSA-Morocco in the General Assemblies and the EMR meetings upon each Local Committee. And also any Local decisions that concerns in an internal issue of the LC is decided and voted by the Local EB. 21.16 It is the responsibility of the local committee in each university to organize its own local election to elect the new team 21.2 IFMSA-Morocco local committes have to pay membership fees to IFMSAMorocco that is determined yearly by the EB. Those membership fees are calculated according to a percentage. 24. Reference of not written bylaws: 24.1 If there is a situation there is no bylaw written for it, then the reference will be the IFMSA bylawsto be measured On.

IFMSA Morocco Faculty of Medicine, Mohamed 5 University Av. Mohamed Belarbi El Alaoui B.P: 6203 Rabat Institut B.P. 6203 Rabat E-mail: Copyright Š 2011/2012, IFMSAMorocco International Federation of Medical Students. Associations – Morocco

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