Meriem Benazzouz | IFMSA Regional Director for EMR 2020-2021 Candidature package.

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‫بنعز و ز‬

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“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.” - Madeleine Albright


‫بنعز و ز‬

‫مر يم‬


Table of Content Motivation Letter Plan of Action Curriculum Vitae

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Motivation Letter 4

‫بنعز و ز‬

‫مر يم‬


Motivation Letter Dear EMR, Dear friends, Dear readers, During my first year in high school I had a plan, get to med school, become a member of a local association, learn about volunteering, know the right people, become a great doctor and become a passionate volunteer. Little did I know back then that the IFMSA «Changed my life », cliché, is real and felt deeply in our hearts. I know for sure since I was able to broaden my vision, and learn how one person, with the right people, could change the world. Our federation is the living proof of that considering how impactful it is on Global health, human rights, SRHR, and above all, on medical students’ lives. From Local Official for human Right and Piece, to External Affairs Regional Assistant growing through national EB and TO positions, every position that I held was a piece of a puzzle. Through my local positions, I learned how to engage members effectively and manage teams, on the national level. As VPE, I developed more NMO management skills, and a liking for external affairs’ tools to cite but a few, policy writing and stakeholders mapping. Regionally, I was able to polish these skills and delve in the depth of the regional work and develop a sense for the needs and spedificies of our region. This whole set of skills is what’s enabling me to have the confidence to propel our region to a new level. I have grown to be more and more passionate about our federation, our IMPACT. We, health care students from all around the world, have joined hands to fulfill dreams, to learn, to positively change our world. We will have a role to play in that small world.

We can all learn from that little hummingbird, who, in the middle of a forest fire, was going back and forth from the river to the fire to throw a minuscule drop of water to the fire. He explained to his friends running from the catastrophe, that if everyone committed to their responsibilities and their part, they would have overcome that fire destroying their beloved world. Today, I want us to join hands - without any physical contact #flattening_the_curve - yet again, to get rid of this fire, to make sure that our region, our world, shines more than it ever did. I believe that youth have a great responsibility towards our world. Youth have indeed proven themselves as an actor of positive and sustainable change. Longways from the hardships and conflicts in the region, when we meet as a part of this federation, I see a promising, strong, powerful inspiring family. I see that our organisation has provided a unique opportunity to witness willpower, determination, hard work and the vibe of our region with our energetic roll calls a In my 7 years of experience in the volunteering world, I have never been more convinced we have a huge potential and it is one of my duties as one of the leaders of this community to provide them with all the tools and opportunities to make a change. I hope that by applying to this position, I will be able to get closer to this dream of ours, and contribute together to a better world. Yours truly,


‫بنعز و ز‬

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Plan of Action


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PoA I- Regional Strategy and Regional Priorities. II- EMR meeting and IFMSA meetings. III- Internal Regional Development. IV- External affairs. V- As IFMSA TO member.


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I- Regional Strategy, Regional Priorities. Strategic Plan. During this term, as a member of the RT core team, I have participated in the evaluation of the Regional strategy. Next year will be the last year of the EMR 2018-2021 strategy, with the help of the new AWP structure, I plan to include the regional team in its achieving the remaining objectives. By the end of the term, with the help of my team, I will conduct a complete evaluation of the strategy in the process of starting to draft the new strategy. I will open a regional taskforce that will closely collaborate with the RT to draft the next regional strategy taking into consideration the alignment with the IFMSA strategy.

Regional Priorities. During this term, we have had the chance to work on the first Regional Priorities for the EMR. We, therefore, have to learn from our experience and have a more comprehensive approach towards our Regional Priorities for next term.. From my side, I intend to prioritise working on the following aspects: · Identify relevant stakeholders and opportunities for the region and strive to secure sustainable partnerships · As per the wish of the NMOs, create a tracking sheet with that they will be filling to track the progress as efficiently as possible · Create an impact report shared with our partners in the relevant areas by the end of the term.


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II- EMR meeting and IFMSA meetings. EMR Meeting. The EMR meeting is at the center and is one of the highlights of the term for both NMOs and the EMR Team. This meeting has always been an opportunity for members all over the region to discuss, learn, share and Unfortunately, with the current outbreak and political situation of some of the EMR countries, we were unable to find a host for our next meeting. If by the beginning of next term, the issue persists, I will be trying to discuss with NMOs the possibilities of finding an urgent host with minimal requirements. Otherwise, I will be exploring the possibility of transitioning to an online format based on the experiences of the Asia-Pacific region in their online APRM2020 and the online GA.

The RD, EARA and OC will then look for relevant national and international speakers. · By the end, raising a discussion around the barriers to hosting RMs and coming up with concrete ideas and recommendations to avoid a similar situation in the near future is another action point that is crucial this term.

General Assemblies.

The General Assemblies are a hub for medical students all around the world, another opportunity for our members to meet twice a year in a different environment..I know how overwhelming it can get, in the light of the preparations for the GA, I plan to: · Organize a preparatory webinar for the region In case a host is found, we will be working around for NMO presidents and members to make sure the clock to adapt the preparations timeline, that they arrive fully prepared and aware of the ensure all the basic tasks and calls go within the stakes regulated timeframes. What I plan to add is: · Assist EMR NMOs all through the propration · On the continuity of the evolution of the process for the meeting and stay available for presidents sessions with parallel sessions for them NMOs EB members, plan a completely independ · Innovate in designing and brainstorming for NMO management session regional sessions with the RT. One of the issues · With the experience of EMR16, I believe that we face is that the MM regional sessions that the theme event should be in line with the come less than 3 weeks after the EMR meeting. Regional Priorities. The design of the outline will Finding new ways to utilise this short time frame be ensured with the help of the liaison officer. is not only a challenge but an opportunity as well.


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III- Internal Regional Development. To ensure the accountability of the RT, we can implement new tools to promote involvement in regional activities by sharing a monthly poster of the highlights of each RT member.

Regional team.

After coordinating a regional campaign, I have noticed that the necessity for common projects within the RT is of the utmost importance. I believe that we should brainstorm from the beginning of the term about areas of collaboration that we could include in a common AWP. That will benefit not only the region, but also NMOs and the Regional Team.

Capacity building.

Only a strong and blossomed team can successfully support our development and “Capacity building is the backbone of IFMSA” that of our members.. My goal for the team is we have a mutual agreement on the importance to create a thriving and warm environment of Capacity Building. More than that, as a pillar of where collaboration and teamwork are the main our regional Strategic plan, CB will be a priority. focuses.. As a member of the EMR regional Team 2019/2020, I have not only seen some good Therefore, with the help of the CBRA I plan to: practices firsthand, I have also noticed some · Learning from the others regions, specialy, the room for improvement. Americas experience to promote more online sessions and webinars for the region First, I think that the structure of the core · Conduct an assessment previous to the Preteam should be adapted to new needs and EMR workshops selections to guide us in the specificities of the region. By the end of this selection of relevant workshops for Pre-EMR. term, I will conduct an analysis of the region’s · Work hand in hand with the RT to develop needs to adapt the structure of the team, with toolkits and manual to support the region specific tasks for each member avoiding an according to NMOs needs. overlap between positions. After selecting the · Assiste the NMOs to host Sub-Regional RT, I plan on having an individual meeting with Trainings next term, especially after the COVID-19 each member to agree clearly on the tasks, crisis and cancellation of many of them. and mutual expectations. Moreover, I intend to conduct a capacity building program consisting of a series of trainings and developing resources adapted to the work of the RT.


In order to tackle demotivation during the term, I envision to closely monitor mental health in order to avoid burnout and ensure a thriving and fulfilling term for each member of the RT. I plan to take into considerations the guidelines that will be submitted by the TF on officials’ mental health and implement new guidelines for a thriving environment in the team.

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III- Internal Regional Development. NMOs developement & memberships. IFMSA for NMOs and NMOs for IFMSA, this is my vision for the region. NMOs are in the center of the interest of the regional team and regional director, with the end goal to have all EMR NMO grow stronger and more resilient. We already have a promising region with experienced NMOs and flourishing ones, in order to ensure the development of our region, I intend to: · Conduct a baseline assessment based on previous NMOs reports, previous reports and share findings with NMOs · Begin the term with an 1:1 meeting with all the NMO presidents to agree on a way forward and agree on personalized channels of communication. · To sustain and maximize communication with NMOs, I am planning to engage the core team members for a long term follow up under my supervision. · Support NMOs’ in their respective national strategies, in accordance with their level of progress: Analysis, needs assessment, monitoring, evaluation… · During my term, the core team has implemented NMO support plans. In order insure their follow-up, I attend to add a section in the monthly reports · With all the notions of GPs, RPs, IFMSA Programs, SC RPs, I plan to assist NMOs to determine, align, monitor, and evaluate their National Priorities based on their national needs, NMOs experience and IFMSA ressources.

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· Organize a Strategic Development workshop for NGOs plan for NMO presidents and their EBs. · With the help of the core team, share a monthly overview of IFMSA opportunities for NMO presidents and members · Support candidate members by initiating an online CB camp for members. · Assist aspiring organisations to join IFMSA by following-up on the contacts initiated by the previous RDs and initiating new ones. · Learning from the european Regional initiative of the term 2019/2020, promote existing IFMSA Resources steaming from need and work of SWGs and Task forces and yet, often forgotten and neglected.

A foreseeing vision.

Today, we have faced this great emergency, shaking our habits, our plans and projects, have changed our lives. Thus, we have to be ready for any eventual new wave or another crisis by anticipated the issues faced during this term: · Demotivation of the Regional team by adding a section in the social contract and foresee solutions to maintain motivation in all cases · Cancellation of meetings by discussing with the RT, NMOs and TO about online alternatives including SRTs, EMR Meeting, General Assemblies but better preparations and with a forestalling approach Besides preventing issues, we can also learn from this crisis by promoting more online activities and projects as a new good practice.


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IV- External affairs. “Meaningful adolescent and youth engagement is an inclusive, intentional, mutually-respectful partnership between adolescents, youth, and adults whereby power is shared…” - Global Consensus Statement on Meaningful Adolescent and Youth Engagement

IPSF EMRO: During this term, we have implemented the Annual Working Plan, with several meetings and projects. Since this working model has been successful, I will be getting in touch with the new EMRO chairperson as soon as possible to renew our collaboration for next term. WONCA EMR: I plan to follow up on the ongoing collaboration regarding the family medicine education in the region..

· Explore, develop and secure new partnerships Nowadays, we can affirm that, when involved with: meaningfully, youth drive the world and their Partner Areas of collaboration communities towards a positive change. As - Try to implement a Regional Director, I will not only work for the sustainable internship development of the NMOs and the region, programs with a least but I will also promote empowering medical one of the agencies students in the region to become Meaningfully Regional UN agencies following the example including: ENGAGED by providing them the opportunities, of the Americas Region - UNFPA Arabstates - Plan a campaign with the knowledge and the capacity. External work - UNAIDS MENA a common subject of have many pillars, assisted by the EA RA, I hope - UNICEF MENA interest to: - UNDP Arab states · Organise CB sessions for members to provide them with the tools to be efficient and engage actively during external meetings, to seize opportunities, build partnerships within their country and get involved regionally and internationally · Promote the toolkit on National and International Policymaking, Usage and Implementation that I co-lead as an interregional initiative within NMOs to encourage policy making in NMOs and the region


· Strengthen ongoing partnerships with: WHO EMRO: which is our most impactful partner and stakeholder in the region. All through this term, we have conducted several common projects. With their growing interest towards youth, I plan to strengthen our partnership by increasing our reach beyond the one department that we are working with at the moment, actively proposing new projects, with the collaboration of Students Organisations and other youth NGOs in the region.

- Organize relevant trainings and webinars to the Regional Priorities and SC priorities


Contact the organisation to secure a spot(s) to the meeting

Arab league

Contact Model Arab League to develop a partnership and create a new opportunity for members in the region Develop a project to tackle SDGs as one own main focus areas

· Develop with the help of the EARA a stakeholder mapping and analysis with the Regional team that will benefit the region, campaigns and opportunities for members in line with the Regional Priorities and main Standing Committees Regional priorities. · Develop with the the help of the EARA and external meetings, funds opportunities tracking sheet for NMOs and the region.

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V- As IFMSA TO member. If elected, I will not only be a part of the EMR team, but as an IFMSA Team of Officials member, I will work actively onIFMSA’s development both internally and externally. As Regional director, I will do my best to support my NMOs bodies and assist in the developpement of all NMOs. When needed, I will do my best to give my inputs and contributions to the TO. First of all, I plan to work closely with the VPM and the RDs, I will actively contribute to the NMOs’ developpement and brainstorm on ways to improve our membership system. Furthermore, after my experience with Interregional collaborations ( SWG on National and International Policymaking, Usage and Implementation, intergional campaigns and webinars), I plan to work closely with RDs on joint initiatives through opening communication channels between our RT core teams. This will encourage experience sharing and developing new initiatives for the benefit of our members.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead

Lastly, I will be relying on the help of the LOs whenever needed to support our regional’s external affairs. 13

‫بنعز و ز‬

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Curriculum Vitae Meriem BENAZZOUZ,

5th year medical student at the faculty of medecine of the Mohammed VI University of Health and Medical Sciences.

IFMSA positions held:

Oct 19 -- Present: IFMSA External Affairs Regional Assistant for the EMR Sep 19 -- Present: IFMSA-Morocco LC President Sep 18 -- Aug 19: IFMSA-Morocco Vice-President for External Affairs Sep 17 -- Aug 18: IFMSA-Morocco LC campus coordinator (Medec’IN-Casa) Sep 15 -- Aug 16: Local Humain Rights and Peace Officer (C-MedSA)

IFMSA Meetings: 5 GAs

· IFMSA March Meeting 2020 - Rwanda | EMR Regional Team member. · IFMSA EMR Meeting 16 - Jordan | EMR Regional Team member. · IFMSA August Meeting 2019 - Taiwan | Presidents’ sessions, vice-head of delegation · IFMSA March Meeting 2019 - Slovenia | Presidents’ sessions, vice-head of delegation. · IFMSA August Meeting 2018 - Quebec | NMO Management sessions, policy assistant. · IFMSA March Meeting 2018 - Egypt | SCORP sessions, policy assistant.

CB events:


· Pre-GA MM2020 - Rwanda | Global Health Advocates, facilitator. · Pre-EMR16 - Jordan | Global Heath Advocates, facilitator. · SRT MoroCamp 3 - Morocco | Public Health Leadership Training PHLT, participant. · Pre-GA AM19 - Taiwan | Training New Trainers TNT, participant.

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· SRT MoroCamp 2 - Morocco | Trainig Medical Education Trainers TMET, participant. · Pre-EMR14 - Morocco | External Representation & policy making in IFMSA Workshop, participant.

9 NGAs and 4 National TOMs.


IFMSA External Affairs Regional Assistant for the EMR · Co-coordinator for the SWG on National and International Policymaking, Usage and Implementation. · Co-coordinator for the campaign on Policy Documents · Co-Coordinator for the Manual on National Priorities · Co-Coordinator for the Regional Campaign on Covid-19 · Assisted RD EMR and LOSO for the WAAW campaign IFMSA-Morocco Vice-President for External Affairs · Cordinator of IFMSA-Morocco’s Task Force on NGAs Developpement. · Co-coordinated the SWG on Policy making in IFMSA-Morocco. · Represented IFMSA-Morocco at the national SDG 3 Accelerators Discussion, organized by the WHO, UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women, Untaid, UNICEF, WFP, The Global Fund, Global Financing National Office, GAVI, World Bank Group. · Represented IFMSA-Morocco at the 2nd National Consultation on SDGs implementation in Morocco, hosted by the Higher Planning Commission in Morocco, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National UN Agencies.

‫مر يم‬

22 years old Meriem BENAZZOUZ IFMSA RD EMR 2020-2021 Facebook: /meriem.benazzouz Phone : +212 601201525 Casablanca, Morocco

· Represented IFMSA-Morocco at AIDS National Day, hosted by UNAIDS National Office, the Global Fund and Ministry of Health. · Organizing committee of the first National AMR Conference in Morocco. · Represented IFMSA-Morocco at the National strategy on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights consultation, by the national office of UNAIDS, Global Fund, Ministry of Health and the National Human Rights Council. · Memorandum of Understandings redaction with the UNAIDS, WHO country offices and Y-Peer Morocco. Other: · IFMSA-Morocco Delegates to COP 22, LORP. · Financial, projects and team management as LORP, campus cordinator and LC President. · Organisational developement as LC president and NMO VPE.

Languages: · · · ·

Arabic : Native French : Excellent – C2 English : Advanced – Professional proficiency German : Intermediater


‫بنعز و ز‬

‫مر يم‬



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