Survival Book for Incomings - Casablanca

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Cultural affairs : Fatima Ezzahraa Wafqui ; Maria Belokda

Welcome Planning an exchange to Casablanca and feeling that you can’t feel more lost than you already are ? Here, in Casablanca we know exactly what you need and we plan to rescue you. “Marhaba” Welcome to our city. Casablanca SCOPE team will accompany you step by step, to make your exchange, one of the best exchanges you could ever dream of. How do we know that ? It’s simple, we can’t wait to have you among us , we have a great team, and we do our best to make your exchange wonderful.

Overview A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.

Discovering Morocco, and Casablanca Through Websites. ( Contacting my host family ) Packing my luggage: Hum, should I pack my bed too ? At the airport : Wow I’m really here ! Accommodations : It’s starting to be interesting. The info session : First day at the hospital. It’s 12.00...Gee! Where am I going to eat? I need to change Money : I got dollars :$ I need to shop ! How to get there ? How to communicate?


Discovering Morocco, and Casablanca (through it’s People.)

Happy you just got your CA? o Well, That won’t be all. Our team will also provide you with your host family ,and contact person

information. We are happy to answer any questions you might have, and to assist you during your Pre-exchange Period. We want you relaxed and guided all the way along. o We will create a Facebook group, where you can interact with all the incomings of the month, and

have a small insight on what to expect . Did you just realize you are going to Morocco! First Instinct >Google it.

A. Discovering Morocco, and Casablanca Through Websites.


Here are more links that would make you crave to come to Morocco, and Casablanca particularly. o o o o o o o

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NB : If the links don’t go directly to the page , please copy them on the address bar.

B. Packing my luggage: Hum, should I pack my bed too ?

Electrical Appliances: o The standard electrical system in Morocco is 220 volts. If you Intent to bring any electrical

equipment (such as hair dryer, shaver, computer, Camera), be sure it is compatible or bring an adapter. Adapters Can be purchased here in Casablanca, but can be Slightly expensive than in your home country. if you would like to avoid any extra expenses , it is recommended to bring one with you. o Please note that if you are NOT staying with a Host Family, you might consider bringing any

electrical equipment you Normally use, and can’t be found in Student housing (hair dryer, electrical Tooth brush…)

B. Packing my luggage

Dressing: o For your time at the Hospital : Do not forget your White

coats, Scrubs and Stethoscopes. o Tips :You will be walking around too much  so at least bring

one Comfortable pair of shoes.You will also be having Night’s out, so keep in mind to bring something to dress up. o The code dress for people here is very Simple .Tops, and jeans

will do. Only keep in mind that this is a Muslim country and over provocative cloths are not recommended.

B. Packing my luggage

Weather in Casablanca : o varies from season to season . it goes from 6~7°c in average on winter time (Dec-Mar) ,

19~21 at spring time (Mar-June) to 28~29°C( June-Sep). o It is expected to Rain heavily during Autumn-Winter. You might want to visit the

Peeks of Atlas Mountains at this time of the year, where It usually Snows. Please Remember to pack warm cloths. o Summer time in Casablanca is known to be Sunny and slightly hot. Perfect Weather for

a day at the Beach. You might consider bringing your Swim suits, and lighter Cloths. o For More Information about Morocco’s Weather and Casablanca’s in Particular please

Check : o

B. Packing my luggage Medicine: o If you require any prescription medications, please bring these with you on the aircraft. If you are

under doctor's care for any condition, you might want to bring a letter from your physician describing your condition and treatment regime in case you need to see a doctor while you are in Morocco. Toiletries: o Although you will be able to purchase toiletries locally, you might not be able to find the brand you

enjoy using. Therefore, you should bring an ample supply of toiletries you usually use such as : Antiperspirant/deodorant, Sun Screen Lotion‌...ect. o Note that if you are bringing any of gels, or Liquids they shouldn’t exceed 90ml, and it is preferable

if you pack them all in one clear transparent Zip Bag.

B. Packing my luggage Luggage o Please pack lightly. Generally, airlines permit travelers no more than 23kg (50 lbs.). However, we

suggest that you check with your airline in advance for precise luggage policies. Inside your larger suitcase, it would be advisable to bring a small collapsible travel bag to use during your trips. o In addition to your baggage, airlines generally permit a small bag and one personal item (e.g. a

purse or small back pack) aboard the plane no Heavier than 12Kg. We strongly encourage you to carry with you a few days clothing and other essentials in case your bag is delayed in transit.

B. Packing my luggage Don’t forget to pack : o Your health insurance (original document signed and stamped with logo of your insurance company,

it should be at least in ENGLISH but French and Arabic are accepted of course) o Extra personal pictures for any cards you might need here o Student ID that would help you get a discount for visiting our monuments o Visa ( In case your Country requires one) o Passport o Souvenirs, you might want to give. o Valuables : Anything valuable , might be easily lost or Stolen while traveling, I state Jewelry as an

example .You should leave expensive and extravagant things at home and remember to always secure your unattended personal belongings.

C. At the airport : Wow I’m really here !

Immigration and Customs : o No matter how much we love airports, and their Awesomeness, we hate all the

security checks, late transit, and paper issues. We dedicated this section to make it easier for you to go through this step, and to avoid all the unnecessary troubles it may resume. o I encourage you all to check your Airport’s Websites, Or call them to ask about

their regulations. As for Moroccan Airports, here is their Website, where you will find everything you might need to know http:// PS : At the Airport they distribute free SIM Cards, you might want to get one from there, but it is not our responsibility if it doesn’t work, and you have to buy another one after.

C. At the airport

Picking you up : o Generally You will find a Scope member, or a member of  your Host family  waiting for you at the

arrival gate at the airport. o Please arrange that with them before arriving. o In other cases, you might need to take the train, and the person in charge will come collect you

from a train station.You will have to discuss further details with people you are in Contact with, before coming. o For more information Contact the LEO , your Host Family, or any other Scope Member you are in

contact with.

. D. Accommodations : It’s starting to be interesting

During the Academic Year : o Our Scope opts for Hosting families, as it represents the best Moroccan experience.

Moroccans have a high value for family culture. Most families are close to each other. Even after 18 years old, which is the legal adult age here, most of youngsters don’t leave home and stay until they get married . o If you are staying with your Host family, you will be either taking the Tram Way to the

Hospital, going with the host family, or walking, if the hospital is in a walking distance.

D. Accommodations : It’s starting to be interesting

July/August In-comings : o You will mostly be staying in a student residence, with the whole group if possible. Two in-comings

from the same gender will share one room. The rooms have a personal bathroom, and two beds. We encourage you to bring a couple of your own sheets. o We will provide you with basic kitchen Utensils for your stay. Please take care of them, any lost or

broken item, you will be taken responsible for. o You will be using the tramway from where you are staying, to the hospital. o it takes around 30mins Max.

D. Accommodations

Safety o Individuals must take personal responsibility for their own safety by being aware and alert. Going

out alone by night is highly not recommended. Â If you are planning to go out at night you should be in a group or at least two, and it would be preferable if you are with a local friend.

In case of emergency , do not forget to contact your contact person and your LEO. Police Number : 19 Firefighters and Ambulance Number : 15Â Both these numbers are free!

E. The info session : o Once you are settled, had some Moroccan Tea while You are sitting in a Moroccan living room and before

you sleep you are going to have a briefing session on what you will need to know, and finally get the chance to ask any questions that are still pending. Your info session will set you the guide lines you will need to follow for the whole Exchange month : o What will be the new routine, Introduction to hospital life, What to expect, What will be asked from you, any

House ground rules. o Note that each person may have a different routine depending on the Host family; May have a different list

of obligations depending on the department. It is better if you do not compare your experience with any other friends that might have already been to Morocco. o PS: In case the Scope , or the LEO forgot to contact you once you arrive, don’t hesitate to do so.There is an

administrative protocol that you’ll need to complete once you arrive. o You may have the info Session just before starting your First day or after it , We do our best to try to do it

as soon as possible and preferably with the whole group.

F. First day at the hospital.

o Every In-Coming is accompanied to the Hospital for the first day. o July and August Incoming Groups may be asked to come as a group for the first day. o There will be a Pre-Scheduled Meeting with the Contact Person, who will take care of you during

the exchange. o A tour around the Hospital, in order to discover the essential Utilities : Cafeteria, multiple

departments different gates…. o Then You will get, to start in your chosen department by an introduction to the department :

Meeting professors, other fellow students, the staff, observing on patients….. o If you still haven’t acquired a SIM card, and Tram Card you might need to ask your contact person,

to accompany you to purchase them.

g. It’s 12.00...Gee! Where am I going to eat?

o The hospital center contains a Cafeteria where most students have lunch. An appropriate lunch is

between 30Dh to 50Dh. o You will certainly be invited to have lunch with other SCOPE members, outside the hospital, at

restaurants or with other Moroccan Families. o Any extra activities or lunches outside, will be on your personal expenses. Nonetheless, if you are

with a hosting family you can share their food. o For incomings who will travel during Ramadan, restaurants are CLOSED during the day so for

your Breakfast and Lunch, you will need to cook for yourselves. Restaurants will be open by dinner time. o Here is a list of restaurants that are around the hospital : ( YOU WILL FIND A MAP WHERE YOU


G. Where am I going to eat? o 1- Gigi : student menu at 25 Dhs, special menu from 42 to o 65 Dhs. o 2-Alice: about 30 Dhs a meal with drink o 3-Pizza Hut o 4-Calido : 50 Dhs a menu with Chawarma, drink and dessert o 5-Grillardère o 6-Amiga o 7-McDonalds , Big Tasty costs 57Dh , Mc Fleury 20Dh o 8-Jouha o 9-Pomme de pain o 10-Vesale o 11-Be Wok

o 12-Espace comfort o 13-Casa pasta o 14- Nizar Sham o 15- Mozza o

16-Kebab Cafe

NB: A meal generally will cost you from 30DHs up to 150Dh and more for a fancy one.

H. I need to change Money : I got dollars :$

o Though it is recommended to change your money to Dhs before you arrive. There are many

Agencies where you can exchange it. o Try to bring your Money in Dollars/Euros, so it would be easier to exchange. o It is best if you do not have a lot of cash in hands. Travelling around with large amounts of money

is never safe. o Use an ATM card : Master Cards or Visa Cards are accepted more often. ( If you have one)  ATMs provide the best exchange rate.  Airports have ATM machines or Exchange Windows.  Major cities have ATM machines.  Choosing to use a bank, you will need to go through the pain of having to show all kinds of ID, passport,

license, etc...

I. I need to shop o Casablanca is the Economical Capital of Morocco.You can find a various ranges of malls, Super

Markets, and shops to purchase any thing you want. o Morocco Mall : o Anfa Place : o Marjane: , There is a Tram way station that stops just in

front of supermarket ( California) , if you are loged in a student dorm, o BiM : o Acima : o Carrefour Market :

( These are the names of chain stores so you can get more familiar with them, once you get here and see one, you’ll know them)

o You can find Grocery shops almost Every where.

i. I need to shop o In Addition to that we have Traditional markets like :

Habbous, Old Medina, and Derb ghallef where you can shop for cloths and Souvenirs with cheaper prices than in chain Stores. o I would like to point that the system in these places is

very traditional, so you will have to bargain prices with the sales person( Excluding Grocery Shops) o I highly recommend that you go with a Moroccan/Local

student.Your companion will assist you while purchasing any kind of items, as they have a better idea about the local prices, and have an experience in bargaining ( we, Moroccans ,are known for that xD).

J. How to get there ?

Inside Casablanca :  TramWay : o The best way for an In-coming to get around is by using the tramway. There is a station called

Hospitals “ Les Hopitaux” that is 6 mins walk to the hospital, and there is another station “Medical Faculty” “ Faculté de médecine” that is 4 mins away from the faculty of Medecine Casablanca. o In addition to these 2 Important stations , the Tramway line goes through many Casablanca’s

landmarks , and has a direct line to the beach. In each tramway station you will find security guards, and booths to recharge Tram Cards. The screen has 3 languages so you will not be lost . The process takes less than a minute.

J. How to get there ?  Taxis : o Here in Casablanca we have big White Taxis, and Small Red Taxis. The White big taxis are

from a certain place to another. They can assure the transportation of 6 people at Max. Unless you know the place you want to go to, and where the taxis will stop, you can’t get in. o Red Small Taxis. They can get you anywhere you want .They assure the displacements for

3 people maximum, and each taxicab has a meter Counter. o Any number showed on the Counter is the amount that should be paid, but you can’t pay

less that 7.5 dhs because it’s the price of the service. o By night the price goes +50% o In case you are alone, or you are two, don’t worry if the taxi stops to pick another

passenger, every passenger has his own Meter Counter.

j. How to get there ?

o Tips : Always carry a written note of the address you want to go to, it

will make it easier for the driver to understand you. Any one in your entourage will be glad to assist you with the writing in Arabic. o

If you are having trouble finding a way of transportation,You can call “TAXI VERT”, that can pick you up from where you are and take you to your destination. The fee for “TAXI VERT” or Green Taxis are usually higher, but it is the best savior in late hours. o Taxi Vert: 00212522484801

 J. How to get there ?

ď ś Buses : o Casablanca has a large network of Buses. Their Safety has always been controversal, furthermore

they have no regular schedules by stations. It is best if you avoid them. o Unless someone recommends a certain bus for you or is willing to accompany you, it’s better to

opt for the other alternatives.

J. How to get there ?

Outside Casablanca :  Trains : o Morocco has a very reliable train network. Train stations are a safer place to be . The train network

connects most of the Big cities in Morocco. There is a train every 30mins to Rabat from “Casa Port” station.You can find direct Trains to Marrakesh, Fes, Tangier…. o Trains are more likely to be on time , but delayed trains is always a possibility. o We recommend that you take the tramway from where you are living to CASA VOYAGEURS Tram

Station. Casa Voyageurs is a very Known Train station in Casablanca, it Could also serve as meeting point.

J. How to get there ?

 Long distance Buses : o Sometimes you might want to consider travelling at night, or where there are no Train itineraries

to the city you want to go to . There are Two bus stations in Casablanca. We only recommend you to use the CTM which is more comfortable and reliable. Address : C.t.m. (gare routière) 23, rue Léon l'Africain Quartier: Centre Ville 20000 CASABLANCA

K. How to Communicate ?

Arabic, and French are the usual used languages in Casablanca. Locals mostly don’t speak English, nonetheless you will find people that speak English around you. All Scope Team members speak English,Your host family ,and your contact person will be definitely speaking English. o Helpers :


Moroccan Dialect

Thank you


No thank you

La chokran


Salam / Salam alaikom ( Formal)





How much ?

Bchhal ?

What ?


K. How to Communicate ? English

Moroccan dialect


Moroccan Dialect

How are you ?

Labass ?


Tabib/ Doctour


Fin ?



When ?

Imta ?



Wait ?

Tsana ( Singular) Tsanaw ( Plural )

You need Medication

Khassek Dwa



Grocery Store










I want


You are crazy xD

Msati xD













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