“Transparency and accountability are fundamental to how we do business at IFC. I believe that independent evaluation drives best practice, innovation, and builds public trust. The Global Accountability Report is an important tool that helps organisations re-examine their effectiveness and accountability to stakeholders. We can all learn from this process.” Lars Thunell, Executive Vice President and CEO, International Finance Corporation “We have learned that reaching out and involving our stakeholders early in decision-making helps us run our operations better and maintain our license to operate, especially on the more difficult projects that our industry is naturally being driven to. We welcome the latest Global Accountability Report and the work of the One World Trust in promoting accountability not only for companies but, importantly for a wide range of other organisations as well.” Roxanne Decyk, Director Corporate Affairs, Royal Dutch Shell plc
2008 Global Accountability Report Robert Lloyd, Shana Warren and Michael Hammer
“Thank you One World Trust! The accountability assessment provided all of us at IPPF with a good opportunity to look at areas of our work that we do not often sit down to reflect on in a structured manner. It was a useful learning experience that helped point out areas where we need to improve and we are already addressing these.” Dr Garry Dearden, Director, Organizational Effectiveness and Governance, International Planned Parenthood Foundation “As a global company, Cargill is committed to conducting our business around the world with the highest levels of integrity, accountability and responsibility. The Global Accountability Report is an informative benchmarking tool for large organisations such as ours who strive for continued improvement and progress.” Bonnie Raquet, Corporate Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Cargill “We at IOM are always looking for ways to improve and we welcome independent assessments of our work. As the report itself says, IOM has grown so much in the past 10 years, our policies and management systems have not kept pace. We are working to remedy this and the analysis, suggestions and examples of good practice in the Global Accountability Report will be invaluable as we move ahead.” Ambassador William Lacy Swing, Director General, International Organization for Migration
“I welcome this Report. For the AfDB, issues of accountability and transparency are central not only to our work in Africa, but also to how we manage ourselves. Independent assessments such as the Global Accountability Report provide a valuable perspective. We shall certainly take it into consideration as we continue efforts to improve our performance and our responsibility to all our stakeholders: the people we serve in Africa as well as our immediate shareholders.” Donald Kaberuka, President, African Development Bank
ISBN 978-0-9559460-2-8
“Catholic Relief Services welcomed the opportunity to participate in the 2008 Global Accountability Report. It is our goal to maximize our transparency and accountability to our partners, the people we serve, and our donors. The assessment process confirmed practices that are working and has enabled us to identify areas where we can enhance our efforts.” Annemarie Reilly, Chief of Staff, Catholic Relief Services