The Professional’s Choice in Retail POS and Inventory Management Software “Pacsoft drilled down to the heart of our so ftware problems and he lped us every step of the way. I just don't know wh ere we would be withou t them.”
Rob Vanderkolk, Manager Bayswater Mitre 10
service, and ft is their A1 erence to so ac P f o it “The benef n a real diff . That’s bee their support we’ve had in the past.” ers other provid ager Man n, General Brett Peterso er Timber & Hardware ah Brendan Dan
“I’ve been using Opte mizer for th years with e past two Petstock. I fin use and ve ry easy to le d it very simple to arn.” Elizab
eth Cibrasi o, Sales Rep Petstock P resentative reston
Pacso& Australia -‐ The Professional’s Choice… In Retail POS & Inventory Management So5ware
Why Choose Pacso& To Care For Your Business No part of this publica?on may be reproduced or transmiBed in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any informa?on storage and retrieval system, without permission in wri?ng from Pacso& Australia Pty Ltd. 12 Cato Street, East Hawthorn, Victoria 3123.
Choice In Retail So&ware The Professional’s
Table Of Contents
Pacso& Overview
Meet the Pacso& Team Helping You With Your Business
How Pacso&’s Core Values Benefit You
Case Studies
What We Do For You The Cri?cal Steps To A Successful Retail Computer Installa?on Optemizer Return On Investment Pacso&’s Customer Care Program Pacso&’s Value-‐Added Services Optemizer Training MOVE Program
33 34 35 36 38 39 41
How We Do It What Makes Us Different Optemizer Modules Scibuy Scien?fic Buying Target Inventory & Overstock Reduc?on OptTimber OptDelivery TrendFinder Q Buster Mobile POS Q Buster Mobile POS In The Field Hardware
43 44 45 46 50 54 56 57 58 59 60
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Pacso& Overview When You Need Technology Advice For Your Business Speak To a Retail Technology Expert
Founded in 1984
Proven So&ware and Service For Your Industry
Pacso& successfully services over 2,000 leading Timber, Hardware and Rural retailers.
Driven To Make You More Successful
Pacso&’s purpose is to “Make Our Customers Money By Improving Their Efficiency & Profit”.
Privately-‐owned company with family business values, founded in high ethical standards. A company with deep roots in the community.
Make Your Business More Compe??ve With The Latest Technology
Pacso& has always been the industry leader that others follow. In 2011, Pacso& lead the industry into the use of mobile technology, with iPads and iPhones. Pacso& was years ahead of the industry in moving to the windows placorm. Based on Microso& SQL server technology, which is ideally suited to the needs of your industry because of it’s reliability.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
With almost 30 years of supporGng retail businesses. A team of 35 professionals with more than 10 years service. You always speak to someone who knows what they are talking about.
Your Business Partner Meet the PacsoN Team Helping You With Your Business
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Your Business Partner: Pacso& The Company
Pacso& is a privately owned business employing some 35 people. We specialise in the Timber and Hardware retail segment and have over 2,000 customers throughout the world.
The company was founded in 1984 by current Chairman and owner Andrew Darbyshire AM. We were the first company in the world serving the Timber and Hardware industry to develop a true Windows based system in 1995.
We pride ourselves on our community involvement with a number of charitable organiza?ons.
More than half our team have been with the company for between 10 and 20 years. This stability is very important to Pacso& and our clients. We love our customers and treat them like family.
Being the rela?onship company that we are, is key to our ongoing success. Word of mouth is our main source of new business.
Partnering with Pacso& means you benefit from a friendly, personalised approach. We aren’t a large corpora?on managed by accountants and investment bankers looking for a quick buck. We do what we do with a sense of purpose for our customers. We have a strong balance sheet and carry no debt.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Management You Can Count On
Andrew Darbyshire AM – Chairman and Owner
Andrew Darbyshire founded Pacso& in 1984 when he created Australia's first scanning retail hardware POS so&ware. Retailers quickly grasped the value of the Pacso& solu?on in Australia, and in 1994 Andrew expanded sales to the United States. His experience in those market places has allowed him to focus strategically on what technology is producing, and how it will benefit Pacso&'s retail customers in both countries. “I am passionate about having what I call the 3D’s To Success. Delighted Customers, A Dedicated Team and a Devoted Community. You will find that when partnering with Pacso5, this philosophy is the cornerstone of our approach.” In the 2012 Australia Day Honours, he was made a Member of the Order of Australia, for services to the community as a supporter of research into child related brain condiOons, through contribuOons to special needs children and their families, and to the arts. ad@pacso&.com
Andy Sayer– General Manager Australasia
“I started working at Pacso5 16yrs ago as a So5ware Developer a5er leaving a major bank. I soon discovered that this was unlike any other company I had been employed as Pacso5 cared about their customers. Armed with a passion to learn the best ways to assist hardware and rural stores I completed business studies and moved into a Sales role. Where people o5en asked me ‘What makes Pacso5 so special?’ The simple answer… ‘Our loyal and dedicated team’. I’m proud to be part of a team that from the top down has a commitment to developing so5ware that changes people’s lives for the beWer”. asayer@pacso&
Vicki Vass– Australasian Customer Care Manager
“I began my working career in AdministraOon and later developed a passion for InformaOon Technology systems. I undertook studies to further develop my skills in this area and I have been supporOng Point of Sale and Stock Control applicaOons for over 15 years. I started my journey with Pacso5 as a Support Analyst and later completed studies in Business Management and moved into a management role. I enjoy providing our customers with the necessary tools and skills required to make the right decisions when it comes to managing the challenging areas of their business.” vvass@pacso&
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
The Melbourne Age 26th January 2012
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Your Business Partner: Pacso& In The Community
The Team That’s Working For YOU…
At Pacso& we pride ourselves on the depth and breadth of talent, skills and experience of our staff. A policy of on-‐going educa?on and cross-‐training ensures their exper?se is maintained at the uppermost level. This knowledge and experience is passed on directly to our customers. Our combina?on of people, processes and technology, provide customers with a high caliber of products and services, that allow them to u?lize their informa?on technology resources to achieve a compe??ve advantage. We take the anxiety out of computer technology and enable customers to focus solely on their businesses. We are proud that a large number of our team have been a part of the company for 10 years or more. In these ?mes of high and costly staff turnover, we understand the importance of stability. It is most cri?cal to the success of our clients.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
You Are One of Many Partners…
Over 2,000 customers around the globe have come to rely on Pacso&'s leading edge technologies to deliver strategic solu?ons, that are both open and flexible, resul?ng in efficient and profitable business management. Today, we con?nue to take customers to the forefront of their markets by using superior technology to power every element of their business. Pacso&'s pro-‐ac?ve customer service approach ensures that demands are met and exceeded, and reinforces our customers knowledge that they are Pacso&'s number one priority.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Your Business Partner How PacsoN’s Core Values Benefit You
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Your Business Deserves a Partner Dedicated to Improving Your Product and Service Offerings…
Our purpose at Pacso&: To improve our customer's efficiency and profit. It's a simple purpose and we take it very seriously.
In today's ever-‐changing business environment, you need to be on top of your game. You need to have an edge that keeps your business efficient and profitable. Pacso&’s Optemizer is that edge.
When you select Pacso&’s Optemizer as your preferred Inventory Management System, you select a company with nearly three decades of experience and the solu?ons to take your business to another level. These are the first steps to increasing your efficiency and profit.
In line with our purpose, Pacso& recognizes the cumng edge benefits of the Apple iOS strategy and has developed numerous powerful apps for the iPad, iPod and iPhone to empower our customers. The reasons for choosing the iOS placorm are: stability, ease of so&ware update management, and the low cost of devices. In addi?on, it is the only mobile placorm that can be adapted to the retail environment with scanning, which is achieved by the use of a specifically designed accessory that turns the device into a professional retail scanner.
In a recent survey of retail so&ware providers, USA based Do It Best Corpora?on’s customers rated Pacso& the #1 provider. The only system recommended by John Danks & Son and PetStock. The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Your Business Deserves a Partner with Mutually Beneficial Goals…
At Pacso& our primary goal is to provide sophis?cated technology solu?ons that save our clients ?me and money, from implementa?on through to ongoing opera?on.
We have grown our business over three decades by providing solu?ons that not only deliver basic efficiencies, but give our clients the power to beBer understand their business, their customers and their future.
Pacso&'s ability to adapt to the ever-‐changing economic environment, and our understanding of the mechanics of business make our technologies the best in their class.
To ensure that customers are at the forefront of the technology revolu?on, Pacso& provides the seamless backup and customer care required to power business systems.
At Pacso& we have a solid standing and con?nue to grow as an organiza?on, and as an industry leader. Our vision is to elevate and broaden the posi?on of Pacso&; we will achieve this vision by working closely with our clients and partners.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Your Business Deserves a Focused Partner…
At Pacso& we take great pride in ensuring complete customer sa?sfac?on by providing the highest level of professional service, and cost effec?ve system solu?ons for all levels of the retail and wholesale markets. Our five core values, success, teamwork, stability, competence and integrity, reflect Pacso&'s commitment to being the best, and allows us to offer our customers the pinnacle of results-‐ driven aBen?on. Success Teamwork Stability Competence Responsibility We promote company-‐wide pride in our work, semng a benchmark for success and crea?ng an environment where feedback is crucial in the success of each solu?on we provide.
Our pro-‐ac?ve and suppor?ve approach to teamwork results in consistently high customer ra?ngs. Our clear oral communica?on diminishes the uncertainty and isola?on that may stem from non-‐verbal interac?on.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
At Pacso& we promote an enthusias?c and disciplined approach to our work, allowing our staff to remain focused on their tasks. This approach, combined with our sound financial situa?on, results in high staff reten?on rates and stability.
We apply lateral thinking to the development of solu?ons and tackle challenges rather than problems. This guarantees the highest level of crea?vity and competence in all situa?ons.
Taking ownership and accountability for ac?ons generates a healthy level of self-‐ respect, mo?va?ng individuals to keep their word. At Pacso& we take responsibility for every facet of our work, from implemen?ng to suppor?ng your technology.
Case Study – BMS Mitre 10 “PDF Mail has saved us a lot of costs in labour and postage.” Michael Janetzski, Company Director, BMS Mitre 10
Improving Inventory Investment
Mitre 10 Pacso& 75 Users Loca?on: Toowoomba, QLD Implemented 2005
Michael has experienced substan?al improvements in customer turnover due to the efficiency at the Point Of Sale. He noted that queues had shortened however customers have increased because customers are processed a lot faster, resul?ng in a beBer customer experience.
Increase in customer turnover.
Scibuy is a huge benefit to BMS Mitre 10. Due to SciBuy they no longer order excess stock or too liBle stock.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Administra?ve costs have decreased.
Excess stock has been eradicated.
Using fully integrated General Ledger.
Case Study – Gardenworld “There are smarts in it that can save you money in managing your stock beWer than you currently are.”
James Wall, Managing Director, Gardenworld
Increasing Efficiency
Pacso& 8 users Loca?on: Braeside, Vic Implemented 2011
Once Optemizer was installed the following improvements became apparent: ü Customer processing (speed) has increased by 15%. ü Huge labour savings. ü Mul?ple pricing for an item has resulted in an increase in the sale of these products. ü Integrated EFTPOS has allowed faster and accurate credit card processing. ü Staff are happier and less frustrated.
15% increase in sales processing. Decrease in labour expenses. Mul?ple pricing of a product has led to increased sales. No longer running two separate systems.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Case Study – Petstock “Optemizer allows us to grow our business rapidly and easily with excellent controls!”
Shane Young, Managing Director, Petstock
Improved Efficiency & Accuracy
80+ stores Pacso& 400+ users Loca?on: Vic, NSW, QLD, SA & WA Implemented 2005
The installa?on of Optemizer has powered the growth of stores from 12 to over 80 with many more planned.
Improvements with centralised pricing controls and sales analysis. Petstock now has the ability to easily monitor progress of each store. Can now view and update sales figures live throughout the day across the en?re network.
Petstock manage a points based loyalty system for over 400,000 members across all their stores with Optemizer. The company operates a mix of corporate owned stores and francised stores. A major benefit of Optemizer is its ability to control access to various data by individual users enabling the two ownership struc?res to comfortably coexist.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Case Study – Bayswater Timber Mitre 10 “Optemizer has allowed me to spend more Ome at home with my children, rather than fixing computer problems.”
Michael Vanderkolk, Manager, Bayswater Mitre 10
Gaining Stock Control
Mitre 10 Pacso& 17 users Loca?on: Bayswater, Vic Implemented 2007
In 2007 Bayswater Mitre 10 implemented Pacso&’s Optemizer. Once installed Michael used Optemizer as an Inventory Management system and not a “cash register” like his former Sympac system. The benefits of Optemizer are: ü 60% increase in inventory turnover. ü Michael and his staff now have accurate stock on hand data. ü Sales history and repor?ng are now correct, and Michael and his team are now able to make informed decisions.
60% increase in Inventory Turnover. Integrated General Ledger. Access to 24 hour 7 days week customer care service.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Case Study – Trademark Mitre 10 “Pacso5 and their Customer Care Staff take the worry out of IT.”
Dennis Shepherd, Trademark Mitre 10
Superior SoNware Support
Mitre 10 Pacso& 16 users Loca?on: Port Macquarie, NSW Implemented 2011
The system not only provided the support Dennis was seeking, but also improvements in the daily running of the business: ü Trademarks cash-‐flow has increased. ü Account holders are now paying their bills a lot quicker due to PDFMail, and debtor days have reduced from 38 days to 33 days. ü End of Month and End of Year are completed in half an hour.
Debtor days decreased – 38 days to 33 days. End of Month is performed in 30 minutes not 2 hours. Eliminated balancing errors.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
OUR PURPOSE, “To Improve our Customers Efficiency and Profit”
Noelene Willcox
OUR PURPOSE, “To Improve our Customers Efficiency and Profit”
OUR PURPOSE, “To Improve our Customers Efficiency and Profit”
OUR PURPOSE, “To Improve our Customers Efficiency and Profit”
8 June 2009
GERALDTON AG. SERVICES PO BOX 6, GERALDTON WA 6531 PHONE: 08 9965 7900 FAX: 08 9965 0108 ABN 36 008 931 360
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: RE: PACSOFT AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Our company is a retail outlet supplying agricultural and various other spare parts. We have been using Pacsoft Optimizer for over 5 years and find it to be a very user friendly system, easy to learn and navigate. If we ever encounter a problem the support staff at Pacsoft are great. Nothing is too much trouble, even when our queries may at times seem trivial. I would recommend Pacsoft to any company wanting to update their computer system.
OUR PURPOSE, “To Improve our Customers Efficiency and Profit”
Downunder Home Timber & Hardware Hi Andrew I am not sure if you are aware but I have changed to the Danks group and we are becoming Downunder Home Timber and Hardware effective July 7th 2009. I would like to personally convey a very big thank you to you and most importantly all the staff there in Melbourne for the excellent support we have received from Pacsoft since jumping on board. The attention to detail and prompt response time has been exceptional and the system has had a huge financial influence for the better to my business. We are switching to Dart support going forward from here but I would just like to let you all know that I am more than happy to continue helping out you guys by way of onsite demos for potential users as I have done in the past, as your guys have been so helpful to all of us here. In a way it saddens me to leave the crew at Pacsoft as we have all become quite good phone buddies also and I will still visit on my journeys down there. In summary I again thank all of your team sincerely for everything they certainly are a credit to your company and I always have and will continue to publicise the professionalism which is demonstrated by your company. Regards to you all lets keep in touch. P.S sorry to those I have missed out on the list as I don’t have your emails. Michael Hatzifotis Managing Director Downunder Home Timber & Hardware 2 / 272 Moggill Rd Indooroopilly Qld 4068 Ph: (07) 3878 5008 Fx: (07) 3878 5800
OUR PURPOSE, “To Improve our Customers Efficiency and Profit”
495 McDonalds Road, South Morang
To whom it may concern,
In April 2008 Brendan Danaher Mitre 10 upgraded its computer system to Optemizer from Pacsoft Pty Ltd. This was a huge change for the business after being with another software provider for nearly 10 years. After reviewing the major software providers, their products & their software support made it clear to us that it was time to change. In April 2008 we went live with Optemizer using the full system including Accounts Payable, Account Receivable, Stock on Hand & General ledger. The information that we now receive for Optemizer is now helping to drive our business, improving gross profit, stock turns & sales performance not to mention helping to improve our general business administration practices. I would have no hesitations in strongly recommending Optemizer as a software solution for any retail business.
Kind Regards
Brett Peterson General Manager
OUR PURPOSE, “To Improve our Customers Efficiency and Profit”
OUR PURPOSE, “To Improve our Customers Efficiency and Profit”
HEAD OFFICE: Cameron Rd, Waigani P.O.BOX 1388 BOROKO PH: 3256322 FAX: 3250350 email
10th June 2009.
TE (PNG) Limited. BRANCH OFFICE: Laurabada Ave, Lae P.O. BOX 669 LAE PH: 4726262 FAX: 4721323
Pacsoft Optemizer with Branching Module. We commenced with the above system on 1st November 2003 in our Port Moresby & Lae warehouses & showrooms. Initial installation & training by Pacsoft staff was trouble free, satisfactory & user friendly. During the past 5 years plus the level of service & support from Pacsoft has been excellent. Response time for support when the system goes down is immediate, luckily we have only required this level support on a few occasions. Support on minor issues has always been attended to within reasonable periods of time. System upgrades have also been ongoing during this period. Optemizer has revolutionized our business over this period. We have greater control on our stocks, purchase ordering procedures, gross profit margin management & cash flow have improved greatly. In addition it has been a valuable tool in the audit process for stock, sales & debtors. TE(PNG) Ltd has no hesitation in recommending Pacsoft Optemiser. Regards
Peter Wilson General Manager TE (PNG) Ltd.
OUR PURPOSE, “To Improve our Customers Efficiency and Profit”
25th August 2009 To whom it may concern
Peter Cox Business Solutions Telephone 0438 712 200 Facimile 02 6362 5688 Email:
My name is Peter Cox and throughout my business career I have earned a reputation for successfully analysing the activities of many businesses, particularly with regards to inventory control, margins, financial management and setting them on the path to profitability. For nearly 20 years I have assisted rural merchandise stores throughout Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, South Africa and North America to establish and maintain the financial control of their businesses. I was formerly employed for a decade and became a Director of the Financial Management Research Centre (FMRC) at the University of New England in Armidale NSW and gained a vast experience in assisting people establish their small business operations. Iím well known through the circles of the rural industry and have been writing columns in the Rural Business magazine on how to increase the profitability of your rural business for over 15 years. Over this time I have seen many Point Of Sale systems being used by the Rural industry, but there is only one that I would recommend to any Rural business. This system is developed by Pacsoft called Optemizer and has been developed primarily for the Australian market and has always stood out from the crowd. Optemizer has a unique feature that all the other systems still havenít been able to duplicate, this feature is called SCIBUY. SCIBUY is a powerful financial management system that releases funds by balancing your inventory and controlling your cash flow. Put simply it increases your stock turns, decreases your holdings of overstocked items and puts that money back into stock you regularly run out of. The bottom line is, you increase your stock turns, increase your bottom line and make your accountant a happy man. The Optemizer system has many outstanding features, but what stands out the most is the simplicity of itís use and the people and company backing this system. That on itís own speaks volumes. The guys at Pacsoft understand the requirements of the store owner and what they need from a system to turn a profit. With these thoughts in mind I have no hesitation in recommending the Pacsoft company and Optemizer solutions to the Hardware and Rural Merchandise industry.
Regards, Peter Cox B Fin Admin, CPA, MNIA, AICM
OUR PURPOSE, “To Improve our Customers Efficiency and Profit”
OUR PURPOSE, “To Improve our Customers Efficiency and Profit”
OUR PURPOSE, “To Improve our Customers Efficiency and Profit”
What We Do For You ”To prescribe a cure without proper diagnosis is malpracDce”
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
The Cri?cal Steps To A Successful Retail Computer Installa?on
Ø First, our Discovery process focuses specifically on your needs – meaning we only move forward if we can provide a quanOfiable soluOon to your issues. Ø Next, we work with you and your staff to Diagnose areas in your business that we can assist with – and each must have a “dollarised” return. Ø The next step is to seek your agreement on the issues and, with your assistance, Design the solu?on, and provide a demonstra?on that will illustrate how Optemizer will address them. Ø Lastly, we Deliver the solu?ons, showing you how they will work in your business, with the exact costs and implementa?on issues you need to know about. Ø Moving forward, Pacso& provides a totally flexible solu?on to your installa?on. If you wish to purchase hardware from third par?es we can configure it for you. Ø You will also find that we provide the industry’s highest level of training, both in terms of ?me and quality, to maximize your investment. Training is cri?cal in the proper u?lisa?on of any system and is more o&en than not undersold. We also provide training beyond simple so&ware use, MOVE – Maximizing Optemizer Via EducaOon. Ø From the moment your system is commissioned, our people provide world class, personalised, a&er-‐sales Customer Care services. The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Optemizer -‐ Return On Investment Do the CalculaGons for your store
(a) Inventory Value at Cost
(b) Sales Last Year
(c) Cost of Sales Last Year
(d) Gross Margin $ (b-‐c)
(e) Gross Margin % ((d/b)*100)
(f) Stock Turns (c/a) (g) SVI (e*f) Now Calculate the addi?onal income with an SVI of 150
(h) New Stock Turn (150/e) Cash Returned to Owner (a-‐(c/h))
Increased Ongoing Margin ((b/100)*3.9) $
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Pacso&’s Customer Care Program
At Pacso&, our aim is to provide you with the best Customer Care possible. We will assist you in gemng the most out of your so&ware and we will provide this support whenever you need it. We are different from other so&ware companies, whose idea of support extends only as far as gemng problems fixed reac?vely. At Pacso& our idea of Customer Care extends much further. Not only are our Customer Care analysts trained to overcome the everyday challenges a user might face with the so&ware, they are also experts at educa?ng our customers in how to move deeper in their use of the program. The skills and educa?on we offer means that the typical user moves beyond the simple tasks of transac?ons and accoun?ng, and into the more profitable realms of inventory management and sales analysis. Pacso&'s Customer Care is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via a toll-‐ free number.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Pacso&’s Customer Care Program – cont
Ø No addi?onal charge for regular so&ware upgrades and enhancements. Ø 24 X 7 help desk support. Ø Experienced and personalised help desk assistance. Most customer care analysts have between 5 and 15 years experience with Pacso&. Ø Always a live person answering the phone, not a machine. Ø Remote upgrades. Ø MOVE: A 7 – step onsite inventory management help. Ø Ongoing, regularly scheduled training online -‐ e-‐training. Ø New Customer Launch Program. Ø Regular helpful ?ps via email newsleBers and blogs. Ø We have a unique way of rewarding increased customer exper?se in our so&ware, which lowers Pacso& customer care costs. A&er ini?al training, your customer care ra?ng is level 5. For every 5 addi?onal days of training you purchase, you go up a ra?ng. Each ra?ng above 5 aBracts a 5% life discount on your monthly customer care program fee. Ra?ng 1 aBracts a massive 20% reduc?on in your fees. At Pacso&, we have a strong emphasis on helping you get the most from your system. The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Pacso&’s Value-‐Added Services
Pacso& goes beyond simply providing excellent so&ware – we also provide a full, value-‐added package of services to go along with it. We take the ini?a?ve to move our customers into parts of the program that have the greatest ability to jus?fy your investment in our product and people. Below is a chart of the three Value Stages we recognize/implement when it comes to maximizing your ROI from Optemizer.
Pacsoft Software and After Sales Care Value-Added Programs
Improved ROI
Increased Cash
MOVE Program – Assistance In Organising Stock
Scientific Buying for HistoryBased Ordering
OptMobile (iPod/iPad) Remote Store Management
MOVE Program – Assistance In Counting Stock
Target Inventory Program to Pin-Point Invt. Improvement
Qbuster (iPod) Mobile Sales Processing & Delivery
MOVE Program – Assistance Understand Order Pts.
Stage 3
PDF/Email Statements and Invoices
Stage 2
Stage 1
Improved Efficiency
Mobile CRM for Sales
Integrated Rental Program Integrated Timber Features
Trigger Automatic Ordering
Reduce Asset Costs: iTechnology for POS
Loyalty and Gift Card Programs
CRM for Serious Customer Relationship Management
Get Control of Financial Performance: Integrated GL
Powered by Optemizer and Pacsoft Customer Care
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Optemizer Training
Training in any computer system is a crucial considera?on for any company. At Pacso&, we are commiBed to providing the highest possible level of training, ensuring that staff are fully prepared to hit the ground running. Pacso&'s system training is delivered by skilled professionals and supplemented by informa?ve tutorials and documenta?on designed to provide effec?ve on-‐going help. With Pacso& you have the op?on of training on-‐site or at a Pacso&'s training center. Training on-‐site is best suited for two or more people who are able to par?cipate with limited or no interrup?ons. To maximise the success of your training, we provide a pre-‐installa?on ques?onnaire which is completed prior to the training session, which helps us to ascertain exis?ng user knowledge of computers, work func?ons, and specific areas of responsibili?es. The Pacso& Trainer will analyse this informa?on and prepare a customised training program to match each individual's needs. To achieve a maximum return on investment, we recommend that at least one staff member complete the training with the purpose of being the System Administrator responsible for the training and guidance of other staff. We promote ongoing training by providing discount incen?ves on our Customer Care program, for the more training you purchase as you get more familiar with the power of your Optemizer system. At Pacso& we want to see you succeed, because ul?mately your success is our success!
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Optemizer Training – cont
The chart below steps you through our in-‐depth approach to training and implementa?on, which we handle as a separate, cri?cal project for each new customer. Planning
Project Defini?on
Training Interview
Extract Data
Customer Data Review
Create Sample Dbase
Customer Dbase Approval
On Site Training
Go Live
Customer Sign-‐off
Measure User Progress
MOVE Program On-‐Site
Target Invent.. Program
Site Survey
Design and Review of System Trial Data Conversion
Implementa?on On-‐Site Hardware Setup
Follow Up New Customer Launch Program
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
MOVE Program
All POS so&ware companies TALK about the value of Inventory Management. But only one company actually DELIVERS IT — right to your retail business! Why Pacso& for Inventory Management (I.M.)? If all you want your POS so&ware to perform is Accounts Receivable, Point of Sale func?ons, or distributor communica?ons, forget about Pacso5. All POS systems can do that stuff, and there are plenty out there that can do it cheaper than Pacso&! You see, Pacso& spends a lot of money to develop – and deliver – Inventory Management programs to our users. We’re more expensive, but you’ll get your investment back (and lots more) by u?lising our professional, customised implementa?on and so&ware programs for Inventory Management. How is Pacso& Different? Pacso& not only has the best Inventory Management program (Scien?fic Buying, or SciBuy) in the industry, we help our commiBed users implement it – one-‐on-‐one, on-‐site. Pacso& does this through MOVE (Maximising Optemizer Via EducaOon), a program that assists our users in using our advanced features like SciBuy and Automa?c Ordering. MOVE creates a plan for each customer, with specific steps and deadlines, that is implemented and monitored both in-‐house and in the field, one-‐on-‐one, with you. Pacso&’s goal is to have all of our customers reaping the benefits of beBer inventory management... it’s what pays for the system, and it’s the biggest return on investment a retailer can take advantage of.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
MOVE Program – cont..
How does the MOVE program work? We iden?fy 7 cri?cal steps to accomplishing good inventory management: Step 1 – Item file clean-‐up/prepara?on. Step 2 – Store prepara?on for coun?ng on-‐hands. Step 3 – Performing on-‐hand counts. Step 4 -‐ Preparing for Scien?fic Buying. Step 5 – Execu?ng Scien?fic Buying and I.M. Step 6 – Expanding on use of Scien?fic Buying and I.M. Step 7 – Con?nued monitoring of key performance indicators to improve overall store performance. MOVE provides a plan, with one-‐on-‐one assistance – to get through each step and into maximised Inventory Management. What can I really expect from beBer inventory management? Customers who make the commitment to proper inventory management can realize these goals: 1. BeBer alloca?on of your inventory resources, which means: Ø Fewer lost sales due to empty hooks as SciBuy shi&s the inventory investment from slow-‐movers to fast-‐ movers. Ø Less money ?ed up in slower moving items. Ø Greatly increased profit structure, fueled by beBer Turns and GMROI. 2. Far less ?me spent ordering, and with far greater accuracy. The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
How We Do It
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
What Makes Us Different
Ø Our so&ware comes with a 6-‐month money back guarantee -‐ that's how confident we are that you'll like it -‐ if a&er 6 months you aren’t happy, just return it for credit Ø Providing a robust solu?on installed in over 2,000 sites Ø Our people provide world class personalised customer care service -‐ just ask our customers Ø SciBuy auto forecas?ng, ordering and overstock management -‐ the “secret weapon” our compe?tors don’t want you to know about Ø Open to Buy Plus and SVI performance (our secret ingredient) Ø OptTimber – Powerful Timberyard Inventory and business controls Ø OptView -‐ mobile snapshot of your business on your iphone Ø OptMobile -‐ mobile inventory control – for the iPad and iPhone Ø Mobile POS – Q Buster Ø OptDelivery -‐ mobile delivery management, just like the UPS guy Ø TrendFinder -‐ sophis?cated financial analysis tool Ø MOVE – Maximising Optemizer Via Educa?on Ø Integrated Loyalty and CRM. Plus mobile CRM, in the league of Ø A fully scalable system that helps your business grow. One corporate customer operates 30 branches with 85,000 transac?ons a month, error free Ø Industry standard so&ware that runs on Microso& SQL Server, u?lising Crystal reports Ø Providing a “family business” experience for our customers, not a faceless corpora?on, like your big box compe?tors – The same reasons your customers buy from you! The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Optemizer Modules
Accounts receivable – automa?c freight calcula?on and full email capability -‐ PDFMail Accounts payable – with import cos?ng to ensure correct into store cost of inventory Inventory control – seamless ?mber unit(s) and pricing control Purchase ordering and purchase order worksheet SciBuy Inventory forecas?ng Fully integrated mul?level general ledger (not a third party product) eCommerce integra?on Powerful and easy to use point of sale with fully integrated credit card processing, providing the greatest accuracy at POS Integrated rental system Loyalty, gi& cards and CRM Socket service for mobile devices User programmable report generator Emergency backup system – ensures con?nuous POS opera?on Powerful margin management system Mul? branch system
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
SciBuy Scien?fic Buying
Scien?fic Buying (SciBuy) is a sophis?cated program that uses two years of sales history to forecast orders in a given period, which is something no retailer – no maBer how good that retailer is – can do simply from experience. SciBuy is the heart of Pacso&’s Inventory Management program, because it is capable of balancing inventories in the right places. SciBuy is Pacso&’s own, proprietary program – no other POS system can provide you this kind of Inventory Management ROI. For instance, picture yourself in front of the spray paint display on, say, December 12th, where you see 1 can of Emerald Green. Do you really know how many to buy? Maybe you’ll just get one – but then you might lose a sale. So, you get 6 (price break on a full carton!), but they end up simng on the shelf: money wasted. What’s really the right amount to have?? What you need to know is how the paint has sold historically – i.e. what the best forecast for the demand is on any given week. To do that, you need to know: • Sales history for last year, and for the year before • The trend between those two years for this period: is it up or down, and how much? • Was it on a promo?on, or an unusually large number sold? • What is its velocity code, and what are your stocking rules for each?
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
SciBuy Scien?fic Buying – cont..
SciBuy makes all those calcula?ons, and then creates dynamic order points for each and every item – ones that change each week before you order. The result, very simply: ü Fewer lost sales due to too liBle inventory ü Less money wasted in slow-‐moving inventory ü A re-‐balancing of inventory: SciBuy allows the poor sellers to diminish and re-‐invests that cash in inventory where you will make more money ü A much faster means of producing orders: they are accurate, and automa?cally created for each department… no more walking the store with a pad of paper and “guessing” at stock levels Mul?ply that over all the items in your store, and you’ll see why SciBuy – and Inventory Management as we teach it to our users – is an absolute must in any store where the investment in stock is taken seriously.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
SciBuy Scien?fic Buying – cont..
In stores that don,t use Scientific Buying Understanding The Standard the Inventory Profile… to provide inventory management,
1 -‐ Understanding The Standard highest levelsInventory of inventory arePinrofile A items, In stores that don,t use Scientific Buying
as theyBuying are always D items are In stores that don’t use Scien?fic to needed. provide inventory to provide inventory management, the management, the highest levels of inventory are in A items, as they high as well, as they have been overhighest levels of inventory are in A items, are always needed. D items are hbought igh as and well, as they over have een over-‐ under-sold thebyears. as they are always needed. D items are bought and under-‐sold over the yBears. items have less inventory value than high as well, as they have been over A,s, and C,s even less, as they are often bought and under-sold over the years. B items have less inventory value than A’s, and C’s even less, as they Aout of stockC items. The resulting curve B ritems have cless inventory thanvalue are o&en “out of stock” items. The esul?ng urve is an avalue verage is an average value of the entire inventory. A,s, and C,s even less, as they are often of the en?re inventory. Aout of stockC items. The resulting curve
2 2
Inventory Analysis Inventory Value ($)
Inventory Value ($)
Velocity Ranking
is an average value of the entire inventory. Targeting Excess Inventory… 2 -‐ Targe?ng Excess Inventory
To increase inventory produc?vity, you have to iden?fy where the To increase inventory productivity, you excess is. If you assume the A’s, B’s, and Excess C’s are Inventory… OK (for now), then Targeting have to identify where the excess is. If the first target is to follow the curve and establish a rela?vely lower assume inventory the A,s, B,s, and C,s are OK inventory-‐holding amount for the you D’s. To increase productivity, you (for now), then the first the target is to is. follow have to identify where excess If the curve and establish a relatively lower The resul?ng amount of inventory to assume be eliminated is and represented you the A,s, B,s, C,s are OK by inventory-holding amount for the hashed lines; in most stores this i s 1 0% – 1 5% o f t otal i nventory. (for now), then the first target the is toD,s. follow the curve andamount establish relativelytolower The resulting of ainventory be If the average store contains about $350,000 (according to Na?onal inventory-holding amount for the D,s. eliminated is represented by the dashed Retail Hardware Associa?on [NRHA] studies), that represents lines; in most stores this is 10 - 15% of
Inventory Analysis
Velocity Ranking
Inventory Analysis
Inventory Analysis Inventory Value ($)
Inventory Value ($)
Velocity Ranking
$35,000 in over-‐stock D items. The resulting amount of inventory to be total inventory. eliminated is represented by the dashed in most store stores this is 10 - 15% of Iflines; the average contains about $350,000 (according to NationalVelocity RetailRanking Hardware Association total inventory. [NRHA] studies), that represents $35,000 in over-stock D items.
If the average store contains about $350,000 (according to National Retail Hardware Association (continues on reverse) [NRHA] studies), that represents The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware 48 $35,000 in over-stock D items.
SciBuy Scien?fic Buying – cont. 3 -‐ The Inventory Management Goal
The fact is that there is only so much inventory a retailer can carry. As a result, the go re-allocate the bad investment made in slow-moving stock, into the better investmen moving stock.
Using our previous NRHA example: consider that most A items have over 5 turns, th items average 2.5, and that DRs have less than 1 turn. That means the re-allocated $3
excess inventory would result in it being made to work at 2.5 turns instead of 1. The increase of sales, at cost, of $52,500 per year. At a gross margin of only 33%, that m an extra revenue of $80,000, or a gross profit of $25,500 per year.
The fact is that there is only so much inventory a retailer can carry. As Inventory Analysis a result, the goal is to re-‐allocate the bad investment made in slow-‐ moving stock, into the beBer investment of faster-‐moving stock. Using our previous NRHA example: consider that most A items have Inventory over 5 turns, that B and C items average 2.5, and that D’s have less Value ($) than 1 turn. That means the re-‐allocated $35,000 in excess inventory would result in it being made to work at 2.5 turns instead of 1. The result is an increase of sales, at cost, of $52,500 per year. At a gross margin of only 33%, that means an extra revenue of $80,000, or a > 5 Turns Avg. 2.5 Turns < 1 Turn gross profit of $25,500 per year. Velocity Ranking Scien?fic Buying accomplishes this by learning, over a period of Scientific ?me, Buying accomplishes this by learning, over a period of ti what sells, when it sells, and how fast it sells. It thus reduces the sells, when it sells, and how fast it sells. It thus reduces the sugges suggested order quan??es for D items while upping the under-‐ quantities for D items while upping the under-stocked B and C stocked B and C items.
Inventory Management Specialists | 800-554-6166 1 Union Wharf, Portland, ME 04101
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Target Inventory & Overstock Reduc?on
Every owner should have an inventory budget; the total value of inventory that meets the owner’s financial capabili?es and the store’s needs. The ques?on is: How to make sure your stocking level of each item equals that number? The purpose of this program is; 1) provide guidance in semng SciBuy’s parameters so that you have a proper inventory budget, and 2) provide tools to help you quickly reduce items which are overstocked in order to maintain the budget. Similar to the volume and balance controls on a stereo system, Pacso&’s unique SciBuy program allows you to turn the volume up or down and set the balance on desired inventory levels based on historical sales of each item. The system then deduces the Target Inventory for each item, the average on-‐hand value that you would have based on current SciBuy semngs. By giving you the ability to adjust the “volume controls”, you can adjust the total Target Inventory un?l it agrees with your inventory budget. Once you have set the Target Inventory, each item will have a recommended re-‐order point and a maximum on-‐hand quan?ty. Based on this maximum amount, the Pacso& Optemizer system helps you iden?fy, by department, which items are overstocked, then helps you clear out the overages.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Target Inventory & Overstock Reduc?on – cont.. Fast Moving Items
If you want to understand how target inventory works, first look at a faster moving item’s selling & purchasing cycle, where you will see the following:
As the item sells, it reaches the minimum point, and the system suggests the item be purchased. However, as sales con?nue before delivery, the quan?ty on hand con?nues to drop to the item’s “Low Point”.
Once the goods arrive, inventory is replenished up to the item’s high point. The cycle starts again and repeats con?nuously. The average, or Target inventory on hand is the average of the item’s Low and High Points. The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Target Inventory & Overstock Reduc?on – cont.. Slow Moving Items
With slower moving items, you have a different scenario, and thus receive a different target inventory. Normally these are kept in lower quan??es and replaced as needed. The sales and purchasing cycle looks like this:
As for fast moving items, inventory levels con?nued to diminish a&er an order is triggered, due to delivery ?mes. When replenished, the stock level is back to normal. In the case of an item selling once per year, it is only out of stock during the order cycle. If the order cycle is 4 days, then it is normally out of stock 4/365 of the year, or 1% of the ?me. Thus the average on hand is 99% of the item’s maximum on hand. The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Target Inventory & Overstock Reduc?on – cont..
Target Velocity Group Report The Target Velocity Group Report combines the slow and fast moving item’s calcula?ons to produce the overall target inventory, and compares that to actual inventory by velocity group, allowing you to make sure the budget meets the target.
Target Departmental Report Use the Target Departmental Analysis Report to pick the first department on which to begin work, because trying to balance the en?re store’s inventory at once would be overwhelming. With this report, you can easily see which department has the most overstock.
Inventory Overstock Reduc?on The Inventory Overstock Reduc?on program allows you to choose the specific overstocked items which are to be cleared out of inventory.
Once items are chosen for clearance, the overstock quan?ty is adjusted out of inventory. The items are put on sale at cost plus in order to recoup the inventory dollars. When sold as clearance items, they are not sold with their original item number, as this would ar?ficially inflate sales, and thus future SciBuy calcula?ons of the item.
With the unnecessary items cleared out of inventory, you will have the dollars (and the space!) to properly stock the items which are selling, greatly reducing missed sales because of out-‐of-‐stock condi?ons. In addi?on, newly available resources will allow you to expand successful product lines or even add new categories. The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
The needs of ?mberyards are significantly different than those of hardware stores, and Optemizer – with its OptTimber features -‐ is designed to address those needs specifically. For instance, Optemizer understands that ?mberyards need to work with tallies, and mul?ple units of measure (UOM): each, sheets, square meters, cubic meters, full units, etc. The successful yard has to be able to buy, receive, or sell all their commodity products in any mix of those UOMS, at any ?me. Optemizer also understands that the busy, transac?on-‐oriented yard needs to streamline how it does business, so it can quickly sa?sfy the demanding needs of its contractor base. Sales and delivery processing using GPS and hand-‐held mobile devices (powered by Apple iTechnology) are just one example of how the so&ware addresses this. Highly refined Special Order processing is another. Optemizer also understands that pricing is a cri?cal issue. Whether it is customer discounts, or pricing based on market, floor, or bid costs, a successful yard needs to be able to quote and sell in the most flexible ways possible. This is the only way to secure a job profitably for the yard.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
OptTimber – cont..
Here are some examples of what Optemizer’s OptTimber features can bring to any ?mberyard or home center that does a strong business in building material commodi?es, and is eager to please their contractor base: • Complete job tracking, including separate pricing, quote tracking, sales analysis and Accounts Receivable control. • Flexible, detailed quo?ng that allows mul?ple delivery packages and recalcula?on of expired quotes based on current or market costs. • Automated integra?on of special orders to purchasing, ensuring accurate and ?mely fulfillment of your customer's needs. Optemizer's exclusive Customer Rela?onship Management system, is a ?ghtly integrated CRM module that provides inside and outside (via Apple iTechnolgy) sales personnel with the informa?on they need to provide the highest level of customer service. Mul?-‐loca?on inventory that allows you to purchase, stock and sell material using tradi?onal methods, while giving you the best informa?on available to help you properly manage stock levels. Coupled with Optemizer's strength in managing inventory, our OptTimber features form a powerful one-‐two punch for any building material retailer who wants to improve both his ROI and his customer service.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
OptDelivery is an App that runs on the Apple iPod and iPhone, and brings control to your deliveries, allowing you (or your driver) to: ü Collect Signatures for deliveries ü Recall details from invoices for delivery ü Take photos of goods delivered, with GPS coordinates ü Save finished delivery informa?on directly to Optemizer ü View all delivery informa?on at any point
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
TrendFinder is a sophis?cated management dashboard that highlights changes in your business allowing you to keep on top of what is happening.
The Business Overview gives an overview of the performance of the seven key areas in a retail business.
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
Financial – Cash Management, Liquidity, Profitability, Gearing, Efficiency, Overheads Inventory Management Customers Suppliers Salespeople Departments Branches (where applicable)
At each high level you can iden?fy trends from the data and go to a lower level.
Financial Health Check In simple terms, this is a high level look at the retail business from an overall business perspec?ve. It takes a top level look at the business structure, profitability, liquidity, risk, gearing, performance. The predominant source of this informa?on is the general ledger. During this stage, use is made of industry benchmarks to indicate areas of improvement required.
Some illustra?ons of typical items iden?fied during this stage: • Could the business structure be changed to minimise the businesses tax liability? • How do our debt collec?on prac?ces compare with industry standards? • How can we improve our stock turns? • Could we change the way we fund our business to reduce interest payments? • Are our staffing levels appropriate? The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware 57
Q Buster Mobile POS
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware
Q Buster Mobile POS In The Field Drive increased sales by empowering your customers to be able to order goods directly on their iPhone by simply scanning the barcode of the product they have run out of.
Here’s how it’s done; ① Your customer downloads the Q Buster app from the App store. ② The app connects to your in-‐store Optemizer database via the wireless telephone network. ③ When your customer runs out of required goods or no?ces they are gemng low on for instance nails, they simply scan the product barcode u?lising the inbuilt camera in their iPhone and Q Buster allows them to enter the quan?ty required. ④ Once they have built their shopping list, they press Place Order. ⑤ Back in your store your Optemizer system alerts you to an incoming order. ⑥ You pick the goods for delivery to site or pickup in store, the customer signs for the delivery using the OptDelivery app.
The result – hassle free and fast ordering for your customers.
The Professionals Choice In Retail So&ware
Pacso& Installs Only High Quality Systems We will either quote on using HewleB Packard products or Pacso& brand products. All products will be tested prior to being installed. If you select HewleB Packard it means you are dealing with an industry leader in computer hardware. Full 3 year on-‐site warranty for HewleB Packard products is available. We are able to provide Hardware support across Australia. Ten Reasons To Purchase Your Hardware From Pacso&: ① You get less problems because there is only one party responsible for resolving all your technology issues. ② Pacso& is the only company experienced in semng up a network to run Optemizer on. ③ We use only proven components that are compa?ble with Optemizer so&ware. ④ The setup and configura?on of the hardware will meet the demands of Optemizer. ⑤ In the event of a problem you only need to contact Pacso&, instead of trying to remember which company supplied which product. ⑥ Unlike most computer resellers we have a 24 X 7 days per week emergency support line. ⑦ We will s?ll be here tomorrow. ⑧ Pacso& tests all hardware prior to shipment and installa?on. ⑨ We have been building and tes?ng hardware for over 25 years. ⑩ 100% of clients who have purchased computer hardware from another supplier, experience problems with the setup, configura?on, components and obtaining support for the Hardware.
The Professional’s Choice In Retail So&ware