Maximize your sales potential … with TVData.
If you need to raise ad revenue fast,
Look to the Book.
With the proliferation of channels and media choices, Americans rely on their TV books more than ever before. As the need for quality listings information has increased, so has the sales potential for ad sales departments. Your TV book may represent your best opportunity to increase sales now and well into the future.
We are the leading service provider of television listings data in the world. Helping companies generate the full revenue potential of their TV books is what we’re all about. We’ve helped more than 250 ad sales departments gain significant advertising sales, and we can do the same for you. If you’re ready to get growing, contact us today to learn more about the TVData Ad Sales Program.
TV Data 800-833-9581
T h e T VD a t a
Ad Sales Program T h e T VD a t a
Ad Sales Program
A d
S a l e s
P ro g r a m
Your TV book is a potential sales
We’ll help you:
immediate sales boost and the tools for long-term growth ... with the TVData Ad Sales Program!
T V D a t a
Increase ad sales ... fast. Time is
Energize your sales team. While
New tools, new ideas, new business.
money. We will generate valuable
developing actual revenue for your
From Internet ads to special editions,
advertising contracts for your
publication immediately, our sales
the TVData Ad Sales Program will help
publication within 15 days.
consultants can energize your ad
you harness the latest trends and
sales team, train them in the latest
take advantage of emerging
techniques for maximizing TV book
sales opportunities.
sales and provide cash rewards for
Sell More Ads
increased performance.
The TVData Ad Sales Program: It’s fast. It’s effective. It’s what you need. Attract New Accounts
Intensive sales and consulting visit –
Appointment-booking training –
proven techniques that have enabled us
more NOW? When you join the TVData
Our sales consultant will come to your
Our sales consultant will provide
to sell more newspaper TV book ads
Ad Sales Program, we’ll send a highly
market for an intensive, two- to three-
hands-on assistance and share
than any other company in history.
trained ad sales
week visit to supercharge your ad
proven techniques for booking sales
consultant to your
sales program.
presentations with potential advertisers.
Market-specific sales planning –
Hands-on sales presentations –
opportunity, and the TVData Multimedia
Correctly identifying and targeting
By observing our sales consultant in live
Advertising Program provides an exciting
high-quality leads is critical. Our sales
presentations, and by receiving coaching
way to gain new customers and boost
consultant will help you organize your
in their own presentations, your sales
revenues from current advertisers. We’ll
prospect list and define an aggressive
representatives will be able to close
show you how.
action plan for your specific market.
larger contracts in less time.
to helping clients use media listings to
Intensive sales training – Our sales
Objection-buster training –
our sales consulting visit, your sales
boost their revenues. Our sales staff has
consultant will work in the field with
We’ve been
representatives will not only have
helped more than 250 newspapers with
your sales representatives, teaching
overcoming sales
received intensive training, coaching
circulations from 3,000 to over 400,000.
them valuable prospecting and sales
objections for
and critiques, you’ll have new advertising
When it comes to selling TV book
techniques that they can employ in
decades. We’ll
accounts and, most importantly, new
advertising, our consultants are the
building long-term sales.
teach your sales
advertising revenue in your TV book.
WAIT when you can be selling
location to start
T h e
getting results immediately. Our program features:
Ad team sales experts – For more than 30 years, we have been dedicated
best of the best.
representatives the
Internet ad sales training (NEW!) – Internet ad sales are a high-growth
Get Larger Contracts
New accounts – At the end of
E x c e e d Yo u r G o a l s