24th ifva Festival Programme and Booking Brochure

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The 24th ifva Festival

第二十四屆 ifva 獨立短片及影像媒體節 每個創作人皆有心魔,不斷的創作大概是其中一個跟心魔相處的上佳方法。本年 ifva 與一眾創作人繼續聯手,拒絕 妥協,勇敢創作。 電影大抵是現代人類的神話,媒體藝術展「CINEMA 2.0:雅各歷書」將建立一個如真似夢的國度,思考未來的神話 究竟為何。同場展出今屆 ifva 比賽媒體藝術組的入圍作品,來自本地以及亞洲的創作人,以媒體藝術作載體,重新 思考人類與世界及其環境之間的種種有機關係。 ifva 比賽動畫組來自本地及亞洲的作品,繼續以動畫挑戰影像極限。入圍短片亦各具獨特觀點,緊扣生活之餘亦放眼 世界。今年開始,ifva 推出「追光路上」系列,每年聚焦一位對創作持之以恆的導演,以個人作品展演給予他們更大 肯定。為系列打響頭炮的,正是今年為 ifva 創作宣傳片的黃飛鵬。台灣電影創作人楊力州,除了擔任比賽評審,亦 會帶來他的作品《紅盒子》並親臨主持講座,及為本地藝術家進行指導。 除了安坐戲院欣賞作品,觀眾更將可在星光下欣賞由張國榮及陳百強主演的《失業生》,與已故巨星一同面對夢想 心魔。此外,賽馬會 ifva Everywhere 早前舉行「48 小時短片製作挑戰賽」,作品將在節期回歸;為香港少數族裔 青年而設的影像教育計劃「影像無國界」的成果亦會在節期上映,分享多元聲音;至於「香港短片新里程」將本地 短片帶到歐美揚威海外後,現在亦可讓本地觀眾一次過重溫。 There is a demon in each creative talent’s heart, and only through perseverance in creation that they can deal with it. This year ifva continues to present works of bravery from different talents. Cinema is perhaps the modern vehicle for myths. Media arts exhibition “CINEMA 2.0: Acrylic Dreams” creates a dream-like realm that explore, with different sensibilities and aesthetics, what myth is in the future. At the same venue, works by finalists of the Media Art Category of the ifva Awards are exhibited. These media art works re-examine the organic relationships between humans and their surrounding environment and even the entire universe. Entries of the Animation Category continue to push the boundaries of the particular genre. Short films, on the other hand, each demonstrates a unique perspective to see our daily life and rest of the world. The new “Filmorphosis” series aims to recognise professional filmmakers who are ready to shine but not getting the spotlight otherwise. The inaugural programme features ifva alumnus Wong Fei-pang who also created the trailer for this year’s ifva Festival. Yang Li-chou, Taiwan filmmaker who is among the jury this year, is bringing with him, besides his award-winning documentary, wisdom that he will share at an artist talk and mentoring sessions. Films may be enjoyed elsewhere other than the theatre, such as under the starry sky. All are welcome to join the open-air screening of On Trial, featuring the late megastars Leslie Cheung and Danny Chan. Besides, Works from “Jockey Club ifva Everywhere – 48 Hour Film Challenge” will be screened at the Festival. Also showcase of an ifva’s initiative, works by participants of “All About Us” that offers media education to ethnic minority youth are screened at the Festival. Short films that went to Europe and America under the “HONG KONG SHORT FILM: NEW ACTION EXPRESS” initiative will be returning to Hong Kong for local audience to enjoy all at once as well.

ifva,前名為「香港獨立短片及錄像比賽」,於 1995 年由香港藝術中心創辦,為香港 及亞洲的獨立影像創作人提供一個凝聚、分享和推廣的平台,多年來奠定了亞洲影像 力量先鋒的地位。 年度項目包括以專業性見稱的 ifva 獨立短片及影像媒體比賽及每年三月舉行的 ifva 獨 立短片及影像媒體節,ifva 亦舉辦一系列延伸節目,包括從學術角度出發的「CINEMA 2.0」 媒體藝術展覽、捍衛多元文化的「影像無國界」、旨在普及影像藝術的「賽馬會 ifva Everywhere」,以及推廣影像教育的社區及學校巡迴放映等,涵蓋藝術以至普及 層面,致力承傳影像文化及獨立創作精神。 ifva, formerly the Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards, was founded by the Hong Kong Arts Centre in 1995. Over the years, ifva has established itself as Asia’s pioneering force in short film, animation and media arts, by providing a unique and professional platform for Hong Kong and Asian creative talents to unite, exchange and promote their works. With the aims to promote short film and media arts and defend independent creative spirit, every year, in addition to the professionally renowned ifva Awards and ifva Festival, ifva also organises a series of extended programmes including the followings: “CINEMA 2.0” media arts exhibition examines different subject matters at the intersection of arts, culture, technology and society; “All About Us” celebrates diversity and the creative voices of young people from the ethnic minority backgrounds; “Jockey Club ifva Everywhere” makes film and media arts accessible to people from all walks of life; and Community and School Tour encourages students to experience and appreciate different media art forms. www.ifva.com

The 24th ifva partners 第二十四屆 ifva 合作夥伴 Organised By


ifva Awards Partner

Pure Art Foundation Awards, Media Art Category

Cinema 2.0: Acrylic Dreams Supported By

Curated By

Art Direction and Spatial Design

Technical Support

In Collaboration With

Jockey Club ifva Everywhere Major Funder

UNICEF HK Make A Video

All About Us Supported By

Supporting Organisation

Equipment Support

In Collaboration With

Media Partners


Legal Advisor

Art Direction and Trailer Production


Production Support

ifva is one of the core events of the


CINEMA 2.0: Acrylic Dreams 雅各歷書 Media Arts Exhibition 媒體藝術展 6/3 (Wed) - 20/3 (Wed) / 12nn - 8pm 包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries

免費入場 Free Admission

開幕 Opening

6/3 (Wed) / 6:30pm

為了尋找生命的起源與真諦,遠古人類創造了神話。諸神的故事,源於眾生 亦反映眾生,說穿了神話其實是為了人類而設。由是觀之,電影大抵是現代 人類的神話,因着人類思考生命而生,也引人尋探箇中奧秘。但當未來科學 與科技已剝去生命之源的層層神秘外衣時,到底還需要怎樣的神話?《雅各 歷書》通過四位藝術家的作品,建立一個如真似夢的國度,以另類的感性與 美學,思考未來的神話究竟是甚麼——在這個未來裡,神話也許不止是為了 人類而設,還有科學與科技帶來的機器、電腦、人工智能⋯⋯ Our ancestors created myths in quest of the origin and meaning of life, and stories of gods originates from and reflects that of human beings. Myths were created for men. Likewise, cinema is perhaps the modern vehicle for myths, explaining and inspiring our quest for where life comes from and what life means. But with science and technology ripping off the mysteries of life in future, what will myths become? Acrylic Dreams, with works by four artists, creates a dream-like realm that explore, with different sensibilities and aesthetics, what myth is in this future – a future in which myth are for humans as much as they are for other products of science and technology like machines, computers, AI, and so forth.

策展人:葉旭耀 Curator: Ip Yuk-yiu

Oil (2014) Umbilical Digital (2018) ::vtol::(俄羅斯 Russia)

《Umbilical Digital》代替人類飼養日本電子 寵物「他媽哥池」,以電腦演算法令五隻需 要「照顧」的電子寵物能夠維持生命並處於 良好狀況。《Oil》使用油壓機壓碎參觀者帶 來的物品,物品被壓碎時的聲音將會被轉化 並燒錄在光碟上,參觀者猶如以另一種形態 將物品帶走。 Instead of human beings, Umbilical Digital, with its special algorithm, performs all the necessary manipulations to support “life” and “good spirit” of five Japanese Tamagotchi toys which are digital animals that needs to be nursed. Oil, with its hydraulic press, crushes practically any object that the visitor wants to destroy. The visitor will receive a disc with a processed sound composition made out of the sounds of the destruction of object, as if that object is transformed into another form of existence.

策展人導賞及藝術家分享 Curator Guided Tour and Artist Sharing Supported By


Curated By

Umbilical Digital (Moscow, 2018) is commissioned by LABORATORIA Art&Science Foundation, special for DAEMONS IN THE MACHINE project.

策展人葉旭耀將親自解說「CINEMA 2.0: 雅各歷書」的策展理念,俄羅斯藝術家 ::vtol:: 亦會同場分享他的創作意念。 Curator Ip Yuk-yiu will lead the guided tour and share with visitors his curatorial concepts. ::vtol:: from Russia will also be present to talk about his works.

日期 Date: 16/3 (Sat) / 時間 Time: 5pm / 登記 Registration: www.ifva.com/reg

Art Direction and Spatial Design

Technical Support

In Collaboration With

Lives in Japan (2018) 宇治野宗輝 UJINO(日本 Japan)

作品是一個六頻道的錄像裝置,當中的片段記錄了不同電器和 一些改裝了的電子結他使用時的情況和聲響。藝術家更會在香 港街頭收集各種物品,裝嵌成為一件全新的雕塑裝置。 The artwork displays a 6-channel video installation showing footages of various electrical home appliances, as well as remodelled electric guitars, filmed as they operate and produce sounds when switched on. The artist also creates a new sound sculptural installation, which he assembles daily items found from the streets in Hong Kong.

Photo by Keizo Kioku / © UJINO / Courtesy of ANOMALY

Something Like Me / About Seeing Things (2016) 谷口暁彥 Akihiko Taniguchi(日本 Japan)

這是在視覺媒介世代一篇關於「觀看」與「身份」的互動文 章 / 詩歌。藝術家以三維掃描為自己造了兩個虛擬化身,他們 身處一個三維的虛擬空間當中。觀眾可以代入其中一個化身, 透過他的視點遊移在虛擬空間的同時,也會出現關於「觀看」 的文字。 This is an interactive essay / poem about “seeing” and “identity” in the new visual media age. Two identical avatars of the artist himself made using a 3D scanner are placed in a 3D virtual environment. Visitors can navigate either one of them through visual projections of the scenery as seen from the respective avatar. The avatars move around progressing along several texts on the subject of “seeing”.

Everything (2017) Eye of the Dream (2018) David O’Reilly(愛爾蘭 Ireland)

《Everything》是一個互動體驗,由人工智能模擬大自然中各 種系統,你可以代入畫面所見的所有物品,探索無邊宇宙中互 有關連的物品,享受藝術家創造的另類世界觀。《Eye of the Dream》是源於《Everything》的創作,帶來置身其中的視聽 體驗,刻劃宇宙由大爆炸前到當代世界的發展。當中的芭蕾舞 由數學演算編舞,每一場都有別於之前的表演。 Everything is an interactive experience in which you can be everything you see. In this AI-driven simulation of the systems of nature, the player can explore a vast, interconnected universe of things without tasks to complete. It inspires the creation of Eye of the Dream, which is an absorbing audio-visual experience depicting the creation of the universe from moments before the Big Bang to our modern world. It is a ballet choreographed by math, with each show being different from the last.


The 24th ifva Awards Media Art Category Finalist Exhibition

第二十四屆 ifva 比賽媒體藝術組 入圍作品展 十件作品,用上或新或舊的屏幕,借助狹縫掃描攝影、虛擬實境、磁力機械 等技術,又或以報紙或電郵等通訊方式為切入點,探索着人與其他人、空間、 環境等的關係,以少見的角度再看熟悉的事物與題材。 Utilising new LCD screens or old CRT monitors, or relying on technologies such as slit-scan photography, VR and magnetic mechanisms, or touching on communications channels from newspapers to emails, ten pieces of works explore the relationships among humans, space, and environment. Familiar objects and subjects are attributed unfamiliar perspectives.

6/3 (Wed) - 20/3 (Wed) / 12nn - 8pm 包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries 免費入場 Free Admission 媒體藝術組獎項將於 6/3 6:30pm 展覽開幕禮上公佈及頒發。 Exhibition opening and Media Art Category Awards Presentation at 6:30pm on 6/3.

Falling Flowers


謝俊昇 Tse Chun-sing(香港 Hong Kong)

野上勝己 Katsuki Nogami(日本 Japan)

裝置將香港報章裁成花瓣,並讓它們從高 處灑落。城市的種種開始變得荒謬,令我 們無所適從,但又無法改變。我選擇從這 種現實中尋找「樂趣」,將報章變成花朵, 享受它們飄下的景象。細心觀看的話,花 上的字仍記錄着新聞。

我請一位女性朋友以紙筆重寫垃圾電郵。 這些由程式所編寫的訊息實在是太古怪 了。今時今日很少見到手寫字,但假若你 收到一封親手書寫在紙上的垃圾郵件,你 會怎樣想?信件經過 google 翻譯數次之 後,文字也被 bot 扭曲了。

The artwork turns Hong Kong newspapers into flowers and let them fall from above. Things in the city are getting ridiculous and we cannot even deal with them, but there is no way to make a change. I choose to find “fun” in such reality, by turning the news into flowers and enjoying them fall. Yet upon closer look, the flowers still record the news.

I asked a female friend to rewrite spam emails with pen and paper because of the strangeness of these funny messages created by bots. But what would you feel if you receive a spam mail handwritten on paper and sealed in an envelope? I also translated them to different languages a few times with Google to generate text distorted by bot.

Pure Art Foundation Awards, Media Art Category



Between Happening 卡娜 Carla Chan(香港 Hong Kong)

《Between Happening》是一件具有時間 展延特性的動態裝置,由一幅有框的絲網 和隱藏於框內的特製磁力機械組成。磁石 的吸力令鐵粉在白紙上印上圖案,勾勒出 一片風景。磁石令鐵粉流動,不斷建構和 抹去一幅幅圖案,既展露了又掩藏着在時 光中逐漸演變的風景。 Between Happening is a kinetic, time-based installation, consisting of a framed screenprint and a hidden custom-built magnetic mechanism. A magnet inside the frame moves the iron powder and print onto the paper, revealing the structures and outlines of a landscape. The movement induced by the magnet creates ever-changing patterns of erasing and constructing, revealing and concealing the landscape, which slowly evolves through time.

彼•此 That • This 胡鈞荃 Hu Ching-chuan(台灣 Taiwan)

作品將不同時間及地點掃描的環境,置入 重新建構的空間座標中。談話聲來自緬甸 移居來台的母親及移民至美國的阿姨所說 的緬文日常對話,她們多年未見,在虛擬 實境中游移於不同空間,「彼」與「此」 雖近猶遠。 This artwork puts the scenes scanned at different times and in various places on reconstructed spatial coordinates. The talking voices are the daily conversations in Burmese between my mother and my aunt who migrated from Burma to Taiwan and the US respectively. They have not met for more than a decade, but now traverse different spaces in VR. The “that” and “this” are near to as much as they are far from each other.

香港作為代碼:風調雨順 codenamehk: shitennou

虛空中織人 Crosswalkers

何謙信 Ho Him-shun(香港 Hong Kong)

蕭偉恒 Siu Wai-hang(香港 Hong Kong)

四個電子螢幕展示着四幅香港九十年代流 行文化的零碎回憶。作品從錯誤接駁舊式 CRT 電視造成的波形干擾中取得靈感,抖 動的線條隨着錄像中聲音的節奏而出現, 聽覺的回憶由是而化為一次視覺經驗。懷 舊的畫面再次充斥電子螢幕。

空間被填滿;人群在熙攘。我們太匆忙, 對周遭不再關心。獨特的狹縫掃瞄攝影將 這種生活轉化成另類視覺詮譯。我們未必 能在時間長河中將它看得清楚,只能瞥見 扭曲的臉孔和無關痛癢的瑣事。我們最終 可能又墮進另一種空虛之中。

Four separate digital screens show the fragmented memories of Hong Kong pop culture in the 1990s. Inspired by the glitch effect caused by misplacing the different connectors of old CRT TVs, the work features flickering lines that appear according to the rhythm of the sound in the videos, thus turning audio memories into a visual experience. The overflowing of nostalgia is once again represented on the screens.

Space is filled and people are bustling. We rush and get insensitive to the outer. A unique way of slitscan photography may convert this particular life into another visual explanation. However, we may not see it clearly in the infinite timeline, but only distorted faces and trivial matters. In the end, we may fall into another void again.

安居後 The Way We Are

明天與明天 Tomorrow and Tomorrow

目擊 Witness

黃百亨 Wong Pak-hang(香港 Hong Kong)

馮淞淵 Fung Sung-yuen(香港 Hong Kong)

蔡宗勳 Tsai Tsung-hsun(台灣 Taiwan)

在 我 居 住 的 地 方, 新 建 築 不 斷 在 山 上 落 成,山下的舊樓則被拆卸;新居民湧入, 舊居民被迫遷離。生命變幻莫測,無法預 知好壞。然而在這裡生活的人萬日如常, 我對他們的日常生活非常好奇,甚至想進 入他們的生命。「現實生活」究竟包含了 甚麼?

資訊爆炸的時代,無處不在的非線性媒體 滲透了都市人的生活。一個電視矩陣裝置, 循環播放着由數碼圖像拼貼成的 GIF,作 品裡的視覺元素全是從互聯網下載,包括 世界場景、幾何和象徵性圖像,拼湊成多 元生成的現代話語實踐,上演着一個瘋狂 世界的循環。

行車記錄器的畫面以人工及模型翻拍的方 式,還原成一個正在等待路燈或說明等待 某事件的行車畫面。行車的影像最常被採 納為證據,具紀實及證明的意味,目的在 於還原事件的當下。但我的概念是把目擊 的狀態,放在一個不斷循環以及沒有任何 事件發生的當下。

I live in a place where new constructions appear uphill and old buildings downhill are demolished, and newcomers move in while old dwellers are relocated. I find life fluid and full of changes that you never know if things are changing for better or worse. Yet for people who have been living here, there seem very few changes in their daily lives. I am so interested in their everyday life that I want to enter their lives. What does “real life” entail?

In this digital age of information explosion, ubiquitous non-linear media penetrates urban people's life experiences. Tomorrow and Tomorrow is a TV-matrix installation, looping animated GIFs and visual elements, such as scenes from around the world, geometric patterns and symbolic icons, to depict a mad mad world on TV. It creates a discursive practice of the multisensorial modern situation.

A driving scene of waiting for lights or events is being restored, by filming a man-made scene with models on a dashboard camera. Images on these cameras are often employed as evidence that aim to restore the course of events, implying a sense of documentation and proof. But my concept is to let the viewer to witness a loop in which nothing happens.

Eventually, Obsolete 梁望琛 Leung Mong-sum Joseph(香港 Hong Kong)

《Eventually, Obsolete》由七組攝影裝置 作品組成,圍繞着一部於 2000 年製成的 舊式 CRT 顯示器。 Eventually, Obsolete is a body of work consisting of seven individual pieces of photographs and photographic installation surrounding an old CRT monitor manufactured in the year of 2000.


The 24th ifva Awards Open Category Finalist Showcase 第二十四屆 ifva 比賽公開組 入圍作品放映

人生在世,總會建立種種關係,與他人之間的,亦有人與城市之間的。十組本 地作品,道盡千絲萬縷的關係,暴烈有時,溫柔有時,卻都是人生。 We are born with different types of indispensable bonding, with other humans, and with the cities. Our ten finalists depict these relationships which at times turn furious while sometimes they are pure joy with moving images. After all, it’s life. 節目一 Programme 1

節目二 Programme 2

7/3 (Thu) / 7:45pm

8/3 (Fri) / 7:45pm

香港 Hong Kong / DCP / 116' | HK$65 / $35*

香港 Hong Kong / DCP / 105' | HK$65 / $35*

香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre 放映後設討論會 With after-screening discussion

節目一 Programme 1

放映後設討論會 With after-screening discussion

節目一 Programme 1

白沙堆 The Bridge 楊兩全 Yeung Leung-chuen 彩色 Col / 30' 00" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

來勝與姐姐在港生活,退休父母在海南島養 老,叔叔則長居深圳,一家聚少離多。來 勝祖母逝世三年,據家鄉傳統,子孫須擇 吉日立碑。這次立碑,讓一家人難得聚首, 各自卻埋藏着難以啟齒的心事。 Loi Sing and his sister live in Hong Kong while their retired parents stay in Hainan, and their uncle lives in Shenzhen. On the third anniversary of grandma’s death, her descendants must set up a monument on a auspicious day according to local tradition. Family members, each with a buried secret, will finally meet.

節目二 Programme 2

忙於一事無成 busydoingnothing

下雨天 The Umbrella

周溥傑 Chau Po-kit 彩色 Col / 21' 22" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

曾慶宏 Tsang Hing-weng Eric 彩色 Col / 21' 59" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

這是關於一位畢業幾個月、沒有人生目標、 不事生產、自覺平庸無法融入社會的女生, 在十二元店兼職的故事。苦悶的生活,因 為奇怪麻煩的同事們而百上加斤。倒楣的 事接二連三,究竟她能否打開心中鬱結?

2014 年 10 月的一個夜晚,雨下個不停。 大學宿舍內,幾個各有背景的年輕人,被 分派到同一棟宿舍生活,共度這夜。聲援 同學的行動一觸即發,靜止長鏡頭所捕捉 的,是年輕人思變的躁動與不安。

某 年 平 安 夜, 小 孩 在 好 奇 心 和 寂 寞 驅 使 下,決定假扮父親,撥打報章廣告上的色 情電話。

This story is about a recent graduate who has no goals in life, is unproductive and feels mediocre and cannot fit in the society. Working in a discount store, her boring life is burdened by strange and troublesome colleagues. As misfortunes pile up one after the other, will she ever open up her heart and find release?

One night in October, 2014, the rain kept falling. In an university residence hall, several young people from various backgrounds were assigned to the same room to spend the night together, as efforts to support student protesters were about to get under way. With steady long shots, this film captures the younger generation’s sense of restlessness and unease.

One Christmas Eve, a lonely and curious child decides to impersonate his father to dial the number of a phone sex line that he sees on a newspaper ad. As an unusual conversation takes place, the door opens and in comes the father, thus destroying the festive atmosphere.


每六秒一蚊 Out Of Sound 謝兆邦 Tse Siu-pong Nicky 彩色 Col / 14' 10" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

在這段不尋常的對話中,突然大門一開, 父親進來劃破一切聖誕氣氛。

家 Home Change 林東曦 Lam Tung-hei 彩色 Col / 25' 34" 普通話、粵語、鶴佬話及客家話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua, Cantonese, Haifeng Dialect and Hakka with Chinese and English subtitles

蕪吠 Silent City

星燦騎士 Be a Rider or a Fool

湯建忠 Tong Kin-chung、蔡漢霖 Cai Hanlin 彩色及黑白 Col & B&W / 28' 35" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

羅偉良 Law Wai-leung 彩色 Col / 11' 08" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

年輕時痛失親兒,婆婆於兒子失蹤的時間 內活着,形伴孤獨。年輕時犯錯入獄,流 浪漢阿強活在不再熟悉的城市,迷失自我。 當時間不再停留,空間亦將改變;邊緣人 終會交織,相交輝映。

《星燦騎士》利用戲劇情節與訪問記錄, 編成一宗在香港發生的搶劫事件。巴寶是 位在港土生土長的南亞裔青年,透過觀察 他面對事件的衝突與反思,影射港人對社 會的無力。

An old woman has lost her son when she was young and now lives a lonely life. Keung, a homeless man, loses himself in a city he is no longer familiar with. When time no longer stops, space also changes. The lives of these people living on the margins becomes entangled and influence one another.

Using dramatic scenes and interviews, Be a Rider or a Fool recreates a robbery that takes place in Hong Kong. Bebo is a South Asian youth born and bred in Hong Kong. Through observing how he deals with the conflict and his reflections about this incident, this film reflects the sense of helplessness that Hong Kong people feel.

團團圓 Family Family Day

開關 Turn-Off_Turn-On

吊吊 My World

李偉盛 Lee Wai-shing 彩色 Col / 27' 00" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

李偉盛 Lee Wai-shing 黑白 B&W / 13' 09" 無對白,中英文字幕 No dialogue with Chinese and English subtitles

李駿碩 Jun Li 彩色 Col / 29' 10" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

阿嫲走了,但陪她走過的加州陽光,還陪 着我走。

導演和舞者的一次即興練習,啟發自艾略 特 的 詩 作《 第 四 個 四 重 奏 》:「 耐 心 等 待 但 不 要 思 索, 因 為 你 還 沒 有 思 索 的 準 備—— 這樣黑暗必將變得光明,靜止也將 變成舞蹈。」

年輕就是恣意想像,既生得我逸群絕倫, 何 不 盡 情 憤 世 嫉 俗? 教 育 之 道、 性 別 角 色、道德倫常,世道統統與本我相乖,如 之奈何?就讓思辯哲理無孔不入、抽絲剝 繭, 譜 奏 成 一 闋 既 瘋 狂 又 睿 智 的 影 像 狂 想曲。

童年時經常去的荔枝園於 2 月 12 日被毀 了。我的表兄弟和我站在光禿禿的山頂看 着已倒下的樹,感到家鄉將面臨改變。 The litchi garden, which was often visited in childhood, was destroyed on February 12. My cousin and I stand on the top of an empty hill and look down at the fallen trees. I feel that my home is going to change.

Granny left us, but the Californian sunshine that once accompanied her has never departed.

This is a game Shing Lee played with the dancer who is his brother, Joseph Lee. “Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.” A quote from T.S. Eliot’s East Coker, Four Quartets inspired the creation of this film.

Revolt is youth. An ambitious teacher’s pet and a pair of quirky siblings challenge gender roles and traditional morals through seven exam questions. This wild and philosophising film leaves no stone unturned.


The 24th ifva Awards Youth Category Finalist Showcase 第二十四屆 ifva 比賽青少年組 入圍作品放映

年少,卻未敢輕狂,大概是香港這一代年輕人的寫照。他們相信影像的力量, 關注校園欺凌、虐待動物、功課壓力等連大人都束手無策的寫實課題,是自 省,亦是一道接一道對世界的提問。 Young, but no longer innocent - a fair description of the upcoming generation. They believe in the power of moving images, to depict realistic issues of school bullying, animal abuse, academic pressures that even adults fail to solve. These self-reflective shorts are a collection of questions posed to the society from our dear youth.

香港 Hong Kong / DCP / 58' | HK$65 / $35* 放映後設討論會 With after-screening discussion

作品充份展示香港學生惡名昭著的超強功 課壓力,走廊線性地象徵主角在學校的一 天流程,短片描繪每天衝着他而來的任務 與挑戰,他必需在有限時間內,在課堂完 結前冒死走向終點的大鐘。影片的視點帶 有超現實和絕望感,清晰明確。 This work vividly demonstrates Hong Kong’s notoriously overworked students. With the corridor symbolising the timeline of a school day, the short film showcases tasks and challenges “thrown” at the protagonist as he runs for his life to the clock which displays the time when lessons end. Both surreal and dystopian, the perception of the film cannot be more perceptive.


止於唇齒,掩於歲月。這是所有人最初的 憧憬和最終的遺憾。無論當初愛過哭過笑 過恨過,到最後都只是錯過。物也非,人 而也非。或許難以忘懷的,並不是當時的 他,而是追隨着對方的自己。 Love that cannot be expressed is buried with time. This is the longing and their ultimate regret that everyone has experienced. No matter how much you have loved, cried, laughed and hated, in the end it is just missed opportunities. Amidst all the changes, it is perhaps the self who once chased after him that is unforgettable. Dear certain someone.

香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre

譚梓樂 Tam Tsz-lok Douglas 彩色 Col / 2' 18" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

黃猗淇 Wong E-ki、楊凱童 Yeung Hoi-tung 彩色 Col / 13' 20" 日語對白,中文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese subtitles


9/3 (Sat) / 1pm

永恆循環的跑道,跑不到, 跑道。 Run of My Life


人生有限公司 LIFE Limited

衡。 Balance.

李嘉彥 Lee Ka-yin Ivan 彩色 Col / 10' 00" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

梁凱迪 Leung Hoi-dick 彩色 Col / 3' 19" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

「你唔想返嘅學,你唔想返嘅工,人生有 限公司幫到你!我哋嘅業務員能夠變成你 嘅外表,幫你返工返學、出街應酬,等你 可以擁有更多時間做想做嘅事,活出屬於 你嘅豐盛人生!快啲下載我哋個 app 啦!」

大自然其實有一個平衡萬物的機制。只要 任何物種數量超過極限,就會觸發自動調 節。一直認為生活安好的人類,是否正在 自掘墳墓?

“LIFE Limited Company can help you go to school if you don’t want to go, and do the work you don’t want to do. Our service representatives can take on your appearance and go to school and your workplace for you and entertain on your behalf, so that you have more time to do what you want to do and live a richer life! Download our app now!”

The natural world has a system of balancing all the elements. As soon as any one species reaches its natural limit, nature automatically steps in to recalibrate.

有口難言 Speechless 楊文靜 Yeung Man-ching 彩色 Col / 7' 34" 粵語對白,中文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles

揮動翅膀的女孩 See Me Fly

欺。零 Zero

文凱彤 Man Hoi-tung 彩色 Col / 1' 06" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

林君玥 Lam Kwan-yuet、葉朗俊 Ip Long-chun Asher、 陳道成 Chen Dao-cheng Daniel 彩色 Col / 9' 32" 粵語對白,中文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles

銀狐犬小白慘遭虐待事件,令我們注意到 保護動物的法例在本港長期被忽略的問 題。故此,我們透過製作本片,搜集資料 和採訪相關人士,學會反省,亦更加珍惜 生命。

她渴望自由,渴望的除了是行動上的自由, 還是選擇上的自由。青春期,正是想有更 大自由的時期,想逃脫父母和學校,如同 反叛期。女生期望自己能像天空的鳥兒自 由地飛,而不是在鳥籠中生活的鳥。

The mistreatment of the Japanese Spitz dog Little White has brought the long-neglected issue of animal protection in Hong Kong into the public eye. Through researching this topic and interviewing relevant people, we have learnt to reflect and cherish life more.

She longs for freedom, not only freedom of action but also freedom of choice. Adolescence is a time when people long to have more freedom. They want to escape from their parents and school during this rebellious phase. A girl wants to fly freely like birds in the sky, not birds that live in cages.

開聲 ON ON

抑鬱 Depression

最後機會 Alert

曾在紓 Tsang Choi-shu 彩色 Col / 1' 06" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

謝雨初 Tse Yu-cho 彩色 Col / 3' 35" 粵語對白,中文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles

方可晴 Fong Ho-ching 彩色及黑白 Col & B&W / 5' 46" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles


一位朋友的紀錄,青少年的煩惱,病患者 的心聲。

一個初出茅廬的創作者,回顧過去創作過 程,喚起初衷,但現實的殘酷,令她選擇 逃避。一直到她踏入新階段,身邊一切令 她不再留戀從前,決心前進,把握最後機 會去改變自己。

The moment of “Christmas, what a nice festival!”

A friend’s record, youthful troubles, the voice of the afflicted.

《欺。零》是一個關於被欺凌的故事。一位 弱聽又無法保護自己的弱勢學生,在學校受 盡欺凌,最後受不住群眾壓力而選擇自殺。 故事多角度道出加害者與受害者在悲劇發 生前後的心境和變化,刻劃出校園欺凌問題 的嚴重性,帶出忽視的後果。 Zero is a story about bullying. A student with hearing disabilities fails to protect himself. He is bullied at school and, in the end, cannot withstand the pressure and commits suicide. The film explores, from multiple angles, the changing thoughts of the victim and perpetrators before and after the tragedy, and reveals the gravity of school bullying.

An artist just starting out in her career looks back on the process of creation and recalls her original intentions. However, the cruel reality forces her to seek escape. When she reaches another stage in life, her changing circumstances cause her to stop living in the past. She decides to move forward and seize the last chance to change herself.


The 24th ifva Awards Animation Category Finalist Showcase 第二十四屆 ifva 比賽動畫組 入圍作品放映

動畫魔法無邊,予人無盡想像空間。一眾香港及亞洲創作人的入圍作品,將 再次為觀眾帶來各式情感及感官衝擊。不怎麼單純的男女關係、不太平和的 童年回憶、不過如平常的通勤日,甚或是自由奔放的日式麻糬及堅叔頭上的 最後一根頭髮,在動畫師的妙手下,都可以是主角。 The power of animation opens up unbound imaginations. Our finalists from Hong Kong and different parts of Asia will be presenting ten different works that are both visually stunning and emotionally overwhelming. Some not-so-simple relationships, some not-so-peaceful childhood memories, and some not-so-special working days, together with delighted Japanese mochis and the last hair on Uncle Kin’s forehead, even the most mundane element of life could take up the leading role.

燈塔 The Lighthouse 李沛榮 Lei Pui-weng Jay(澳門 Macau) 彩色 Col / 7' 30" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

夜幕低垂,Luke 登上了那個被遺棄的燈 塔,並嘗試在塵封的機件中,重新亮起那 段埋藏於玻璃幕牆下的記憶。 When the night falls, Luke climbs up to the deserted lighthouse. With the old and worn equipment, he tries to “light up” the memory buried underneath the glass curtain walls.

16/3 (Sat) / 2pm 香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre

放映後設討論會 With after-screening discussion

DCP / 64' | HK$65 / $35*

21³ 朱殷正 Felix Chu(香港 Hong Kong) 彩色 Col / 4' 22" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

人死後的剎那間,體重會相差 21 克,有 人稱為靈魂的重量。無機生命體又有沒有 所謂的靈魂? When a person dies, their weight lessens by 21 grams, and some call this the weight of the soul. Do inorganic creatures have souls, too?


地下鐵通勤 Subway Commute

再見匡首長 Bye Bye, Comrade

徐國峰 Redic Hsu(台灣 Taiwan) 彩色 Col / 10' 22" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

徐天琳 Xu Tianlin(中國 China) 彩色 Col / 12' 40" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

一天在上班途中,男人在地鐵上突然感到 迷失。他感到有什麼不對頭,彷彿將有莫 名的威脅來襲。他獨自困在車廂中,試圖 找出答案⋯⋯

著名的匡首長逝世了。在舉國哀悼期間, 10 歲的濤濤遇到了生命中第一次對「政治 正確」的考驗。

During a routine commute, a man suddenly feels lost on the subway. He knows there’s something wrong and an indescribable threat is approaching. Trapped in the empty car, the man tries to look for the answer…

Taotao is 10 years old as the esteemed comrade General Kuang passes away. Now, through the declared national mourning, her political correctness is put to the test.

機械心跡 Automatonomy 曾源培 Jerrold Chong、黄乃得 Mark Wee (新加坡 Singapore) 彩色 Col / 6' 00" 英語對白及英文字幕 In English with English subtitles

人類與機器人大戰後,在敵托邦式的科幻 世界中,孤兒從瓦礫中救出受傷的女孩。 他們躲藏在地牢般的密室中,但隨着外來 的人員介入,改變孤兒對他者的看法,他 與女孩剛萌芽的友誼也受到考驗。 In a dystopian sci-fi society amidst the aftermath of a civil war between Humans and Automatons, an orphan rescues an injured girl from the rumble of violence. As they hide out together in a bunker-like room, their burgeoning friendship gets tested as external agents threaten to fracture how one sees the Other.

有毒關係 Toxic Animation 張小踏 Step Cheung(香港 Hong Kong) 彩色 Col / 3' 36" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

「人類會因屈服於恐懼,而背叛自身的情 感。」—— 加藤諦三 我們的價值觀和快樂不應建立在他人身 上,如果你期望某人可以把你的生命變得 完整,到頭來你的自身價值只會變成附屬 品,某天失去了他,生命就會回歸破碎。

imai / Fly feat. 79, 中村佳穗 imai / Fly feat. 79, Kaho Nakamura 橋本麦 Baku Hashimoto(日本 Japan) 彩色 Col / 3' 14" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

這部定格動畫由三粒麻糬當主角。他們變 形,分裂、再重組成不同形狀的日式年糕, 在客廳餐桌展開一場小小的冒險。然後其 他零食也加入隊伍,一起表演了一場美味 的舞蹈。

“Human race will just surrender to fear by betraying our true feeling.” – Taizo Kato The value and happiness of people should not be built on others. If you try to find someone to complete your life, your self-value will become dependent on others and will feel incomplete when you lose this person.

This is a stop-motion animation featuring three pieces of mochis. They begin their little adventure around the living room table house while merging and transforming into different types of rice cakes. Other snacks join their dance in the living room, and leads to a delightful ending.

不忠之愛 Infidelity

暑假最後一天 The Last Day of Summer

一毛所有 Kin’s Hair

麥少峯 Mak Siu-fung(香港 Hong Kong) 彩色 Col / 6' 17" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

周子羣 Chou Tzu-chun(台灣 Taiwan) 彩色 Col / 3' 55" 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles

陳冠聰 Chan Kwun-chung、王子妍 Wong Tsz-yin、 鄭思 Chang See-wan(香港 Hong Kong) 彩色 Col / 5' 51" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

男人三妻四妾,本來就是對妻子不忠。女 人跟情郎私奔,也是對丈夫不忠。情郎背 叛愛人同為不忠。最後剩下的是否只有被 支配的愛?

寧靜的夏天,小孩們想留下不一樣的暑假 結尾⋯⋯

A man having multiple wives and concubines is being untrue to his wife. A woman who runs off with her lover is also being unfaithful to her husband. A man betraying his lover is another form of infidelity. Is domineering love the only thing left?

It is a peaceful summer, and the kids want to end their vacation with a little twist...

講述堅叔與他僅有的一條頭髮,並以堅叔 的脫髮過程,帶出香港過往廿年的大小事 回憶。最後在自我釋懷下,堅叔把自己珍 而重之的頭髮捨棄。 This film depicts the story of Kin and his one remaining hair. Through the process of Kin’s hair loss, the story brings out many major and minor incidents in Hong Kong over the past 20 years. Having achieved some kind of release, Kin gets rid of his one treasured hair.


The 24th ifva Awards Asian New Force Category Finalist Showcase 第二十四屆 ifva 比賽亞洲新力量組 入圍作品放映

十位亞洲導演,影像作故事載體,道盡區內性別、家庭、政治、民生等社會議題, 城市面貌可能有別,但對生活與生存的描寫定必有共通之處。 Ten Asian directors tell stories on gender, family, politics and everyday lives. Depicted in not-sofamiliar cityscapes, these tales echo with our lives in a less obvious yet highly relatable way.

15/3 (Fri) / 7:15pm 香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre 放映後設討論會 With after-screening discussion

吳博平 Wu Boping、楊宇飛 Yang Yufei (中國 China) 彩色 Col / 16' 53" 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles

真實新聞事件改編。 在中國北方的小縣城,產業轉型讓一些無 法跟上發展的人變成時代的棄子,標子就 是一個還活在工業時代的壯漢。一天,一 位素未謀面的大哥給標子一份特殊的工 作——刺客。 This movie is based on a true story. The story takes place in a small county in northern China. Industrial transformation has abandoned the people who are unable to keep up with the pace of development. Being one of them, strong man Bill encounters an unknown man who offers him a very uncommon job—to be an assassin.


Hadas Neuman(以色列 Israel) 彩色 Col / 15' 38" 希伯來語對白,英文字幕 In Hebrew with English subtitles

Ayala 要證明自己是真正的舞者,但人們 都不相信她。她帶着失望與羞恥,原本打 算放棄,但在耶路撒冷喧鬧繽紛的馬合尼 耶胡達市場內,Ayala 展示她獨特的天份, 用舞者的角度演繹世界。 Ayala wants to prove that she is a real dancer, but keeps failing in doing so. With shame and disappointment, she is about to give up when the emerging exuberance of Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem shows her she has something else to offer —her special dancing point of view.

DCP / 182' | HK$65 / $35*

刺客行 A Big Deal

Prove it

Nur Gal Lin(以色列 Israel) 彩色 Col / 14' 04" 阿拉伯語對白,英文字幕 In Arabic with English subtitles

這 是 個 有 關 意 志 的 力 量 的 故 事。 年 輕 的 Nur 居住在東耶路撒冷難民營,她立志要 改變命途,不理家人及社區其他人士的反 對決定攻讀藝術,但她最後會否在重重壓 力下放棄夢想? A story on the power of will. Nur, a young woman in an East Jerusalem refugee camp, is determined to change the course of her life and study art against the wishes of her family and the community. Will Nur be forced to abandon her dream?

延邊少年 On the Border 魏書鈞 Wei Shujun(中國 China) 彩色 Col /15' 00" 普通話對白,英文字幕 In Putonghua with English subtitles

朝鮮族少年花東星決定離開小村莊。為了 達成夢想,他必須到城市找尋父親拿旅費, 但父親卻失去影蹤,少年也沒有父親的消 息,只得展開漫漫的尋父之旅⋯⋯ A Korean youth named Hua Dongxing decides to leave his remote village. In order to realise his dreams, he needs to seek for his father in town for his travel expenses. However, there is not a trace of where his father is, so Hua starts on a wandering journey in search of his father without any information on his whereabouts…

癡情馬殺雞 Gentleman Spa 游智涵 Yu Jhi-han(台灣 Taiwan) 彩色 Col / 18' 06" 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles

其貌不揚的小豪,長期在同志按摩院裡擔 任清潔工,心心念念地期盼自己能邂逅真 愛。某日走進一位客人阿凱,兩人在互動 過程中,互相治癒,慢慢對彼此產生好感。 然而,事情並沒有小豪期待的順利⋯⋯ Hao, a chubby and ordinary-looking man who works at a gentleman spa catering to a gay clientele, dreams of finding real love. One day, he meets Kai, a customer at the spa. The interactions between the two bring comfort to both parties, and they grow to like one another. Yet things do not go as smoothly as Hao hopes.


The Trader—Sovdagari

Arman Fayyaz(伊朗 Iran) 彩色 Col / 13' 58" 波斯語對白,英文字幕 In Persian with English subtitles

Tamta Gabrichidze(格魯吉亞 Georgia) 彩色 Col / 22' 13" 格魯吉亞語及俄語對白,英文字幕 In Georgian and Russian with English subtitles

年輕的女子不幸自殺後在小村下葬,她是 雌雄同體的秘密被揭露,整條村因此風起 雲湧。

商人 Sovdagari 在格魯吉亞的鄉間遊走做 買賣。他的小貨車內充滿二手衣服和家居 用品,對他來說這車子同時是交通工具、 商店和臨時的家。他以物易物,把貨物換 來馬鈴薯,一路上遇到各式充滿夢想與希 望的人,他們沒有錢,只有馬鈴薯。

A young woman who committed suicide is taken for burial in the graveyard of the village, and the shocking fact of her being a hermaphrodite is revealed. All villagers are driven to madness.

海中網 Luzon

臨時工 Temporary

曾威量 Chiang Wei-liang(新加坡 Singapore) 彩色 Col / 13' 03" 無對白,英文字幕 No dialogue with English subtitles

許慧如 Hsu Hui-ju(台灣 Taiwan) 彩色 Col / 25' 00" 台語對白,中英文字幕 In Taiwanese with Chinese and English subtitles

南中國海某處,一枚中國核子彈頭廢料, 引發一場台灣漁民和菲律賓漁民之間的海 事爭執。

本片以非典型紀錄片的手法,聘僱了三位 真正的臨時工來扮演臨時工,廢棄的工廠 便是舞台,他們在其中組構出一個似有若 無的、臨時的家,憑藉勞動與彼此的關係, 在城市與荒野的邊界,活着。

Somewhere in the South China Sea, a Chinese nuclear waste barrel draws a Taiwanese fisherman and his Filipino counterpart into a maritime conflict.

Using unconventional documentary techniques, this film employs three real-life temporary workers to work temporarily in an abandoned factory, which becomes a stage for playing out an intangible and makeshift family drama. The relationships between these temporary workers reflect their existence in the margins and wilderness of the city.

A wandering trader Sovdagari travels in rural Georgia, Samtkhe-Javakheti. His minibus, full of secondhand clothes and household items, effectively combines the functions of car, shop and home. In search of spuds for exchanging, he meets people with hopes and dreams, having potatoes instead of money.

The Sea Recalls Aekaphong Saransate(泰國 Thailand) 彩色 Col / 27' 22" 泰語對白,英文字幕 In Thai with English subtitles

2016 年,Aekaphong 的叔叔與妻子於自 己家中被殺害。一年之後,他回到家鄉, 找尋這兇案的線索,並在海浪聲中回憶他 叔伯的段段往事。 In 2016, Aekaphong’s uncle was murdered in his house alongside his wife. A year later, Aekaphong returns to his hometown to investigate the man’s past and come to terms with his absence.


The 24th ifva Awards Jury Recommendation 第二十四屆 ifva 比賽 評審推薦 節目一 Programme 1

本年度評審推薦作品一共 11 部,部部皆有其獨到之處,分兩個節目作免費放映。

2/3 (Sat) / 7:30pm

There are 11 shorts that are recommended by the jury, with every one of them being a unique piece of gem, and will be shown in two screenings.

HD / 92' | 免費入場 Free Admission

香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

節目二 Programme 2

3/3 (Sun) / 7:30pm HD / 47' | 免費入場 Free Admission

香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

留座 Registration: www.ifva.com/reg

節目一 Programme 1

再見晴彩兒 Sunny Day 鄭卓淇 Chen Cheuk-ki(香港 Hong Kong) 彩色 Col / 5' 00" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 青少年組 Youth Category 蔡廉明推薦 Recommended by Andrew Choi

由於人類對大自然造成傷害,令紫外線輻 射直接到達地面,使人無法再於陽光之下 活動。為了生存,朱澪澪準備離開,搬到 有地下城市的地方。臨走前,她要再次親 身回到學校,對已故摯友作最後告別。 In the evil hands of human beings, UV penetration is so severe that people no longer could live above the ground. Chu Ling-ling decides to flee to underground cities for survival. Before her departure, she returns to her school to say a final goodbye to her passed-away friend.


I am Twisq 王鎧鴻 Wong Hoi-hung 、莫進輝 Mok Chun-fai (香港 Hong Kong) 彩色 Col / 2' 43" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles 動畫組 Animation Category 余家豪推薦 Recommended by Yu Ka-ho

香港以石屎森林聞名於世,我們想換個角 度呈現城市的地勢面貌。《I am Twisq》 從原建築抽取形狀、形態及顏色等元素, 以動畫重構出一個城市遊樂場,重新認識 這城。 Hong Kong is known as a concrete jungle and we seek for a different angle to review the city landscape. I am Twisq re-creates a urban playground by animating shapes, forms and colours extracted from the original buildings to provide an alternative perspective and experience.

肢肢 Zhizhi 凌慧珊 Ling Wai-shan(香港 Hong Kong) 彩色 Col / 11' 03" 粵語對白,中文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles 青少年組 Youth Category 黃浩然推薦 Recommended by Amos Why

一個患有肢體發展障礙的女生,不能好好 控制自己的手,這個不會康復的病將一世 跟着她。從生活中,她慢慢地接受了這身 體。 A girl suffers from developmental coordination disorder which is a lifelong disease that makes her lose control of her hand. Through her daily living, she gradually accepts her body in her own way.

蜜柑和香蕉 Mikan and Banana

離境 Lacuna

鄭嘉誠 Cheng Ka-shing(香港 Hong Kong) 彩色 Col / 5' 35" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

羅昊培 Law Ho-pui Presott(香港 Hong Kong) 彩色 Col / 30' 00" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

動畫組 Animation Category 伍尚豪推薦 Recommended by Peter Ng

公開組 Open Category 柯星沛推薦 Recommended by O Sing-pui

蜜柑和香蕉是一對好朋友,他們想趁着夏 天和對方一起到沙灘玩耍。但在出發時, 遇上了失常的天氣,他們會如何面對,去 完成一起去沙灘的心願呢?

時地人事無法確定,殘餘的影像成為隱喻, 短暫或永恆,終究通往回憶與遺忘。某城 某夜,誰帶着行李回來或離去:穿西裝的 男人、藍髮少年、巴士上的女人、從海而 來的祼男;於天橋、邊境、枯樹,皆荒蕪 異樣。

Mikan and Banana are a pair of good friends who plan to go to the summer beach. When they are about to depart, the weather turns bad. What is their contingency plan to fulfill the wish of going to the beach?

A Cold Summer Night Yash Sawant(印度 India) 彩色 Col / 21' 15" 孔卡尼語對白,英文字幕 In Konkani with English subtitles 亞洲新力量組 Asian New Force Category 崔允信推薦 Recommended by Vincent Chui

2017 年 5 月 21 日,印度果阿邦瑪普薩鎮。

Remaining images of uncertain time, space, people and happenings turn into a metaphor, they may last to become memories, or fade away eventually. One night in the city, people come and go with a suitcase: the man in suit, the boy with blue hair, the woman on the bus, the naked man from the sea… all on the bridge, the border, the withered tree…



the ifva Awards Call for Entry in Summer

ifva 比賽 於 2019 年中 接受報名

浮陽 Rising Sun 鄭雅之 Cheng Ya-Chih(台灣 Taiwan) 彩色 Col / 15' 40" 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 亞洲新力量組 Asian New Force Category 鍾德勝推薦 Recommended by Simon Chung

一個平凡晚上,移工 Ketan 的車子被不知 名人士破壞,引來群眾集結,緊張氣氛一 觸即發。全城搜索 Ketan 之時,當事人卻 正趁妻子回娘家養胎,在租來的小公寓與 外遇對象偷歡。

幾個月前她的孩子溺水死亡,但某日她收 拾家裡時,意外找到一張不屬於兒子的考 卷,但上面卻有着兒子臉龐的素描,這張 考卷是屬於兒子留給她的線索,還是某人 的情書?

21st May 2017, Mapusa-Goa, India. An ordinary night starts to turn wildly dramatic for Ketan, a Maharashtrian migrant, when an anonymous attack on his car congregates excessive attention in the neighbourhood. Dreadful coldness knocks when the entire locality is calling out to Ketan and he is stuck with his paramour in his small rented room while his pregnant wife is away at her parents’ house.

Her child was drown to death a few months ago. One day she finds a test paper not belonging to her son but with his face drawn on it. Is this a message from her son or a love letter from someone else?


節目二 Programme 2

真浪漫 True Romance

Ballsy: Story of a Revolution

王秉熹 Wong Ping-hei(香港 Hong Kong) 彩色 Col / 16' 43" 英語對白,英文字幕 In English with English subtitles

Seyed Mohsen Pourmohseni Shakib(伊朗 Iran) 黑白 B&W / 5' 45" 無字幕及對白 No dialogue and subtitles

公開組 Open Category 周博賢推薦 Recommended by Adrian Chow

動畫組 Animation Category 崔嘉曦推薦 Recommended by Tsui Ka-hei

一個痴心美國少女戀上了一個囉囉攣的港 男?一個關於兩個游手好閒的年輕人的偽 記錄片比任何傾國傾城的愛情史詩更真、 更浪漫。

籠中住了兩隻雞,每天都有一隻手餵飼牠 們。一天,糧食出現短缺,兩隻雞開始攻 擊那隻手,試圖得到自由。牠們最終決定 留下,因為深知叛變的下場是不再被餵飼。

Dirt cheap white wine and mismatched valentines. A mockumentary about friendship between two aimless twentysomethings can be greater and more glorious than any romance.

This is a story of two chickens living in the same cage and fed by a hand. Due to the lack of food, they strike against the hand and trying to gain their freedom. But they can't get out of the cage, because they will no longer be fed if doing so.

餐單 Menu

阿翔的計時炸彈 Bomb Of Love

何欣饒 Ho Yan-yiu(香港 Hong Kong) 彩色 Col / 1' 06" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

郭頌儀 Kwok Chung-yee(香港 Hong Kong) 彩色 Col / 22' 57" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

青少年組 Youth Category 馮美華推薦 Recommended by May Fung

公開組 Open Category 應亮推薦 Recommended by Ying Liang

作 為 青 少 年, 所 謂 的 追 求, 是 堅 持 一 份 「選擇」,各適其適,各擇口味。與其說 你有甚麼在追求,不如問:「你究竟在追 求甚麼?」成年人和社會,是守護着一份 「選擇」,與其問「你有甚麼追求」,不 如說你已假設了他們的路?

各有怪癖的三人,居住在一個極其自我的 世界,生活得像活死人一般。唐樓單位儼 如酒店的交誼廳,觀看着電視雪花的老人 儼如單位內的閉路電視⋯⋯阿翔的抗衡是 一個藏在房間裡的計時炸彈,各人的關係 亦然。

As a youth, we always insist difference “choices”. We have different preferences. But what are we actually pursuing for?

Three people in the flat with their own quirks, searching for the ways to understand and live with each other. Xiang's rebellion as ticking time bombs hidden in a hotel-like flat, as well as their relationships.


Filmorphosis: Wong Fei-pang’s Creative Perseverance 追光路上:黃飛鵬的影像試煉 今年 ifva 推出「追光路上」系列,每 年聚焦一位對創作持之以恆的導演, 放映他們追逐光影路上以來認真創作 的作品,希望以這個展影平台見證他 們蛻變成為更廣受認可的影像創作人, 令他們猶如追光燈下的演員般得到更 多重視。 系列首個節目聚焦獨立導演黃飛鵬, 這位多次入圍 ifva 的創作人,其作品 的類型、風格涵蓋極廣,又不失社會 關懷,對獨立影像創作千錘百煉。 This year ifva launches the new “Filmorphosis” series which aims to recognise serious filmmakers who are ready to shine but not getting the spotlight otherwise. The series provides a platform for these mid-career artists who are morphing into more widely known creative talents. The inaugural programme features ifva alumnus Wong Fei-pang whose body of works demonstrates a wide spectrum of styles, genres and topics and a perseverance in independent filmmaking.


Programme 1:An

Odd Fish

9/3 (Sat) / 4pm 香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港 Hong Kong / DCP / 95' | HKD65 / 35* 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

瑟縮在魚池之中,沒有誰能獨善其身。不停轉換工作的常思,越努力想投入社會,越是 與社會脫節。哥哥常進由衷相信其保險經紀工作,習慣城市生活,朋友的突然離世讓他 真正面對現實。父親常日安在大學任夜更保安員,每天活在凝滯的生活中。城裡,生活 本來就是緩慢而沉重;而沉重並非選擇,是必然。 To dwell in the society is to live in a fish pond. When misfortune comes knocking, we merely stare, with no escape. Sze, who is always changing jobs, cannot fit in the society despite being willing to. Sze's elder brother, Chun, believes his job as an insurance agent does people good. Chun has learnt to adapt living in the big city until his friend’s sudden death. Their father, On, a night shift security guard employed by a university, lives a life in stagnation and boredom. This is a city where life is heavy. Such heaviness has nothing to do with choice, it is inevitable.

節目二:黃飛鵬短片放映 Programme 2 : Wong

Fei-pang Short Film Showcase

9/3 (Sat) / 7:45pm 香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港 Hong Kong / DCP / 122' | HKD65 / 35* 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

放映後設討論會 With after-screening discussion

黃飛鵬 Wong Fei-pang

本地獨立電影導演,畢業於香港城市 大學創意媒體學院。以《冬蟬》參與 的《十年》為第三十五屆香港電影金 像獎最佳電影。 Wong Fei-pang is a local independent filmmaker graduated from the School of Creative Media of the City University of Hong Kong. He participated in the film project Ten Years which was the Best Film at the 35th Hong Kong Film Awards.

精選黃飛鵬的五部短片,儘管主題各異, 影像仍是充滿詩意。《寂靜無光的地方》 中,融合教育竟然成了一種帶頭欺侮特殊 學童的制度;《紅樓夢:白訣》以坂本龍 一的音樂,襯托着賈寶玉、林黛玉那真假 難分的夢;《一雙》是一個人生的快鏡故 事,回憶各種第一次的溫熱;《尼菩薩》 裡外傭與社工聯手照顧腦退化症外公,但 他們卻自顧不暇;《冬蟬》是《十年》的 五部短片之一,兩個年輕人承傳博物學遺 風,希望為容不下保育的未來留下標本。

紅樓夢:白訣 A Dream of Red Mansions: The Long Goodbye

一雙 A Pair Of

A selection of five short films by Wong Fei-pang that spins around different themes in the form of poetic images. Leave Them High and Dry depicts how the inclusive education system itself is bullying students with special education needs; A Dream of Red Mansions: The Long Goodbye is a reiteration of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu’s countless dreamy yet realistic encounters and separations; A Pair Of is a tale of an individual’s life in shot in highspeed, and the counterpart of his “pair of”; Martika is the story of a domestic helper who needs to take care of a social worker’s dementia grandpa; and Season of the End from Ten Years is a depiction of the near future where development deprives history in the eyes of two young taxidermists.


Jockey Club ifva Everywhere Master Class and Artist Mentoring Scheme: Yang Li-chou

賽馬會ifva Everywhere大師班及藝術家指導計劃:楊力州 紅盒子 Father 14/3 (Thu) / 7:45pm 香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre 台灣 Taiwan / 2018 / 彩色 Col / 99’ 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles

陳錫煌,已故布袋戲大師李天祿的長子。父親巨人般的身影、異姓父子的特殊關係,為兩 人種下難解心結。《紅盒子》製作歷時十年,不只紀錄八旬長者的傳承使命、探究兩代國 寶間的矛盾,更以大銀幕展現老師傅為戲偶注入靈魂的掌中技藝,企圖將傳統布袋戲的獨 特魅力,重新帶回常民生活。

楊力州 Yang Li-chou 第二十四屆 ifva 比賽亞洲新力量組評審 Juror, Asian New Force Category, 24th ifva Awards

Chen Hsi-huang is the eldest son of Li Tien-lu, the renowned Taiwanese glove puppeteer, but his relationship with his father had always been strained. With a production period of ten years, Father not only documents the mission of an 80-year-old elder to inherit this particular art form, it also depicts the unique spirit behind finger puppet masters and their attempts to re-introduce such a performing art back into people’s everyday lives.

楊力州,台灣紀錄片工作者。 2006 年以《奇蹟的夏天》獲得金馬獎最佳 紀錄片獎。 Yang Li-chou, Taiwan documentary director. In 2006, he was awarded Best Documentary at the Golden Horse Award with My Football Summer .

留座 Registration: www.ifva.com/reg

導演映後講座 Director's Post-screening Talk 緊接《紅盒子》放映完畢後,導演將出席映後講座。 There will be a post-screening talk by Yang Li-chou, director of Father.

藝術家指導課 One-on-one Mentoring Session 召集一眾有劇本在手、準備開拍或已有拍攝計劃的創作人!楊力州導演將於 3 月 14 至 17 日,一對一與被選中之創作人面談,身體力行以創作人角度談創作。 A call-out to all creative talents who already have a script in hand or preparing to roll the camera or with a project in mind! From 14 to 17 March, director Yang Li-chou will conduct one-on-one mentoring sessions with shortlisted creative talents. Join now and get inspired! 費用全免,以國語進行 Free Admission, conducted in Mandarin 名額 Quota:10-15 報名詳情 Enrollment Details:www.ifva.com/masterclass

Major Funder

陳錫煌 Chen Hsi-huang


Jockey Club ifva Everywhere People Cinema: On Trial

賽馬會 ifva Everywhere 人民影院《失業生》 1/3 (Fri) / 8pm 香港文化中心露天廣場 Piazza, Hong Kong Cultural Centre 免費入場 Free Admission 歡迎自携坐墊 Please bring your own mat 登記 Registration: www.ifva.com/reg

「賽馬會 ifva Everywhere 人民影院」將於香港文化中心上映由張國榮、陳百強及鍾保羅 主演的《失業生》,重溫美好的八十年代,一起繼續追尋夢想。同場加映第二十三屆 ifva 比賽動畫組傑出作品《過雲雨》。 Jockey Club ifva Everywhere – People Cinema, which always bring alternative cinematic experiences in public spaces, will be screening On Trial which features Leslie Cheung, Danny Chan and Paul Chung at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre piazza. It is never too late to go for one’s dreams! The 23rd ifva Awards Animation Category Excellence Award animation Passing Rain will also be screened.

失業生 On Trial 霍耀良 Clarence Fok 香港 Hong Kong / 1981 / 彩色 Col / 93' 粵語對白,中文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles

阿榮、家寶和家輝三個年輕人追逐夢想的成長故事。 三人本是中學死黨,畢業後各自面對人生路做出截 然不同的決定。阿榮家貧卻天生叛逆,經歷世間各 種磨難;家寶熱愛音樂,幾經挫折後成功辦自己的 演唱會;弟弟家輝本是玩世不恭,最後選擇了一條 父母喜歡的道路。 A coming-of-age film about high school buddies Wing, Danny and Paul who go parted ways after graduation. With his rebellious character, Wing is destined to go through all different types of pain; Danny’s love for making his own music leads him to his debut concert after all obstacles; his brother Paul abandons his cynical way of life and follows the path prepared by his parents.

同場加映 Additional Screening

過雲雨 Passing Rain 楊起超 Yeung Hey-chiu 香港 Hong Kong / 彩色 Col / 6' 05" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

第二十三屆 ifva 比賽動畫組傑出作品 The 23rd ifva Awards Animation Category, Excellence Award

女主角在雨天操場中溫習,因為一個意外而開始留意 男主角。藉着一場過雲雨,男女主角的距離逐漸拉近。 After a small turn of fate, a girl studying in the covered playground started to pay attention to a boy. After a sudden shower of rain, they started to get closer. Major Funder


All About Us 2018/19 Student Creative Film Showcase 影像無國界 2018/19 學員創意影片放映

10/3 (Sun) / 10:30am 香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港 Hong Kong / HD / 95' 免費入場 Free Admission 放映後設討論會及獎狀頒發 With after-screening discussion and certificate presentation

Supported By

Supporting Organisation

Equipment Support

Mind Gone

Tag You’re It

Where Are You?

Muhammad Usman, Atique Hamza, Alisa Rai, Butt Abdul Mueed Sajid, Simon Tamang, Jhon Earon Wong, Karen Rei M. Dela Cruz, Sheikh Mohammad Danish, Enriquez Janine Ann Lopez, Enriquez Jasmine Ann Lopez 彩色 Col / 15' 22" 英語對白,英文字幕 In English with English subtitles

Jazzmine Fernandez Senerpida, Limbu David, Jerwen Fernandez Senerpida, Anne Laurie Dela Luna, Rai Kajen, Pun Subin, Cruz Raymilie Clare Baina, Rumbaua Rzane Ross Canta, Subedh Gurung 彩色 Col / 8' 22" 英語對白,英文字幕 In English with English subtitles

Jonathan Abellano, Madhavi Gurung, Khan Fardin Dipon, Rana Samikshya, DotDot Alfs Bryan Pabellan, Vu Duc Manh, Jackey Hang Limbu, Irfan Ahmed, John Marcus Banday Mase 彩色 Col / 15' 30" 英語對白,英文字幕 In English with English subtitles

末日將至,「幻象瘟疫」病毒令地球人自 相殘殺,Alice 是當中極少數清醒的生還 者。原來權貴想以此瘟疫把全球人口減半, 他們更早早逃至火星遠觀慘劇發生。Alice 遇上另一生還者,於末日來臨前,開展一 場關乎性命的冒險。

一班朋友認識了一位新入學女生,當友情 開始建立,奇怪的事情亦逐一發生⋯⋯ A group of friends meet a new student and become friends. After that, strange things happen one after another…

The “illusion plague” virus makes human beings kill each other and Alice strives to survive. The virus is a “less-evil” plan to control the overpopulated Earth while the rich all travel to Mars to watch the slaughtering in their motherland. Alice eventually meets another survivor and an adventure begins.

哀傷、憤怒、沮喪。這些都是這個男孩最 近幾天起床上學的內心掙扎。他的憂愁會 否有終止的一天? Sadness. Anger. Frustration. These are the emotions felt by a boy, like any other. Waking up and going to school has been an extreme struggle for him over the past few days. Will he ever break this “blue” cycle?

同場加映「36 小時極限拍攝挑戰」作品 “36-hour Intensive Shooting Challenge” Showcase

Slipper Man

Wand of Love

I Love Bacon

彩色 Col / 6' 48" 英語對白,無字幕 In English with no subtitles 指定電影類型 Film Genre:幻想 Fantasy

彩色 Col / 3' 13" 英語對白,英文字幕 In English with English subtitles 指定電影類型 Film Genre:喜劇 Comedy

彩色 Col / 7' 56" 英語對白,英文字幕 In English with English subtitles 指定電影類型 Film Genre:恐怖 Horror


為本地少數族裔青年而設的創意影像教育計劃「影像無國界」已經來到第九年,少數族裔青年在藝術家 導師與師兄師姐帶領下,以影像說故事。本年度的作品題材迥異,既有滅絕人類病毒、校園屠殺等奇幻 故事,亦有緊扣少數族裔青年日常之生活小品。創作營中舉行「36 小時極限拍攝挑戰」,各隊伍須圍繞 指定電影類型及場景發揮所學,進行創作,同場加映該挑戰之完成作品。 “All About Us” – a creative media education scheme designed for ethnic minority youths in the city has come to its ninth edition. Under guidance of teaching artists and participants’ seniors, these young people have made films with a variety in motifs. There are realistic fantasies on human genocide, alongside cosy tales that tell these youngsters’ everyday life. The six creative teams participated in the “36-hour Intensive Shooting Challenge” during their creative camp, each group was assigned a film genre and setting to create their own short film. Works from the Challenge will also be screened.

留座 Registration: www.ifva.com/reg

Miles Apart

Genocide Day

I am Owais

Calawigan Princess Shane, Angela Arcay, Dio Anthea Bianca Tambasen, Gurung Dreisty, Pua Krystelle Jasmin Espiritu, Kenna Chiu, Alexia Jasmine A. Zamudio, Angeles Megan 彩色 Col / 13' 14" 英語對白,英文字幕 In English with English subtitles

Mullally Sean Alan, Olano James Daniel Cubillas, Harmanpreet Singh, Ogwu Benedict, Alejandre Ryuiji Renz Cahilig, Saqib Mehmood, Mohammad Naser 彩色 Col / 6' 09" 英語對白,英文字幕 In English with English subtitles

Violet、Ruby、Sunny、Scarlet 和 Isabelle 是好朋友,他們一直形影不離,直至畢業 的臨近。在各散東西前,Violet 試圖改變 現況,但事與願違。現在,她必須撥亂反 正,才能挽救眾人的友情。

新生開學的第一天,一切像是正常。他不 知道的是,明天是一年一度的大屠殺日, 大家可在校園大開殺戒。而他,以為明日 將一切如常。

Owais Muhammad, Ajab Khan, Salam Abdul, Wavoo Seyed Abdur Rahman Fareed, Sadakkathullah Insaf Idris, Haris Muhammad, Pargat Singh, Reza Md Nahyan 彩色 Col / 7' 06" 普什圖語對白,英文字幕 In Pashto with English subtitles

Violet, Ruby, Sunny, Scarlet and Isabelle are five inseparable high school friends. They spend every minute of their school life together until graduation. When all of them are about to go separate ways, Violet steps in to save their friendship. However, things don’t go as planned, and Violet has to find a way to fix everything before it’s too late.

Everything seems normal on a new student’s first day to school. Little does he know that the next day will be the annual Genocide Day, when people will be allowed to do anything including murder inside the school. The new student comes in the next day expecting another normal school day.

這是香港巴基斯坦高中生 Owais 平凡的一 天。他有點懶散,但充滿創意,幽默,有 時勤奮,生活時有高低起伏,靠着對板球 的熱情及宗教的虔誠,又平安渡過了一天。 This is a one day journey of a typically slacking yet innovative, humourous and hardworking Pakistani high schooler Owais. Based in Hong Kong, he combats through various daily ups and downs with his passion in cricket and his spirituality.

The Witch’s Curse


The Date

彩色 Col / 3' 43" 英語對白,英文字幕 In English with English subtitles 指定電影類型 Film Genre:劇情 Drama

黑白 B&W / 3' 41" 英語對白,英文字幕 In English with English subtitles 指定電影類型 Film Genre:黑色電影 Film Noir

彩色 Col / 4' 07" 英語對白,無字幕 In English with no subtitles 指定電影類型 Film Genre:愛情 Romance


NEW ACTION EXPRESS Short Film Highlights 香港短片新里程佳作巡禮 17/3 (Sun) / 8:15pm 香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港 Hong Kong / DCP / 95' 免費入場 Free Admission 放映後設討論會 With after-screening discussion

失眠俱樂部 No Sleep Club 王綺美 Wong Yee-mei 2017 / 彩色 Col / 25' 00" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles

第八屆華語視像藝術節參展作品 Official Selection, 8th Chinese Visual Festival

阿志這位新會長初來報到失眠俱樂部,就 被三名會員威廉、火爆、天娜圍着,三人 都是十分有個性的會員:火爆粗口連連, 跟他名字一樣,是個被老婆甩的失意廚師; 威廉是一位懷才不遇的瘦弱詩人;天娜是 個愛跳舞但被家人反對的年青人。三人因 為不同原因來到俱樂部,也不贊同阿志做 他們的會長,直到阿志一連串的奇異療法 有效,他們就信服他,也陪伴阿志解決他 失眠的問題。 Chi the new president of No Sleep Club arrives the club and meets Fireball, William and Tina, the only three members left in the club. Fireball's wife betrays him, William's work is not appreciated, Tina’s parents do not support her to learn dancing. All these reasons make the three of them sleepless. So they seek help from Chi and at first they look down on Chi. But as Chi uses some unconventional treatment to heal their sleeplessness, the members recognise Chi as the president and support Chi to heal his own sleeplessness.


迪亞與艾蜜莉︰冷漠的 DeerAmelie and the Meow Stone Produced under CreateHK-sponsored Animation Support Programme 范智斌 Fan Chi-pan、郭路明 Kwok Lu-ming 2017 / 彩色 Col / 4' 57" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

香港第四屆動畫支援計劃 * 評審推薦 第八屆 BRIDGES 國際電影節最佳動畫 第二十二屆 ANIMAC 國際動畫電影節入圍作品 Jury Choice, 4th Animation Support Programme*, Hong Kong Best Animation, 8th BRIDGES – Peloponnesian Corinthian International Film Festival Finalist, 22nd ANIMAC – International Animation Film Festival of Catalonia

史東全身佈滿又長又骯髒的黑毛,曾受心 靈創傷的牠對身邊事物不再存有感覺。活 潑好動的迪亞和機靈美麗的艾蜜莉是一對 相親相愛的好朋友,有一次他們採摘果實 的時候遇上了史東,究竟他們能否令史東 重拾往日的快樂? Stone is a creature covered in long and dirty black hair. It is traumatised and emotionally numb towards its surroundings. The lively Deer and the bright, pretty Amelie are best friends. One day, Deer and Amelie bump into Stone when they are foraging fruit. Can they heal Stone’s broken soul?

各適其適 Different 王耀南 Wong Yiu-nam、鄧澤強 Tang Chak-keung 2017 / 彩色 Col / 2' 36" 無對白,英文字幕 No dialogue with English subtitles

2017 華特迪士尼國際青少年動畫節 3D 動畫國際 組別亞軍及最佳故事獎 第八屆 VAFI 青少年創作動畫影展入圍作品 1st Runner-up in Short Animated Film: 3D and Best Story, The Walt Disney Family Museum – Teen Animation Film Festival 2017 Finalist, 8th VAFI – International Children and Youth Animation Festival Varazdin

現時統一的教育制度近百年來從沒改變, 學生的創意被限制,可犯錯的空間甚少, 學生從中學習到的有幾多? 這動畫提醒大家都有不同的地方和能力, 不應被限制。 Our unified, single-body education system has not changed for almost a century, it limits creativity, and does not allow students to make mistakes, this animation sparkles creativity and is a statement to all people, telling them that they are all different and they should not be limited to what people think they should be.

「香港短片新里程」資助本地創作人參加國際影展,讓海外觀眾認識他們及其作品, 並展開有意義的文化交流。六部得獎作品於不同歐美影展作放映後,回歸本地平台, 讓香港觀眾可再次欣賞到這些出色的故事。 HONG KONG SHORT FILM: NEW ACTION EXPRESS (NAE) aims at broadening the horizons of Hong Kong creative talent and helping them gain exposure abroad. Six award-winning titles, having been screened at various festivals in Europe and America, are brought back to local platform for us to revisit the stories that we take pride in.

Sponsored By

留座 Registration: www.ifva.com/reg

意馬心猿 Trumpet Man

艷陽天 Bright Spring Days

黃麗明 Wong Lai-ming 2016 / 彩色 Col / 13' 50" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

葉嘉麟 Yeh Ka-lun 2017 / 彩色 Col / 25' 00" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles

第四十屆香港國際電影節(短片競賽)* 推薦作品 第五屆塞爾維亞 Kraljevski Filmski 電影節最佳動畫 第六屆加爾各答國際電影節最佳動畫 Recommended Short Film, 40th Hong Kong International Film Festival (Short Film Competition)* Best Animation, 5th Kraljevski Filmski Festival Best Animation, 6th Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival

第十二屆鮮浪潮國際短片節最佳編劇 第八屆華語視像藝術節參展作品 第二十屆烏甸尼遠東電影節參展作品 Best Screenplay, 12th Fresh Wave Festival, Hong Kong Official Selection, 8th Chinese Visual Festival Official Selection, 20th Udine Far East Film Festival

唱盤轉出一女子名週旋,週旋搓出男子名 尋寬,尋寬發現心愛的小號,吹奏出戀愛 和激情,驟變驅使尋寬變身發狂,穿越女 人的身體消失去。友愛在五個男人中發酵, 友愛轉變成連環的衝突,尋寬和週旋不了 了之,尋寬尋找一條寬濶道路。

短暫的歡聚,卻換來漫長的離愁。廟街歌 女娟婚姻觸礁,兒子家其十多年前隨父親 移民加拿大。家其現已升讀大學,趁假期 回港探望娟。期間,娟同事潔請她幫忙照 顧讀小五的兒子俊仔一晚。無眠的夜,娟 母子從另一對母子身上,看到自己的過去, 亦彷彿窺見未來。

A turntable springs out a woman named Avocado. Out of Avocado’s instinct, she creates a man called Soul. A sudden passion joins and swings them in a trumpet mood. An uncertain madness strikes Soul heavily. Seeds of passion continue to breed conflict amongst five men without control, eventually leading Soul to a broader future.

Kuen is a lounge singer on Temple Street. Her son Kakei, now a university student, returns to Hong Kong for just a few days after migrating to Canada with his father. Kuen's colleague Kit enlists Kuen’s help to take care of her young son. During the sleepless night, Kuen and Kakei relive their past and envisage their future through another pair of mother and son.

Little Shop of Grotesque 洪芷清 Hung Tsz-ching 2017 / 彩色 Col / 23' 00" 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

第七屆華語視像藝術節參展作品 第十一屆五味亞洲電影節參展作品 Official Selection, 7th Chinese Visual Festival Official Selection, 11th Five Flavours Film Festival

醉心園藝的花店員工 Molly 能夠與植物溝 通對話,感官敏銳的她能瞬速發現藏身花 草間的害蟲,將之消滅;Molly 以店中閣樓 為實驗場,嘗試培植全新品種的花朵,惟 此花一直處於花蕾狀態,遲遲不開花;新 聘請的女孩 Anna 加入店中不久,Molly 察 覺到從她身體內傳來昆蟲爬行鳴叫聲音, 困惑不已⋯⋯ Flower shop employee Molly has a passion for flowers and plants, she understands that plants are intellectual and capable of communication. With acute sensitivity, she could quickly locate and exterminate bugs hidden in the plants. Up in the shop’s attic is where she experiments in breeding a brand new species of flower, which makes no progress. New co-worker Anna joins the shop and Molly starts to notice sound of insects crawling and buzzing. Soon she finds that it comes from within Anna’s body...

免責聲明:香港特別行政區政府僅為本項目提供資助,除此之外並無參與項目。在本刊物 / 活動內(或由項目小組成員)表達的任何意見、研究成果、結論或建議,均不代表香港特別行政區政府、商務及 經濟發展局通訊及創意產業科、創意香港、創意智優計劃秘書處或創意智優計劃審核委員會的觀點。 Disclaimer: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organisers only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Communications and Creative Industries Branch of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Create Hong Kong, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.

* 由香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」贊助 Sponsored by Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


Jockey Club ifva Everywhere 48 Hour Film Challenge Showcase 賽馬會 ifva Everywhere 48 小時短片製作挑戰賽作品放映 參賽隊伍挑戰製作極限,在 48 小時內每隊製作了一齣以「記憶的城 市」為題的創新短片。創作團隊於我城各個角落,拍下各種城市面貌 及城裡人的故事。在死線面前,他們只可毫無猶疑地挑戰創作極限。 專業評審選出了「沒有不可能獎」得主,而於去年九月舉行之戶外放 映的現場觀眾則一人一票揀選「成就不可能獎」。 Creative teams participating in the challenge pushed the boundaries of production and each created a brand new short film with the theme “City of Memories” within just 48 hours. In different corners of the city, the teams recorded the multiple faces of the city and its people within an extremely tight working schedule. The “Jury Prize” was chosen by professional jurors while the open-air screening audiences casted their votes for “Audience Prize” in September 2018.

香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre 各場放映後設討論會 Each session followed by after-screening discussion 留座 Registration: www.ifva.com/reg

節目一 Programme 1

節目二 Programme 2

節目三 Programme 3

10/3 (Sun) / 2pm

10/3 (Sun) / 4:30pm

10/3 (Sun) / 8pm

香港 Hong Kong / 106' | 免費入場 Free Admission

這個劇本不太爛 The Best Script 不想記憶的城市 腦殘郵寄 Phantom of the Postman 曾與你一起 凡人都忘 You're not Your Memory Owner 字殺 Words As Weapons 城市精靈 City Fairy 搏一球 NOBODY 第三隻手 漸漸 Remember 天堂有落 他信 幻覺 Illusion 異鄉 Forgotten 同屋住 Major Funder


香港 Hong Kong / 98' | 免費入場 Free Admission

和弦 一場人類情緒的考察 The Human Emotions Observed by Objects 無番起糊 ZinaCity 紙模型惡鬥打工仔 再見! Goodbye 片思い KATAOMOI 見光忘 Man in Bald 借宿 Stay Over 茶餘飯後 斷舍離 走 Part 無私.白痴 力場風雲 黄葉秋風 defoliation

香港 Hong Kong / 129' | 免費入場 Free Admission

City De Memory 天還未亮 璃流記 駱駝 香港房間協會呈獻︰新一代天地 Hong Kong Room Association Present: World For the New Generation 親愛的,親愛的 My Dear My Dearest 珍惜再會時 阿康後傳 後來的記憶 失去的不是記憶 嚴生事件 出入平安 Get Home Safe 公魚 Manfish The Room 籠 Cage 夢 記憶中的森林 第二人稱 四條加隻 7

Ticketing Information 購票須知

門票將於 1 月 30 日起於城市售票網發售。 Tickets available at URBTIX from 30 January onwards.

票價優惠 Concession Tickets

放映節目票價 Tickets for screening programmes: HK$65 / $35* * 全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及其看護人及綜合社會保障援助受惠人票價(全日制學生及綜援受惠人優惠票數量有限,先到先 得,額滿即止)

* Concession tickets are only available to full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients (Concession tickets for full-time students and CSSA recipients are available on a first-come-first-served basis)

城市售票網購票方法 Ticket Sale at URBTIX 網上訂票 Internet Booking: www.urbtix.hk 信用卡電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking: 2111 5999 票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries: 3761 6661 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 2824 5329 / ifva@hkac.org.hk

影片評級及退票 Film Classification and Refund 本節目小冊子付印時,部分影片仍未經電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處檢查。將來如有節目被檢定為第三級者,未滿十八 歲的持票人士可由通知日起至 3 月 31 日前親臨香港藝術中心售票處辦理退票手續。 At the time this programme brochure goes to print, some films have not been submitted to the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. In the event that a film/video is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holders under 18 years old from the date of announcement till 31 March at the box office of Hong Kong Arts Centre.

門票預訂優惠 Advance Booking Discount 由即日至 1 月 29 日下午六時正前,成功預訂節目門票,即享八折優惠!立即上 www.ifva.com 下載「門票預訂表格」訂 購心水節目! Offer is available for booking Festival Programmes via “Advance Booking Form” on or before 6pm on 29 January. 20% discount for each purchase of ticket at standard price. Download the form at www.ifva.com and subscribe your favourite programmes now!

換領《第二十四屆 ifva 特刊》 Redemption of the 24th ifva House Programme • 購買四張正價門票,憑票尾即可換領《第二十四屆 ifva 特刊》一本。

Purchasing 4 standard tickets will entitle you to a copy of the 24th ifva House Programme for free!

• 所有曾報名參加第二十四屆 ifva 比賽並成功交件之創作人,只要出示報名編號即可換領《第二十四屆 ifva 特刊》一本。 All applicants of the 24th ifva Awards who successfully submitted their work will be entitled a copy of the 24th ifva House Programme by presenting their entry number.

•《第二十四屆 ifva 特刊》原價 HK$50,可於香港藝術中心放映場次及展覽現場購買。 The 24th ifva House Programme is available for sale (HK$50) at screenings and the exhibition held at Hong Kong Arts Centre. 有關以上優惠詳情,請參閱相關之條款及細則:www.ifva.com/ticketing For details of the above offers, please refer to the relevant terms and conditions: www.ifva.com/ticketing 節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。本節目內容並不反映主辦機構的意見。 Programmes are subject to change without prior notice. Programme content does not reflect the view of the presenter.

第二十四屆 ifva 獨立短片及影像媒體節活動時間表 The 24th ifva Festival Event Schedule 日期 Date

時間 Time

1/3 (Fri)


2/3 (Sat) 3/3 (Sun)

節目 Event

票價 Ticketing

場地 Venue

頁數 Page

賽馬會 ifva Everywhere 人民影院《失業生》 Jockey Club ifva Everywhere – People Cinema: On Trial

免費入場 Free Admission




第二十四屆 ifva 比賽評審推薦節目一 The 24th ifva Awards – Jury Recommendation Programme 1

免費入場 Free Admission




第二十四屆 ifva 比賽評審推薦節目二 The 24th ifva Awards – Jury Recommendation Programme 2

免費入場 Free Admission



免費入場 Free Admission



討論會 With discussion

「CINEMA 2.0:雅各歷書」媒體藝術展 暨 第二十四屆 ifva 比賽媒體藝術組 入圍作品展 “CINEMA 2.0: Acrylic Dreams” Media Arts Exhibition cum The 24th ifva Awards – Media Art Category Finalist Exhibition 媒體藝術組獎項將於 6/3 6:30pm 展覽開幕禮上公佈及頒發 Exhibition opening and Media Art Category Awards Presentation at 6:30pm on 6/3

6/3 (Wed) – 20/3 (Wed)


7/3 (Thu)


第二十四屆 ifva 比賽公開組入圍作品放映節目一 The 24th ifva Awards – Open Category Finalist Showcase Programme 1

$65 / $35*



8/3 (Fri)


第二十四屆 ifva 比賽公開組入圍作品放映節目二 The 24th ifva Awards – Open Category Finalist Showcase Programme 2

$65 / $35*




第二十四屆 ifva 比賽青少年組入圍作品放映 The 24th ifva Awards – Youth Category Finalist Showcase

$65 / $35*




追光路上:黃飛鵬的影像試煉節目一 —《池之魚》 Filmorphosis: Wong Fei-pang's Creative Perseverance Programme 1 – An Odd Fish

$65 / $35*


追光路上:黃飛鵬的影像試煉節目二 — 黃飛鵬短片放映 Filmorphosis: Wong Fei-pang's Creative Perseverance Programme 2 – Wong Fei-pang Short Film Showcase

$65 / $35*



免費入場 Free Admission



免費入場 Free Admission



9/3 (Sat)


「影像無國界 2018/19」學員創意影片放映 “All About Us 2018/19” Student Creative Film Showcase


賽馬會 ifva Everywhere 48 小時短片製作挑戰賽作品放映節目一 Jockey Club ifva Everywhere – 48 Hour Film Challenge Showcase Programme 1


賽馬會 ifva Everywhere 48 小時短片製作挑戰賽作品放映節目二 Jockey Club ifva Everywhere – 48 Hour Film Challenge Showcase Programme 2


賽馬會 ifva Everywhere 48 小時短片製作挑戰賽作品放映節目三 Jockey Club ifva Everywhere – 48 Hour Film Challenge Showcase Programme 3

14/3 (Thu)


賽馬會 ifva Everywhere 大師班及藝術家指導計劃:楊力州 —《紅盒子》 放映暨導演映後講座 Jockey Club ifva Everywhere Master Class and Artist Mentoring Scheme: Yang Li-chou – Father Screening and Director's Post-screening Talk

免費入場 Free Admission



15/3 (Fri)


第二十四屆 ifva 比賽亞洲新力量組入圍作品放映 The 24th ifva Awards – Asian New Force Category Finalist Showcase

$65 / $35*




第二十四屆 ifva 比賽動畫組入圍作品放映 The 24th ifva Awards – Animation Category Finalist Showcase

$65 / $35*



免費入場 Free Admission



第二十四屆 ifva 比賽頒獎典禮 The 24th ifva Awards Presentation Ceremony

憑柬入場 By Invitation Only



「香港短片新里程」佳作巡禮 “NEW ACTION EXPRESS” Short Film Highlights

免費入場 Free Admission



10/3 (Sun)

16/3 (Sat)

5pm 7pm

17/3 (Sun)


「CINEMA 2.0:雅各歷書」策展人導賞及藝術家分享 "CINEMA 2.0: Acrylic Dreams" Curator Guided Tour and Artist Sharing

* 優惠票價請參考購票須知。Concession ticket details please refer to Ticketing Information.

場地 Venues 香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre(灣仔港灣道 2 號 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai) LKC : 高層地庫古天樂電影院 UB, Louis Koo Cinema PAO : 四至五樓包氏畫廊 4-5/F, Pao Galleries 其他場地 Other Venues HKSP : 香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum(尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10 號 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui) HKCC : 香港文化中心露天廣場 Piazza, Hong Kong Cultural Centre(尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10 號 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui)

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