Agonizing jesus christ

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Oblates of Mary, Mother of God Ibusa, Delta State 08093057522 e-mail: motherofgod@yahoo.



The Bible warns: “Extinguish not the spirit. Despise not prophecies. But prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (Thess. 5:19-21);” For the Lord God does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). These set of messages is taken from the volumes of messages given to the Precious Blood Visionary in Enugu state Nigeria, along with devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.

These messages were given during the days of the forth national Eucharistic congress held in Ibadan, Oyo state. In the commentary that follows; we have tried to prove these messages as the Bible passage above says. They are so scriptural and in line with the traditions and teachings of the councils and doctors of the Church. They are also in line with messages given in different parts of the world.

Our Lady of Fatima said that apostasy in the Church will start from the top hierarchy. Pope Paul VI, who concluded the Second Vatican Council, when he saw the negative fruits coming from it, he said on the 30th June 1972: “That from somewhere or other, the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God”. This is the time of the fulfillment of the prophecies made long ago. It then calls for the virtues of humility, prudence and true obedience- obedience to God before man (cf. Acts 4:19). For the Bible says that those who have not heeded the warning of mild rebukes will experience the deserved judgment of God (wis. 12:26).



The decree of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith promulgated by Pope Paul VI on November 15, 1966, published in the AAS (Acta Apostalicalis Sedis) 58/16 of December 29, 1966 has abrogated canon 1399 and 2318 of the legal code of 1917 (which forbade under penalty of censure, the reading and therefore the printing of publications dealing with visions, apparitions and new revelations, without the imprimatur).

While cannon 1399 forbade the publications and distribution of new revelations, canon 2318 carried 'penalties against those who violated the laws of censure and prohibition. This decree of the Sovereign Pontiff was sequel to the audience accorded to his Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani, Pro-Prefect for the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine and Faith. And it took effect three months after its publication, hence March 29, 1967.

Therefore, Catholic faithfuls are free to publish, read and believe messages, new revelations or frequent the apparition sites without express permission from the Church authorities; provided they are free from moral and doctrinal errors.

Meanwhile, in compliance with the decrees of Pope Urban VIII, the publisher willingly submits the contents of this book to the supreme judgment of the authentic magisterium of the Church.


MESSAGE No. 1 16th November 2002 Time: 11pm


In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, who calmly and sorrowfully said: “ My son, I have seen your effort towards your study. Study harder for excellence. My grace remains for those who work hard for good. I Promise them success. I come to offer you and the whole world the message you must spread to the leaders of My Church. I have chosen these days that My Church in this part of the world is celebrating My gift of Holy Eucharist to appeal for the end of the desecration of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

Listen to My Agonizing Voice all you nations of the world. The scientists have chosen to build weapons of mass destruction; In order to destroy the world made by God. See, the whole world is lamenting over the mass destruction of the human race. There is terror everywhere. Children, do you think they can destroy the world? (Silence).

They can destroy their lives and the lives of numerous creatures, but as for the destruction of the world, they cannot! Those who involve themselves in the mass destruction of lives shall be judge as murderers. Their punishment is eternal. (Silence).

Worse and most painful is to see the modern leaders of My Holy Church building the greater weapon of mass destruction, against humanity and against spirit. I say, against flesh and against soul. This weapon is worse than the scientist's weapon of mass destruction. Woe to those leaders who involve themselves in this action; they shall curse the day they were chosen to become the leaders of My flock. Great is their punishment. (silence)

Children, the weapon of mass destruction being built by the modern leaders of My Holy Church is the weapon against the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. This Sacrament is the Everlasting 4

Sun that gives light to the living and the dead. Oh, without this Sacrament, there will be no life for the living and the dead. As you can see and believe that this earthly world will hardly exist without the sun, the worldly scientists are building their weapon to attack the sun by means of their radioactive wave; so also the modern leaders of My Holy Church choose to attack the Everlasting Sun of the ages by means of their false doctrine against the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who gave this Sacrament for the life of the world. (Silence).

Children, it is better to allow the scientists to destroy lives by means of their weapons than to see the mass destruction of true lives, which shall come as a result of the war against the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Tomorrow I will tell you the consequences. (Silence)

Now, may I remind you, My Children, of My Anguished Appeal, which shall wedge this weapon of mass destruction planned against flesh and against Soul. I told Aaron: “You and your Sons alone shall fulfill all the responsibilities of the priesthood that concern the Altar, and what is in the Most Holy Place. These things are your responsibilities because I have given you the gift of the priesthood. Any unqualified person who comes near the Sacred Objects shall be put to death (Numbers 18:5-7). Hear it again: it is an act of desecration of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist to allow the unconsecrated hand to administer this Sacrament to My people. I have giving enough warnings on this, in the lessons of the Great Seal.

Children, even without the lessons, you have known the truth. But you might say, it is permitted. Hear! Oh, My loving ones, it is permitted as a foundation of the weapon for mass destruction. It is someone who set this weapon; someone among My lovers must wedge it. Who is that person? it is you! I say, ONLY MY PRIESTS, the consecrated hands, have the right to administer the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. No other hands, I appeal to you, No other hands. May this desecration stop! Help and wedge the weapon of mass destruction.

Children, I appeal to you, propagate the doctrine of the Real Presence. My presence dwells in these Little Pieces of Bread, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. The modern terrorists spread their weapon of mass destruction saying that this Sacrament is a mere food. You shall see this in the manner they treat this Holy Sacraments as follows: They Propagate the communion in the hands. They do not care about the Little particles of this Holy Sacrament, which have the same 5

dignity as the larger ones. They encourage lay people to come and serve themselves this Holy Sacrament. They preach against the Sacrament of Reconciliation, thereby encouraging unworthy Souls to receive this Sacrament. They no longer clean the Chalice of the Consecration on the altar of the Sacrifice rather they do this on a side table, which they regard as a washing table. This is for the fact that they regard the Holy Eucharist as a mere food. All these ways are how they set up the weapon of mass destruction against the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

Children, I appeal to you to stand against the ordination of women as My Priests. The terrorists will make all effort to set women on the throne of the priesthood; if they succeed in doing this, they will have made the greatest achievement in setting up the weapon of mass destruction against flesh and against soul. But woe to those women who shall allow themselves to be the instruments of mass destruction; the fire of Hell will not be enough to reward them! Their damnation is so great!

Children, I appeal to you to offer absolute reverence to My Presence in the Holy Eucharist. See, these terrorist of mass destruction are making it hard for My children to offer Me this reverence. I have seen many lovers of Mine persecuted for kneeling down to receive Me, some are denied the Sacrament. My leaders, why can't you understand all these plans of the terrorists. I am Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament whom Moses and the prophets of the old saw and prostrated, whom the elders of Heaven and the Saints prostrate in His presence.I am Jesus in the Holy Eucharist before Whom the Angels remain prostrate in adoration forever. Oh, fear the presence of your God; approach Him with love and awe. (Silence)

Children, may I ask you again: do you think the modern terrorists can destroy this Church of Mine? They can destroy lives and send many souls to Hell, but as for MY HOLY Church they cannot destroy it. I am with My Church till the end of the world. The gates of Hell shall not prevail against her. Oh, neither the worldly scientists nor the modern terrorists has the power to destroy the world or the Church. All they can achieve is destruction of their own lives and the lives of numerous creatures of God.(silence)

Return to Me, My children, change your ways O, wicked terrorists of the world. Come near to My love. Come and join My warriors to wedge the weapon of mass destruction. I promise to save the world from this destructive weapon. I am Jesus in the Holy Eucharist Whom they are persecuting. I am the Everlasting Sun of the ages. I love you all. (Silence) 6

Barnabas, tomorrow , I will tell you the consequences of the desecration of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, which is the genesis of mass destruction. I know you are preparing for examination; I will give you the grace to read for three hours tonight, after, you can rest. So receive My blessing. I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Immediately, the vision pass

MESSAGE No.2 17th November 2002 7

Time: 11pm


In My prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ that was bathed with Blood. He appeared before My altar and kept silent for some moment and finally said: “ Peace be with you, My son, peace be with you, My lover. I come to reveal to you and the nations of the world, the trouble that will befall the world as a result of the desecration of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who receives all the bitterness of your sins.

I am weeping deeply for this nation. If this nation neglects this appeal of Mine, if this nation keeps adamant to this warning of Mine; in no distant time, there will be no faith left in the land. Children, if these abuses and the desecration of My Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist continue, which result in the profanation of My Holy Temple, O, My Glory will depart from the desecrators! The light of true love will depart from them. I say the power of error will rule over the lives of all who abuse and those who promote the desecration of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. All the Convents, Monasteries, and Seminaries who involve themselves in this act of desecration, will soon disappear from the face of the earth; No one will remember them anymore. It has happened to the land of Europe. Be warned, so that it will not happen in your own land! Hear My appeal of love and wedge this weapon of mass destruction.

Children, My Glory will depart from those priests who indulge in this act of desecration. Those Bishops of Mine who remain silent, and those who promote this abuse and the desecration of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, will see the worldliness of their priests. In their dioceses, the true devotion to My Eucharistic presence will disappear among the priests. Especially among those who involve themselves in this act of desecration. The love for My mission will vanish in the part of the world that promotes this act of desecration. The priests of those nations will lose their zeal for apostolic work. Instead of being the seekers and fishers of soul, they will be the seekers and fishers of the wealth of the world. They shall be the salves of materialism. Money will be the god they worship. The error of bribery and corruption will rule over their lives.


At that time, these priests will be fighting for earthly position in order to have wealth and pleasure. They will go as far as bribing authority over them in order to get opportunity for earthly knowledge, O, if it happens to your nation, you will see these Priests rejecting their posting of apostolic work. All these will be as a result of the desecration of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.These priests will lose their grace of chastity. The power of lust will overwhelm them. Many of the Priests will marry, while the rest will become male Prostitutes. They shall abuse many virgins of Mine in their own land and drag many souls to hell with them. At that time, the vow of poverty, of obedience and of chastity will have disappeared. People of the world will see the emptiness of My priest; because My Glory will have departed from them. The riches of My priests at that time will attract thieves to My Sanctuary. Many of My priests shall be killed by the thieves. The wealth of My Temple will be carried away by the thieves. The rest will die of heart attack due to their selfish attachment to material things.

Children, if these acts of desecration of the Holy Eucharist continue, then those lands willexperience lack of priests for My mission. Men will lose their zeal for My service. Many seminaries will close down. Those Religious congregations in that land who involve themselves and who promote the desecration of the Sacrament of My Holy Eucharist will disappear and no one will remember them anymore. Oh! I will ensure that all the High Priests of Mine who keep silent over these matter and those who promote these desecrations will live to see the fruit of their work; so that they will be there to suffer the consequence of their mindlessness; and pass with this sorrow to My Judgment Court where they will see the Face of Him who now appeals to them to love. See, these Religious Sisters who involve themselves in this act of desecration will soon give up and join the world. Like King Uzziah in the 2 Chronicles (26 :16-21) who defiled My presence by going into the Temple to burn incense on the Altar of Incense. This was not the duty of the king but of My priests. These Religious Sisters have grown arrogant like Uzziah by taking over the work of priests. This will bring their down fall. O! Little Sisters of Mine, with the same voice of Azarriah the priest and eight courageous priests of old; I cry out to you with love. You have no right to minister the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Only Priest s of Mine in the line of melkizedek has been consecrated to do this. Leave this work for My priests; let non-consecrated hands not near the Chalice of the Holy Eucharist. Run away; the WRATH of the Eternal Father is great! I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who is calling you to love. Little Sisters of Mine, I appeal to you, go back to your work which has been lying waste in the world. Go and take care of the poor, the weak, the sick, and the widow. Help and spread the Good News to the world. Train up more virgins in the world.


But if you continue in your own way to desecrate the Sacrament of My Holy Eucharist, My glory will depart from you. You will lose the grace of chastity and of humility. The eyes of men shall see your worldliness, because you shall be more worldly than the world. You shall see yourselves removing your veil of purity and chasing after the make-up of earthly beauty. Many of you will begin to bleach their hair and their skin at that time. Men of the world will hardly differentiate My little sisters from the women harlots on the streets.

For this reason, many of them will be raped. Wicked men will break through their convents to rape them. Rapists will kidnap them on the way.

At that time, many of them will volunteer to give up their vow and join the world of prostitutes. Evil will spread everywhere at that time. Virginity will be a word of the past. Fear of God will disappear, wickedness will increase until it becomes worse than you can imagine. Doctrine and tradition of My Holy Church will disappear. My Holy Church will be seen more as a company rather than as a Church. To save a soul at that time will be like escaping from the den of a lion. Oh! Great will be the damnation of My people. Souls, I mean a large number of souls will be damned. This is the effect of the weapon of mass destruction I am telling you about.

Woe to those who shall be used as instrument of mass destruction in the world. They shall regret bitterly their existence in the world!

See, they shall succeed in putting off the light of the world. There will be darkness everywhere. The source of light is the Everlasting SUN of the living and the dead, the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. But see, they have succeeded in putting it off in the world by means of their weapon of mass destruction. At that time, people will ask; “what are the causes of this problem and wickedness on earth? Some will say it is the sign of the end; others will say, the end is near. Hear now o men of the earth, that these evils are as a result of the weapon of mass destruction, which My people have set up for themselves. Rise up and wedge these weapons now before it is too late. Let the leaders of My Holy Church rise up to defend the Church and the gifts of the Church. O My people, work hard to save your souls and the souls of My poor people who depend on you for survival.


Children, do you think that all these things can destroy this Church of Mine? They have power to destroy lives and send many souls to Hell. But for My Holy Church, they have no power to destroy it. I am with My Church to defend her. Woe to the generation that will experience all these evils. I mean those that will allow these weapons of mass destruction to blow and attack the Everlasting SUN, the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. They shall suffer greatly.(silence)

Barnabas, unite these messages and that of Cecilia for priests and Religious, the message given on November 12,1999 and the lessons of the Seal and send them to the leaders of My Church all over the world. Send them to the Priests and Religious of My Holy Church, as many as you can reach. Do this as from October 2003. Those I choose for this kind of mission will see to it that it is well done.(Silence)

My Mother has been pleading for you that the coming year's reparation be done in the Land I gave you. But see, you have not responded to My order. If you do respond in time, I may hear her, otherwise, you go where you are shown. Watch out to see that your act of response to My past appeals does not hinder the preparation for the coming reparation. Be wise! I am with you ; I am with My Church till the end of the world. For the sake of the elect, My little lilies on My Bloody way, I appeal again: Rise up and wedge the weapon of mass destruction. Come nearer and feel My agony. Come! I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who is calling you to return. Give My poor servant this message soon. Barnabas, do you understand? I answer: “My savior, I do understand.” “My Lord, please help me in my Exam.” Our Lord kept silent for a little while and quietly said; “Barnabas, I will help you, but know that My agony is weighing Me down. Bear with Me the agony I suffer for the love of men. Receive My blessing!

So, I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen”. Immediately the whole vision passed.


MESSAGE No.3 12 th November 1999 Time: 12pm


Some days later, after I had done a little mortification, in a vision during my consolation hour of prayer, I saw the Holy Agonizing face of Jesus Christ gazing at me in complete silence. As I was praying in consolation, our Lord said to me, “My son, MY AGONY IS GREAT!

Then, I prayed and asked, My Lord and my saviour, have mercy on me and be consoled. My Jesus, what will I do for you?” Our Lord answered, “My son, stand for Me against the Evil Man and his fruits, so as to hasten the reign of My Glory on earth. STAND for Me against the errors, which the Evil Man pours into the Church so as to destroy it. The Holy Mass, which is My Calvary way of your redemption, is what the enemy is turning into a (mere) service. My people are no longer remembering Me Who is in agony because of their sins. How then will they remember the Sacrificial Lamb Who is shedding Blood unceasingly in atonement for their sins, in the Holy Sacrifice of Mass? Like a sheep about to be slain, you dragged Me like a criminal from the Garden of Gethsemane to Mount Calvary where I shed My Blood on the Cross and died for you. Finally, I rose up from the dead and gave you the Holy Spirit. Son, in all these things, many of you rarely remember this Chalice I drank for you while at Mass.

My agony is great because My suffering and Death have been forgotten in the hearts of My people. My agony is great when I see many receiving Me in unworthy souls. My agony is great when I see many of My Priests who leave My Sacred Body and Blood to the non-consecrated hands (non-priests) to serve My people. Remember, My son, that My Precious Body and Blood is greater than the Covenant I gave to Moses. All the Levites adored with fear and love, My Presence in the Holy Sanctuary. How much more, My son, the Precious Blood of the New Covenant? My agony is great when I see My people receiving Holy Communion in the hand. The Holy Communion is My Body and Blood. It seals the New Covenant I gave the Israelites of old. Only My priests have the right to touch the New Ark of the Covenant. I am the word, the Word is My Body and Blood, the Living Bread which all men will eat and get everlasting life. 12

The Israelites of old prostrated with love and fear during the sacrifice of the burnt offering with the blood of goats and bull, when they saw the dazzling light of My Presence. Those who refused to fall down and worship the presence of their God during that hour were instantly put to death. How much more, My son, the great punishment that waits for those who refuse to adore, with love and fear, the only Sacrificial Lamb of God, whose Blood sealed the New Covenant. They will suffer greatly when they see the One whom they crucified sitting with His Father in Heaven.

My agony is great when I see My Holy Temple being defiled, driving out the glory of your God. Son, disastrous ABOMINATION has filled the Church, setting up in the Holy Place. My Son, your God is holy, His Temple must be holy as well. My agony is great when I see many women leaving their hair uncovered, dressing naked, imitating men in their dressing and still come to My Holy Temple for sacrifice in such prostitutional habits. Son, their sacrifice pleases Me not. They greatly annoy the Holy Trinity, My Mother, the Angels and Saints that gather for the Holy Sacrifice. My agony is great when I see the plan of the Evil man destroying My Church with the ordination of women as My priests. My agony is great when I see the enemy filling the hearts of many of My Priests with desire from hell, to marry. My son, these are the plans of the Evil man to ruin the Church. STAND FOR ME AGAINST THESE ERRORS, IF YOU REALLY LOVE ME. With obedience and love, make My will known to all men. Soon, after your persecution and rejection, I will come and refine the Church through you. My agony is great when I see a large number of My people who belong to the cult; son, even among those who consecrate themselves to Me. My agony is great when I see the millions of souls who depart daily and nearly all go to Hell because of the sin of the flesh. My son, I suffer more greatly because of the flow of the blood of unborn babies that increases everyday.

Their blood disturbs Heaven more than the blood of Abel. My agony is great when I see the destruction awaiting all My people who are the Judases of this last age. Those who kill because of money; who take bribe and those who cheat others. They are the Judases of the last age. They will greatly suffer. My son, My agony is multiplying as the immorality increases. The cries of the poor and orphans disturb Me greatly. All these things are what the world, My people, My friends and My lovers, offer to Me as a loving gift for My Jubilee birthday of 2000 years. I invite you all. My son, let My people hear this message of Mine as they 13

enter the new millennium. I am the agonizing Jesus Christ who is in great agony for you over 2000 years. (SILENCE).

Then I asked, my Lord and my Savior, what shall I do for all these things? Our Lord answered, My son, I want you and your people to stand for Me against the evil man and his fruits to destroy My Church. You shall be persecuted and rejected; but through your sufferings, persecutions and rejections, I will refine the Church. Then comes My glorious reign. My son, be it known to you that before the glorious reign and the kingdom of My Father on earth comes,Enoch and Elijah will come to bring My people back to Me. They will be persecuted and even killed. You are the Enoch's and Elijah's of the last age. I will be with you, I will lead you to the battle, I will give you victory�.(BRIEF SILENCE)

My son, if you can mortify yourself for more days, I will come to teach you much and answer more of your questions. Peace be with you. I bless you. Instantly, the vision passed.

MESSAGE No.4 9th December 2002 Time:11pm



In my prayer, during this hour, I saw in a vision Saint Cecilia who came down with seven little Cherubim. She had a Rose flower in her right hand and she came closer and said:“Little friend of God, Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Mother sent me to offer you and the whole world the message on the “Mystery of Her Immaculate WOMB in relation to the gift of the priesthood. I am happy to be sent for this lesson. Little friend of God, I am happy to tell you that there is a great joy in Heaven among Angels, Saints and all the Glory of God for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of their Queen. Even on earth, there is happiness in the hearts of the just ones. Only the children of that Beast are in great rage over this favour to humanity. Oh, it please God to choose a Daughter among the daughters of Zion to be the Mother of God. What humility is this that my God is now my Son, the Son of man, and the Daughter of man is now the Daughter of God?

Listen, Oh, friend of God, as Eve was chosen and formed in an immaculate state from Adam. Mary, my Queen, received from Jesus Christ her Son and her God, the state of Her Immaculate Conception. Like the Ark of Noah, Mary is the only virgin that escaped the Universal Deluge. O, like the thorn bush, which Moses saw burning but not consumed, Mary was the only One that escaped the Original Sin. Like the Rod of Aaron, which, when laid in the Ark, budded and blossomed without taking root, Mary was the only virgin conceived without Sin. O, like the fleece of Gideon, which remained dry while the ground all around it became moist with dew, Mary was the only daughter born Immaculate. Mary is perfect, beautiful and without Original Sin.

Friend of the living God, think of the purity of the womb that will hold your God for nine months. The womb of Mary was the chosen place honoured by the Spirit. This womb is the wonderful palace in which the Son of God chose to dwell for nine months. This womb is the Throne that is worthy to receive God for humanity.


Friend of the living God, do you know anything in the world which you see always that is worthy and in an immaculate state as the womb of Mary which can receive God for humanity as the womb of Mary did? Silence I answered, “the Temple of God”. The Saint continued: O, you have tried, but that is the “HANDS OF THE PRIESTS. By that, I mean the hands of the Priests. As the womb of the Queen of Heaven and Earth is created Immaculate from the beginning, in the same way, the Hands of the Priests of God are created Immaculate from the day of Ordination. This is so, because everything that comes in contact with God must be Pure and Immaculate. As the vessel in which the Son of God formed His Flesh and Blood is Immaculate, the hands that conceive God on the altar must be Immaculate. No other hands can conceive God on the altar since there is no other womb that conceived God except Mary. On the altar of God, the Priest gives birth to God for humanity as Mary gave birth to God in the manger at Bethlehem. Blessed be the hands that conceive God, that gives birth to God, that gives God to humanity. Blessed be the Hands of the Priests.

Friends of the living God, this is the dignity of the consecrated hands of the Priests of Christ. This is why the voice of heaven cries in anguish and grief saying: “it is a desecration of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist to allow non-consecrated hands to administer the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Only the hands of the Priests have been consecrated to do this; no other hands!” Friends of the Living God, Jesus says, “I have made the truth known to you. Your will is your will. No one can take it away from you”.

Friend of the living God, I pray that you change, so as to escape God's judgment over this matter of desecration. I am your daughter Cecilia. I am praying that you will change the world. I pray for you, for the Grace of the Immaculate Conception. So I leave you. Immediately the vision passed.



The Eucharist is a Sacrament and a Sacrifice that perpetuates the Everlasting Covenant (i.e the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross). The Catholic dogma teaches: “The Sacrifice of the Mass is the presenting again of the Sacrifice of the Cross, in so far as the sacrificial Body and the sacrificial Blood of Christ are made present under separate species, thus symbolically representing the real separation of the Body and Blood of Christ on the Cross. It is the means whereby the fruits of the Sacrifice of the Cross are applied to mankind in need of salvation”. This was confirmed by the very words of the institution of this Sacrament, at the last supper, Christ said:” For this is My Blood of the new covenant, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins” (Matt. 26:28). The Bible reveals further: “for as often as you shall eat this bread, and drink the chalice, you shall show the death of the Lord, until He come” (ICor. 11:26).

Pope John Paul II while quoting St. John Chrysostom called it a victim that will never be consumed (Ecclesia de Eucharistia). The Bible says: “You are a Priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek… He is able for all time to save those who approach God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them (Heb. 7:17-25). Christ the eternal high priest (cf. Heb. 9:11) has offered Himself on the Cross once and for all times (cf. Heb. 10:12), but He instituted on the last supper, a Sacrament through which He continues to present this same Sacrifice to God on our altars, through the hands of His Ministers, so that its fruits is communicated to His people down the ages-“A Lamb standing that seemed to have been sacrificed” (Rev. 5:6).

Pope John Paul II said that the Holy Mass makes present, the Sacrifice of the Cross wherever it is celebrated. To explain further, he said: “in instituting it, Jesus did not merely say: this is My Body, this is My Blood; but went on to add. “Which is given for you,” “which is poured out for you” (Luke 22:19-20). He did not simply state that what He was giving them to eat and drink was His Body and His Blood; He also expressed its sacrificial meaning and made sacramentally present, His Sacrifice which would soon be offered on the Cross for the salvation of all. The Mass is at the same time, and inseparably, the sacrificial memorial in which the Sacrifice of the Cross is perpetuated and the sacred banquet of communion with the Lord's Body and Blood” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia). Jesus was actually saying that what He did sacramentally at the table of last supper will be physically fulfilled the following day on the Cross, He thereby empowered 17

His apostles and their lawful successors to continue what He has done on His behalf-“Do this in memory of Me” (Lk. 22:19). Consequenty, His exact words of institution must be retained.

THE FRUITS OF THE SACRIFICE OF THE CROSS St. Padre Pio said that the world can do more easily without the sun than without the Mass. Indeed, the Chalice of benediction which we bless is a communion with the Blood of Christ (ICor. 10:16), which was prefigured by the rainbow shown to Noah in a covenant, as a pledge of peace between God and every living creature on earth (Gen. 9:10-16). The Lord God Almighty says:” When I see the Blood of the Lamb (as we offer daily on our altars) I will pass over you, and no plague shall destroy you” (cf Exo. 12:13). Meanwhile, St. Alphonsus de Liguori quoted: “As the Sacrifice of the altar is the application and renewing of the Sacrifice of the Cross, the angelic doctor teaches, that the Mass procures for man the same benefits and salvation as the Sacrifice of the Cross procured for him”.

The four ends of the Mass are: adoration, thanksgiving, satisfaction and impetration. Let us look at two of them only; satisfaction and impetration.


As a Sacrifice of satisfaction, the Mass offers atonement for the sins committed daily in the world-“we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world” (IJn. 2:2);” For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you for making atonement for your souls on the altar, for blood is what makes atonement for the soul” (Lev. 17:11); “Infact, according to the law, practically every purification takes place by means of blood; and if there is no shedding of blood, there is no remission” (Heb. 9:22). St. Alphonsus de Liguori said: “The Mass therefore, offers to God the greatest honour that can be given Him, subdues most triumphantly the powers of hell; affords the greatest relief to the suffering souls in purgatory; appeases most efficaciously the wrath of God against sinners, and brings down the greatest blessing on mankind”.


Fr. Michael Muller said: “The fruits and graces of the bloody Sacrifice of the Cross being applied to us by the unbloodly Sacrifice of the Mass. The voice of the blood of the Lamb of God prevails over the sins which cry to heaven for vengeance (cf. Heb. 12:24), and benedictions descend where punishments are due”. Indeed, He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the punishment that brought us peace… His life an offering for sin…He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors (Isa. 53:5,10,12); God made Him a Sacrifice of atonement by His Blood (cf Rom. 3:25). In every Mass, the Lamb of God continues to plead:'' Father forgive them for they know not what they do.'' ( Lk.23-34).

At this point, we can easily understand the prophecy on second Thessalonians (2:3-8), that the reign of the antichrist cannot come until there comes the great apostasy, and what is restraining him (i.e proper celebration of Mass) be removed-“we conquer Satan by the blood of the Lamb” (Rev. 12:11). That means, when Catholics will loose their faith and change the meaning of the Mass to obscure its sacrificial meaning, just like the protestants, and consequently, abandon the holy covenant (cf. I macc. 1:15).


As a Sacrifice of impetration, the Mass obtains the graces needed daily for the peaceful sustenance of the world- “The bread which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world” (Jn. 6:33) ;”And the bread that I shall give is My flesh, for the life of the world” (Jn. 6:51);”In Him was life and the life was the light of all people” (Jn. 1:4). It is the light of God that sustains the peaceful existence of the world. Hence, the Bible portray Jesus Christ as the prince of peace (cf. Isa. 9:6)- “In His days shall justice spring up, and abundance of peace, till the moon (i.e the source of the light) be taken away” (Ps. 72:7). Prophet Jeremiah foretold that the grace of the New Covenant will enlighten all men to do God's will (cf Jer. 31:34, Heb. 10:16). That means, to embrace justice and fairness. And the Bible says that Jesus Christ is making peace through the Blood of His Cross (Col.1:20). And in the Mass, the Blood of the Lamb of God intercedes for us (cf. Heb. 7:25, 12:24). But what is Jesus Christ asking for us? “Holy Father, keep them in Thy name… protect them from the evil one… sanctify them in the truth… for them do I sanctify (i.e. sacrifice) Myself, that they also may be sanctified in the truth… Father, I desire that those whom You have given Me, may be with Me where I Am, to see My glory (Jn. 17:11-24).


The Eucharistic Sacrifice is the Mount Zion (cf. Heb. 12:22), the heavenly sanctuary from where the grace and peace of God flows to mankind. The prophet Ezekiel saw the vision of the New sanctuary, and there was water flowing from the sanctuary to the great sea (i.e the world). It says that wherever this water goes, it gives life to all living creatures and makes them bear fruit (Ezk. 47:1-12). Jesus Christ is the source of this living water (cf. Jn. 7:38), who offers Himself on our altars (cf. ICor. 11:26) a sacrifice of infinite value and obtain graces to heal and transform the world. He is the light of the world (Jn. 8:12); to give light to those in darkness and in the shadow of death and guide our feet into the way of peace (Lk. 1:79); He is the light to reveal God's will to the Gentiles and give glory to His people the new Israel (Lk. 2:32). This light enables mankind to discern God's will and impart shame, shrewdness and fear of God in our hearts (cf. Rom. 1:24, Sirach 23:6), so as to place true value in the things of life. It also draw souls to God and to holy vocations, and enable the faithful to sustain the true doctrines of Christ, as in the case of the two disciples to Emmuas-“Their eyes were opened and they recognized Him”(Lk. 24:31). As the presence of God in the Ark of the Tent provided light for Moses and his people (Exo. 40:3638), so does the “Real” presence of God in the Eucharist provide light for our souls in our sojourn. As the presence of God on the mountain brighten the face of Moses (Exo. 34:29-35); so does the presence of God in the Eucharist brightens the darkness of our souls. Pope John Paul II testified: The Church draws her life from Christ in the Eucharist; by Him She is fed and by Him She is enlightened. The Eucharist is both a mystery of faith and mystery of light. Whenever the Church celebrates the Eucharist, the faithful can in some way relive the experience of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus: "Their eyes were opened and they recognized Him". (Lk. 2:24-34, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, Par. 6).


Let me repeat once again that the everlasting covenant was perpetuated in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist; and that prophecies abound in the scriptures of the consequences of its violation. The prophet Isaiah says:” The earth is mourning, pining away, the pick of earth's people are withering away. The earth is defiled by the feet of its inhabitants, for they have transgressed the laws, violated the decree, broken the everlasting covenant. That is why the curse has consumed the earth and its inhabitant pay the penalty” (Isa. 24:6). Prophet Ezekiel says: “Because thou has violated My sanctuary with all thy offences, and with all thy abominations: I will also break thee in pieces, and My Eye shall not spare, and I will not have any pity” (Ezk. 5:11); “Her priests have violated My law and desecrated My sanctuary, they have made no distinction between sacred and profane, they have not taught people the difference between clean and unclean … I have been dishonoured by them” (Ezk. 22:26). In his end time 20

prophecy, Daniel said: “They shall defile the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the perpetual sacrifice, and they shall place there the abomination unto desolation” (Dan. 11:31).

Our Lord Jesus Christ confirmed this end time prophecy in the gospel of Mathew (24:15). In verse 12, He says:” Because of the increase of iniquity, the love of many will grow cold”. But, why the increase of iniquity? Because darkness will cover the hearts and minds of people, the “darkness” of which the book of lamentations (5:17) says is as a result of mount Zion (i.e sanctuary, cf. Heb. 12:22) being desecrated. Other end time prophecies also confirm the reality of this darkness. The book of second timothy (3:1-5) mentioned the numerous vices that will arouse within the people, it finally said, they will be lovers of pleasure more than God. They will keep up the outward appearance of religion but will have rejected the inner power of it (i.e indifference to the sacraments). Evidently, these days we have large congregations of ceremonial worshippers with very few percentage of true Catholics-“the remnant Church”. The book of Philippians (3:19) says, people will glory in what they should think shameful, and their minds set on earthly things. As we can see today, the wide scale corruption, high rate of bloody crimes, shameless laws and nakedness of this time. The consequences of Eucharistic abuses is also stated in the book of first Corinthians (11:17-30); and the Bible says: “such celebrations do more harm than good”. Indeed, the Eucharistic Jesus is a two edged sword: “For the falling and the rising of many in Israel”(cf. Lk. 2:34). There emerged among the Corinthians schisms, heresies, sickness, weakness and death. These are clear signs of loss of grace and Divine chastisement. St. Alphonsus de Liquori said: “When Mass is said with devotion, it excites devotion; while, on the contrary, when it is disrespectfully celebrated, it extinguishes all devotion in those who assist at it, and almost their faith also” (Holy Sacrifice of the Mass).

Jesus Christ warns: “Do not give dogs what is holy and do not throw your pearls in front of pigs (i.e to dishonour your precious possession), or they may trample them and then turn on you and tear you to pieces” (Matt.7:6). The catechism of the dogmatic council of Trent warns:”for no crime is there a heavier punishment to be feared from God than for the unholy or irreligious use, by the faithful, of that which is full of holiness or rather which contains the very author and source of holiness (page 213). The Holy Ghost warns:” Anyone who has violated the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much worse punishment do you think will be deserved by those who have spurned the Son of God, profaned the blood of the covenant by which they were sanctified, and outraged the Spirit of grace? (Heb. 10:28-29).


The congregation for Divine worship and discipline of the sacraments warns:” Abuses contribute to the obscuring of the catholic faith and doctrine concerning this wonderful Sacrament. Thus, they also hinder the faithful from re-living in a certain way the experience of the two disciples of Emmaus: and their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him. In the presence of God's power and Divinity and the Splendour of His goodness, made manifest especially in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, it is fitting that all the faithful should have and put into practice, that power of acknowledging God's saving passion of the only- Begotten Son (Redemptionis Sacramentium, Rome, 25/03/04). HOW DO WE VIOLATE THE EVERLASTING COVENANT

The Bible says: “But you (Priests) have departed out of the way, and have caused many to stumble at the law; you have made void the covenant of Levi, saith the Lord of hosts” (Mal. 2:8).

THE COVENANT OF LEVI The Lord said to Aaron: you, your sons and your ancestor's line with you (i.e. the Levites) will be answerable for offences against the sanctuary. You and your sons with you (i.e. Priests) will be answerable for the offences of your priesthood. You will admit your brother of the branch of Levi, you ancestor's tribe, to join you and serve you, yourself and your sons, before the Tent of the testimony. They must be at your service and the service of the whole Tent. Provided they do not come near the sacred vessels or the altar... I Myself have chosen your brothers the Levites as a gift to you. As men dedicated, they will belong to Me, to serve at the Tent of meeting. You and your sons will undertake the priestly duties in all that concerns the altar and all that lies behind the curtain. You will perform the liturgy, the duties of which I entrust to your priesthood; but an unauthorised person approaching will incur death. (Num. 18:1-7)

THE COUNCIL OF TRENT DECREED: Since we must confess that no other work can be performed by the faithful that is so holy and Divine as this awe inspiring mystery, wherein that life giving victim by which we are reconciled to the Father is daily immolated on the altar by priests, it is also sufficiently clear that all effort and attention must be directed to the end that it be performed with the greatest possible interior cleanness and purity of heart and exterior 22

evidence of devotion and piety. Therefore, since either through the depravity of the times or through the indifference and corruption of men many things seem already to have crept in that are foreign to the dignity of so great a sacrifice, in order that the honour and worship due to it may for the glory of God and the edification of the faithful be restored, the holy council decrees that the local ordinaries shall be zealously concerned and be bound to prohibit and abolish all those things which either covetousness, which is a serving of idols, or irreverence, which can scarcely be separated from ungodliness, superstition, a false imitation of true piety, have introduced‌

They shall also banish from the churches all such music, which, whether by the organ or in the singing, contains things that are lascivious or impure, likewise all worldly conduct, vain and profane conversations, wandering around, noise and clamour, so that the house of God may be seen to be and may be truly called a house of prayer. Finally, that no room may be given to superstition, they shall by ordinance and prescribed penalties provide that priests do not celebrate at other than proper hours; or make use of rites or ceremonies and prayers in the celebration of Masses other than those that have been approved by the Church and have been received through frequent and praise worthy usage (Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent).

But, what is happening today? Pope John Paul II testified;� In some places the practice of Eucharistic adoration has been almost completely abandoned. In various parts of the Church abuses have occurred, leading to confusion with regard to sound faith and Catholic doctrine concerning this wonderful Sacrament. At times one encounter an extremely reductive understanding of the Eucharistic Mystery. Stripped of its sacrificial meaning, it is celebrated as if it were simply a fraternal banquet. Furthermore, the necessity of the ministerial priesthood, grounded in apostolic succession is at times obscured and sacramental nature of the Eucharist is reduced to its mere effectiveness as a form of proclamation. This has led here and there to ecumenical initiatives which, albeit well- intentioned, indulge in Eucharistic practices contrary to the discipline by which the Church expresses her faith. How can we not express profound grief at all this? The Eucharist is too great a gift to tolerate ambiguity and depreciation (Ecclesia de Eucharistia).

Canons 230, paragraph 3, and 910 paragraph 2 of the new code of canon Law is the basis for the widespread Eucharistic abuses/communion in the unconsecrated hands and extraordinary Eucharistic Ministry. 23

In 1987, the congregation for the authentic interpretation of the code of canon Law, having received complaints about numerous Eucharistic Abuses, ruled that when priests are available (even if some of them are not inside the Mass) extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers should not administer holy communion.

Previously, the Roman Catholic Church had condemned the practice of communion in the unconsecrated hands as a form of Arian heresy-this was at the synod of Rouen in AD 650, and through various Popes, like St. Sergius I and St. Pius X, while the Angelic Doctor, St Thomas Aquinas condemned it.

Pope John Paul II exclaimed: The Eucharist, as Christ's saving presence in the community of the faithful and its spiritual food, is the most precious possession which the Church can have in her journey through history. This explains the lively concern which she has always shown for the Eucharistic mystery, a concern which finds authoritative expression in the work of the councils and the Popes. How can we not admire the doctrinal expositions of the Decrees on the most Holy Eucharist and on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass promulgated by the Council of Trent? For centuries those Decrees guided theology and catechesis, and they are still a dogmatic reference point for the continual renewal and growth of God's people in faith and in love for the Eucharist (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, article No. 9, 17/4/03).

Let us now point out some of these dogmatic decrees, which he is referring to:

THE MINISTER OF THE EUCHARIST: As regards the reception of the Sacrament, it has always been the custom in the Church of God that laics receive communion from Priests, but that Priest when celebrating communicate themselves, which custom ought with justice and reason to be retained as coming down from Apostolic tradition ‌ (The canons and Decrees of the council of Trent).


It must be taught, then, that to Priests alone has been given power to consecrate and administer to the faithful, the Holy Eucharist. That this has been the unvarying practice of the Church, that the faithful should receive the Sacrament from the priests, and that the officiating Priests should communicate themselves, has been explained by the Holy Council of Trent, which has also shown that this practice, as having proceeded from Apostolic tradition, is to be religiously retained, particularly as Christ the Lord has left us an illustrious example thereof, having consecrated His own Most Sacred Body, and given it to the Apostles with His own hands…

To safeguard in every possible way the dignity of so august a Sacrament, not only is the power of its administration entrusted exclusively to Priests, but the Church has also prohibited by law any but consecrated persons, unless some case of great necessity intervene, to dare handle or touch the sacred vessels, the linen, or other instruments necessary to its completion. Priests themselves and the rest of the faithful may hence understand how great should be the piety and holiness of those who approach to consecrate, administer or receive the Eucharist (catechism of the council of Trent).

Meanwhile the second Vatican council approved the extraordinary Eucharistic ministers under canon 230 sub-section 3. But how and when can they be used? Due to abuses, the holy father was petitioned for exact interpretation of this law, which he referred to the pontifical commission for the authentic interpretation of the code of canon law. The question was as follows:

“Utrum minister extraordinarius Sacrae Communionis ad Normam cann. 910, par 2, et 230 par 3, deputatus suum munus supletorium exercere posit etiam cum, paresentes sint in ecclesia etsi ad celebrationem eucharisticam non participantes, ministry ordinary qui non sint qouque modo imediti?

ENGLISH TRANSLATION: “Whether the extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, appointed according to the norms of Canon 910, par. 2 and Canon 230, par 3 may exercise his supplementary ministry when there are also ordinary ministers present in Church, even when they are not participating in the Eucharistic celebration, and are not impeded in any way”.


THE COMMISSION IN ITS PLENARY SESSION OF FEBRUARY 20, 1987 GAVE THE ANSWER AS FOLLOWS: “Extraordinary Ministers may distribute Holy Communion ONLY WHEN there is no Priest, or when the Priest present at a liturgical celebration is truly unable (e.g. due to sickness or death) to distribute Holy Communion. The holy father approved this interpretation on June 15, 1987 and entrusted it to the congregation for the discipline of Sacraments to communicate to Episcopal conferences throughout the world. “Finally, the Holy see begs all the Bishops to follow this matter with vigilant care so that the clarification contained in this present communication may no longer be evaded, but may contribute to exact observance of the liturgical discipline on an issue of such importance” (sign Msgr. RinoPassigato).

CONCELEBRATION BETWEEN PRIESTS AND DEACONS/SEMINARIANS Canon 907 states: In the celebration of the Eucharist, Deacons and lay persons are not permitted to say the prayers, especially the Eucharistic prayer, nor to perform the actions which are proper to the celebrating Priest.

THE VATICAN II CONCILLIAR/POST-CONCILLIAR DOCUMENTS STATES: The Eucharistic Prayers of all the parts of the Mass is assigned to the celebrant alone, because of his sacerdotal office. Thus, it is forbidden to have some parts of it read by a minister of lower rank, by the congregation or by a layperson. This is against the hierarchical structure of the liturgy in which everyone must take part; fully carrying out only what is required of him. Therefore, the priest alone must say the whole Eucharistic prayer. (Section 4 of third instruction on the correct implementation of the constitution in the sacred liturgy, S.C.D.W, liturgical instaurantiones, 5/9/70).

POPE JOHN PAUL II SAID: As the second Vatican council teaches, the faithful join in the offering of the Eucharist by Virtue of their royal priesthood, yet it is the ordained Priest who, acting in the person of Christ, brings about the Eucharistic Sacrifice and offers it to God in the name of all the people. For this reason, the Roman missal prescribes that only the priest should recite the Eucharistic prayer while the people participate in faith and in silence… 26

The ministry of Priest who have received the sacrament of Holy orders, in the economy of salvation chosen by Christ, makes clear that the Eucharist which they celebrate is a gift which radically transcends the power of the assembly and is in any event essential for validly linking the Eucharistic consecration to the sacrifice of the cross and to the last supper. The assembly gathered together for the celebration of the Eucharist, if it is to be a truly Eucharistic assembly, absolutely requires the presence of an ordained priest as its president (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, articles Nos. 28 and 29).

Note: Sometimes, you can see a deacon mixing the water and wine, which the priest ought to bless and purify with his consecrated hands and some prayers. Sometimes they elevate the chalice alongside with the priest during the minor elevation. We may then ask, can a nonconsecrated hand offer a valid sacrifice to God?

THE HERESY OF COMMUNION UNDER BOTH SPECIES As to the rite to be observed in communicating, pastors should teach that the law of the Holy Church forbids communion under both kinds to anyone but the officiating Priests (Catechism of The Council of Trent).

This Holy Council instructed by the Holy Ghost, who is the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and godliness, and following the judgment and custom of the Church, declares and teaches that laymen and clerics when not offering the sacrifice are bound by no divine precept to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist under both forms, and that there can be no doubt at all, salve fide, that communion under either forms is sufficient for them to salvation‌

It declares, moreover, that though our Redeemer at the Last supper instituted and administered this sacrament to the Apostles under two forms, as has already been said, yet it must be acknowledged that Christ, whole and entire, and a true sacrament are received under either form alone, and therefore, as regards its fruits, those who receive one species only are not deprived of any grace necessary to salvation.


CANONS: If anyone says that each and all the faithful of Christ are by a precept of God or by the necessity of salvation bound to receive both species of the most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, let him be anathema.

If anyone says that the holy Catholic Church was not moved by just causes and reasons that laymen and clerics when not consecrating should communicate under the form of bread only, or has erred in this, let him be anathema.

If anyone denies that Christ, the fountain and author of all graces, is received whole and entire under the one species of bread, because, as some falsely assert, he is not received in accordance with the institution of Christ under both species, let him be anathema. (Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent)



St Alphonsus Liguori The devil has always endeavoured to abolish the Mass throughout the world by means of heretics, making them the precursors of Antichrist, who before all things will endeavour to abolish, and in fact will, in punishment of the sins of men, succeed in abolishing the holy sacrifice of the altar, according to the prediction of Daniel- (Dan. 8:11-12, Holy Sacrifice of the Mass)

Cardinal Manning “The Church shall lament with a great lamentation for there shall be offered no more oblation nor worship acceptable to God. The sacred building of the Churches shall be hovels and the Precious Body and Blood of Christ shall not be manifest in those days. The true liturgy shall become extinct ... such is the universal testimony of the Fathers of the early centuries. (Cardinal Manning, 1861).

Pope St. Pius V, We decree under penalty of Our indignation that never at any time is anything to be added, subtracted or changed; this we determine and ordain to hold in perpetuity by virtue of this constitution. We strictly command, and we issue this command by virtue of holy obedience, that they set aside wholly and entirely in the future all other observances(rationibus) and rites and missals, no matter how ancient they may be that they have been accustomed to use, that they reject them entirely, and that they sing and read Mass according to the rite, the mode and the norm of this missal which is now being issued by Us; and let them not presume to add or recite other ceremonies and prayers in the celebration of Mass than those that are contained in this Missal.


And in perpetuity we grant and permit that they may by all means use this Missal in singing or reciting Mass in any Church whatsoever without any scruple of conscience, without incurring any penalties, sentences, or censure; in order that they may be able to do this and be able to use this Missal freely and lawfully, we by virtue of Our Apostolic Office, and by virtue of this present document, we grant and permit this forever.

No one may be required to offer Holy Mass in another way than has been determined by Us; no one, neither Pastors (Praesules), Administrators, Canons, Chaplains, and other secular priests of whatever Order; and we likewise determine and declare (i.e officially command) that no one be compelled or pressured by anyone to change this Missal, or that this letter should ever be recalled or its effectiveness be restrained (Moderari) but that it may always stand firm and strong in all its Vigor (in suo existant robore)...No one is allowed to go contrary to this letter (paginam) which expresses Our permission, statute, regulation, mandate, precept, grant, indult, declaration, or will and our decree and prohibition; no one is allowed to act against it with rashness or temerity. But if anyone would presume to attempt this, let him know that he will incur the wrath (indignation) of Almighty God and of Saints Peter and Paul, His Apostles ( Quo Primum, 14th July, 1570).

Pope Pius X Modernism is the mother of all herecies (Pascend Dominic Gragis)

Pope Paul VI ''There is a great uneasiness, at this time in the world and in the Church, and that which is in question is the Faith. It so happens now that I repeat to myself the obscure phrase of Jesus in the Gospel of St. Luke: ' When the Son of Man returns, will He still find faith on the earth? It so happens that there are books coming out in which the faith is in retreat on some important points, that the episcopates are remaining silent and these books are not looked upon as strange. This, to me, is strange. I sometimes read the Gospel passage of the end times and I attest that, at this time, some signs of this end are emerging.

Are we close to the end? This will never know. 30

We must always hold ourselves in readiness, but everything could last a very long time yet . What strikes me, when I think of the Catholic world , is that within Catholicism, there seems sometimes to predominate a non- Catholic way thinking, and it can happen that this nonCatholic thought within Catholicism, will tomorrow become the stronger. But it will never represent the thought of the Church. It is necessary that a small flock subsist, no matter how small it might be'' ( The secret Paul VI, by Jean Guitton).

POPE JOHN PAUL II “The moral order, which comes from God, must rule our complete left. His will, His Holiest will must rule everything. In this is the inner unity of life. That's how Jesus teaches us, mankind cannot serve two masters, cannot serve God and the mammon. Today mankind lives as if God doesn't exist, as if God was not the creator and ruler of the universe as well as owner of all wealth and treasures in heaven and on earth. People believe, that all is due to their work and they can claim all these things for themselves ; they are even proud of their abilities, that God our Lord has given them, otherwise they wouldn't have them! If man prefers another god and other idols, then he will despise God, he will even hate him and for this he will come into hell. Now, what's the reason for that, people go astray so easily , that they lose their way and get lost? It is the decrease of respect; because through this he becomes impudent and proud.

People claim everything themselves or they dare to count on God's charity. The way to mercy can only be to deflate our ego, can only be the grace of humility, which the Lord gives his people only. God has respect, because he's the creator of the universe and of the earth. One will give Him the honour, that we owe and we'll love to take chastisement and punishment.

Soon we have to count with new chastisements, which will exceed by far all punishment that ever happened. Nobody will escape these chastisement, either he will love to let it happen and will be redeemed immediately like the thief at the right of the cross or he will be lost forever, if he rebels, like the other blasphemous thief, for his pride was hurt. The worst of all are the Blasphemies about God's loving words, that he keeps on sending down on this poor earth through his Mother and His Son. Therefore outer forms of respect are necessary since we do not know whom we are face to face with.


Even in our human sphere we know certain forms of politeness – and the with God we want to delete it? Therefore, once again, I warn you of all forms of infamy, for example the forbidden communion in the hand here is my Diocese, as well as standing during many holy acts of the holy mass, because nobody knows anymore what you celebrate together here at this place. It's nothing less than the death of Our Lord and Saviour, who we have to thank for everything. We have regard for human opinion, people, but we don't fear God? I didn't revoke, what one of my predecessors has said about it: it happens on your responsibility, dear bishops of the foreign Dioceses and I pray for you, that you recognize in time how wrong your way is! (Sermon of Pope John Paul II march 1st 1989).


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