iGamingBusiness Directory 2012-13

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The Definitive iGaming Business Directory

MARKETPLACE 2012/13 The Definitive iGaming Business Directory



IT HAS BEEN AN EXCITING YEAR IN iGAMING In Europe, national regulation is developing and the EU is expected to continue to provide advice in the development of iGaming in Member States. At the same time, online gaming is developing both commercially and regulatory in the United States, with several states in the process of passing enabling iGaming legislation and Illinois already issuing lottery tickets online. Finally, it’s all eyes on Nevada as online poker is set to launch later this year. All this makes iGaming Business Marketplace even more relevant, as new jurisdictions open up, new operators will look for suppliers who specialise in iGaming. With Marketplace, we provide those operators with an easy reference tool to find the best suppliers in the iGaming industry. Michael Caselli, Managing Editor

Managing Editor: Michael Caselli Editor: James McKeown Publisher: Alex Pratt Production Manager: Craig Young Production Assistant: Laura Head Sales manager: Ian Larcombe Designer: Character Design, Hereford

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Š iGaming Business Ltd 2012. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without prior written permission, except for permitted fair dealing under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. Application for permission for use of copyright material including permission to reproduce extracts in other published works shall be made to the publishers. Full acknowledgement of author, publisher and source must be given. iGaming Business Marketplace Directory and iGB Affiliate Magazine is published by iGaming Business Limited of 33-41 Dallington Street, London EC1V 0BB, UK. The views expressed by contributors and correspondents are their own. Editorial opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Publisher. The Publisher does not accept responsibility for advertising content.

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Welcome Forecasts for an Evolving Market Events Calendar The Companies to Watch in 2012 Top 100 Operators Top Operators by Region Trade Associations and Regulatory Bodies Jurisdiction Profiles Advertising, Marketing & PR Affiliate Management Software Affiliate Programs Alternative Gaming Asian Gaming Bingo Software Casino Software Consulting Corporate Service Providers Customer Relationship Management Events & Publications Fixed Odds Fraud Protection Hosting Jurisdictions Legal Services & Licensing Live Casino Lottery Software Managed Services Mobile Gaming Payment Solutions Poker Software Promotions, Prizes & Merchandise Recruitment SEO/SEM Services Skill Gaming Software Sports Betting Training & HR Translation Services Turnkey Solutions Index

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 5

Forecasts for an Evolving Market With the worldwide iGaming market in a state of continual development, iGaming Business Marketplace seeks the thoughts of a number of key industry figures as to the likely progress the sector will experience over the next 12 months.

Stephen Ketteley, Partner, DLA Piper LLP Regulation in 2012 and beyond As it has always done, regulation continues to drive the strategy of every participant in the interactive gambling market. The following are my thoughts on recent regulatory developments, coupled with some predictions for the coming 12 months.

Europe – seeds of harmony? The European Commission has revealed plans to publish an “action plan” after the summer which

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seeks to create a framework for standardisation of aspects of regulation. Its aim is to facilitate the more efficient and effective protection of consumers. However, with Member States in various stages of regulatory development, a firm legal platform upon which to build some form of harmonisation still seems some way off. The European Commission does, however, appear to realise that a patchwork of regulation is not in the best interests of the consumer and the

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EU juggernaut is moving. How successful it is will have a lot to do with the views of national regulators, many of whom are adverse to what may amount to a relinquishing of a degree of power to Brussels.

United Kingdom – is the wait really over? In March 2012, the UK’s Chancellor confirmed that the government will introduce a ‘point of consumption’ tax regime which will require remote operators to pay duty to the UK tax authorities in respect of any wagering business they undertake with British citizens. Any such tax burden will need to be accompanied by corresponding licensing requirements. As such, the UK’s current regime, which permits operators to freely target the UK without any requisite licence from the Gambling Commission (unless they locate certain equipment in the jurisdiction) is to be overhauled. The industry is unlikely to lie down quietly over this; the new regime will be damaging to some businesses but fatal to others. If the system does change, its needs to be carefully thought through. At a time when the UK government is pursuing initiatives promoting innovation and technology (as evidenced by the announcement of an introduction of a tax credit system for the development of video games), one would hope that it would listen to the voices of an industry that is creative, world-leading and job creative.

Germany – a light at the end of the tunnel? The uncertainty around the German market may, in 2012, finally be superseded by a new regulatory regime. However, at the time of writing, the European Commission had already made clear that it had concerns regarding the German proposals which would see the licensing of up to 20 sports operators and the complete prohibition of online casino and online poker. Whilst academics and lawyers continued to argue over the ability (or not) of the holder of

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the newly awarded Schleswig-Holstein licence to passport their services throughout Germany, many operators and their suppliers were preparing for the worst, as one of the major European gambling markets was, for all intent and purposes, preparing to close for a number of casino/poker operators. For sportsbooks, yet another uncompetitive commercial environment beckons.

US – will they, won’t they? Europe looks across the Atlantic Ocean at the United States and wonders in amazement at the complexities of the political systems, at both a federal and a state level. Following the Department of Justice’s ‘Christmas present’ to the industry with its volte-face over the application of the Wire Act to nonsports wagering, certain states sought to move quickly (and were then slowed down by internal politics) and a number of state lotteries accelerated their interactive plans. State regulation has seen the light of day in advance of any federal play. We are left to guess whether the much-hyped federal regulatory environment will emerge any time soon.

Social gaming – the convergence continues Whilst developers and innovators continue to expand their business into social networks, games developers look over to the European regulated gambling market and ask themselves “why not?”. The on-going convergence of social gaming and interactive gambling gathers apace and begins to ask some very pertinent regulatory questions. Action taken in Japan by the Consumer Affairs Agency against certain types of in-app purchasing models as well as action bought in California against Apple by parents disgruntled at their children’s in-app spending habits, suggest that law and regulation may, at some stage, catch up with such innovations although it’s a brave man who predicts that this will happen by the time the next Market Place is published.

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Warwick Bartlett, CEO, Global Betting and Gaming Consultants This last two years we have shifted our emphasis from industry-specific criteria to the macro economic circumstances appertaining to each country. In spite of the UK slipping back into mild recession gambling revenues are holding up well. However, the UK government’s expenditure is growing not falling, and our fear is that the UK will reach a tipping point like we have seen in Greece and Spain where the market – regardless of the brilliance of company managers – causes gambling revenue to decline. Our forecasts predict that Asia will continue to be the iGaming bright spot. We are hopeful that at least one state in the USA will legalise iGaming in the next 12 months. We expect the Illinois state lottery to do well on Internet sales and others will emulate that success.

The only point of optimism in Europe is the European Football Championship (EURO 2012) and the Olympics. A fantastic festival of sport and numerous betting opportunities should carry the industry through the worst of the problems that face Spain and Greece that could tip over to the rest of Europe. Long-term, we expect betting tax rates to decline in Europe. We are locked-in to the five year cycle where rates start high and decline out of necessity rather than choice as governments realise that high taxes yield less in revenue. We were encouraged by the move in Italy this week where gaming duty was lowered on slots because the government realised that the previous high rate was destructive.

Gavin Kelleher, Gaming/Media Analyst, Goodbody Capital Markets Further M&A expected in online gambling sector over next 12 months There has been an increase in the pace of M&A over the past 18 months in the online gambling sector, with a wide range of deals taking place. The bwin/PartyGaming merger in March 2011 stands out as the largest deal completed, but Australia saw increased consolidation take place with Paddy Power acquiring the remaining shareholding in Sportsbet, and Sportingbet Plc acquiring Centrebet in August. Elsewhere, in July 2011, Playtech completed the acquisition of PTTS and, depending on performance, this deal could end up costing close to €275 million. There have also been a number of deals that did not happen, with Ladbrokes’ approaches to 888 and Sportingbet

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eventually being scuppered due to question marks over regulatory risk. Since the start of 2012, while there is yet to be a real-play gambling deal to match anything seen in 2011, there has been further consolidation with both Unibet and Betsson completing bolt-on deals in the European market. Looking into the next 12 months, we would expect further consolidation as operators look to scale up in newly regulating and regulated markets. A key feature of regulated and taxed markets is less fragmentation, with regulated markets seeing a smaller number of dominant players than was the case under the offshore model. Outside of regulation, another factor that will drive M&A is real-play gambling operators’ desire

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to enter the social gaming market. While the jury is still out as to whether there will be a natural convergence between real-play gambling and social gaming, IGT’s recent acquisition of Double Down, which could end up costing $500 million

has raised eyebrows. So in summary, further M&A in the next 12 months is guaranteed, as operators look to scale up for regulated markets. In addition, a desire for social gaming exposure could drive further deals in this market segment.

David Briggs, Founder, Orchid Sports Where now for iGaming? The steady stream of hopeful news stories on new geographical licences, followed thereafter by the inevitable damning revelations of uneconomic tax and compliance levels has been a feature of our industry for nearly a decade. The fact that public gaming stocks still have the ability to tick up on good news of impending licences shows there is still some optimism in the market – although I think even the optimists are beginning to question if regulated markets may be more trouble than they are worth. The conflicting interests in each market, such as existing land-based groups who see only negatives from the rise of online, inevitably lobby their legislators hard that tax rates and regulations must be the same for the online gaming companies as they are for the land-based groups. Competition inevitably gets stifled in such an environment with consumer interests rarely being raised as important as the interests of local parties who would rather have a blanket ban than allow online operators ‘onshore’. A classic case of this comes in New York where the local lottery’s stated intention to offer its products online was successfully postponed due to the outraged claims of impending hardship from the New York Association of Convenience Stores.

Who’s convenience is this association concerned with? Clearly not the consumer who may wish to buy his lottery ticket online, five minutes before the draw cut-off as it is raining outside. How can such a trade

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body hold a government agency to ransom for its own unreservedly shameless economic interests? Similarly, former online poker players in the US still remain without viable options for their desire to play as the stakeholders in the US iGaming environment continue to cancel each other out in the slow evolution of regulated online poker in the US.

Who does this status quo benefit? You would think that all those who would rather iGaming had never been invented would be the most obvious beneficiaries – although I have yet to see any land-based casinos actually demonstrate growth in revenues post-UIGEA and then Black Friday. However, just like a chapter from Sun Tzu’s Art of War, a new entrant in the battle-field emerges with a new strategy to win the day: social gaming. As has been commented on widely before, the explosion of ‘Facebook Poker’ and ‘Facebook Casino’ must in some regard be a direct result of the luddite-like exclusion of competitive online cash gaming across most of the world. Warming to the heart that consumers can still find a way past the luddites and the special interest groups to a part of online gaming that remains competitive and full of entertainment value. For those in the online gaming space who are becoming frustrated with the long march to profitability in regulated markets, the answer thus seems clear: Facebook (well, at least until the luddites and Inconvenient Stores Associations close that down too).

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Annual Preview

Marcel Puyk, CEO, Cellectivity Expectations for the mobile gambling market Mobile is the buzz word in the gambling industry right now. From being number 11 on the list of the top ten priorities for gaming companies, it’s clear it has jumped into the number one spot, for many. We took our first mobile bet on Bet2Go in June 2002, and have seen many false dawns but today, it is finally happening. My forecast for the next 12 months is that this trend will not only continue, but accelerate. The market is in a sweet spot – an ever-increasing use of Smartphones, user acceptance that the apps promoted are both convenient and safe, and perhaps more importantly, the fact that gaming companies much better understand mobile’s power and reach, and the increase in marketing spend it demands. Gaming companies, and particularly bookmakers, routinely mention mobile as one of the big drivers of growth in their stock market updates. I believe that mobile sportsbetting is

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already mass market, with mobile casino play catching up. Some bookmakers claim that up to 30 percent of all online bets are now taken on mobile, and all mention astronomic rates of growth. In my view, the next year will see this growth continue and within the next three years over 50 percent of all online bets will be placed on mobile. This will be driven by more marketing spend, as well as what I would call the ‘next generation’ of mobile betting apps. Up to now, these have been, in general, smaller and simplified versions of online sportsbooks, but greater personalisation and specialisation will drive the next wave of user uptake. We will also see an increase in mobile casino, though growth will be slower than betting for now. Device limitations are still more important in this market, and there appears to be perhaps less overlap with online users, putting focus more on user acquisition, rather than conversion of online users.

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Social Marketing & Strategies

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In association with

Events Calendar

11-13 June Niagara Falls, Canada – Canadian Gaming Summit






European Legal Affairs Seminar




Gaming in Holland




Cijuego Peru 2012 - International Gaming Congress




Canadian Gaming Summit 2012

Niagara Falls



Gaming Technology Summit

Las Vegas



NASPL: Spring Directors Meeting




Casino Journal's Top 20 Most Innovative Gaming Technology Products Awards 2012




iGaming Regatta



ad:tech Singapore



The future of gambling: beyond the EU Green Paper




Super Events World Australia 2012




North American Gaming Regulators Association (NAGRA) Annual Conference 2012




Women in Gaming Networking Event




SAGSE Gaming Panama 2012


Women in Gaming Awards 2012

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Panama London


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In association with

Events Calendar

10 July Panama City, Panama – Slot Summit Panama






Motor Racing

British Grand Prix




Global Lotteries Executive Summit 2012




World Gaming Executive Summit 2012




Slot Summit Panama

Panama City



Lyceum iGaming Summer Social BOAT PARTY




26th National Conference on Problem Gambling




National Conference on Problem Gambling



First Test: England v South Africa







South American Leisure Exhibition (SALEX) 2012



Casino Marketing Conference

Las Vegas



Casino Marketing Lifetime Achievement Awards 2012

Las Vegas


The London 2012 Olympic Games





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In association with

Events Calendar

12 August Manhattan Island, New York – Affiliate Summit East








World Golf Championships





Second Test: England v South Africa





US PGA Championship

South Carolina


Affiliate Summit East 2012

New York


Third Test: England v South Africa



12 16


16 18

The New Peru Gaming Show 2012 Football

20 21


Start of English Football League season



Gaming, Racing & Wagering Australia 2012



Australasian Gaming Expo



Rugby League

Challenge Cup Final





US Open

New York




London 2012 Paralympic Games



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In association with

Events Calendar

9 September Montreal – World Lottery Summit







Motor Racing

Belgian Grand Prix




World Cup qualifying matches



World Lottery Summit



Italian Grand Prix



02 07


09 09

Motor Racing



The Malta iGaming Seminar


Entertainment Arena Expo


The World Lotteries Legal seminar: Hot legal topics


9th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues






Caribbean Gaming Show & Conference 2012

Dominican Republic

19 23

Motor Racing




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Malta Romania Montreal


ad:tech London



Singapore Grand Prix

Yas Circuit


Ryder Cup



Responsible Gaming Seminar

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In association with

Events Calendar

11 October Barcelona – Barcelona Affiliate Conference






G2E VEGAS 2012

Las Vegas



NSGC's Responsible Gambling Conference

Nova Scotia



IMGL Member Reception at Global Gaming Expo (G2E)

Las Vegas



The iGaming Congress at G2E

Las Vegas



Euro Attractions Show 2012




Responsible Gaming Seminar


IMGL Autumn Conference




The Barcelona Affiliate Conference




iGB Espana



PR/Communications Workshop


Eastern European Gaming Summit


ENDADA ROME 2012, International Amusement and Gaming Show




Spain TBC Bulgaria


IMGL Reception at European iGaming Congress & Expo (EiG)




European iGaming Congress & Expo (EiG)




BEGE - Balkan Entertainment & Gaming Expo



International Association of Gaming Advisors (IAGA)



ad:tech Tokyo

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In association with

Events Calendar

13 November Singapore – Asian Casino and Gaming Conference








World Golf Championships




Motor Racing

Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

Abu Dhabi




ATP Tour Finals




TribalNet Annual Conference

San Diego



Casino World Expo 2012 – RDS




ad:tech New York

New York



Asian Casino & Gaming Congress




Davis Cup Final




Rugby Union

England v Australia




Motor Racing

United States Grand Prix

Austin, Texas



Rugby Union

England v South Africa




Motor Racing

Brazilian Grand Prix

Sao Paulo


2012 APLA regional conference




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In association with

Events Calendar

3-6 December Arizona – Symposium on Racing and Gaming







Lyceum Holiday iGaming Social




Rugby Union

England v New Zealand




Horse Racing

Hennessy Gold Cup

Newbury Racecourse



Symposium on Racing and Gaming





Omega Dubai Masters





AEGON Masters





Club World Cup



Ladbrokes.com World Darts Championship

Alexandra Palace




London International Horse Show




Horse Racing

King George VI Chase

Sunbury on Thames


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In association with

Events Calendar

20-22 January Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas – Affiliate Summit West








Great Winter Run





FA Cup third round





Lakeside World Championships

Frimley Green



Rugby Union

Heineken Cup fifth and sixth rounds





The Masters





Australia Open



Affiliate Summit West

Las Vegas


European Figure Skating Championships



20 21

Ice Skating

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In association with

Events Calendar

5 February London – ICE 2013






Lyceum Fire & ICE




European Poker Awards




Gaming Awards




TotallyGaming Awards





Rugby League

Super League Commences




Rugby Union

RBS Six Nations commences




American Football

SuperBowl XLVII

New Orleans



Alpine Skiing

FIS World Ski Championships








London Affiliate Conference




Gaming Executive Summit LATAM (GES) 2013

Panama City


Carling Cup Final

Wembley Stadium




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In association with

Events Calendar

March L’Arc de Triomphe, Paris – iGaming France 2013







Lyceum Spring Social


UK France

iGaming France




Champions League Quarter Finals





FA Cup Quarter Finals





Rugby Union

Six Nations Concludes




European Indoor Championships




Ice Skating

World Figure Skating Championships




Horse Racing

The Cheltenham Festival




Motor Racing

Australian Grand Prix





The Boat Race



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In association with

Events Calendar

April Stockholm – i-gaming Forum 2013







i-gaming Forum 2013



mGaming Awards





FA Cup Semi Finals





Champions League Semi Finals




Motor Racing

Chinese Grand Prix




Horse Racing

The Grand National





The Masters





World Championships





Virgin London Marathon



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In association with

Events Calendar

May Amsterdam – iGaming Super Show







iGaming Super Show





FA Cup Final




Rugby Union

Premiership Final




Rugby Union

Heineken Cup Final





UEFA Champions League Final





French Open




Motor Racing

Monaco Grand Prix

Monte Carlo


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Marketplace 2012/13 | 23

The companies to watch in 2012

melissa Blau, iGaming Business Finance editor, looks at the next 12 months to determine who is best able to capitalise on the current industry trends.

The companies To waTch in 2012 Introduction With increased regulations and the escalating costs associated with abiding by the regulations, will the big keep getting bigger? Is there a chance for country-specific companies such as Winamax? Do the smaller operators have a chance to effectively compete without becoming a regulatory cesspool for bigger operators to offload their unwanted business as they seek to cleanse themselves? If I had the answers, I can assure you that I wouldn’t be writing this article. Only time will tell how it will actually shake out. At this point, we can only try to point to the ones to watch to make things happen…



While the company is still digesting the synergies from the merger of the two largest companies in the sector (bwin and PartyGaming), bwin.party continues to fire on all cylinders: US, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, now social gaming, not to mention a leader in every vertical, sports, casino, bingo and poker. You name it. Most recently, bwin.party was the first company to announce its intention to pay the €33 million in back-tax payment to the Spanish government. In the past 12 months, the company was the first to announce a large-scale joint venture with two leading US operators, MGM and Boyd and has recently announced its imminent launch into social. If bwin.party can keep executing on all cylinders and maintain its lead position into regulated markets, it will certainly be a company to keep an eye on.

The surge in 888’s share price is indicative to the company’s prospects. Only one year ago, the company was on the brink of crisis with a significant decline in poker as well as a questionable ability to pay the earn-out out on its Wink Bingo acquisition. However, within a year of its management change the company released Poker 6 which saw its liquidity ranking on Poker Scout shoot from between 12th and 15th to fourth. Most recently, 888 reported a 94% increase in EBITDA and a 26% growth in revenue. Rarely has any company seen such a move outside the shocks of UIGEA and Black Friday. In the US, 888 has been one of the leading contenders for the supply of poker into the US market, passing ‘suitability’ with the Nevada Gaming Commission as a supplier for Caesars’ World Series of Poker. In addition, the company was one of the first applicants for full licensing in Nevada as a software vendor. Still hungry for more, 888 was recently rumoured to be in late stage discussions with Trump.

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The companies to watch in 2012



Playtech’s aggressive acquisition and joint venture strategy has further propelled the company as the leading online gaming supplier for regulated markets. Despite the negative public image following its recent battle with joint venture partner William Hill, operators continue to buy the Playtech solution. The company continues to offer a superior back-end platform and turnkey product as well as a willingness to acquire whenever the company believes there is a weakness in its product strategy. While some believe the company will have difficulty becoming licensed in the US, these rumours remain speculative. Playtech’s goal of moving onto the main London exchange (currently AIM-listed) over the summer remains a priority and is rumoured to be the motivation behind the delay or departure of acquiring the social gaming assets currently owned by Playtech’s largest shareholder, though those assets could nicely round out Playtech’s product offering for those potential clients who only operate in regulated markets.

There are some bold predictions coming from this little-known Canadian company. Amaya has stated to City and Wall Street analysts that it is expecting to make rapid growth which is astonishing considering the company only turned profitable last year when it focused on higher margin business from the purchase of Chartwell. The company will now be a combination of a couple of failed software providers merged together including pioneers Chartwell and now Cryptologic. Amaya burst on to the scene with its IPO in 2010. Proceeds of the IPO were used to fund acquisitions, which initially included buying Cryptologic stock and soon flip-flopped over to acquiring Chartwell. Bold share price predictions by the company and an aggressive CEO have certainly helpful fuel the share price. Amaya has won numerous government contracts around the world and its CEO is predicting big returns from its mobile SMS business in Moldova, Kenya, Uganda and Armenia. The Amaya IPO was named the best-performing tech IPO in Canada in 2010.

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 25

The companies to watch in 2012

The companies To waTch in 2012 US land-based suppliers


The US land-based suppliers as a group have finally woken up and are now running at full speed. IGT, Bally, WMS and Shuffle Master each have their own unique strategy. It was impossible at time of writing to pick one and say which was the one to watch. IGT has taken an early lead in social with the acquisition of Double Down, but can the company parlay that into a B2B strategy? Shuffle Master hired game developer guru Louis Castle, and then acquired one of the leading European poker suppliers, Ongame. WMS confused the market with the aggressive launch of its B2C site, Jackpot Party, with a suite of excellent proprietary games; however, it limited any success by marketing exclusively into the crowded UK market. In a recent about-face, WMS acquired casino and skill game supplier, Jadestone, giving the company a much needed B2B strategy. Bally has taken a different approach altogether offering a content agnostic approach with the purchase the Chiligaming back-end platform. Which US supplier will land-based operators want as their preferred partner? Could it be a combination of the four? The next 12 months will see some fall out for sure, but they are all ones to watch.

Zynga is the PokerStars of the social poker market with over 30 million players a month. No one has seriously tried to challenge the behemoth’s position as the leading operator of poker on Facebook. Investors took notice of the company during Facebook’s IPO which stated that Zynga represents 12% of Facebook’s total revenue. Pundits estimate that poker represents 21% of Zynga’s revenue. Going forward, Zynga’s role in real money gambling remains unclear, but it’s likely that with 30 million poker players, which accounts for 2.5% of Facebook’s revenue, Zynga will likely be a major player, at the very least as an affiliate in the US, and/or as an operator in regulated markets. The company’s recent shift into becoming a B2B provider, leveraging its marketing machine and access to players, represents only one of a number of recent moves to keep the cash flow coming. If social blurs into real money gambling, as industry insiders hope, Zynga will be one to watch.

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The companies to watch in 2012

Caesars Interactive Entertainment (CIE)

Jackpotjoy (Gamesys)

Caesars Interactive Entertainment remains the most well positioned casino operator in the US in the eventuality of either federal or state regulation. Caesars is the only US land-based operator to launch in the UK, albeit on a small scale, in an effort to develop first hand marketing experience. This is despite its failure, years ago, of its Luckyme.com subscription bingo site. This time around, Caesars has put its money where its mouth is and boldly acquired the number one Facebook casino app, Playtika, for an initial effective price of $90m (now estimated to be $150m with the earn-out). Caesars is well positioned should Facebook enter real money gambling. Its understanding of operating in the tricky Facebook environment, coupled with its management team’s experience with real money gambling, could place CIE in the lead if Facebook adds real money gambling post-IPO.

Jackpotjoy has done wonders trying to keep itself out of the spotlight. Despite being one of the largest online bingo companies, the Jackpotjoy has chosen to remain private, turning away coveted private equity money that could have lined the founders’ pockets. The company’s success in the UK bingo and scratch card market has remained unrivalled. It hasn’t been all smooth sailing though; expansion into Spain has been slower than expected. Despite this, the company has leveraged its lead in the UK bingo and soft games market going ‘all-in’ on virtual currency on Facebook. The company has dedicated significant resources to create its success on Facebook from scratch. Similar to Caesars, Jackpotjoy remains incredibly well positioned to take advantage of real money gambling should Facebook change its mind in regulated markets, both with its world class gaming operations and leadership position on Facebook.

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 27

The companies to watch in 2012


The companies To waTch in 2012


c PokerStars

Illinois Lottery

Black Friday was certainly a kick in the teeth for PokerStars. Having taken out its two largest competitors, everyone expected Black Friday to have set PokerStars back. Not only has the company remained in its dominant position, but the removal of its largest competitors only seems to have strengthened its position. Despite indictments issued by the US government, and the escalating war with a former payment provider that was rumoured to have led to Black Friday, PokerStars is still successfully fighting in key regulated markets across Europe. Best practices, operationally, have led the company to maintain its licence in Europe and retain its number one spot in selected markets. Full Tilt, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky. With founders rumoured to have taken out an unwarranted amount of cash, leaving co-mingled player deposits unprotected, Full Tilt lost its licenses and became the scorn of the industry, most notably by US authorities who labelled the company a “Ponzi scheme”. The recent breakdown in discussions by the Bernard Taupie group to acquire Full Tilt has given PokerStars the opportunity to buy the assets of its former nemesis, which would further its position in both regulated and unregulated markets.

Illinois, through its lottery, has been at the forefront of Internet gaming in the United States. After years of pushing federal government and the US Department of Justice (DoJ) for clarification on its ability to sell lottery tickets online, the Illinois Lottery finally got its gift on December 23, 2011, when the US DoJ issued a statement that the Wire Act only pertains to sportsbetting and not to the lottery. This paved the way for the Illinois Lottery to begin selling tickets over the Internet for its Mega Millions game. The timing couldn’t have been better; tickets went on sale for the first time the same week that Mega Millions climbed to its all time record-breaking jackpot of over $600 million. More recently, Illinois Senate President John Cullerton introduced amended legislation in May to protect Illinois from the ‘hostile federal legislation’. The legislation proposed to set-up a Division of Internet Gaming within the Department of the Lottery, which would be authorised to offer online gaming to players who are physically present within the state as well as enter into multi-state agreements. Illinois’ success both in online lottery ticket sales and iGaming expansion are critical to the development of the sector throughout the US. If successful, they could easily pave the way for other lotteries as the model case study from which to base their plans.

28 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Top 100 Operators


Property Name

Property URL





Backgammon, Mahjong , Skill Games




Backgammon, Skill Games


Illinois Lottery






Racebook, Sportsbook




Casino Games, Mobile Racebooks, Mobile Sportsbooks, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook




Bingo, Casino Games, Lottery, Mobile Casinos, Poker, Racebook, Skill Games, Sportsbook


TVG Interactive Horseracing


Mobile Racebooks, Mobile Sportsbooks, Racebook, Sportsbook




Racebook, Sportsbook




Casino, Lottery, Mobile Sportsbooks, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook, Spread Betting


5Dimes Casino and Sportsbook


Backgammon, Casino Games, Lottery, Poker, Racebook, Skill Games, Sportsbook




Casino Games, Mobile Racebooks, Mobile Sportsbooks, Racebook, Sportsbook




Betting Exchange, Mobile Betting Exchange, Mobile Casinos, Mobile Racebooks, Mobile Sportsbooks, Skill Games


Club UK Casino


Casino Games




Backgammon, Mahjong , Rummy Games, Skill Games




Casino Games, Poker




Racebook, Sportsbook


Paddy Power


Casino Games, Lottery, Racebook, Rummy Games, Skill Games, Sportsbook






The National Lottery UK


Lottery, Mobile Lottery






Plenty Jackpots


Casino Games


Pinnacle Sports


Casino Games, Sportsbook


New Bingo Billy


Bingo, Casino Games




Fantasy Sports


Sports Interaction


Casino, Lottery, Mobile, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook




Skill Games




Casino Games, Mobile Sportsbooks, Sportsbook




Casino Games, Racebook, Sportsbook








Casino Games, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook


Party Poker




WinPalace Casino


Casino Games




Mobile Casinos, Mobile Poker, Mobile Sportsbooks, Racebook, Sportsbook




Casino Games, Racebook, Sportsbook


The Greek Sports Book


Casino Games, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook


Bet Eagle


Casino Games, Racebook, Sportsbook




Betting Exchange


William Hill


Bingo, Casino, Lottery, Binary Options, Mobile Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook, Spread Betting








Casino Games, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook




Casino Games, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook




Casino Games


Slots of Vegas


Casino Games








Casino Games, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook


Sky Vegas


Casino Games, Mobile Casinos, Mobile Poker






Carbon Poker


Backgammon, Casino Games, Poker


Palace of Chance


Casino Games


Poker Kings



30 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Published by

Data provided by

Top 100 Operators


123Bingo Online


Bingo, Casino Games




Racebook, Sportsbook




Mobile Racebooks, Mobile Sportsbooks, Racebook, Sportsbook, Spread Betting




Bingo, Poker, Skill Games


Party Casino


Casino Games




Casino Games, Racebook, Skill Games, Sportsbook


Heritage Sports


Casino Games, Racebook, Sportsbook




Casino Games, Lottery, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook




Racebook, Sportsbook




Backgammon, Bingo, Casino, Lottery, Mobile Poker, Poker, Racebook, Skill Games, Sportsbook




Backgammon, Bingo, Casino Games, Lottery, Racebook, Rummy Games, Skill Games, Sportsbook


Cyber Bingo


Bingo, Casino Games, Poker


eBet USA


Racebook, Sportsbook


Cool Cat Casino


Casino Games




Casino, Mobile Casinos, Mobile Sportsbooks, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook, Spread Betting




Casino Games, Poker, Sportsbook




Casino Games, Sportsbook


My Sportsbook.com


Casino Games, Poker, Sportsbook




Casino Games




Bingo, Casino Games, Lottery, Poker, Racebook, Skill Games, Sportsbook




Racebook, Sportsbook




Casino Games, Racebook, Sportsbook




Bingo, Casino Games


Tipico Online Gaming


Casino Games, Sportsbook




Casino Games


ABC Islands


Casino Games, Racebook, Sportsbook


World Sports Exchange


Casino Games, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook


Casino Titan


Casino Games




Casino Games, Forex, Mobile Sportsbooks, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook


Mecca Games


Bingo, Casino Games, Mobile Casinos






99 Slot Machines


Casino Games


BetRoyal Sportsbook


Casino Games, Racebook, Sportsbook


JackpotCity Casino


Casino Games, Mobile Casinos, Mobile Poker


Mecca Bingo


Bingo, Casino Games, Lottery, Mobile Bingo


Carib Sports Off Shore


Casino Games, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook


Ace 2 Three


Rummy Games




Binary Options, Casino Games, Poker, Sportsbook




Backgammon, Bingo, Casino, Mobile Sportsbooks, Poker, Skill Games, Sportsbook






Oz Lotteries




Bingo Mania


Bingo, Casino Games




Bingo, Casino Games


Win A Day Casino


Casino Games, Lottery




Poker, Sportsbook




Casino Games, Poker, Racebook, Sportsbook


Club Player Casino


Casino Games


Bingo Flash


Bingo, Casino Games






All Slots Casino


Casino Games, Lottery, Mobile Casinos, Mobile Racebooks, Mobile Sportsbooks, Sportsbook

Data provided by Casino City Press

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*information based on April 2012 figures

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 31

Data provided by

Top Operators by Region

UK Top Ten Gambling Sites in the UK, April 2012 Rank




The National Lottery


Market Share 23.46%






Ladbrokes Sportsbook












William Hill Sports Betting








Paddy Power




William Hill







Top Ten Gambling Sites in the UK, February 2012 Rank




The National Lottery


Market Share 25.12%


Ladbrokes Sportsbook












William Hill




William Hill Sports Betting




Paddy Power















Top Ten Gambling Sites in the UK, November 2011 Rank




The National Lottery


Market Share 27.22%


Ladbrokes Sportsbook




William Hill












William Hill Sports Betting




Paddy Power















Data source: Experian Hitwise

32 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Data provided by

Top Operators by Region

US Top Ten Gambling Sites in the US, April 2012 Rank




Lottery Post


Market Share 4.40%


Mega Millions




NY Lottery




California Lottery








Texas Lottery Commission




Pennsylvania Lottery




Florida Lottery








Georgia Lottery



Top Ten Gambling Sites in the US, February 2012 Rank




Lottery Post


Market Share 4.15%






NY Lottery




Florida Lottery




Pennsylvania Lottery




Texas Lottery Commission












Georgia Lottery







Top Ten Gambling Sites in the US, November 2011 Rank




NY Lottery


Market Share 4.10%


Lottery Post




Florida Lottery








Pennsylvania Lottery




Texas Lottery Commission




Massachusetts State Lottery Commission




Georgia Lottery











Data source: Experian Hitwise

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 33

Data provided by

Top Operators by Region

AUS Top Ten Gambling Sites in Australia, April 2012 Rank




Tabcorp Wagering


Market Share 27.28%










Sportingbet Australia




NSW Lotteries























Top Ten Gambling Sites in Australia, February 2012 Rank




Tabcorp Wagering


Market Share 21.89%










NSW Lotteries




Sportingbet Australia




Golden Casket Lottery Corporation



















Top Ten Gambling Sites in Australia, November 2011 Rank




Tabcorp Wagering


Market Share 20.83%










NSW Lotteries




Sportingbet Australia




Golden Casket Lottery Corporation



















Data source: Experian Hitwise

34 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Data provided by

Top Operators by Region

FR Top Ten Gambling Sites in France, April 2012 Rank






Market Share 20.05%






PMU Progress




Les Secrets du Jeu




BetClic France
















bwin France




Bananalotto France



Top Ten Gambling Sites in France, February 2012 Rank






Market Share 20.97%






PMU Progress




Les Secrets du Jeu








BetClic France












PKR France




bwin Poker



Top Ten Gambling Sites in France, November 2011 Rank






Market Share 22.21%






PMU Progress




Les Secrets du Jeu




BetClic France








bwin Poker















Data source: Experian Hitwise

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 35

Trade associations and regulatory Bodies

Trade associaTions The Association of British Bookmakers (ABB) The Association of British Bookmakers (ABB) is the leading trade association representing bookmakers in Great Britain. In 2002, the ABB was created following the merger of the British Betting Office Association (BBOA), representing independent bookmakers, and the Betting Office Licensees Association (BOLA), whose membership included the large bookmaking chains. Contact: Association of British Ground Floor, Warwick House 25 Buckingham Palace Road London SW1W 0PP T: +44 (0)20 7434 2111 F: +44 (0)20 7434 0444 E: mail@abb.uk.com www.abb.uk.com

36 | Marketplace 2012/13



eCOGRA, a non-profit organisation, is the independent standards authority of the online gaming industry, specifically overseeing fair gaming, player protection and responsible operator conduct. The organisation’s reach now also extends to affiliate programs. eCOGRA protects those who engage in online gaming where it is lawful.

GamCare strives to develop strategies that will improve the understanding of the social impact of gambling, promote a responsible approach to gambling and address the needs of those adversely affected by a gambling dependency.

Contact: Tex Rees, Gaming Advocate tex@eogra.org Disputes eCOGRA Limited 2nd Floor Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square London W1J 6BD United Kingdom

Contact: GamCare 2nd Floor 7-11 St John’s Hill London SW11 1TR T: 020 7801 7000 F: 020 7801 7033 National helpline: 0845 6000 133 E: info@gamcare.org.uk www.gamcare.org.uk

T: +44 20 7887 1480 F: +44 20 7887 1481 E: info@ecogra.org www.ecogra.org

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Trade Associations and Regulatory Bodies

Interactive Gaming Council The IGC, a not-for-profit organisation, was founded in 1996 in the US, and relocated to Vancouver, Canada, in March 2000. The organisation was established to provide a forum for interested parties to address issues and advance common interests in the global interactive gaming industry, to establish fair and responsible trade guidelines and practices that enhance consumer confidence in interactive gaming products and services, and to serve as the industry’s public policy advocate and information clearinghouse. Contact: Interactive Gaming Council 175-2906 West Broadway Vancouver BC V6K 2G8 Canada Office Address: 206-3989 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6N5 T: 1.604.732.3833 F: 1.604.677.5785 www.igcouncil.org

The Remote Gambling Association (RGA)

The European Betting and Gaming Association (EGBA)

The Remote Gambling Association became operational on August 1, 2005, as a result of the merger between the Association of Remote Gambling Operators (ARGO) and the Interactive Gaming, Gambling and Betting Association (IGGBA). The RGA represents the world’s largest and most well known remote gambling companies and provides the industry with a single voice on all the issues of importance to regulators, legislators, and key decision makers around the world.

The EGBA is a not-for-profit association set up by seven of Europe’s leading online gaming operators: PartyGaming, bwin Group, Unibet, bet-at-home.com, The Carmen Media Group, Expekt and Interwetten Gaming Ltd.

Contact: UK Remote Gambling Association 6th Floor, 52-54 High Holborn, High Holborn House, London WC1V 6RL (+44) (0) 0207 831 2195 www.rga.eu.com Brussels Office Chaussée de Wavre 214d, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

Contact: European Gaming and Betting Association 11 Rond Point Schuman 1040 Brussels, Belgium egba@egba.eu www.egba.eu

Responsible Gambling Trust As an independent national charity, the RGT works to ensure that the British gambling industry retains its reputation for promoting responsibility in gambling and to demonstrate that legitimate business growth and job creation is balanced with social protection of the weak and vulnerable in society. Contact: Responsible Gambling Trust 35 Piccadilly, London W1J 0DW T: +44 (0)20 7287 1994 info@responsiblegamblingtrust. org.uk responsiblegamblingtrust.org.uk

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 37

Trade Associations and Regulatory Bodies

Regulatory Bodies L’Amministrazione Autonoma dei Monopoli di Stat (AAMS) The State Monopoly Administration oversees the regulation of the domestic gaming market in Italy. The AAMS performs its role by laying down the guidelines for a dynamic and rational evolution of the sector, constantly monitoring the regularity of operator behaviour with the aim of ensuring a legal and responsible gaming environment in a widely monitored and technologically advanced context. Contact: Piazza Mastai, 11 - 00153 Roma Switchboard Directorate General 06/58571 Directorate General Fax 06/58572200 Fiscal code 00930050588

The UK Gambling Commission

Autorité de Régulation des Jeux en Ligne (ARJEL)

The UK Gambling Commission was set up under the Gambling Act 2005. It has taken over the role previously played by the Gaming Board for Great Britain in regulating casinos, bingo, gaming machines and lotteries. In addition, since 2007 it has had responsibility for the regulation of betting and remote gambling, as well as helping to protect children and the vulnerable.

The Regulatory Authority is responsible for setting up means of regulation, information and control to protect players, to prevent gambling addiction and fight against fraud in the French iGaming market.

Contact: Victoria Square House, Victoria Square Birmingham B2 4BP T: 0121 230 6666 F: 0121 230 6720 E: info@gambling commission.gov.uk www.gambling commission.gov.uk

Contact: ARJEL 99-101 rue Leblanc 75015 Paris, France T: +33 1 57 13 13 00 www.arjel.fr

Danish Gambling Authority (Spillemyndigheden) The Danish Gambling Authority is housed within the Ministry of Taxation. The Authority is responsible for the securing of a proper and regulated gambling market in Denmark so that the players are protected against unfair and illegal gambling. Contact: The Danish Gambling Authority Helgeshøj Allé 9 2630 Taastrup T: (+45) 72 38 79 13 F: (+45) 72 37 92 15 www.spillemyndigheden@skat.dk

38 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Jurisdiction Profiles

ALDERNEY Type of Company Entity Available for iGaming Firms

Licence Duration

Limited companies.

Corporation Tax Rate

Do Local Banks Process Online Gaming Transactions?



Additional Gaming Tax Rate

Bandwidth Type Available

No additional taxes.

All types of bandwidth are available from a variety of suppliers.

Minimum Share Capital for an iGaming Company

Software Testing Requirements


Security Requirements/Indemnity for Player Deposits A variety of mechanisms are acceptable commensurate with the business plan and commercial performance of the operator.

Licence Fee Category 1: B2C Licence: The licence fees are based on annualised Net Gaming Yield (NGY), as follows: ● ● ● ●

NGY up to £1m - annual fee £35,000 NGY of £1m to £5m - annual fee of £70,000 NGY of £5m to £7.5m - annual fee of £100,000 NGY in excess of £7.5m - annual fee of £140,000

(In the first year of operation the license fee is £35,000, irrespective of NGY).

Category 2: B2B Licence (resident and non-resident): Carry a fixed annual fee of £35,000. Associate certificates (typically for key software suppliers) carry a fixed annual fee of £10,000. Temporary use licenses (typically for disaster recovery purposes) carry a fixed annual fee of £10,000.

40 | Marketplace 2012/13

12 months (rolling).

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Technical standards are published by the Alderney Gambling Control Commission (AGCC).

Reporting Requirements to the Gaming Regulators and/or Financial Regulator Periodic financial reports are required.

Anti-Money Laundering Policy for iGaming Firms All operators must comply with the AML legislation in force.

Restrictions on Jurisdictions from which you can take Wagers There are no restrictions.

Contact Details of Government Department or Regulator Robin Le Prevost Director of E-Commerce Development States of Alderney PO Box 15, St Anne’s Alderney British Channel Islands GY9 3HT T: +44 [0] 207 993 8564 M: +44 [0] 7781 109 809 E: robin@AlderneyGambling.com W: http://www.AlderneyGambling.com

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iGB Affiliate - events and information for the iGaming affiliate community throughout the year. iGB Affiliate is the biggest provider of information, insight and analysis for the iGaming affiliate market through huge events that attract 70+ exhibitors and over 2,500 delegates, and a magazine which is received and read by over 5,000 active affiliates making it by far the biggest publication in the market. We work on a very simple philosophy that affiliates always come first and that doing the norm doesn’t ever work. february/march 2012


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Alex Pratt Alex@igamingbusiness.com

We are proud to play a part in bringing the industry together. Future Events » Barcelona Affiliate Conference, 11-14 October 2012 » iGB Espana, 11-14 October 2012 » iGB Affiliate Awards, London, 7th February 2013 » London Affiliate Conference, 7-10 February 2013 » iGaming Super Show, Amsterdam, 11-14 June 2013

Kiera Goymour Kiera@igamingbusiness.com

Marit von Stedingk Richard Wanigasekera Richard@igamingbusiness.com Marit@igamingbusiness.com

Shona ODonnell Shona@igamingbusiness.com

Nick Richardson Nick@igamingbusiness.com

Part of the iGaming Business brand Ed Grundy Ed@igamingbusiness.com


Jurisdiction Profiles

CURACAO Type of Company Entity Available for iGaming Firms For iGaming businesses, it is advisable to incorporate a so-called e-Zone Company in Curacao. The e-Zone Company can be either a N.V. (Naamloze Vennootschap) which is a Limited Liability Company or a B.V. (Besloten Vennootschap) which is a Private Limited Liability Company. Both entities have the following requirements: ● Capital divided in shares ● At least one shareholder is required. This shareholder can be an individual or a corporate entity ● One General Meeting of Shareholders must be held a year. This meeting must be held in Curacao in person or by proxy by the foreign shareholder ● At least one managing director must be a resident in Curacao. Managing directors can be individuals or entities ● A registered office and address must be maintained in the jurisdiction and in an designated e-Zone area in particular ● A minimum capital amount is needed for incorporation ● Shares are issued in registered form and can be converted into bearer shares ● Shareholder’s register is not open for public inspection

Corporation Tax Rate 2% of Net Profits; no import duties, no sales (turnover) tax. Expatriate employees working for an e-Zone Company can be entitled to a special income tax regime subject to obtaining the necessary ruling. An e-Zone Permit is required to be obtained prior to operations.

Security Requirements/Indemnity for Players Deposits The security requirements and/or indemnity for player deposits are subject to the Master License holder.

42 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Licence Fee The fee for a sub-license is subject to the discretion of the Master License Holder and varies in practice from approximately US$1,000 a month to $5,600 a month.

Licence Duration By law, the sub-license is valid for an indefinite period under a valid Master License. The Master License is valid for a period of five years and will automatically be renewed unless conditions and requirements set by authorities are not met.

Bandwidth Type Available ● ● ● ●

Multi-gigabit Five international fibre links Self-healing ring Fully redundant

Software Testing Requirements ● ●

Certification of RNG Games need approval of Minister of Justice

Reporting Requirements to the Gaming Regulators and/or Financial Regulator Requirements may vary according to circumstances. Copies of communications between company and client, including but not limited to gaming rules, result of game and pay-out to be available to regulator or supervising authority for five years. The responsibility at all times remains with the Master License holder.

Anti-Money Laundering Policy for iGaming Firms National Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, Unusual Transactions Act, Counter-Terrorism Financing Regulations and Know Your Customer Policies are applicable to all Curacao Companies. International standards apply.

Contact Details of Government Department or Regulator Department of Justice Wilhelminaplein z/n, Curacao Attention: Mr. Herbert Coffie Herbert.coffie@gov.an

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Jurisdiction Profiles

FIRST CAGAYAN Type of Company Entity Available for iGaming Firms

Reporting Requirements to the Gaming Regulators and/or Financial Regulator

Licensees are classified according to the types of games companies offer: RNG, Sportsbook, video streaming, proxy betting and Peer-to-Peer games. Licensees may offer one or several types of games.

Statutory reporting requirements under the Interactive Gaming Act of 2003 such as Monthly Performance Reports, Player Accounts, Reports on Major Wins, System Malfunctions and Security Incidents. Yearly submission of audited financial statements.

Corporation Tax Rate 5% for entities registered in the Special Economic Zone.

Additional Gaming Tax Rate 2% of Net Win computed on a monthly basis.

Minimum Share Capital for an iGaming Company Nominal amounts to register corporations with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Licence Fee

Anti-Money Laundering Policy for iGaming Firms In accordance with the provisions found in the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) otherwise known as Republic Act 9160 (as amended in Republic Act 9164).

Restrictions on Jurisdictions from which you can take Wagers No wagers from the Philippines and the United States.

US$40,000 yearly renewable license.

Licence Duration

Contact details of Government Department or Regulator

Yearly, renewable.

Do Local Banks Process Online Gaming Transactions? There are local payment gateways for both local and foreign banks.

Bandwidth Type Available Up to 10GB in the Cagayan Economic Zone. Multifiber links connect through several international carriers.

Regulator: First Cagayan Leisure and Resorts Corporation. 26th Floor, Philippine Stock Exchange Centre, Tektite West, Exchange Road, Ortigas Centre, Philippines W: www.firstcagayan.com E: info@firstcagayan.com T: + 632-637-4978 or + 632-638-5556. F: + 632-635-0993

Software Testing Requirements Testing and certification required from accredited, third-party software testing companies such as Gaming Associates, Technical Systems Testing, Gaming Laboratories International and Global Gaming Services.

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 43

Jurisdiction Profiles

ISLE OF MAN Type of Company Entity Available for iGaming Firms

Bandwidth Type Available

An Isle of Man company must be incorporated in order to be licensed. Local presence can be supplied by Corporate Service Providers if required.

A wide range of SLA guaranteed Internet Bandwidth, Private Circuit and MPLS connectivity solutions are available and provided over two resilient fibre optic rings and one point-to-point cable.

Corporation Tax Rate

Software Testing Requirements


Certificate from an approved testing house is required as part of the licence application process. Details can be obtained from the Gambling Commission.

Additional Gaming Tax Rate Duty payable on retained gross profits: ● For gross gaming yield not exceeding £20 million per annum: 1.5% ● For gross gaming yield of more than £20 million per annum, but not exceeding £40 million per annum: 0.5% ● For gross gaming yield exceeding £40 million per annum: 0.1% The exception is football pools which carries a 15% duty rate.

Minimum Share Capital for an iGaming Company By discussion as part of licence application process.

Security Requirements/Indemnity for Players Deposits Operator must demonstrate full protection of player funds. Legislation ensures a separate account for player funds will legally protect them.

Licence Fee Application fee £1,000 and then £35,000 annual fee. £5,000 for a sub-licence, available when exclusively operating the software of an existing licensee.

Licence Duration Five years then renewal is required.

Do Local Banks Process Online Gaming Transactions? Yes.

44 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Reporting Requirements to the Gaming Regulators and/or Financial Regulator Access to the business, its systems and audited accounts when requested by the Gambling Control Commissioners.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy for iGaming Firms Full AML due diligence. Indemnification procedures, record keeping, internal procedures, education and training, as well as adherence to the Isle of Man Gambling Control Commissioner’s Guidance Notes for the Prevention of Money Laundering.

Restrictions on Jurisdictions from which you can take Wagers It is the responsibility of the operator to make these decisions, however; the Gambling Control Commissioners may ask for confirmation that independent legal advice has been taken if they have a concern about a specific target market.

Contact Details of Government Department or Regulator Garth Kimber – Head of eGaming Development Department of Economic Development St Georges Court, Upper Church Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1EX T: 01624 682307 M: 07624 464473 E: garth.kimber@gov.im W: www.iomegaming.im

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Jurisdiction Profiles

ITALY Corporation Tax Rate Refer to the Italian Revenue Agency Website (http://www.agenziaentrate.gov.it)

Additional Gaming Tax Rate Every game category has its own taxation scheme (e.g.: sportsbetting: 4% ca. on turnover; poker tournaments: 3% on turnover; casino and cash games: 20% on gross profit). Gaming winnings are tax-free.

Security Requirements/Indemnity for Player deposits Holders of remote operating licences are required to comply with the regulations issued by AAMS and with the Guidelines for the Certification of Gaming Platforms – March 2010.

Licence Fee and Duration Licence duration: 9 years. Operator licence fee: €50,000/€350,000 as oneoff payment plus 2.5% of gross profit every year.

Do Local Banks Process Online Gambling Transactions Yes.

Software Testing Requirements As at March 2010, AAMS has approved eight test houses that are able to assess compliance with our technical standards.

Reporting Requirements to the Gaming Regulators and/or Financial Regulator AAMS requires a range of information from operators in order to monitor compliance with gambling legislation, regulations and licence conditions and codes of practice, and to inform our understanding of the industry.

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Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy for iGaming Firms The Italian Money Laundering Regulations (2007) came into effect in 2010 and affect any holder of a remote gaming licence issued by AAMS. The Bank of Italy has produced guidance to remote and non-remote gaming operators concerning their responsibilities under the Money Laundering Regulations. The Guidance states, among other things, that all operators must establish and maintain appropriate polices and procedures relating to: ● customer due diligence measures and ongoing monitoring ● reporting ● record-keeping ● internal control.

Restrictions on Jurisdictions from which you can take Wagers The Italian regulations apply only on the Italian territory. An individual Italian Tax Code is required to open a gaming account, excluding foreigners from accessing the regulated games.

Contact Details of Government Department or Regulator AAMS - Amministrazione autonoma dei monopoli di Stato Piazza Mastai, 11 00153 Rome, Italy T: +39 06 58571 F: +39 06 58573083 W: www.aams.gov.it E: giocoadistanza@aams.it

Marketplace 2012/13 | 45

Jurisdiction Profiles

KAHNAWÁKE Type of Company Entity Available for iGaming Firms Applications accepted from corporations or partnerships that are established in any recognised jurisdiction.

Corporation Tax Rate There is no corporate tax.

Additional Gaming Tax Rate There is no additional gaming tax.

Minimum Share Capital for an iGaming Company There is no minimum share capital. Each application is assessed on its merits.

Security Requirements/Indemnity for Players Deposits Security requirements may take a variety of forms and are adjusted according to circumstances.

Licence Fee

distribution networks over Ethernet). A SONET selfhealing network ring provides OC-192 connectivity from Montreal to the Kahnawáke data centre using multiple carriers on diverse paths. Network access is provided to customers from a redundant pair of Juniper core routers, and multiple Cisco distribution routers. Mohawk Internet Technologies put in place a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) mitigation solution based on the Cisco Guards technology to protect its customers against DDoS attacks. The company also has the overhead bandwidth necessary to counteract undesirable attacks.

Software Testing Requirements Control System Submission must be provided with application. Risk analysis performed on RNG and other key components of the applicant’s control system.

Reporting Requirements to the Gaming Regulators and/or Financial Regulator

Application fee is US$30,000. The cost of the initial risk analysis of control systems is in addition, and varies according to circumstances. The annual licensing fee is US$10,000.

Continuous compliance program is designed and implemented during the initial six month licensing period. Requirements may vary according to circumstances.

Licence Duration

Anti-Money Laundering Policy for iGaming Firms

Initial term is six months, after which a licence may be issued for a maximum of two years. Licences must be renewed every two years and an unlimited number of renewals are permitted.

Do Local Banks Process Online Gaming Transactions No.

Bandwidth Type Available Mohawk Internet Technologies (a member of the Continent 8 Technologies network of data centres) has agreements with multiple Global Tier 1 upstream transit providers in Montreal providing multiple Internet connections from OC-48 to 10 GigE. In addition, Mohawk Internet Technologies interconnects into private peering networks (layer 2 networks interconnecting content providers and

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AML requirements are set out in Regulations. Filing of Currency Transaction Reports required for transactions that exceed US$10,000. Filing of Suspicious Activity Reports required for variety of specific situations.

Restrictions on Jurisdictions from which you can take Wagers None.

Contact Details of Government Department or Regulator: Kahnawáke Gaming Commission, P.O. Box 1799, Mohawk Territory of Kahnawáke, Canada J0L1B0 T: (450) 635-1076 Fax: (450) 635-1139 E: info@gamingcommission.ca W: www.gamingcommission.ca

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Jurisdiction Profiles

MALTA Type of Company Entity Available for iGaming Firm Remote

Licence Fee

Gaming Companies in Malta are regulated by the Remote Gaming Regulations, 2004 (LN176/2004) under the Lotteries and Other Games Act, 2001 (LOGA). Licensees are classified according to the manner they assume game risk.

Licence Duration

€6,988 annually.

Corporation Tax Rate 35% tax on companies with certain rebate claims.

Additional Gaming Tax Rate Class 1: €4,658 per month for the first six months since the ‘go live’ date, and €6,988 per month thereafter. Class 2: 0.5% on gross amount of stakes accepted. Class 3: 5% on real income. Class 4: Exempted from tax for the first six months, €2,329 per month for the next six months and then pay €4,658 per month for the full duration of the license. Class 1 on 4: €1,165 per month since the ‘go live’ date. The maximum gaming tax payable annually by one licensee shall not exceed €466,000.

Minimum Share Capital for an iGaming Company

Do Local Banks Process Online Gaming Transactions? Yes.

Bandwidth Type Available Multi-fibre links connected to various international carriers at Gigabit capacities such as Cable and Wireless, Telecom Italia and Interoute.

Software Testing Requirements RNG test certificate and adequate systems review processing. A certifier is appointed by the LGA to audit the process before granting a license.

Reporting Requirements to the Gaming Regulators and/or Financial Regulator Bi-annual Accounts, Incident Reports, Monthly Players’ Balances, Clients Funds’ bank statements and Decommissioning of gaming and control systems equipment.

Restrictions on Jurisdictions from which you can take Wagers None.

Classes 1 & 2: €100,000. Classes 3 & 4: €40,000 The Minimum Share Capital must be issued and fully paid up.

Security Requirements/Indemnity for Players Funds The Remote Gaming Regulations (2004) require that player funds are held separately in a Client’s Account. The LGA monitors the Accounts monthly and reviews bank statements to ensure that the funds are covered.

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Five years, this is renewable thereafter.

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Contact Details of Government Department or Regulator Lotteries and Gaming Authority Suite 1, Level 3, TG Complex, Brewery Street, Mriehel, BKR 3000 Malta W: www.lga.org.mt E: info@lga.org.mt T: +356 2546 9000 F: + 356 21 316 599

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Jurisdiction Profiles

TASMANIA Tasmanian Gaming Licence

Licence Fee

The Gaming Control Act provides for the issue of a Tasmanian Gaming Licence (TGL).

Both an application fee and an annual licence fee apply. The exact cost of the annual fee is dependent on the type of endorsement.

A TGL can have more than one endorsement that will allow for the conduct of the following: ● fixed odds wagering (horses and greyhounds, where wagers are taken over the Internet or telephone) ● sportsbetting (sports bet wagering over the Internet or telephone) ● major lotteries ● prescribed endorsement; and ● betting exchange

Type of Company Entity Available for iGaming Firms

Licence Duration A TGL is issued for up to five years.

Do Local Banks Process Online Gaming Transactions No issues have been experienced by licensed providers in this jurisdiction.

Bandwidth Type Available Fibre optic cable. The price is dependent on size requirements.

Software Testing Requirements

Entities can be in the form of an individual, company or partnership.

All system components are required to be tested by the operator’s choice of accredited tester.

Corporation Tax Rate

Reporting Requirements to the Gaming Regulators and/or Financial Regulator

30%. The Australian Government (not Tasmania) administers this tax.

Additional Gaming Tax Rate Yes, the exact amount depends on the type of endorsement attached to a TGL.

Minimum Share Capital for an iGaming Company The requirements depend on the type of endorsement attached to a TGL. Financial investigations are undertaken into the suitability and viability of the company prior to the issue of a TGL.

Security Requirements/Indemnity for Players Deposits Strict requirements apply; the nature of these requirements is dependent on the type of endorsement that is issued.

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Yes, both.

Anti-Money Laundering Policy for iGaming Firms A licensed operator must comply with Australian government anti-money laundering and counter terrorism legislation requirements.

Restrictions on Jurisdictions from which you can take Wagers The Gaming Control Act does not impose restrictions; however, a licensed operator is expected to operate lawfully.

Contact Details of Government Department or Regulator Tasmanian Gaming Commission (Regulator) gaming@treasury.tas.gov.au, www.gaming.tas.gov.au

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Jurisdiction Profiles

UNITED KINGDOM Corporation Tax Rate Refer to Treasury Website (hm-treasury.gov.uk).

Additional Gaming Tax Rate Refer to Treasury Website (hm-treasury.gov.uk).

Security Requirements/Indemnity for Player deposits You can see the requirements for this under Licence Condition 4 Protection of customer funds (page 7) of the Gambling Commission’s Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) – consolidated March 2011. Holders of remote operating licences are required to comply with the Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards – August 2009.

Licence Fee and Duration Operator licence fee information is available on the Gambling Commission website: www. gamblingcommission.gov.uk.

Do Local Banks Process Online Gambling Transactions Yes.

Software Testing Requirements The Commission has approved 11 test houses that are able to assess compliance with our technical standards.

Reporting Requirements to the Gaming Regulators and/or Financial Regulator The Commission requires a range of information from operators in order to monitor compliance with gambling legislation, regulations and licence conditions and codes of practice, and to inform understanding of the industry.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy for iGaming Firms The UK Money Laundering Regulations (2007) came into effect in December 2007 and affect any holder of a casino operating licence issued by the Gambling Commission – remote and nonremote. The Commission has produced guidance to remote and non-remote casinos concerning their responsibilities under the Money Laundering Regulations. The Guidance states, among other things, that all casino operators must establish and maintain appropriate policies and procedures relating to: ● customer due diligence measures and ongoing monitoring ● reporting ● record-keeping ● internal control ● risk assessment and management ● the monitoring and management of compliance with, and the internal communication of, such policies and procedures (staff training). The second edition of this Guidance was published in December 2011.

Restrictions on Jurisdictions from which you can take Wagers Section 44 of the Gambling Act 2005 contains a power for the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport to specify a country or place as a prohibited territory. Once specified, it will be a criminal offence for British-licensed operators to provide facilities for remote gambling in that prohibited territory.

Contact Details of Government Department or Regulator Gambling Commission, 4th Floor Victoria Square House, Victoria Square Birmingham, B2 4BP T: 0121 230 6666 F: +44 121-230 6720 W: www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk E: info@gamblingcommission.gov.uk

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 49


Advertising MArketing & Pr Category sponsor

Square in the Air was set up in June 2006 to satisfy a gap in the market for a specialised communications consultancy for the sports, betting and gaming industries. We continue to provide exceptional consumer and corporate PR and marketing support for an impressive and expanding list of land-based, online and mobile B2B and B2C clients. Our experience covers poker, bingo, slots, lotteries, casino, skill and non-skill gaming, as well as sports, financial and spread betting. As the leading PR and marketing agency working exclusively in the sector, Square in the Air is extremely well placed to raise awareness of brands, products, projects and launches. Contact: Square in the Air Communications The Media Village 131-151 Great Titchfield Street London W1W 5BB T: +44 (0)20 3586 8266 E: enquiries@squareintheair.com Twitter: twitter.com/squareintheair www.squareintheair.com

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iGame-2012-4_SITA-MP 25/04/2012 10:36 Page 1

advertising, marketing & pr

iGaminG is our marketplace Because we operate exclusively in the betting and gaming sector, we know our stuff. We work with land-based, online and mobile B2B and B2C clients on a retained, project or consultancy basis. Our experience covers poker, bingo, slots, lotteries, casino, skill and non-skill gaming, as well as sports, financial and spread betting. Our experienced PR professionals design bespoke traditional and social media relations strategies and our fully-qualified in-house journalists prepare well-informed copy, features and articles. Square in the Air can also create concepts and provide staff for promotional and guerrilla stunts as well as sponsorship activation.

Public Relations Square in the Air understands the importance of PR and media relations within the wider marketing context. From clearly targeted corporate press announcements to ongoing creative consumer campaigns, we are able to deliver media communications on any scale, from creation to evaluation. Due to our focus in the sports, betting and gaming sectors, we have built up excellent relationships with the key industry journalists across a number of publications and platforms. With strong links in place among various online, print and broadcast titles on a national and regional level, and across the consumer and

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industry press, we are able to concentrate on generating the most appealing story and clearly and directly communicating it.

Copywriting & SEO Content Square in the Air provides imaginative and original copy. As both contributors in our own right and as ghost-writers on behalf of clients, stakeholders and key spokespeople, our work has featured regularly in all key igaming and betting publications, in national and regional newspapers and lifestyle magazines, in addition to numerous websites. Search Engine Optimisation is a growing aspect of the marketing mix. As we do for print publications, Square in the Air provides engaging copy but with an emphasis on the inclusion of relevant keywords and phrases for hosting on client websites and seeding to generate expansive link networks.

Field Marketing Square in the Air likes to get up close and personal to maximise reach to potential customers. Whether a simple leaflet drop or a full experiential marketing campaign at a trade show is required, our highly-trained team of

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advertising, marketing & pr

Industry Activity With excellent contacts across the sports, betting and gaming industries, we are able to leverage these relationships for a number of purposes. We seek synergies between members of our network of clients and contacts and look to make relevant, meaningful introductions, while investigating and updating on any potential partnerships and opportunities. Thanks to our knowledge of the sector, Square in the Air can help with other activities, such as entries to industry awards to give the best possible chance of winning. We also work closely with show and expo organisers to help our clients maximise opportunities and maintain a presence at the events to put them in touch with journalists and industry figures. professional and attractive promotional staff are on standby. They are all betting and gaming savvy and are encouraged to engage targets in relevant conversation. We plan and manage our field promotions on a project-by-project basis and can supply everything that may be required in addition to staff including flyers, uniforms and props at short notice. Square in the Air also assists with the sponsorship activation process, ensuring that our clients get the most from their partnerships, in terms of utilising collateral, generating exposure, implementing competitions and exploiting sampling opportunities and data collection.

Social Media We use social media for results, not just for show. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other portals have become part of everyday life and we build campaigns to reflect their importance; to spread the word and raise awareness of products and services and – most importantly – to open a dialogue directly with consumers and the wider public. Social media should be an integral part of any given communications strategy, not just as a bolt-on to more traditional methods, and we compose tailored approaches scaled to the needs of our clients.

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Branding Consumer perception is vitally important to the success of a business or product. Together with our team of designers we consult on all aspects of your product or brand, including names, logos and designs. A website is usually the first port of call for today’s consumer and we are able to design and produce according to specifications and guidelines. Whether the brand has been created from scratch or is already established, we can also help to promote through the design and production of materials including marketing literature, souvenir and tutorial guidebooks, company stationery and business cards and newsletters.

Contact: Square in the Air Communications The Media Village 131-151 Great Titchfield Street London W1W 5BB T: +44 (0)20 3586 8266 E: enquiries@squareintheair.com Twitter: twitter.com/squareintheair www.squareintheair.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 53

advertising, marketing & pr

Square in the Air



Square in the Air was set up in June 2006 to satisfy a gap in the market for a specialised communications consultancy for the sports, betting and gaming industry. We continue to provide exceptional consumer and corporate PR and marketing support for an impressive and expanding list of B2B and B2C clients. Our experience covers poker, bingo, slots, lotteries, casino, skill and non-skill gaming, online and mobile, as well as sports, financial and spread betting. As a full service communications agency, our experience and expertise can be utilised for any of the following: • Consumer and corporate media relations • Social media consultation • Event management • Corporate hospitality • Branding and design • Website design • Sponsorship • Experiential / field marketing • Sponsorship activation • Journalism and copywriting • Crisis management • Media training • Idea generation Contact: Square in the Air Communications

McBOOM.com is a full service digital advertising and marketing agency specialising in online gaming. We can do everything from designing and building your brand and website to providing a fully outsourced online marketing department.

MARKETING egamingc.com

Services • Marketing Strategy • Design and Build • Online Creative • Rich Media • Viral and Engagement • Facebook and Mobile Apps • Conversion, Retention, and Reactivation Strategy We have over 20 years of online gaming and digital marketing experience across, poker, casino, bingo, sportsbetting and financial. Whether you are a start-up or an established online gaming business McBOOM can help you achieve your online goals.


Contact: McBOOM.com 49 Church Road Brighton and Hove BN3 2BE, UK T: +44(0)1273 711342 E: hello@mcboom.com www.mcboom.com

E: enquiries@squareintheair.com T: +44 (0)20 3586 8266 www.squareintheair.com

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phone: +44(0)208.539.8691 mail: hi@egamingc.com web: egamingc.com twitter: @egamingc

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advertising, marketing & pr

GameOn Marketing

GameOn Marketing Limited is a full service Marketing, Public Relations and Event Management company that offers a fresh and dynamic approach to every marketing campaign. We pride ourselves on developing close working relationships with all our clients to agree each concept and overall vision to ensure that every objective is successfully met – within budget. PR is also an important essence of any marketing campaign and to ensure the best media coverage, we work hard to research your key gaming related media, working closely with you to create interesting press releases, news alerts and editorial that have “real” news value. Events are also an ideal opportunity to get in front of your core market. We offer our support from sourcing the theme, venue and entertainment to creating the invitation list, distribution, sourcing any appropriate merchandise and attending the event to ensure its overall success. GameOn Marketing has offices in London and Gibraltar. Contact: Sarah Jones T: (00) 44 78990 87923 E: Sarah@GameOn-Marketing. com

Jack Media

Jack Media London is a full service media agency specialising in gaming. We are based in Covent Garden and have been servicing global gaming clients for over seven years. We specialize in • Paid Search (PPC) • Facebook Advertising • Display Buying • Affiliate Marketing • TV advertising • Outdoor • Print • Creative Jack Media is a Direct Response Agency focused on client KPI’s. We have amazing testimonials from clients because we deliver results. We also have a huge amount of experience in this sector and knowledge of which media channels and suppliers work well. Call us now to find out how we can help you grow your business on 0207 042 9444, or email info@jackmedialondon.com Check out our site for more info and to read our great testimonials: www.jackmedialondon.com

Esther Whitehead T: (00) 44 78759 61828 E: Esther@GameOn-Marketing. com

Banoop is a UK based company providing custom, bespoke website design, front end development and illustration with a strong focus on creating an impressive and effective online presence for your company. Whether you need a website to help promote your company, update an old brand or start your own personal site, Banoop will provide original, affordable designs tailored to suit you and your visitors needs. We always aim to provide a personal touch and support, and strive to provide sites which promote usability and the highest standards in the web using modern open source technologies. Contact: Simon Cross – Founder E: Simon.Cross@banoop.com www.banoop.com


BBi is a high quality B2B monthly publication covering the clicks to bricks betting sector. BBi features the leading companies and thought leaders within the betting and iGaming sectors. We report the news that matters and also provide a rich source of news analysis and commentary. Essential reading for members of the iGaming and betting sectors, BBi with its informed writing and extensive distribution in print / digital formats, represents a perfect partner for companies and brands wishing to raise their profile and launch new products. Contact: Neil Judson E: njudson@gbmedia.eu Contact: Andrew McCarron E: am@sjc.co.uk T: +44 (0)1204 396397


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T: 00 (44) 1273 711342

E: hello@mcboom.com W: www.mcboom.com @mcboomagency CLIENTS INCLUDE:

advertising, marketing & pr

Lyceum Media

Income Access

Income Access offers marketing and PR services to help businesses expand their brand awareness and presence within their target markets. This includes buying media, creating and distributing SEO optimised PR content on a brand’s USP, its current campaigns and promotions, creating a series of blog, forum and social media posting that have buzz, and employing email marketing channels. The Income Access marketing team will analyse all of your content, online and offline, and provide consultation to help improve the strength of your presentation and message with the ultimate goal of strengthening your business development. Contact: T: +1 514 849 8595 E: info@incomeaccess.com www.incomeaccess.com

Initial Rewards is the largest dedicated supplier of promotional branded & non-branded merchandise and Loyalty Rewards Programs for the Gaming Industry. With headquarters in London and offices in New York, Taiwan and Tel Aviv, Initial Rewards are now a truly global operation. From Coupon Stores to Ad Hoc VIP gifting, Initial Rewards have become a ‘must-have’ Loyalty Marketing Partner. Lee Reuben Initial Rewards Ltd 4 Parr Road, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 1QP, England, UK T: +44(0) 208 381 3300 F: +44(0) 208 381 3700 www.initialrewards.com E: lee@initialrewards.com

Vegas Kings

Vegas Kings is a digital Creative Agency focusing on Web Design and Banner Creative for the online gambling sector. Our core mission has been to assist our clients retain & convert customers using a wide range of internet strategies. We have been in operation since 1998 and have successfully serviced over 100 of the top online gaming brands. We know what the blue print is to success!

Lyceum Media is a full service public relations firm working exclusively in iGaming since 2002. Lyceum brings its clients the benefit of an unparalleled understanding of the sector, its key players and its media outlets. Lyceum Media has PR several solution levels to suit large corporate and startup companies alike. If you would like to get noticed, highlight your unique assets and maximize your exposure in the iGaming sector, Lyceum Media has the experience and contacts to get you there. Lyceum Media’s events division brings the iGaming sector a total event production and management solution. This undertaking is a natural evolution for Lyceum Media, who has garnered unparalleled contacts and experience through the last 10 years of hosting industry networking events and parties and working intimately with some of the world’s largest iGaming companies. Contact: Jodie Thind T: +44 (0) 208 123 7184 E: Jodie@lyceummedia.com www.lyceummedia.com

Contact: Vegas Kings Moshe Adir CEO T: + 27 82 571 2680 E: moshe@vegaskings.com http://www.vegaskings.com

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advertising, marketing & pr

Desigui Agency

Desigui, one of Europe’s top design and development agency, has been providing professional, reliable and top notch technology in the areas of design and programming. We offer services to many reputable sites in the online gaming industry. Our strong team of programmers and graphic designers work to provide only the best to all customers and we have a strong understanding of the gaming industry, both from the operators and customers point Media Hut 1/5/12 ThinkManagement_Advert_Out.indd 1 14:48:26 of view. All of our services are designed with SEO in mind.

Media Hut offer a complete Direct Mail solution to target your players.

Our services include: Web design & Programming, Logo Design & Illustrations, SEO & Consultancy.

From CD’s & scratch cards to letters and flyers... ‘If it fits through a letterbox...we can do it!’

To learn more about our services, please contact us at (phone or email) and we will be happy to provide you with a complete list of our portfolio.

• Variable Data Print • Data Cleansing & Enhancement • Lower Postage Costs • Higher Delivery Rates • Maximum Response

Contact: Desigui Agency Bulevar Despota Stefana 95 11000 Belgrade Serbia

Acquisition, Conversion and Retention - use Direct Mail for your next campaign. Contact: T: +44 (0)115 987 3777 E: sales@gamingdm.com

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Igor Salindrija General Manager M: +381 (0) 66 8010056 F: +381 (0) 11 2696722 E: info@desigui.com

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Euro Partners

Our Services With over 70,000 affiliates, Euro Partners is the world’s leading e-gaming affiliate program and the largest vendor for Playtech licensees worldwide. We maintain a small affiliate-to-manager ratio to ensure personal and professional service to all our partners, all of the time. By choosing to work with Euro Partners you benefit from the unparalleled experience of our account management team, a full suite of localized marketing materials, and competitive commission rates. In addition to standard affiliate partnerships, we facilitate migration for gaming companies seeking an online presence. Our Products Operating in 15 languages, Euro Partners provides our advertising partners with cutting edge Playtech software across several verticals, in most of today’s major online gambling markets. Our flagship Titan gaming brands include: Titan Casino, Titan Poker and Titan Bet, all operating on a singlewallet cashier. Other notable brands include Casino Tropez, Mansion Poker and Europa Casino. Contact: Robin Becker T: +972 3 7646200 ext. 2637 E: robecker@europartners.com www.europartners.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 59

AffiliAte MAnAgeMent SoftwAre Category sponsor

Income Access celebrates its tenth anniversary in the iGaming industry in 2012. Providing its leading digital marketing software and services to over 150 operators and 200 iGaming brands, Income Access delivers analytics and business intelligence on all marketing and acquisition channels in one centralised system. The breadth of its mandate is to provide iGaming providers with the pulse of their business at their fingertips. As many operators move to an integrated marketing strategy, grounded in a multichannel approach to acquisition, having a consistent measuring stick enables more informed marketing decisions. Find out more about our full digital marketing software and services. Contact: T: +1 514 849 8595 E: info@incomeaccess.com www.incomeaccess.com

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INCOME ACCESS OFFERS One Platform. Complete Metrics. Total Control.

+ 1 (514) 849 8595 www.incomeaccess.com hello@incomeaccess.com

Affiliate Management Software

COMPLETE DIGITAL MARKETING SOLUTION Income Access goes beyond providing affiliate tracking software to service iGaming operators with a complete marketing solution that offers in-depth business intelligence. Through its software, Income Access seamlessly connects operators, affiliates, and media partners to maximise profitability and reach, while providing analytics on its acquisition channels. T: +1 514 849 8595 E: info@incomeaccess.com www.incomeaccess.com

Income Access software gives its partners power that transcends mere management. The software allows users to track and report on multiple marketing channels, including affiliates, online, media, print, offline, and PPC. Reports can be generated for a wide variety of verticals, such as casino, poker, sports book, bingo, skill games, mobile, lottery, and forex. The depth of data that can be assembled through Income Access software is unparalleled in an industry where the intelligent application of information is a foremost key to sustainable success. Income Access clients have access to a depth of information at a customer and campaign level that is vital for business decisions that lead to the most efficient allocation of marketing resources, and thus the highest level of profitability and exposure.

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Income Access recognises the growth of the iGaming landscape, and has incorporated the changing needs of the industry into its software development to meet market needs and trends. The Income Access software solution is intuitive and customisable to meet the individual needs of each of its 200 partners, and training is provided so clients can leverage the software to best manage their business and increase ROI. Additionally, with its multi-lingual interface for localised marketing strategies and the ability to set up geo-targeted creative for targeting international markets, partners are able to expand their reach and tailor their marketing efforts to directly respond to the unique needs of the market. Income Access provides friendly, experienced, personalised service that supports clients on a

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Affiliate Management Software

KEY SOFTWARE FEATURES Reporting Data rich analytical reporting supported by filtering tools to drill down to the customer level… Income Access upholds high standards of transparency by offering uniquely comprehensive reports that allow affiliates and operators to see complete data from creative and campaigns used down to the individual customer transaction level. The depth of reporting allows you to view statistics broken down by day, month, traffic, campaign, conversions, player and revenue. You can drill down the statistics to analyse results, and have all the tools needed to build and manage your programme and strategies successfully.

Multilingual Expand your reach by offering a program in multiple languages… Translate your affiliate interface into multiple languages. This can

be used to target new or specific markets and offer the flexibility of working with affiliates in different languages, from different countries.

Commissions Compensation packages tailored to variety of affiliates’ traffic… We offer complete flexibility of commission options by revenue share, tiered player base revenue share, CPA, tiered CPA, referral commissions or a hybrid of any of these options. Income Access also provides the ability to setup special or custom commission structures for individual or groups of affiliates, promotions or for reporting purposes.

Finance Consolidate all your accounting in one simple to use module… The finance module provides a simple and easy way to administrate payments. Payment

Income Access recognises the growth of the iGaming landscape, and has incorporated the changing needs of the industry into its software development technical and marketing level, and more notably, helps to understand their business and form longterm relationships. With Income Access’ rapid pace of integration, clients are able to obtain a customised software solution in an average span of between four to six weeks, with comprehensive support throughout the entire integration process to ensure a smooth transition. Clients are also able to address new market needs and trends as the software platform constantly upgrades and develops its technology to remain at the forefront of innovation. Published by

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reports, accounting spreadsheets and invoice generation is all integrated within the software. It also offers the ability to manage payment statuses of your affiliates for transparent recording keeping of payments made and the option of sending automatic alerts to notify affiliates of their payment status.

Multiple Currencies Provide the flexibility your affiliates need by offering multiple currencies… With Income Access you can not only choose the currency of your affiliate program, but you can also pay your affiliates in any currency you wish to offer. When generating monthly payments simply include the currency rates and the system will automatically convert your program’s currency into the currency the affiliate has selected to be paid in.

Income Access is a solutions provider. The goal is to provide operators with a platform and service that deliver advanced tools for managing an affiliate programme as well as other integrated marketing channels through timely, accurate tracking and reporting, and analytics of results that helps businesses measure the effectiveness of their overall marketing strategy. Income Access is also dedicated to helping affiliates, media partners, and operators maintain meaningful, long-lasting relationships, while helping to establish the transparency that is so crucial in marketing and successful partnerships. Income Access’ dedicated service provision and thorough collection of business data remains unmatched in the industry, and its commitment remains focused on providing its partners with intelligence, profile, and profit. Marketplace 2012/13 | 63

Affiliate Management Software



EGASS is owned by UK based Network Media, a long established and successful company that specialises in the design and development of affiliate & marketing management software solutions. Since 1997, we have been delivering market leading cutting edge software systems that power some of the most high profile and highly trafficked online businesses. A vastly experienced and successful management team supported by a highly qualified and dedicated team of professionals working from offices in the United Kingdom, Ukraine and Italy ensures that we set new standards and further improve our existing business operations. Across our platform portfolio we supply our products and services to some of the world’s most respected organisations and strive to exceed the expectations of our clients worldwide.

NetRefer is a leading provider of affiliate marketing software. It powers some of the industry’s most successful and high volume affiliate programs by providing a single centralised complete solution. NetRefer is capable of handling the whole affiliate marketing life cycle from the affiliate signup and CRM, media serving, accurate and reliable performance-based advertising tracking, customer reporting, finance & rewards management up to automated payments back to affiliates. Founded in Malta in 2005, NetRefer has steadily grown year on year to establish itself as the market leader in its field and has become widely recognised as the provider of the most complete and trusted affiliate marketing software in industries such as iGaming, Forex, Finance and Option Trading verticals.

Income Access

The Income Access has acquired 10 years’ experience in building and managing affiliate programs. It is also houses an independent network of over 22,000 gaming affiliates that span a spectrum of verticals including poker, bingo, casino, sportsbook, mobile, and soft games. A dedicated group of affiliate managers lead the Income Access affiliate management team, with the goal of aligning operators with the right affiliates, and ensuring both parties are able to meet their marketing goals. All affiliate programs in the network are run on the Income Access software, providing affiliates and operators with complete reporting and analytics on all their marketing campaigns. Income Access is one of the few networks devoted exclusively to iGaming. This exclusivity means Income Access’ team of affiliate programme managers is uniquely positioned to support affiliates and operators and provide them with directly specialised expertise regarding iGaming marketing practices. Contact: T: +1 514 849 8595 E: info@incomeaccess.com www.incomeaccess.com

Contact: T: +356 2767 3337 E: sales@netrefer.com

Contact: EGASS, Network Media Services Ltd Dugard House Peartree Road Colchester Essex, CO3 0UL England T: +44 (0)1206 768 007 E: sales@egass.com

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Social Gaming

Opportunities for the Gaming Industry

Discover how gaming companies and consumer-facing brands are reaching to their audiences through social games.

This new report outlines the key elements in developing and executing a successful social network gaming experience.

• • • • • • • • •

Social gaming overviews by region Areas of opportunity Factors affecting growth in the industry The mobile revolution and how it is affecting social gaming offerings Best business models Monetisation and marketing strategies Regulatory issues Demographics of players The future of the social gaming market

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AffiliAte ProgrAms

11 66 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Affiliate Programs

Affiliate Programs

Affiliates United

Affiliates United is the online gambling industry’s most trusted and reputable brand. Powered by the renowned William Hill Online, we boast quality products across the board, including Casino, Sports, Poker, Bingo, Mobile and much more.


ACQUISITION egamingc.com

Our all-inclusive affiliate marketing system offers real-time stats both online and via mobile, cutting-edge marketing tools, multiple payment options including PayPal, a unique one-wallet payment system, personal account managers and 24/7support in a wide array of languages. There is no other affiliate marketing system out there more comprehensive! Affiliates United is the only brand that guarantees consistently high player retention and undisputed player value. We tackle retention head-on with customised support, exclusive promos and more to ensure your players keep coming back. It is in this way that our affiliates maximise their earnings increasingly over time.


GameOn Affiliates provides gaming clients with a tailored affiliate management service and excellent customer value. The company works alongside leading and startup affiliate programmes to target customers in emerging product and regional markets and establish partner networks within them. We have more than four years of high level affiliate management experience and we specialise in taking the extra step by focusing directly on the player acquisition journey, from affiliate recruitment to deposit. We will not only source affiliates known for delivering player quality, but also assist to develop those affiliates with the potential to provide player quality to ensure a consistent flow of high yielding traffic. Combine this with our use of proven and cutting edge techniques to widen the customer conversion funnel at every level, we ensure that valuable player numbers are delivered at low acquisition rates.


Contact: Tom Galanis T: (00) 44 7805 638 742 E: Tom@GameOn-Affiliates. com

Join us now @ www.affutd.com David Bazak – Head of Affiliation T: +972 73 733 3513 E: david.bazak@williamhill.com


phone: +44(0)208.539.8691 mail: hi@egamingc.com web: egamingc.com twitter: @egamingc

Sarah Jones T: (00) 44 78990 87923 E: Sarah@GameOn-Marketing. com Esther Whitehead T: (00) 44 78759 61828 E: Esther@GameOnMarketing.com www.GameOn-Affiliates.com

68 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Affiliate Programs


Income Access

The EGO Affiliate Program at www.EGamingOnline.com is one of the leading affiliate platforms in Gaming. Marketing six major online household Brands like EUcasino and RedKings we provide the highest standards of service and quality . EGamingOnline.com guarantees live detailed statistics and online marketing tools for optimizing performance. EGO affiliates are viewed as 100% partners and you can choose from a mixture of commission packages that are simply the best in the business.

The Income Access has acquired 10 years’ experience in building and managing affiliate programs. It is also houses an independent network of over 22,000 gaming affiliates that span a spectrum of verticals including poker, bingo, casino, sportsbook, mobile, and soft games. A dedicated group of affiliate managers lead the Income Access affiliate management team, with the goal of aligning operators with the right affiliates, and ensuring both parties are able to meet their marketing goals.


BigMoneyScratch is a leading online scratch card and instant win site offering players more than 100 games and where every third card is a winner. With 24/7 CRM we offer great customer care and for our affiliates great lead to sale conversions. The BigMoneyScratch Affiliate Team is currently offering a 50% revenue share to new members and with Income Access, membership only takes a few minutes and the you will find everything you need there to start converting your traffic into revenue today. Join us now! Contact: E: Affiliates@BigMoneyPartners.com http://BigMoneyScratch.com Join us: http://Affiliates. BigMoneyScratch.com

70 | Marketplace 2012/13

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All affiliate programs in the network are run on the Income Access software, providing affiliates and operators with complete reporting and analytics on all their marketing campaigns. Income Access is one of the few networks devoted exclusively to iGaming. This exclusivity means Income Access’ team of affiliate programme managers is uniquely positioned to support affiliates and operators and provide them with directly specialised expertise regarding iGaming marketing practices. Contact: T: +1 514 849 8595 E: info@incomeaccess.com www.incomeaccess.com

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Affiliate Programs

Referback Affiliates

Referback has been paying affiliates since 1999. Sign up with this top casino, mobile, bingo and poker affiliate program and enjoy 40% commission in your first two months and 60% commission in your third month as a new affiliate. Plus, when you quote code: IGB2012 we’ll reward you with an extra $15 for every unique casino player you bring in. Referback is committed to you and promises lifetime revenue, payments on positive netwin only, monthly performance incentives and world-class affiliate managers. What’s more, our brands enjoy great conversion rates, are backed by TV campaigns & offer global reach, multiple languages & currencies, 24/7 support and fantastic retention promotions designed to keep your players in the house for longer. If you have any special campaigns you’d like to run, contact us – we’d love to discuss it with you. E: storml@referbackaffiliates.com twitter: @referback


72 | Marketplace 2012/13



iAffiliates is an exclusive casino affiliate program, the innovative offspring of The Mansion Group. Our top converting brands include some of the biggest names in the online casino industry: • Casino.com • MansionCasino.com • LesAcasino.com • Club777.com The iAffiliates team is led by executives with extensive experience in managing and optimizing affiliate campaigns. What defines us? • Decades of experience • On time payments • Tailor-made affiliate deals • Optimized marketing tools • Powerful software Contact: Agata Antoszewska E: agata@iaffiliates.com T: +972-73-716448 www.iaffiliates.com


. CO M

iGamefriends.com offers you a simple, full-service poker opportunity that caters for international markets and players of all levels from beginners to high rollers. We administrate success brands such as: 24hPoker.com, iGame.com, Pokerihuone.com, Casinohuone.com and Bingohuone. com. You´ll get juicy commission on revenues generated by your players. Partner up with us and earn from day one! Contact: iGame Ltd

The Firs, 6 George Borg Olivier Street Sliema, Malta E: affiliates@igame.com.mt


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bet365 has secured its place as the world’s biggest online sportsbook by constantly updating and improving their web site and providing a great selection of offers. New customers can enjoy a fantastic 100% Initial Deposit Bonus. Major features of bet365’s market leading Sports offering include a dynamic In-Play betting service, which allows customers to bet as the action unfolds, and a comprehensive Live Streaming service, delivering over 20,000 live events every year. Customers can enjoy great soccer offers at bet365. Bore Draw Money Back refunds all losing bets on pre-match Correct Score, Half-Time/FullTime or Scorecast bet on ANY soccer match and if the game finishes 0-0. Customers can also receive a bonus of up to 100% on their returns on treble or larger accumulators placed on Premier League, Primera Liga, Serie A, Champions League or Bundesliga 1 with bet365’s 100% Euro Soccer Bonus. contact: E: Nigel.Ridgway@bet365.com E: Adam.Webber@bet365.com E: Stephen.Appleton@bet365.com E: Karl.Pugh@bet365.com E: James.Woods@bet365.com www.bet365.com

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affiliate_148k5x210_en.ai 1 17.11.2011 13:01:53

bringit now, earn it forever! bring gii t i s t h e a l l - n nee w f f i l i a t e P ro g ra m A ff for Bet-At, reath of a b re f re s h a i r.

Powered by

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Affiliate Programs


w m t, f r.

bet-at.eu and its affiliate program bringit have entered the online igaming market with a bang! Bet-at is the ultimate online casino experience; offering over 200 casino games to cater for every type of player. The benefits of using our casino are enormous as we have created the fairest and most rewarding casino experience available by providing: • Trackable bonuses and promotions in real-time • Immediately withdrawble winnings • Visible RTP on every game • Unrivalled conversion & retention From the lobby to the casino games tables you can enjoy spectacular graphics, unique and flexible experience – without the need to download any third party software. Most notably, bet-at.eu offers a unique to the market innovative Bonus tailored to each customers individuals needs for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd deposit which will have customers queuing up to register! These exclusive features come together to create a casino experience that has unrivalled customer conversion and retention, assuring a high player life time value. Combine this with our outstanding affiliate program bringit and you are guaranteed that affiliates have a not only a unique casino product to offer their users, but also the latest technology and marketing tools available. We strive to arm our affiliates with the latest marketing tools in their armoury, as well as a strong commitment to customer support with an affiliate manager always available via email, phone and livechat to support any questions from those just starting out, to the most experienced affiliates. Further to our visible marketing tools such as the latest content, captivating banners, regular emails and text links - our back-end system (powered by Netrefer’s award winning software), allows our affiliates to access up to date information about their customers across a wide range of in-depth reports to see what works for them and adjust their campaigns accordingly. Affiliates can see how successful each piece of marketing material they use is, allowing them to fine-tune their strategy and techniques if necessary so they can be sure they are offering potential players precisely what they want.







11 16:33

It’s not only our marketing tools that we are proud of. We are also totally transparent with our net revenue calculations, and will not penalise affiliates with negative carryovers, ever. You bring it now and earn it forever. With all this and more on offer, we are sure you will agree that ours is one of the most exciting and innovating online casinos and affiliate programs around. We are committed to ensuring both our customers and affiliates get the most out of our technology and services. It’s this commitment to strive for excellence that really helps us standout from the rest. So bringit on! Contact: T: (+356) 2015 6653 E: affiliates@bet-at.eu http://bringit.bet-at.eu

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 75

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Affiliate Programs

Betfair AllYouBet

Betfair Casino is powered by Playtech software, which houses an excellent

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Betfair has fundamentally changed the sports betting market by offering customers better pricing and more choice and flexibility. Betfair offers on average 20% better odds than other online gaming companies on all sports. Bets are only accepted if the full risk of each can be matched with another customer, or a set of customers, with the opposite view.

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Contact E: sportsaffiliates@betfair.com www.betfairaffiliates.com www.betfair.com

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• Personal support

For more information please go to: http://partners.mybet.com/

Marketplace 2012/13 | 77

Alternative Gaming

11 78 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Alternative Gaming


NeoGames bringing back the fun !

NeoGames is a leading software and service provider that pioneered the global internet scratch cards and instant win market, offering the most extensive portfolio of interactive instant win games. Since launching in 2005, NeoGames’ has delivered the most comprehensive soft gaming solutions which include the largest success-proven games portfolio combined with a robust backend platform and operational services.

NextGen Gaming is the industry’s leading platform agnostic provider of engaging and profitable repeat play Slots, providing entertainment for players and profits for Operators across Online, Mobile, Social & land based verticals. NextGen Gaming are part of the NYX Gaming Group comprising NextGen & NYX Interactive, providing flexible gaming solutions to some of the largest World Lottery Association members and gaming operators across the globe. Contact: David Johnson E: sales@nextgengaming.com www.nextgengaming.com www.nyxgaminggroup.com


Greentube, subsidiary of Astra Games, a Novomatic Group company, offers the most exciting Skill Games for Internet and mobile devices. Currently, Greentube offers some 80 national and international Skill Games, such as Card, Board, Arcade and Sports Games. To name just a few: Backgammon, Yatzy, Schnapsen, Belote, Billards, BlackJack Duel and many others. As a developer of high-quality multiplayer games with years of experience, Greentube stands for exceptional product quality. Contact: E: sales@greentube.com T: +43 1 494 5056 www.greentube.com

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For more information visit www.neogames.com

Markets Pulse

Markets Pulse provides turnkey solutions for fixed-odds financial betting sites. We offer a simple & innovative prediction game allowing players to bet on financial markets’ trends. This is your opportunity to capitalize on a booming market in its very early stages. Powered by Jivy Group, our comprehensive platform & back office are based on proven and mature gambling technologies. Contact: T: +972 54 9796977 E: info@marketspulse.com www.marketspulse.com

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Skilrock (Sugal & Damani)

Capitalizing on Sugal & Damani’s four decades operational experience and technology expertise of Skilrock, Skilrock is uniquely positioned to deliver turnkey and comprehensive solution for lottery operations, that can managed both on retailer POS network and on Interactive media like Web and Mobile. Portfolio of over 100 games of Draw, Raffle, Scratch Card & Instant Win categories, along with availability of commercial services like Airtime recharge, Bill pay etc. gives higher value and ROI for the operations. Contact: T: +91-124-4219411 E: marketing@skilrock.com www.skilrock.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 79

AsiAn GAminG

11 80 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Asian Gaming


Evolution Gaming


Professional OnLive Gaming

FuShengi is a privately owned group, providing business development, venture capital, investment opportunities and partnerships in high-growth sectors in Asia. The group’s primary focus is on mobile, social media gaming, VOIP technology and interactive lottery products. We have built strong relationships with the leading internet, lottery and mobile giants within Asia, especially in the Chinese market. Our experienced local teams have an in-depth understanding of the market and how to navigate through complex Asian business structures and management systems. Contact: E: charles@fushengi.com www.fushengi.com

EntwineTech Live Dealer Solution

EntwineTech Live Dealer Solution, established in 2004, is an Alderney and First Cagayan licensed Live Dealer Software Company servicing over 60 licensees from all over the world. EntwineTech is the largest live dealer platform in the world offering games such as BJ, Roulette, Crazy21, Baccarat and Sicbo played across a total of 15 tables in 2 studio settings. Working with world leading operators including 888, 188bet and Victor Chandler, EntwineTech tends to thousands of concurrent players whilst guaranteeing a 98.99% uptime. Contact: Celia Ho E: sales@limelight-global.com T: (853) 6666 6968 www.entwinetech.com

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Evolution revolutionised the European live dealer platform, creating a shift from novel addition to a musthave component for gaming operators. Today, as the world’s leading Live Casino provider, Evolution works with more top tier online operators than any other software provider. Streaming TV quality video, Evolution offers variations of the most popular casino games including Blackjack, Baccarat and Roulette via its dedicated studios, accommodating mainstream and innovative VIP gaming suites. Players can follow every shuffle, every deal and every spin of the wheel, interacting in real-time with professional, native speaking croupiers and other players. Unrivalled branding and marketing opportunities give operators total control over branding and the complete customer experience. Dedicated tables and complete online environments – proven to increase customer loyalty, revenue and lifetime value – can be branded to your precise requirements. Evolution provides the best quality, most realistic Live Casino experience available on the Internet. Contact: T: +44 20 7563 4223 E: hhedgeland@ evolutiongaming.com www.evolutiongaming.com

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XProGaming is an outstanding live gaming solution that provides Live Casino & Live Texas Hold’em Poker. We broadcast LIVE from high class land-based casinos and studios of your choice. We offer casino operators customized solutions which can easily be integrated into virtually any existing platform. Whether you want a standalone, white label live casino platform, Live Texas Hold’em, or you simply want to add a live gaming system to your existing gaming site, XProGaming has the fastest and most manageable solutions in today’s market. • Live Casino • Live Texas Holdem • Developing exclusive licensee gaming concepts • Private studio • Private tables • Asian market, European market, emerging markets • Kiosks • Land base casino solutions • Various integration options • White label Contact: XProGaming T: +44 750 9276432 E: info@xprogaming.com www.xprogaming.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 81










11 82 | Marketplace 2012/13

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BingoAd_19.04PRINT.pdf 1 19/04/2012 11:56:34











Bingo Software



GTECH G2 Bingo Software is designed with bingo players in mind. Voted Bingo Supplier of the Year in 2012 the interface allows players to easily register and navigate their way around the online bingo room with features such as;

Since Microgaming developed the first true online Casino software over a decade ago, it has led the industry in providing innovative, reliable gaming solutions to over 160 market-leading gaming sites, worldwide. This unrivalled technology company offers over 600 game titles and more than 1,000 game variants, in 24 languages, across online, landbased, and mobile platforms. Its renowned dedication to innovation provides the foundation to consistently deliver award-winning Casino, Poker, Bingo, Live, Progressives and Network Gaming software, as well as managed services, to a global audience. Microgaming content is also available through QuickFire, offering a supremely versatile, unique gaming experience for operators and players. It is the power behind the world’s largest Progressive Jackpot Network and has paid out over €320 million. Microgaming is also a founding member of eCOGRA and IGC.

• Prebuy & Autobuy • Customization of sites • Resizable mini games screen • Live presenters GTECH G2 bingo software includes; • Bingo Games • Bingo Management • Chat • Back-Office Management • Affiliate Management GTECH G2 runs the International Bingo Network (IBN), the largest bingo network in Europe. Being part of the GTECH G2 bingo network gives access to increased liquidity, bigger jackpots and games that will excite and delight your players. With payouts of over 1 million pounds every day and 500 jackpots paid out every month creating enough excitement for even the biggest bingo thrill seeker. At GTECH G2 – We Speak Bingo 2012 EGR B2B Bingo Software Supplier of the Year Contact: T: 0203 131 0300 E: hello@gtechg2.com Facebook; GTECH G2 Twitter; GTECH_G2

84 | Marketplace 2012/13

Contact: Microgaming MGS House Circular Road Douglas Isle of Man IM1 1BL T: +44 (0) 1624 647777 E: sales@microgaming.co.uk www.microgaming.co.uk

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NYX Interactive is part of the NYX Gaming Group; together with NextGen Gaming providing flexible gaming solutions to some of the largest World Lottery Association members and gaming operators across the globe. NYX has previously won several awards including “Innovation in Bingo” at the 2010 E-Gaming Review Awards. Both NYX (EMEA) and NextGen (Asia Pacific) have been listed in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 listings for their respective regions. Contact: David Flynn E: sales@nyxinteractive.com www.nyxinteractive.com www.nyxgaminggroup.com

Cozy Games

Founded in 2005 by a team of gaming industry experts, we offer our partners a wealth of gaming knowledge and advancements in technology. We pride ourselves on game development and a product suite of over ninety plus games which include bingo, classic and video slots, table games, scratch cards and network jackpots. We offer our partners a one account facility across a number of platforms including online, mobile and social platforms. Contact: T: +44 (0) 808 120 2371 E: info@cozygames.com E: sales@cozygames.com www.cozygames.com

Published by

Bingo Software


Betware has since 1996 been providing Internet solutions for gaming operators and currently offers its own unrivalled turn-key software solution, the Betware Gaming Platform. Betware supports multi-sourcing strategy which allows operators to shop around for the best of breed casino games to be seamlessly integrated with the Betware’s Gaming Platform, providing security, wallet transaction processing and management and player profile management. Contact: Ingvar Hjalmarsson E: ingvar@betware.com T: +354 580 4766 F: +354 580 4701 www.betware.com

Bingo Software

Dragonfish is an independent B2B division of 888 providing a unique offering of Total Gaming Services to help partners achieve gaming success in an online world. Our bingo software powers leading bingo brands such as Wink Bingo, Mirror Bingo and Foxy Bingo. We also power the world’s leading bingo network with over 80 branded bingo sites. Our network is robust, scalable and dynamic, providing licensees with the perfect platform to grow their businesses. Dragonfish 601-701 Europort Gibraltar T: +44 (0) 20 3362 0888 E: sales@dragonfishtech.com www.dragonfishtech.com

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Bingo Software

Play’n GO develops gaming applications ready for express distribution through popular media. Invite customers to enjoy bingo, casino and lottery games through their Internet browsers, mobile phones, video terminals and interactive television. With solutions from Play’n GO, your customers skip time-consuming downloads; Just click PLAY and go! The Best of Bingo: • Countless variations of 75-ball and 90-ball games. Your imagination’s the limit! • Distribution through multiple media – from Mozilla to mobiles • Multilingual games and multicurrency jackpots to attract customers the world over • Exclusive design to highlight your brand • Dynamic interface for a growing community • Robust and easily integrated with systems and applications from Play’n GO and other vendors • Player protection tools to encourage responsible gaming • No download required. Customers simply click PLAY and go!

Virtue Fusion

Playtech’s Virtue Fusion is the world’s leading developer and licensor of internet bingo products. Delivering networked gaming solutions for the online gambling industry, Virtue Fusion clients include Ladbrokes, William Hill, Sky, Bet365, Boylesports, Paddy Power, Unibet, Nordic Gaming, Betfred, Sisal, Snai, Codere, Eurobet (Gala Coral Group), Mecca Bingo (Rank Interactive), Crown Bingo, Virgin, and Bauer Publishing. The unique Virtue Fusion offering is the largest independent online bingo network, boasting up to 11,000 concurrent and 40,000 daily players driving over €145 million in total stakes-per month. Contact: www.playtech.com

Trust Play’n GO for smart, speedy solutions that constitute strong, steady online gaming operations.

The Gaming Pro: Play’n GO Contact: Play’n GO Honnorsgatan 16 Vaxjo 35236 SWEDEN T: +46 470 70 66 70 F: +46 470 70 66 79 E: sales@playngo.com www.playngo.com

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 85

casino software Category sponsor

International Game Technology (IGT) is a global leader in the design, development and manufacture of gaming machines and systems products IGT is the premier supplier of online and mobile game content. Our experience, in both interactive and land-based slots design and development has enabled us to develop a winning formula, giving us the ability to offer great performing games.


IGT’s online and mobile games portfolio is continually expanding, and includes well-known consumer brands like MONOPOLY, Cluedo, Wheel of Fortune and Star Trek alongside IGT’s own land-based, top-performing slot games. A winning combination of premium brands, proven maths models and innovative game features keep players engaged and returning for repeat visits.






More information about IGT Interactive is available at www.IGT. com/interactive, or follow IGT on Twitter at @IGTNews or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/IGT. Contact: James Stern, Regional Sales Manager, Interactive IGT, Building 5, Ground Floor, Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High Road, London W4 5YF T: +44 (0)203 249 8527 E: James.Stern@IGT.com







11 86 | Marketplace 2012/13

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MORE. $200,000,000













MORE GAMES. MORE INNOVATION. MORE PERFORMANCE. More goes into our games, so more comes out. We spend more annually on R&D than our competitors in pursuit of the best performing games. We invest more in big branded slot games like Star Trek™ and MONOPOLY: You're In The Money to ensure your players have more fun. We have more classic slot games than anyone else with Cleopatra® amongst the top performers.For more information, visit www.IGT.com or contact Interactive@IGT.com.

BUILT B UILT T TO OP PERFOR PERFORM ERFORM™ © 2011 IGT. All rights reserved. © 2011 Paramount Pictures Corporation. TM & © 2011 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. The MONOPOLY name and logo, the distinctive design of the gameboard, the four corner squares, the MR. MONOPOLY name and character, as well as each of the distinctive elements of the board and playing pieces are trademarks of Hasbro for its property trading game and game equipment. MONOPOLY © 1935, 2011 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. All other trademarks are owned and/or registered by IGT and/or its licensors in the U.S. and/or other countries.

IGT_A5_Ad_PRINT.indd 1

15/05/2012 11:23

Casino Software


International Game Technology (IGT) is a global leader in the design, development and manufacture of gaming machines and systems products. IGT is the premier supplier of online and mobile game content. Our experience, in both interactive and land-based slots design and development has enabled us to develop a winning formula, giving us the ability to offer great performing games. IGT’s online and mobile games portfolio is continually expanding, and includes well-known consumer brands like MONOPOLY, Cluedo, Wheel of Fortune and Star Trek alongside IGT’s own landbased, top-performing slot games. A winning combination of premium brands, proven maths models and innovative game features keep players engaged and returning for repeat visits. More information about IGT Interactive is available at www.IGT.com/interactive, or follow IGT on Twitter at @IGTNews or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/IGT. Contact: James Stern Regional Sales Manager Interactive – EMEA T: +44 (0)203 249 8527 E: James.Stern@IGT.com



Since Microgaming developed the first true online Casino software over a decade ago, it has led the industry in providing innovative, reliable gaming solutions to over 160 market-leading gaming sites, worldwide. This unrivalled technology company offers over 600 game titles and more than 1,000 game variants, in 24 languages, across online, landbased, and mobile platforms. Its renowned dedication to innovation provides the foundation to consistently deliver award-winning Casino, Poker, Bingo, Live, Progressives and Network Gaming software, as well as managed services, to a global audience. Microgaming content is also available through QuickFire, offering a supremely versatile, unique gaming experience for operators and players. It is the power behind the world’s largest Progressive Jackpot Network and has paid out over €320 million. Microgaming is also a founding member of eCOGRA and IGC.

The GTECH G2 Casino software has for the last ten years offered players a true to life experience. With features such as;

Contact: Microgaming MGS House Circular Road Douglas Isle of Man IM1 1BL T: +44 (0) 1624 647777 E: sales@microgaming.co.uk

• HD Quality graphics • Multiplayer games • Range of tournaments • Selection of table and slot games GTECH G2 Casino software allows you to tailor everything from; • Table tops • Card backs • Seating and dealer voice GTECH G2 casino software features include; • Instant & Download • Table Games • Video Poker Games • Slot & Arcade Games • Mini & Number Games • Responsible Gaming Tools GTECH G2 casino software has proven to be the preferred choice amongst industry leading operators, continuing to push boundaries in offering players the very latest products, ground breaking games and an experience that would excite any casino aficionado. At GTECH G2 – We Speak Casino Contact: T: 0203 131 0300 E: hello@gtechg2.com Facebook; GTECH G2 Twitter; GTECH_G2




88 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Casino Software



Barcrest, a subsidiary of Scientific Games Corporation, has over 40 years expertise in creating successful and compelling multi-channel game content, for regulated internet, mobile and land-based gaming markets worldwide. Barcrest’s wide selection of popular internet and mobile games includes the legendary Rainbow Riches, Ca$hino, Monty’s Millions, King of the Aztecs and Elvis Top 20. Contact Barcrest’s Interactive Division to find out more about our marketleading content. Contact: E: info@barcrest.com T: + 44 161 344 1000 www.barcrest.com


Greentube is the leading casino provider in the online gaming sector and is an industrial giant with its state of the art gaming services. The Greentube product portfolio ensures an unique casino games experience embedded in a comprehensive gaming solutions package. Greentube offers the most popular Novomatic slot games, such as Book of Ra™ deluxe, Lucky Lady´s Charm™ deluxe, Dolphin´s Pearl™ deluxe, Reel King™ and many more exciting attractions. Contact: E: sales@greentube.com T: +43 1 494 5056 www.greentube.com

90 | Marketplace 2012/13

From one of the world’s most trusted names in gaming… Sciplay is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scientific Games Corporation, a leading provider of secure, player engaging products and services to over 300 lottery and gaming organizations around the globe since 1973. Offering fully compliant, customized internet solutions – web, mobile and social – for lotteries and regulated gaming operators, Sciplay delivers an integrated cross-platform solution that helps customers capitalize on the revenue potential of internet and traditional retail channels, including: • System software • Game content • Operational services • Player support Sciplay’s turn-key program provides secure access to a play anytime, anywhere personalized gaming experience through a portfolio of diverse, state-of-the-art, legally compliant games and content that players can access from computers and mobile devices. From traditional lottery programs and games to social venue and casino-style games* Sciplay’s interactive products span the entire internet gaming spectrum. *As permitted by applicable law and regulation

Contact: E: Michael.Lightman@ scientificgames.com www.sci-play.com

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Net Entertainment is a world-leading supplier of digitally distributed gaming systems used by some of the world’s most successful online gaming operators. The Net Entertainment Casino™ is a complete gaming system comprising a full suite of high quality games and a powerful management platform. The games create the ultimate gaming experience for the player while the management platform enables Net Entertainment’s customers, the operators, to optimize their business and profitability. Operators are provided a customized system solution that is easily integrated ensuring short time to market and a cost-efficient operation. The Net Entertainment brand is characterized by quality, innovation and technology leadership. The key to success is a combination of the company’s portfolio excellence, which creates prerequisites to maximize the experience for players, and proactive account management, which supports operators by optimizing their casino business. Net Entertainment is a fully transparent, publicly traded company listed at Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid Cap (NET-B). Contact: T: +356 21 31 16 21 E: sales@netent.com www.netent.com

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Casino Software


Bally Interactive

Bet Foundry

Bet Foundry

Your ga me design partner

NextGen Gaming is the industry’s leading platform agnostic provider of engaging and profitable repeat play Slots, providing entertainment for players and profits for Operators across Online, Mobile, Social & land based verticals. NextGen Gaming are part of the NYX Gaming Group comprising NextGen & NYX Interactive, providing flexible gaming solutions to some of the largest World Lottery Association members and gaming operators across the globe. Contact: David Johnson E: sales@nextgengaming.com www.nextgengaming.com www.nyxgaminggroup.com

Betting Connections

HQ in the European Hub Capital of Igaming – Malta - and currently opening offices in Dublin, Gibraltar and Stockholm, as a firm of entrepreneurs, Betting Connections under-stands your business ideas, requirements and that in a service industry your most valuable asset is your staff. We truly believe that while placing the highest calibre candidate into your company we will grow hand in hand as you do. Contact: T: +356 27 204 520 E: info@bettingconnections.com www.bettingconnections.com

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Bally Interactive offers casino operators the ability to augment their land-based casino gaming with mobile and online play-for-free and wager-based games. Bally integrates this cross-platform solution with its core casino patron, slot-management, and business-intelligence systems to give gaming operators a “single view of the player” and enable casinos to deliver a powerful experience to patrons on the casino floor, at home, or on the move. Bally Interactive delivers a deep library of proven casinogaming content, including popular licensed brands. With a continuous flow of new game titles, users always have a fresh array of choices and a reason to return. Like our land-based games, our interactive versions offer enhanced bonusing, proven play mechanics, progressives, and other features only a company with more than 80 years in the gaming industry can provide. Delivered via Bally’s Remote Gaming Server, access to our entire library of content and one-time integration is easily achieved. Contact: Mike Daly E: MDaly@ballytech.com T: +1.702.584.7345 www.BallyTech.com/ Interactive

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Bet Foundry’s focus is the creative production of exciting and entertaining games for the online gambling market. We specialise in Slot machine and Scratchcard production. Either custom games for bespoke platforms or reskinning for clients platforms, we always have our eye on usability and great game play. Our team is best of breed and it is our business to love this business and strive to be ahead of the game. Contact: Bet Foundry Moshe Adir CEO T: + 27 82 571 2680 E: moshe@betfoundry.com http://www.betfoundry.com


Amaya is an innovative technology-based gaming provider for the regulated gaming industry with an expansive presence in Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa and Asia. Amaya provides a host of services and solutions that include: Online and mobile casino games and platforms, traditional and mobile lotteries, electronic land-based table gaming systems, hospitality in-room entertainment systems, advisory and management services, and integrity monitoring and auditing systems. Visit: www.amayagaming.com or www.amayaonline.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 93

Bally Interactive takes your casino beyond the brick and mortar. Our deep library of proven casino-gaming content delivered through online, mobile, and social platforms is now a reality. What’s more, the open nature of our iGaming platform and its enhanced interoperability allows you to offer all the content you and your players want from a multitude of content providers, and change it whenever you decide. Bally Interactive doesn’t just enhance the gaming experience you offer. We deliver you one view of the player unlike any available before. From multi-channel promotions and bonusing, to player tracking, social functionality and more, we allow you to bring your casino to the players and the players to your casino.

Mike Daly Senior Director of Business Development MDaly@ ballytech.com • + 1.702.584.7345 ©2012 Bally Technologies. All Rights Reserved.

Visit BallyTech.com/Interactive for more information.

Bally Interactive Ad_iGamingMag-FP.indd 1

4/16/12 12:40 PM

Casino Software


B3W is a software development company based in Malta that develops online Casino, Poker and Affiliation Products. B3W Group companies operate Class 1, 3 and 4 licenses out of Malta and provide turnkey solutions to the Industry. B3W also operates www. pokerpack.com, a European facing Poker network as well as B3Waffiliation.com, a proprietary affiliation platform cultivating an interesting system of harmonization and retention for their white label partners. Contact: José Micallef E: jmicallef@b3w.net T: +356 2065 6000 www.b3wgroup.com


Since 2005 SkillOnNet software has powered a multitude of successful casino brands like EUcasino, Mega Casino, CasinoRedKings and PlayMillions making a huge impact on the online gaming industry. SkillOnNet Software has unique 3D slots, Live Casino games, progressive jackpots, table games and Scratch games all in downloadable or instant play versions. With multiple languages and multiple Currencies it’s a winning formula for Success!


StarGames.com is the online casino that you want to promote! With no download or installation required, play instantly amongst millions of players from across the globe. First time deposit players benefit from a very attractive instant bonus. StarGames.com is available in over 15 different languages and will continue to give more reasons to be part of this growing team. We treat both our players and affiliates with great conditions. Players: • Attractive loyalty program • Monthly cash bonuses • VIP treatment for high rollers Affiliates: • Twice a month commission payments • Attractive commission deals • Localized marketing tools • No negative carry over • Daily reports • Dedicated support Take up the opportunity to start promoting our Casino, Poker and Skill games and be rewarded! We are offering an extra 25EUR CPA* on new CPA affiliate sign ups. Contact us on partner@ stargames.com, quote ‘SG_ CPA25’ and one of our dedicated affiliate managers will contact you to see if you are eligible. Become our partner and sign up! Contact: T: +356 2546 6699 E: partner@stargames.com www.stargamesaffiliate.com *Terms and conditions may apply

Connective Games LLC Connective Games LLC Nahimova St. 13/1 - 308 Tomsk Russia 634034 E: info@connectivegames.com www.ConnectiveGames.com

Melita Gaming Network Ltd. Melita Gaming Network Ltd. 12 Tigne Place, Tigne Street, office 2/4 Sliema, SLM 15 – Malta T: +356 21 32 05 66 E: diane.dalli@ melitagamingnetwork.com


Gameflex is Iforium’s new and innovative Casino bonusing solution. Gameflex combines casino games from all the leading game vendors under a common single bonus and loyalty scheme. Our Gameflex solution is designed to work conjunction with all products from Iforium’s flexible platform as well as any third party wallet to deliver a complete and compelling solution. Any Game Vendor + Common Bonus & Loyalty + Any Wallet = Gameflex Contact: T: +44 1624 822933 E: sales@iforium.com www.iforium.com

ment 7345

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 95

Casino Software

Concept Gaming

Cayetano Gaming

A multi jurisdiction certified gaming platform, which includes a range of the best micro games, mobile games, unique full sized games, the ability to build bespoke content, and selected third party content.

Cayetano Gaming develops highly attractive casino games with maximum player appeal. Just two minutes on our website will prove that Cayetano’s games are of the highest quality.

Our aim... To provide high quality, fresh games content developed inhouse by our experienced team and also third party content from any supplier of your choice.

A full suite of casino games is available including roulette, blackjack, craps, poker machines, arcade games and an ever expanding suite of slots. We also offer a complete casino administration software platform.

Casino Software

Dragonfish is an independent B2B division of 888 providing a unique offering of Total Gaming Services to help partners achieve gaming success in an online world. With over 1000 games, including slots, progressives, video poker, Live Dealer, Quickplay, table games and global brands, Dragonfish is uniquely positioned to work with carefully selected partners who wish to monetise their existing database, brand loyalty and media assets or looking to enhance their existing online gaming operations.

To deliver to you games content just the way you want it.

Log on to our website to view our games and contact us for further information.

Dragonfish 601-701 Europort Gibraltar

Contact: E: info@concept-gaming.com T: +44 (0) 2920 565610 www.concept-gaming.com

Contact: UK T: +44 207 193 1256 US T: +1 646 233 3247 www.CayetanoGaming.com

T: +44 (0) 20 3362 0888 E: sales@dragonfishtech.com www.dragonfishtech.com

Casino Software



Betsoftgaming.com builds state of the art Casino Games and Soft Games in our vibrant flash and downloadable options for your players. Our Casino Manager is a detailed, state-of-the-art backoffice system. Entirely eventdriven, and completely modular, this system is a proven revolution within Betsoft. We promise only the best, most detailed/exciting games and tools for all of our licensees.

CTXM is European based developer of innovative and efficient end-to-end online gaming solutions, including gaming foundation and integration platforms, casino and fixed odds games, turnkey gaming and payments solutions. CTXM carries out projects for the leading operators in the iGaming industry and partners with successful game publishers and IP owners.

WM casino allows you to enrich your platform, with a bouquet of more than 100 games, which includes: Roulette, Black Jack, Baccarat, Slots, Video poker, scratch cards, funny games, live casino and live poker. You can activate all the games, or only a few of them and integrate all 3rd parties games you wish. WM provides you with standard game configurations which you can activate without any problems of compatibility and/or you can customised, according to business objectives.

Contact: Betsoft Gaming Ltd Nicosia, Cyprus T: UK (44) 0128 073 5015 T: +1 604 288 7685 F: +1 604 288 5040 E: sales@betsoftgaming.com www.betsoftgaming.com

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Contact: T: +44 20 3290 9980 E: sales@ctxm.com www.ctxm.com

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Contact: T: 00442071937537 E: sales@wm.com.mt www.wm.com.mt

Marketplace 2012/13 | 97


11 98 | Marketplace 2012/13

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when it comes to your business you want to play it safe. Tom Light Consulting, specializes in strategy, marketing & operations for the Online Gaming & Financial Trading industry.

Aff iliates Blog Management Bonuses Consulting Content Creative E-Marketing Financial Services Fraud Protection Hosting Legal Licensing Managed Services Market Research Media Buying PR Payment Solutions Print Promotions PPC Recruitment Reputation Retention Start Up SEO SEM Software Telemarketing Trade Shows Training Translation Turnkey Web Design


Don’t Gamble, Bring Gamblers.


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GameOn Consultants


e-Gaming Corporate Solutions InovenAltenor supports business and technology managers in all phases of the lifecycle of their projects. Our expertise in programs and project management, business requirements, processes design, functional architecture and internal control allows us to support our customers in delivering complex and innovative solutions on time, cost and quality. For the past four years, InovenAltenor has developed an in-depth knowledge of the online gaming industry through several projects with all major European operators, ranging from activity launch (including licensing and agreement process for betting, poker, and skill games) on an international scale to defining and optimizing business processes. InovenAltenor is referenced as certification body by the ARJEL, the French regulator, therefore intervening alongside operators on their certification process. Thanks to these various experiences, which involved almost half of our consultants, InovenAltenor provides an end-to-end support to gaming operators so as to optimize their revenues and costs all along their value chain. Contact: E: contact@inovenaltenor.com www.inovenaltenor.com

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GameOn Consultants Limited offers a wide range of services from advice and assistance with the implementation of products and licensing, to sourcing and managing white label solutions; developing product set up requirements, to devising bonus and loyalty strategies, fraud and risk analysis and a full CRM service. With more than 35 years of combined experience within igaming that spans every sector of the industry, GameOn Consultants can build strategies based around your target markets and help integrate procedures and forecasts across all products. We can also manage all online aspects of your product offering, from domain registration and management, to website design and search engine marketing (PPC/SEO). GameOn Consultants is a “one stop shop”, offering all aspects of running casino, poker, sports, bingo, live casino and soft games. GameOn Consultants has offices in London and Gibraltar. Contact: Darren Wyatt T: +34 63 99 44 208 E: darren@GameOnConsultants.com Andy Blackburn T: +35 06 06 08 782 E: andy@GameOnConsultants.com www.GameOn-Consultants.com

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e-Management is a dedicated business division of HBM Group (est. 1991), with offices in reputable regulated Online Gaming Jurisdictions worldwide. e-Management is a leading specialized turnkey provider of Business Support & Corporate Services to the Online Gaming Industry. As a professional, client oriented service provider of fiduciary services, we focus on establishing and managing internationally engaged e-Gaming Companies based out of Curaçao and Malta. e-Management’s service portfolio includes: • Company Set-Up, Formation & Domiciliation • International Corporate Structuring • Directorship & Shareholder Services • Accounting & Corporate Secretarial Services • Opening & Operating of Corporate Bank Accounts • Merchant Accounts & Payment Gateways Set-up • e-Gaming Licensing Support & Consultancy in Malta, Curaçao and other jurisdictions • Key Officials in Malta • Office Facility Services such as office space • Co-Location Solutions in multiple jurisdictions • Global Recruitment and Placement Solutions Contact: Curaçao - Dutch Caribbean T: +5999 734-1100 E: curaçao@ emanagement-group.com Malta-EU T: +356 2132-EMAN [2132 3626] E. malta@ emanagement-group.com www.emanagement-group.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 101

Corporate Service Providers

11 102 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Corporate Service Providers

Isle of Man

Amber Business Limited has operated for over 20 years providing Trust and Corporate services in a wide variety of markets from e-gaming to yacht registration to commercial property acquisition; we can offer a bespoke service to assist with the incorporation and ongoing administering of offshore structures. Amber are licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission as a Trust and Corporate Service provider and can offer you a wide range of company, trust and private foundation formation, management and administration, company secretarial and business services tailored to your specific business’ needs.

Boston Limited

Since 2002, Boston has been sustaining the success of our clients with independent expertise in fiduciary services, family office management, philanthropy and the administration of luxury assets for UHNWIs. With its HQ in the Isle of Man, Boston provides eGaming clients with a full suite of services including: • Isle of Man eGaming licence application support • Tax/VAT structuring • Company formation, administration and provision of directors • Trustee services • Charitable foundations • Business consulting Boston has strong relationships with the Isle of Man Government and access to a wide network of professional intermediaries. With 0% corporation tax, no capital taxes and low, competitive rates of online gambling duty, the Isle of Man and Boston is the right partnership for your eGaming business.

Contact: Amber Business Limited Royal Trust House 60 Athol Street Douglas Isle of Man British Isles IM1 1JD

Contact: Boston Limited Douglas, Isle of Man www.boston.co.im E: enquiries@boston.co.im T: +44 1624 692930

T: +44 (0) 1624 625330 F: +44 (0) 1624 612243 E: busdev@amber.co.im

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• Bespoke management of your licence application • Provision of the required compliant corporate structures and key personnel • Highly successful track record in licence applications • An experienced, proactive advisory and support team including legal and VAT specialists • Introductions to specialist tax advisers, bankers, payment solution providers, hosting and telecoms companies Contact: Equiom Trust Company Limited Jubilee Buildings Victoria Street, Douglas Isle of Man, IM1 2SH T: +44 (0)1624 699000 E: enquiries@equiom.im www.equiom.im

DF Corporate Services

DF Corporate Services Limited provides effective legal and regulatory advice in the remote gaming sector. We push for high responsiveness, assisting clients in the licensing process and the procuring of ongoing operational support. Our services include: • Company formation, incorporation and maintenance; • Advice and assistance throughout the application process; • Legal, fiscal, regulatory and compliance consultation; • Links to qualified software and I.T. providers. Contact: E: info@dfcorporate.com T: +356 21331040 www.dfcorporate.com

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 103

Customer relationship management

11 104 | Marketplace 2012/13

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ACQUISITION egamingc.com


Online Sports Betting

A Market Assessment and Outlook

The latest report in the Global Business series will give you: • Global betting market overviews by region • Strategies into areas of opportunities; how you can expand and grow • Important factors affecting growth in the industry and how to avoid the pitfalls • Join the mobile revolution and learn how it’s affecting sports betting offerings • Discover the marketing strategies used by leading online sportsbooks • Stay updated on regulatory issues affecting your market • In-depth analysis of player demographics

To order your copy today or request a free executive summary email Reports@iGamingBusiness.com and quote 12ESport1




Customer Relationship Management

Hybrid Interaction

Customer Services

Hybrid Interaction is the industry leader in iGaming CRM advisory services. Through handson solutions, we help our clients in the areas of CRM Strategy Building, Retention Marketing, Conversion Tactics, Loyalty Schemes and VIP Management.

Mauricall International provides specialized customer support and back office administration services worldwide. With ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Information Security Certification, we have now received independent recognition for providing secure and reliable information management within the organization. This certification further establishes our belief that outsourcing customer support services and administration, is most often much safer than keeping it in-house.

Because no two clients face the same challenges, we tailor our services and recommendations to individual organization’s. Our deep understanding of the iGaming industry allows us to provide solutions for a wide range of operations.

Our Call Centre offers professional agents fully trained in the field of online gaming and fluent in several languages.

Our clients include the iGaming industry’s biggest names as well as smart newcomers who want to start strong. We provide expertise to a wide range of iGaming clients, including Online Casinos, Poker, Sports Betting, Lotteries, Backgammon/Skill Games, and Financial Trading Verticals.

Well-versed in Gambling Legislation, Compliance, practices related to KYC, AML, Fraud Management, Responsible Gambling, Data Protection and more, Mauricall International has all the technical skills and know-how to provide unrivalled, professional and specialized multi-channel solutions 24/7/365. Flexible and personalized services tailored to your individual needs. Contact: Kevin Oochit T: +230 405 4055 M: +230 752 9255 E: marketing@mauricall.com www.mauricall.com

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 107

EvEnts & Publications

11 108 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Events & Publications

Poker in the Park

With over 20,000 annual attendees, Poker in the Park is Europe’s largest poker festival. An annual fixture on the London Poker Calendar, Poker in the Park is the largest consumer poker fair in Europe. Held in London’s iconic Leicester Square, Poker in the park attracts poker players of all levels to see the latest in poker gadgetry, play in the dozens of live poker events and interact live with the brands they normally online see online. Poker in the Park is not only a showcase for your brand, but the largest live player acquisition opportunity in Europe. For sponsorship opportunities get in touch on the details below. www.pokerinthepark.com Contact: Ed Whittington Lyceum Publishing T: +44 (0) 207 583 9242 E: Ed.Whittington@ LyceumPublishing.com

Barcelona Affiliate Conference

The Barcelona Affiliate Conference is back in the sunny coastal city, giving affiliates and affiliates programs the perfect environment to make new contacts and do business. Last year we had over 1600 attendees join us for four days of learning, conference, exposition and networking. So put the dates in your diary and attend on the 11th-14th of October 2012 for one of the most comprehensive and well respected affiliate events of the year. The Barcelona Affiliate Conference will bring you: • 1600 Expected delegates • Over 100 Affiliate Programs • 70% Affiliate attendees • Conference sessions that will increase your revenue • A spanished focus zone & lecture theatre • Amazing networking parties, in incredible venues, in a stunning city • And all this is FREE for affiliates Contact: Richard W T: +44 (0) 207 9543 437 E: richard@igamingbusiness.com

Fire & Ice

Fire & Ice began in 2002 when founders in the iGaming industry decided that they wanted a social event to rival those held by the terrestrial-gaming industry during the annual casino exhibition in London. Eleven years later, Fire & Ice is the most anticipated party in the iGaming social calendar and the largest social iGaming networking event held in January. Produced by Lyceum Media, Fire & Ice is for the industry and completely supported by the industry. Sponsorship and support plays the most important role in this event each year. If you’re interested in getting involved in the most decadent party of the year in iGaming contact us. Video & Pictures of previous events at: www.fireandiceparty.com Contact: Jodie Thind T: +44 (0) 208 123 7184 E: Jodie@lyceummedia.com www.lyceummedia.com


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Marketplace 2012/13 | 109

Events & Publications

Bluff Europe








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Bluff Europe is the leading poker magazine in the poker community, and its articles are designed to get poker enthusiasts even more excited about their favourite sport. Bluff Europe is your best choice for getting your brand or product to the poker playing public in the UK and Ireland. Bluff Europe is expanding into the regulated markets as they mature, so be in contact to advertise or enquire about European Licensing opportunities.





Bluff Europe is Europe’s largest consumer poker magazine with 50,000 readers in the UK and Ireland. Working with over a dozen poker leagues and in the majority of casino card rooms, Bluff Europe gets in the player’s hands each and every month.

Beacon Events

Poker Awards

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The British Poker Awards and the Irish Poker Awards are separate annual events created in order to honour the best poker players, leagues, clubs and tournaments in the UK and Ireland. Organised by Bluff Europe, in association with several other media outlets to ensure impartiality. Nominees are chosen by a committee of journalists, before being put to public online vote. Players and industry figures are then invited to attend an awards presentation ceremony. www.thebritishpokerawards.com www.theirishpokerawards.com www.bluffeurope.com Contact: Ed Whittington T: +44 (0) 207 583 9242 E: Ed@LyceumPublishing.com

Beacon Events is based in Hong Kong and serving the important emerging markets of Asia, we provides cutting edge, market driven programmes that provide participants with market knowledge, trends and unique insights. Our events are designed to enable powerful interaction and networking opportunities. Our Gaming events are recognized as the best in breed and include the iGaming Asia congress, Gaming, Racing & Wagering Australia, and the Asian Casino & Gaming Congress. Visit www.beaconevents.com for more information. For enquiry, please call +852 2219 0111 or email to info@BeaconEvents.com.

London Affiliate Conference

www.lyceummedia.com The London Affiliate Conference 2012 was a huge success with over 2,500 people in attendance, our biggest event ever; on the first day it could be described as standing room only! The good news is we are back for the 7th London Affiliate Conference in February 2013! LAC will be opened by the glamorous iGB Affiliate Award ceremony on the evening of the 7th February and will be followed by three days of conferences, exhibitions and networking events.

Contact: Ed Whittington Lyceum Publishing T: +44 (0) 207 583 9242 E: Ed.Whittington@ LyceumPublishing.com

Contact: Richard W E: richard@igamingbusiness.com T: +44 (0) 207 9543 437 www.igbaffiliate.com

110 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Events & Publications


iGamingCalendar.com is a free, simplified online directory listing ALL iGaming, Landbased Gambling, Lottery conferences, tradeshows, socials, seminars worldwide covering Affiliate, Casino, Lottery, Bingo, Sports betting, Poker, Legal subjects. Visit the site to receive biweekly event updates and to add any business event directly to your personal calendar.

iGaming Business

iGaming Business Magazine is the market leading, award winning trade magazine for the global interactive gaming and gambling industry. With a worldwide readership of over 18,000, iGaming Business provides any service provider or supplier with the definitive platform to showcase their brand and services to all major operators and entrepreneurs from the industry.

www.igamingcalendar.com Contact: iGaming Calendar c/o Lyceum Media T: +44 (0) 208 123 7184 E: info@lyceummedia.com www.lyceummedia.com

When planning a media campaign, iGaming Business is un-rivaled in offering maximum exposure for your marketing spend. It is seen by more decision makers from gaming operators worldwide than any other magazine and is the ideal editorial environment in which to promote your brand. Contact: Ian Larcombe T: +44 (0) 207 9543 412 E: ian@igamingbusiness.com www.igamingbusiness.com

iGaming Business North America

iGaming Business North America is a standalone publication specifically designed for the North American market. The magazine is distributed to key decision makers throughout North America, from Lotteries through to tribal and landbased operators, with the aim to help bring their gaming interests online. From an editorial perspective the content is constructed with the North American readership’s needs in mind. Thus it covers areas such as Law and Legislation in the U.S and Canada, Managing an iGaming Business from the perspective of making it work within a terrestrial gaming group, Finance with a focus on U.S. public companies from the CEO’s, CFO’s and analyst’s perspective; It also looks specifically at iGaming for tribal and lottery interests. We have a focus on data driven content, as well as interviews and insights from the CEOs from both the online and terrestrial sectors. As a supplier, iGaming Business North America provides you with an ideal and unique environment to not only promote yourself to this emerging market, but to the individuals that are making key decisions on who they want to do business with as they move online – This really is an essential and completely unique marketing vehicle to help position you as a market leader to this new breed of operators. Contact: Ian Larcombe T: +44 (0) 207 9543 412 E: ian@igamingbusiness.com www.igamingbusiness.com

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 111

Fixed Odds

11 112 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Fixed Odds

Casino Software

Dragonfish is an independent B2B division of 888 providing a unique offering of Total Gaming Services to help partners achieve gaming success in an online world. With over 1000 games, including slots, progressives, video poker, Live Dealer, Quickplay, table games and global brands, Dragonfish is uniquely positioned to work with carefully selected partners who wish to monetise their existing database, brand loyalty and media assets or looking to enhance their existing online gaming operations. Dragonfish 601-701 Europort Gibraltar T: +44 (0) 20 3362 0888 E: sales@dragonfishtech.com www.dragonfishtech.com



WM casino allows you to enrich your platform, with a bouquet of more than 100 games, which includes: Roulette, Black Jack, Baccarat, Slots, Video poker, scratch cards, funny games, live casino and live poker. You can activate all the games, or only a few of them and integrate all 3rd parties games you wish. WM provides you with standard game configurations which you can activate without any problems of compatibility and/or you can customised, according to business objectives.

CTXM is European based developer of innovative and efficient end-to-end online gaming solutions, including gaming foundation and integration platforms, casino and fixed odds games, turnkey gaming and payments solutions. CTXM carries out projects for the leading operators in the iGaming industry and partners with successful game publishers and IP owners.

Contact: T: 00442071937537 E: sales@wm.com.mt www.wm.com.mt

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Contact: T: +44 20 3290 9980 E: sales@ctxm.com www.ctxm.com

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Casino Software

Betsoftgaming.com builds state of the art Casino Games and Soft Games in our vibrant flash and downloadable options for your players. Our Casino Manager is a detailed, state-of-the-art backoffice system. Entirely eventdriven, and completely modular, this system is a proven revolution within Betsoft. We promise only the best, most detailed/exciting games and tools for all of our licensees. Contact: Betsoft Gaming Ltd Nicosia, Cyprus T: UK (44) 0128 073 5015 T: +1 604 288 7685 F: +1 604 288 5040 E: sales@betsoftgaming.com www.betsoftgaming.com

Cayetano Gaming

Cayetano Gaming develops highly attractive casino games with maximum player appeal. Just two minutes on our website will prove that Cayetano’s games are of the highest quality. A full suite of casino games is available including roulette, blackjack, craps, poker machines, arcade games and an ever expanding suite of slots. We also offer a complete casino administration software platform. Log on to our website to view our games and contact us for further information. Contact: UK T: +44 207 193 1256 US T: +1 646 233 3247 www.CayetanoGaming.com

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Fraud Protection

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Fraud Protection


SOFORT Payment Network’s online money transfer system, offers independent international and local real-time deposits. SOFORT The answer to chargebacks, fraud and high fees • Available in DE, UK, AT, CH, BE, PL, IT, ES, NL • Meets the high standards of online banking • 25k+ merchants • Already used by millions of customers • Get access to 77 million+ online banking account holders • No registration for users Improves your conversion rates • No aggregation of funds, instant liquidity • Transfers only authorised when they are covered by sufficient funds • Extremely competitive fees • Banking services available through sofort-bank.com • Straight forward integration Contact: SOFORT Joerg Heidenreich T: +49 151 5712 7465 Ronan Smith T: +49 171 179 6664 E: iGaming@sofort.com www.sofort.com

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Experian’s identity and fraud solutions can help you to increase first time pass rates through automated acceptance whilst remaining compliant with regulations and they can also help to reduce churn without increasing fraud exposure or manual referrals. Compliance is crucial and this, coupled with concerns around fraud, mean that you have key decisions to make around who you allow to play and how you verify them when paying out winnings. For more information please contact us: E: info@ experianidentityandfraud.com T: 0845 266 6604 www.experian.co.uk/identityand-fraud/industry-sectors/ gaming.html


PlayerVerify.com provides a secure upload system for players to upload and share their verification documents with IGaming sites around the globe. Players also have access to a one click self exclusion tool allowing problem gamblers to self exclude at one place, avoiding the painstaking process of going to multiple sites for self exclusion. New IGaming identity checker available to help minimize player fraud. Contact: Mark Dalton Player Verify, LLC E: support@playerverify.com T: 1-800-209-7264 www.playerverify.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 115

Hosting Category sponsor

E-Commerce Park (ECP) is the preferred location for setting up your e-business in Curacao. With a 24/7 on-site Network Operation Center, 3 Internet Data Centers and on-site Offi ce Campus, ECP offers a total solution in a secure and state-ofthe-art environment. Co-locating your infrastructure in one of the E-Commerce Park data centers gives you access to our fully redundant infrastructure, with multihomed network access and over 10 on-site carriers to cross connect to. Outside the hurricane belt, conveniently located offshore of Latin America, ECP is your Gate Way to the new economies of the Americas. With 5 generators, total 2.6 Mw in generator power and 15.000 gallons of fuel storage, ECP data Centers are protecting you against the worst scenarios. ECP is the first built for purpose datacenter in the Caribbean and an appointed E-Zone. With 2% annual profit tax and no imports duties on IT hardware, it is offers the benefi t of low-tax and world class service. Contact: E-Commerce Park N.V., E-Zone Vredenberg, Curaรงao, Netherlands Antilles T: +599-9-4338808 F: +599-9-4338809 E: IGBM@e-commercepark.com www.e-commercepark.com

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E-Commerce Park N.V. | E-zone Vredenberg, Curacao Tel: +599-9 433-8808 | Fax: +599-9 433-8809 E-mail sales@e-commercepark.com | www.e-commercepark.com

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E-CommErCE Park E-Commerce Park (ECP) is located on the island of Curaçao, Netherlands antilles in the Government appointed “E-Zone Vredenberg”. This means that qualified ECP customers only have to pay 2 % annual profit taxes, no import duties and no sale tax! Curaçao is located outside of the Hurricane Belt and is a licensed environment and an ideal location for targeting the Latin American gaming market. With a four hundred year history of being a trading post for the Americas and the availability of a range of state-of-the-art financial and telecommunication infrastructures and services, Curaçao offers the environment needed to operate global e-commerce businesses. This distinguishes Curaçao from its (regional) competitors and makes the island unique from geographic location as well as the in providing an ideal environment for the interactive gaming community. E-Commerce Park (founded in 2001) is the only state-of-the-art Tier III data center in the region. With the recently opened new data centers

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IDC-2 and IDC-3, the current capacity is well over 200 cabinets. The facility is carrier neutral and multi-homed, guaranteeing the collocated clients a variety of access and better warranties and SLA’s. The on-site 24 Network Operation Center technicians are trained to be the eyes and ears for management of your infrastructure and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With their opening of the IDC2 and IDC3 in early 2009, E-Commerce Park introduced the Tele Hotel to the local telecom providers. This proved to be a very much needed service and all licensed telecom providers now have a POP at the facility, bringing in their own outside fabric to allow interconnection between the various networks and clients, including the Caribbean Internet Exchange (www.car-ix.net).

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Paul Scott, President, Columbus Networks states: “We are extremely pleased with our choice of ECP to host our subsea landing terminal. During our 2006 research to determine the optimal location to land our planned new subsea cable from Trinidad, we explored a number of options and various islands. However, the decision was clear; ECP was the most qualified facility to ensure us physical security, carrier class back up and support systems, and high quality on-site technical support staff that are capable of addressing all our needs”. Since our Trinidad link became operational in the summer of 2007, we have not experienced a single problem or operational issue at ECP.”

Kurt Schrauwen from Microgaming is quoted saying: “We moved some of our equipment into Ecommerce Park’s NOC when they went live and have been extremely impressed by the resilience of the site and general uptime.”…. and….. “One of the reasons for choosing Ecommerce Park was the 21st century setup and design which definitely puts them a cut above the rest; they will compete with any hosting facility in the world.”

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E-Commerce Park was recently (January 2010) granted a hosting certificate, issued under section 7 of the Alderney eGambling Ordinance 2009. This qualifies E-Commerce Park as “approved premises” for the AGCC eGambling licensees. More and more companies are depending on digital information and reliability. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery being one of the special needs and requirements. To further accommodate these clients, E-Commerce Park has on-site office space and will have a Business Continuity Center available in the summer of 2010. Robert Vermeulen, CEO of E-Commerce Park explains: “ our local as well as regional clients need to have a fail-over site in case some of their infrastructure becomes temporary unavailable. Instead of leasing office space with the intent never to use, E-Commerce Park offers: Class A office space directly adjacent to high availability data center One-hop access to multiple Tier-1 network backbones Professional Office Space, including cubicles, conference room, copier, printers and kitchen included in base service Optional “a la care” services including phone, desktop PC’s, and office network

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Whether you are looking for a favorable tax-regime for your on-line business, are seeking access to the Latin American or pan-caribbean market or in need of a secure and reliable Disaster Recovery site, E-Commerce Park is one of the logical places to look at. We strive for providing the best support possible, guarantee a 99.99% uptime of our network and we are reachable for your questions or problems 365 days a year day and night. Contact: E-Commerce Park N.V., E-Zone Vredenberg, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles T: +599-9-4338808 • F: +599-9-4338809 E: IGBM@e-commercepark.com www.e-commercepark.com

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E-Commerce Park


E-Commerce Park (ECP) is the preferred location for setting up your e-business in Curacao. With a 24/7 on-site Network Operation Center, 3 Internet Data Centers and on-site Office Campus, ECP offers a total solution in a secure and state-of-the-art environment. Co-locating your infrastructure in one of the E-Commerce Park data centers gives you access to our fully redundant infrastructure, with multihomed network access and over 10 on-site carriers to cross connect to. Outside the hurricane belt, conveniently located offshore of Latin America, ECP is your Gate Way to the new economies of the Americas.

Curaçao eGaming - Ezone CoLocation & Hosting Unique ezone co-location center attracts established online companies Our ezone co-location center is uniquely located at the Government International Telecom. We provide our clients with one-of-a-kind direct ‘back to back’ mission critical Fiber-Optic connectivity to the International Telecom edge network. Our unique ezone location and over a decade of experience completely set us apart from other regulated Jurisdictions. Turnkey Curaçao-eGaming Hosting benefits •Ezone Co-location Services at the Curacao Government International Telecom •Carrier-grade facilities •24/7 Mission Critical Support •Premium burtsable bandwidth •Security guards, 24/7 surveillance •Multiple Tier 1 telecom providers •Onsite International Fiberoptic connectivity •Outside of the so-called Caribbean hurricane belt •Reseller of all major brands of hardware •Special programs for Software and Network providers • All-Inclusive packages available • Global Private IP Compliance Network

With 5 generators, total 2.6 Mw in generator power and 15.000 gallons of fuel storage, ECP data Centers are protecting you against the worst scenarios. ECP is the first built for purpose datacenter in the Caribbean and an appointed E-Zone. With 2% annual profit tax and no imports duties on IT hardware, it is offers the benefit of low-tax and world class service.


Contact: E-Commerce Park N.V. E-Zone Vredenberg, Curaçao Netherlands Antilles T: +599-9-4338808 F: +599-9-4338809 E: IGBM@e-commercepark.com www.e-commercepark.com

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Curaçao eGaming PO Box 4633 Pletterijweg Oost 1 Ara Hilltop Building Suite A-4 Curacao T: +599-9-465-1134 E: info@curacao-egaming.com www.curacao-egaming.com

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Curacaowebhosting.com is the only cloud hosting company in Curacao. We are based in the ECP economic zone and offer hosting predominately to the gaming and financial sectors. There are many benefits to cloud hosting including 100% uptime, optimum resource usage, ease in which servers can be upgraded, low entry levels as well as having your server up in minutes. With us, our clients web businesses do not skip a beat!

Foreshore is an enterprise class datacentre situated in Jersey, Channel Islands. Its world-class facilities are utilised by ecommerce and financial services companies around the globe for resilient hosting and disaster recovery services.

Contact: CuracaoWebHosting.com Landhuis Groot Kwartier Groot Kwartierweg 12 Curaçao E: support @curacaowebhosting.com


JT operates secure, purpose-built Data Centres in both Jersey & Guernsey in the Channel Islands. As the only fully licensed Tier 1 telecoms and ISP operator we provide a range of world-class colocation and hosting services. Our Data Centre facilities offer 24/7/365 services for a diverse customer market, from singleserver housing to multiple racks. For further information please visit www.jtglobal.com/egaming Contact: JT Business Solutions T: +44 1534 882 345 business.solutions@jtglobal.com

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Built to service the specialist requirements of the egaming industry, Foreshore is not dependent on any single telco, carrier or ISP and offers 100% Service Levels on network and power connectivity. Services are delivered over dual sites for resilience and Foreshore’s in-house network operations team is available 24x365 to ensure prompt alerting, notification and response. Foreshore is certified as a Level One PCI DSS Service Provider, the highest level attainable for datacentres and is also ISO 27001 certified, so customers can be assured that their confidential data is protected at all times. Contact us now and make Foreshore your trusted hosting partner. Contact: T: +44 1534 752 300 E: enquiries@foreshore.net Twitter: @foreshore www.foreshore.net

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Nevigate Communications

Nevigate Communications is a fast growing independent Network Services and Solutions provider operating globally on an Aggregator One-Stop-Shop (OSS) Platform. Being neutral and having diverse local partners gives us the freedom and capabilities to provide an unparalleled coverage. Your partnership with us is easily translated into measurable benefits using the following benchmarks: • Services available in more than 150 countries • Quick response capability arising from intimate local country specific knowledge • Aggregator OSS Model platform for global coverage • Customisable solutions to suit your network requirements Service portfolio includes: • Internet Transit on global or direct routes (from 2M up to 40G) • Ethernet Private Line / International Private Leased Circuit (up from 2M to 40G) • Managed Network Equipment • Colocation Contact: Nevigate Communications Steven Chee, Director Carrier Business and Network Services T: +65 6222 6968 E: commercial@nevigate.net www.nevigate.net

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Curaçao is one of the oldest and Most politically stable providers of turnkey eGaming services. The Tax Free Hosting Center is located on secured government grounds. Curaçao offers only one License type which covers operators and software providers. Turnkey Curaçao benefits:

• Over a decade experience as a Licensed Jurisdiction • One License covers games of chance, skill and sports betting c • Add new games without long delays • Issuance of primary or backup eGaming Licenses • Special programs for Software and Network providers • Compliant with OECD and European Union standards • 2% cap on Net Profits tax • 0% tax on Gross Bets • Zero VAT • Unrestricted dividend withdrawal • 5 fiber optic cable systems provided at government data center • Fast company formation and Trust Services • All-Inclusive License packages available • Annual costs of regulatory A compliance lowest of any jurisdiction

Curaçao eGaming PO Box 4633 Pletterijweg Oost 1 Ara Hilltop Building Suite A-4 Curacao, Netherlands Antilles Tel. +599-9-465-1134 Fax +599-9-465-1136 www.curacao-egaming.com info@curacao-egaming.com

We’re the major player for your eGaming business

ThecompleteeGamingprovider–fromhostingtotechnicalsupport JTisatrustedsuppliertotheeGamingcommunity,deliveringandmanagingworldclass DataCentreHostingandconnectivityservicesacrosstheChannelIslands,UK. Ourprofessionalservicesrangefromserver,storageandnetworkinfrastructuredesign andimplementation,completewithsoftwareandhardwarefullment,toanarrayof marketleadingmanagedandsupportservices. Soforexpertsyoucantrust,putyourGamingbusinessinthehandsofamajorplayer. 






    









e-Gaming Corporate Solutions e-Management also provides Co-Location Solutions in multiple jurisdictions. e-Management is a dedicated business division of HBM Group (est. 1991), with offices in reputable regulated Online Gaming Jurisdictions worldwide. e-Management is a leading specialized turnkey provider of Business Support & Corporate Services to the Online Gaming Industry. As a professional, client oriented service provider of fiduciary services, we focus on establishing and managing internationally engaged e-Gaming Companies based out of Curaçao and Malta. With more than a decade of experience in assisting major software providers and operators with their corporate and licensing requirements in both Curacao and Malta, e-Management/ HBM Group was amongst the first Corporate Services Providers in 1997 to enter the Online Gaming Industry. e-Management offers innovative services by assisting all e-Gaming (related) businesses to efficiently and effectively structure their enterprise in an ever changing and challenging business environment without borders. Contact: Curaçao - Dutch Caribbean T: +5999 734-1100 E: curaçao@ emanagement-group.com Malta-EU T: +356 2132-EMAN [2132 3626] E. malta@ emanagement-group.com www.emanagement-group.com

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Take the gamble out of iGaming - host in the Isle of Man • • • • • •

State-of-the-art Datacentre 100% Uptime SLA 5Gbps Connectivity DDoS mitigation 24/7 Support & Security Registered DR Provider

+44 1624 829000 www.netcetera.im

Manx Telecom

Manx Telecom’s commitment to innovation, and significant investment of over £100m since 2000, means that the Isle of Man now has one of the most advanced telecommunications infrastructures of any country and we are proud to operate the Island’s only purpose built Data Centre, providing 100% service availability, business continuity, simple co-location, fully managed hosting services and full e-commerce platforms to both on and off-Island companies, 24 x 7 x 365. Contact: E: ebusinesscommercial @manx-telecom.com T: (+44) 1624 624 624 www.manxtelecom.com/hosting

Vodafone Malta Ltd


Vodafone Malta is proud to be the local provider of choice for highspeed bandwidth, co-location services and international private leased lines. With its very own submarine cable and a high capacity link on another 3rd party subsea cable, Vodafone provides a resilient connection to mainland Europe where multiple international carriers route all traffic to anywhere around the world. Vodafone Malta also operates a state of the art PCI-DSS certified co-location facility serving the ever growing iGaming businesses which are licensed in Malta. Contact: E: ipsales.mt@vodafone.com T: (+356) 92 111 401 / 332 www.vodafone.com.mt/colocation

CWC understand that the data centre is the heart of your business. Our enterpriseclass data centres which focus on security, resilience and performance are appropriate for all sectors, our data centres provide the perfect environment to deliver high quality services to online operators 24x7x365. We guarantee high availability at all times providing your customers or end users with the best possible online experience.

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Contact: E: dcsales@surecw.com

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Jurisdictions Category sponsor

Since 1996 Curaçao eGaming continues to represent Curacao’s Total Solution for Corporate Services, eGaming Licensing, Payment Solutions and Co-location eZone Hosting. Designated by the Central Government of Curacao’s Dept. of Justice as Master Licensing Authority providing the benefits of Curaçao. Contact Curaçao eGaming P.O Box 4633, Pletterijweg Oost 1, Ara Hilltop Building, Suite A-4, Curaçao T: +599 9 465 1134 Toll Free: +1 888 625 9457 F: +599 9 465 9457 E: info@curacao-egaming.com www.curacao-egaming.com

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there are a variety of reasons and incentives for operators to select the most ideal jurisdiction in which to obtain a license. We recognize that many eGaming operators have licenses and companies established in other jurisdictions and that contributing technical services and functions are operating from various geographic locations.

CuraCao eGaminG updates LiCensinG CompLianCe requirements Curacao eGaming has updated its compliance requirements to address specialized licensing services that address the changing landscape of the eGaming industry Curacao Compliance officers are ready to work with you to advise on which eGaming services you would need to operate under our authority for compliance purposes. An example of such services may include control of specific traffic, data, services, logic, functions or contributing remote services as outlined in our Licensing Services Guide. Our technical compliance services available to accommodate business requirements and our compliance requirements include: Co-location, dedicated servers, and access to our global private performance network which spans the world while providing an array of independent services built upon our globally distributed private performance platform. Services available on our Global Private IP Compliance Network include: Cloud Acceleration, SSL off-loading, Content Delivery, Cloud WAFirewall, Global Load Balancing, Mission critical DNS, Co-location and Dedicated Servers. Our core services Data Centre is located in the Curacao Government Ezone where all International Sub-Marine Fiber-Optic Cable Systems terminate to Curacao.

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Curaçao offers only one license type Operating under a Curacao eGaming License covers games of skill, randomness and chance that use telecommunications (phone, Internet, networks, servers, etc.) Sports books Betting exchanges Online casino games (roulette, blackjack, slots, etc.) Live dealing Peer to peer games (poker, bingo, backgammon, Mah-jong, etc.) Mobile phone betting Fantasy football (or similar) Financial trading Pari-mutuel and pool betting Network gaming Lotteries Trivia Certain spot-the-ball style games

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Important to note is that we offer various special licensing services. Examples of these specialized licensing services are applicable to: Operators of services, Software providers, Network operators, Providers of services, Common platform operators, Affiliates, Marketers and White-label operators.

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There is no VAT in Curacao. The consequences of VAT’s throughout Europe can be a significant factor as to where a corporation locates. The growth of remote gambling in Europe has focused more attention by entrepreneurs on VAT. VAT rates are in the double digits. Amendments to the VAT rules across the EU have impacted many operators. If you have an online global business, locating it in our Curacao eZone has many benefits. The most cherished benefit is a special 2% net profits tax on earnings that are valid through 2026. There is no VAT, import duties or turnover tax due for goods entering the E-Zone or for services that are rendered within our E-Zone. For over a decade we have designed numerous special packages to accommodate the direct needs of software providers and providers of services and in particular those with a large multi-user gaming network that accommodates numerous brands/ skins, partners and clients with high demand for global services and specialized technical requirements Our specially designed programs can provide a ‘turnkey’ offering with the purpose of assisting software providers and bundled service providers in being an attractive source to do business with, allowing you to concentrate on building your business effectively. We will work with you to create the framework of a ‘turnkey’ proposal fitting your specific business needs. We understand the challenges faced by providers of services to meet multiple jurisdictions compliance requirements. Our Global Private Network services enables us to bring any service offering into compliance, providing you and your clients with technical, operational and licensing compliance flexibility and resiliency. We have helped other providers to meet the requirements of other jurisdictions by leveraging our global private network compliance services. The following are some examples of eGaming Services that can be considered for authorization under a Curacao eGaming license: Common Platform Service Provider Integrator/Services Provider

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Registration Management and • BackOffice, Services Agent Services • Brokerage, • Marketing Services (Affiliates, White Labels) or IN-Path event or logic services • Relay services or Disaster Recovery • Backup License (for political or business reasons) • Shadow only the results of event • Providing Players and maintaining financial • Registering records • Offering the Service To sum it up: 2% Maximum Profit Tax on Net Profits and not on “drop” 0% tax on Gross Bets No import duties, no sales (turnover)or VAT tax Dividend withdrawals are not restricted Fast & Professional Company Formation and Trust Company Management Over a decade experience as a Licensed Jurisdiction One License which covers games of skill, chance and sports betting eGaming, Ezone Co-location Services at the Dutch Antilles Government International Telecom Issuance of primary or backup eGaming Licenses Special compliance programs for Software and Network providers Multiple major undersea fiber optic cable systems terminating to or originating from our Governments Telecom which we operate from Global Private IP Compliance Network

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Contact: Curaçao eGaming, P.O Box 4633, Pletterijweg Oost 1, Ara Hilltop Building, Suite A-4, Curaçao T: +599 9 465 1134 • F: +599 9 465 9457 Toll Free: +1 888 625 9457 E: info@curacao-egaming.com www.curacao-egaming.com

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Jurisdictions - Curacao


E-Commerce Park


e-Gaming Corporate Solutions Curaçao, one of the oldest and most politically stable providers of regulated egaming services. The Tax Free Ezone, Egaming Hosting Center is uniquely located at Government of the Curacao International Telecom - a situation not found in any other jurisdiction. Turnkey Curaçao benefits: - Over a decade experience as a Licensed Jurisdiction - One License which covers games of skill, chance and sports betting - Ezone Co-location Services at the Curacao Government International Telecom - Multiple Tier1 Carriers - Multiple major undersea fiber optic cable systems terminating to or originating from our Governments Telecom which we operate from - Issuance of primary or backup egaming Licenses - Special programs for Software and Network providers - 2% Maximum Profit Tax on Net Corporate Profits and not on “drop” - 0% tax on Gross Bets - No import duties, no sales (turnover) tax or VAT - Dividend withdrawals are not restricted - Fast & Professional Company Formation and Trust Company Management - Corporate and Personal Offshore Bank Accounts, Merchant and Gateway accounts Contact: Curaçao eGaming PO Box 4633 Pletterijweg Oost 1 Ara Hilltop Building Suite A-4 Curacao T: +599-9-465-1134 E: info@curacao-egaming.com www.curacao-egaming.com

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E-Commerce Park (ECP) is the preferred location for setting up your e-business in Curacao. With a 24/7 on-site Network Operation Center, 3 Internet Data Centers and on-site Office Campus, ECP offers a total solution in a secure and state-of-the-art environment. Co-locating your infrastructure in one of the E-Commerce Park data centers gives you access to our fully redundant infrastructure, with multihomed network access and over 10 on-site carriers to cross connect to. Outside the hurricane belt, conveniently located offshore of Latin America, ECP is your Gate Way to the new economies of the Americas. With 5 generators, total 2.6 Mw in generator power and 15.000 gallons of fuel storage, ECP data Centers are protecting you against the worst scenarios. ECP is the first built for purpose datacenter in the Caribbean and an appointed E-Zone. With 2% annual profit tax and no imports duties on IT hardware, it is offers the benefit of low-tax and world class service. Contact: E-Commerce Park N.V. E-Zone Vredenberg, Curaçao Netherlands Antilles T: +599-9-4338808 F: +599-9-4338809 E: IGBM@e-commercepark.com www.e-commercepark.com

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e-Management is a dedicated business division of HBM Group (est. 1991), with offices in reputable regulated Online Gaming Jurisdictions worldwide. e-Management is a leading specialized turnkey provider of Business Support & Corporate Services to the Online Gaming Industry. As a professional, client oriented service provider of fiduciary services, we focus on establishing and managing internationally engaged e-Gaming Companies based out of Curaçao. Our service portfolio includes: • Company Set-Up, Formation & Domiciliation • International Corporate Structuring • Directorship & Shareholder Services • Accounting & Corporate Secretarial Services • Opening & Operating of Corporate Bank Accounts • Merchant Accounts & Payment Gateways Set-up • e-Gaming Licensing Support & Consultancy in Curaçao • Office Facility Services such as office space • Co-Location Solutions in multiple jurisdictions • Global Recruitment and Placement Solutions Contact: e-Management N.V. T: +5999 734-1100 E: curaçao@ emanagement-group.com www.emanagement-group.com

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Jurisdictions - Curacao


Curacaowebhosting.com is the only cloud hosting company in Curacao. We are based in the ECP economic zone and offer hosting predominately to the gaming and financial sectors. There are many benefits to cloud hosting including 100% uptime, optimum resource usage, ease in which servers can be upgraded, low entry levels as well as having your server up in minutes. With us, our clients web businesses do not skip a beat! Contact: CuracaoWebHosting.com Landhuis Groot Kwartier Groot Kwartierweg 12 Curaçao E: support @curacaowebhosting.com

Spigthoff Attorneys

Curaçao has a favorable gaming legislation set in place in 1993 and has been providing gaming licensing since 1996. Curaçao offers a sublicense which covers all games of skill, chance and sportsbetting. To sweeten the deal, Curaçao offers a 2% profit tax rate for gaming companies. Emoore provides the following services to help you get set up: • Company incorporation • Management • Corporate, secretarial & financial services • Bank and merchant account opening Emoore can make it happen for you! Contact: T: +599 9 461 1401 E: info@emoore.com

First Cagayan Leisure and Resort Corporation (First Cagayan) is the master gaming licensor and regulator for the Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA). It is at the forefront of development of gaming in the zone. Pursuant to Republic Act 7922 that created the Cagayan Special Economic Zone and Freeport, CEZA, the governing authority for the economic zone, signed an exclusive 25year Master Licensor agreement with First Cagayan. As the Master Licensor, First Cagayan offers a range of other services for Internet Gaming Operators. These include: · Telecommunication services with high bandwidth capabilities · Physical housing of the server to host the Internet site in highly secure facilities · High quality monitoring and maintenance services for the Internet infrastructure

Spigthoff Attorneys at Law and Tax Advisers Curacao is a well-established commercial and full service law firm. We advise, litigate and facilitate transactions. Our clients are local and international corporations, entrepreneurs, financial institutions, investment funds, trust companies, investors and high net worth individuals. Contact: Spigthoff Attorneys at Law and Tax Advisers Scharlooweg 33 Willemstad Curaçao T: +599 9 4618700 F: +599 9 4618073 E: karel.frielink@spigthoff.com

· Hosting services including connection of servers and data networking equipment · A range of call center services · A range of value added services for the operation and management of Internet Casino Sites such as: website monitoring, traffic analysis, marketing analysis, telemarketing and customer relationship management · Administrative services which include facilities management, server management and network monitoring · Physical security and monitored access · Off site, back up storage in secure premises · Second level help desk service that includes provision of a single answering point for operational performance, reporting and commercial issues


Jurisdictions - alderney

Carey Group



Carey Group has proven eGaming industry knowledge with over 10 years’ experience, having assisted many of the industry’s largest operators in gaining an Alderney Gaming License. As leading independent corporate service providers for Alderney eGaming Solutions, our dedicated and experienced eGaming team offer a full suite of services to bring you and your business to the forefront of the industry.

Alderney is the world’s largest centre for eGambling for three very good reasons; • Innovative, strong but practical regulation respected the world over. • A sophisticated commercial and fiscal environment which cannot be surpassed. • A technical capability which is unequalled in the offshore world. Alderney provides a safe, secure and low cost home for the world’s leading eGambling companies. Contact us to find out how you can join the fastest growing online jurisdiction.

Based in Alderney, our team provides expert advice and professional support to a large number of principal licence holders as well as potential licensees - from the formation, through the initial licence application to the management and administration of your offshore platform in the Channel Islands.

Contact the team for further info: Simon Tanguy Senior Client Services Officer E: simon.tanguy@careygroup.gg Matt Palmer Client Services Manager E: matt.palmer@careygroup.gg T: +44 (0)1481 700300 www.careygroup.gg

JT Guernsey

For more information on Alderney EGambling License visit www.AlderneyGambling.com, or E: info@AlderneyGambling.com T: +44 2079 938 564

Carey Olsen

Contact: T: +44(0)1481 822795 E: helen.ackrill@ thefortgroup.com www.thefortgroup.com

PricewaterhouseCoopers PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP

JT Guernsey is a trusted advisor in infrastructure under licensing framework of the Alderney Gambling Control Commission (AGCC), as one of its hosting and network partners. Our professional services range from server, storage and network infrastructure design and implementation, to software and hardware fulfilment plus 24/7/365 managed and support services. For further information please visit www.jtglobal.com/egaming Contact: JT Business Solutions T: +44 1534 882 345 business.solutions@jtglobal.com

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Carey Olsen provides the full range of legal services to the Alderney eGaming industry and have been advising the industry since its inception. Our dedicated and experienced eGaming teams work to provide a seamless service for any entity wishing to establish itself in Alderney. We also provide advice on all aspects of doing business in the islands to prospective and existing licensees, high-net worth individuals and the Alderney Gambling Control Commission. Contact: mark.dunster@careyolsen.com richard.field@careyolsen.com tabreez.ahmed@careyolsen.com T: +44 (0) 1481 727272 www.careyolsen.com

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P O Box 321 Royal Bank Place 1 Glategny Esplanade St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 4ND

T: +44 (0) 1481 752000

Corperate Services Alderney Corporate Services Alderney Limited The Old Presbytery Alderney Channel Islands GY9 3TF

T: +44 (0) 1481 822828

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Jurisdictions - Isle of Man

Isle of Man

A Tier 1 jurisdiction, the Isle of Man is one of the most dynamic and reputable e-gaming environments worldwide. This is recognised by its listings on both the UK’s e-gaming white list and the OECD white list. The Island has many excellent legal, accountancy and fiduciary firms available with direct experience in gaming and the ICT infrastructure is world-class with leading-edge fixed and mobile telecoms networks, numerous disaster recovery and hosting facilities and highly resilient bandwidth connectivity. What sets the Isle of Man apart from other jurisdictions is the Government’s level of commitment to the ongoing development of the e-gaming sector. Its “can-do” attitude has encouraged a growing network of e-gaming businesses and software development companies to operate from the Isle of Man. Find out why many of the World’s leading e-Gaming brands choose the Isle of Man as their base.

Boston Limited

Since 2002, Boston has been sustaining the success of our clients with independent expertise in fiduciary services, family office management, philanthropy and the administration of luxury assets for UHNWIs. With its HQ in the Isle of Man, Boston provides eGaming clients with a full suite of services including: • Isle of Man eGaming licence application support • Tax/VAT structuring • Company formation, administration and provision of directors • Trustee services • Charitable foundations • Business consulting Boston has strong relationships with the Isle of Man Government and access to a wide network of professional intermediaries. With 0% corporation tax, no capital taxes and low, competitive rates of online gambling duty, the Isle of Man and Boston is the right partnership for your eGaming business. Contact: Boston Limited Douglas, Isle of Man www.boston.co.im E: enquiries@boston.co.im T: +44 1624 692930

Contact: Ray Davies e-Gaming Development Manager T: +44 (0) 1624 682365 E: Ray.Davies@gov.im www.iomegaming.im

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 133

Jurisdictions - Isle of Man

Manx Telecom

Manx Telecom’s commitment to innovation, and our significant investment of over £100m since 2000, means that the Isle of Man now has one of the most advanced telecommunications infrastructures of any country; one which is capable of both driving growth in the domestic economy, and attracting inward investment to the Isle of Man. In attracting inward investment Manx Telecom “punches above its weight” within the wider telecoms and IT industries, with a growing reputation in eBusiness, particularly in eGaming. Contact: E: ebusinesscommercial @manx-telecom.com T: (+44) 1624 624 624 www.manxtelecom.com/hosting

WORLD CLASS HOSTING SOLUTIONS Take the gamble out of iGaming - host in the Isle of Man • • • • • •

State-of-the-art Datacentre 100% Uptime SLA 5Gbps Connectivity DDoS mitigation 24/7 Support & Security Registered DR Provider

+44 1624 829000 www.netcetera.im


• Bespoke management of your licence application • Provision of the required compliant corporate structures and key personnel • Highly successful track record in licence applications • An experienced, proactive advisory and support team including legal and VAT specialists • Introductions to specialist tax advisers, bankers, payment solution providers, hosting and telecoms companies Contact: Equiom Trust Company Limited Jubilee Buildings Victoria Street, Douglas Isle of Man, IM1 2SH T: +44 (0)1624 699000 E: enquiries@equiom.im www.equiom.im

ISLE OF MAN. WHERE YOU CAN FIND A WINNING BASE FOR YOUR E-GAMING BUSINESS The Isle of Man is home to many of the world’s leading gaming brands and software developers, which is no surprise when you consider that the Island offers: • Government support and commitment to the gaming sector • 100% player protection • No hidden costs • Fast licensing process • Low duty based on Gross Retained Profit • Low-cost operating base • World-class resilient IT infrastructure • Worldwide VAT solutions and • Skilled staff Ray Davies, e-Gaming Development Manager Tel: + 44 (0)1624 682365 Email: ray.davies@gov.im



d’s ers, the

Jurisdictions - Jersey

Basel eBusiness


Basel eBusiness’s wealth of experience with online trading companies means we are ideally positioned to assist with establishing your egaming operations in Jersey, from the initial license applications to the formation, management and ongoing administration of your offshore business.

Foreshore is an enterprise class datacentre situated in Jersey, Channel Islands. Its world-class facilities are utilised by ecommerce and financial services companies around the globe for resilient hosting and disaster recovery services.

Basel Group is an independently owned provider of trust and company administration services with a presence in several international finance centres. Our eBusiness division is a leading authority in offshore corporate structures and management, and the control functions necessary for online businesses to migrate offshore. This means we are perfectly positioned to help your egaming business: • Implement the corporate framework required to migrate operations to Jersey • Identify the tax efficiencies that can be achieved by migrating operations offshore • Benefit from our world class network of ebusiness partners To discuss how your egaming business can benefit, please call Grant Twine, Managing Director on +44 (0)1534 500 900 or e-mail grant.twine@baselglobal.com www.baselebusiness.com/ eGaming

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Built to service the specialist requirements of the egaming industry, Foreshore is not dependent on any single telco, carrier or ISP and offers 100% Service Levels on network and power connectivity. Services are delivered over dual sites for resilience and Foreshore’s in-house network operations team is available 24x365 to ensure prompt alerting, notification and response. Foreshore is certified as a Level One PCI DSS Service Provider, the highest level attainable for datacentres and is also ISO 27001 certified, so customers can be assured that their confidential data is protected at all times. Contact us now and make Foreshore your trusted hosting partner. Contact: T: +44 1534 752 300 E: enquiries@foreshore.net Twitter: @foreshore www.foreshore.net

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Jersey Gambling Commission

The Jersey Gambling Commission is the independent regulator for all licensed gambling in Jersey. The Commission is authorised to licence all forms of e-gaming services and all forms of remote gambling may be undertaken under a single licence. The Commission works closely with government to ensure a move to Jersey works well. For information on inward investment contact Locate Jersey (see listing) For regulatory or licensing questions contact the Commission at info@jgc.je

Locate Jersey

Jersey is ‘Open for Business’ and is ideally positioned for you to invest, grow and prosper; providing the perfect location for you and your business. Jersey offers some of the lowest direct tax rates in Europe, is a centre of excellence for professional services and has easy and frequent access to the UK and Europe. For information and advice on establishing your business in Jersey, contact the team at Locate Jersey. Contact: Locate Jersey Liberation Place St Helier, Jersey, JE1 1BB E: w.gallichan@gov.je T: 01534 448934 www.locatejersey.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 135

Ogier House The Esplanade St Helier Jersey JE4 9WG

Jurisdictions - Jersey

JT Jersey

JT Jersey is a trusted advisor in infrastructure under licensing framework of the Jersey Gambling Commission (JGC), as one of its hosting and network partners. Our professional services range from server, storage and network infrastructure design and implementation, to software and hardware fulfilment plus 24/7/365 managed and support services. For further information please visit www.jtglobal.com/egaming Contact: JT Business Solutions T: +44 1534 882 345 business.solutions@jtglobal.com

T: +44 (0) 1534 504000 E: jsy@ogier.com

Corporate Services

Legal Services

Herald Group

Mourant Ozannes

PO Box 501, Herald House 8 Hill Street, St Helier Jersey, JE4 9XB

22 Grenville Street St Helier Jersey

T: +44 (0)1534 610610 E: mail@heraldgroupjersey.com

Corporate Services Pricewaterhouse Coopers CI LLP Twenty Two Colomberie St Helier, Jersey JE1 4XA T: +44 (0) 1534 838 200

JE4 8PX T: + 44 (0) 1534 676 000 E: jersey@mourantozannes.com

Legal Services Ogier Ogier House The Esplanade St Helier Jersey JE4 9WG T: +44 (0) 1534 504000 E: jsy@ogier.com

Corporate Services Herald Group PO Box 501, Herald House 8 Hill Street, St Helier Jersey, JE4 9XB

SUBSCRIPTIONS T: +44 (0)1534 610610 E: mail@heraldgroupjersey.com

A subscription to iGAminG business offers you: copies of iGaming Business magazine l iGaming Business directory worth ÂŁ75 l 6 copies of iGB Affiliate Magazine l The iGB Affiliate Directory worth ÂŁ75 l iGaming Business Newslines delivered twice weekly l Access to all the latest news, events and jobs in the industry on www.iGamingBusiness.com l An exclusive members discount of 10% on purchases of reports and delegate places at all our events l6

for more information and to subscribe today please contact info@iGamingbusiness.com Quote 12emVGc


Corporate Services Pricewaterhouse Coopers CI LLP Twenty Two Colomberie St Helier, Jersey JE1 4XA T: +44 (0) 1534 838 200

Jurisdictions - malta


Betting Connections

e-Gaming Corporate Solutions e-Management is a dedicated business division of HBM Group (est. 1991), with offices in reputable regulated Online Gaming Jurisdictions worldwide. e-Management is a leading specialized turnkey provider of Business Support & Corporate Services to the Online Gaming Industry. As a professional, client oriented service provider of fiduciary services, we focus on establishing and managing internationally engaged e-Gaming Companies based out of Malta. Our service portfolio includes: • Company Set-Up, Formation & Domiciliation • International Corporate Structuring • Directorship & Shareholder Services • Accounting & Corporate Secretarial Services • Opening & Operating of Corporate Bank Accounts • Merchant Accounts & Payment Gateways Set-up • e-Gaming Licensing Support & Consultancy in Malta • Key Officials in Malta • Office Facility Services such as office space • Co-Location Solutions in multiple jurisdictions • Global Recruitment and Placement Solutions


Contact: e-Management Ltd. T: +356 2132-EMAN [2132 3626] E: malta@ emanagement-group.com www.emanagement-group.com

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HQ in the European Hub Capital of Igaming – Malta - and currently opening offices in Dublin, Gibraltar and Stockholm, as a firm of entrepreneurs, Betting Connections under-stands your business ideas, requirements and that in a service industry your most valuable asset is your staff. We truly believe that while placing the highest calibre candidate into your company we will grow hand in hand as you do. Contact: T: +356 27 204 520 E: info@bettingconnections.com www.bettingconnections.com

RSM Malta

RSM Malta is a multidisciplinary firm with a proven track record in the gaming industry. Our organisational set up is such that enables us to provide swift and efficient response to client needs. RSM Malta employs various specialists to provide the following services: licensing assistance, preparation of business plans, tax planning and compliance, company formation, accounting, key official support, business and IT advisory and audit. Contact: Maria Micallef T: +356 2149 3313 E: maria.micallef@rsmmalta. com.mt www.rsmmalta.com.mt

Marketplace 2012/13 | 137

Jurisdictions - malta

DF Corporate Services

DF Corporate Services Limited provides effective legal and regulatory advice in the remote gaming sector. We push for high responsiveness, assisting clients in the licensing process and the procuring of ongoing operational support. Our services include: • Company formation, incorporation and maintenance; • Advice and assistance throughout the application process; • Legal, fiscal, regulatory and compliance consultation; • Links to qualified software and I.T. providers. Contact: E: info@dfcorporate.com T: +356 21331040 www.dfcorporate.com

Philip Toledo Ltd

Philip Toledo Limited (PTL) is a leading IT solutions service provider in Malta, having over 100 professionals, most in the services delivery area. PTL represents many renowned brands: IBM, Red Hat, Cisco, Oracle, Lenovo, Microsoft, VMware and more. By partnering with leading local data centre hosting companies, and supplementing this with PTL’s 24x7 help desk and service offerings, we can provide the very best end-to-end solution for your IT infrastructure. Contact: Philip Toledo Limited T: +35621445566 E: pattard@ptl.com.mt www.ptl.com.mt


Vodafone Malta Ltd

Vodafone Malta is proud to be the local provider of choice for highspeed bandwidth, co-location services and international private leased lines. With its very own submarine cable and a high capacity link on another 3rd party subsea cable, Vodafone provides a resilient connection to mainland Europe where multiple international carriers route all traffic to anywhere around the world. Vodafone Malta also operates a state of the art PCI-DSS certified co-location facility serving the ever growing iGaming businesses which are licensed in Malta. Contact: E: ipsales.mt@vodafone.com T: (+356) 92 111 401 / 332 www.vodafone.com.mt/colocation

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Fenlex Corporate Services Limited has been involved in the gaming industry in Malta since the late 90s. Fenlex provides a number of services, including assistance in the licence application process, incorporation of Maltese and Foreign companies, identification of property and suppliers for technical services, accountancy, payroll and bank account opening. We also offer company secretarial support, directorship, key official, trustee and fiduciary services. Fenlex is associated with Fenech & Fenech Advocates, one of Malta’s largest law firms. Contact: Fenlex Corporate Services Limited T: (+356) 2124 1817 E: csu@fenlex.com www.fenlex.com

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Kyte Consultants Ltd

To set up in Malta you need someone set up locally with the right knowledge about the licensing process, and who is able to guide you and assist you from start to finish at the pace you want to. Kyte’s management and staff have been involved in the remote gaming industry since the year 2000 when the first operators set up locally. Kyte’s directors were the first to be accredited by the Lotteries and Gaming Authority to carry out certification reviews. Kyte are still carrying out such reviews and are therefore, fully knowledgeable about everything that is going on in the remote gaming industry in Malta. Kyte can also prepare you for the certification review by carrying out a mock review before the actual one is carried out. To find out more about the remote gaming licensing process please contact us on the number below. Contact: Kyte Consultants Ltd. Northfields No 1 Independence Avenue Mosta MST 9026 MALTA T: +356 2759 5000 E: info@kyteconsultants.com www.kyteconsultants.com

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Jurisdictions - malta

GMM Business Solutions

GMM Business Solutions is a fast growing firm with a proven track record in the gaming industry providing clients with a spectrum of specialised business and commercial services including the provision of company formation, licencing assistance, regulatory and business consultancy, key official services, trustee and fiduciary services, back office support and administration, accounting and payroll services, opening of bank accounts, relocation assistance, office space allocation, work permit applications, payment gateways and tax planning and compliance. Contact: Mr Pierre Mangion T: +356 27484375, 21335715 F: +356 21335714 E: info@pkfmalta.com www.pkfmalta.com


Megabyte Ltd. is Malta’s largest and longest established privately owned computer systems company offering a full range of IT Services and Support as a one-stop-shop. It was established in 1979 and since then Megabyte can boast a long track record of achievements and consistent growth in both public and private sectors. Megabyte operates internationally and partners with all the big names, including Oracle, Cisco, Microsoft and HP. Contact: Megabyte Ltd. F4, The Technopark, Mosta, MST3000 Malta T: +356 2142 1600 F: +356 2142 1590 E: info@megabyte.net

KSI Malta

Malta offers to betting companies a favourable tax regime, an advanced legislation and very good communication systems. The Malta Gaming Authority offers a wide range of licenses depending on the type of activity one is to carry out. Our firm has vast experience in this sector. It offers betting companies a wide range of services from the filing of the application with the Malta Gaming Authority, preparation of the feasibility studies, and assistance on the IT infrastructure, legal issues to the procurement of software. Contact: T: +356 2122 6176 E: info@ksimalta.com www.ksimalta.com

Systec Limited

HLB Falzon & Falzon

Counting House

Systec Limited, is a leading solutions provider in Malta and is the local HP Authorised Distributor and Service Delivery Partner. Systec’s Enterprise Team has extended its core expertise in Virtualization technologies by investing significantly in training and certification on VMware, Vizioncore, Provision, Veeam, Novell and Microsoft technologies. Systec’s further accreditation as HP BladeSystem Solution Builders, and VMWare Authorised Consultants, guarantees many successfully implemented corporate HP BladeSystem and Enterprise Storage Arrays in virtualized environments.

HLB Falzon & Falzon is a leading audit, accounting, tax and management consulting practice in Malta. The firm is a member of HLB International, a worldwide organization of accounting firms and business advisers. Services offered: Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Trusts, Administration and Corporate Services, Consultancy and Business Advisory Services

Counting House offers reliable access to international payment processing and payout services for online gaming companies. Take deposits from players and pay winners in virtually any currency. Extend your reach to the four corners of the world. Services include: Credit Card Processing, Local Electronic Payments, Bank Transfers, Cheque Issuing, Cheque Fulfillment and more.

Contact: Ing Raphael Micallef Trigona T: +356 2347 5000 E: rtrigona@systec.com.mt www.systec.com.mt

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Contact: HLB Falzon & Falzon ‘Casa Floriani’ Pietro Floriani Street Floriana, VLT 14, Malta T: +356 2123 3026 E: info@hlbff.com www.hlbff.com

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T: +44 (0)7624 497333 www.countinghouseltd.com Counting House IOM Ltd. Suite 3, 3rd Floor Britannia House St Georges Street, Douglas Isle of Man, IM1 1JD

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Legal Services & Licensing

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Legal Services & Licensing



RSM Malta

e-Gaming Corporate Solutions

No need to apply for various types of eGaming Licenses or long setup process Curaçao offers only one License type which covers operators of products or software providers. Our jurisdictions license covers games of skill, chance and sports betting. Our legislation and tax regime have favored eGaming companies for over a decade, our legal system is Europeanbased common-law as part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Examples of Services We License • Common Platform Service Providers • Integrator/Services Providers • BackOffice, Registration Management and Services • Brokerage, Agent Services • Marketing Services (Affiliates, White Labels) • Relay or IN-Path event or logic services • Backup services or Disaster Recovery • Shadow License (for political or business reasons) • Providing only the results of event • Registering Players and maintaining financial records • Offering the Service • Sports books • Betting exchanges • Online casino games (roulette, blackjack, slots, etc.) • Live dealing • Peer to peer games (poker, bingo, backgammon, Mah-jong, etc.) • Mobile phone betting • Fantasy football (or similar) • Financial trading • Pari-mutuel and pool betting • Network gaming • Lotteries • Trivia • Certain spot-the-ball style games Contact: Curaçao eGaming PO Box 4633 Pletterijweg Oost 1 Ara Hilltop Building Suite A-4 Curacao T: +599-9-465-1134 E: info@curacao-egaming.com www.curacao-egaming.com

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e-Management offers specifically e-Gaming Licensing Support & Consultancy in Malta, Curaçao and other jurisdictions. e-Management is a dedicated business division of HBM Group (est. 1991), with offices in reputable regulated Online Gaming Jurisdictions worldwide. e-Management is a leading specialized turnkey provider of Business Support & Corporate Services to the Online Gaming Industry. As a professional, client oriented service provider of fiduciary services, we focus on acquiring licenses, establishing and managing internationally engaged e-Gaming Companies based out of Curaçao and Malta. With more than a decade of experience in assisting major software providers and operators with their corporate and licensing requirements in both Curacao and Malta, e-Management/HBM Group was amongst the first Corporate Services Providers in 1997 to enter the Online Gaming Industry. e-Management offers innovative services by assisting all e-Gaming (related) businesses to efficiently and effectively structure their enterprise in an ever changing and challenging business environment without borders. Contact: Curaçao - Dutch Caribbean T: +5999 734-1100 E: curaçao@ emanagement-group.com Malta-EU T: +356 2132-EMAN [2132 3626] E. malta@ emanagement-group.com www.emanagement-group.com

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RSM Malta is a multidisciplinary firm with a proven track record in the gaming industry. Our organisational set up is such that enables us to provide swift and efficient response to client needs. RSM Malta employs various specialists to provide the following services: licensing assistance, preparation of business plans, tax planning and compliance, company formation, accounting, key official support, business and IT advisory and audit. Contact: Maria Micallef T: +356 2149 3313 E: maria.micallef@rsmmalta. com.mt www.rsmmalta.com.mt

DF Corporate Services

DF Corporate Services Limited provides effective legal and regulatory advice in the remote gaming sector. We push for high responsiveness, assisting clients in the licensing process and the procuring of ongoing operational support. Our services include: • Company formation, incorporation and maintenance; • Advice and assistance throughout the application process; • Legal, fiscal, regulatory and compliance consultation; • Links to qualified software and I.T. providers. Contact: E: info@dfcorporate.com T: +356 21331040 www.dfcorporate.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 141


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CATERING FOR YOUR PERSONAL NEEDS: • Live Casino • Live Texas Holdem • Asian and European markets • Emerging markets

• Kiosks • Landbase • White label • Licensee exclusive games

Contact us at: Tel: +44.750.927.6432


Live Casino


Evolution Gaming


Professional OnLive Gaming

Since Microgaming developed the first true online Casino software over a decade ago, it has led the industry in providing innovative, reliable gaming solutions to over 160 market-leading gaming sites, worldwide. This unrivalled technology company offers over 600 game titles and more than 1,000 game variants, in 24 languages, across online, landbased, and mobile platforms. Its renowned dedication to innovation provides the foundation to consistently deliver award-winning Casino, Poker, Bingo, Live, Progressives and Network Gaming software, as well as managed services, to a global audience. Microgaming content is also available through QuickFire, offering a supremely versatile, unique gaming experience for operators and players. It is the power behind the world’s largest Progressive Jackpot Network and has paid out over €320 million. Microgaming is also a founding member of eCOGRA and IGC. Contact: Microgaming MGS House Circular Road Douglas Isle of Man IM1 1BL T: +44 (0) 1624 647777 E: sales@microgaming.co.uk www.microgaming.co.uk

144 | Marketplace 2012/13

Evolution revolutionised the European live dealer platform, creating a shift from novel addition to a musthave component for gaming operators. Today, as the world’s leading Live Casino provider, Evolution works with more top tier online operators than any other software provider. Streaming TV quality video, Evolution offers variations of the most popular casino games including Blackjack, Baccarat and Roulette via its dedicated studios, accommodating mainstream and innovative VIP gaming suites. Players can follow every shuffle, every deal and every spin of the wheel, interacting in real-time with professional, native speaking croupiers and other players. Unrivalled branding and marketing opportunities give operators total control over branding and the complete customer experience. Dedicated tables and complete online environments – proven to increase customer loyalty, revenue and lifetime value – can be branded to your precise requirements. Evolution provides the best quality, most realistic Live Casino experience available on the Internet. Contact: T: +44 20 7563 4223 E: hhedgeland@ evolutiongaming.com www.evolutiongaming.com

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XProGaming is an outstanding live gaming solution that provides Live Casino & Live Texas Hold’em Poker. We broadcast LIVE from high class land-based casinos and studios of your choice. We offer casino operators customized solutions which can easily be integrated into virtually any existing platform. Whether you want a standalone, white label live casino platform, Live Texas Hold’em, or you simply want to add a live gaming system to your existing gaming site, XProGaming has the fastest and most manageable solutions in today’s market. • Live Casino • Live Texas Holdem • Developing exclusive licensee gaming concepts • Private studio • Private tables • Asian market, European market, emerging markets • Kiosks • Land base casino solutions • Various integration options • White label Contact: XProGaming T: +44 750 9276432 E: info@xprogaming.com www.xprogaming.com

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Live Casino




Amaya is an innovative technology-based gaming provider for the regulated gaming industry with an expansive presence in Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Medialivecasino is a complete partner for live-dealer casino solutions. 2012 NOVELTIES The first novelty concerns the gaming interfaces, which have been made even more player-friendly to offer the user a better experience and a faster game. A complete renewal of Medialivecasino studios is the second novelty of this year, with the expansion of the company’s production studios resulting into new, even more, sumptuous and magnificent interiors. The player will enjoy a unique and luxurious atmosphere. AAMS certified. Contact: Angelo De Gobbi E: sales@medialivecasino.com T: +356 99052379 www.medialivecasino.com

Visionary iGaming

Visionary iGaming is a premium provider of Live Dealer 2.0 solutions specializing in licensing the most authentic and entertaining live online casino games. Live games include Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat and our own patented Blackjack Early Payout™. Live Casino Game Feed – seamlessly integrate live games into an existing iGaming platform with branded and dedicated tables options available Live Turnkey Online Casino – launch and operate your own live online casino Live Casino in a Box – add live games to physical betting shops or agent networks Partner with Visionary iGaming to find the IT and business solutions that work best for you, customized for your target market and IT environment. E: info@visionaryigaming.com www.visionaryigaming.com

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Amaya provides a host of services and solutions that include: Online and mobile casino games and platforms, traditional and mobile lotteries, electronic land-based table gaming systems, hospitality in-room entertainment systems, advisory and management services, and integrity monitoring and auditing systems. Visit: www.amayagaming.com or www.amayaonline.com

VueTec Ltd

VueTec is a software development company specialising in providing live internet casino games direct from real bricks and mortar casinos. VueTec’s Distance Gaming™ system offers customers unrivalled trust and transparency through participation directly in games being played in real casinos. Distance Gaming™ allows Operators to add a live gaming platform to their existing site, or for real casinos to extend their market reach beyond their physical tables. Contact: Gordon Clark E: info@vuetec.com

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EntwineTech Live Dealer Solution

EntwineTech Live Dealer Solution, established in 2004, is an Alderney and First Cagayan licensed Live Dealer Software Company servicing over 60 licensees from all over the world. EntwineTech is the largest live dealer platform in the world offering games such as BJ, Roulette, Crazy21, Baccarat and Sicbo played across a total of 15 tables in 2 studio settings. Working with world leading operators including 888, 188bet and Victor Chandler, EntwineTech tends to thousands of concurrent players whilst guaranteeing a 98.99% uptime. Contact: Celia Ho E: sales@limelight-global.com T: (853) 6666 6968 www.entwinetech.com

Springfly Limited

Springfly Limited supplies regulatory, compliant and customised online gaming solutions to online operators and land base casinos. Our live gaming solutions include 4 variations of baccarat, blackjack, dragon tiger and roulette, and have been tested and certified to meet regulatory compliance and industry accepted general standards. Contact: Mr. Hwa Min Hsu E: hsu@springfly.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 145


INTRALOT Interactive is the leading partner for those organizations that want to compete in a regulated interactive competitive environment, offering a Universal Gaming Experience to their players. Its customers take advantage of the most robust, efďŹ cient and versatile Gaming Platform in the industry that seamlessly combines the Internet, Mobile and Retail users, connecting innovative Gaming Verticals and offering an unparallel business support for optimal customer experience.

BLACK= C30 M30 Y30 K90

MAGENTA= C11 M100 Y0 K0

Member of the INTRALOT Group of companies, it capitalizes on the Group’s global footprint and the extensive and renowned customer base, to collect and advance best practices that provide the cornerstone of continued success with product and services design always at the industry forefront. Contact: T: +30 210 6156000 E: i2@intralot.com www.intralotinteractive.com

11 146 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Lottery Software


BLACK= C30 M30 Y30 K90

MAGENTA= C11 M100 Y0 K0

In 2011 INTRALOT launched and elaborated the Universal Gaming Experience strategy, as a landmark development path of its products and services. This strategy uniquely addresses a key trend in the gaming industry which is the challenge and mandate to seamlessly offer gaming products throughout multiple channels especially combining the Land Based with the Interactive Channels. On the latter, we emphasize on the desktop and mobile user but also on the emerging home user, mostly interacting through Smart TVs. INTRALOT Interactive, as part of the INTRALOT Group, delivers the latest in interactive lottery software innovation and has excelled throughout the years in supporting either its own B2C regulated operations or its renowned B2B customers, especially from the Lottery world. We combine valuable expertise from our customer facing operations to the benefit of better technologies that are tied with highly demanding specifications that are set by the governmental agencies. This has resulted in the most reliable, secure and optimally performing Platform and we are proud to have a track record of successful implementations in all parts of the world.

148 | Marketplace 2012/13

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INTRALOT Interactive Integrated Player Platform INTRALOT and INTRALOT Interactive have been pioneers in setting new standards for Player Platform Architecture, which allows for a unified and global view of player transactions and profiles that can be customized according to player preferences and history. Our platform enables a unified approach to player registration, verification, single e-wallet and banking integration and e-payments through all sales channels. It also seamlessly supports participation with loyalty cards through the retail network, essential for all Lotteries wishing to fully converge their networks. We have been successful in first introducing Loyalty and Virtual Goods strategies in land based operations that are combined with the interactive world, and now even more within the Social Gaming Space. Our Social Networks strategy is not alone restricted in the registration process, but extends further in introducing Social Gaming Networks, specifically suited for the needs of our large B2B existing and new Customers. Through our Integration Gateway Framework, which allows for easy, quick and flexible integration of third party systems into the

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Lottery Software

platform, we can integrate any channel or game and at the same time provide different game and content offering per channel and per case.

Key Marketing Features In order for Lottery Customers to acquire and retain their players, as well as optimizing their lifecycle value, the platform has a full suite of all key marketing features for interactive operations. The marketing suite supports setting up a wide range of cross-channel and cross-product loyalty schemes, bonuses and promotions, and provides all the required customer segmentation and reporting options. Marketing, Business Analytics and CRM capabilities, provided by the platform and complementary industry-leading third-party systems, enable licensed operators to materialize their interactive vision by creating engaging gaming experiences that are driven by an appreciation of customer dynamics. At INTRALOT Interactive we continuously maintain an open communication with our Customer’s players, and hear recommendations and ideas for new play modes and games, that we are happy to engineer and deliver fast to market. An example of this is the direction of

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allowing players an increased sense of control in personalizing the game feel, well beyond the level of coloring and site rearrangement towards the level of game display mechanics.

Managed Services Portfolio Our Managed Services Portfolio extends from the very reactive Customer Contact Center (C3) structures that support our Customers Players. We pro-actively manage the Players behaviors continuously focusing on playing patterns, even in cases where the play occur in land based retail networks, with limited access to player’s data. Our Player Club platform, introduces the notion of Loyalty & Virtual Credits in Retail Networks that combine with the Interactive Play mode, all bundled through our expert Professional Services staff that monitor and optimize the players behavior.

Contact: T: +30 210 6156000 E: i2@intralot.com www.intralotinteractive.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 149

Lottery Software

INTRALOT Interactive

The customer-centric approach challenged by the rising importance of interactive channels to the lottery business, is an opportunity for growth and full convergence. INTRALOT Interactive delivers the latest in lottery software innovation and has excelled in developing seamlessly integrated gaming systems for lottery organizations around the world. BLACK= C30 M30 Y30 K90

MAGENTA= C11 M100 Y0 K0

INTRALOT Interactive offers a complete, layered strategy for Lotteries to enter eGaming; from the Retail Play to Registered and Transactional Gaming Models, all technologies are fully integrated in our Gaming Platform, which offers great flexibility, scalability and adaptability, while remaining committed to Responsible Gaming Standards. Traditional Lottery Games, such as Draw and Instant Games, have always been the cornerstone of success for Lottery Organizations. INTRALOT Interactive offers more than 400 on-line game variations, reflecting the high level of product customization; each one of these games is a unique offering and is based on each Lottery’s needs and players’ preferences. Contact: T: +30 210 6156000 E: i2@intralot.com www.intralotinteractive.com

150 | Marketplace 2012/13



From one of the world’s most trusted names in gaming… Sciplay is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scientific Games Corporation, a leading provider of secure, player engaging products and services to over 300 lottery and gaming organizations around the globe since 1973. Offering fully compliant, customized internet solutions – web, mobile and social – for lotteries and regulated gaming operators, Sciplay delivers an integrated cross-platform solution that helps customers capitalize on the revenue potential of internet and traditional retail channels, including: • System software • Game content • Operational services • Player support Sciplay’s turn-key program provides secure access to a play anytime, anywhere personalized gaming experience through a portfolio of diverse, state-of-the-art, legally compliant games and content that players can access from computers and mobile devices. From traditional lottery programs and games to social venue and casino-style games* Sciplay’s interactive products span the entire internet gaming spectrum.

GTECH G2 is the world’s leading supplier to the interactive lottery market and has been voted lottery software supplier of the year in 2010, 2011 and 2012, combining our GTECH heritage and the very best from the iGaming industry. We understand that in today’s 24/7 society lottery players expect to be able to purchase their tickets whenever, wherever.

*As permitted by applicable law and regulation

At GTECH G2 – We Speak Lottery

Contact: E: Michael.Lightman@ scientificgames.com www.sci-play.com

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GTECH G2 have recreated the instore playing experience with true to life playslips and tickets, players can save their favourite numbers, set up advanced play and be safe in the knowledge they need never miss a draw again. We have the industries leading selection of eInstants, so that players can truly recreate their lottery purchase experience online, playing their favourite scratch tickets without leaving the comfort of their home. In partnership with GTECH and through our deep understanding of the player we recognise that the multi channel player is more valuable to the lottery and the importance of creating a relationship with the player across all channels. As such we have created a market leading player card, Player Direct that enables lotteries to have a 360° view of their players.

Contact: T: 0203 131 0300 E: hello@gtechg2.com Facebook; GTECH G2 Twitter; GTECH_G2

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Betware_ Market_Place_Listings_Casino_Vendor_A5_2012.pdf




Lottery Software


Betware has since 1996 been developing interactive solutions to licensed gaming operators. Betware’s Lottery games can be customized for all operators to suit their requirements, culture and language. Games and services are integrated with the Betware Gaming Platform and lottery operators have the opportunity to broaden their target audience and reach out to new players offering their games via Internet and Mobile. The parameters of the games can be adjusted and configured to any matrix combination. Contact: Ingvar Hjalmarsson E: ingvar@betware.com T: +354 580 4766 F: +354 580 4701 www.betware.com


Lotto Network

Lotto Network is the B2B division of MyLotto24, part of the Tipp24 Group of companies. Through adding Lotto Network to your platform, you can finally offer truly life-changing jackpots to your customers. There is no requirement to have your own player liquidity and all prizes are funded by Lotto Network. The largest single jackpot paid out to date is €31.7m. For more information on how our products can boost your retention, acquisition and ultimately your bottom line, visit www.LottoNetwork.com Contact: E: info@lottonetwork.com T: +44 (0)203 1767 867

NeoGames bringing back the fun !

NYX Interactive is part of the NYX Gaming Group; together with NextGen Gaming providing flexible gaming solutions to some of the largest World Lottery Association members and gaming operators across the globe. NYX has previously won several awards including “Innovation in Bingo” at the 2010 E-Gaming Review Awards. Both NYX (EMEA) and NextGen (Asia Pacific) have been listed in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 listings for their respective regions. Contact: David Flynn E: sales@nyxinteractive.com www.nyxinteractive.com www.nyxgaminggroup.com

152 | Marketplace 2012/13

NeoGames is a leading software and service provider that pioneered the global internet scratch cards and instant win market, offering the most extensive portfolio of interactive instant win games. Since launching in 2005, NeoGames’ has delivered the most comprehensive soft gaming solutions which include the largest success-proven games portfolio combined with a robust backend platform and operational services. For more information visit www.neogames.com

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Mentor Group

Mentor Gaming was founded after 3 years of business research and software development with a challenging goal: Create the best online gaming experience in order to provide our LCO (licensed casino operators) the opportunity to become leaders in the online gambling industry. Our software is not just a high-quality gaming solution; it’s also a business platform for building a successful online gaming operation. Widely recognized as the most powerful back-end management suite in the industry, our software gives operators complete visibility and control of all aspects of their online gaming business. We believe in performance and innovation, and in joining the most talented gaming programmers, web developers, and online business consultants. Our solutions are tailored to the unique needs of each client and include innovative: • Casino • Poker • Bingo • Lottery • Virtual games • Sports book • Cellular games Contact: T: (786) 272-1626 www.mentorgaming.com

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Lottery Software

Casino Software

Betsoft’s Lottery games offer the excitement of chance every 60 seconds, allowing players to feel that same excitement when waiting for the lottery numbers to be drawn over and over again. On The Ball™ Lottery machine features a 6-ball drawing performed every 60 seconds. Bets range from predicting what color the balls will be on the next draw to a 6-ball jackpot pick which can easily reach seven figures. On a Roll Lottery machine features 4 dice which are rerolled every 60 seconds. Bets range from exact numbers to a jackpot bet on rolling a 4 of a kind of the player’s choosing. Betsoft also offers a number of Keno Games for your players to enjoy, including Traditional Keno and our new Klub Keno, a creative and playful look on this traditional game. Contact: Betsoft Gaming Ltd Nicosia, Cyprus T: UK (44) 0128 073 5015 T: +1 604 288 7685 F: +1 604 288 5040 E: sales@betsoftgaming.com www.betsoftgaming.com

GI Tech

GI’s online lottery suite is a powerful package, which consists of all forms of online lottery games that are prevailing in the market today. GI’s online lottery suite integrates with GI Centra central transaction engine. GI’s solution is suited to power markets from 1 till 30,000 terminals using different product offerings offered by GI. Thirty Seven years and Counting. That is how long GI Tech Gaming has been working in India in the lottery business. With a good sense for trends and strategy, GI has the technological edge, young and vibrant team of entreprenuers and professionals with understanding of the evolution of the gaming industry and its needs. Not only for now but for ten years from now. All Governments in India and Bhutan run lotteries utilizing GI’s solution to market and distribute their lottery tickets. GI customer base has expanded beyond the Indian sub-continent to all other continents except the Americas. GI has customers in more than 7 countries in Europe, Australia, Africa and Middle East Asia. Contact: T: +91 443 063-8000 E: admin@gitech.in

Imperator Gaming

Imperator Gaming has developed a special turn-key iGaming package that includes all of the things you need to create a complete gaming website. Currently we offer Online Casino, Sportsbook, Lottery and Bingo solutions. We have a full team of expert programmers who can customize any part of our iGaming solution to fit your vision. We will also create a custom design package to give your online gambling business a unique style of its own. Our expert programmers have created a revolutionary online system for running virtual lotteries. Set up a KENO site with 20 draws a day and cash in on the growing popularity of it. You can also base your gambling options on the largest and most popular state lotteries in the world, giving you the possibility to use the highly trusted lottery draws of the Mega Millions or Irish Monday to organize and manage in-house bets. Contact: E: sales@imperatorgaming.com Calle 10 Avenida 23 San Jose, San José 1000 Costa Rica www.imperatorgaming.com


154 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Managed Services

11 156 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Managed Services

Income Access



JT operates secure, purpose-built Data Centres in both Jersey & Guernsey in the Channel Islands.

e-Management offers specifically e-Gaming Licensing Support & Consultancy in Malta, Curaรงao and other jurisdictions.

e-Gaming Corporate Solutions Income Access provides affiliate management services for i leading programs across the iGaming industry. Income Access believes the key to running a successful affiliate program is strong, long-term partnerships with trust, honesty and consistency at the heart of its management coupled with sustainable and profitable schemes that allow both affiliates and operators to meet their goals. Our team of affiliate managers recruit new affiliates, works with current affiliates to maximise results and helps operators to develop the marketing tools that affiliates need to successfully convert players. Income Access affiliate managers guide operators in identifying and setting the direction for their program. They analyse the unique selling points, opportunities for growth, potential weaknesses, short and long-term goals, resources available and current industry positioning in order to establish a firm understanding of their business pursuits and ambitions. Contact: T: +1 514 849 8595 E: info@incomeaccess.com www.incomeaccess.com

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As the only fully licensed Tier 1 telecoms and ISP operator we provide a range of world-class colocation and hosting services. Our Data Centre facilities offer 24/7/365 services for a diverse customer market, from singleserver housing to multiple racks. For further information please visit www.jtglobal.com/egaming Contact: JT Business Solutions T: +44 1534 882 345 business.solutions@jtglobal.com

RSM Malta

RSM Malta is a multidisciplinary firm with a proven track record in the gaming industry. Our organisational set up is such that enables us to provide swift and efficient response to client needs. RSM Malta employs various specialists to provide the following services: licensing assistance, preparation of business plans, tax planning and compliance, company formation, accounting, key official support, business and IT advisory and audit. Contact: Maria Micallef T: +356 2149 3313 E: maria.micallef@rsmmalta. com.mt www.rsmmalta.com.mt

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e-Management is a dedicated business division of HBM Group (est. 1991), with offices in reputable regulated Online Gaming Jurisdictions worldwide. e-Management is a leading specialized turnkey provider of Business Support & Corporate Services to the Online Gaming Industry. As a professional, client oriented service provider of fiduciary services, we focus on acquiring licenses, establishing and managing internationally engaged e-Gaming Companies based out of Curaรงao and Malta. With more than a decade of experience in assisting major software providers and operators with their corporate and licensing requirements in both Curacao and Malta, e-Management/HBM Group was amongst the first Corporate Services Providers in 1997 to enter the Online Gaming Industry. e-Management offers innovative services by assisting all e-Gaming (related) businesses to efficiently and effectively structure their enterprise in an ever changing and challenging business environment without borders. Contact: Curaรงao - Dutch Caribbean T: +5999 734-1100 E: curaรงao@ emanagement-group.com Malta-EU T: +356 2132-EMAN [2132 3626] E. malta@ emanagement-group.com www.emanagement-group.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 157

Mobile GaMinG

11 158 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Corporate Service Providers egamingc.com



Mobile Gaming


Bally Mobile egamingc.com

From one of the world’s most trusted names in gaming… Sciplay is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scientific Games Corporation, a leading provider of secure, player engaging products and services to over 300 lottery and gaming organizations around the globe since 1973. Offering fully compliant, customized internet solutions – web, mobile and social – for lotteries and regulated gaming operators, Sciplay delivers an integrated cross-platform solution that helps customers capitalize on the revenue potential of internet and traditional retail channels, including: • System software • Game content • Operational services • Player support Sciplay’s turn-key program provides secure access to a play anytime, anywhere personalized gaming experience through a portfolio of diverse, state-of-the-art, legally compliant games and content that players can access from computers and mobile devices. From traditional lottery programs and games to social venue and casino-style games* Sciplay’s interactive products span the entire internet gaming spectrum. *As permitted by applicable law and regulation

Contact: E: Michael.Lightman@ scientificgames.com www.sci-play.com

160 | Marketplace 2012/13

Today, millions of people use the mobile apps and mobile websites Bally Mobile has created for dozens of casinos around the world, and tens of thousands more people download these apps each week. Our apps for patrons give casino operators the opportunity to attract new players, enhance their visit, and sell more to them via their phones or mobile tablets. Apps can include popular casino games, show previews, room and restaurant bookings, feedback surveys, menus, interactive maps, hypertargeted offers, and many other features. Using our patent-pending mobile technology platform, casinos can create and manage their entire portfolio of mobile websites and native apps for iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone, Android® tablet, BlackBerry®, and other devices from a single content management system. With more than 50 customers worldwide, and an outstanding track record of generating real returns for our clients, Bally Mobile is a reliable, proven partner in the mobile world. Contact: T: +1.702.584.7111 E: MobileSales@ballytech.com www.BallyTech.com

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MOBILE WEB & APPS phone: +44(0)208.539.8691 mail: hi@egamingc.com web: egamingc.com twitter: @egamingc

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Mobile Gaming


International Game Technology (IGT) is a global leader in the design, development and manufacture of gaming machines and systems products. IGT is the premier supplier of online and mobile game content. Our experience, in both interactive and land-based slots design and development has enabled us to develop a winning formula, giving us the ability to offer great performing games. IGT’s online and mobile games portfolio is continually expanding, and includes well-known consumer brands like MONOPOLY, Cluedo, Wheel of Fortune and Star Trek alongside IGT’s own landbased, top-performing slot games. A winning combination of premium brands, proven maths models and innovative game features keep players engaged and returning for repeat visits. More information about IGT Interactive is available at www.IGT.com/interactive, or follow IGT on Twitter at @IGTNews or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/IGT. Contact: James Stern Regional Sales Manager Interactive – EMEA T: +44 (0)203 249 8527 E: James.Stern@IGT.com

162 | Marketplace 2012/13


rocabee is a web and mobile software development company specialised in the gaming sector. We are experts in great design and user experience. So far we have helped a number of providers to conquer the mobile world. rocabee will help you to create better web and mobile products. Contact: rocabee Ltd. 207 Regent Street London W1B 3HH T: +44 20 8144 1200 E: info@rocabee.com www.rocabee.com


mkodo is a mobile specialist with significant expertise in mobile betting and gaming. We offer Mobile Sportsbook, Bingo, Casino, Slots and Fixed Odds Games implementations via mobile web and native apps with associated mobile messaging for marketing and CRM purposes. The mkodo platform handles over £35m pa for our UK betting and gaming clients alone. Clients include 888sport, Blue Square, Mecca Bingo and Sky Bet. Contact: Mark Gibson Business Development Manager T: +44 (0) 20 7729 4545 M: +44 (0) 79 6773 6059 E: sales@mkodo.com www.mkodo.com

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Amaya is an innovative technology-based gaming provider for the regulated gaming industry with an expansive presence in Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa and Asia. Amaya provides a host of services and solutions that include: Online and mobile casino games and platforms, traditional and mobile lotteries, electronic land-based table gaming systems, hospitality in-room entertainment systems, advisory and management services, and integrity monitoring and auditing systems. Visit: www.amayagaming.com or www.amayaonline.com


NYX Interactive is part of the NYX Gaming Group; together with NextGen Gaming providing flexible mobile gaming solutions to some of the largest World Lottery Association members and gaming operators across the globe. NYX has previously won several awards including “Innovation in Bingo” at the 2010 E-Gaming Review Awards. Both NYX (EMEA) and NextGen (Asia Pacific) have been listed in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 listings for their respective regions. Contact: David Flynn E: sales@nyxinteractive.com www.nyxinteractive.com www.nyxgaminggroup.com

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Mobile Gaming


Cozy Games

Greentube, subsidiary of Astra Games, a Novomatic Group company, offers Mobile Games for Casino, 3D eSport Games and Skill Games. The unique multiplayer server architecture provides gamers the opportunity to play their favourite games on the move. Exciting mobile slot games are already successfully developed and implemented for iOS and Android. Current exciting casino mobile games are Sizzling Hot™ deluxe, Book of Ra™ classic or Lucky Lady’s Charm™ deluxe.

Founded in 2005 by a team of gaming industry experts, we offer our partners a wealth of gaming knowledge and advancements in technology. We pride ourselves on game development and a product suite of over ninety plus games which include bingo, classic and video slots, table games, scratch cards and network jackpots. We offer our partners a one account facility across a number of platforms including online, mobile and social platforms. Contact: T: +44 (0) 808 120 2371 E: info@cozygames.com E: sales@cozygames.com www.cozygames.com

Contact: E: sales@greentube.com T: +43 1 494 5056 www.greentube.com



OpenMarket, a division of Amdocs, is a leading global mobile transaction hub providing a comprehensive set of payment, messaging and emerging services to meet mobile business needs. From the largest consumer brands to the smallest new digital content ventures, OpenMarket empowers businesses to expand their marketing initiatives and strengthen customer relationships by leveraging the mobile channel.

Fiksu is a mobile app user acquisition platform that helps app marketers overcome the complex challenge of promoting their mobile apps in the vastly crowded app marketplace. Fiksu increases ROI by cost-effectively delivering loyal users – those most likely to engage by repeat use, registration, in-app purchase, etc. Fiksu works across many traffic sources, tracks ad performance and optimizes ad buys in real time, lowering acquisition cost by as much as 3x – 5x.

For more information, please visit www.openmarket.com, email sales@uk.openmarket.com or call +44 208 987 8855

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Contact: E: sales@fiksu.com T: 855-463-4578 Fiksu.com

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 163

Mobile Gaming


We are the largest supplier of software for sports betting in Central and Eastern Europe. We offer a comprehensive sports betting solution for Online, Land based and LIVE betting. We are excellent in modern marketing channels such as Mobile betting, Digital signage promotion, selfservice terminals , etc. We use web-based technology – you are not restricted by any government or app-store limits. The ready-made solution can be customized to measure for clients. Contact: Jiri Najman E: info@betsys.eu T: +420 777 322 855 www.betsys.eu


Barcrest, a subsidiary of Scientific Games Corporation, has over 40 years expertise in creating successful and compelling multi-channel game content, for regulated internet, mobile and land-based gaming markets worldwide. Barcrest’s wide selection of popular internet and mobile games includes the legendary Rainbow Riches, Ca$hino, Monty’s Millions, King of the Aztecs and Elvis Top 20. Contact Barcrest’s Interactive Division to find out more about our marketleading content. Contact: E: info@barcrest.com T: + 44 161 344 1000 www.barcrest.com

164 | Marketplace 2012/13

Mobile Gaming

Spin3, a division of Spiral Solutions Ltd., has partnered with Microgaming, the world’s leading developer of online gaming solutions, to provide turnkey solutions for the mobile gaming arena. The complete offering includes dynamic wireless real and play-for-fun casino systems, marketing services and innovative technologies that push the interactive gaming industry to new frontiers.

Cayetano Gaming

Cayetano Gaming develops highly attractive casino games with maximum player appeal. Just two minutes on our website will prove that Cayetano’s games are of the highest quality. A full suite of casino games is available including roulette, blackjack, craps, poker machines, arcade games and an ever expanding suite of slots. We also offer a complete casino administration software platform. Log on to our website to view our games and contact us for further information.

The explosion of new mobile commerce platforms and applications brings with it new opportunities to enhance and expand an organization’s revenue stream. Spin3 is ideally positioned for any company wishing to successfully capture a significant portion of this growing market either through the launch of their own mobile casino or by partnering with one of our leading casino clients. Our solutions open the door to the future of wireless gaming for casino operators, mobile service providers and any enterprise wishing to leverage the wireless medium and deliver messaging, branding and products directly into the hands of their consumers.

Contact: UK T: +44 207 193 1256 US T: +1 646 233 3247 www.CayetanoGaming.com


Contact: T: +44 20 3290 9980 E: sales@ctxm.com www.ctxm.com

E: sales@spin3.com www.spin3.com

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CTXM is European based developer of innovative and efficient end-to-end online gaming solutions, including gaming foundation and integration platforms, casino and fixed odds games, turnkey gaming and payments solutions. CTXM carries out projects for the leading operators in the iGaming industry and partners with successful game publishers and IP owners.

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Mobile Gambling:

A Comprehensive Strategy and Market Review

Bringing together a selection of major industry participants and commentators, this new report combines the collective learning and experiences of operators and suppliers to present you with in-depth insight and analysis on the key areas now defining mobile gambling. Mobile Gambling: A Comprehensive Strategy and Market Review addresses the entire mobile marketplace from technological considerations to the market potential.

Supported by over thirty interviews and case studies, you’ll see what others are doing right, what they’re doing wrong as well as what still needs to be corrected.

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Mobile Gambling – Past, Present and Future What do we mean by “Mobile Gambling”? Mobile Devices Markets Technology M-Commerce and Payment Processing Mobile Marketing Case Studies - Suppliers & Operators

To order your copy today or request a free executive summary email Reports@iGamingBusiness.com and quote 112EMOB1


PaymenT SoluTionS Category sponsor

European Merchant Services (EMS) is a European card acquirer based in Amsterdam. We are specialised in Card-not-Present transactions and online gaming in particular. With a European acquiring license we can support online gaming operators across Europe and we continue to expand our product portfolio. Contact: European Merchant Services Wisselwerking 58 1112 XS Diemen The Netherlands E: internationalsales@emscard.com T: +31 20 660 3050 www.emscard.com/onlinegaming

11 166 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Payment Solutions

European Merchant Services (EMS)

European Merchant Services (EMS) is a European card acquirer based in Amsterdam. We are specialised in Card-not-Present transactions and online gaming in particular. With a European acquiring license we can support online gaming operators across Europe and we continue to expand our product portfolio. EMS is your strong online gaming partner; • Card acquirer for MasterCard, VISA, Maestro, VISA Debit and Diners/Discover) • Multi currency processing (150 authorisation and 11 settlement currencies) • Single MID for all card types and settlement currencies • CFT’s for VISA and MasterCard • All gaming Payment Service Providers supported • Business Intelligence: processing details (auths, settlement, CFT’s, chargebacks) and approval rates (with and without 3D) EMS has a customer services department specially focused on online gaming; • Inhouse chargeback handling • Fraud reporting & advice • Online reporting • Multi-currency support • Customer marketing support • and a lot of online gaming experience We are proud to work for the following clients: • Apollo Entertainment • Bet24 • Betsafe • Neogames • Party Gaming • Pokerstars • RedBet • Scandic Bookmakers Contact: European Merchant Services Wisselwerking 58, 1112 XS Diemen, The Netherlands T: +31 20 660 3050 E: internationalsales@emscard.com www.emscard.com/onlinegaming

168 | Marketplace 2012/13

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➤ PCI-certified Payment Gateway ➤ Multiple Banking Options ➤ Alternative Payments ➤ Domestic Payment Methods ➤ South American Payment Options ➤ Outbound Payment Solutions ➤ Consumer Authentication Solutions Contact FAC to authenticate your players prior to Registration, or Fissionpoint Solutions for international, multi-currency payment processing and alternative payment services.

First Atlantic Commerce sales@fac.bm Fissionpoint Solutions info@fissionpoint.com www.firstatlanticcommerce.com

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Payment Solutions



DevCode is a Swedish company focusing on Payment and all the processes related to it. Today we are working with a number of major providers and merchants around the world. SOFORT Payment Network’s online money transfer system, offers independent international and local real-time deposits. SOFORT The answer to chargebacks, fraud and high fees • Available in DE, UK, AT, CH, BE, PL, IT, ES, NL • Meets the high standards of online banking • 25k+ merchants • Already used by millions of customers • Get access to 77 million+ online banking account holders • No registration for users Improves your conversion rates • No aggregation of funds, instant liquidity • Transfers only authorised when they are covered by sufficient funds • Extremely competitive fees • Banking services available through sofort-bank.com • Straight forward integration Contact: SOFORT Joerg Heidenreich T: +49 151 5712 7465 Ronan Smith T: +49 171 179 6664 E: iGaming@sofort.com www.sofort.com

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Payment IQ - Our Payment Gateway Working as your payment gateway the Payment IQ cuts your company’s costs for development and payment managing. With the back office you will get an instant overview of all payment activities regardless of country or currency. You can also easily track the payment activities generated by various products. Payment IQ supports almost all popular payment methods in Europe and a large number all over the world, including credit cards, e-wallets and direct banking. The Payment IQ is of course fully PCI Payment IQ compliant. Cut the consulting costs One integrated solution means less integration work and consultancy hours resulting in radically lower costs of processing payment transactions. Payment IQ also lets you implement payment methods faster without taking your site down. Account IQ Our accounting product, Account IQ, is a financial reporting system is based on payment advices picked up from acquiring institutions and all of your other payment providers. This means that in Account IQ we have financial reporting based on actual data gathered from settlement reports rather than anticipated data. Your accounting and general ledger systems can rely on a fully automated process reconciling all the transactions filed in your bank account. Contact: DevCode Sveaväge 49 11359 Stockholm Pedro Hansson T: +46 8 23 10 80 E: info@devcode.se www.devcode.se

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 169

Payment Solutions WalletIsACrime_AD_April2012.pdf



4:13 PM


Innovative. Online. Payments. Online gaming is a fast changing business. As a company that services leading global players, processing in excess of £11 billion in transactions annually, we understand the challenges and opportunities you face. We know that every business is unique so we specialise in innovation and customisation. By developing tailored solutions for your business we can help you maximise revenue, streamline your processes and keep you ahead of the game.





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Contact: Chris Smart Head of Gaming E: gaming@paypoint.net http://gaming.paypoint.net Products and Services: • PSP Solution (payment processing) • Acquiring Relationships • Advanced Fraud Solutions (FraudGuard Rules Engine) • Intelligent routing with Transaction Optimisation • Fully Managed Payment Service • Alternative Payment Methods • Online cash payments (PayCash solution)

170 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Payment Solutions


A leader in player and affiliate payments, Mustangpay is able to disburse funds by ewallet, bank wire, and direct payment to bank issued or pre-paid cards. Mustang can also disburse cash throughout Latin America. Let us customize a solution for your business, or consult and refer your business for other types of payments not included in our vast suite of options. Contact: T: 1-888-420-4202 E: info@mustangpay.ag


Turn your e-commerce woes into WOW with DoughFlow. DoughFlow is a turnkey cashier platform that connects you to over 100 gaming payment gateways. Merchants contract directly with the gateways they choose and DoughFlow makes the setup a turnkey operation. Mobile, tablet, web and download gaming systems all supported in one customizable system. Local and world-wide payment methods, currencies and languages all rolled into to one easy to use system. We are your trusted and reliable payment solution provider since 2001. Contact: E: sales@doughflow.com T: +506 2520-2662 ext 108 www.doughflow.com


paysafecard is a prepaid solution for payments on the Internet. Over the past years, paysafecard has become one of Europe’s leading alternative online payment solutions. paysafecard makes online payments as easy as using cash and it offers complete security against data abuse and fraud. Anybody can use paysafecard as no credit card or bank account is required. When making a payment, customers’ financial privacy remains fully intact. Contact: paysafecard.com Wertkarten AG Am Euro Platz 2 1120 Vienna, Austria E: sales@paysafecard.com T: +43 (0)1 720 83 80-0 www.paysafecard.com

172 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Processing Payments Since 2001 Professional Services for Gaming Debit & Credit Card Processing Alternative Payment Solutions for Deposits & Payouts Proven Fraud Engine Merchant Service Provider Full Multi-Currency Processing BACS & Faster Payments Bureau PCI Compliant Personal Efficient Service Real-Time Advanced Reporting 24/7 Merchant Support

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With the high cost of acquisition and virtually no switching costs for players, it is vital to focus on customer satisfaction and churn rates. Optimisation of on-boarding, reduction of acquisition costs and improving customer experience when collecting payments or paying out winnings are key. Our expertise, unrivalled data and innovative technology provides you with the tools you need to build trusted relationships with legitimate customers at every point of contact. For more information please contact us: E: info@ experianidentityandfraud.com T: 0845 266 6604 www.experian.co.uk/identityand-fraud/industry-sectors/ gaming.html

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Payment Solutions

Payment Processing

Innovative solutions designed to meet today’s industry challenges We have strategic alliances with the leaders in the industry, offering financial intermediary services for merchant accounts, payment gateways, corporate and personal Bank Accounts. Our strong legislation with regard to money laundering and KYC (Know Your Customer) meets or exceeds worldwide requirements and standards. Our stability as a wellrecognized financial center for offshore investment funds, trusts and international banking dates back to World War II. Turnkey Curaçao-eGaming Payment Processing benefits •Payment Solutions •Card Issuance •Corporate Bank Accounts •Personal Bank Accounts •Acquiring Services for E-commerce business •Cardholder and Merchant Support •Card Production Services •Authorization Services Contact: Curaçao eGaming PO Box 4633 Pletterijweg Oost 1 Ara Hilltop Building Suite A-4 Curacao T: +599-9-465-1134 E: info@curacao-egaming.com www.curacao-egaming.com

174 | Marketplace 2012/13

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EntroPay is an alternative payment provider designed to convert lost customers into loyal players. Fewer restrictions and a simple registration process make EntroPay one of the quickest ways for users to pay and get into the game. EntroPay also offers operators an easy way to make payments to users. Whether paying out winnings or sending payments to affiliates, payouts can be issued instantly and in multiple currencies. Register for an account and start sending payments today. Contact: EntroPay E: sales@entropay.com T: 020 7550 5978 Twitter: @entropay www.entropayforbusiness.com


Adyen is a Payment Service Provider (PSP) offering outsourced payment and fraud control services to the mid-corporate and enterprise markets. Capable of supporting a portfolio of over 90 relevant payment methods worldwide, Adyen provides e-commerce merchants with a one-stop platform for accepting Internet and mobile payments. The payment platform has been completely designed to help merchants maximise conversion during the online payment process by making payment pages more intuitive and straightforward. Contact: James Kennedy E: james.kennedy@axicom.com www.adyen.com

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Payment Solutions

Counting House

Counting House facilitates inbound and outbound payments around the globe. If you need to send high volumes of low value payments, or require payment channels to receive funds in multiple currencies and countries, Counting House will provide you with the right mix of services to meet your needs. Rely on our tested facilities to make it easier for players to pay by credit card, electronic transfer or cheque. Sending timely localcurrency payouts via Counting House gives players in virtually every legal jurisdiction the strongest possible incentive to stay. A single client account at Counting House allows you to access a full suite of payment processing services: • •

• • •

Cheque Issuing - Pay beneficiaries in their own currency with easy to cash local currency cheques. Local Electronic Payments - Your players will enjoy the speed and savings associated with sending and receiving local electronic payments, such as SEPA, Faster Payments, BACS, CHAPS and ACH. Credit Card Processing - Counting House offers multi-currency merchant accounts, real time authorisation, and fast settlement of credit card transactions to the account you designate. Cheque Clearing - Convenient and cost effective clearing of cheques payable to your business or trading name. OCT – Apply a direct credit to a player’s VISA card. Reporting – Access detailed reports and easy to read summaries, no matter where in the world you may be.

Contact Counting House today to tell us about your needs and discuss our services.

ClickandBuy is one of the world’s largest online payment services. And with over 10 years of experience, it also ranks among the most established. Having been authorised by Britain’s Financial Services Authority (FSA) as an e-Money institution, we have succeeded in earning the confidence of international partners of all sizes. The full-service, customised packages we have created, making e-commerce simple and successful for every organisation, have been key forces in our continuous expansion and success. WELCOME TO A NETWORK WITH OVER 13 MILLION USERS WORLDWIDE. More than 16,000 companies have chosen our service for their online sales. With over 100,000 transactions every day and more than 250,000 new customers each month, ClickandBuy is one of the most established payment systems around. Our partners can also tap into our customer community through our highquality, global marketing. Contact: ClickandBuy International Limited Lincoln House 137-143 Hammersmith Road London, W14 0QL, UK

Contact: Counting House Shannon Airport House SFZ County Clare IRELAND T: +353 86 78 09 508 E: info@countinghouseltd.com www.countinghouseltd.com

176 | Marketplace 2012/13


T: (UK) +44 203 3180734 E: sales@clickandbuy.com

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The Global Business of Poker


(4th Edition) Much has changed within online poker over the last few years. That’s why iGaming Business have produced a brand new 4th edition of The Global Business of Poker. This new report offers you a comprehensive overview of the key markets and includes forecasts up to 2015. If you are in the business of online poker you cannot afford to miss out on this essential business intelligence. This valuable report will allow you to develop and execute a successful online poker experience and give you the key data and analysis to allow you to easily identify and exploit new opportunities. The Global Business of Poker gives you in-depth analysis on the factors affecting growth in the industry; including the Smartphone revolution and it’s affect on poker offerings and how social gaming is now part of the online poker mix. You will �ind a range of intelligence to inform and shape your business strategy. The 4th edition is unrivalled in the breadth and depth of case studies of the major online poker sites and networks. You will be able to clearly see who the winners and losers are in this sector, which business models are the most successful, how companies are increasing revenue and the most effective marketing strategies. The Global Business of Poker will allow you to learn from the experience of others and avoid some of the pitfalls along the way. Summary of content

Growth of online Poker - Regional Overviews and demographics - Major Poker Properties –Online Poker Market - Mobile Poker Market - Poker and Social Media - Poker and TV- Commercial Models in Online Poker - Marketing, Sponsorship and Poker Prize Funds - Regulation - Outlook

and Forecasts

To order your copy of The Global Business of Poker (4th Edition) simply email: reports@igamingbusiness.com and quote 12EPoker2 or call our sales team on +44 (0) 20 7954 3489.


Poker Software

11 178 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Poker Software


The GTECH G2 Poker software offers the most authentic player experience with exceptional graphics and multi table tournaments that recreate the excitement and strategic battles of a real life poker room. GTECH G2 poker software is fully customizable to tailor everything from the lobby background, game tabletops and card backs. With industry leading customer support via live chat and the ability to offer a complete hand history, GTECH G2 can be sure that players experience the very best in online poker. GTECH G2 understand the importance of liquidity to the success of an online poker room and runs seven of the world’s most successful poker networks, including the first and only legal network in North America. GTECH G2 can ensure that your poker products meet all local legal requirements and regulations. At GTECH G2 – We Speak Poker Contact: T: 0203 131 0300 E: hello@gtechg2.com Facebook; GTECH G2 Twitter; GTECH_G2

Merge Gaming Network

The Merge Gaming Network offers a world class digital gaming platform built from the ground up by a team with years of experience operating many of the traditional software provider offerings. This has resulted in a very stable and scalable gaming platform offering operators a wide variety of games, very quick turnaround times and detailed reporting. Network operators have access to a fully skinnable and feature packed poker client, industry leading backend administration software, network promotions, custom affiliate software, and the services of a network fraud and support department. An extensive cashier with full processing and a sub-license with the Kahnawake Gaming Commission are also provided. Thanks to its comprehensive software and support and its ability to have new operators up and running within weeks the Merge Gaming Network is expanding rapidly and an ideal solution for those looking to make an immediate impact in the industry. Contact: E: enquiries@mergegaming.com www.mergegaming.com


Since Microgaming developed the first true online Casino software over a decade ago, it has led the industry in providing innovative, reliable gaming solutions to over 160 market-leading gaming sites, worldwide. This unrivalled technology company offers over 600 game titles and more than 1,000 game variants, in 24 languages, across online, landbased, and mobile platforms. Its renowned dedication to innovation provides the foundation to consistently deliver award-winning Casino, Poker, Bingo, Live, Progressives and Network Gaming software, as well as managed services, to a global audience. Microgaming content is also available through QuickFire, offering a supremely versatile, unique gaming experience for operators and players. It is the power behind the world’s largest Progressive Jackpot Network and has paid out over €320 million. Microgaming is also a founding member of eCOGRA and IGC. Contact: Microgaming MGS House Circular Road Douglas Isle of Man IM1 1BL T: +44 (0) 1624 647777 E: sales@microgaming.co.uk www.microgaming.co.uk

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 179

Poker Software


From one of the world’s most trusted names in gaming… Sciplay is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scientific Games Corporation, a leading provider of secure, player engaging products and services to over 300 lottery and gaming organizations around the globe since 1973. Offering fully compliant, customized internet solutions – web, mobile and social – for lotteries and regulated gaming operators, Sciplay delivers an integrated cross-platform solution that helps customers capitalize on the revenue potential of internet and traditional retail channels, including: • System software • Game content • Operational services • Player support Sciplay’s turn-key program provides secure access to a play anytime, anywhere personalized gaming experience through a portfolio of diverse, state-of-the-art, legally compliant games and content that players can access from computers and mobile devices. From traditional lottery programs and games to social venue and casino-style games* Sciplay’s interactive products span the entire internet gaming spectrum. *As permitted by applicable law and regulation

Contact: E: Michael.Lightman@ scientificgames.com www.sci-play.com

180 | Marketplace 2012/13


StarGames.com is the online casino that you want to promote! With no download or installation required, play instantly amongst millions of players from across the globe. First time deposit players benefit from a very attractive instant bonus. StarGames.com is available in over 15 different languages and will continue to give more reasons to be part of this growing team. We treat both our players and affiliates with great conditions. Players: • Attractive loyalty program • Monthly cash bonuses • VIP treatment for high rollers Affiliates: • Twice a month commission payments • Attractive commission deals • Localized marketing tools • No negative carry over • Daily reports • Dedicated support Take up the opportunity to start promoting our Casino, Poker and Skill games and be rewarded! We are offering an extra 25EUR CPA* on new CPA affiliate sign ups. Contact us on partner@ stargames.com, quote ‘SG_ CPA25’ and one of our dedicated affiliate managers will contact you to see if you are eligible. Become our partner and sign up! Contact: T: +356 2546 6699 E: partner@stargames.com www.stargamesaffiliate.com *Terms and conditions may apply

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Alongside its comprehensive Slot-Portfolio, Greentube, subsidiary of Astra Games, a Novomatic Group company, presents its considerable expertise in the development of the most popular poker variants: Omaha, Texas Hold’Em and 5 Card Draw. The liquidity of the poker rooms provides customers with gaming entertainment and a sufficient number of opponents – a key success factor in the operation of poker platforms. The final products are the result of industry leading technology. Contact: E: sales@greentube.com T: +43 1 494 5056 www.greentube.com


B3W is a software development company based in Malta that develops online Casino, Poker and Affiliation Products. B3W Group companies operate Class 1, 3 and 4 licenses out of Malta and provide turnkey solutions to the Industry. B3W also operates www. pokerpack.com, a European facing Poker network as well as B3Waffiliation.com, a proprietary affiliation platform cultivating an interesting system of harmonization and retention for their white label partners. Contact: José Micallef E: jmicallef@b3w.net T: +356 2065 6000 www.b3wgroup.com

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Poker Software

Connective Games LLC Connective Games LLC Nahimova St. 13/1 - 308 Tomsk Russia 634034 E: info@connectivegames.com www.ConnectiveGames.com

Melita Gaming Network Ltd. Melita Gaming Network Ltd. 12 Tigne Place, Tigne Street, office 2/4 Sliema, SLM 15 – Malta T: +356 21 32 05 66 E: diane.dalli@ melitagamingnetwork.com

Betting Connections

HQ in the European Hub Capital of Igaming – Malta - and currently opening offices in Dublin, Gibraltar and Stockholm, as a firm of entrepreneurs, Betting Connections under-stands your business ideas, requirements and that in a service industry your most valuable asset is your staff. We truly believe that while placing the highest calibre candidate into your company we will grow hand in hand as you do.

Everleaf Gaming Limited

Everleaf Gaming is a network of partners - independent online cardrooms. From fully managed turn-key solution to providing the pool of players, Everleaf offers its partners every possible solution to meet their requirements. Award-winning Everleaf software offers peerless design and features. The fully integrated and complete back office provides every tool you need for a successful operation. State-of-theart technology guarantees scalability, localization in any language, user-friendly design, and more. You can integrate with any gaming operation; operate as a standalone cardroom; be part of a network or establish your own. In addition to the software, we provide a fully-managed, turn-key solution with full start-up assistance, ongoing IT support and operational services. Everleaf Gaming Ltd. is licensed and regulated by the Malta Lottery and Gaming Authority (LGA). Contact: T: +356 213 349 77 E: info@everleafgaming.com

Contact: T: +356 27 204 520 E: info@bettingconnections.com www.bettingconnections.com

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 181

Poker Software

Poker Software

Viaden Gaming

Red Planet offers a uniquely flexible opportunity to own and operate an online cardroom/ network: from a flat fee or revenue share license to a royalty-free managed solution or source code ownership. Integrate with any online gaming operation, operate as a stand-alone cardroom, be part of a network or establish your own. Red Planet is your complete solution: software, start-up and IT support, operation and maintenance of your cardroom. Contact:

Viaden Gaming is a gaming software vendor fully licensed by the Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission. The company is a cutting-edge online gambling software developer offering optimal online gambling solutions from development through to delivery and maintenance. Viaden Gaming offers a wide variety of incredible online imitations of the most popular casino and poker games. The game range includes card games, table games, slot machines, video pokers, roulettes, multi-player poker games and more. The online casino enables interactive casino gameplay in real-time.

T: +43 1 994 60 6421 E: info@redplanetgaming.com www.redplanetgaming.com

Poker Software

With a focus on online poker Ongame Network supplies over 25 of the e-gaming industry’s strongest brands access to one of the most vibrant and innovative e-gaming environments on the market. Through multi-compatible software, a seamlessly integrated mobile poker solution and a range of fringe services and products, Ongame Network offers turnkey online poker solutions tailored to your specific needs.

The system supports gaming variants for both virtual and real money. All our games are compatible with touchscreen monitors and can be used for Internet café kiosk systems. The software is fully mobile: HTML5-based and iOS application-based. Contact: T: +375 29 699 66 77 E: cl@viaden.com


WM been specializing in the design and supply of software for online gaming since 2003 and it was the first Gambling Platform Provider regularly authorized by a country in the European Community, with a class 4 license issued by LGA, (Lotteries & Gaming Authority Malta). In 2004 WM came out with a revolutionary game bundle based on adobe flash technology. Since then the Company has been looking towards the future, with progressive success on the Italian and European markets as one of the biggest software providers for online gaming. WM PLATFORM In 2009 WM launched a state of the art and flexible management software solution for online gaming operators that could meet any need or request by operators in the field. The platform allows to manage all gaming products: casino, betting, live betting, poker and live poker and that is open to the integration of any game from third parties. WM CASINO SUITE World Match Casino games suite is rich and comprehensive, since it includes: single-line and multi-line Slots, all Roulette and Live Roulette versions, Black Jack and Baccarat, Video Poker, Scratch and Win, Funny Games. Contact: T: +356 355 058 08 E: sales@wm.com.mt

E: partner@ongamenetwork.com


182 | Marketplace 2012/13


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Promotions, Prizes & Merchandise

11 184 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Promotions, Prizes & Merchandise

Initial Rewards is the largest dedicated supplier of promotional branded & non-branded merchandise and Loyalty Rewards Programs for the Gaming Industry. With headquarters in London and offices in New York, Taiwan and Tel Aviv, Initial Rewards are now a truly global operation. From Coupon Stores to Ad Hoc VIP gifting, Initial Rewards have become a ‘must-have’ Loyalty Marketing Partner. Lee Reuben Initial Rewards Ltd 4 Parr Road, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 1QP, England, UK T: +44(0) 208 381 3300 F: +44(0) 208 381 3700 www.initialrewards.com E: lee@initialrewards.com


Element create and manage prizes, incentives and rewards across the globe for customer loyalty, consumer promotions, VIP rewards and spot prizes. Our bespoke solutions range from money can’t buy experiences, luxury holidays, group travel events, weekend breaks and tickets to consumer goods. These are all supported by our winner management service and worldwide logistics. Contact: Element 5 Crombie Mews Abercrombie Street London, SW11 2JB T: +44 (0)20 77382136 E: team@element-london.com www.element-london.com

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Outstanding Girls

Are you running a Player Program? Do you want to offer a more exciting reward experience and expand your reward offering to more countries? Are you looking for ways to better target rewards to players of specific gaming products? Do you intend to move away from rake back and discounts? Loylogic provides modular, scalable and global reward solutions for frequent player programs worldwide. We help our clients to steer and increase the value of their loyalty currency by combining state-of-the-art technology with our international reward network and over 70 years of loyalty expertise.

Outstanding Girls is a fresh, innovative company supplying the finest promotional models for events and exhibitions. We provide a tailored service, listen to your specific requirements and send you models that fit your brand and can deliver your message. All models have experience in promotional work and are friendly and attractive. We offer an efficient and affordable service so please contact us for details. We cover the UK and Ireland.

Key Features: • Worldwide reward delivery • Exciting, target rewards (e.g., Las Vegas trip) • Fun, meaningful redemption options (buy, bid, raffle, donate, convert) • Patented points-plus-cash reward payment • Worldwide leading reward shop technology Key Benefits: • More valuable loyalty currency than competitors • Increased e-gaming spending and revenues • Increased frequent player satisfaction Contact: Robert Moerland T: +41 43 500 51 55 E: robert.moerland@loylogic.com www.loylogic.com

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Contact: T: 0208 643 0651 M: 0774 779 3471 E: info@outstandinggirls.co.uk www.outstandinggirls.co.uk


PIMS-SCA is a promotional risk management provider, placing huge jackpots for odds based games and games of skill. With over 20 years in the business we have long standing and established relationships with A+ rated Insurance companies and can place risks for all types of games – bingo, poker, slots, blackjack, lotteries, scratchcards and casino games. PIMS-SCA enables online and traditional gaming organisations to offer multi-million pound headline jackpots. Contact: T: 020 7434 3046 E: info@pims-sca.com www.pims-sca.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 185

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ARE YOU READY TO MEET WITH YOUR NEW RECRUITMENT PARTNER? Betting Connections’ mission is to provide a customized, professional and very successful recruitment service to both clients and candidates by understanding and responding to their particular requirements. Our focus has firmly been on achieving results by providing not only a very fast but also a very consistent supply of appropriately matched candidates and roles. Betting Connections’ goal is to be your most effective and most requested recruitment partner. Contact: Duarte Amado Head of Recruitment Betting Connections Recruitment Solutions Ltd. Falcon House, High Street, Sliema, Malta T: +356 27 204 519 F: +356 99 166 220 e: Duarte@bettingconnections.com www.bettingconnections.com

11 186 | Marketplace 2012/13

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internet.betting.casino.poker.Malta.Gibraltar.fraud.IT.marketing.affiliates.CEO. multilingual.sportsbook.games.translations.poker.egaming.senior.trading. developing.odds.stake.blackjack.roulette.3D.COO.Southamerica.USjunior. customerservice.australia.content.UK.Asia.webdesigner.java.linux.CRM. internet. betting.casino.poker.Malta.Gibraltar.fraud.IT.marketing.affiliates.CEO.multilingual. sportsbook.games.translations.poker.egaming.senior.trading.developing.odds. stake.blackjack.roulette.3D.COO.Southamerica.USjunior.customerservice. australia.content.UK.Asia.webdesigner.java.linux.CRM. internet.betting.casino. poker.Malta.Gibraltar.fraud.IT.marketing.affiliates.CEO.multilingual.sportsbook. games.translations.poker.egaming.senior.trading.developing.odds.stake.blackjack. roulette.3D.COO.Southamerica.USjunior.customerservice.australia.content. UK.Asia.webdesigner.java.linux.CRM. internet.betting.casino.poker.Malta.Gibraltar. fraud.IT.marketing.affiliates.CEO.multilingual.sportsbook.games.translations. poker.egaming.senior.trading.developing.odds.stake.blackjack.roulette.3D.COO. Southamerica.USjunior.customerservice.australia.content.UK.Asia.webdesigner. java.linux.CRM. internet.betting.casino.poker.Malta.Gibraltar.fraud.IT.marketing. affiliates.CEO.multilingual.sportsbook.games.translations.poker.egaming.senior. trading.developing.odds.stake.blackjack.roulette.3D.COO.Southamerica.USjunior. customerservice.australia.content.UK.Asia.webdesigner.java.linux.CRM. internet. betting.casino.poker.Malta.Gibraltar.fraud.IT.marketing.affiliates.CEO.multilingual. sportsbook.games.translations.poker.egaming.senior.trading.developing.odds. stake.blackjack.roulette.3D.COO.Southamerica.USjunior.customerservice. australia.content.UK.Asia.webdesigner.java.linux.CRM. internet.betting.casino. poker.Malta.Gibraltar.fraud.IT.marketing.affiliates.CEO.multilingual.sportsbook. games.translations.poker.egaming.senior.trading.developing.odds.stake.blackjack. roulette.3D.COO.Southamerica.USjunior.customerservice.australia.content. UK.Asia.webdesigner.java.linux.CRM. internet.betting.casino.poker.Malta.Gibraltar. fraud.IT.marketing.affiliates.CEO.multilingual.sportsbook.games.translations. poker.egaming.senior.trading.developing.odds.stake.blackjack.roulette.3D.COO. Southamerica.USjunior.customerservice.australia.content.UK.Asia.webdesigner. java.linux.CRM. internet.betting.casino.poker.Malta.Gibraltar.fraud.IT.marketing. Betting ConneCtions understands your affiliates.CEO.multilingual.sportsbook.games.translations.poker.egaming.senior. Business ideas and requirements – trading.developing.odds.stake.blackjack.roulette.3D.COO.Southamerica.USjunior. and of Course risk versus reward! internet. customerservice.australia.content.UK.Asia.webdesigner.java.linux.CRM. reCruitment is not a game! it’s not aBout betting.casino.poker.Malta.Gibraltar.fraud.IT.marketing.affiliates.CEO.multilingual. sending as many Cv’s as you Can sportsbook.games.translations.poker.egaming.senior.trading.developing.odds. stake.blackjack.roulette.3D.COO.Southamerica.USjunior.customerservice.australia. find until someone sCreams: “Bingo”


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www.bettingconnections.com T: +356 27 204 520


CV faCtory or Betting ConneCtions? A growing number of businesses make use of career and job websites to advertise vacancies as well as online recruitment agencies commonly known as “Postal Service Recruitment Agencies/ CV Factories/Forwarding Services etc...” The availability of online recruitment advertising is encouraging companies to do it directly, bypassing the traditional recruitment agencies. Online job sites are quick, easy to use and perceived to be inexpensive. Whilst we can argue about the real value of any online recruitment website, we cannot really argue against the fact that today too many “traditional/ established” recruitment agencies have forgotten what the meaning of recruitment is. Recruitment is not a game! It’s not about sending as many CV’s as you can find until someone screams: “Bingo”. As an employer all you want is a strong shortlist of applicants that match your job descriptions and that are employable on the spot – your difficulty should be regarding which one to choose and not which one might be able to do the job!

You will find that there is a direct relation between the numbers of CV’s you receive from one agency for an open position and the probability of a successful employment contract. Not surprising the curve is going in the opposite direction. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

3 CVs

10 CVs

15 CVs

20 CVs

More CV’s means more work for the HR department as well as to the Recruiter. Recruitment is about turning the right stones and uncovering the right opportunities for all parties involved – It’s not volume! It is pace and intelligence while managing expectations.

About us Betting Connections was founded at the heart of the gaming centre in Malta by Industry Professionals that identified a need for a new, fresh and innovative approach to igaming recruitment. To be successful we had to start with our own staff at first and all our consultants are experienced in both igaming - with backgrounds from Fraud, Odds Compiling, Support and HR – while having solid Recruitment experience in the Service industry - Igaming, Financial Services and Digital Media. With passion for the industry, we speak 2 or more languages - Our office is as multicultural as yours! And we cover the most wanted languages like English, French, German, Portuguese,

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Scandinavian, Italian and Spanish which allows us to accurately assess candidate’s language abilities, check their references from home countries if needed while having access to the best talent a country has to offer. We are always interested in improving relationships with clients and candidates and frequently review internal policies to maintain the highest levels of customer service. Because sometimes you can’t have a clear view of your own business we hire the most successful recruitment specialist trainers to create our workshops and to create our training materials – Our industry is recruitment in Igaming!

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What we do and how we do it? All candidates have to undergo our 30 Step recruitment process that also includes referencing. We typically send a strong shortlist of candidates that have been pre-screened, qualified and thoroughly interviewed. We are so confident in our pre-selection process that all candidates come with a 12 week warranty. Betting Connections uses outstanding networking techniques to attract candidates for vacant positions. Web 2.0 including Facebook, Twitter, Chats, Forums and other social Networks have proven very successful for growing our extensive live network instead of a dead database. Participations in Business conferences and advertising ensure that we reach even the last of the hiding candidates. With a state of the art Business catalyst and constantly updated database we can track any recruitment project to any stage and access where to improve and streamline our work flow. Our affiliate system gives us and our clients’ access to the widest range of candidates within the industry and we will gladly show our clients the strength of our network without any costs.

Refer-a-friend incentive scheme Today is important but tomorrow even more - This is the slogan of our development program. We are talking to authorities in the source countries of candidates about qualifying and training of available employment seeking individuals that have good skills, but no experience in I-Gaming.

Our Clients are invited to work with us on this program to ensure a constant flow of fresh candidates.

Does all that humanized recruitment service Betting Connections offers cost more than the services of a traditional CV Factory? Most importantly our service does not cost your time and our fees are flexible and adaptable for every situation while only payable on a successful placement. We give our clients options and that is the reason we have created a unique, 3, optional fee structure for you to choose from. The risk is completely on Betting Connections. No consultation or listing fees and of course our 12 weeks warranty. Book your Personal Humanized Recruitment Service with Betting Connections NOW:

ben@bettingconnections.com resourcing / traffic controller

10% fee Discount on 1st successful introduction if you mention Marketplace when contacting us

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Refer-a-friend incentive scheme

Falcon House, High Street, Sliema +356 27 204 519 +356 27 204 520 www.bettingconnections.com

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 189


Betting Connections


Euro London Appointments



European Office - Local Languages! To give our clients the maximum amount of flexibility, we have a number of recruitment solutions available. We have the typical recruitment products that companies are now familiar with (Permanent, Temporary and Contract divisions) but we also have a full Payroll Service and some special programmes: • Temporary to Permanent Worker Programme • In House Recruitment Programme These special programmes also significantly benefit the candidates, as they look to start a career in a company that they can both learn from and give back to, allowing them to prove themselves in a multi-national environment and often earning their permanency. Because we all want choices we have, also, created a unique 3 optional fee structure so your recruitment becomes more cost effective depending on your needs. Guaranteed with our service you will have access to • Dedicated experience Account Manager • Trained Multilingual Recruiter • Live network of experienced Igaming candidates

Esanda is the global leader in online, mobile, social and iGaming recruitment, offering a consultative service with in-depth industry knowledge, experienced recruiters and a first class reputation. Our aim is to compliment and enhance any business strategy and growth plans by sourcing the best talent in the market. We service poker, bingo, lottery and games operators, as well as affiliate networks, software vendors, consultancies and secure payment processing, fraud and security companies. We specialise in marketing, sales, IT, product & project management, finance, trading, and operations positions at all levels. Our strict policy of not approaching candidates who are an employee of our clients has made us the most trusted and reliable agencies in the industry. With an extensive client base and an unrivalled global candidate network Esanda is at the forefront of iGaming staffing solutions.

75% Refund warranty for 12 weeks

Contact Esanda Recruitment today to find out more:

Contact: T: + 356 27 204 520 E: info@bettingconnections.com www.bettingconnections.com

T: +44 (0) 208 7892121 E: info@esandarecruitment.com

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In a market that’s truly international, we understand that language ability is key. We also understand that you need a recruiter who is not only a specialist in your sector, but who can also source the multilingual talent you need where it is needed. Whether you’re looking for an affiliate manager with French and German; an Italian speaking odds compiler or a bilingual business analyst, the team at Euro London Appointments have extensive reach into international talent pools specifically within the Betting and iGaming arena. Having operated within this market since 2004, we have an in depth and unrivalled knowledge of the sector coupled with a pan European network of internationally experienced and multilingual candidates. Don’t gamble when you need multilingual talent – deal with the language experts Euro London Appointments - Local Knowledge – International Reach Contact: Wayne Tritton T: +44 1753 853 400 F: +44 1753 860 100 E: w.tritton@eurolondon.com 5 Victoria Street, Windsor Berkshire, SL4 1HB www.linkedin.com/in/WayneTritton www.twitter.com/ELAiGamingJobs

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Bettingjobs.com is the premier recruitment consultancy specialising in the online gaming and betting industry. Established in 2003, our continued success comes from a passion for the industry and comprehensive understanding of our clients and their needs. Working with the largest and most influential companies in the industry as well as startups and service providers, our approach is tailored for an individual service catering to our client’s particular requirements. Bettingjobs.com is renowned for being able to deliver a complete recruitment solution from board level Executive Search through to Customer Services.

Global Network Local Service

Contact: E: james@bettingjobs.com www.bettingjobs.com


We are a headhunting consultancy specialising in mapping, search and approach/selection into online or traditional operators as well as suppliers into the industry. We accept briefs on retained and non-retained projects for the following roles: • CEO, CTO, CMO, COO • Director / Head of Trading • Director / Head of Marketing / CRM • Director / Head of Finance • Quantitative Analysts / Developers Please contact us to confidentially discuss your project requirements. Contact: Brooke Greville T: +44 (0)207 2915145 E: brooke@betrecruit.com www.betrecruit.com

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 191

we’ll see you, and raise you Discuss your needs with Reed iGaming either as a candidate or employer and you can expect a lot more than you think. We have a dedicated team of consultants who specialise in sourcing the very best opportunities and candidates in the iGaming industry globally. We work with large and small operators, service providers, software developers or contact centres. When you knock on our door we can open others. We’d like to talk to you about your needs whether you are looking for new opportunities or looking for talented people to join your team. No Hard Sell. Our vacancies and an honest and caring service will do the selling for us. Call us on +356 21322314 or 5 or e-mail: david.cutajar@reedglobal.com Recruitment . HR Consultancy . Training Outsourcing . Temping . Assessments Global Salary Surveys . Careers Advice Employee Surveys . Talent Management Provision of Key Officials/ Directors

Part of Reed Specialist Recruitment





REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT (MALTA)/ REED iGAMING is a licensed international employment agency, human resources consultancy and training firm (offering services in most iGaming jurisiductions and cross-border as well as local recruitment). In Malta Reed iGaming also offers turnkey services for setting up iGaming operations, including assitance with licencing, legal, back-office key official and directorship service. Operating a leading portal for employers and job seekers, Reed has a significant quality candidate resource. Furthermore, as a franchise of REED, the UK’s leading specialist recruitment and HR services provider, the company has a global reach. Other services for the gaming industry include psychometric assessments, training (see www.reedlearning.com.mt), teambuilding activities, all aspects of HR consultancy, performance measurement, employee climate surveys and data mining services. Reed iGaming also manages the iGaming careers information portal: www.igamingjobs.biz Contact: Reed iGaming Suite 4, Paolo Court (13), Giuseppe Cali Street, Ta’ Xbiex XBX 1423, Malta T: +356 2132 2314 or T: +356 2132 2315 F: +356 2134 2098 E: info.malta@reedglobal.com E: maria.cutajar@reedglobal.com www.reedglobal.com.mt www.igamingjobs.biz

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Paragon partners an enviable international client base representing full spectrum client solutions, incorporating preferred and sole supply basis in addition to mainstream appointments. Our client base encompasses established and emerging industries placed as Employers of Choice, with career enhancing opportunities and leading remuneration and reward. The team at Paragon truly believes in active two way relationship management to both client and candidate, and genuinely believes that Paragon delivers a targeted and effective service resulting from the hard work in establishing real understanding and knowledge within the areas in which we operate. It is our role to understand the risks and opportunities facing both client and individual, and to then provide people focused solutions considering both the domestic and transient skills sets and talent available. Contact: T: +44 (0)1624 665115 E: enquiries@paragon.co.im

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Inside-Egaming work with the biggest names in the Egaming Industry, and are true specialists in the Sales, Affiliate, Marketing and Product Management areas of the Egaming Industry. We have strong relationships with our clients where we act as trusted advisers, and really add value to the hiring process. By being as close to our clients as possible we are able to give meaningful advice to our candidates throughout the process. Contact: Steve Wyatt M: +44 (0) 797 661 2682 T: +44 (0) 207 138 3683 Skype: stevewyatt1 www.inside-egaming.com


RecruitGibraltar have been the leading recruitment agency in the Gibraltar eGaming sector for the past 8 years. We are the locally based specialist, helping candidates with career guidance and opportunity selection, based on a cultural fit in addition to a skills match. We have close and personal relationships with our clients and so are in an advantageous position to gain an in depth understanding of their vacancies. We cover all sectors in the industry and have many years experience, so our understanding of your requirements is exceptional. Contact us today and let us help in your next career move in Gibraltar. Contact: E: Ian.Hancock@RecruitGibraltar.com www.RecruitGibraltar.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 193


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SEO/SEM Services

Burstin Marketing Group

The Burstin Marketing Group is a dynamic and diverse team of marketing experts, translators, copywriters, and graphic designers that specializes in the field of online marketing with the gambling industry. Our members have years of experience creating, developing and executing marketing plans designed specifically for your Internet Business. Contact: T: 416-822-5531 E: info@burstingroup.com www.burstingroup.com


MOWILMEDIA position your company through the largest SE based on a deep analysis of specific targeted keywords (SEM) to reach the exact targeted user. MOWILMEDIA’s campaigns are 100% results driven in order to boost your sales with the highest conversion rates. MOWILMEDIA use the latest cutting edge SEO techniques approved by all search engines. Well qualified Industry experts will be managing every step, in order to improve your ROI.

Income Access

At Income Access, the SEO/ SEM Agency is dedicated to providing partners with strategies that are designed to increase website traffic and improve conversion rates. These services include: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Audits, Pay Per Click Campaign Audits and Management, Search Engine Marketing Services, Link Building and SEO Copywriting. Understanding what keywords your customers are using to find you (and your competitors) is one of the reasons optimising for search engines is so valuable. With effective SEM strategies and brand visibility in popular search engines, there will be an increased volume of awareness with key target audiences. Speak to the Income Access SEM Agency to find out more about offsite SEO, onsite SEO, and website optimisation. Contact: T: +1 514 849 8595 E: info@incomeaccess.com www.incomeaccess.com


Contact: E: info@mowilmedia.com E: sales@mowilmedia.com www.mowilmedia.com

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when it comes to your business you want to play it safe. Tom Light Consulting, specializes in strategy, marketing & operations for the Online Gaming & Financial Trading industry.

Aff iliates Blog Management Bonuses Consulting Content Creative E-Marketing Financial Services Fraud Protection Hosting Legal Licensing Managed Services Market Research Media Buying PR Payment Solutions Print Promotions PPC Recruitment Reputation Retention Start Up SEO SEM Software Telemarketing Trade Shows Training Translation Turnkey Web Design


Don’t Gamble, Bring Gamblers.


WEB sales@TomLightConsulting.com www.TomLightConsulting.com

TELEPHONE & FAX USA: +1.310.929.7712 UK: +44.203.318.2120 Israel: +972.52.599.9082

Skill Gaming Software

11 198 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Skill Gaming Software


Betware empowers operators to build their online presence by implementing multiplayer community based games. The feature rich Skill & Casual games give the players a unique opportunity to play against each other in real time. Betware’s Skill & Casual product supports multiple currencies and offers the possibility to play for fun or real money in a safe and moderated environment. Contact: Ingvar Hjalmarsson E: ingvar@betware.com T: +354 580 4766 F: +354 580 4701 www.betware.com


GTECH G2 have created a package of services that can be tailored to create the perfect managed system to enable the smooth running and increased profitability of any operation. GTECH G2 player services are designed with three key aims; • Lowering the cost of acquisition • Increasing lifetime player values • Supporting a customers brand image and values GTECH G2 also offers a full suite of Player Services that include:-


Greentube, subsidiary of Astra Games, a Novomatic Group company, offers the most exciting Skill Games for Internet and mobile devices. Currently, Greentube offers some 80 national and international Skill Games, such as Card, Board, Arcade and Sports Games. To name just a few: Backgammon, Yatzy, Schnapsen, Belote, Billards, BlackJack Duel and many others. As a developer of high-quality multiplayer games with years of experience, Greentube stands for exceptional product quality. Contact: E: sales@greentube.com T: +43 1 494 5056 www.greentube.com

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• Marketing Services • Fraud Control • Player Services • Business Analytics/ Reporting Tools • Payment services GTECH G2 professionals offer expert advice on how to develop an offering to increase the lifetime value of players with market leading products and promotions. At GTECH G2 – We Speak Gaming Contact: T: 0203 131 0300 E: hello@gtechg2.com Facebook; GTECH G2 Twitter; GTECH_G2


StarGames.com is the online casino that you want to promote! With no download or installation required, play instantly amongst millions of players from across the globe. First time deposit players benefit from a very attractive instant bonus. StarGames.com is available in over 15 different languages and will continue to give more reasons to be part of this growing team. We treat both our players and affiliates with great conditions. Players: • Attractive loyalty program • Monthly cash bonuses • VIP treatment for high rollers Affiliates: • Twice a month commission payments • Attractive commission deals • Localized marketing tools • No negative carry over • Daily reports • Dedicated support Take up the opportunity to start promoting our Casino, Poker and Skill games and be rewarded! We are offering an extra 25EUR CPA* on new CPA affiliate sign ups. Contact us on partner@ stargames.com, quote ‘SG_ CPA25’ and one of our dedicated affiliate managers will contact you to see if you are eligible. Become our partner and sign up! Contact: T: +356 2546 6699 E: partner@stargames.com www.stargamesaffiliate.com *Terms and conditions may apply

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 199

UP 121% SportS Betting PAF’s turnover is up 121% after Sportsbook re-launch The Kambi effect CAtegory sponsor


About Kambi

London - Stockholm - Manila - Malta


Kambi is a high quality sports betting B2B supplier to the gaming industry and offers its clients a fully serviced Sports book solution including odds compilation, risk management, event creations/ AD_120507_05.indd 1 5/11/12 3:47 PM translations and second-line support. Contact: Kambi Sports Solutions Ulf RehnstrĂśm E: ulf.rehnstrom@kambi.com T: +46-73-920-8950 T: +44 20 3671 7270 www.kambi.com

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UP 121% PAF’s turnover is up 121% after Sportsbook re-launch The Kambi effect

KAMBI SPORTS SOLUTIONS London - Stockholm - Manila - Malta

AD_120507_05.indd 1


5/11/12 3:47 PM

sports Betting

Risk Management is the process whereby an operator monitors its liabilities, trades odds and choses which bets to take.

Risk ManageMent and spoRts Betting – achieving optiMal pRofitaBility Risk Management starts with answering two questions: What is the bet? Who wants to place it?

• •

Both are equally important to every trading decision and imperfect analysis of either will erode margins and reduce profitability.

What is the bet? An operator will aim to have a margin built into every price that it offers, however this cannot be achieved with 100% accuracy. There are many factors that can potentially affect the probability of an outcome, and it is a far from trivial matter to successfully combine these. An operator cannot guarantee that it will always have access to the latest information before a player, and this is particularly true of Live betting. The rapid growth of Live betting has created new challenges in the areas of real-time probability and information. Increasingly, the market is being driven by the growth in the use of smart phones which is now the fastest-growing channel in this sector. The downside is that smart phones create a disadvantage for operators by allowing players better access to real-time information than they had before. As such the wise operator knows that the odds of an outcome are, to a degree, subjective. Optimal Risk Management involves knowing how much this applies to the bet in question and therefore knowing how much liability to accept at a given

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price and when to change prices. An efficient trading strategy will evaluate the nature of events in order to determine the acceptable risk limits, considering the profile of the event, the availability of information and expected turnover.

Who wants to place it? Professional players constantly seek new ways to take advantage of both imperfections in odds compiling and the availability of better information. An effective Sports Betting Solution relies upon an operator’s ability to manage risk while creating the optimal player experience. A key consideration is how an operator can limit bets from unprofitable players while utilizing their ‘expert’ market knowledge to refine prices without introducing unnecessary restrictions on profitable players? Failure to optimize risk management has two likely outcomes: Too restrictive: set bet limits too low, or be too aggressive in discriminating against sophisticated players, and you run the risk of eliminating both unprofitable and profitable players – and that means lower profits. Too generous: set bet limits too high, or be too encouraging to sophisticated players, and you’ll allow successful players to stake - and win - significantly higher amounts than losing players. You will also attract a disproportionate amount of unprofitable players. Again, the result is lower profits.

• •

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BET TING OPERATOR OF THE YEAR IN 2006, 2008 AND 2009 sports Betting


UP 121%

A trader needs detailed information on An indispensable component of an operator’s instances of high stakes placed by players from prospects of avoiding either outcome is its ability the normal customer segment, but also needs to accurately forecast a player’s future profitability. information relating to aggregated risk and on This has to be done on an ongoing basis, and all bets placed by sophisticated players. A trader always with a less than ideal sample of bets Kambi is the Japanese word for perfection, which tells you to analyze. Past performance is not always an something about our ambitions. Our awards, such asneeds tools to tell them if a new player’s betting pattern correlates with that of known winning indicationSportsbook of future ofresults and operatorsannual must EGR Awards, the Year at eGaming’s also tells that you that arebeyond well on the our way. If you let uscustomers. run The trader also needs to know if the develop systems can we look variance your sportsbook, the mostofcompetitive the is offering arbitrage at any point. of past events to find theyou’ll realget measure a player’sone inoperator business as well as complete security. You get Kambi. true value. Furthermore, efficient trading means extracting Getting the Right Answers sales@kambi.com | www.kambi.com PAF’s turnover is up 121% after the maximum information possible from every Successful Risk Management is crucial for the Sportsbook source. Professional players can be used in this success of a Sports Book. Along with sustained re-launch regard. Their bets indicate inaccuracies in the odds business growth, the bookmaker’s ability to The Kambi effect and, used properly, can refine prices and actually effectively manage risk is the most important increase an operator’s profits. factor in determining an operator’s profitability and long-term success.

The Tools Needed

There is a wide range of tools and services essential to the needs of the operator. For Live betting, an operator needs services to deliver real-time information beyond that provided by KAMBI SPORTS SOLUTIONS broadcasters. There are excellent services available Contact: London - Stockholm - Manila - Malta for conducting IP searches or even more granular Kambi Sports Solutions identification techniques to aid with the detection Ulf Rehnström of multiple account holders. Most tools will E: ulf.rehnstrom@kambi.com AD_120507_05.indd 1 be developed in-house in a close collaboration T: +46-73-920-8950 between traders and developers. The trader needs T: +44 20 3671 7270 tools powerful enough to extract key, actionable www.kambi.com information from all the available data.

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 203

5/11/12 3:47 PM

sports Betting


KAMB I S PORTS S OLUTIONS Kambi Sports Solutions is a part of the Unibet Group Plc. Kambi is a high quality sports betting B2B supplier for the Gaming industry and offers its clients a total Sportsbook solution that includes odds compiling, risk management and event creations/translations. The current Kambi product portfolio consists of an extensive Pre-match odds offering, a state of the art and market leading Livebetting product and two exciting Pool betting products. The two Pool betting products are Supertoto and Superscore, which both allow the customer to bet small and win big. Kambi’s Sportsbook solution has awarded Unibet with the prestigious EGR prize “European Sports betting operator of the year” in 2006, 2008 and 2009. Following a re-launch of its Sportsbook with Kambi, Paf has increased its turn over by 121%, demonstrating the Kambi effect. Contact: Kambi Sports Solutions 3rd Floor 255 Hammersmith Rd London W6 8AZ UK Head of Sales: Tony Johansson T: 0046 76792 98 00 E: sales@kambi.com www.kambi.com

204 | Marketplace 2012/13


Betting Promotion

GTECH G2 Sports Betting Software has been described by the industry as the “ultimate solution”. GTECH G2 has the technology and trading services to take businesses into the premier league. With more markets and the ability to tailor solutions to specific needs, we make sports betting revenues a reality for all customers big or small. Serving more than 40 companies around the globe including the world’s leading lotteries GTECH G2 offers a one stop solution to all your betting needs or the integration of new functionality to existing operations, we have the answer.

Betting Promotion is a listed company on the Swedish Stock Exchange. Betting Promotion provides content and trading services to sportsbooks and betting exchanges, creating and trading on pre-live and live markets for all recognised sporting events around the globe.

GTECH G2 Sports Betting software includes; • MarginMaker™ • Pools Engine™ • Web framework for dynamic and static content management • Event data management system • World*Till • Dynamic and static content management delivery system At GTECH G2 – We Speak Sports Betting

Contact: T: 0203 131 0300 E: hello@gtechg2.com Facebook; GTECH G2 Twitter; GTECH_G2

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Betting Promotion has a number of products to suit both new and existing sportsbetting operations. We offer fixed fee or profit share pricing models for our odds provision and trading services. Every month Betting Promotion has over 13,000 pre-live events and 3,000 live events from which to offer your customers. We are able to offer all of our clients different odds to present to the end user to ensure you remain competitive in your market. We have solutions which can include software and are always developing new and innovative products for our clients. The business has offices in Sweden, Malta and London. For more information contact info@bettingpromotion.com CEO Johan Moazed

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sports Betting


Betware has since 1996 been developing interactive solutions to licensed gaming operators. Betware is a pioneer in the interactive gaming market since it launched the first ever Internet based gaming solution in 1995. The Betware Sports product is built on top of the company’s powerful gaming platform and covers all aspect of sports betting, from the back office right through to the overall player experience. Contact: Ingvar Hjalmarsson E: ingvar@betware.com T: +354 580 4766 F: +354 580 4701 www.betware.com


LVS has supplied interactive sportsbetting software to leading sportsbook operators since 1992. The Advanced Betting Platform (ABP) sportsbook engine from LVS is the most flexible sportsbook on the market and has ten years of continuous development behind it. ABP enables operators to provide customers with the ability to bet and play in multiple languages and currencies across multiple platforms. LVS is a member of the World and European Lottery Associations and is licensed by the UK Gambling Commission. Contact: T: 020 7337 7050 E: ron.regan@lvs.co.uk



Betting Connections

HQ in the European Hub Capital of Igaming – Malta - and currently opening offices in Dublin, Gibraltar and Stockholm, as a firm of entrepreneurs, Betting Connections under-stands your business ideas, requirements and that in a service industry your most valuable asset is your staff. We truly believe that while placing the highest calibre candidate into your company we will grow hand in hand as you do. Contact: T: +356 27 204 520 E: info@bettingconnections.com www.bettingconnections.com




Drawing on a wealth of technological expertise and hands-on industry experience, Parspro provides new and existing operators with a onestop, ready-to-run sports betting system that includes software, hosting and a complete range of support and ancillary services. Whatever the scale of your business or specialised requirements, Parspro offers the complete IT solution for on-line bookmakers including an endto-end suite of management tools custom designed to give you an added edge in this highly competitive industry.

Enetpulse - the leading global provider of live sports data.




samvo betbroker is an exclusive service for bookmakers who are looking for hedging facilities, best prices and coverage across all key sports and markets. we are all about best odds, high limits and huge liquidity.

Founded in 2000 our goal remains to deliver fast, reliable and high quality sports data. Enetpulse continue to serve unique sports content and deliver engaging products right across the betting sector.

Contact: T: +44 8000 30 20 70 www.samvobetbroker.com

In 2011, Enetpulse announced its move into the provision of live betting services after being awarded the exclusive worldwide distribution rights for ATP & WTA official live scoring tennis data.


Love Sports? Contact Enetpulse! Contact: E: sales@enetpulse.com T: +45 702 702 35 www.enetpulse.com

Contact: Thorvar Hafsteinsson T: +354 511 3711 E: thh@parspro.com

206 | Marketplace 2012/13

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sports Betting

INTRALOT Interactive

Sports Betting Excellence from the Betting Experts. BLACK= C30 M30 Y30 K90

MAGENTA= C11 M100 Y0 K0

As a result of our large scale Sports Book management across the Globe, our Sports Betting is the answer to many of the longstanding needs of betting operators; it can guarantee operational efficiency, increases in profitability, while safeguarding security and hassle-free operations. It is an end-to-end Sports Betting Platform, integrated with the most advanced Risk Management and Product Management features; it supports multiple book operations, and allows for differentiation and versatility across the Internet, Mobile and Retail channels, while retaining full control at the operator level. Our platform is able to support any type of operational model, responsibility and distribution, owing to its development as the ultimate multichannel, B2B and B2C betting platform. Any organizational model, ranging from centralized to the completely distributed, even at the individual operational function level, is possible through our Sports Betting Solution deployment. Contact: T: +30 210 6156000 E: i2@intralot.com www.intralotinteractive.com

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Betradar is a brand of Sportradar, the world’s leading supplier of sports and betting-related data. Sportradar provides compelling products, services and solutions with its brand Betradar to the bookmaking world, and through its Scoreradar brand to the international sports media industry. Formed in September 2001, the company now has more than 500 full time employees in 14 countries. More than 300 bookmaker clients, Including over 25 state lotteries, in more than 50 countries across five continents, rely on Betradar’s quality betting services and content solutions. Live betting has taken the sports betting world by storm in recent years, and Betradar has always been one step ahead of this trend developing and delivering innovative products to this evolving marketplace. Betradar’s live betting turnkey solutions provide the biggest variety of sports available in the market, covering football, tennis, basketball, ice hockey, handball, volleyball, beach volleyball and futsal. The 24/7 coverage incorporates over 5,000 live events around the clock per month. Moreover, Betradar added further player, booking and corner-related betting markets and therefore extended its portfolio to over 100 markets. Contact: sales@betradar.com www.betradar.com

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Sports Betting

Install an Odds Comparison! Australia’s leading odds comparison website, Punters Paradise has launched its cutting edge features into the UK and EU. The software is available for FREE by simply including a piece of html/JavaScript code allowing easy integration into any existing blog or website. Yes, your Aussie cousins have been busy. • Revenue share available for all affiliates, using your tracking links. • All major UK and AU bookmakers • Full coverage of Football, Tennis, NFL, NBA, Rugby and more. • Full coverage of UK, NZ, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australian Racing. • Custom layouts and designs to suit your website • Install in minutes Contact: E: developers@ puntersparadise.com.au http://bit.ly/JuojPd

Marketplace 2012/13 | 207

sports Betting


Offside Gaming

Offsidegaming is a leading Sports betting and gaming technology provider. We offer a one-stop-shop facility for start-up companies, licensed operators and land based operations. • State of the art software platform • Powerful automated feeds – Botsphere Rightprice system • 8% - 12% margin guaranteed • Over 60 experienced traders from all over the world • Over 150 events in Live per day and over 4,500 per month • Minimum 50 in-play markets per events • We cover all leagues and countries 24/7, 365 days a year • A pricing structure that complements any given market

Iforium presents Wagerflex; the next generation common wallet Casino and Poker player management platform. This modern platform allows you to choose from multiple 3rd party gaming vendors and combine all products under the same bonus and loyalty scheme. Our solution has the flexibility to be rapidly deployed across the emerging regulated gaming markets. Contact: T: +44 1624 822933 E: sales@iforium.com www.iforium.com

Contact: E: info@offsidegaming.com www.Offsidegaming.com

A Bet A

EveryMatrix is a leading iGaming white label software supplier with products such as: • OddsMatrix – fully managed and automated white label sports book • EveryMatrix Mobile360 – advanced mobile sports book and mobile casino solution • GamMatrix - gaming management and payment processing platform • WonderMatrix – complete turnkey gaming solution • PartnerMatrix – intelligent banner management and affiliate marketing system • RakeMatrix - Bingo and Poker software, for desktop and mobile, including special applications for iPhone, Android, Blackberry and Symbian


A Bet A is a leading supplier of betting systems in the UK, Ireland, and Worldwide.

We are the largest supplier of software for sports betting in Central and Eastern Europe. We offer a comprehensive sports betting solution consisting of modules for Online, Land based, LIVE and Mobile betting and other progressive marketing channels (Self service POS terminals, Digital signage, Tablets). The main features are complexity, scalability, sophisticated risk management, full integration with Betradar, SAP, Navision, etc. The ready-made solution can be customized to measure for clients.

We supply software for Retail, Telephone call-centres, Online bookmaking operations, SMS betting and Smartphone betting. Founded in 1990 as a specialist provider of betting transactional systems, A Bet A are innovative, forward looking, and responsive to customer needs and industry developments; always providing new functionality to keep operators ahead of the game. Follow us @a_bet_a

Contact: Jiri Najman E: info@betsys.eu T: +420 777 322 855 www.betsys.eu

Contact: E: salesinfo@abeta.co.uk T: +44 (0) 1420 549988

208 | Marketplace 2012/13


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Training & Hr

11 210 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Training & HR

eGaming Training & HR Management Managing and improving people is possibly one of the biggest challenges facing the eGaming industry. People Dimensions have been providing international training and HR solutions since 2003. Our eGaming services include:

Global Network Local Service

eCOGRA SUPPORTED CERTIFICATE IN eGAMING Our flagship course, which provides a recognised standard of competence for the eGaming sector. eGAMING ESSENTIALS COURSE Ideal for new entrants, those wishing to work in the sector and organisations providing services to the sector to fasttrack their skills. TAILORED SOLUTIONS Bespoke training solutions for specific requirements. Solutions include: Executive Coaching and Management Development. HR MANAGEMENT Specialist expertise in all areas of international HR management. Whether directly involved in the eGaming sector, or providing a support service, there are many benefits to our eGOGRA supported training courses and the peace of mind that your HR is in safe hands. Contact: E: enquiries @people-dimensions.com www.people-dimensions.com

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Marketplace 2012/13 | 211

Translation Services

11 212 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Translation Services

PUSH International



At last! An online gaming translation specialist, who understands the industry, AND delivers top-class multilingual gaming sites.

Value for money, speedy service, attention to quality and professionalism have been the winning formula of 101translations for the past 9 years. We cut our overheads to the bone and devote all our resources to your projects. This means a lower price with no compromise on quality. We have native speaker translators for nearly every language in the world and thanks to our networked, flexible structure can take on any job whether big or small, or requiring specific expertise.

Translations.com is a worldleading translation company with specialties in website translation, legal translation, patent translation, certified translation, software localization, website localization, GMS (Globalization Management System) software products, and enterprise-level, professional translation services. Whether you are looking for a translation agency or an independent translator, Translations.com offers a full array of language services to meet your needs.

Services include: • Pre-translation site prepping • Content creation/editing • Content translation • Software localization • Terminology management PUSH International will translate your Casino, Poker, Betting, Bingo or Lottery website to help engage with players globally. All popular languages are covered, plus full website scope including games descriptions, promotions, legal text and software. Contact: Ken Mealing www.push-international.com/ gaming T: +44(0) 118 925 5629 E: info@push-international.com


YOU WANT THE BEST TRANSLATION MONEY CAN BUY APLUS TRANSLATIONS is an exclusive company offering translation, localization, editing, proofreading, desktop publishing and subtitling. With APlus, you are guaranteed: • Top gaming translators in the world (casino and video games) • 35+ languages • Highest possible quality process • Up to 6,500 words/per day/ per language • 24-hour turnarounds Contact: Viena Wroblewska E: info@aplustranslations.com T: +1 604 7294540 www.aplustranslations.com

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Contact: E: info@101translations.com www.101translations.com

Mind Power

Services: • Translation • Proofreading • Editing • Software localization • Website globalization • Terminology management • Internationalization • QA testing Languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish etc. We welcome all your orders, starting from small translation tasks to large multilingual localization projects. Mind Power Hungary Translation Agency www.mindpower.hu

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Contact: E: roloughlin@translations.com T: +353 1708 2857


MOWILMEDIA works maintaining the concept and spirit of the piece to be translated, delivering not only the same textual idea, but also creating the same impact on the reader as the one intended with the original text. MOWILMEDIA professional team has vast experience in Translation, Copywriting and Edition. MOWILMEDIA scope of languages includes: English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Turkish, Chinese, Russian, Latvian, Dutch, Portuguese, Turkish, Malay, Greek and Serbian. Contact: E: info@mowilmedia.com E: sales@mowilmedia.com www.mowilmedia.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 213


From one of the world’s most trusted names in gaming…Sciplay is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scientific Games Corporation, a leading provider of secure, player engaging products and services to over 300 lottery and gaming organizations around the globe since 1973. Offering fully compliant, customized internet solutions – web, mobile and social – for lotteries and regulated gaming operators, Sciplay delivers an integrated cross-platform solution that helps customers capitalize on the revenue potential of internet and traditional retail channels, including: System software Game content Operational services Player support

• • • •

Sciplay’s turn-key program provides secure access to a play anytime, anywhere personalized gaming experience through a portfolio of diverse, state-of-the-art, legally compliant games and content that players can access from computers and mobile devices. From traditional lottery programs and games to social venue and casino-style games* Sciplay’s interactive products span the entire internet gaming spectrum. Contact: Michael Lightman T: (212) 318-9144 M: (203) 209-2105 E: michael.lightman@ScientificGames.com www.Sci-Play.com *As permitted by applicable law and regulation

11 214 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Turnkey Solutions

INTERNET & MOBILE GAMING SOLUTIONS From One of the Most Trusted Names in Lottery and Gaming Sciplay, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scientific Games Corporation, a leading provider of secure, high quality, player engaging products and services to over 300 lottery and gaming organizations around the globe since 1973. Offering fully compliant, customized internet solutions – web, mobile and social – for lotteries and regulated gaming operators, Sciplay delivers an integrated cross-platform solution that helps our customers capitalize on the revenue potential of internet and traditional retail channels, including: System software Game content Operational services Player support Sciplay’s turn-key program is not all business – it’s serious fun for players. Sciplay provides secure access to a play anytime, anywhere personalized gaming experience through a portfolio of diverse, state-of-the-art, legally compliant games and content that players can access from computers and mobile devices. Sciplay is a single source for secure, turnkey interactive solutions for lotteries and regulated gaming organizations.

Loyalty & Rewards Programs

The Entire Lottery & Gaming Spectrum


From traditional lottery programs and games to social venue and casino-style games, as permitted by applicable regulation, Sciplay’s interactive products span the entire internet gaming spectrum – from iLottery (Green Gaming) to iGaming (Red Gaming).

Poker games and variants such as Texas Hold ‘em and Five Card Draw offered via the internet.

• • • •

216 | Marketplace 2012/13

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The foundation of an internet platform, Fun Play Games, 2nd Chance Games, Players Clubs and Points for Prizes® programs can create an online community, optimize the lottery brand and play experience, and build playership.

Social Games and Virtual Goods Games played on popular social network sites that incorporate the opportunity to purchase lottery products.

Draw Games Traditional lottery draw games offered via the internet that can be integrated with the retail sales channel, including subscription and high frequency games.

Electronic Instant Tickets (EITs) The online, interactive version of traditional lottery instant games – or interactive instant games – specifically designed for the internet that can be integrated with the retail sales channel.

Bingo The online version of Bingo and Bingo-styled games of chance that can be customized with themes to attract players.

Casino Casino-style games such as blackjack, roulette and slots offered via the internet.

Published by

Turnkey Solutions

and promotional tie-ins. It’s a holistic approach to growing sales, in partnership with lottery retailers. Since 1973, Scientific Games has offered lotteries and regulated gaming organizations worldwide solutions with best-in-class games, technology and professional management services. As lotteries launch internet channels, Sciplay takes the same research-driven, scientific approach to growing revenues for all stakeholders.

Note: Sciplay works with Playtech to deliver a portfolio of the world’s leading Bingo, Poker and Casino gaming products.

Retail Integration As regulated lotteries explore bringing their games to consumers via mobile or internet, it’s an exciting time for players – and for retailers. The internet may offer one of the next significant growth opportunities for the lottery industry, but Sciplay understands that brick and mortar retailers will always be one of the most important sales and distribution networks for lottery games. Lotteries, like all consumer businesses, must continue to expand and grow with new games and new players. A new mobile and internet distribution channel has the potential to grow lottery playership and revenues across all channels, including traditional retail. Sciplay offers solutions that take lottery retail partners into account with unlimited traffic generating, bounce-back opportunities

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We’re Here to Serve Sciplay’s services are customized to each of our lottery and regulated gaming customer’s needs. Management consulting services are provided through an approach that understands that an organization’s goals, strategies, people and systems change and evolve daily. Sciplay has mastered the dynamics of change in the lottery and gaming industry and uses this knowledge to benefit all of our customers.

Please note: The services described herein are limited to activities that are consistent with all applicable laws and Sciplay’s governance processes. We work closely with customers to ensure compliance with local, state/provincial and federal law. Contact: Michael Lightman T: (212) 318-9144 M: (203) 209-2105 E: michael.lightman@ScientificGames.com www.Sci-Play.com

Marketplace 2012/13 | 217

Turnkey Solutions


From one of the world’s most trusted names in gaming… Sciplay is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scientific Games Corporation, a leading provider of secure, player engaging products and services to over 300 lottery and gaming organizations around the globe since 1973. Offering fully compliant, customized internet solutions – web, mobile and social – for lotteries and regulated gaming operators, Sciplay delivers an integrated cross-platform solution that helps customers capitalize on the revenue potential of internet and traditional retail channels, including: • System software • Game content • Operational services • Player support Sciplay’s turn-key program provides secure access to a play anytime, anywhere personalized gaming experience through a portfolio of diverse, state-of-the-art, legally compliant games and content that players can access from computers and mobile devices. From traditional lottery programs and games to social venue and casino-style games* Sciplay’s interactive products span the entire internet gaming spectrum. *As permitted by applicable law and regulation

Contact: E: Michael.Lightman@ scientificgames.com www.sci-play.com

218 | Marketplace 2012/13


Since Microgaming developed the first true online Casino software over a decade ago, it has led the industry in providing innovative, reliable gaming solutions to over 160 market-leading gaming sites, worldwide. This unrivalled technology company offers over 600 game titles and more than 1,000 game variants, in 24 languages, across online, landbased, and mobile platforms. Its renowned dedication to innovation provides the foundation to consistently deliver award-winning Casino, Poker, Bingo, Live, Progressives and Network Gaming software, as well as managed services, to a global audience. Microgaming content is also available through QuickFire, offering a supremely versatile, unique gaming experience for operators and players. It is the power behind the world’s largest Progressive Jackpot Network and has paid out over €320 million. Microgaming is also a founding member of eCOGRA and IGC. Contact: Microgaming MGS House Circular Road Douglas Isle of Man IM1 1BL T: +44 (0) 1624 647777 E: sales@microgaming.co.uk


GTECH G2 have created a package of services that can be tailored to create the perfect managed system to enable the smooth running and increased profitability of any operation. GTECH G2 player services are designed with three key aims; • Lowering the cost of acquisition • Increasing lifetime player values • Supporting a customers brand image and values GTECH G2 also offers a full suite of Player Services that include:• Marketing Services • Fraud Control • Player Services • Business Analytics/ Reporting Tools • Payment services GTECH G2 professionals offer expert advice on how to develop an offering to increase the lifetime value of players with market leading products and promotions. At GTECH G2 – We Speak Gaming Contact: T: 0203 131 0300 E: hello@gtechg2.com Facebook; GTECH G2 Twitter; GTECH_G2


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Turnkey Solutions


Turnkey Solutions

INTRALOT Interactive

e-Gaming Corporate Solutions e-Management is a dedicated business division of HBM Group (est. 1991), with offices in reputable regulated Online Gaming Jurisdictions worldwide. e-Management is a leading specialized turnkey provider of Business Support & Corporate Services to the Online Gaming Industry. As a professional, client oriented service provider of fiduciary services, we focus on establishing and managing internationally engaged e-Gaming Companies based out of Curaçao and Malta. With more than a decade of experience in assisting major software providers and operators with their corporate and licensing requirements in both Curacao and Malta, e-Management/ HBM Group was amongst the first Corporate Services Providers in 1997 to enter the Online Gaming Industry. e-Management offers innovative services by assisting all e-Gaming (related) businesses to efficiently and effectively structure their enterprise in an ever changing and challenging business environment without borders. Contact: Curaçao - Dutch Caribbean T: +5999 734-1100 E: curaçao@emanagementgroup.com Malta-EU T: +356 2132-EMAN [2132 3626] E. malta@emanagementgroup.com www.emanagement-group.com

220 | Marketplace 2012/13

The One-Stop-Shop concept has proven to be extremely valuable in the gaming industry, and in this respect INTALOT Interactive has always been at the forefront of establishing innovative business models in collaboration with its partners; we offer them the possibility to fully or partially outsource Business and Infrastructure Operations, in order to free critical resources and focus on the achievement of business results. BLACK= C30 M30 Y30 K90

Curaçao eGaming - Total Solution Providers since 1996 Curaçao eGaming represents the Curacao Total Solution for Corporate Services, eGaming Licensing, Payment Solutions and Co-location eZone hosting. Our initiative has championed the Curaçao eGaming sector for over a decade. We have maintained unprecedented global recognition and appreciation for our abilities to consistently deliver reliable professional turnkey services to the eGaming marketplace. Turnkey Curaçao-eGaming benefits - Licensing • Curaçao eGaming Licensing Authority Since 1996 • Over a decade experience as a Licensed Jurisdiction • One License which covers games of skill, chance and sports betting • Ability to add new games and services without long delays • Issuance of primary or backup egaming Licenses • Special programs for Software and Network providers • Compliant with OECD and European Union standards • Vast network of banks, trust and investment companies, lawyers, notaries, accountants, management companies etc • 2% Maximum Profit Tax on Net Profits and not on “drop” • 0% tax on Gross Bets • No import duties, no sales (turnover) tax, No VAT in Curaçao • Dividend withdrawals are not restricted • Fast & Professional Company Formation and Trust Management Services • All-Inclusive License packages available Contact: Curaçao eGaming PO Box 4633 Pletterijweg Oost 1 Ara Hilltop Building Suite A-4 Curacao T: +599-9-465-1134 E: info@curacao-egaming.com www.curacao-egaming.com

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MAGENTA= C11 M100 Y0 K0

Managed Services, which range from acquiring new players to retaining existing ones and optimizing their lifecycle value, are also key success factors in the gaming world. We also offer product management services, as every gaming product needs specialized skills for the efficient operation and longterm improvement of user experience and game features. INTRALOT Interactive provides a complete Product and Services Portfolio that addresses its partners’ needs. Our experience in operating in the officially regulated e-gaming market adds tremendous value to our managed services operations, thus complementing our Service offering. Contact: T: +30 210 6156000 E: i2@intralot.com www.intralotinteractive.com

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Curaçao is one of the oldest and Most politically stable providers of turnkey eGaming services. The Tax Free Hosting Center is located on secured government grounds. Curaçao offers only one License type which covers operators and software providers. Turnkey Curaçao benefits:

• Over a decade experience as a Licensed Jurisdiction • One License covers games of chance, skill and sports betting c • Add new games without long delays • Issuance of primary or backup eGaming Licenses • Special programs for Software and Network providers • Compliant with OECD and European Union standards • 2% cap on Net Profits tax • 0% tax on Gross Bets • Zero VAT • Unrestricted dividend withdrawal • 5 fiber optic cable systems provided at government data center • Fast company formation and Trust Services • All-Inclusive License packages available • Annual costs of regulatory A compliance lowest of any jurisdiction

Curaçao eGaming PO Box 4633 Pletterijweg Oost 1 Ara Hilltop Building Suite A-4 Curacao, Netherlands Antilles Tel. +599-9-465-1134 Fax +599-9-465-1136 www.curacao-egaming.com info@curacao-egaming.com

Turnkey Solutions


Greentube, subsidiary of Astra Games, a Novomatic Group company, is the leading developer and provider of innovative online and mobile Gaming solutions using cuttingedge technology. The games portfolio includes Casino, Poker, Skill Games, 3D eSport Games and is constantly being enhanced and improved. Greentube´s software and backend systems build on our substantial experience in the online gaming industry and the completion of dozens of projects over the past few years. Contact: E: sales@greentube.com T: +43 1 494 5056 www.greentube.com

Income Access

Initial Rewards is the largest dedicated supplier of promotional branded & non-branded merchandise and Loyalty Rewards Programs for the Gaming Industry. With headquarters in London and offices in New York, Taiwan and Tel Aviv, Initial Rewards are now a truly global operation. From Coupon Stores to Ad Hoc VIP gifting, Initial Rewards have become a ‘must-have’ Loyalty Marketing Partner. Lee Reuben Initial Rewards Ltd 4 Parr Road, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 1QP, England, UK T: +44(0) 208 381 3300 F: +44(0) 208 381 3700 www.initialrewards.com E: lee@initialrewards.com



Betware has since 1996 been developing interactive solutions for licensed gaming operators. Betware delivers a global Turnkey solution covering the complete spectrum of the online money gaming sector, from the back end to the players gaming experience. Betware’s gaming platform is designed for flexibility and openness, enabling customers to easily adopt games from 3rd party suppliers and apply a multi sourcing strategy to their businesses.

We are the largest supplier of software for sports betting in Central and Eastern Europe. We offer a comprehensive sports betting solution consisting of modules for Online, Land based, LIVE and Mobile betting and other progressive marketing channels (Self service POS terminals, Digital signage, Tablets). Our sports betting software platform can be modularly expanded for every betting solution. The ready-made solution can be customized to measure for clients.

Contact: Ingvar Hjalmarsson E: ingvar@betware.com T: +354 580 4766 F: +354 580 4701 www.betware.com

Contact: Jiri Najman E: info@betsys.eu T: +420 777 322 855 www.betsys.eu

222 | Marketplace 2012/13

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The Income Access software platform provides an all-inone package that enables for the tracking, reporting and analysis of your online business or affiliate program. Income Access provides iGaming operators with a complete marketing solution that offers in-depth business intelligence. Through its software, Income Access seamlessly connects operators, affiliates, and media partners to maximise profitability and reach, while providing insight on channel performance. Income Access software gives its partners power that transcends mere management. The software allows users to track and report on multiple marketing channels, including affiliates, online, media, print, offline, and PPC. Reports can be generated for a wide variety of verticals, such as casino, poker, sports book, bingo, skill games, mobile, lottery, and forex. Contact: T: +1 514 849 8595 E: info@incomeaccess.com www.incomeaccess.com













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MORE. $200,000,000













MORE GAMES. MORE INNOVATION. MORE PERFORMANCE. More goes into our games, so more comes out. We spend more annually on R&D than our competitors in pursuit of the best performing games. We invest more in big branded slot games like Star Trek™ and MONOPOLY: You're In The Money to ensure your players have more fun. We have more classic slot games than anyone else with Cleopatra® amongst the top performers.For more information, visit www.IGT.com or contact Interactive@IGT.com.

BUILT B UILT T TO OP PERFOR PERFORM ERFORM™ © 2011 IGT. All rights reserved. © 2011 Paramount Pictures Corporation. TM & © 2011 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. The MONOPOLY name and logo, the distinctive design of the gameboard, the four corner squares, the MR. MONOPOLY name and character, as well as each of the distinctive elements of the board and playing pieces are trademarks of Hasbro for its property trading game and game equipment. MONOPOLY © 1935, 2011 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. All other trademarks are owned and/or registered by IGT and/or its licensors in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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15/05/2012 11:23


Curacao e-Gaming

120, 123, 126-129, 130, 141, 174, 220, 221

Curacao Web Hosting

122, 131



DF Advocates

103, 138, 141

Dough Flow



101, 125, 130, 137, 141, 157, 219, 220

95, 180

eCommerce Park

116-119, 120, 130



eGaming Consulting

Bally Technologies

93, 94, 160, 161

54, 55, 68, 99, 105, 159, 160, 195, 196






90, 164


166-167, 168

Basel eBusiness




Beacon Events




Bet Foundry


Entwine Tech

81, 145




103, 134





Betting Business


Euro London Appointments


Betting Connections

93, 137, 181, 186-189, 190, 206

Every Matrix


Betting Jobs


Evolution Gaming

81, 144

Betting Promotion



115, 172 163


85, 151, 152, 155, 199, 206, 222

Fiksu Fire & Ice


Bluff Europe


First Atlantic Commerce


BluffEurope.com Awards



122, 135


103, 133

Fu Shengi




GameOn Affiliates


Burstin Group


GameOn Consultants


Cable & Wireless


GameOn Marketing


Carey Group




Carey Olsen



79, 90, 163, 180, 199, 222

Connective Games

95, 181


164, 208, 222


83, 84, 88, 92, 150, 179, 199, 204, 205, 218









Affiliates United

2, 67, 68, 209

Alderney Gambling



93, 145,

Aplus Translations



Continent 8 Technologies 120, 121, 133, 137 Counting House

134, 174

Cozy Games

84, 163

224 | Marketplace 2012/13

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Published by



95, 208





NYX Group

79, 84, 93, 96, 152, 162

iGB magazine

111, 136, 226-227

Offside Gaming


iGB NA magazine





86-87, 88, 162, 223

Optimal Payments

70, 115, 170, 183

Income Access

58, 60-63, 64, 70, 157, 196, 222








191, 211

People Dimensions


Philip Toledo Limited


Player Verify


Poker in the Park


Initial Rewards

58, 185, 222





Intralot Interactive

146-149, 150, 207, 220

Isle of Man


Jack Media


Jersey Gambling Commission


Punters Paradise



122, 124, 132, 136, 157

Push International


Kambi Sports

200-203, 204

Reed Global

192, 193

Kiron Interactive

79, 113, 208





RSM Malta

137, 141, 157

Lateral Payments




Link Proz

100, 197



Locate Jersey


Scientific Games



90, 150, 153, 160, 180, 214217, 218

Lyceum Media


Skill On Net


Manx Telecom

125, 134


115, 169, 171






54, 57

Square In The Air

50-53, 54

Media Live Casino


Star Games

69, 95, 180, 199

Merge Gaming


Sweet Hope

70 132


84, 88, 89, 144, 179, 218, 228

The Fort Group Think Management


MicroMarket Ltd






Vegas Kings




Visionary iGaming


My Lotto


Vodafone Malta

125, 138


125, 134




90, 91

X Pro Gaming

81, 143, 144

Published by

Sponsored by

Marketplace 2012/13 | 225

SUBSCRIPTIONS A subscription to iGAminG business offers you: copies of iGaming Business magazine l iGaming Business directory worth £75 l 6 copies of iGB Affiliate Magazine l The iGB Affiliate Directory worth £75 l iGaming Business Newslines delivered twice weekly l Access to all the latest news, events and jobs in the industry on www.iGamingBusiness.com l An exclusive members discount of 10% on purchases of reports and delegate places at all our events l6

20 12



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Fa ir

Th Pres Se e a s? na Sa iG tor on ami Les Blac Ga ng’ nia k F m s R k a rid bli a ng epu nd t y: O ad tati he n ve on Sili e Ye Plu s c r ti sin man on ar o : n S a g St gem tate an e da nt rd s

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The DoJ ‘Christmas Present’ The Fall and Rise of US iGaming Congressman John Campbell on Federal Progress Lobbying and US Legislation New Jersey’s Quest for Legal Sportsbetting

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