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S ’ N A G A N A K O E H T
A T T E NT I ONF E MA L E A MA T E URGOL F E RS: WI NASP OTI NA N L P GAL E GE NDS B a l a n c i n gS c h o o l , A t h l e t i c s P ROA a n dC o mmu n i t y I n v o l v e me n t
Con t en t s 6
Image Of The Month
Inside This Issue
Golf Canada's 2018 Championship Schedule Includes 5 Events In B.C.
British Columbia Golf Goes For 'Three-Peat' In NPJL Team Matches
Slideshow: Monday At The Masters
SFU's Kylie A 'Jack' Of All Trades With School, Golf, Community Involvement
With Updates On The Horizon, Golf 's Original Rules Reveal A Rougher Game
Attention Female Amateur Golfers: Win A Spot In An LPGA Legends Pro-Am
British Columbia Golf And VGT Partner With Maui Jim Canada
First Ever 'Augusta National Women's Amateur Championship' Announced
APR '18 36
The Super Bowl Of Golf Research Comes To B.C. In July
Growing Golf Through Inclusion And Diversity
Video: Golf As Skee Ball Contest With Jimmy Fallon, Jason Day And Jordan Spieth vs Kids
BC's Gail Graham Announces Inaugural Gail Graham & Friends Hall Of Fame Pro-Am
Mackenzie Tour ? PGA TOUR Canada Announces 2018 Schedule
Army Of Volunteers Clean Up Oliver Golf Course After Mudslide
The President?s Message - BC Golf 2017 Review From AGM
Vancouver Parks Board Announces Women's Golf Day Plans
KidSport Celebrates 25 Years With 23rd Annual Golf Tournament At Morgan Creek
British Columbia Golf
#116-7198 Vantage Way, Delta, BC V4G 1K7 Telephone: 604.279.2580 Toll Free: 1.888.833.2242
Kris Jonasson, Executive Director kris@britishcolumbiagolf.org (x204)
Web: britishcolumbiagolf.org Facebook:/BritishColumbiaGolf Twitter: /BC_golfer
Corrie Wong, Manager, Membership corrie@britishcolumbiagolf.org (x202)
Kwadwo Frempong, Manager of Network Services Susan White, Senior Manager of Field Op support@britishcolumbiagolf.org (x205) susan@britishcolumbiagolf.org (x203) Bryan Outram, Communications Manager, Website Debbie Pyne, Managing Dir. of Player editor bryan@britishcolumbiagolf.org (x207) Development debbie@britishcolumbiagolf.org (x206) Tyler McKay, Manager, Golf Participation Andy Fung, Dir. of Finance and Admin tyler@britishcolumbiagolf.org (x208) andy@britishcolumbiagolf.org (x201)
Partner Publisher Inside Golf Inc. TF: 800.764.6537 - Web: insidegolf.ca
Jeff Sutherland Publisher publisher@insidegolf.ca
Sales Inquiries deb@igdesign.ca
Wi th spri ng now h ere, w h y not a sh ot of w h at i s one of th e true i ndi cators th at th e w eath er i s trul y ch angi ng?
EDITOR'SDESK In si de Th i s Issue In this month's edition of the Scorecard we take a look at one of British Columbia's bright lights shining through in golf, community and career as Brad Ziemer 's cover st or y profiles Penticton's Award-winning Kylie Jack from the SFU Clan Women's golf team.
You'll want to check out the riveting slideshow from Jeff Sutherland's 'Monday at The Masters' capturing many of the spectacular views to be had on the grounds of Augusta National when Masters Week signals the true start to the golf season (page 32). With the announcement of golf 's rules changes to be implemented next year, we found it interesting to read about how the game was once a much simpler (rules-wise) and decidedly more difficult game at its beginning (page 22)
You can also find out about the There are some very exciting golf upcoming 'Super Bowl Of Golf events taking place in our Research' happening at UFV province this summer starting (page 36), how you can take part with the 3 tournament kick-off to in two different events this the Mackenzie Tour PGA Tour summer featuring Hall of Fame Canada schedule in May at Point and former LPGA Stars from BC Grey, then Victoria and on to (page 42 an d 24) as well as see Kelowna (page 44). Add to that how a group of unsuspecting the Golf Canada National young golfers fared in a contest Championship schedule holding on the Jimmy Fallon Show when 5 of its events right here in BC they found out their opponents (page 10) and the opportunity to included Jordan Spieth and take in some world-class golf Jason Day (page 40). this summer is as good as ever.
Gol f Can ada's 2018 Ch am pi on sh i p Sch edul e In cl udes 5 Even t s In B.C. Gol f Canada i s pl eased to announce i ts 2018 ch ampi onsh i p sch edul e i ncl udi ng a record 30 amateur and prof essi onal competi ti ons pl us q ual i f i ers h osted at gol f f aci l i ti es across Canada
Golf Canada?s championship season kicked off April 9-12 with the Toyota Junior Golf World Qualifier at Bear Mountain Resort in Victoria, B.C. (home to Golf Canada?s National Training Centre). British Columbia will be a hotbed for Canadian golf in 2018, with the province hosting 11 Golf Canada events including the Canadian Men?s and Women?s Amateur Championships as well as the CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Canadian University/College Championship and the Canadian Men?s Mid-Amateur Championship. The 114th playing of the
Canadian Men?s Amateur Championship will be contested at Duncan Meadows Golf Course in Duncan, B.C. and Pheasant Glen Golf Resort in Qualicum Beach, B.C., CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
August 4-9. The champion will receive an exemption into the 2019 RBC Canadian Open, as well as an invitation to the 2018 U.S. Amateur Championship. The 105th Canadian Women?s Amateur Championship takes place July 23-27 at Marine Drive Golf Club in Vancouver with the champion earning an exemption into the 2018 CP Women?s Open, as well as an exemption into the 2018 U.S. Women?s Amateur Championship. The 16th Canadian University/College Championship will be held May 28 to June 1 at Chilliwack Golf Club. The national championship features both a team and individual component and will serve as the Canadian team qualifier for the 2018 FISU World University Golf Championship.
The Canadian Men?s Mid-Amateur will be held August 20-24 at Victoria Golf Club with the champion earning entry into the 2019 RBC Canadian Open. As part of a two-stage qualifying process, a trio of RBC Canadian Open Regional Qualifiers will take place in British Columbia, Quebec and Ontario. The regional qualifying event in B.C. will be held at Ledgeview Golf Club, home course of Canadian PGA TOUR stars and Team Canada alumni Adam Hadwin and Nick Taylor. From July 29th to August 2nd the 64th Canadian Junior Girls Championship will be contested at Beach Grove in Tsawwassen. A U.S. Amateur Local Qualifier will take place July 16 at Pitt Meadows Golf Club in Pitt Meadows. For more information and scheduling visit golf can ada.ca
Br i t i sh Col um bi a Gol f COMPETITIONS Goes For 'Th r ee-Peat ' In NPJL Team Mat ch es
Th e 2018 M embers of Bri ti sh Col umbi a Gol f 's NPJL Team: Cl ock w i se From Top Lef t: K ath ri ne Ch an, Cl ai re Lov an, Ph oebe Yue, A ngel Li n, Ti f f any K ong A nd A k ari Hayash i
This year is the 32nd edition of the North Pacific Junior Ladies' Team Matches and will see squads from British Columbia, Idaho, Oregon and Washington competing May 25th - May 27th at the Rock Creek Country Club in Portland, Oregon. British Columbia Golf is CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
looking for a 'Three-peat' in 2018 having won the last two versions, on home soil at Pitt Meadows Golf Club in 2016 and then defending their title at Illahe Hills Country Club in Salem, Oregon last year. The event is patterned after the Curtis Cup Matches for amateur women (which stimulates friendly rivalry for women golfers from the United States, Great Britain and Ireland). In 1997, the NPJL matches were expanded to include Oregon and Alberta, making it a four-association, six girls on each team, competition. Over the years the teams have changed and in 2015 Team Idaho was included. Each of the 4 teams now brings 6 players. Truly a ?North Pacific? event. This year 's team from British Columbia is a mix of 'rookies'
and 'veterans' of this event and is made up of the following players: Team Roster: BC Team members: (Home town in brackets) Ph oebe Yue - (West V ancouv er) K ath ri ne Ch an - (Ri ch mond) A k ari Hayash i - (V i ctori a) Ti f f any K ong - (V ancouv er) Cl ai re Lov an - (Surrey) A ngel Li n - (Surrey)
BC Team Coach es
Jen n i f er Gr eggai n (Head Coach)
Kat hy St ecyk (Asst . Coach)
Host Association - Oregon Junior Golf Association For full story & scoring CLICK HERE
Sl i desh ow : Mon day At Th e Mast er s 'Monday at the Masters'.
Experience the 'Heaven on Earth' piece of property that is the Augusta National Golf Club as it prepares to host the 82nd On e Of The Gr eat 'Fun ' Tr adi t i on s Of The Mast er s edition of golf 's first major of the year, the Masters. Enjoy.
Is When The Player s Take A Cr ack At Ski ppi n g The To watch the slide show CLICK HERE Ball Acr oss The Wat er That Fr on t s The 16t h Hole. Man y Act ually Put It Ver y Close. In side Golf Pu blish er Jef f Su t h er lan d captured the unique sights at Augusta National in an entrancing pictorial from this year 's
INPROFILE byBradZiemer
SFU's Ky l i e A 'Jack ' Of Al l Tr ades Wi t h Sch ool , Gol f , Com m un i t y In vol vem en t
Penti cti on's K yl i e Jack Juggl es Her Sch ool Work , Wi th Her Gol f Game A nd Her I nv ol v ement I n Her Communi ty A s Sh e A l so Tak es On Bei ng A Rol e M odel For I ndi genous Youth
It ?s n ot easy bei n g a un i ver si t y st uden t -at hlet e, f or w hom i t can of t en seem li ke t her e ar e n ot en ough hour s i n t he day t o juggle t he dem an ds of academ i cs an d t hei r chosen spor t .
criminology major and member of the Simon Fraser University golf team also finds time to pursue another passion: being a role model for indigenous youth.
When she?s not hitting the books or banging golf balls at the driving range, Jack volunteers her time helping new indigenous students settle Kylie Jack knows all about that, in at SFU. And when she?s back yet the 21-year-old CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
at her Kelowna-area home, Jack can often be found doing volunteer work for both the Penticton and Westbank Indian bands. That work, Jack says, is more important than any birdies she K yl i e Jack (Back Row , 4th From Ri gh t) Was A Recent Reci pi ent Of Th e Premi er's A w ard For makes on the golf A bori gi nal Youth Ex cel l ence I n Sport I mage course. ?That means Courtesy BC Gov ernment and I ¡SPA RC a lot to me,? Jack says The annual awards honour in an interview. ?It makes me aboriginal athletes under the feel like I am a role model and age of 25 who have achieved leader to indigenous children excellence in performance and that I have an ability to sport, are regarded for their give back to them. It is leadership qualities, are awesome to feel like that.? committed to a higher Jack, a member of the Penticton Indian band, was one of 12 recipients of the 2017 Premier ?s Awards for Aboriginal Youth Excellence in Sport that were recently handed out at a Richmond conference.
education and are recognized as community role models both on and off the field. SFU golf coach Matthew Steinbach was delighted to see Jack receive the award. ?Kylie is one of the most unique CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
members of our team in the way she balances school and golf as well as life with her community,? Steinbach says. ?She volunteers with the Indigenous Student Centre and helps mentor incoming indigenous students. She is also really involved with her community back home.? Jack is a senior at SFU and is red-shirting this year. That means she?s not competing with the golf team this year while she concentrates on her studies, but she still practices and works out with the team and will return to the squad full-time next fall. It's not uncommon for student-athletes to take five years to earn their degrees. ?I have a lot more free time because I am not travelling with the team this year,? Jack says. ?But for the last three years it was a lot of time management and trying to
get everything done on time. And next year will be the same, but I am pretty good at time management now because I have had lots of practice.? Jack was introduced to golf as a child by her parents, who both played the game. Her mom Sharon and dad OJ would take her to the Two Eagles course in West Kelowna where Kylie quickly developed a love of the game. "Both my parents played when I was growing up and that was really cool,? Jack says. ?My mom was better than my dad, so she was a good role model for me.? Sharon Jack, who was also the BCGA Zone 2 Junior Girls Development Chair, says Kylie couldn?t get enough golf growing up. ?She loved the game from the beginning,? Sharon says. ?She always wanted to go out and practice, so we had to set up a little CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
area in our yard. She was just a natural.? Kylie headed to SFU after graduating from Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School in Kelowna and chose criminology as her major. ?I just wanted to know why people commit crime and right now there is an over-representation of indigenous people in the criminal justice system and I wanted to find out why that is happening,? she says. ?The
courses I am taking are really interesting.? She also hasn?t ruled out working in the golf industry and is being encouraged by Debbie Pyne, managing director of player development with British Columbia Golf, to take some coaching seminars. Pyne sees Jack as someone who could help inspire more indigenous youth to play the game. For full story CLICK HERE
Wi t h Updat es OFGOLF On Th e Hor i zon , Gol f 's Or i gi n al Rul es Reveal A Rough er Gam e
Now t hat t he gover n i n g bodi es of golf have f i n ali zed t he 'm oder n i zed' ver si on of golf 's r ules, due t o be br ought i n t o ef f ect Jan uar y 1, 2019, w e t hought w e w ould br i n g t o ever yon e's at t en t i on an ar t i cle publi shed i n t he Globe an d Mai l r ecen t ly t hat hear ken s back t o t he or i gi n al r ules of t he gam e f r om 1744. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Once upon a time, golf was played under a 13 rule format and although in many ways it was a much simpler game, it was also a far more difficult game, certainly at least when you take into account how often the initial laws essentially inferred that it was, 'tough luck old chap' when a number of unfortunate occurrences took place. The word 'Relief ' is conspicuously absent in those few early 'tenets' of the game. Here is a link to the piece written by Vict or M at h er f or t h e New Yor k Tim es. Br oken Balls An d ?Wat t er y Filt h?: Golf ?s Or igin al Ru les Sh ow A Rou gh er Gam e by Vict or M at h er / NY Tim es
The bodies that run the game of golf announced a plan recently to simplify and modernize the rules beginning in 2019. For example, penalty drops can be taken from a lower height, and caddies will no longer be able to line up their players when putting. But simplification and modernization don?t automatically go hand in hand. Want more straightforward rules? Go in the other direction, back in time, to 1744, the year of the first known written rules of golf, drawn up by golfers in Edinburgh who played on the Leith Links. The 13 rules, rendered here mostly in their original form, are mostly simple, though sometimes a bit weird. They also reveal that golf was a lot harder back then. For full story CLICK HERE
At t en t i on Fem al e Am at eur Gol f er s: Wi n A Spot In An LPGA Legen ds Pr o-Am The Suquamish Clearwater Legends Cup is a two-day Legends Tour event featuring 30 Legends of the LPGA to be played at White Horse Golf Club in Kingston, WA on Saturday and Sunday, June 9-10, 2018.
LPGA Legends I ncl udi ng BC's Gai l Grah am (I nset) A nd PEI 's Lori e K ane Wi l l Be I n Th e Fi el d For Th e Suq uami sh Su qu am ish Cl earw ater Legends Cup Clear w at er At t en t i on Fem ale Am at eur Golf er s: Tee i t up i n t he Whi t e Hor se Wom en 's Team Scr am ble on Jun e 6, 2018 an d i f your gr oup post s t he low est gr oss or n et t eam scor e your t w o w om an t eam w i ll t ee i t up w i t h an LPGA Legen d i n t he Legen ds Cup Pr o-Am on Fr i day, Jun e 8.
Legen ds Cu p Presented By The Boeing Company June 6-10, 2018 | White Horse Golf Club | Kingston, WA - Featuring 30 Legends of the LPGA competing in a 36-hole stroke play tournament - For field updates, visit CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
ClearwaterLegendsCup.com - To register for a spot in the Official Pro-Am, send an inquiry. Hurry, space is limited! - To participate in the Women's Team Scramble, click here for details - Volunteer registration is now open - learn more Tournament Schedule Wedn esday, Ju n e 6 White Horse Scramble Women?s Amateur Tournament
Know a female golfer who would love to win a chance to tee it up with an LPGA Legend? Pay for her entry fee into the White Horse Women's Team Scramble and give her an unforgettable gift! She'll meet some of the greatest names in the history of women's professional golf AND have a shot at playing with one of them... Gift Certificate options include: One Entry and Two-Person Team Entries as well as Add a Practice Round!
Th u r sday, Ju n e 7 Professional Practice Rounds / VIP Practice Rounds / Welcome Reception
Click HERE to see Flyer
Fr iday, Ju n e 8 Breakfast & Registration / Official Pro-Am Shotgun Pro-Am Awards Reception
Boeing Commits to Presenting Sponsorship
Sat u r day, Ju n e 9 Suquamish Clearwater Legends Cup Round 1
Event Announcement Legends Tour Schedule/Legends Return to Seattle
Click HERE to see the LPGA Legends in the Tournament Field
Su n day, Ju n e 10 Suquamish Clearwater Legends Cup Round 2 / Trophy Ceremony on 18 Green
LPGA Legend Jane Blalock previews White Horse Golf Course and the tournament venue in anticipation of the Suquamish Clearwater Legends Cup presented by The Boeing Company to be played June 9-10.
Bu y a spot f or you r f em ale f r ien ds!
To watch the video CLICK HERE
BENEFITTINGGOLF Br i t i sh Col um bi a Gol f An d VGT Par t n er Wi t h Maui Ji m Can ada spon sor shi p t o i n clude a Pr esen t i n g Spon sor shi p Role i n all 7 of Br i t i sh Colum bi a Golf ?s Wom en ?s Cham pi on shi ps For I mmedi ate Rel ease ? V ancouv er, BC (A pri l 18th , 2018) M aui Ji m Canada i n 2018. El ev ati ng BC Women's Gol f I n 2018.
The BC Golf Women's Br i t i sh Colum bi a Golf Championship events begin alon g w i t h t he Van couver June 18th with the Women's Golf Tour w elcom es MAUI Senior, Super-Senior and JIM CANADA as a Major Net-Stableford Championship Par t n er i n developi n g BC and conclude with the Juvenile Girls Championship August Wom en ?s Golf . Thr ough 23rd. At the same time the VGT t he par t n er shi p Br i t i sh will launch the MAUI JIM Colum bi a Golf has w i t h WOMEN?S SERIES.
t he VGT, Maui Ji m Can ada "British Columbia Golf is has elevat ed t hei r
excited to be partnering with Maui Jim Canada and the Vancouver Golf Tour in launching a Women?s Series," said BC Golf CEO Kr is Jon asson. "We have long recognized competitive opportunities for women are lacking and the Women?s Series is a good start to correcting this imbalance. We promote golf as an ideal activity for a healthy, active lifestyle. Protection of the eyes from the harmful effects of UV is a must and Maui Jim Canada is an ideal sponsor to help us spread that message to golfers." Added VGT Com m ission er Fr aser M u lh ollan d, "We are extremely proud to have a leading worldwide brand in Maui Jim Canada sunglasses elevate their role in golf and help us launch these Women?s Golf Initiatives in BC this year. Maui Jim Canada is
empowering us to launch a first of its kind Women?s Series on the VGT for both Amateurs and Professionals to compete in."
" Th i s i s a perf ect partnersh i p f or M aui Ji m Canada. We bel i ev e th at both pros and amateurs al i k e deserv e to not onl y gi v e th ei r eyes th e best protecti on f rom th e sun?s UV rays but al l ow th em to enj oy th e true col ours and beauty of th e course th ey are pl ayi ng." - Jef f Spei ran M aui Ji m Canada M anagi ng Di rector
M au i Jim Can ada M an agin g dir ect or Jef f Speir an states that, "This is a perfect partnership for Maui Jim Canada. We believe that both pros and amateurs alike deserve to not only give their eyes the best protection from the sun?s UV rays but allow them to enjoy the true colours and beauty of the course they are playing. And why not gain just a bit of an edge when striking the ball or reading that 20-foot putt?? To experience PolarizedPlus2ÂŽ technology first hand, please click h er e for a clear demonstration of the benefits. For those with prescription needs, Maui Jim has created MauiPassport prescription sunglasses to change the way you see the world around you. Digitally processed at their state-of-the-art US lab, MauiPassport lenses provide
incredible visual acuity across the entire lens. Combined with the remarkable clarity and colour enhancement of Maui Jim?s proprietary PolarizedPlus2ÂŽ technology, you will see the world like never before. Abou t Br it ish Colu m bia Golf British Columbia Golf - a member-based organization governed by the British Columbia Golf Association (BCGA) - is the governing body of amateur golf in British Columbia and functions for the benefit of all golfers in the province. British Columbia Golf fosters and promotes the sport of golf, preserves the traditions and history of the game and provides a leadership role for the sport in British Columbia. Through its affiliation with Golf Canada, British Columbia Golf is also CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
involved in National golf affairs. British Columbia Golf is recognized by the Government of BC as the official golf association in BC. It provides programs and services that benefit all golfers and the golf industry in the province. We invite you to learn more about British Columbia Golf by click in g h er e. Abou t M AUI JIM Can ada Maui Jim sunglasses were born on the beaches of Maui and designed to protect eyes from the harsh rays of the sun. Today, Maui Jim?s patented PolarizedPlus2ÂŽ lens technology cuts 100% of UV rays and eliminates glare while enhancing colour, definition and depth perception in more than 115 different styles of sunglasses available worldwide. Maui Jim
sunglasses have earned the Skin Cancer Foundation Seal of Recommendation as an effective UV filter for the eyes and surrounding skin. For more information, visit M au iJim .com or follow on Facebook , Tw it t er or Instagram at @Of f icialM au iJim . M edia Con t act Jeff Speiran Managing Director - Canada JSpeir an @m au ijim .com Websit e Tw it t er Facebook In st agr am Ser vice & Car e: 1-888-666-5905
Fi r st Ever 'August a Nat i on al Wom en 's Am at eur Ch am pi on sh i p' An n oun ced AUGUSTA, GA Fr ed Ri dley, Chai r m an of August a Nat i on al Golf Club an d t he Mast er s Tour n am en t , A ugusta Nati onal Ch ai rman Fred Ri dl ey an n oun ced dur i n g M ade A n Hi stori cal A nnouncement On Th e Establ i sh ment Of Th e A ugusta Nati onal t hi s year 's Women?s A mateur Ch ampi onsh i p. t our n am en t , t he ?Bobby Jones and Clifford est abli shm en t of t he Roberts left behind a legacy of August a Nat i on al always trying to contribute Wom en ?s Am at eur meaningfully to the game of Cham pi on shi p, w hi ch w i ll golf,? Ridley said. ?The Augusta be held an n ually t he CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE w eek pr i or t o t he " We bel i ev e th i s ev ent Mast er s an d w i ll culm i n at e w i l l h av e a si gni f i cant w i t h t he f i n al r oun d and l asti ng i mpact on t aki n g place at August a th e f uture of th e Nat i on al.
w omen?s game."
National Women?s Amateur Championship embodies that principle, and we believe this event will have a significant and lasting impact on the future of the women?s game. Our hope and expectation is that this event will further energize those who already love the sport and inspire others through the dream of competing at Augusta National.?
The 54-hole, stroke play tournament will feature an international field of 72 players. Invitees will be determined by awarding winners of other recognized championships and using the Women?s World Amateur Golf Ranking. CLICK HERE to read full story.
Th e Super Bow l Of Gol f Resear ch Com es To B.C. In Jul y
If you?r e w r i t i n g of f t he Wor ld Sci en t i f i c Con gr ess of Golf (WSCG) as a bi en n i al con clave of poi n t y-headed bof f i n s, don ?t be t oo hast y. Whi le t he ?t r i ckle-dow n t heor y? m ay be con t r over si al i n econ om i cs, i t i s i n con t r over t i ble w hen i t com es t o t he i m pact of hi gh-level r esear ch on all aspect s of t he spor t as w e n ow kn ow i t .
Th e Worl d Sci enti f i c Congress Of Gol f Wi l l Be Hel d I n A bbotsf ord A t Th e Uni v ersi ty Of Th e Fraser V al l ey Th i s Jul y
?Much of what we do as golfers, from how we swing to the equipment we use to the training and practice habits we employ and so on, has been born from great research,? says Glenn Cundari. Cundari, the PGA of Can ada?s Technical Director, is the chair of this year ?s Wor ld Scien t if ic Con gr ess of Golf t o be h eld Ju ly 11-13 at the Un iver sit y of t h e Fr aser Valley in Abbot sf or d, B.C. He attended CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
his first WSCG in Australia in 2014 and two years later at St Andrews, Scotland, he got approval to bring the prestigious gathering to Canada for the first time.
golf? Presenters come from all over the world to share their expertise and provide a platform for discussion to further our knowledge in the game of golf.? While acknowledging that
The first WSGC ?M uch of w h at w e do as was held at St gol f ers, f rom h ow w e sw i ng Andrews in 1990 to th e eq ui pment w e use to with the goal of bringing together th e trai ni ng and practi ce ?researchers, h abi ts w e empl oy and so on, professionals and interested golfers h as been born f rom great in the areas of research ? The Golfer, The - Gl enn Cundari Golf Course, and Tech ni cal Di rector, PGA Of Canada Equipment and research into all aspects of Technology,? according to the golf is widespread, Cundari organization?s website speaks of the WSCG as the w w w.golf scien ce.or g. Super Bowl of golf research. ?The research, keynote and invited presentations, workshops and distinguished speakers?forum are designed to represent innovative and diverse topics in the game of
For more information or to register, visit the website or contact Cundari at 705-492-2152 or email wscg2018@gmail.com.
THEGAME Gr ow i n g Gol f Th r ough In cl usi on An d Di ver si t y Kr i s Jon asson i s m an y t hi n gs. All of t hem good, alt hough I can ?t speak t o hi s golf gam e.
association. In 2004, he led the successful movement to meld the separate men?s and women?s amateur associations into one entity.
Men and women were one thing. But the new reality of cultural diversity is another altogether. ?A few years ago, Blunt is one of those admirable we looked at who was playing qualities. in our provincial competitions. When asked about the push CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE for inclusivity in golf, he summarized it thusly: ?Golf has bucked a bad reputation forever. Some of it is justified. We need to be a game for all of the people, not just rich white men.? Since 1996, Jonasson has run British Columbia Golf, that province?s amateur
Gol f Canada Presi dent Lesl i e Dunni ng Headed A n I ndustry-Wi de Work i ng Group Th at Establ i sh ed A Ground- Break i ng I ni ti ati v e, Th e ?Eq ui ty, Di v ersi ty A nd I ncl usi on Pol i cy.?
There were Asians, South Asians, Aboriginals, athletes from all different backgrounds,? Jonasson recalled. ?And then we looked at our Board of Directors. No way did that reflect that diversity.?
share it with every community,? said Jonasson. Eventually, he hopes, ?It would be great if through this outreach we see young people of all backgrounds fall in love with the game, play it forever, and maybe even make it their career, and then pass it on to the next generation.?
After a period of adjustment, the executive of British Columbia Golf embraced that cultural diversity, most recently exemplified by the election of President Patrick Kelly, an Aboriginal. Other current Board members Bri ti sh Col umbi a Gol f CEO K ri s Jonasson (Far Ri gh t) A ddresses A ttendees A t Th e 2017 include a golf NA GI S Conf erence I n V ancouv er. Wi th Hi m professional of A re M embers Of Th e BC Gol f Board, L-R: Patri ck K el l y (Presi dent), Hel en Jung Korean heritage (Di rector), Jol l y Dh al i w al (Di rector) A nd and a Chinese golf M i ch el l e Col l ens (Di rector) facility operator. For full story CLICK HERE ?The continued future of the game depends on how we
Vi deo: Gol f As Sk ee Bal l Con t est Wi t h Ji m m y Fal l on , Jason Day An d Jor dan Spi et h vs Ki ds
Som e t alen t ed up an d com i n g youn g golf er s pai d a vi si t t o t he Ji m m y Fallon show t o t ake par t i n a con t est show i n g of f t hei r ski lls. How ever t hey di dn 't
r eali ze w ho t hey w er e goi n g t o be com pet i n g agai n st un t i l Fallon i n t r oduced a couple of guys w ho def i n i t ely caught t he ki ds a li t t le of f guar d.
TOTHEGAME BC's Gai l Gr ah am An n oun ces In augur al Gai l Gr ah am & Fr i en ds Hal l Of Fam e Pr o-Am Recen t ly, Kelow n a's Gai l Gr aham w as i n duct ed i n t o t he Can adi an Golf Hall of Fam e alon g w i t h r en ow n ed cour se ar chi t ect A.V. Macan . (See st or y by Br ad Zi em er HERE).
Gr ah am & Fr ien ds Hall of Fam e Pr o-Am taking place Sunday, June 3 and Monday, June 4, 2018 at the Kelow n a Golf & Cou n t r y Clu b where her brother Rob An der son is the Head Golf Professional.
The two will be formally introduced to the hall during the LPGA ?Legends?currently RBC Canadian Open week at committed to the event are: Gail Glen Abbey in July. Graham, Lorie Kane, Elaine Prior to that date Graham has Crosby, Michelle McGann, Nancy announced the inaugural Gail
Scranton and Patty Sheehan. It is the intention of the Gail Graham & Friends Hall of Fame Pro-Am to direct ALL n et pr oceeds t o ch ar it y. "Hello! I am thrilled to have been selected as a 2018 Inductee to the Canadian Golf Hall of Fame alongside golf course architect A.V. Macan, designer of the Kelowna Golf & Country Club! And I could think of no better way to celebrate than to come home to Kelowna and bring some of my friends! With that in mind, I am very excited to invite you to participate in the Inaugural Gail Graham & Friends Hall of Fame Pro-Am at the Kelowna Golf & Country Club, June 3 - 4, 2018. The event will feature a number of my LPGA and Legends Tour friends, highlight some local Pros for some Okanagan and BC flair and will benefit local charities. We are limiting the field to 20 teams to showcase KG&CC and
present the best possible experience for you and your guests. There are a number of ways to participate but remember, the field is limited and so are the packages! I look forward to seeing you and introducing you to some of the very best in women?s golf at the beginning of June. Thanks for your consideration,"
For complete details on how you can take part as a player, presenter or tournament sponsor please CLICK HERE For further information please contact: Gail Gr ah am Email Gail: CLICK HERE ph: 770-876-5614 Rob An der son Head Golf Professional ? Kelowna Golf & Country Club Email Rob: CLICK HERE ph: 250-763-2736
t our n am en t s f r om May NEWSFROMTHE t o Sept em ber an d a PROFESSIONALTOURS $25,000 i n cr ease f or all Mack en zi e Tour ? t our n am en t pur ses as PGA TOUR Can ada player s com pet e t o m ake An n oun ces 2018 t he n ext st ep on t he pat h t o t he PGA TOUR. Sch edul e The season will begin with the Freedom 55 Financial Open (May 28-June 3) at Point Grey Golf and Country Club in Vancouver, BC, with purses of $200,000 (CA$) for all regular events and a $225,000 (CA$) purse for the season-ending Freedom 55 Financial Championship (Sept. 10-16) at Highland Country Club in London. IMAGE CREDIT BRITISH COLUMBIA GOLF
The 2018 Macken zi e Tour ? PGA TOUR Can ada schedule w as an n oun ced r ecen t ly, f eat ur i n g 13 of f i ci al
Th e 2018 M ack enzi e Tour ? PGA TOUR Canada Sch edul e K i ck s Of f Wi th Th e Freedom 55 Fi nanci al Open A t Poi nt Grey G&CC Wh ere Last Year Ri ch mond, BC's Ch ri s Cri sol ogo Wi th Caddy A l i sh a Lau Fi ni sh ed A s Th e Low Canadi an For Th e Ev ent
In addition to two new CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
tournaments ? the Lethbridge Paradise Canyon Open (June 18-24) at Paradise Canyon Golf Resort in Lethbridge, Alta. and the Windsor Championship (July 2-8) at Ambassador Golf Club in Windsor, Ont. ? another event to be announced holds a spot on the schedule from Sept. 3-9, with details to be revealed in the coming weeks. ?We are delighted to share the 2018 schedule and the progress it represents with our largest number of tournaments yet and an increase in prize funds," said Mackenzie Tour President Jeff Monday. ?We look forward to another great season of players competing to advance their careers towards the PGA TOUR while we continue to build on the
$3.2 million raised for charity since 2013.? The Order of Merit winner will be fully exempt on the Web.com Tour for the following season, with Nos. 2-5 earning conditional status. After beginning the season in Vancouver, the Tour will head to Victoria, B.C. for the 36th playing of the Bayview Place DCBank Open presented by Times Colonist (June 4-10) at Uplands Golf Club, followed by the GolfBC Championship (June 11-17) at Gallagher ?s Canyon Golf and Country Club in Kelowna, B.C. CLICK HERE to see complete 2018 Mackenzie Tour - PGA TOUR Canada schedule
Ar m y Of Vol un t eer s BC'sINTERIOR Cl ean Up Ol i ver Gol f Cour se Af t er Mudsl i de IMAGES COURTESY GLOBAL NEWS
General Manager Brian McDonald (who can be seen working with the volunteers in the centre of the accompanying picture using the red-handled rake ) said the mudslide occurred overnight on March 23.
A V ol unteer Cl eanup Crew Descended On Fai rv i ew M ountai n Gol f Course I n Ol i v er, BC To Hel p Cl ean Up Th e M ess From A Recent M udsl i de
An ar m y of volun t eer s descen ded on t he Fai r vi ew Moun t ai n Golf Cour se i n Oli ver on Wedn esday t o f i n i sh of f clean up ef f or t s af t er a dest r uct i ve m udsli de st r uck m or e t han t w o w eeks ago
It spread at least 2,000 yards and covered five holes. ?The damage was extensive,? McDonald said. ?There was a lot of debris here. In the end it was over 3,000 cubic tonnes that had to be removed from the site.? For full story CLICK HERE
BRITISHCOLUMBIAGOLF Th e Pr esi den t ?s Message - BC Gol f 2017 Revi ew
Thi s past m on t h Br i t i sh Colum bi a Golf held i t s An n ual Gen er al Meet i n g i n Ri chm on d an d r epor t ed on a n um ber of elem en t s af f ect i n g t he over all st at e of t he gover n i n g body f or golf i n t he pr ovi n ce of BC.
As a summary of that gathering we present here the views of British Columbia Golf President, Patrick Kelly. As a means of explaining the organization's performance of late, Mr. Kelly uses as a platform the 'Industry Scorecard' which was created a couple of years ago. The Allied Golf Association (AGA) in conjunction with British Columbia Golf produced a 'scorecard' which grades the various components of the golf industry with respect to performance in those areas by comparing it against par on a typical golf scorecard. You can see how the golf industry saw its own performance at that time in the accompanying scorecard image. And as with any competitor who wishes to excel, the goal is to bring that score in line with improved results and aim to submit the CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
best score possible.
2017 Scorecard Summary Th e Bi rdi es:
British Columbia Golf as an organization has been first off the tee and is scoring well in a
Econ om ic Im pact A Spor t f or Lif e Diver sit y an d In clu sion
by Patri ck K el l y, Presi dent, Bri ti sh Col umbi a Gol f
number of areas critical to the health of the game. I would like to highlight some of the performance results from the BC golf industry scorecard.
Th e Pars: Local Com m u n it y In volvem en t Gr een Space
Th e Bogeys: BC as a Golf Dest in at ion Wat er
For Full Scorecard Summary CLICK HERE
Van couver Par k s Boar d An n oun ces Wom en 's Gol f Day Pl an s
The Van couver Par ks Boar d t r i o of golf cour ses have an n oun ced t hei r plan s t o t ake par t i n t he upcom i n g In t er n at i on al Wom en 's Golf Day on Tuesday, Jun e 5t h, 2018. Check out the information links below to see how you can join in on this important day of golf and camaraderie. WOM EN'S GOLF DAY Join us June 5th to celebrate
Wom en's Golf Day at Fr aser view Golf Cou r se with an evening of golf tips, great food and of course, some retail therapy at special rates. This is an event you
don't want to miss! All are welcome to participate. Registration opens at 5:30pm. Light snacks available upon arrival. Clinics start at 6:00pm. Lim it ed Spaces Available. Sign up at Fraserview, McCleery or Langara Golf Shops or call 604-257-6923 or contact golfspecialevents@vancouver.ca today! CLICK HERE for more Women's Golf Day info.
PRESSRELEASE Ki dSpor t Cel ebr at es 25 Year s Wi t h 23r d An n ual Gol f Tour n am en t At Mor gan Cr eek
full field of golfers means more kids will have the opportunity to play a season of sport. All registration is online this year, or contact KidSport BC Manager Th ea Cu lley if you need anything further. Credit card payments can be made online via the KidSportBC online store. CLICK HERE to REGISTER
You'r e i n vi t ed t o t he 23r d A BIG thank you to all of the tournament sponsors. An n ual Ki dSpor t Golf Tour n am en t host ed by Mor gan Cr eek Golf Cour se. They will be hosting once again at Morgan Creek on Monday, June 18th. Last year was a big success and they are hoping to build on that success again this year. Please check out the registration links below as a
Help KidSport BC celebrate 25 years. Don at e t oday! CLICK TO DONATE ONLINE Thank you for your support! CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Athletic Association (RCAAA), registration number 86212 Please use the above link to donate online or download the 5986 RR0003, and a qualified donee in accordance with the donation form below. Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). DONATE Your donation is an investment KidSport Canada is a in children and youth. Thank Registered Canadian Amateur you for helping them to develop healthy lifestyles, stay physically active, and to acquire life and sport skills. KIDSPORT BC DONATION FORM .PDF This year marks the 25th year of KidSport BC whose concept was hatched in 1993 by board and staff at Sport BC as a way to help address the challenges faced by many families when registering their children in organized CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
sport. From a modest start in that first year, issuing $35,000 in grants, KidSport has grown exponentially across the country and has become a truly national entity with 11 provincial/territorial chapters and over 175 community based chapters. From humble beginnings here in BC, KidSport issued $1.95 million in grants to over 7,330 kids in 2017 and has seen significant annual growth, particularly in the years subsequent to the 2010 Winter and Paralympic Games in Vancouver. The KidSport mission remains the same? .to remove the financial barriers that prevent some children from playing organized sport!