British Columbia Golf - The Scorecard Magazine August Digital Issue | 2022

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TOP STORIES Early BirdiesPropel Langley?sAmy LeeToB.C. JuvenileGirls Championship Video:TheHunttingCupCelebratesIts100 Year Anniversary At Victoria's GorgeValeGC 38. 20. TwoYearsAfter Suffering Life-ChangingStroke,Sandy Harper WinsB.C.Senior & Super-Senior Men?sAmateur Championships 14 Shelly Stouffer MakesIt Look Easy InWinningU.S. Senior Women?sAmateur Championship B.C.TakesTeamTitleAt CanadianWomen?sAmateur, WhereSurrey?sLaurenKim TiesFor Third 28. 12

InsideThisIssue TopImage EarlyBirdiesPropel Langley?sAmyLeeToB.C. JuvenileGirlsChampionship Richmond?sDanielXuHangsOn AndWinsB.C.JuvenileBoys Championship KeithNgLovingHisCollegeGolf LifeInHawaii Port Coquitlam?sYejiKwon DominatesFieldToWin CanadianJunior& JuvenileGirls Championships Jean-PhilippeParr Goes Back-to-BackAndTakesHome SecondCanadianJuniorBoys Title EarlyEaglePropelsMexico?sLuis CarreraToCanadianMen?s AmateurWinAt Point Grey BCSummerGamesInPrince GeorgeABigSuccess BC'sJuniorSkillsDayAt NorthviewGCAHugeSucces TheModGolfPodcast: RelationshipsAreTheNew Currency For EveryFlowerThat Blooms: First Tee?BCandMusqueam Golf& LearningAcademy APlaceToCallHome? Cont ent s 2022 08 Corrie Wong, Manager, Membership corrie@britishcolumbiagolf org (x202) Kwadwo Frempong, Manager of Network Services support@britishcolumbiagolf org (x205) Bryan Outram, Communications Manager, Website editor bryan@britishcolumbiagolf org (x207) Tyler McKay, Manager, Golf Participation tyler@britishcolumbiagolf org (x208) British Columbia Golf #116 7198 Vantage Way, Delta, BCV4G 1K7 Telephone: 604 279 2580 Toll Free: 1.888.833.2242 Web: britishcolumbiagolf org Facebook:/BritishColumbiaGolf Twitter: /BC golfer Staff Kris Jonasson, Chief Executive Officer (x204) Doug Hastie, Senior Manager of Field Op doug@britishcolumbiagolf org (x203) Debbie Pyne, Managing Dir of Player Development debbie@britishcolumbiagolf org (x206) Andy Fung, Dir of Finance and Admin (x201) Partner Publisher Inside Golf Inc TF: 800.764.6537 Web: Jeff Sutherland Publisher Sales Inquiries deb@igdesign ca aug 26 18 14 34 32 16 10 22 36 24 30 40 20

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Another nationaltitle - actually two - theseoneson Canadian soil,saw the CanadianJunior & JuvenileGirlsChampionships, won by Port Coquitlam'sYeji Kwon and that storyis on page 22.Meanwhile,detailson the crowningof the 2022BC ProvincialJuvenileChampions AmyLee and DanielXu can be found on pages 14 and 16, respectively.The BCSenior Men'sChampionshipproduced a verypopular winner in Sandy Harper and Brad Ziemer has the storyon page 20 of the personalhealth comeback Harper faced en routeto his win.Beingaswe are just gettingthrough the heart of the summer,we of coursehavea coupleof other championsto recognize,includingthe CanadianMen'sAmateurwhich wasco-hosted& played at Point GreyGCand Seymour GC(page 26).BCalso hosted the CanadianJunior Boys Championshipat Rivershore Golf Estates,the wrap-upof that is on page 24.Other championsbeingrecognized includethe BCJunior Girls Team who prevailedin the inter-provincialcompetitionat the CanadianJunior Girls. Finally,the 100th anniversaryof the HunttingCup wasplayed at GorgeValeGCin Victoriathis summer.BC'sKaren Pultzput down her clubslongenough to put together a great video tribute,see it on page 40. Enjoyyour golf and pleasestay safe.

In thisissueof The Scorecard


our cover storyfeaturesthe historicwin by NanooseBay's ShellyStouffer asshe became the first BCgolfer to win a USGAChampionship.Brad Ziemer'sstoryis on page 12.

PG10 | AUG2022 t op image t h e NanooseBay'sShellyStoufferbecamethefirst BCgolferto winaUSGANationalTitlewithherwinintheUSSenior Women'sAmateurinAlaska.Shewasoverjoyedwhen presentedwiththetrophywithherson&caddy,Brett,there toshareit withher Shelly'sSheer Joy IMAGECREDIT: STEVEN GIBBONS/USGA

PG 12 | AUG2022 Shelly Stouffer not only wontheU.S.Senior Women?sAmateur Championship,shealsomadea littlehistory inbecomingthefirst BritishColumbian towinaUnitedStatesGolf Association championship.?That?spretty cool,?thelongtime NanooseBay resident saidover thephonefrom Alaska.Stouffer wontheevent inthemost convincingfashion. i READ COMPLETESTORY HERE Shelly Stouffer MakesIt Look Easy In Winning U.S. Senior Women?sAmateur Championship St ouffer first incl ass r e s u l t s IMAGECREDIT STEVEN GIBBONS/USGA BY BRAD ZIEM ER, BRITISH COLUM BIA GOLF


JuvenileGirlsChampionshipat ShannonLakeGolf CourseinWest Kelowna. i GOGCBLFIMAE READ COMPLETESTORY HERE Early BirdiesPropel Langley?sAmy Lee To B.C. Juvenile Girls Championship l eefindsher finishr e s u l t s BY BRAD ZIEM ER, BRITISH COLUM BIA GOLF



Amy Leehasbeenknockingon door all summer finally broke by winning B.C.


PG 14 | AUG2022

PG 16 | AUG2022 Tiger Woodsusedtotalk about winningwithout his ?A game.?Daniel Xucanrelatetothat.The 16-year-oldRichmondresident certainly didnot havehisbest stuff inthefinal roundof theB.C. JuvenileBoysChampionshipat ShannonLakeGolf CourseinWest Kelowna. i GOGCBLFIMAE READ COMPLETESTORY HERE Richmond?sDaniel Xu HangsOn And WinsB.C. Juvenile BoysChampionship Xupr evail s inpl ayoffr e s u l t s BY BRAD ZIEM ER, BRITISH COLUM BIA GOLF

PG 18 | AUG2022 KeithNg?ssummer isalmost over.Inlessthantwo weekshe?ll returntotherigorsof playingcollegiate golf inHawaii.It?satoughjob,but someone?sgot to doit.?It?shard not tolikebeinginHawaii,?saysNg, aRichmondnativewhoplaysat theUniversity of Hawaii at HiloontheBigIsland. i READ COMPLETESTORY HERE Keith Ng Loving HisCollege Golf Life In Hawaii hangin hawaiih o w t o IMAGECREDIT BRAD ZIEMER/BC GOLF BY BRAD ZIEM ER, BRITISH COLUM BIA GOLF

i READ COMPLETESTORY HERE Two Years After Suffering Life-Changing Stroke, Sandy Harper Wins B.C. Senior & Super-Senior Men?sAmateur Championships sandy sweeps senior s b c g o l f r e s u l t s BY BRAD ZIEM ER, BRITISH COLUM BIA GOLF

PG 20 | AUG2022

For thepast twoyears,golf wasaconstant reminder toSandy Harper that hislifehadchangedandhe wasnot thesamepersonheoncewas.Harper,one of thisprovince?smost decoratedamateur players, sufferedastrokein2020 andtheroadback hasnot beeneasy.



kwonSoarsaft er swingfixr e s u l t s BY BRAD ZIEM ER, BRITISH COLUM BIA GOLF

Dominates Field To



PG 22 | AUG2022

After shootingathree-over 75 inthefirst roundof theCanadianJunior GirlsChampionship,Yeji Kwon really wasn?t thinkingabout winningtheevent.She wasmoreconcerned about fixingher swing.?After that 75,I wasreally unhappy withmy shotsin general,soafter theroundI madeacoupleof changestotry andget my swingmoreonplane,? Kwonsaid.?That seemedtohelp.?Didit ever. Coquit Kwon W Canadian Junior Juvenile GirlsChampionships

PG 24 | AUG2022 Prior tonow,therewereonly sevenplayerswho couldboast back-to-back CanadianJunior Boys Championshiptitles.Now,Jean-PhilippeParr from St-Célestin,Qué.addshisnametothelist asthe eighth.Duringtheweek at RivershoreEstatesand Golf Links,inKamloops,BC,theweather reached upwardsof 40 degrees.Hot,but not ashot asJP?s putter. i READ COMPLETESTORY HERE

And TakesHome Second Canadian

Jean-Philippe Parr GoesBack-to-Back Junior Boys

Title par r for t he course r e s u l t s BY GOLF CANADA GOLF CANADA IMAGE

Anearly eagleandsomehelpfromanoldfriend propelledMexico?sLuisCarreratothebiggest win of hisamateur career.CarreraandRodrigoPena werejunior golf friendswhoweremembersof the samecourseinMexicoCity. Eagle PropelsMexico?sLuis Carrera To Canadian Men?sAmateur Win At Point Grey


PG 26 | AUG2022

canadianam camaraderiecarrera's IMAGECREDIT BRAD ZIEMER/BC GOLF

PG 28 | AUG2022 BritishColumbiawontheinterprovincial teamtitle andSurrey?sLaurenKimtiedfor thirdat the108th CanadianWomen?sAmateur Championshipat Westmount Golf & Country ClubinKitchener,Ont. i READ COMPLETESTORY HERE B.C. TakesTeam Title At Canadian Women?sAmateur, Where Surrey?s Lauren Kim TiesFor Third bc Womenwin TeamTit l e r e s u l t s IMAGECREDIT: GOLF CANADA BY BRAD ZIEM ER, BRITISH COLUM BIA GOLF

PG 30 | AUG2022 The2022 BCSummer GamesheldinPrinceGeorge went off beautifully andmoretremendous memoriesandfriendshipsweremadeby people fromall over thisgreat province. i READ COMPLETESTORY HERE BC Summer GamesIn Prince George A Big Success fun& games a s u m m e r o f BY BC GOLF BC IMAGECOURTESY GEORGE SASAKI/BC SUMMERGAMESIMAGE

TheJunior Skillsevent at Northview G&CCwasa hugesuccess hisyear.A of 29 kids(23 agesof and18 ed andput ona


PG 32 | AUG2022



boys and6 girls)betweenthe



beautiful July summer day inBC. i READ COMPLETESTORY HERE BC'sJunior SkillsDay At Northview GC A Huge Succes got skil l s b c j u n i o r s BY BC GOLF ALL PHOTOSBY BRITISH COLUMBIA GOLF


PG 34 | AUG2022 Inthisepisodeof TheModGolf Podcast,show creator andhost,ColinWeston,chatswithTy DeLavalladethefounder andpresident of Deuce,an upscalegolf andcigar accessory company that can designgolf accessoriesfor every golfer."I didsome researchtofindout what other black-owned businessesareout there.Tobefair,I didn't find any... i READ COMPLETESTORY HERE The ModGolf Podcast: Relationships Are The New Currency gol f bybuil ding at r ibeg r o w i n g

PG 36 | AUG2022 Pathwaystosuccessoftendependonaccessto experiencesandopportunities.Unfortunately, acrossCanada,many childrenall toooftenlack the resourcesor accesstoempoweringextracurricular activities,suchassportsor organizedrecreation. Knowingthepositiveimpact that sport canhaveon achild?slife,Golf Canada?sjunior programming throughFirst Teestrivestobreak downbarriersto accessingthegameof golf. i READ COMPLETESTORY HERE For Every Flower That Blooms: First Tee ? BC and Musqueam Golf & Learning Academy t hefirst t ee...n o w o n GOLF CANADA IMAGE BY MADDY BOELHOUWER/GOLF CANADA

PG 38 | AUG2022 Withthenew Canadiangolf campusannouncedfor constructionontheproperty of TPCTorontoat Osprey Valley inCaledon,Ont.,I know that buildingsandstructureswill not advanceour great sport.Collaborationwill. i READ COMPLETESTORY HERE A Place To Call Home? nopl ace l ikehomet h e r 'e s IMAGECREDIT: GOLF CANADA BY LAURENCE APPLEBAUM / GOLF CANADA

PG 40 | AUG2022 Recently thestoriedHunttingCupcelebratedits 100thanniversary asthecompetitonwasheldat Victoria'sGorgeValeGC.Thelonghistory of the HunttingCupissomewhat unique(seethe backgroundstory by BradZiemer HERE)andthe womenwhohaveplayedinit over theyearshave cometocherishtheprivilegeof takingpart. i READ COMPLETESTORY HERE Video: The Huntting Cup - Celebrates Its100 Year Anniversary At Victoria's Gorge Vale GC hunt t ing cup t h e

PG41 | AUG2022 t op image LeoSammarelli&TinaJiangwere BritishColumbia'sflagbearersinthe closingceremonyforthe2022 CanadaSummerGamesinNiagaraFalls, ON.Sammarelli,aclassT54 wheelchairracer,won3 medals,includinga goldonthetrack.Jiangisthefirst golfertobenamedBCflagbearersince thedebutofthesport at theGamesin2009.Sheset theCanadaGames recordforlowest 72-holescoreat 14-under-par breakingtheprevious recordset byfellowTeamBCalumnusKevinKwonat 13-under-parin2013. t h e BC'sBest FlyTheFlag IMAGECREDIT: TEAMBC ORG

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