British Columbia Golf - The Scorecard Magazine December Digital Issue | 2022

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Women'sGolf Day: Announcinga Week-long Celebration TOP STORIES LesFurber ToReviveStalled PeachlandProject 24. 20. GiveTheGift Of Golf Through First TeeCanada 18 The10 Best StoriesFrom BCGolf In2022 GettingToKnow BC'sShelly Stouffer,A ChampionOn AndOff TheGolf Course 38. 12 Shaughnessy HasA Tough Act ToFollow AsIt Prepares For CPWomen?sOpenNext Summer 28.
InsideThisIssue TopImage The10Best StoriesFromBC GolfIn2022 HappyHolidays! CraigGibsonWinsHead ProfessionalChampionshipOf CanadaInplayoff,BC'sTadey3rd GiveTheGift Of GolfThrough First TeeCanada Victoria,BC'sBrianYouellToBe RecognizedNationally Langley'sRedwoodsGCMayNot Re-OpenUntil2024 ShaughnessyHasAToughAct To FollowAsIt PreparesFor CP Women?sOpenNext Summer ModGolfPodcast:Connecting GolfersWithLikemindedPlaying Partners PGATOURCanadaAnnounces 2023QualifyingTournament Schedule 2022CPWomen?sOpenNamed LPGATournamentof theYear ChilliwackGolfClubApproves AmbitiousRenovationPlan GettingToKnowBC'sShelly Stouffer,AChampionOnAnd Off TheGolfCourse PartingShot Cont ent s 2022 08 Corrie Wong, Manager, Membership corrie@britishcolumbiagolf org (x202) Kwadwo Frempong, Manager of Network Services support@britishcolumbiagolf org (x205) Bryan Outram, Communications Manager, Website editor bryan@britishcolumbiagolf org (x207) Tyler McKay, Manager, Golf Participation tyler@britishcolumbiagolf org (x208) British Columbia Golf #116-7198 Vantage Way, Delta, BCV4G 1K7 Telephone: 604 279 2580 Toll Free: 1.888.833.2242 Web: britishcolumbiagolf org Facebook:/BritishColumbiaGolf Twitter: /BC golfer Staff Kris Jonasson, Chief Executive Officer (x204) Jerome Goddard, Tournament Director jerome@britishcolumbiagolf org (x203) Debbie Pyne, Managing Dir of Player Development debbie@britishcolumbiagolf org (x206) Andy Fung, Dir of Finance and Admin (x201) Partner Publisher Inside Golf Inc TF: 800.764.6537 - Web: Jeff Sutherland Publisher Sales Inquiries deb@igdesign ca DEC 30 22 12 32 10 20 34 26 38 14 40 28 16 28 36
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In this last issue of The Scorecard for 2022, our cover story on page 12 comes from BCGolf's hall of fame writer/reporter, Brad Ziemer. In a year that has witnessed some pretty amazing events, Brad takes a look back at what he sees as the 10 Best BCGolf stories from 2022. Brad also has some interesting updates on golf courses around the province, including what's happening at Redwoods GCin Langley due to the Trans Mountain Pipeline situation (page 26), the Les Furber redo of a Greg Norman design in Peachland (page 24), a very 'ambitious' renovation taking place at Chilliwack GC (page 36) and the challenges Shaughnessy G&CCfaces in preparing to host the 2023 CP Women's Open next summer in Vancouver on page 28.


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In addition to Brad's reports, we also have a fascinating interview from Women's Golf Project contributor, Karen Kloske, as she spoke with Nanoose Bay's Shelly Stouffer. Karen sheds a little more light on the Canadian and U.S. Senior Women's Amateur Champion from 2022 in her 'Getting To Know BC's Shelly Stouffer, A Champion On And Off The Golf Course' story on page 38. We also have a look at what is taking place with the First Tee - Canada program, helping to empower youth through golf on page 20. We're also pleased to pass along on page 18 that 'Women's Golf Day' will be a week-long celebration this year. All of us at British Columbia Golf want to wish everyone a happy & healthy holiday season and all the best for the New Year.

PG8 | DEC2022
PG10 | DEC2022 t op image DuringtheFridaypro-amofthisyear'sPNC Championship,TigerWoodsvideoedhisson,Charlie, at thepar-5 18thholeandthengavehimfeedbackon histeeshot.That hastobesomeprettydecent advice, right?Evenifit iscomingfromhis'dad'.... (ClickHEREtoseethevideoofthemoment) t h e ALessonFrom Charlie'sDad
PG 12 | DEC2022 BritishColumbiagolfersscriptedsomegreat stories in2022.Here,courtesy of BritishColumbiaGolf?s BradZiemer,isalook back at 10 of thebest: READ COMPLETESTORY HERE cover St ory IMAGE COURTESY: FACILITY t h e The 10 Best StoriesFrom BC Golf In 2022
PG 14 | DEC2022 Asweseeanother wonderful year onthelinks comingtoacloseinour beautiful province,all of us at BritishColumbiaGolf wouldliketowish everyoneasafeandhappy holiday seasonandall thebest for thecomingnew year.TheBCGolf office will beclosedfor theholidaysat theendof business onFriday,December 16threopeningonTuesday, January 3rd,2023.Welook forwardtoenjoying another great year together onandoff thegolf coursewithfamily,friendsandnew acquaintances. READ COMPLETESTORY HERE
PG 16 | DEC2022 WhenSiroccoGolf ClubHeadProfessional Craig Gibsonstoodonthe16thteeonThursday afternoon,hetrailedby four strokes.That left just threeholestomakeupthosefour strokesonhis playingpartner,RobTadey,whoenteredtheday withaone-strokeleadat thePGA Head Professional Championshipof Canada. READ COMPLETESTORY HERE t hepgaof canada I M A G E C R E D I T : G O L F C A N A D A / P G A O F C A N A D A r e s u l t s f o m Craig Gibson WinsHead Professional Championship Of Canada In playoff, BC'sTadey 3rd
PG 18 | DEC2022 Wearehappy tosharesomeexcitingnewswithyou regardingWGD 2023! By popular demand,weare extendingthedatesof Women'sGolf Day toa WeeklongCelebrationthisyear.Wearedelighted toannouncethat Women'sGolf Day (WGD)will be celebratedfor afull week.Kickingoff withour annual digital day,WGD Palooza,onTuesday,May 30th,andgoingthroughtheweek endingon Tuesday,June6th. READ COMPLETESTORY HERE womenin gol f c e l e b r a t i n g Women'sGolf Day: Announcing a Weeklong Celebration
PG 20 | DEC2022 Timeisrunningout todoubleyour givingpower and directly support First Tee?Canadatoempower youththroughgolf.In2021,Golf Canada introducedFirst Tee?Canada,anaccessibleand affordableyouthdevelopment programthat teachesgolf fundamentalswithalifeskill focus.For only afew moredays,donationswill havedouble theimpact asthey will bematchedthroughthe CharlesSchwabChallengeGrant. READ COMPLETESTORY HERE t he game g r o w i n g Give The Gift Of Golf Through First Tee Canada
PG 22 | DEC2022 TheCanadianGolf SuperintendentsAssociation (CGSA)announcedBrianYouell of UplandsGolf ClubinVictoria,B.C.asitsJohnB.Steel DistinguishedServiceAwardrecipient for 2022. Thisawardispresentedannually toanindividual, chosenby theCGSA Boardof Directors,whohas madeanoutstandingcontributiontothe advancement of theprofessionof Golf Course Superintendent. READ COMPLETESTORY HERE behindt he Mower IMAGECREDIT: GOLF CANADA n e w s f r o m Victoria, BC'sBrian Youell To Be Recognized Nationally
PG 24 | DEC2022 LesFurber?sfootprintsareall over theBritish Columbiagolfinglandscapeandtheprolific 76-year-oldcoursedesigner isn? t doneyet.Furber hasbeentabbedtorevivealong-stalledproject in Peachlandonthesiteof theformer PonderosaGolf Course... READ COMPLETESTORY HERE behinda r ebuil d IMAGECREDIT: KDBELLIVEAU/WIKIMEDIA a l o o k LesFurber To Revive Stalled Peachland Project
PG 26 | DEC2022 A closurethat wasanticipatedtolast sixmonths coulddragonfor twoyearsaswork ontheTrans Mountainpipelineproject continuesat asnail?s paceat RedwoodsGolf CourseinLangley.When thelast shotswerestruck at RedwoodsonApril 18 of thisyear,thehopewasthepopular coursewould beback upandandrunningthisfall.But managing director DougHawley?sworst fearsarenow being realized... READ COMPLETESTORY HERE acourse disr upt ion IMAGECOURTESY REDWOODS n e w s f r o m Langley'sRedwoodsGC May Not Re-Open Until 2024
PG 28 | DEC2022 Ashepreparesfor the2023 CPWomen?sOpenat Shaughnessy Golf & Country ClubinVancouver, tournament director RyanPaul knowshehasa toughact tofollow.The2022 tourney,heldthis past summer at OttawaHunt andGolf Club,wasa hugesuccessandwasnamedTournament of the Year by theTournament Partnersof theLPGA at therecent season-endingawardsceremony in Naples,Fla. READ COMPLETESTORY HERE t hel pga t our IMAGECREDIT: GOLF CANADA n e w s f r o m Shaughnessy HasA Tough Act To Follow AsIt PreparesFor CP Women?s Open Next Summer
PG 30 | DEC2022 Inthisepisodeof theModGolf Podcast,show creator andhost,ColinWeston,speakswithKat Ramirez,thefounder of GolfingBuddy."They did not makemefeel likeI waspart of thisfoursome.I felt liketheoutsider andI felt likeI wasn't good enough.Andit'sbad enoughthat womenalready feel likethey'renot goodenoughasit isinthegolf world.If youhaveonebadexperience,you'renever gonnagoback.You'renot." - Kat Ramirez,Founder of GolfingBuddy READ COMPLETESTORY HERE good contact m a k i n g ModGolf Podcast: Connecting Golfers With Likeminded Playing Partners
PG 32 | DEC2022 PGA TOURCanadaannouncedit will holdsix QualifyingTournamentstodetermineTour membershipfor the2023 season,withregistration beginningMonday,January 9,2023,at noonEST. TheTour will holdfiveQualifyingTournamentsin theU.S.,beginninginlate-February,andconclude withitsfinal qualifier inCanadaat BC'sCrownIsle aweek beforetheTour?sregular season,itsninthin history,begins. READ COMPLETESTORY HERE pgat our canada IMAGE COURTESY: PGA TOURCANADA n e w s f r o m PGA TOURCanada Announces2023 Qualifying Tournament Schedule
PG 34 | DEC2022 The2022 CPWomen?sOpenat OttawaHunt and Golf ClubhasbeennamedTournament of theYear by theTournament Partnersof theLPGA. Tournament organizersfromGolf Canadaand CanadianPacificwerepresentedwithaprestigious GoldDriver Awardduringaceremony heldin conjunctionwiththeLPGA Tour season-ending CMEGroupTour Championshipat TheRitz-Carlton Golf Resort inNaples,Fla. READ COMPLETESTORY HERE xxxxx xxxx x x x 2022 CP Women?sOpen Named LPGA Tournament of the Year
PG 36 | DEC2022 WhenKalebFisher wasappointedcourse superintendent at Chilliwack Golf Clubjust over a year ago,hewasaskedtocomeupwithalong-term planfor thegolf course.SoFisher went towork comingupwithaplanandayear later,that futureis now infocus. READ COMPLETESTORY HERE BC'sgol f courses IMAGE COURTESY: FACILITY n e w s f r o m Chilliwack Golf Club Approves AmbitiousRenovation Plan
PG 38 | DEC2022 Women?sGolf Project contributor KarenKloske recently spokewithShelly Stouffer,whohasbeen winningtournamentsinCanadaandtheUSA this year,togather somepersonal insightsintothe womanbehindthetrophies.Many will haveheard of Shelly Stouffer.In2022 alone,she?srackedup accoladesandtitlessuchasthe2022 U.S.Senior Women?sAmateur winner,CanadianWomen?s Mid-Amateur title,and,for asecondconsecutive year,theCanadianWomen?sSenior Champion. READ COMPLETESTORY HERE pl ayer insight p r o f i l e Getting To Know BC'sShelly Stouffer, A Champion On And Off The Golf Course
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Snow TimeLike ThePresent

PG40 | DEC 2022
t h e Aswecreepclosertotheendoftheyear,somerecent wintryweatherwasnot enoughtostop9-yearoldEilyKim fromgettinginsomepracticeat thesnow-coveredrange upat BurnabyMountainGC.

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