GolfCanadaLaunchesNational GolfLeagueInSupportof First Tee?Canada
Kootenay'sKasloGolfClub Celebrating100Years
You& YourFamilyCanBeOn Canada'sFamilyFeudWithGolf FanaticGerryDee
AdamFine?s?Not AScratch Golfer?VideosOnYouTubeStrike AChordWithHigh-handicappers
Video:PGAChampionshipCult HeroMichaelBlockInEpicHome ClubAd
WardWinsB.C.Men?sMid-Am, PikeCapturesB.C.Mid-Master Partingshot
Kris Jonasson, Chief Executive Officer kris@britishcolumbiagolf.org (x204)
Jerome Goddard, Tournament Director jerome@britishcolumbiagolf org (x203)
Debbie Pyne, Managing Dir of Player Development debbie@britishcolumbiagolf org (x206)
Andy Fung, Dir of Finance and Admin andy@britishcolumbiagolf.org (x201)
Corrie Wong, Manager, Membership corrie@britishcolumbiagolf org (x202)
Kwadwo Frempong, Manager of Network Services support@britishcolumbiagolf org (x205)
Bryan Outram, Communications Manager, Website editor bryan@britishcolumbiagolf org (x207)
Tyler McKay, Manager, Golf Participation tyler@britishcolumbiagolf org (x208)
In this issue of The Scorecard , our cover story on page 12 could be categorized as the next installment in 'The NeverEnding Story' as Brad Ziemer chronicles the latest achievements by Nanoose Bay's Shelly Stouffer. Stouffer, picking up right where she left off after an incredible 2022 season, captured both the BC Women's Mid-Amateur & Mid-Master titles at Sandpiper Resort in Harrison Mills at the season-opening BCGolf Championship event. Both the men's & women's Mid-Amateur/Mid-Master events were held concurrently and Ziemer has the accounts of the men's champions on page 32. Along with those wrap-ups we also have the story on UBC's men's golf team winning the 2nd NAIA National Championship in its program
history on page 24. You can also read how Surrey's Lauren Kim qualified for her second straight U.S. Women's Open, taking place at Pebble Beach this summer. Any Family Feud game show fans will be excited to find out how you & your family can be on the show with host and golf fanatic Gerry Dee on page 29.
Everybody has their favourites list for a number of activities. Golfers are no exception and can be particularly fond of listing favourite places to play. We'd like you to let us know what are your favourite public golf courses in British Columbia and win a prize in the process, you can check that out on page 14.
We have all that and much more in this edition of The Scorecard, so please enjoy.
Attherecent BCMid-Amateur/Mid-Master Championshipsheldat SandpiperResort inHarrison Mills,Women'sMid-Amcontestant JamieOleksiew showsasolidswingplaneonthe17thtee.Whichjust happenstoberight besidetheprivateairstripadjoining thegolfcourse.
HARRISON MILLS? For thoseof uswonderingwhat Shelly Stouffer wasgoingtodofor anencore,she providedananswer at Sandpiper Golf Course.
Apparently,theNanooseBay resident isgoingtojust keepwinning.
Canadaishometosomeof theworld?sfinest public golf courses,but many gounrecognizedinScoreGolf's biennial Top59 PublicCoursesranking,whichthey are set topublishagainlater thissummer.That'swhere youcomein.Submit upto10 of your favouritepublic coursesinyour province...
Springishereandwearelookingaheadtothe2023 CPWomen?sOpen.Inits49thplaying,Canada?s National Women?sOpeniscomingtoShaughnessy Golf andCountry ClubinVancouver for thefirst time ever!
Inkeepingwiththetraditionof offeringtop-level coachingandsupport for aspiringyounggolfersinBC, BritishColumbiaGolf ispleasedtopresent thelatest additionstotheHighPerformanceteamwithBritish ColumbiaGolf.
BritishColumbiaGolf isvery pleasedtoannounce there-electionof twokey membersof theBoardfor another year'sterm.President GregMoody along withChair of theZoneCommittee& Secretary of theAssociation,SheilavanGisbergen,will continue their roleswithBritishColumbiaGolf for another year followingre-electionat aBCGolf Board meetinginApril.
Thereisonekey decisionevery golfer makeswhenhe or sheteesit up:pickingwhichteeboxtoplay.This hasledtowhat I believetobeoneof themost negativestereotypesingolf - thenotionof ""ladies tees."" It'satermI'dlovetoseedisappear.Sowoulda lot of other women
Asayoungpre-teen,LaurenKim(aboveleft)visited PebbleBeachwithher family.Uponseeingit she vowedtoherself that shouldwouldplay thereone day.Well,now shewill play there,andit will beinthe U.S.Women'sOpen.
After asuccessful inaugural event last season,Marine DriveGCisexcitedfor anevenbetter event for year two! OnJune27 & 28 MarineDrivewill behosting thesecondannual MarineDriveJunior Invitational.
Golf Canadahasannouncedthelaunchof The National Golf League(NGL),anationwidenetwork of existingrecreational golf leaguesdesignedtoenhance theleagueexperiencefor participantsandgenerate charitablesupport for First Tee?Canada.Built for golfersof all skill levels,theNational Golf Leaguewill featureasix-week regular seasonthat takesplace withinexistingrecreational leagueplay duringthe summer.
KasloGolf Courseopenedin1923,whentherewere about adozengolf coursesinall of BritishColumbia. Inthebeginning,aladies' membershipcost $10 and men's$15.Thecourseisanattractiveelement of the overall reasontourismisoneof Kaslo?slargest economicdrivers. READ
Family FeudCanadaisdedicatedtofindingavariety of contestantsnationwideandfor their fifthseason they want tostepit upanotch.Withhost Gerry Dee beinganavidgolfer andanenthusiasticfanof the sport,they areexcitedat thepotential of inviting like-mindedplayersandtheir familiesontotheshow.
Adam Fine?s?Not A Scratch Golfer?
VideosOn YouTube Strike A Chord With High-handicappers
AdamFinegrew upnot far fromVancouver?sQueen ElizabethPark,whereheandhisbuddieswere regularsat thelocal pitchandputt course.Yet he didn? t consider himself agolfer.Thengolf helpedsave hislifeandeverythingchangedfor Fine.He?snow not only anavidgolfer,but thegameheembracedduring alife-threateningillnessprovideshimhisliving.
Pretty mucheveryonewhofollowsgolf andawhole lot whomaybedon't becameawareof Michael Block duringtherecent PGA Championshipheldat Oak Hill CCinRochester,New York.Block'sengaging 'everyday man' personality,combined withhisstellar play brought theHeadPGA Professional tothe forefront of thetournament'sTV broadcastsandinto millionsof homes.
HARRISON MILLS? Every golf roundseemstobring withit that moment of adversity whenaplayer?s character andresolveareput tothetest.For Nathan Ward,that moment cameonthepar 5 13thholeduring thefinal round of theB.C.Men?sMid-Amateur and Mid-Master Championshipsat Sandpiper Golf Course.
Actually,JustinThomaswasnot theonlyplayerinthe PGAChampionshiptoswinghiscaparoundsotherain drippingoffthebrimwouldn't hinderhisputting.But he might havebeentheonlyonetoputt withhiswedge.