The Turf Line News August - Digital Magazine

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WESTERN CANADA TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION 3 We are operated.ownedCanadian100%and With three locations in Western Canada, we are here for you wherever you need us: Abbotsford, BC Delta, Airdrie,BCAB We are local and we have everything you need to run a successful operation: fertilizer, seed, pest control and more. And if it’s advice you’re looking for, we’ve got that too. Just ask for one of our knowledgeable sales representatives. Doug Speranza 604-209-7418 Dave Duncan 604-309-8690 Dale Kitsul 604-866-3581 John Reid 250-498-9016 Rob D’Ippolito 403-548-4491 Contact us today at 1-800-661-4559 or visit

14 TOP STORIES 24 Fire Smart Landscaping Doesn't Have to Look Like the Desert 18 Edmonton City Council Considers Cosmetic Pesticide Ban 22 2022 Summer Field Day in Kamloops Sizzled! 36 GCSAA Webinars Still Available for BC& AB CECPoints! 12 DLFAcquires Premier PacificSeeds Micah Woods,Ph.D. to TaketheHelm at PACETurf

t op image t h e PG05 | AUG 2022 Out of sight - Peter Spindlovelaunchesoneagainst theOkanaganDesert backdropat theKamloops Golf & Country Clubduringour recent summer fieldday. Way toholdthat finishPeter!

COVER STORY 2022 Summer Field Day in Kamloops Sizzled! FEATURE STORY Fire Smart Landscaping Doesn't Have to Look Like the Desert WCTA NEWS WCTA Board of Directors WCTA/STCAgreement Extended for Another 5 Years Member Value Proposition W/link to Application CTRFExtends Administration Contract EDUCATION NEWS Coming Events Summary Oregon State University Turf Field Day GCSAA Webinars Still Available for BC& AB CECpoints! INDUSTRY NEWS DLFAcquires Premier Pacific Seeds New Science Advisory Committee on Pest Control Products Japanese Beetle Summer Update Edmonton City Council Considers Cosmetic Pesticide Ban RESEARCH NEWS Dr. Micah Woods to Take Helm at Pace Turf CTRFE News Link Laval University Research Project Update 28 34 On t he cover: Here we are at Norbock Stadium in Kamloops, BC, taking a look at some of the City?s gear and getting a chance to reconnect with fellow turf and golf managers at our first summer field day since 2019 Special thanks to our hosts, Mike DeCicco and Shawn Cook from the City and Travis Olson at the Kamloops Golf & Country Club, for making this event possible! Image credit: Jerry Rousseau 8 22 24 32 26 14 31 36 13 16 20 12 22 30 18

PG08 | AUG 2022 Summer took sometimegettinghereandmost areas laggedbehindnormal withacool,wet spring. Oncesummer hit,themercury stayedpretty highbut nothinglikelast year?srecordshatteringtemperatures. That beingsaid,our first in-personevent sincethe pandemic,heldat theMcArthur IslandPark and KamloopsGolf andCountry Club, took placeontheonthehottest days of theyear sofar inKamloopsat 39C! t h e wcta NEWS Message from the President GARY BARTLEY

2022/2023 WCTABoardof Directors past PRESIDENT Tr avis O l son Kaml oops G&CC (250)554 1441 cl ickt osendanemail vice PRESIDENT St u Car michael Cit y of Court enay (250)338-1766x7643 cl ickt osendan email pr esident Gary Bart l ey UBCAt hl et ics (604)970 1417 cl ick t osendan email PG10 | 2022 DIRECTORof finance Davin Mar r Hil lview Gol f Course (250)549 4653 cl ickt osendan email t wo YEARDIRECTOR Jed McGeachie Overt on Envir onmental (604)807 6768 cl ickt osendanemail t woYEARDIRECTOR Curt isZanussi SD# 36(Sur r ey) (604)835 3411 cl ickt osendan email t woYEARDIRECTOR Andr eDionne UBCAt hl et ics (604)927 6246 cl ickt osendanemail oneYEARDIRECTOR John Per ry poppyEstat esGol f Course (778)809 1607 cl ickt osendanemail t woYEARDIRECTOR Nat hanWade SunshineCoast Regional Dist r ict 604741 1711 cl ickt osendan email

PG12 | AUG 2022 LINDSAY,Ontario(July 11,2022)?DLFannouncedtoday that it hasacquiredPremier PacificSeedsLtd.(PPSL),a forage,cover crop,reclamationandturfgrasswholesale seedcompany locatedinSurrey,BCsince 2001.Prior totheacquisition,DLF PickseedUSA held40 percent of PPSL?s shares. t u r f Indust ry news DLF Acquires Premier Pacific Seeds

Aspart of theprocess,HealthCanadahasnow launchedits new ScienceAdvisory CommitteeonPest Control Products. TheCommitteewill providescientificadvice,asappropriate, oncertainevidence-baseddecisionsof thePMRA on pesticides. Thepanel will provideindependent scientificadviceto HealthCanada'sPest Management Regulatory Agency andis comprisedof scienceexpertscoveringabroadrangeof expertiseinbothhumanhealthandenvironmental science, aswell asvalueassessment. It is representativeof Canadaandhasbeen expertly vettedtohavelow tonoconflict of interest. ry news BY PM RA

t u r f indust

AsreportedinMarch2022,HealthCanadaannouncedtheir pest management branch,thePMRA,wasundergoinga transformationprocessaimedat strengtheningitsoversight, itsprotectionof publichealthandtheenvironment andits transparency topeopleinCanada.

PG13 | AUG 2022

Launching the New Science Advisory Committee on Pest Control Products

PG14 | AUG 2022 Foundersof PACETurf,Drs.Larry Stowell andWendy Gelernter, announceitsacquisitionby Dr.MicahWoods,President and Chief Scientist of theAsianTurfgrassCenter (ATC).Dr.Woods will becomedirector of theaward-winning,science-basedonline turfgrassmanagement informationservice,andDrs.Stowell and Gelernter will becomevisitingresearchdirectors.Dr.Woodswill continuetooverseeATCresearchandeducationprogramsashe expandsPACETurf tomeet theneedsof today?sturfgrass management community,whichincludes golf coursesuperintendents,sportsturf managers,commercial andresidential landscapemanagersworldwide. Micah Woods, Ph.D. to Take the Helm at PACETurf INDUSTRY news T u r f VIA PACE TURF

PG16 | AUG 2022 Here'sanupdateontheJapanesebeetle eradicationeffortsintheVancouver area: Report Japanese Beetle Japanesebeetlesareonthemove.Report onlineviathewebformor theReport Invasivesmobileapp. Youcanalsoreport suspect JapanesebeetlestoCFIA by calling604-292-5742 or photoswhenpossible). New 2022 Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) Regulated Areas Inresponsetothedetectionsof JapanesebeetleintheFalse Creek areaof Vancouver,BritishColumbia(BC)in2017,the CFIA first establishedaregulatedareain2018.A revised regulatedareacameintoeffect onMarch19,2022,and includesareaswithintheCitiesof Burnaby andVancouver, BC.TheCFIA isrestrictingthemovement of soil,rooted plantswithsoil,andother plant material that isinfested or likely tobeinfested withJapanesebeetleout of the regulatedareas.Theserestrictionsare intendedtoreducetherisk of unintentional human-assistedspreadof thebeetle. t u r f indust ry news BY BCLNA Japanese Beetle Summer Update

TheCity?sIPM approachhasledtomajor reductionsin pesticideuseandthemajority of Edmonton?sparklandis freeof pesticideexposure. Of that parkland,lessthan10% of themanagedturf areareceivesherbicidetreatmentsper year. Since2004,45 parklandsiteshavebeenmaintained without theuseof herbicides. These herbicide-freesitesweredesignatedby City council inassociationwiththe development of theIPM policy. City Council Considers Cosmetic Pesticide Ban


PG18 | AUG 2022

t u r f indust ry news Edmonton

TheCity of Edmontonmanagespestssuchasweeds,tree pests,plant diseases,stinging/bitinginsects,rodents,and water-bornediseasesusingavariety of programs. It implementedarestrictiononherbicideuseonJune23, 2015,withexemptions. Only whennecessary isherbicide appliedtocontrol noxiousweeds,andweedsthat would impact safety andenjoyment of our greenspaces.

PG20 | AUG 2022 It'sfull steamaheadfor in-person eventsandmeetingsonceagain! We'll doour best tokeepyou apprisedof everythinggoingonin theworldof professional turf management andbeyond includingour ownofferings! Coming Events Summary t u r f indust ry news Aug21 22 BCGSA ExchangeTournament, Copper Point Golf Club Sep14 15 Grow West Coast Hort Show (formerly CanWest),Surrey,BC Sep20 CGSA Fall FieldDay, SouthwoodG&CC,Winnipeg Sep22 BCGSA Lower MainlandChapter, Whistler Golf Club Sep28 BCGSA Norther Chapter, SmithersG&CC Sep30 VIGSA ? Campbell River G&CC Sep?? BCGSAKootenay Chapter ? locationTBD Oct 2-4 NTA Conference,GambleSands Oct xx BCGSA Interior Chapter Wiindup, Nk?mipCanyonDesert Golf Club Nov 8 BCGSA Interior Chapter AGM, KelownaG&CC Nov 17-18 Green Industry Show & Conference,Red Deer Nov 20 22 AlbertaProperty Managers Conference,Canmore Nov 29 Dec1 NGCOA Golf Business Conference& TradeShow SheratonWall CentreVancouver Nov 30-Dec2 BCGSA Professional Development Days,Victoria Nov ?? BCGSA Kootenay Chapter ? locationTBD Dec8 BCGSA Lower MainlandChapter ChristmasSocial,locationTBD Jan16 19 STMA Conference, Salt LakeCity Feb4-9 GIS,OrangeCounty Convention Center Feb15-17 59thAnnual WCTA Conference & TradeShow River Rock CasinoResort *Wewill makeupdatesandadddetailsasfurther informationbecomesavailable. 2022 2023

PG22 | AUG 2022 t h e cover st ory PartneredwithSportsTurf Canadaandhostedby the City of Kamloopsandthe KamloopsGolf & Country Club,our first WCTA summer fieldday since2019 took placeJuly 26thand27thin Kamloops,BC. Thefieldday sizzled,literally with39 Celsiustemperatures bothdaysandfiguratively, witharespectableturnout of 55 total delegates,afantastic day of golf,anexcellent and informativespeaker inDr. GreggMunshaw fromthe PinnacleAgriculture ResearchCentreinSalem, Missouri,anddueinlarge part toour gracioushosts, TravisOlson,MikeDeCicco andShawnCook,whowere genuinely excitedin welcomingfellow turf managerstoour Kamloops venues. BY JERRY ROUSSEAU 2022 Summer Field Day in Kamloops Sizzled!

PG24 | AUG 2022 It?shot,water isat apremiumandpeoplewant tokeeptheir yardsgreen,definitely not dry,tomakethemlessflammable incaseof awildfire.Don? t sweat this.It?spossibletohavea healthy lawnandbigtreesthat areagood defenseagainst encroachingflames, landscapeexpertssay. T H E Fire Smart Landscaping Doesn? t Have to Look Like the Desert fEATURE STORY

PG26 | AUG 2022 OnJuly 7,2012,after monthsof discussion,SportsTurf CanadaandtheWesternCanadaTurfgrassAssociation jointly announcedaformalized,5-year partnership agreement betweenthetwoorganizations. Theagreement wasrenewedfor another 5 yearsin2017 andhasjust been extendedthroughJuly 2027. Fromtheagreement,key considerationsinclude: - WCTA recognizesSTCasthenational body for the promotionof better,safer sportsturf inCanada - WCTA recognizesSTCastheCanadianInternational AffiliateOrganizationof theUSA-basedSportsTurf ManagersAssociation. - TheWCTA will betheconduit for new STCmembersoriginatinginthe provincesof BritishColumbiaand Alberta. t h e wcta news WCTA/Sports Turf Canada Extend Partnership Agreement Another 5 Years


PG30 | AUG 2022 InDecember of 2016,theCanadianTurfgrassResearch Foundation(CTRF)selectedtheWesternCanada(WCTA)as their administrativeservicesprovider. Theselectionprocessbeganwithcirculationof anRFPfollowed by committeereview of submissionsandafinal decisionmade by theCTRFBoardthat spring. Over thesummer andintothe fall,acomprehensivefiveyear contract wasdeveloped,outlining duties,responsibilitiesandexpectationsof theserviceprovider. A quotefromthenCTRFChair,ChristianPilon: ?We?revery pleasedtohaveratifiedtheserviceagreement for theWCTA toprovideadministrativeservicestotheCTRF. We look forwardtoastrongrelationshipwiththeWCTA that will benefit turfgrassresearchasawhole.? Fast forwardto2022 andfor thethirdtime, theCTRFBoardhasvotedtoextendthe contract for another year. CTRF ExtendsAdministration Contract wcta news BY W CTA STAFF t h e

PG31 | AUG 2022 TheOregonStateUniversity Turf FieldDay ishappening Thursday,September 1,2022 andisFREEfor all attendees! 2022 OSU Turf Field Day Thursday ?Sept 1,2022 Lewis-BrownFarm 3329 PeoriaRd Corvallis,OR97333 Schedule - 8:00 amto9:00 am?Check-inandBreakfast - 9:00 amto11:30 am- FieldDay,Industry Expo - 11:30 amto12:30 pm?Lunch - 1:00 pmto7:00 pm?J.Oliver Memorial Golf Tournament andDinner t u r f EDUCATION news BY ALEC KOWALEW SKI Oregon State University Turf Field Day - Sep 1, 2022

PG32 | AUG 2022 For immediaterelease: If you?reaprofessional golf or sportsfied manager,or have any sort of stakeintheturf management industry,youmight consider signingupfor theCanadianTurfgrassResearch Foundation?se-newsby clickingthefollowinglink: SIGN-UP FORCTRF EMAIL UPDATES There?snofeetoreceivetimely andrelevant turf research newsandproject reportsthat youwill not seeelsewhere. Well,eventually youmight seethembut why wait for others toprovidenewsabout advancementsin theturf management industry whenyou canget it straight fromthesource! Link for CTRF News, Updates and Turf Research Reports t u r f r esear ch news BY CTRF

PG34 | AUG 2022 Laval University Research Project Update - ?Understanding and Predicting Pesticide use on Golf CoursesUsing Deep Machine Learning? Interim report - July 2022 ?Understanding and predicting pesticide use on golf courses using deep machine learning? Guillaume Grégoire, Ph.D. Assistant professor, Département de phytologie Universite Laval Abstract Golf coursemaintenancerequirestheuseof several inputs, suchaspesticidesandfertilizersthat canbeharmful tohuman healthor theenvironment.Understandingthefactors associatedwithpesticideuseongolf coursesmay help golf-coursemanagersreducetheir relianceontheseproducts. Inthisstudy,weusedadatabaseof about 14,000 pesticide applicationsintheprovinceof Québec, Canada,todevelopanovel hybridmachine learningapproachtopredict pesticideuse ongolf courses. r esear ch news BY CTRF t u r f

PG36| AUG 2022 In2020,theOntarioGolf SuperintendentsAssociation (OGSA)partneredwiththeGolf CourseSuperintendents Associationof America(GCSAA)tomakeselect OnDemand webinarsavailablefor nochargeuntil June1,2020. TheWCTA?sconnectiontoGCSAA throughtheFirst Green programenabledWCTA memberstoget inonthedeal andif you?reaWCTA member lookingfor CEC/CEUpointsinBC or Alberta,many of thesewebinarsarestill available! EnhancingYour WeedControl Program:Cool-seasonTurf (WCTA code#26-20) Why didn? t theherbicidekill theweed?Inthis90-minute webinar,AaronPatton,Ph.D.,will helpyouknow how to answer that questionfor yourself andimproveyour weed control programinyour cool-seasonturf by better understandingherbicideactivity and weedbiology. BCCECvalue:1.5 IPM ABCEUvalue:1 Pest Management t u r f EDUCATION news BY W CTA STAFF GCSAA WebinarsStill Available for BC& AB CECPoints!

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