The Turf Line News September - Digital Magazine

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WESTERN CANADA TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION 3 We are 100% Canadian owned and operated. With three locations in Western Canada, we are here for you wherever you need us: Abbotsford, BC Delta, BC Airdrie, AB We are local and we have everything you need to run a successful operation: fertilizer, seed, pest control and more. And if it’s advice you’re looking for, we’ve got that too. Just ask for one of our knowledgeable sales representatives. Doug Speranza 604-209-7418 Dave Duncan 604-309-8690 Dale Kitsul 604-866-3581 John Reid 250-498-9016 Rob D’Ippolito 403-548-4491 Contact us today at 1-800-661-4559 or visit
22 TOP STORIES 08 DaveLister Passed Away TheTim Kubash Story 26 Significant Japanese Beetle Detections in Port Coquitlam 14 WOW to Continue This Fall 24 The Conference Is Coming 33 Guelph Turfgrass Institute Celebrates 35 Years with New Facility
t op image t h e PG05 | SEP 2022 Here?sanaerial view of thebrandnew, state-of-the-art GuelphTurfgrassInstitute.TheGTI iscelebrating35 yearsasanational leader in research,extensionwork andprofessional development for thestudy of turf. Seestory page33
COVER STORY The Tim Kubash Story FEATURE STORY The Conference Is Coming WCTA NEWS WCTA Board of Directors Look Whose Joined Final Report for Fiscal Year End Member Value Proposition W/link to Application EDUCATION NEWS WOW to Continue This Fall INDUSTRY NEWS Significant Japanese Beetle Detections in Port Coquitlam CAMPUS NEWS Numbers Are in for Pat Dooley Tourney TURF RESEARCH NEWS Enhancing Carbon Sequestration to Improve Sustainability and Market Access Influence of PGR's on Aerification Recovery Time CTRFStakeholder Update CTRFE News Link Guelph Turfgrass Institute Celebrates 35 Years with New Facility TURF RESEARCH BRIEF 2022 WCTA Turfgrass Research Summary Report OTRFUpdate Annual Research Funding Call for Proposals 35 On t he cover: Prettyniceoffice! Here'sWestern Rootzone'sowner and operator, Tim Kubash, takingcareof businessprior to his accident Image courtesy Tim Kubash. 20 22 24 34 28 12 18 30 32 26 29 22 14 33 10 16
PG8 | SEP 2022 Withheavy hearts,MountainMeadowsGolf Club announcesthepassingof our dear friendDaveLister. He cametousin2015 withextensiveexperienceingolf course management andwecertainly benefittedfromhis experiencethesepast 7 years. Thoughtsandprayersgoout tohiswife Michelleandhischildren. Wewill miss seeingyour smiley faceout onthegreens. Rest inpeaceDaveLister t h e INDUSTRY news M OUNTAIN M EADOW S GOLF CLUB Dave Lister Passed Away
2022/2023 WCTABoardof Directors past PRESIDENT Tr avis O l son Kaml oops G&CC (250)554 1441 cl ickt osendanemail vice PRESIDENT St u Car michael Cit y of Court enay (250)338-1766x7643 cl ickt osendan email pr esident Gary Bart l ey UBCAt hl et ics (604)970 1417 cl ick t osendan email PG10 | 2022 DIRECTORof finance Davin Mar r Hil lview Gol f Course (250)549 4653 cl ickt osendan email t wo YEARDIRECTOR Jed McGeachie Overt on Envir onmental (604)807 6768 cl ickt osendanemail t woYEARDIRECTOR Curt isZanussi SD# 36(Sur r ey) (604)835 3411 cl ickt osendan email t woYEARDIRECTOR Andr eDionne UBCAt hl et ics (604)927 6246 cl ickt osendanemail oneYEARDIRECTOR John Per ry poppyEstat esGol f Course (778)809 1607 cl ickt osendanemail t woYEARDIRECTOR Nat hanWade SunshineCoast Regional Dist r ict 604741 1711 cl ickt osendan email
PG12 | SEP 2022 Workingwithmany of our alliedgroups,oneof theprimary mandatesof theWesternCanadaTurfgrassAssociationisto foster turfgrassresearchfor thebetterment of theentire sportsturf andgolf coursemanagement industry. Thescientificprocesshasbeenacritical component inthe evolutionof our industry andcontinuestodriveusforward, operatinginthebackground,advancingthefieldand providingsolutionstoeveryday challenges. Astheindustry findsitself increasingly engagedin advocacy efforts,thereisgreat needto detail andquantify all thegoodthingsthat turf doesfor us. t u r f 2022 WCTA Turfgrass Research Summary Report r esear ch br ief W CTA STAFF
PG14 | SEP 2022 TheWCTA?spopular onlinewebinar seriesisunder constructionwithplanstoproducetwomoreepisodesthis fall/early winter. TheWCTA Board,inparticular President Gary Bartley, wantedtomakesurethat WCTA membershadmore educational opportunitiesavailableoutsideour traditional summer fielddaysandwinter conference. Whileonline delivery wasinitially seenassomeformof substitution measureduringCOVID,it turnsout therearemany positiveswhenit comestoonlinetraininglikelow cost and accessibility. Tentativedatesfor our next WOW webinarsare: - Thursday,October 13 - Thursday,November 17 Theplanistodeliver astimely educationaspossiblewitha focusonCEC/CEUpointshowever not all talkswill involvepesticidepoints. Infact, if youhaveideasfor subject matter and speakersplease let usknow. t h e educat ion news W CTA STAFF WCTA Online Webinar Series (?WOW 3.0') to Continue ThisFall
PG16 | SEP 2022 Thenumbersareinfor our 2022 Patrick Dooley Memorial Golf Tournament. A total of $10,735.90 wasraised,with $8,485.90 goingtoTurfgrassResearchandtheremainder split betweenKPU Turf student awardrecipientsDaniel Lee, Mat Bursey andDougChadwick. TheodoreFongandJoshCarlsenalso receivedawardsfromour Patrick Dooley Endowment Fund. t h e CAMPUS news STAN KAZYM ERCHYK NumbersAre In For Pat Dooley Tourney
PG18 | SEP 2022 Ruying?Wrennie?Wang1,Clint Mattox1,ClairePhillips2 and AlecKowalewski1 1Department of Horticulture,OregonStateUniversity 2UnitedStatesDepartment of Agriculture CLICK HEREfor pdf copy of thisreport Summary OregonStateUniversity will evaluatetheimpactsof turfgrass maintenancepractices(nitrogen fertilization,irrigation,mowing height,andmowingfrequency)on turfgrasscarbonbalanceandsoil carbonaccumulation.Thisproject will investigatehow toenhanceaccumulationof soil organic carboninorder toreducetheclimatefootprint of turfgrass, whichcanprovidewaysof addressing regulatory burdenimposedby greenhouse gasreductionprogramsandimprove market acceptanceof natural turfgrass. t u r f r esear ch NEWS Enhancing Turfgrass Carbon Sequestration to Improve Sustainability and Market Access OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY
PG20 | SEP 2022 Asaunifiedvoicefor the professional golf and sportsturf management industry inwestern Canada,theWCTA is currently 708 members strong! September 30 isour fiscal year-endandthe timewhenwereview membershipmetrics. Over thepast 12 months, we'vewelcomedan impressive56 new members- welcomeand thank youfor your support andconfidence inour association! We alsoappreciatethe 1500+non-WCTA membersonour mailing list for your interest in WCTA activities. T H E wcta news Look Who'sJoined the WCTA2022 Year End Review BY W CTA STAFF
PG22 | SEP 2022 CanadianGolf SuperintendentsAssociationPast President andMaster Superintendent TimKubash,sufferedaserious andlifealteringaccident onMay 5,2021 after tippingover a tractor onhisacreageandshatteringhisC5 & C6 vertebrae. Not one,but twoair ambulancetripswererequired, eventually takinghimtotheIntensiveCareUnit at Vancouver General Hospital wherehereceivedemergency surgery thenext day. Withthat,Timwas left paralyzedfromthechest downand wheelchair dependent. The Tim Kubash Story t h e cover st ory JERRY ROUSSEAU
PG24 | SEP 2022 The59thAnnual WCTA Conferenceand TradeiscomingtotheRiver Rock Casino Resort inRichmond,BC,February 15-17,2023! After necessarily scrubbingour last two shows,theWesternCanadaTurfgrass AssociationBoardof Directorsiselated that wewill beback liveandin-person thiscomingFebruary at afamiliar and popular venue. ?Event planningiswell underway andwe arealready beingaskedabout the educationprogram,tradeshow and whenregistrationwill open,?saidWCTA ExecutiveDirector,Jerry Rousseau. t h e feat ur e st ory
The Conference isComing!

Therehavebeensignificant detectionsof Japanesebeetle (Popilliajaponica)intheCity of Port Coquitlamduringthe 2022 surveillanceseasonwhichwill beof interest toyour industry members,particularly thosewho may haveoperationsinor near Port Coquitlam,Coquitlamor Pitt Meadows. FOOD

Significant Japanese Beetle Detectionsin Port Coquitlam

PG26 | SEP 2022


PG29 | SEP 2022 ChasSchmid,AlecKowalewski,BrianMcDonaldandEmily Braithwaite Department of Horticulture OregonStateUniversity CLICK HEREfor apdf copy of thisreport Summary Points: - Springapplicationsof ethephon(Proxy)helpannual bluegrassputtinggreensrecover quicker fromcore cultivation,whereasfall applicationsslow recovery - Increasedturfgrassgrowthobserved inGibberellicacid treatmentsinitially increasedthepercent recovery comparedtoother treatments;however,scalpingcaused reducedturfgrasscover,andincreasedrecovery time. - Trinexapac-ethyl (PrimoMaxx)timing hadlittleeffect oncultivationrecovery timein2021,regardlessof season. T U R F RESEARCH news OREGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Influence of Plant Growth Regulators on Core Cultivation Recovery Time of Annual Bluegrass Putting Green Turf

Since1973,CTRFanditsmember andscientificknowledgeassociatedwiththesafe, recreational andfunctional useof turfgrass. Findings directly andpositively impact soccer,rugby,lacrosseand cricket pitches,baseball andfootball fields,golf courses, lawnbowls,parks,homelawnsandanywherethereis managedturfgrass. Aswithmany charities,fundraisinghasbeenachallengefor thepast twoyears. Evenprior toCOVID,there wasconsiderablestrainonour turf researchsponsorship resources,somuchso,that wequestionedtheFoundation?s long-termviability. Whileprudent todiscussall possibilities, our member organizationswerequick to concludethat drivingturf research remainsimportant,relevant andworthy of our continuedattentionandefforts.

PG30 | SEP 2022
organizationshave fundedturf researchprojectsaimedat advancingeducation
t u r f r esear ch news CTRF Stakeholder Update
PG32 | SEP 2022 For immediaterelease: If you?reaprofessional golf or sportsfied manager,or have any sort of stakeintheturf management industry,youmight consider signingupfor theCanadianTurfgrassResearch Foundation?se-newsby clickingthefollowinglink: SIGN-UP FORCTRF EMAIL UPDATES There?snofeetoreceivetimely andrelevant turf research newsandproject reportsthat youwill not seeelsewhere. Well,eventually youmight seethembut why wait for otherstoprovidenews about advancementsintheturf management industry whenyoucanget it straight fromthesource! Link for CTRF News, Updates and Turf Research Reports t u r f r esear ch news
PG33 | SEP 2022 Fromsportsandrecreational fieldstohomelawns,anew turfgrasscentreopeningthisweek at theUniversity of Guelphwill foster researchandteachingtosupport Canada?smulti-billion-dollar sports,golf andresidential turf industry. Thenew G.M.Frost ResearchandInformationCentrewill bethecentrepieceof therecently relocatedGuelph TurfgrassInstitute(GTI),whichmarksits35thanniversary asanational leader inresearch,extension work andprofessional development for thestudy of turf. t u r f r esear ch news GTI Guelph Turfgrass Institute Celebrates35 Years With New State-of-the-Art Facility

TheOntarioTurfgrassResearchFoundationhasbeenbusy thispast year.Wehavemovedour officetothenew Guelph TurfgrassInstituteandit feelsmorelikehomewitheach passingday.Wehavealsobeenworkingat continuingto improveour membershipbenefitsthroughavariety of initiativesincludingenhancingour webpresencethrough social channels,websiteandcontent creation. Withall thenew thingshappening,many thingsdostay the same.Wecontinuetofundresearchprojectsthat advance theturf industry withsustainableproductsandpracticesto improvetheplacewelive,work andplay.Thispast year saw somefundinggotoexcitingnew projectsincluding: Evaluationof overseedingsportsfieldswithnew species andcultivars:Thisproject wasfundedtoimproveour understandingof utilizingnew blendsandcultivarsof seed toimprovefieldconditionsfor endusers andhelpturf managersprovidesafer playingsurfaces.Dr.EricLyons, University of Guelph. br ief

What'sHappening @OTRF

PG34 | SEP 2022
t u r f r esear ch
PG35 | SEP 2022 HereistheCanadianTurfgrassResearchFoundationannual call for researchproject proposals. Youareinvitedtoapply for 2023 researchproject fundingconsiderationfromthe followingturfgrassresearchfundingorganizationswitha singlesubmission: AlbertaTurfgrassResearchFoundation CanadianTurfgrassResearchFoundation ManitobaGolf SuperintendentsAssociation Northwest TurfgrassAssociation QuebecTurfgrassResearchFoundation SaskatchewanTurfgrassAssociation WesternCanadaTurfgrassAssociation Tobeconsideredfor funding,pleasecompletethe2023 ResearchGrant ?ONECALL?applicationformbelow and returnto by Friday,November 18th,2022,5:00pm Pacifictime. t u r f r esear ch br ief 2023 Annual Turfgrass Research Funding Call for Proposals CTRF
Connect withtheWestern CanadaTurfgrass Associationonsocial media. We?reactive,engaged,and excitedtoprovideour membersvaluable informationandupdates throughsocial media! Connect withusfor up-to-datenewsand informationrelatingtothe professional golf and sportsturf management industry. CONNECTWITH THE WCTAON SOCIALMEDIA PG36 | SEP 2022

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