2 minute read
3 Approach
IGEM monitors implementation by assessing progress against the actions set out in the implementation plan, taking into consideration any risks or delays to implementation progress.
IGEM may include in its progress summaries, commentary on the alignment of action implementation with the intent of recommendations in both the 10 Year Review and Phase 1 report.
3.1 Assurance approach
IGEM and the emergency management sector’s assurance activities are guided by the Assurance Framework for Emergency Management.6 The framework seeks to improve assurance activities through the application of four principles:
Continuous improvement – assurance providers appreciating the complexity of emergency management in a rapidly changing context, valuing parts of the emergency management system that continue to work well and seeing where incremental or immediate improvement, or innovation, is necessary.
Collaboration and coordination – assurance providers working together and organising assurance activities to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Reducing burden – assurance providers respecting and minimising the amount of time and resources which stakeholders need to devote to an assurance activity.
Adding value – assurance providers maximising the potential benefits of assurance activities, such as being proactive, risk-based and reporting the results of assurance activities that is timely and can be easily understood by decision makers.
Limitations in assurance
Like all assurance providers, the level of assurance that IGEM can provide is limited by the quality and quantity of the available information, and by the scope of the assurance activity.
IGEM provides assurance on progress through assessing updates provided by departments and agencies and collecting and assessing evidence to substantiate those updates. IGEM seeks to reflect progress to the fullest extent possible based on evidence provided or that is publicly available.
At times, if evidence is unavailable, IGEM may be limited in its capacity to report on progress. If IGEM is unable to view supporting evidence, then it will report the progress as ‘advised’ by agencies. This represents a lower level of assurance.
6 igem.vic.gov.au/reports-and-publications/igem-reports/assurance-framework-for-emergency-management
3.2 Stakeholder engagement
Key stakeholders
Organisations with responsibility for implementing actions in this reporting period are:
Bushfire Recovery Victoria (BRV)
Country Fire Authority (CFA)
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR)
Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS)
Department of Transport (DoT)
Emergency Management Victoria (EMV)
Victoria Police (VicPol).
In early 2022 IGEM wrote to organisations with lead implementation responsibilities, outlining timelines and confirming communication arrangements. It also offered to meet with nominated representatives to explain the implementation monitoring process and to provide guidance on evidence requirements. All organisations accepted this offer, meeting with IGEM to test their reporting approach, and share their progress and challenges.
In September 2022 IGEM provided lead departments and agencies with a draft of this report and incorporated their feedback into the final version.
IGEM acknowledges the collegiate and supportive manner in which its stakeholders have worked to respond to IGEM's information requests. At times information was provided to IGEM earlier than required, and several organisations engaged proactively to seek advice on how to improve the quality of their reporting. IGEM also appreciates the opportunities that stakeholders have provided over the course of the year to observe relevant emergency management exercises and various committee meetings. This commitment to transparency and continuous improvement is commended, particularly given the operational pressures faced by many organisations during these resource constrained times.
3.3 Information collection
In line with their independent assurance role, on 1 July 2022 the Inspector-General wrote to the heads of departments and agencies, formally requesting that they provide progress updates for actions they are leading, along with supporting documentation.
IGEM received responses from all lead departments and agencies, including supporting documentation such as policies, procedures, correspondence, reports, briefings and meeting records. All documents were stored securely and managed in accordance with IGEM’s statutory obligations.7
IGEM also referred to a wide range of publicly available information in preparing this report, including relevant reports and webpages, as well as information collected through other IGEM assurance activities including direct observation of emergency management exercises, committees and forums.
7 These include the requirements of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, the confidentiality requirements of section 72 of the EM Act 2013, and the requirements of other records management legislation and policies.