1 minute read
5 Concluding remarks
The 2019–20 bushfires highlighted the vital role government agencies, businesses and communities collectively must play in all aspects of emergency management before, during and after such devastating events.
Overall, significant progress has been made by all government departments and agencies involved to bring about long-term impactful changes in response to the 10 Year Review and Phase 1 report. Notable achievements include the establishment of the Office of Bushfire Risk Management and the implementation of the Australian Fire Danger Rating System and the Australian Warning System across Victoria.
Other initiatives such as installing back-up telecommunication sites and planning for future emergencies through emergency evacuation exercises are necessary advances in future-proofing our communities for emergencies and building community resilience.
Many important initiatives remain in progress including the review of the emergency management operating model, the delivery of an updated state-level risk assessment report and the development of a whole-of-sector bushfire strategy and revised residual risk targets to guide bushfire fuel management activities.
IGEM will continue to monitor the implementation progress of all actions from the 10 Year Review and Phase 1 report that remain in progress to provide assurance that sustainable improvements to Victoria’s emergency management arrangements are being made. In its next report, IGEM will also outline progress made on the implementation of commitments made in response to IGEM's Inquiry Phase 2 report, concerning improvements made to the state’s relief and recovery arrangements.
IGEM thanks all lead government departments and agencies for advancing these initiatives and for their high-level cooperation and active contribution to monitoring and reporting activities, despite continuing operational pressures and demands.