Cargo Handling Manual

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Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza Administration Building, Rinas Tirana, Albania Phone: +355 4 2381 600 Fax: +355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Web Site:

Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Date: __.11.2011 Division/Department: Cargo Department

Person responsible: Director of Ground Handling Department Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza Rinas, Tirana Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax:

00355 4 2381 545


Andrea Gebbeken Chief Executive Officer

Rolf Castro-Vasquez Chief Operations Officer

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Scope, Validity


Responsible for implementation

Cargo Department Ground Handling Department Airport Services Department

Distribution List

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operation Officer (COO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), GH Director, AS Director, HR Director, QEHS Director, Quality Management Specialist, Cargo Supervisors, Procurement Manager, ASD/GHD/CargoD staff.







Editor Sokol Bunjaku Alma Bako Lindita Zaimi Igli Larashi Alma Bako Lindita Zaimi

Description Version 1

Version 2 The development of the Version 2 has been based on the following key activities: • Review of relevant published documents • Review of the 2010 Version of the Manual • Review of relevant policies, legislation and best practice IATA/ICAO • Review of key issues • New TIA organizational structure • Review of responsibilities • Changing terminology


Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Cargo Department Organization and Management System 1.0 Company Mission ..............................................................................................................5 TIA Quality Policy...................................................................................................................5 1.1 Rules and Regulations .......................................................................................................6 1.2 Organizational structure ...................................................................................................8 1.3 Responsibilities, Qualification Requirements and Training..........................................11 TIA/Cargo Handling Department has established an operating training program which follows TIA Training Policy and National and International requirements aiming to improve the education and performance of staff performing Cargo Handling activities.. 16 It is a recommended process of certification from IATA for all Cargo staff and freight forwarders. The frequency of this training is every two years.............................................19 1.4 Source of Rules and Regulations.....................................................................................19

1.5 Cooperation with other departments and responsibilities........................................21 Cargo Department liaise with other department’s directors/managers so as to understand all necessary aspects and needs of Cargo development, and to ensure they are fully informed of Cargo objectives, purposes and achievements.............................21 3.1.5 Storage of cargo.............................................................................................................39 3.3 Transfer Cargo.................................................................................................................42 3.4 Import Cargo....................................................................................................................42 AWB should be accompanied by a “Declaration of Contents”, personal effects are exempted from customs duties. New buying up to a value of USD 100.00 is exempted from customs duties but remain always subject of customs physical check and value prior consignement ..........................................................................................................................45 3.6.2 Truck Services Preparation for departure .................................................................45 3.6.4 Documents in case of irregularities..............................................................................47 For Unit Load Devices (ULDs), TIA/Cargo Department ensures that: .............................47 3.7.1 Container Administration and Management .............................................................48

The standards are intended to provide accepting party with basis for rejecting unit load devices:......................................................................................................................49 7.1 Validation of the Elwis system data ...............................................................................90 7.2 NOTOC for TIA (Notification to Captain).....................................................................90 Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

7.3 “TRUCK” System based on Elwis Cargo Handling Modules.......................................91 8.1 Conformity with procedures ...........................................................................................92 8.3 Documents to be issued....................................................................................................96 8.4 Sealing of goods................................................................................................................98

10.2 Service Level Agreement.......................................................................................106 CARGO DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1.0 Company Mission TIA Mission Tirana International Airport SHPK (TIA) has undertaken the operation, expansion, administration and development of Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza. The mission of TIA is to provide Albania with a prestigious international aviation facility offering efficient, safe and first-class service for passengers, airlines and other companies. For those visiting this country by air, the first and last impressions will be the capital’s well-managed airport. TIA Vision • Keep excellence in safety, security and environmental performance as first priority; • Be a model of financial viability and economic stimulation; • Maintain a strong, flexible and capable team of professionals; • Continue to excel in open relationships with our stakeholders; • Become the best in airport processes; • Become the best in customer service. TIA Quality Policy TIA set up a Quality Policy, aiming at ensuring high international standards of facilities, safety, security and comfort, focusing on customer satisfaction. One of the objectives of this policy is to build a positive quality and safety culture by ensuring that the quality objectives and targets are understood and implemented at all levels of TIA organization. TIA Policy for Cargo Handling Through cargo handling service, TIA aims to meet Albania's demand for air cargo transportation and helping develop the local business, opening up new possibilities for its customers paired with very attractive operating costs. TIA, in collaboration with the airlines operating at the Airport, plays a significant role in satisfying the transport needs of its customers. Cargo aims to be an incentive to local

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

business developments, marking important achievements through stimulating further developments. Targets for Cargo TIA Cargo offers to customers a full cargo service ensuring safe, secure and smooth handling of all cargo and mail. Cargo is containerized and palletized in both the main and lower decks. Expedited shipping is available for most freight, and includes options such as refrigeration or chilled storage during transport. Customers also have access to personalized options for the shipping of goods needing special care of value, live animals and hazardous materials. Any combination of these options can be used to deliver goods at international flight destinations. The Cargo Department aims to: • increase the overall volume of cargo and mail; • improve the quality of the services offered, through: a) Training all personnel adequately; b) Ensuring the deliverance of high quality services to all customers; • Ensure safe and smooth handling of all cargo and mail. 1.1 Rules and Regulations Regulatory and legal requirements, national, European and international regulations, which the airport operation concern, are the basis of the guidelines and practice. The statutory and regulatory requirements are the basis of the decision to approve the TIA Airport Rules and Regulations and their implementation. International regulations and recommendations, for example, the ICAO and IATA regulations are implemented, and are subject to constant verification. Any export air freight handling must be carried out in accordance with Air Rules and Regulations, in particular: • EU OPS, is the transposition into EC law of JAR-OPS 1 as specified by Regulation (EC) No1899/2006 of the European Parliament, established to reinforce the Airlines’ organization and to guarantee flight safety; • Freight Security (January 1999) which ensures conformity with recommendations of Annex 17 ICAO (April 1993), and the safety program advocated by the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC); • Recommendations on Transport of Dangerous Goods – United Nations Model Regulations Volume I-II (latest publications). • Recommendations on Transport of Dangerous Goods – United Nations Manual of tests and Criteria. (latest edition) • Law No. 9312, dated 11.11.2004 “On the ratification of the Concession Agreement • Air Code of Albania; • Albanian Customs Code, dated 27.01.1999; Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

• Law nr.9255 dt.15.07.2004 “For the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air”, • Law nr.8310 dt.19.03.1998 “For Civil Aviation Security”, changed. • Law No.9108, dated 17.7.2003 “On chemical substances and preparations”; • Law No. 8025, dated 9.11.1995 “On Protection against Ionic Radiation”; • IATA Airport Handling Manual (latest edition) • IATA Dangerous Goods Manual; (latest edition). • IATA Cargo Services Conference Resolution Manual; (latest revision) • IATA Air Cargo Tariff (TACT) Manual (latest revision) • IATA Safety Audit Ground Operations (latest edition) • Service Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) between TIA and airlines; • IATA Cargo Interchange Message Procedures Manual; (latest edition) • IATA Live Regulations Manual (latest revised edition). • IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations (latest revised edition) • Airlines Cargo Handling Manual; (latest revised) • TIA Aerodrome Operation Manual. (latest revised) Within this framework, TIA Cargo must enforce these laws at every airfreight reception point. 1.1.1 Legal requirements according to Concession Agreement Schedule 22 of the Concession Agreement: TIA provides, operates and maintains the Cargo Centre in order to accommodate the cargo needs of the Airport on a site to the Cargo Terminal with access to the north apron, capable of handling not less than 4,500 tons of freight per annum on the specified basis and capable of expansion to handle not less than 6,000 tons of freight per annum on the specified basis. Cargo Centre is to include all accommodation necessary for the management of cargo transactions, including freight forwarding office, customs department and similar. TIA provides adequate security measures to ensure cargo storage. TIA provides and maintains cargo handling equipment and appropriate vehicle(s) in Cargo areas. The Cargo Centre provides for the handling of outbound and inbound cargo services, import/export, loading/unloading, staging, storage, security, customs, and offices. The Cargo Centre has landside and airside access. The cargo area height is approx. 11 m. Main features of the Cargo Centre: •

Main Cargo hall, hazardous goods room, vulnerable room, imposed floor loading: 25 Kn/M²;

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

• • • • •

Storage rooms, including refrigerated store; Offices; Staff rooms; Fire detection and alarm system (sprinkler system); IT and telecommunication network (cabling).

TIA shall employee suitably trained personnel for cargo handling activities or procures suitably licensed subcontractors. Schedule 37 of the Concession Agreement: TIA shall ensure that Cargo and mail handling is performed to IATA Airport Handling Manual AHM 300 and shall supply sufficient staff and equipment to handle the current and future cargo and mail demand. When TIA handles freight acceptance, containerization, transfer to tarmac and freight loading, the company will guarantee the control of the following points: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Freight acceptance; Document acceptance; Freight safety (freight security, wearing of security badges, transfer to tarmac…); Palletisation and lashing down; Weighing of loads; Checking volumes of shipments (measuring consignments); Send Manifests and copy Air waybills to TIA Cargo; Control of his own sub-contractors; Data tracing and recording where applicable.

TIA guarantees that staff is: • Up to date with regulation courses (dangerous cargo, palletisation/lashing down, safety); • Trained to prevent illicit activities. The training courses for the staff could be ensured by TIA or by local IATA approved schools. 1.2 Organizational structure Company structure (dated: 1 January 2011) The following flow chart defines TIA’s organizational structure:

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2


o f 0 1 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 1


Administrative Council of TIA Internal Audit Office

Human Resources Department

Chief Executive Officer

Communication Department

QEHS Department

Legal Office



Financial Division

Operation Division

Business Planning & Controlling Department

Airport Services Department

Accounting & Treasury Department

Ground Handling Department

Procurement and Insurance Office

Cargo Department

Commercial and Property Department

IT & T Department

Airline Marketing Department

Construction Department

The Operation Division which is headed by the COO fully implements TIA’s aviation strategy. There are six operational departments in the Operation Division, all reporting directly to the COO. The operational responsibilities remain with the Ground Handling, Airport Services and Cargo Department. TIA Cargo Department Cargo service is organized as a department within Operation Division. The Cargo Department collaborates with all the other departments of the Operation Division through the regular meetings and through informal meetings as required. The Cargo Department reports to the COO on cargo operations and safety issues.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

The Cargo Department has meetings of its staff to assess cargo volume and issues, and provide briefings as necessary. The Cargo Department has two main areas of activities: -

Export Cargo Import Cargo Warehouse and cargo storage

The scope of the Cargo Department is to ensure: • The safe, punctual and economic operation of all cargo and mail procedures including: - Cargo handling; - Cargo storage; - Document handling; - Cargo statistics; - Sales; - Mail Handling; • The establishment and maintaining of the contacts with authorities in relation to cargo service. The following flow chart defines Cargo Department organizational structure:

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2


Cargo Department Director Cargo Supervisor

Office Staff

Warehouse Staff

Cargo Agent Import - Export

Warehouse Clerk

Cargo Agent Mail Coordinator

GSA Specialist Worker

Cargo Agent System Coordinator

Worker/ Loader

Cargo Billing Agent

* For approval

1.3 Responsibilities, Qualification Requirements and Training 1.3.1 Cargo Department Responsibilities The main responsibilities of the Cargo Department are: • • • • • • .

Freight acceptance; Document acceptance; Freight safety (freight security, wearing of security badges, transfer to tarmac…); Palletization and lashing down; Weighing of loads; Checking volumes of shipments (measuring consignments); Preparing the airway bill and manifests to carriers Sale and fare distribution to agents and local shippers as per airlines quoted fare and IATA Air Cargo Tariffs. Booking, registering for consolidation data’s on authorized airlines cargo booking systems. Send manifests and copy air waybills to airlines;

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

• • • • • •

Control of own sub-contractors; Data tracing and recording where applicable; Reporting delays in transit and other irregularities such as non-delivery to issuing carrier at airport of departure; Reporting of damaged shipments and arranging for re-packing; Tracing; Delivery of shipments to consignee or his appointed broker against clean receipt.

The following table contains detailed description of processes and activities performed by Cargo Department and the respective responsibilities: R ACTIVITY PERFORMED BY Commercial/Sales Cargo booking Goods handling Freight acceptance Locate in Storage area Preparation of Export Cargo Import Handling Mail Handling Conducting inventory of Cargo Warehouse Reporting Cargo to the custom authorities Arranging with Cargo staff for repacking in case of damaged shipments Reporting to Team Leader

Airline X X




Cargo Agent Cargo Agent Cargo Agent Warehouse Staff Warehouse Staff Warehouse Staff Warehouse Staff Warehouse Staff Warehouse Staff Warehouse Staff Warehouse Staff


Warehouse Staff Cargo Agent Warehouse Staff Cargo Agent

Preparing reports for transporting cargo and mail HANDLING OF DOCUMENTS


Reception and acceptance Booking, tracing and reservation of Cargo and Mail Reporting of damaged shipments and mail Delivery of documents to the consignee and customs representative Preparation of departures Import handling


Cargo Agent Cargo Agent


Cargo Agent Warehouse Staff


Cargo Agent Cargo Agent


Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Transit handling Handling of irregularities Mail documents handling (Express Cargo) LOAD UNITS


Cargo Agent Cargo Agent Cargo Agent Cargo Agent

Handling Administration and container management




Issue of documents Correspondence with customers in connection with Cargo and Mail Sealing SAFETY


Warehouse Staff

Applying local TIA measures


Checking that the outgoing cargo and mail meet the requirements for safety and security EDP PROCESSING SITA


Warehouse Staff Cargo Agent Warehouse Staff Cargo Agent

Warehouse Staff Warehouse Staff Cargo Agent Warehouse Staff

Cargo Agent Cargo Agent

TIA (own system Elwis) Tracing of shipments (yes/no) Interface between GHA/Airline cargo systems (yes/no) EDI Processing of irregularities (yes/no) Cargo imp Messaging (yes/no) CARGO 2000 messages BKD (yes/no) FWB (yes/no) FHL2 (yes/no) RCS (yes/no) DEP (yes/no)




Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Cargo Agent Cargo Agent Cargo Agent Cargo Agent Cargo Agent


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

RCF (yes/no) NFD (yes/no) DLV (yes/no) Manual NOTOC “TRUCK” facility


Cargo Agent Cargo Agent Cargo Agent Cargo Agent Cargo Agent

1.3.2 Responsibilities of Cargo Director, Cargo Supervisor, Cargo Billing Agent Cargo Director •

Lead, manage and coordinate Cargo Department policies, procedures, manual and practices;

Plan, develop and implement TIA Cargo strategy (including implementation of operation standards, service contracts, clearance procedures, customer service, etc);

Monitor, measure and report on Cargo issues, opportunities and development plans and achievements within agreed formats and timescales;

Review and analyze Cargo budget. Manage and control departmental expenditure within agreed budget;

Evaluate and monitor ground equipment used by Cargo staff, for any needs and maintenance;

Establish and maintain contacts with authorities, carriers, customs cargo service;

Ensure quality control and inspection of contracting companies related to cargo transport. Monitor distribution of Carrier manuals, instructions, procedures and assure compliances. Assign a direct substitute during annual leaves, training attendances or any other different leave period as responsible for duties, staff and data’s.

• •

in relation to

Cargo Director reports to COO. Cargo Supervisor •

Supervise the movement of cargo and mail in ramp and warehouse according to TIA Cargo Handling Manual and airline cargo manuals;

Resolve customer complaints, and answer customers' questions regarding policies and procedures;

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Supervise the work of office, administrative and customer service employees to ensure adherence to quality standards, deadlines, and proper procedures, correcting errors or problems;

Preparing and signing duty's report in connection with cargo activities;

Provide employees with guidance in handling difficult or complex problems, and in resolving escalated complaints or disputes;

Implement corporate and departmental policies, procedures, and service standards in conjunction with management.

Cargo Billing Agent •

Issue invoices for cargo services based on Airway Bills and Warehouse EntryDispatch notes Collect Cash payment and deposit them in TIA’s Bank Account;

Input invoice data in ELWIS System;

Follow up accounts receivables for timely payment;

Prepare reports and analysis as required;

Prepare and maintain correspondence with Cargo customers;

Answering promptly to Customer service request and needs.

1.3.3 Cargo staff performance and training According to TIA Training Policy, all major activities are conducted within the TIA Human Resources Department with an intention to create and implement a common and integrate comprehension of the company training and to plan, evaluate and control such human development processes. Training needs identification is the diagnostic phase and shows which training is best and the most cost-effective way to ensure job performance improvement for TIA employees. Training plan (compiled through the Training Needs Assessment Form) is obligatory to be completed annually by all departments/directors/managers who intend to organize trainings for their employees and themselves during the following year. The training plan is the base for the training budget, which is a part of the company financial plan. The responsibility of the HR Department is to keep an archive of all conducted trainings and documentations such as Training Needs Assessment Forms, Training Request Forms, Training Reports, and Training courses’ Certificates. For better evaluation of what job related trainings should be provided to employees and identification of training needs, each department keeps a database with all information of previous staff trainings including respective obligatory and non-obligatory trainings, Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

refresher trainings, re-trainings, recurrent trainings and their frequency. 1.3.4 Cargo Handling Department Training Program TIA/Cargo Handling Department has established an operating training program which follows TIA Training Policy and National and International requirements aiming to improve the education and performance of staff performing Cargo Handling activities. This training program covers all activities related to the training process of Cargo Handling Department . This aim of the training program is to: • To provide proper implementation of the adequate standards and practices in the cargo handling personnel through designed trainings. • Regulate eligibility of training in accordance with international aviation standard laws and regulations or local government air transport laws obligations and rules. • Define and appoint type of trainings which TIA CHD will consider as mandatory needs based in international standards and establishing a guideline for the planning of all other training needs and requirements. • Assuring quality of service TIA CHD in principle is defining and appointing the following types of trainings: Obligatory Trainings for Cargo staff Dangerous Goods (DGR) training category 5, 7, 8 Together with those categories the Cargo Export-Import must have necessary staff certified in category 6 for ensuring cargo acceptance (reference TIA CHM 1.3.3 and IATA DGR Table 1.5 A/ISAGO GOSM Ed.2 Rec.0-2010 5.3 ORM-H.5.3.1-5.3.13). The Dangerous Goods Training must be according IATA DGR table of reference 1.5 A as per latest edition in circulation. The Dangerous Goods Training must be performed from trainer certified as instructor and trainer from IATA/or recognized IATA member airline staff/authorized IATA Accredited Training School (ATS) as per ISAGO Standards (ISAGO GOSM Ed.2 Rec.02010 5.3 ORM-H 5.3.12) The Dangerous Goods Training may be also performed from IATA person or organization certified as also approved by relevant authorities in state where operations are conducted. Cargo Handling Dangerous Goods Training Requirements Aspects of transport of dangerous goods by air with which they should be familiar, as a minimum

Category of Personnel (See key below)

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

General philosophy Limitations General requirements for shippers Classification List of dangerous goods General packing requirements Packing instructions Labelling and marking Shipper's Declaration and other relevant documentation Acceptance procedures Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods Storage and loading procedures Pilots' notification Provisions for passengers and crew Emergency procedures











1 0

1 1

1 2

















































Category of Personnel


Shippers and persons undertaking the responsibilities of shippers’, including operator's staff acting as shippers, operators staff preparing dangerous goods as Company Materials (COMAT)




Staff of freight forwarders involved in processing dangerous goods


Staff of freight forwarders involved in processing cargo, mail or stores (other than dangerous goods)


Staff of freight forwarders involved in the handling, storage and loading of cargo, mail or stores


Operator’s and ground handling agent’s staff accepting dangerous goods


Operator’s and ground handling agent’s staff accepting cargo, mail or stores (other than dangerous goods)


Operator’s and ground handling agent’s staff involved in the handling, storage and loading of cargo, mail or stores and baggage


Passenger handling staff


Flight crew members and load planners


Crew members (other than flight crew members, e.g. Cabin crew members)


Security staff who deal with the screening of passengers and their baggage and cargo, mail or stores, e.g. security screeners, their supervisors and staff involved in implementing security procedures.

* Reference: IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations 53nd Edition, Effective 1 January 2012

IATA Shipping Perishables Training As per IATA AHM060 the cargo export-import staff must have completed the Shipping Perishable Cargo Training. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

The training must have the following curricula/content: • Government regulations and Border Inspection Posts • Environmental conditions and temperature control • Container requirements for chilled and frozen goods • Incompatible loads • How to prepare a Perishable Cargo Center • General design requirements for thermal, insulated and refrigerated containers. The frequency of this training is every two years. GSE/Warehouse management Training This training is necessary for self operation of Cargo Aircrafts and includes: • Operating aircraft doors for WB/NB aircraft types • Operating GSE Equipment in safe and secure manner (certified operator) • Warehouse operational concept. • Emergency procedures International Aviation Law and Government Mandatory trainings On this type of trainings are registered all mandatory training to be performed from all TIA cargo staff based on international aviation laws and on Government air laws requisites as followed: Safety Awareness Training (Albanian CAA Training and syllabus may be subject of approval) • Airside Safety Instructions • Accidents and Incidents • Personal Protection Equipment • Hazards • FOD Security Awareness Training (Albanian CAA Training and syllabus may be subject of approval) Cargo Security Training (Albanian CAA Training and syllabus subject of approval) All other government mandatory trainings.

Non Obligatory Trainings for Cargo staff • •

Basic cargo courses Elwis System training

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Advanced Cargo Skills and Procedures This is a mostly recommended training module for cargo export-import agents that must include the following functionalities: • Evaluate air cargo's functions, regulations, and limitations • Reduce your costs by maximizing your knowledge of aircraft loading procedures • Understand the handling requirements of special cargos and the value they add to your operations • Rate cargo shipments, including disbursements and valuation charges • Recognize advanced topics of Cargo Operations The frequency of this training is every three years. IATA Air Cargo Profesional (ACP) It is a recommended process of certification from IATA for all Cargo staff and freight forwarders. The frequency of this training is every two years. Recommended Performance and Individual Skills trainings This kind of trainings implies training of CHD employees on skills such as communication, leadership, language, etc important for the personal development of Cargo Handling staff. On this type of trainings are included also trainings from international civil aviation organisations or agencies, airlines as part of adopting their standards on ground handling operations. Internal Trainings This type of trainings are considered trainings to be performed internally to the staff from trainer or company instructors as follows: • • • • • •

Emergency Preparedness Training Behaviour and Communication with Customers Human Factor Introduction to Environment and Quality Management System Health and Safety at Work All other internal trainings

1.4 Source of Rules and Regulations External Airline

Internal TIA


Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Issued by


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Transport Construction • IATA TACT RULES & TARIFFS • OAG (Air Cargo Guide) • IATA Cargo Manual

3 monthly





• COURAGE INFORMATION (for agents linked to FAST system)






• EU-OPS 01 Acceptance of freight  All types of freight IATA Airport Handling Manual All Operating Manual of carriers Special Cargo • (Special Cargo Handling Manual)






Not Specified


• IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations




• ICAO Annex 18 -


Not Specified


• UN ADR Volume 1-2



Not Specified


• UN ADN Volume 1-2



Not Specified




Not Specified


• IATA Live Animal Regulations




• IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations Handling Palletisation + Weighing + Labeling




UN Recommendation on transport of Dangerous Goods- Manual criteria Volume 1-2

• Carrier Instructions





• IATA Technical Manual












• IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations • IATA Airport Handling Manual Post office mail Union Postal Universals (UPU) Standards Manual Freight safety Carrier/Freighter Instructions


Not Specified

Not Specified

Information exchange Documents • IATA





Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:




Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Procedures Manual • Carrier Cargo interchange message procedures instructions




1.5 Cooperation with other departments and responsibilities Cargo Department liaise with other department’s directors/managers so as to understand all necessary aspects and needs of Cargo development, and to ensure they are fully informed of Cargo objectives, purposes and achievements. •

Cargo Department with Airport Services Department, QEHS Department, IT&T Department, Airline Marketing Department, Ground Handling Department;

Cargo Department with Human Resources Department, Commercial & Property Department, Communication Department, Legal Department;

Cargo Department with Financial Division (Business Planning and Controlling Department, Procurement Office).

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

1. BASICS 2.1 Basis of Air Transportation 2.1.1 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) The ICAO is an international organization at governmental level, through which the contracting governments have agreed on regulations and certain principles, such as: • To ensure safety of flights in international air navigation; • To provide safe, regular, efficient and economical air transport; • To ensure that the rights of contracting states are fully respected and that every contracting state has a fair opportunity to operate international airlines. The ICAO has defined the international standards and recommendations for the clearance of civil aircraft, crews, passengers and cargo in Appendix 9 of the ICAO Convention of Chicago (1944). Deviations from these standards and recommendations are only possible when the respective governments have informed ICAO about appropriate reservations. These reservations are contained in the Supplement to Appendix 9. To guarantee rapidity and efficiency in air traffic, the ICAO members make a constant effort to simplify the clearance of aircraft, crews, persons and cargo. 2.1.2 European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) The European Civil Aviation Conference is an international organization with close ties to the United Nations, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the Council of Europe and the institutions of the European Union such as EUROCONTROL and the European Aviation Safety Agency – EASA (the successor of Joint Aviation Authorities – JAA). ECAC was founded in 1955 in order to "promote the continued development of a safe, efficient and sustainable European air transport system by harmonising civil aviation policies and practices amongst its Member States and promoting understanding on policy matters between its Member States and other parts of the world". 2.1.3 European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is an agency of the European Union (EU) with offices in Cologne, Germany, which has been given regulatory and executive tasks in the field of civilian aviation safety. It was created on 15 July 2002, and it reached full functionality in 2008, taking over functions of the JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities). The EASA is the successor of Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) which took care of previous aviation safety issues in Europe before the decision was made to form the EASA. The

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

major difference between the EASA and the JAA is that JAA did not have the legislation authority that the EASA has. The EASA creates and implements aviation safety regulation on behave of the European Union. EASA does still not handle all aviation safety regulation in the EU. On behave of the European Union, the EASA is making an effort to standardize Aviation and aviation safety in Europe. The EASA is concentrating in achieving quality and standardization in Production of aeronautical parts; design of aeronautical parts; issuing primary certification; maintenance organization approval; and maintenance organization approval. The EU member states has been replaced the JAR-OPS 1, published by JAA, with the EU-OPS on 16 July 2008. The regulations concern Training, Documentation, Procedures and Compliances in several categories, among them important for safety and security of cargo operations. 2.1.4 European Union (EU) The European Union (EU) has introduced the EU-OPS regulations on 16 July 2008 specifying minimum safety and related procedures for commercial passenger and cargo fixed-wing aviation. The regulations are derived from JAR-OPS 1, after consultations between the EU and JAA . EU-OPS is the transposition into EC law of JAR-OPS 1 as specified by Regulation (EC) No1899/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 amending Council Regulation (EEC) NO 3922/91 on the harmonisation of technical requirements and administrative procedures in the field of civil aviation. A summary of the differences between JAR-OPS 1 and EU-OPS are listed below: • • •

EU-OPS has been implemented as an amendment to Annex III to EC Regulation 3922/1991 EU-OPS has become effective in all EU member states and Norway, Iceland and Switzerland. JAR-OPS 1 remains effective in all other JAA countries.

2.1.5 National Regulations National regulations of Republic of Albania are based on: • • •

Chicago Convention and its Appendices EU OPS Warsaw and Montreal Convention

Albanian national regulations related to the transportation of cargo are: Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

• • • • • • •

Law No. 9312, dated 11.11.2004 “On the ratification of the Concession Agreement Air Code of Albania; Albanian Customs Code, dated 27.01.1999; Law nr.9255 dt.15.07.2004 “For the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air”, Law nr.8310 dt.19.03.1998 “For Civil Aviation Security”, changed. Law No.9108, dated 17.7.2003 “On chemical substances and preparations”; Law No. 8025, dated 9.11.1995 “On Protection against Ionic Radiation”;

2.1.6 International Air Transport Association (IATA) The IATA is an organization of international and domestic airlines, which have agreed on and set up rules and regulations relating to: • safe, regular and economical air transportation; • coordinated fares and rates; • operation, traffic, technical, financial, medical, legal and handling procedures; • cooperation with ICAO and other international organizations; • conditions of contract. TIA is a member of IATA and active participant at: • Cargo Services Conferences; • Cargo Agency Conferences; • Cargo Tariff Coordinating Conferences. 2.2 Relation with Contractual Parties 2.2.1 IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) The IATA SGHA normally consists of three parts: • Main Agreement • Annex A and • Annex B. A so-called Simplified Procedure requires only Annex B, but with an additional preamble, that includes the Main Agreement and Annex A in their standard wording without repetition of the full text. Different versions of the IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) exist: • IATA AHM 810 April 1993; • IATA AHM 810 April 1998; • IATA AHM 810 January 2003; • IATA AHM 810 January 2004; • IATA AHM 810 January 2008;

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

New ground handling agreements, including for execution of Cargo and Mail Services should be concluded according to the newest version of SHGA, preferably as Annex A, For more Information see AHM Section 1.3.1 IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement. Requirements for Conclusion of SGHA Agreement The following process shall be followed before SGHA agreement is concluded with external service provider for cargo and mail services. Pre-audit or assessment shall be executed to ensure that cargo handling agent can provide: • • • • • •

necessary facilities, workspace, equipment, supporting services and work environment to satisfy cargo operations safety and security requirements; personnel that posses necessary knowledge, skills, training and experience when delegated to positions that affect safety and security of cargo operations; effective management and control of documentation and/or data used in conduct or support of cargo operations; a process in place that ensures TIA procedures as published in CHM will be complied with; a process in place that a copy of the latest effective edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods regulations (DGR) including addenda is available at each location where cargo operations are conducted; a system in place for the management and control of operational records that includes generation of back-up record files when electronic system is used;

SGHA or additional service level agreement shall identify measurable specifications that can be monitored by TIA to ensure requirements that affect the safety and security of cargo operations are being fulfilled. Filing SGHA Agreements must be filed at TIA , Contracts Department. When SGHA Agreement is concluded with another provider for Cargo and Mail services a copy shall be filed at TIA , Cargo Department. 2.2.2 General Sales Agents General Sales Agents are persons, legal entities or other airlines, appointed to represent the TIA in a certain geographical area or territory, to promote the TIA sales, and to perform booking and accounting functions. A General Cargo Sales Agreement must be concluded with contracting party representing TIA . These agreements are filed at TIA Cargo Department. 2.2.3 Cargo Sales Agents

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Cargo Sales Agents are persons or firms, engaged in promoting and receiving shipments from the public and preparing these ready for carriage. IATA Cargo Agents are approved by IATA to act as agents for those IATA carriers appointing them. A Cargo Sales Agreement must be concluded with agents executing sales services and issuing Air Waybills on behalf of TIA . These agreements are filed at TIA Cargo Department. 2.2.4 Agreement with Carriers Other agreements concluded by TIA in relation to Cargo Services serve special purposes. No TIA Air Waybill may be issued for transportation over the lines of a carrier that does not have one of the following agreements concluded with TIA. 2.3 Required Manuals The following manuals shall be kept by: • TIA Cargo Acceptance and Handling Personnel • TIA Cargo Handling Agent Personnel Manuals Cargo Handling Manual (CHM)

Cargo Handling & Wareouse M

Cargo ImportExport Agent M

IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM)



IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA DGR) IATA Live Animals Regulations ( IATA LAR)





IATA Perishable Cargo Manual (IATA PCR)









IATA Cargo IMP Manual



OAG World Airways Guide



OAG Air Cargo Guide



NOTE: M These manuals must be kept as mandatory. O These manuals are optional. Manuals that are indicated as mandatory must be available at each location where cargo operations are conducted 2.4 Safety Measures Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

2.4.1 General The safety measures are as relevant as security measures to ensure safe air traffic operation. The following safety measures are currently in force in order to: • • •

prevent dangerous goods from being accepted as general cargo; ensure that cargo accepted for carriage is weighed correctly in order not to jeopardize safe flight operation; ensure that packaging is of such quality to protect goods and not to represent any hazard to aircraft structure, the handling personnel or other goods.

a) Dangerous Goods Embargo By the order of Flight Operations manager and until further notice Dangerous Goods shall not be accepted for transport by air. For more information, see CHM 4.2 b) Duty to provide Information and Training All employees of the TIA Cargo Department with management tasks must be informed on the current status of the safety measures at regular intervalls. All other employees must be informed by Cargo Director in a suitable manner so that they can implement the safety measures concerned in their handling area reliably and in the specified scope. Each Cargo Handling Agent of TIA must be provided with a copy of these instructions. Cargo Handling Agent’s management personnel must be sufficiently instructed on the safety measures and must ensure that its personnel receive adequate training in acceptance, handling and recognition of hidden dangerous goods. c) Legal Basis The legal basis for the implementation of these safety measures are the requirements of the EU OPS Subpart R, and the regulations of the Transport of Dangerous Goods. 2.4.2 Description of Safety Measures for Cargo Cargo safety measures are based on prevention. Cargo delivered for transportation on Airlines’ passenger aircraft must be subjected to: • •

documentation check packaging, marking and labelling check,

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

weight check,

Procedures for Acceptance Documentation Check The following safety relevant issued must be checked: • • •

Check if AWB shows any presence of declared dangerous goods; Check nature of goods and compare with Hidden Dangerous Goods descriptions see CHM 4.2.3 or IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Sub-section 2.2. Check supporting documents (e.g. invoices, certificates) for any indication of dangerous goods;

Air Waybills issued for transport of declared dangerous goods commodities must be refused. In case of hidden dangerous goods and other doubtful cases, a clarification must be sought from the shipper on exact nature of goods and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) requested. Packaging, Marking and Labelling Check The following safety relevant issues must be checked: • • • •

Packaging must be of such quality to keep goods together and protect them against damage during transportation; Goods delivered for transport must not have any sharp parts exposed that might endanger handling personnel and damage aircraft compartment and other goods; Liquid dangerous goods must be delivered in good quality receptacles with enclosures tightly closed and marked or labelled with package orientation labels; Shipments delivered as general cargo must be checked for any dangerous goods markings, hazard or dangerous goods handling labels. If found, shipment must be stopped and returned to shipper/agent.

Shipments with inadequate packaging must be stopped and returned to shipper/agent for repacking. Weight Check Weight check is a safety relevant issue. Weight check at acceptance is mandatory. Single pieces exceeding 150 kg must have gross weight marked on the cargo identification label or outer surface of the package. Reliability of Weight Scales TIA/Cargo Department controlling the weight of shipments must check the reliability of weight scales at least once a year or as otherwise specified by appropriate national Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

authority. For each weight scale in use a written check-record must be issued. Each scale must be marked with the date of the check. Cargo Department must retain proper weight scale check-records for a minimum of two (2) years. Airlines reserves the right to inspect these records at regular intervals. 2.4.3 Description of Safety Measures for Mail Transport of dangerous goods in the mail is forbidden by UPU Convention, with a few exceptions (dry ice, infectious substances, low activitiy radioactives). Cargo Handling Agent’s acceptance staff or Air Mail Handling Offices must ensure that such mail is not loaded on board of aircraft. Procedures for Acceptance Same safety relevant measures must be applied as for cargo.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

2. HANDLING OF CARGO 3.1 Acceptance of Cargo 3.1.1 Shipment Preparation a) Air Waybill (AWB) An Air Waybill (AWB) is the document made out by or on behalf of the shipper that evidences the contract between the shipper and carrier(s) for carriage of goods over routes of the carrier(s). An AWB is by far the most essential transport document and was established at the WARSAW Convention in 1929. An AWB legally stipulates liabilities of carrier(s) and limits on compensation, rights and obligations of the shipper, consignee and carrier(s) and is non- negotiable. Types of Air Waybill The following types of Air Waybill are in use: • Airline Air Waybill : AWB with preprinted issuing carrier identification • Neutral Air Waybill : AWB without preprinted identification of the carrier • Substitute Air Waybill : For exercise or duplicate copy purposes The Purpose of an Air Waybill Air Waybill serves for several purposes as: • proof of receipt of the goods for carriage; • documentary evidence of the conclusion of the Contract of Carriage between the shipper and the carrier; • dispatch note on which the documents to accompany the consignment and shipper’s special instructions are noted; • invoice for transportation charges (freight bill); • certificate of insurance, if insurance coverage has been obtained through the intermediary of the carrier, • document for the export, transit, and import requirements of appropriate customs authorities; • instruction to carrier’s staff with regard to handling, dispatching and delivering of the consignment Validity and Duration of the Contract of Carriage The validity of the carrier’s contract of carriage starts when the AWB is executed (issued), which is said to be when: • The AWB is signed by the shipper or on his behalf by his authorized agent, and • It is signed by the carrier or on his behalf by his authorized cargo agent. The validity of the carrier’s conrtact of carriage expires when the consignment is delivered to the consignee stated on the AWB. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Use of Air Waybill Air Waybill may be used: • for transportation of individual shipments; or • as a Master Waybill to cover transportation of consolidation shipments. b) Completion of Air Waybill Responsibility for Completion. The shipper is responsible for the correctness of the particulars and statements relating to the goods which he inserts in the AWB or which are inserted on his behalf. The shipper will be liable for all damage suffered by the carrier o any other person by reason of irregularity, incorrectness or incompleteness of the said particulars and statements, regardless or whether the AWB is completed by himself, or on his behalf by the carrier or his authorized agent. With his signature, the shipper simultaneously confirms that he agrees to the Conditions of Contract as set forth on the reverse side of the AWB and to the Conditions of Carriage. Instructions for the Completion. Air Waybill must be legibly prepared in accordance with the instructions as laid down in IATA TACT Rules 6.2. The Air Waybill must be issued in accordance with Shipper’s Letter of Instruction at the time the shipment is received from the shipper. In no case may the Air Waybill be executed (signed and receipted) before the complete shipment has been received and is accepted for carriage. All known entries on the Air Waybill must be inserted at time of issuance and all copies of the Air Waybill must be identical. Only one Air Waybill must be issued for each shipment and must cover all parts of the shipment. The Air Waybill including all particulars shall be executed (typed) in English language. Any amendments (including additions) to information shown or required on the Air Waybill made by any participating carrier must be made on all remaining parts of the Air Waybill and properly identified by the carrier making such amendments. Identification of the carrier must be placed as closely as possible to the item(s) amended without obliterating any other information. Such identification shall include the official IATA Carrier abbreviation and 3-letter code of the station where the amendments were made. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

c) Payment of Charges In principle shipments are accepted for carriage on a prepaid basis. This means that all known charges, such as freight charges, incidental charges at departure, special handling charges, fuel and security surcharges, transshipment charges, etc., up to the airport of destination are paid by the shipper. All other charges incurred at destination are payable by the consignee. d) Shipper’s Documentation All international shipments must be accompanied by documents as required by regulations of countries of transit and final destination, see IATA TACT Rules 7.3 Import/Transit/Export Regulations. • Shipper’s Letter of Instruction (SLI) by which the shipper gives necessary instructions in writing and authorizes the carrier or his agent to issue and sign the Air Waybill on his behalf • Letter of Credit (L/C) which authorizes a bank to pay a shipment under a certain conditions. The following documents are required when appropriate: • Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods • Shipper's Certification for Live Animals, • Commercial or Proforma Invoices • Health Certificate • Vaccination Certificate • Phytosanitary Certificate • Certificate of Origin • Certificate of Death • Certificate of Cremation • Embalming Certificate • EUR-1 • Export Permit • Transit Permit • Import Permit 3.1.2 Acceptance of Shipments TIA accepts cargo consignments, consisting of one or more packages for transportation by air, from: • Shippers and Cargo Agents. The IATA Resolution 833 requires that the shipper/agent deliver the shipment ready for carriage. The acceptance check is covered in CHM Sub-section 5.3. • Other airlines. Procedures for acceptance of shipments from other airlines are covered in CHM Sub-Section 7.2. transfer cargo Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Deadlines for Acceptance A time limit for acceptance of cargo at the airport must be set up. These time limits should enable shippers and agents to deliver cargo as close as possible to the time of departure but still allowing sufficient time for documentation, handling, clearance, load planning and loading. (see 3.1.5 and 3.2) Deadlines for acceptance shall be set locally at each station. Local conditions such as the distance of Cargo Terminal from the Ramp, as well as type of aircraft operating must also be observed. Security Measures All shipments without exception must be security cleared at the time of acceptance. Cargo acceptance staff shall pay particular attention at: • Un-accompanied baggage, • Gift parcels • Cargo delivered at short notice from private persons It is advisable in such cases to examine the contents in the presence of the shipper before the goods are accepted for transportation. Alternatively such shipments shall be stored for 24 hours, see CHM Section 9 for detailed information on security of cargo. 3.1.3 Acceptance Check In accordance with IATA Resolution 833 the Shipper/Agent shall deliver consignments to carrier ready for carriage, see also IATA TACT Rules 2.3.2. TIA/Cargo Department must check each shipment to be in compliance with IATA Reso 833 requirements and TIA special regulations before shipment is manifested for loading. a) Acceptance of Shipping Documents The Air waybill must be issued in accordance with IATA TACT 6.2, accurate and complete in all respects, including the completion of the charges box and checking of weights, measurements and nature of goods. Not more than the following parts shall be removed from the Air Waybill set by Cargo Agent: • Original 3 (for Shipper) • Copy 9 (for Agent), • Original 1 (for Issuing Carrier) All other parts shall be handed to the carrier with the consignment. The Air Waybill shall be checked whether transportation is in accordance with: • ‘’General Conditions of Carriage for Cargo’’, • Special Cargo Restrictions Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

• • •

IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, if applicable IATA Live Animals Regulations, if applicable. Regulations by countries of transit and destination, see IATA TACT Rules 7.3

Furthermore, it has to be checked whether the cargo can be loaded and carried on the requested flights. Particular attention shall be paid to: • Description of contents (nature of goods); • Payment of charges (availability of charges collect (CC) facilities at destination); • Completeness of the accompanying documents. Incomplete documents must be returned to the shipper/agent for amendment. For liability reasons a shipment for which no Air Waybill was issued must neither be accepted nor stored by or on behalf of TIA. b) Accompanying (Supporting) Documents All documents necessary for each consignment for: • Determining the nature of goods where required; and • Export, import or transit, which carrier is required to present to Customs or any governmental body must be completed and checked to accompany AWB. The following accompanying documents are common: • Commercial or Proforma Invoices • Health Certificate • Vaccination Certificate • Phytosanitary Certificate • Certificate of Origin • Certificate of Death • Certificate of Cremation • Embalming Certificate • EUR-1 • Export Permit • Transit Permit • Import Permit • Shipper's Certification for Live Animals • Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods All supporting documents as listed in the ‘’Handling Information’’ box of the AWB must be firmly attached to the AWB in an envelope.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Airline shall inform the shipper on the applicable regulations, however, the responsibility for completeness and accuracy of the accompanying documents rests withthe shipper himself. c) Acceptance of Shipment Number of pieces Upon acceptance of shipment the packages shall be checked on completeness (number of pieces) and condition as well as whether they can be loaded on the aircraft they are intended for. The ascertained details shall be compared with those shown in the accompanying documents. Each piece of shipment must be an entirely separate unit. If several pieces of cargo are combined to one piece, they must be connected or fastened together in such a way as to prevent disintegration and a consequent increase in the number of pieces during transportation. Weight Controlling the weight of a shipment by airline staff is mandatory. Purpose being to assure an accurate weight and balance, to verify the amount of charges due, acts to prevent pilferage and false claims. The weight indicated on the Air Waybill or Shipper’s Letter of Instruction, respectively, should be checked and corrected, if necessary. In case of heavy or outsized pieces of cargo, which cannot be weighed on the scales available at the airport, an official weighing card must be supplied together with the shipping documents at the time of the acceptance. For cargo pieces with a single weight of 150 kg and more (HEA), the single weight has to be marked in full kilograms (kg) in box ‘’Weight of this Piece’’ of the Cargo Identification Label. Each HEA piece shall be also entered into AWB “Nature of Goods” box, following the dimensions. The following items will come under this procedure: • Items like pipes, bars, beams, loaded as single pieces or in a bunch, which due to their size might penetrate/cut the compartment; • Pieces of cargo which exceed the maximum permissible floor bearing weigh; • Pieces of cargo which cannot be moved manually by a single person. Reliability of Weight Scales TIA/Cargo Handling Agent controlling the weight of shipments must check the reliability of weight scales at least once a year or as otherwise specified by appropriate national authority. For each weight scale in use a written check-record must be issued. Each scale must be marked with the date of the check. Cargo Department must retain proper Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

weight scale check-records for a minimum of two (2) years. Airlines reserves the right to inspect these records at regular intervals. Measurements The greatest linear dimensions of length, width and height of each piece must be ascertained and shown in the Air Waybill in the “Nature and Quantity” Box. Dimensions must be shown in centimetres and rounded up in accordance with IATA TACT Rules 3.9.4. The total volume of shipment may be shown in addition in m ³. Protruding parts of the packaging, i.e. slats around a wooden case, must be included in the dimensions. If a piece is not rectangular, the dimensions shall be obtained by measuring at a right angle. Loadability of Cargo The loadability of individual pieces of cargo shall be checked at the time of acceptance, according to the following criteria. Maximum Permissible Weight per Piece. The maximum permissible weight per piece is limited according to the structural capacity of the type of aircraft, as well as for safety reasons concerning loading and unloading. For calculation of the floor bearing weight, see CHM 3.1. All pieces weighing 150 kg and more are to be considered heavy cargo (HEA) and must be handled accordingly, see CHM 6.6 Maximum Acceptable Dimensions per Piece. The loadability according to the size (dimensions) of the cargo pieces shall be determined by means of loading charts, see CHM Section 3 Classification and Temperatures of Cargo Compartments The acceptability of certain types of goods such as live animals (AVI), perishables (PER) etc has to be determined according to the climatic conditions or possibilities for airconditioning of the cargo compartments of the respective aircraft type, see CHM Section 3 Packing requirements The packaging has the function of keeping goods together and of protecting them against damage during transportation. Also the packing shall protect persons and other cargo as well as aircraft from being damaged by the goods carried. Therefore, it shall be shipper’s responsibility to arrange for a suitable packaging for his goods, unless these can be carried unpacked. For special cargo, see CHM Section 6, specific packaging requirements have been established which must be observed. When accepting a shipment for air transportation, the outer packaging should be Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

carefully checked. If the packaging is found to be deficient as a result of damage or due to insufficient packaging, such defect should be eliminated. If, however, this cannot be done and, therefore, damage or loss is to be expected, such goods shall be excluded from further transportation. Marking Each piece of cargo shall be durably and legibly marked by the address of the shipper and consignee. The shipper is free to show any additional markings, such as order numbers, handling instruction, etc. on the package as far as any restrictions of the country of destination or transit are observed. Labelling Labels must be fully visible and all old labels and markings must be obliterated. The following labels are to be used: • Cargo Identification Label. The Cargo Identification label must be affixed to each piece of cargo. • Special Handling Labels. Special Handling Labels are available from TIA . These labels must be applied when special handling is required, see CHM Section 6 d) Acceptance special loads DGR: Same procedures as in 4.1.2, with the only difference that the DGR acceptance is subject to DGR check by the GH acceptance staff. VAL: Shipment should proceed as per TIA VAL procedure. Data capture for storage can take place in this regard (Inventory control system Elwis). e) Recheck for General Cargo The Cargo Agent delivers the shipment to the Cargo Terminal Export acceptance area. A recheck against documents has to be made: -

Check condition of the packaging material Count the number of pieces weight Measurements Labeling Screening

The palletisation will be carried out as per airlines directives according to Aircraft or Truck characteristics and space available. Unless instructed to the contrary by TIA Cargo management, only the carriers own equipment must be used (pallets, tie-down rings, straps, ropes…etc).

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Original acceptance documents (AWB etc.) remain at TIA Cargo Department. Airlines representatives are obliged to pick up the original documents at GHD. The Cargo will be stored in the warehouse, storage location for export cargo. Data capture for storage can now take place (Inventory control system Elwis). 3.1.4 Acceptance of Charges Collect Shipments Charges Collect Accepted A consignment covered by TIA Air Waybill may be accepted on charges collect (i.e. payable by consignee) provided the following conditions are met: • Currency regulations of the country of destination and of delivering carrier permit collection of charges from consignee, see IATA TACT Rules 7.2.2; • The consignee is not the same as the shipper nor a government agency (except when shipped by a government agent presenting proper credentials). Charges Collect NOT Accepted A consignment covered by TIA Air Waybill must not be accepted on charges collect (i.e. payable by consignee) in the following cases: • If Shipment consists of: - Live animals - Perishables - Human remains - Baggage shipped as cargo - Household goods - Newspapers and periodicals - Press material - Gift consignments - Samples, valued less than transportation charges •

To the destinations where charges collect facilities are not available, see IATA TACT Rules 8.3 Information by Carrier;

In case of Charges Collect shipments the shipper remains responsible for the payment of the freight charges, storage charges and all other unpaid charges, advances and disbursements of Airlines, if consignee refuses acceptance, or if the shipment remains undelivered at destination for whatever reason. Guarantee for Payment In case the shipper requests to ship commodities listed in CHM (live animals, perishables, human remains etc) on charges collect, a written guarantee or deposit from the consignee must be obtained in advance. Before a shipment is accepted for carriage on Charges Collect basis, the cargo office at origin shall inform the cargo office at destination by message specifying: • Consignee’s name and address Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

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Nature of goods Total amount of Charges Collect (including disbursements)

Cargo office at destination shall request from consignee to deposit a written guarantee (if consignee is well known customer) or to deposit a sum of money equivalent to total charges to be collected at destination. Cargo office at destination shall inform the cargo office at origin immediately whether and when a deposit or written guarantee is obtained from the consignee, or whether acceptance of shipment on charges collect should be refused. The shipment may not be accepted for carriage and be dispatched until a confirmation of the cargo office at destination has been received. It is responsibility of the latter to collect the total charges collect amount once the confirmation has been sent. Any request for granting charges collect facilities must be approved by TIA Cargo Director. 3.1.5 Storage of cargo Procedures for the storage of cargo after acceptance and preparation for aircraft loading must provide for: •

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Security in all aspects including aviation security measures in compliance with Albanian legal requirements, European Directives and IATA recommendations, not only for security of valuable cargo, but reducing to a minimum the possibilities of damage, pilferage and mishandling of all cargo; Segregation of, and suitable storage facilities for, special types of cargo such as dangerous goods, live animals, perishables, and vulnerable cargo; Methodical and speedy pre-loading operation whereby the entire load maybe preassembled in accordance with all requirements.

Once Customs and any other Authority have given clearance, TIA employees make the freight available within (Cut-off time for cargo acceptance-HLA): • • • •

150 min before passenger flight departure; 150 min before truck departure; Freighter aircraft timings to be advised (ad hoc); For Express Products 90 min prior to STD.

3.2 Export Cargo (Definitions / Storage categories / Structure for: • Regular shipments; Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

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MSS (mini-shipments); Multi shipments; EC, Tl and T2 shipments; Special Loads / Special Handling; Acceptance with correspondent documents MAWB-s; HAWB-s (Documents prepared by IATA Cargo agents). Acceptance without documents (Documents prepared by TIA); Acceptance deadline; Last minute acceptance)

3.2.1 Regular shipments Shipments consisting of one or more parcel at least 30 Kg and dimensions of 40cm x 50cm x 60cm. 3.2.2 MSS (mini-shipments) Shipments consisting of one to max. 5 parcels, not more 30 Kg and dimensions less than 40cm x 50cm x 60cm. 3.2.3 Multi shipments Shipments consisting of more than 30 parcels. 3.2.4 EC and Tl shipments EC shipments: Shipments which have their origin within the European Community and stay within the Community (no customs clearance necessary). Tl shipments: Shipments which have their origin outside the European Community and their destination is within the Community, or shipments which have their origin within the European Community and it's destination is outside the Community. 3.2.5 Special loads/Special handling Shipments which due to their nature require special storage facilities as well as special handling, for example: perishables, live animals, valuables, vulnerable cargo, news material, dangerous goods etc. HEA / BIG / Oversized Cargo AVI










3.2.6 Acceptance with correspondent documents Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Shipments covered by AWB-s, issued by IATA Agents must be delivered to TIA export office in accordance with the IATA regulations "READY FOR CARRIAGE". All documents must be in compliance with Airline regulations and with customs clearances. 3.2.7 Acceptance without documents Shipments which are delivered by individuals: AWB issuance and customs clearance take place immediately after delivery of shipment at TIA’s cargo terminal export documents. Documents must be delivered as soon as possible for further handling. 3.2.8 Last minute acceptance Last minute acceptance for a specific flight must be cleared with the Airline in question. Without complete documentation no acceptance will be done. 3.2.9 Private shippers The following acceptance procedures shall apply for the acceptance of general and special Cargo. a) MSS (mini-shipments) general or special Cargo Customers deliver their Cargo, max. 1-5 pc, 30 Kg directly to the Airline Export counter. The Airline or his TIA Cargo Handling must: - Weight - Measure - Screen - Label the shipment - Issue the AWB With the AWB on hand, the customer must get his customs clearance if necessary. Then he must deliver his shipment with all documents to the TIA Cargo Handling Export Acceptance Documents. Acceptance takes place and the following points must be checked against following documents: - Weight - Measurements - Labels and markings - Condition - Destination Customs clearance An SLI will be issued and signed by shipper and by Ground Handling representative. One copy is handed over to the customer, the other copy stays at GH. Original acceptance documents (AWB etc.) remain at GHD. Airlines are obliged to pick up the original documents at GHD. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

The Cargo will be brought to the dedicated mini-shipment storage area. Data capture for storage can take place (Inventory control system Elwis). b) Pieces weighing 35 Kg or more (Acceptance without documents) Shipper delivers his cargo at an available GH Cargo Terminal Export delivery documents. The Export Cargo acceptance must: check condition of the packaging material: - count the number of pieces - weigh (scaling can be done with the forklift) - measure - destination - screen All these details must be inserted on an SLI. Shipper goes with the SLI to the Airlines Export Counter or TIA Cargo Handling Export where the AWB and labels are issued. Shipper goes back to the GH Export acceptance area and labels his Cargo. Customs clearance has to be done by the Shipper himself. Original acceptance documents (AWB etc.) remain at GH. Airlines are obliged to pick up the original documents at GH. This Cargo will be stored in the warehouse, storage locations for export cargo. Data capture for storage can take place (inventory control system ELWIS). If Dangerous Goods (DGR) or live animals (AVI) are involved, the acceptance check sheet for DGR will be completed. 3.3 Transfer Cargo Upon flight arrival, TIA employees identify transit and transfer cargo. Handling of transit freight will have to be completed in time for the re-forwarding flight. If for various reasons, the connection is missed (flight delay, handling problem, etc…) the Airline reservation office must be advised by telex and they will inform TIA employees of action taken (Applicable only when TIA employed in the office environment). The TIA employees take all necessary measures to deliver transfer freight to the receiving Carrier’s warehouse on, or in, close proximity of the airport of arrival, under cover of a transfer manifest. 3.4 Import Cargo 3.4.1. General requirements • •

Packing. Certificate of Disinfection required when hay or straw is used. Marking. Name and address of consignee and country of origin are required.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Language on documents. English; acceptable French or German.

Import procedures: • Pick Up of Manifest and Air Waybills from the aircraft; • Cargo personnel pick up the import documents upon arrival of aircraft. Information about arrival time and parking position can be retrieved from the operations department of GH Department or the Airline; • Cargo personnel must drive to the parking position of the A/C; • Collect the incoming manifests and AWB's and bring them to the cargo office; • Office-warehouse personnel crosscheck manifests and AWB's. In case of any irregularity (MAWB or HAWB) they proceed with the electronic issuance of irregularity report. • Register to Customs Imports system (as per EU ICS standards and recommendations). In accordance with the Station/Cargo Agreement, TIA employees are responsible for the rapid transfer of cargo into warehouse, unloading of loose freight from trolleys, dollies, trucks, and any other vehicles, breaking down and emptying of ULDs and checking of incoming cargo against AWB’s and manifests. Once Customs and any other Authority have given clearance, TIA employees make the freight available within: • • • • •

150 min for narrow body Aircrafts after arrival to TIA Warehouse (A319/320/321 are considered narrow body); 180 min after arrival of a truck or wide body Aircraft; Express Products 90 minutes after ATA; N.B. for both cases 60 min for Direct ULD; Freighter aircraft timings to be advised (ad hoc).

3.5 Delivery of Cargo Delivery Cleared goods at airport cargo terminal during customs hours. Delivery outside Customs hours possible after prior application and against payment of extra charges. (see TACT Rules 7.3.2- Albania) 3.5.1 Physical delivery of Import Cargo Distribution of GH receipt copied/invoice • The white copy is delivered to the CNEE (consignee); • The pink copy is stapled to the GH delivery order and stays in the warehouse-delivery office; • The yellow copy stays in the receipt book also in the import-delivery office. Physical delivery of import cargo Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

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The receiver shows the white copy to the TIA’s warehouse clerk in charge of delivering cargo, who will pick up the respective shipment from the warehouse and load it on the vehicle of the consignee; The CNEE must have availed a copy of Custom Clearance for retrieving the goods. Without this clearance from customs no delivery is allowed. In some cases additional help can be provided to the CNEE, such as forklift, etc. This service will be charged additionally.

Irregularities noticed during physical cargo delivery in case that cargo arrived damaged or gets damaged during its stay in our custody, than the shipment is opened under custom supervision together with the CNEE to determine the average and a protocols should be signed by both parties. In case that damage is presumed even though no damage is visible, a check can be made under the same conditions as previously mentioned. Procedure for pick persons/agents









CNEE (or other authorized person-party) comes to TIA warehouse counter to pick-up his documents. The import-delivery receipt is issued with the following information: • Pick up date • CNNE's or authorized person's name • Address • Tax ID. No. • Tax office department • AWB-Nr. • Arrival date • No. of pieces and weight • Authorized person's name • Personal ID. No. • Signature • Copy of Customs clearance TIA tariff rates costs insert tariff-rate for either general cargo, dangerous goods or valuables and heavy shipments if required, rates for loading help provide by TIA staff and/or GH equipment, accordingly: • Price List. Storage costs, insert 1st chargeable storage day, add days together and multiply by the rates, according TIA cargo tariffs make the 1st sum, add the V.A.T., and make the grand total. The invoice must be issued directly from Elwis system. •

Data - name of the paying firm;

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2


name of the TIA cargo handling employee issuing the import-delivery receipt; CNEE's or authorized person's signature; Circle if it is paid cash or by credit upon invoice.

3.6 Document Handling 3.6.1 Dokumentary requirements Commercial consignments • 3 Commercial Invoices. • 2 Certificates of Origin. • 2 Packing lists • Import Licence. • Custom Clearance. Sample consignments 2 Pro Forma invoices stating purpose of goods and value. Gift consignments 2 Pro Forma invoices with details contents and the value of each article. Gift consignments addressed to individuals, up to a value of USD 100.00 are exempted from customs duties, but remain always subject of customs physical check and value prior consignement. Unaccompanied baggage AWB should be accompanied by a “Declaration of Contents”, personal effects are exempted from customs duties. New buying up to a value of USD 100.00 is exempted from customs duties but remain always subject of customs physical check and value prior consignement . 3.6.2 Truck Services Preparation for departure TIA employees will ensure that outbound shipments are not prohibited for export in all circumstances, upon consulting TACT Rules Manual (information by countries) and system application (station) when applicable. Over and above the steps taken for the handling of aircraft, the truck movements are requiring the following measures: •

For dangerous goods shipments, TIA employees inform the driver and give him the truck NOTOC (if issued). When transporting under ADR rules the safety “trem-card” should be written in all relevant languages (country of departure, destination, and transit) in order that all transport safety measures are adhered to.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

TIA employees will ensure that the transport across countries of dangerous goods concerned is not subject to any restriction or prohibition •

TIA employees will perform the following services: prepare cargo for transport, check and process all documents to ensure shipment will be carried, loading & unloading of truck, assure security services are observed while loading/unloading and during transport, transport update, record of all data filed, communicate with trucker and destination in case of any delay

It is requested from the driver to have the date and hour registered on a Road Sheet or on the cargo manifest at the point of departure and arrival of truck. If an automated recording is not available, TIA employees will hand write the date and time on the Road Sheet or on the cargo manifest and stamp it with their Company seal. As regards direct pick-up and in case the driver does not have a Road Sheet, the above registration will be done on CMR or on (bordereaux). The Road Sheet (or CMR or cargo manifest or bordereaux) will serve as proof of punctuality of transport.

TIA employees complete the above documentation with (whenever the information is available): Line, Date, Carrier, Driver's name, Vehicle register nr (Tractor, Trailer), Station, Seal custom or security number, Delay Code, ETD, Driver presence and the Actual Departure. He keeps two copies; one for TIA Cargo, and gives the other to the driver. If necessary, TIA employees telex to TIA Cargo all information regarding punctuality, custom seal or the security number.

TIA employees will follow road regulations for the areas concerned.

3.6.3 Handling of arrivals and delivery After completion of the tally, TIA employees advise clients by Elwis Cargo Handling system e-mail, telephone of the arrival. TIA employees hand over the documents to the consignee, in case they are present, no later than: -

60 min after arrival of a Passenger flight 60 min after arrival of a Cargo flight 60 min after arrival of a truck

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Express Cargo: 90 minutes from ATA is the delivery time set for documents and cargo. TIA employees must obtain a delivery receipt. After identity check, TIA employees hand over a release note with the goods. This receipt must be dated, signed and contain details of client’s name and vehicle registration. In accordance with TIA Cargo Handling Manual, TIA employees take appropriate measures if the consignee refuses the freight or to pay. He advises the origin station issuing IRP by telex. For each arrival, TIA employees open an import record file, in which, will be kept in electronic in Elwis system and handwritten in different dossier: • a copy manifest • a copy damage report CDR/CIR • advice telexes • a copy AWB 3.6.4 Documents in case of irregularities When shipments arrive incomplete or open, they will be weighed and a damage report (CIR/CDR) will be issued keeping a copy in the Import record file. If dangerous goods arrive damaged TIA employees issue an incident/occurrence report. He must also report the facts to TIA Management when necessary. For all discrepancies unsolved at the end of the day, TIA employees open a discrepancy file for: • Telexes • A copy AWB • A copy manifest TIA employees will send the necessary reminders during seven days for a straight export shipment and seven days for an import shipment. Before transferring file, a CIR/CDR must be issued for the outstanding discrepancies with airlines representatives. TIA employees process the warehouse inventory once a week for Imports and Exports, and advise head of Cargo of any discrepancies. 3.7 Unit Load Device Management For Unit Load Devices (ULDs), TIA/Cargo Department ensures that:

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

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The ULD should be examined for punctures, distorted or delaminated panels and damaged or missing securing and operating mechanisms and not used if unserviceable; Cargo is built up according to the dimensional and structural limitations of the ULD and of the aircraft; Incompatible items of cargo are segregated according to DGR Regulations; The destination, net weight, tare weight and total weight are clearly market on the container/pallet tag; When dangerous goods are contained within a ULD, the appropriate ULD tag is affixed. 3.7.1 Container Administration and Management

TIA employees prepare ULD exchange control receipts (LUC) for all transfers of ULDs, making sure the receiving Carrier is a member of the “IATA pool”. TIA employees prepare the control receipt IATA (LUC), confirmed by telex, for all transfers of ULDs and obtain signatures of the transferring and receiving Carriers, or approved third parties, and distribute copies according to the Carrier’s instructions. For approved parties, TIA employee issues a control receipt form, obtaining signatures from the receiving party and dispatches copies accordingly. The TIA employees handle lost & found and damaged ULD matters and notifies the TIA Management of such irregularities. Unserviceable ULDs must be kept separated from the goods ones; instructions will be given from TIA Management. All those servicers are provided in strictly cooperation with Ramp Handling Department and aircraft Load & Balance Controller. 3.7.2 Air Cargo Agents Air Cargo Agents will deliver their Cargo "ready for carriage". The Air Cargo Agent is responsible for packing or checking the packaging material - weighting, measuring, labeling and completing respective documentation, i.e. customs clearance, export permits certificates of origin, shipper declaration for dangerous goods, live animal declarations, etc. 3.7.3 Acceptance standards for the interchange of transferred Unit Load Devices These acceptance standards are a guide for the acceptance of an interlining unit such that it is compatible with generally accepted airworthiness criteria and is not likely to jeopardize flight safety. It is not intended to reflect the allowable damage limitations as set out by ULD manufacturer, or any further, more restrictive, limitations that the owner might have in place. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

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The standards are intended to provide accepting party with basis for rejecting unit load devices: To avoid being charged, on return of the unit to the owner, for damage that existed prior acceptance; To ensure that the ULD is able to make a number of trips, prior to return, without becoming non-airworthy in normal use.

It is the responsibility of the owner/operator of a ULD to have in place maintenance and inspection procedures and facilities that meet the requirements for retaining the ULDs in an airworthy condition. For further information in this regard, please refer to IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM 340) and IATA ULD Technical Manual, Technical Standard Specification 50/0.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

3. SPECIAL CARGO 4.1 General Information Definition Shipments are classified as “Special Cargo” if due to nature of goods, weight, dimensions, or value they require: • special precautions to protect the aircraft, the personnel handling the shipment, other shipments or the shipment itself; or • special attention and care to avoid inconvenience or discomfort to passengers, when shipment are loaded onto passenger aircraft; or • special procedures be followed on acceptance, loading, carriage and delivery. Acceptance and transportation of special cargo must be performed in accordance with the regulations laid down in this section. Any inquiry in respect to interpretations or exceptions from special cargo regulations (AHM, IATA TACT Rules , CHM) shall be directed to TIA Cargo Department. Special Handling Preadvice Messages Special handling preadvice messages are used for several purposes: • request advance arrangements to be provided and confirmed (unloading equipment, etc); • request special service (e.g. security handling, watering of animal) to be provided in transit and/or destination; • preadvice shipment loading location (e.g. for live animals, living human organs, etc); • check for special handling facilities if available (e.g. cool storage, live animals room) or • pre-arrange immediate delivery in case these facilities are not available at airport of destination. Special Handling Codes Special Handling Codes regarding special cargo other than Dangerous Goods and Dangerous Goods Special Handling Codes are given in Annex 1 attached to this manual. Notification to Captain (NOTOC) Notification to Captain (NOTOC) is used to inform the commander about the following cargo being loaded aboard the aircraft: • Dangerous goods • Other special load Other Special Cargo/Loads requiring Notification Captain needs to be notified by NOTOC of the following special cargo loaded: Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Commodity Aircraft on Ground Fish / Seafood Flowers Foodstuffs Fruits and Vegetables Frozen Goods Hatching Eggs Human Remains in Coffin Live Animals, including laboratory animals Living Human Organs / Blood Meat Munitions of War Obnoxious Cargo Perishable Cargo Save Human Life Wet Cargo Sporting Weapons Valuable Cargo Vulnerable Cargo


NOTOC Preparation Responsibility. The Cargo Handling Department is responsible to prepare NOTOC in duplicate, (except for loading position) and send both copies to the Load Control. Load Control is responsible to insert loading position and deliver NOTOC to Captain for signature. The original remains on board, the copy is filed with Load Control documentation. Filing Period. NOTOC shall be filed for a period of 3month, unless local regulations or carrier regulations prescribe longer period. ( Samples of NOTOC refer to IATA AHM) 4.1.1 Acceptance of Special Cargo Acceptance of DGR and all RRY shipments follow the same routine as defined for regular Cargo. They must be stored at the DGR storage area. •

Special Declaration must be in compliance with IATA DGR Regulations Manual.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

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A documental acceptance check list shall be filled in as per IATA DGR Regulations Manual. Ensure all DGR shipments to be carried on board aircrafts operating the booked routing in accordance with Airline DGR loading restrictions or in compliance with all IATA Packing Instructions. NOTOC issuance in a timely manner, as per IATA DGR Regulations Manual, the same has to remain available upon request by the carrier.

Acceptance and handling of other special cargo, such as valuable cargo, perishables, vulnerable cargo, human remains and shipments of special importance or urgency, particular points has to be considered as follows: • • • • •

All personnel concerned are made fully aware of the nature and handling requirements of all such shipments; Suitable arrangements are made for the security of valuable and vulnerable cargo; Perishables are handled in accordance with the requirements of the particular commodity and in particular the most recent edition of the IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations Manual; To check and ensure that the final load assembled for dispatch to the aircraft does include shipments of special importance or urgency; To ensure that shipments considered as special cargo have “special consignment” labels visibility attached to each package.

Special cargo has to be clearly market, e.g. AVI (live animals) in the “remarks” box of the container/pallet tag and the position on aircraft “box” of the container/pallet tag has to be clearly market. Other special Cargo must be stored in the areas provided (AVI; COOL; etc.). In case of Special Cargo and General Cargo shipments, is necessary to: • Ensure that all handling information and/or documentation attached to the AWB also required by the Airline Cargo Manual and/or by Authorities have been duly reported on the AWB and/or duly attached to the AWB itself. • NOTOC issuance to favor cargo other then DGR when required to be notified to the Captain (Controlled Temperature by area, WAS, PER etc.) Check AWB details including but not limited: - Pieces, Weights and Volumes against the booking; - Destination reported on the AWB’s against booked destination. Security procedures have to be put in place according to Local, International and Airline’s own directives. Original acceptance documents (AWB etc.) remain at GHD. Airlines are obliged to pick up the original Documents at GH, as follows: • Data capture for storage (inventory control system Elwis); • In case of DGR incidents or accidents the respective Procedures of TIA, Civil Aviation Authorities as well as the Respective TIA Cargo Handling Manual are to be followed. On top of above, also the special procedures of each Airline have to be applied. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

4.2 Dangerous Goods Dangerous goods are articles and substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment and which are shown in the list of dangerous goods in the Regulations (ICAO and IATA) or which are classified according to these Regulations. Legal Basis International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) publishes internationally agreed rules on the air transport of dangerous goods. These are Annex 18 to the Chicago Convention and the associated Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc9284-AN/905). The ICAO rules are binding for transportation from, to or over all member states of ICAO. Specific requirements for EU Operators are published in EU OPS, Subpart R International Air Transport Association (IATA) also publishes Dangerous Goods Regulations. IATA Regulations reflect completely all the requirements of ICAO Technical Instructions and include some more restrictive requirements as adopted by IATA. IATA Regulations are applicable to all airlines, which are members of IATA and all shippers and agents that offer consignments of dangerous goods to these operators. Transportation of dangerous goods is also regulated in each country by the National Regulations based on ICAO Annex 18 and Technical Instructions. Responsibilities TIA must with regard to dangerous goods fully comply with: • • •

the latest effective edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations; the requirements of EU-OPS, Subpart R (Section 1&2); the latest effective edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions

TIA Cargo Department and its Cargo Handling Agents must: • • • • •

comply fully with the TIA regulations and restrictions as published in the CHM; posses and use for reference the latest effective edition of the IATA DGR; ensure that all staff involved in the acceptance of general cargo have received relevant dangerous goods training in accordance with ICAO/IATA and applicable national requirements; inform cargo shippers by notices giving information about restrictions on dangerous goods transport; inspect general cargo shipments for hidden hazards and report any occasion when undeclared or mis-declared dangerous goods are discovered in cargo or mail.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

4.2.1 Dangerous Goods Description ICAO/IATA DG Regulations more precisely define dangerous goods as those goods, which meet the classification criteria of: • one or more UN hazard classes, relating to the type of hazard and • where applicable, to one of three UN packing groups, relating to the degree of danger. Hazard Classes/Divisions and Packing Groups According to UN classification dangerous goods are divided into 9 (nine) hazard classes reflecting the type of hazard involved. In some cases these classes are further divided into divisions to identify a particular risk within one class. Explosives are also assigned to one of thirteen compatibility groups which identify the kind of explosive articles and substances that are deemed to be compatible. Compatibility groups are identified by capital Latin letter following the division number. Cargo IMP Codes are used to identify dangerous goods in cargo documents such as cargo manifest, NOTOC and SITA messages, Dangerous Goods Classes 1. Explosives 2. Gases 3. Flammable liquids 4. Flammable solids 5. Oxidizing substances and Organic peroxides 6. Toxic and Infectious substances 7. Radioactive material 8. Corrosives 9. Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods Within some hazard classes criteria are developed for dangerous goods to be assigned to the relevant packing group according to the degree of danger. 4.2.2 Dangerous Goods Labels and Marks If a specification package is selected, it must be marked to show that it has been tested in accordance with the specifications. Details on this marking requirement are shown in Section 7 of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (Part 6, Chapter 2 in ICAO) Offers must recognize that if they are responsible for putting the specification markings on a package, then they must assure that the package has satisfied all requirements, including chemical compatibility and performance of all tests. This last point on testing is essential. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Careful record keeping is required in this area, since Civil Aviation Authority or State inspectors may want to see all evidence of package testing when they conduct routine inspections of offered facilities or investigate incidents. Once the correct package has been selected and filled, it must be marked and labeled with the correct hazard information. The required hazard labels for each proper shipping name are identified in the IATA List of Dangerous Goods (ICAO Dangerous Goods List), and the proper shipping name and UN number must appear on the package in association with the label. Note that for most generic - i.e., "n.o.s." - proper shipping names, additional technical names for the hazardous constituents are required to appear on the package and accompanying documentation. Examples of shipments labels necessary to be used on preparation for air transportation of dangerous goods specification packaging and limited quantity packagings are shown at the TIA Internal Procedure No 026/TIA on Marking and Labeling DG Cargo Guidance dated 23.03.2011. Dangerous Goods Hazard Labels. Hazard labels are used to identify primary and subsidiary risk(s) of the dangerous goods articles or substances and are affixed on the packaging. Appropriate hazard labels and package markings are are shown at the TIA Internal Procedure No 026/TIA. Note the markings include the proper shipping name and UN Number together with the hazard and orientation labels must be placed on the boxes. A UN specification marking also must appear on the specification package, indicating that it has been performance tested and found capable of satisfying the requirements for Packing Groups and type of aircrafts. Dangerous Goods Handling Labels and Marks. Handling labels and marks are used in addition to hazard labels to provide information on the proper handling and stowage of packages containing dangerous goods. Handling labels, such as the CARGO AIRCRAFT ONLY and the orientation arrows, must be applied when appropriate. Consumer Warning Pictograms An article or package may bear a consumer warning pictogram(s). The following consumer warning pictograms were introduced by the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for classification, packing and marking of hazardous chemicals. The EU has adopted GHS pictograms in 2008, and it has been applied since 20 January 2009. The deadline for final implementation is 01 December 2010 for neat substances and 01 June 2015 for mixtures. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport NĂŤnĂŤ Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Whenever products bearing these pictograms are found in general cargo a clarification should be sought from the shipper and Material Safety Data Sheet must be checked. If products are classified as dangerous goods for air transport they would have to be removed from the shipment, if not shipment may be accepted as "Not Restricted". 4.2.3 Hidden Dangerous Goods in Cargo Cargo declared under a general description may contain hazardous articles that are not apparent. With the aim of preventing undeclared dangerous goods from being loaded on an aircraft, cargo acceptance staff should seek confirmation from shippers about the contents of any item of cargo where there are suspicions that it may contain dangerous goods. When shippers offer packages containing the following commodities, they must be asked to check their consignments against the class definitions in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations and confirm by endorsement of the Air Waybill, e.g. “Not restricted”, that no part of the package or shipment contents is dangerous. A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) shall be used as a primary source of information to determine if articles or substances are classified as dangerous goods for air transportation. 4.2.4 Documentation In transportation, the presence of dangerous goods must be communicated not only through the marks and labels on the package, but also through shipping papers accompanying the materials. The air waybill, the airline contract for carriage, is not normally used to transmit the required dangerous goods information (except when dry ice is used to refrigerate non-hazardous materials, or when the shipmentis in excepted quantities). ICAO requires use of a Dangerous Goods Transport Document as indicated in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, this is separate from the air waybill, and takes the form of a red-bordered airline industry document called the Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods. It gives full details of the shipment, including: • Name/Address of shipper and consignee • Aircraft type (Cargo aircraft only must also be noted on the air waybill when indicated) • Airports of origin and destination • Shipment type (i.e., radioactive or non-radioactive) • Proper shipping name (and technical name, if appropriate) • Hazard class • UN/ID number • Subsidiary risk (if any) • Quantity and type of packaging Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

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Packing Instruction Any special authorizations Additional handling information Shipper's certification

The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations contains examples of completed Shipper’s Declarations, along with guidance on preparing the accompanying air waybill. 4.2.5 Emergency Procedures Emergency procedures must be available wherever dangerous goods are accepted for carriage, loaded, stowed, transported, unloaded or stored. Such procedures may be established by government or airport authorities, operators or other bodies. It is important that everyone is familiar with local requirements and emergency contacts. a) Dangerous Goods Incident A dangerous goods incident is an occurrence during transport of dangerous goods by air, not necessarily occurring on board an aircraft, which results in injury to a person, property damage, fire, breakage, spillage, leakage of fluid or radiation or other evidence that the integrity of the packaging has not been maintained. Any occurrence relating to the transport of dangerous goods which seriously jeopardizes an aircraft or its occupants is also deemed to be a dangerous goods incident. b) Dangerous Goods Accident A dangerous goods accident is a dangerous goods incident that results in fatal or serious injuries to a person or major property damage. c) Other Dangerous Goods Occurrences Other dangerous goods occurrence is any occasion when undeclared or mis-declared dangerous goods are discovered in cargo. d) Handling of Cargo Contaminated by Dangerous Goods If TIA/Cargo Department or Airlines becomes aware that cargo not identified as containing dangerous goods has been contaminated and it is suspected that dangerous goods may be the cause of the contamination, TIA/Cargo Department or Airlines must take reasonable steps to identify the nature and source of contamination. If the contaminating substance is found or is suspected to be a substance classified as dangerous goods by IATA DG Regulations, TIA/Cargo Department or Airlines must isolate the cargo and take appropriate steps to nullify any identified hazard before being transported further by air. e) Handling of Incidents when Aircraft is Contaminated by Dangerous Goods Any contamination of aircraft found as a result of the leakage or damage of dangerous goods must be removed without delay. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

An aircraft which has been contaminated by radioactive materials must be immediately taken out of service and not returned until the radiation level at any accessible surface and the non-fixed contamination are not more than the values specified in the Technical Instructions. f) General Emergency Procedures The following basic emergency procedures are established and must be followed in case of ground incidents involving dangerous goods: • Advice immediate Cargo Director first • Isolate the package by removing other packages or property, • Avoid contact with the contents of the package, • If contents come in contact with body or clothes: - thoroughly wash off body with plenty of water, - remove contaminated clothes, - do not eat or smoke, - keep hands away from eyes, mouth and nose, - seek medical assistance. Staff involved in such incidents should stay on site until their names are noted. 4.2.6 Reporting Dangerous goods accidents, incidents and any occasion when undeclared or misdeclared dangerous goods are discovered in cargo or mail must be immediately reported to TIA Cargo Department. Director of Cargo Department shall report all accidents, incidents and other occurrences to the COO. A standard form “Dangerous Goods Occurrence Report”, must be used where reporting format has not been specified by the appropriate authority. This format may also be used when reporting occurrences to another operator. The report should be as precise as possible and should contain all data known at the time the report is made. Copies of all relevant documents and photographs, if available, should be attached to the report. Initial report may be made by any means but in all cases a written report should be dispatched as soon as possible but no later than 72 hours of the occurrence, unless exceptional circumstances prevent this. Dangerous Goods Occurrence Reports must be filed for a minimum period of 2 years. 4.2.7 Training Requirements TIA has established and maintains dangerous goods training programme as required by the latest effective edition of: Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

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EU-OPS, Subpart R; ICAO Technical Instructions IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.

4.3 Perishable Cargo (PER) 4.3.1 General a) Definition Perishable goods are any goods which when not maintained within certain conditions, elements or other criteria as defined by their life cycle, loose their inherent properties or essential qualities components thereof and as a consequence can no longer perform as originally intended. Perishables are commodities or products which are subject to deterioration, perishing or depreciation due to changes in climate, temperature, altitude, or length of time in carriage. Refer to the latest effective edition of “IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations” (PCR). Some perishable commodities are further defined as categories of special cargo. Code EAT

Special Cargo Foodstuffs


Hatching eggs Living human organs


Hunting trophies


Flowers and plants




Fruits and vegetables


Perishable goods Fish and seafood


Pharmaceutical products

Examples dairy products, products for human and animal consumption not packed in hermetically sealed packagings, bakery turkey, ostrich and similar poultry etc. organs for transplantation (kidney, liver, heart, lungs) such as skin, hide and all articles made from or containing parts of species listed in CITES fresh cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, ornamentals fresh meat (beef, horse, lamb, pork, chicken, ostrich etc.) fresh fruits (berries, cherries, kiwis, papayas etc.) and vegetables (artichoke, mushrooms, peas, peppers etc.) any goods liable to deterioration fresh fish and seafood (crab, caviar, crawfish, salmon, lobsters, mussels, tuna, turbot etc.) drugs, biological products, medical devices, homeopathic remedies, herbal products, biomedical products

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Depending on transport condition and packaging of perishable commodities, the following secondary special handling codes may be applicable. Code COL

Special Cargo Cool Goods


Frozen Goods


Frozen Goods


Save Human Life


Wet Cargo

Examples Perishable goods to be stored in cool room, usually between +4°C to + 8°C” or as noted Frozen products as listed under FRO, subject to veterinary and/or phytosanitary inspection Frozen meat, fish, seafood, vegetables., dairy products etc To be used in addition to LHO, PER or PIL for blood serum or plasma, vaccines and medicines to save a life of a patient Fresh meat, fish, seafood, vegetables not packed in watertight containers.

Shipper’s Responsibilities The shipper or his authorized agent (importer or freight forwarder) must and is responsible for: • declaring all details relevant to the shipment, based on requirements at origin, transit and destination and as may be required by the operator, other competent authority and as further outlined in this manual; • establishing and providing any such agreed to details in writing in advance of booking, such as special handling needs or condition(s) or environment that may affect any cargo, including its own; • obtaining any permit or certificate in advance as regards to import, export, transit, quarantine or health requirements as applicable, including CITES species and make those available upon request; • tendering for shipment only such cargoes, that have been subject to inspection and packed in such a fashion to withstand climate and temperature changes and to never jeopardize packaging integrity, crew safety nor handling personnel under normal transport or handling conditions; • marking, labeling and documentation; establishing and providing a primary contact whom is responsible for the shipment during the entire journey and whom can be reached by all parties at any given time or location for information; • establishing procedures and policies with those parties involved in case of emergency, delay, rerouting or any other incident as may be required for certain commodities and or from authorities; • informing and training staff for any such responsibilities endorsed under his obligations or duties, including conditions of carriage as established in modal transportation. • establishing and communicating when ownership ceases or at which point it is being transferred and to which party. b) Acceptance Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

When accepting perishables (fresh flowers, meat, fruits, vegetables etc) examine the shipment for any obvious signs of deterioration. If shipment is found to be already deteriorating it must be refused. Perishable cargo shall only be accepted for carriage when it is reasonably certain that it will reach its destination in good conditions. The shipper shall provide written instructions as to the maximum acceptable duration of transportation and of any special handling required. These instructions shall be shown on the air waybill and packages. Prior to acceptance the carrier shall ensure that the necessary en-route arrangements have been made including: • ensuring that the shipper is advised of the maximum time before flight departure that the carrier will accept the cargo. • making any necessary onward reservations. • ensuring that special handling facilities such as re-icing are available and arranged if agreed and required. • The IATA “Perishable” or “Time and Temperature Sensitive” (for healthcare products refer to PCR chapter 17) label shall be attached to each package and where applicable the “This Way Up” label. Packaging. Packaging materials in common use for transportation of perishable goods include: Expanded polystyrene cartons; Polyethylene bags; Waxed cardboard cartons; Treated fibreboard cartons, Wooden barrels, crates and boxes; Plastic containers; Metal cans; Polyethylene sheeting, etc. Use IATA Perishable Cargo Manual as a guide for checking appropriate packaging for different types of perishables. Marking. Packages of perishable cargo must be marked legibly and durably on the outside with each of the following: • The full name, address and contact number of the shipper; • The full name, address and contact number of the consignee; • Special handling instructions such as “Storage required between +4°C to + 8°C”, as appropriate. Labelling. Handling labels should be used when appropriate. New “Time and Temperature Sensitive Label” was introduced in IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations, and should be used for time and temperature sensitive healthcare products. c) Stowage Perishable shipments shall be prior to the loading stored in adequate facilities at the Cargo Terminal. The appropriate storage facilities as required for particular perishable shipment type are available at airport en route and at final destination. Information about storage facilities, Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

e.g availability of cool rooms, freezers, heated rooms etc., can be found in IATA TACT Rules 7.3., Information by Countries. The following general precautions are applicable: • The carrier shall provide information relating to the temperature variations within the compartments of their aircraft during flight so that temperature sensitive items may be stowed in an appropriate compartment to ensure their protection. • Perishable items shall be loaded so that they are suitably accessible in case of any handling is required at an en-route and/or destination station. • Articles refrigerated with wet ice and perishable cargo containing fluid or moisture which could leak onto the compartment floor shall be treated as wet cargo (AHM 322) • Articles refrigerated with Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice) shall be handled in accordance with DG-regulations. • For specific segregation requirements, refer to the applicable sections of the DGR, LAR, PCR as may be applicable. • Perishable cargo that requires special stowage, special care at transit stops, in-flight attention or special handling in the case of delays or diversions shall be included on the form “Special Load Notification to Captain” (AHM 381 and AHM 382). • Care should be taken when stacking perishable items so that the lower layers of the stack are not damaged by the weight of the upper layers. 4.3.2 Meat Shipments (PEM) Meat or meat products can be fresh, frozen or chilled. A large port of meat products are air shipped fresh or chilled. They must be kept under cold conditions at any time during the whole distribution process. Micro-organisms and enzymatic activity can significantly affect meat quality and safety as temperature increases. Results from such attacks are: initial colour changes, unpleasant odour and bad taste. To counter these effects it is necessary to keep the fresh meat at low and constant temperatures. 4.3.3 Fresh Fish and Seafood (PES) Fish and seafood products consist of enormous variety of species. These products are brought to the market in a variety of forms and condition, such as fresh, frozen, dried, pickled or salted. Fish and seafood are very perishable products. Handling methods and temperature must absolutely be controlled. It is crucial to keep the temperature as low as possible throughout the handling chain. Fresh fish and seafood must be packed in insulated plastic receptacles or in tightly Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

closed plastic bags put inside box made of Styrofoam or a similar material with equal strength and insulation capacity. Cooling agents, such as wet ice or gel packs should be used within the package to keep the inside temperature as low as possible. 4.3.4 Fruits and Vegetables (PEP) Fruit is defined as the edible product of a plant or tree, consisting of the seed and the envelope, especially the latter when juicy and pulpy. Fruits are usually soft, fleshy, edible plant products They are relatively perishable in the freshly harvested state because of their high moisture content. They can be grouped into three main categories: • Seed and pots; • Bulbs, roots and tubers; • Buds, stems and leaves. 4.3.5 Flowers and Live Plants (PEF) The flowers and plants may be divided into following categories: • Cut flowers; • Florist greens or decorative foliage; • Potted foliage plants; • Flowering potted plants, • Potted orchid, • Bedding plants and seedlings, • Seed and pollen; • Herbaceous perennials; • Flower bulbs. Acceptance Cut flowers and florist greens should be pre-cooled and refrigerated in high humidity to maintain better quality. They should be stored and transported at their recommended temperatures as given by the shipper. Handling Flowers and plants shall be handled as “Fragile” products as damages such as breakage, bending etc. are likely to occur due improper physical handling during loading 4.3.6 Foodstuffs (EAT) Basic categories of foodstuffs are: • Dairy products and • Bakery Packaging Products that require cool temperatures 0°C to 4°C should be packed in insulated Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

packagings together with cooling agent which keeps the temperature low during the transport from origin to destination. Frozen bakery products must not be accepted for carriage if Dry Ice (Carbon dioxide, solid) or any other substance classified as dangerous goods is used as cooling agent. Storage and Loading Requirements Dried dairy products are hygroscopic. They absorb water from the environment very easily. They should be packed and kept in a cool, dry and ventilated place. These products must be separated from potential odour contaminants, such as seafood and meat, because they easily absorb odour. 4.3.7 Hatching Eggs (HEG) Most common types of hatching eggs shipped by air are turkey and ostrich. Hatching eggs contains embryos, which are actually living animals. Therefore, they are highly sensitive to temperature extremes. Acceptance Hatching eggs will be accepted for transport if the ground temperature is over 5°C and below 23°C. Marking “Handle with care” or similar must be applied to each package. Handling Hatching eggs shall be protected from rain and extreme weather conditions during transport from the warehouse to the aircraft and vice versa. If weather conditions are bad, special truck shall be used to bring eggs directly to aircraft side. Handling staff must be advised of the contents to handle packages without any tumbling. Cargo Manifest. Special Handling Code “HEG” shall be used following the description of goods. 4.3.8 Living Human Organs (LHO) Special Handling Surcharge for LHO is applicable, see IATA TACT Rules 8.3 Information Living Human Organs are normally transported as manifested cargo. Exceptionally and in very urgent cases only, LHO may be accepted unmanifested and handed over to the crew for transport. In such cases the AWB and cargo manifest must be issued immediately after departure and faxed to station of unloading. Packaging Polystyrene/styrofoam boxes are used. Organs are cooled by wet ice. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Marking Complete name and address of the shipper and consignee with emergency phone contacts Letters LHO (Living Human Organ) must be durably applied to the outer surface Handling LHO must be handled with top priority Special Handling Code “LHO” shall be used following the description of goods Storage and Loading Requirements LHO shipments must be stored (if not delivered immediately upon arrival at aircraft side) in a cool place at +4°C. When loaded in a lower compartment the shipment must be stowed at an easily accessible place (e.g. door section). 4.3.9 Save Human Life Shipments (SHL) Safe Human Life (SHL) shipments are highly time-sensitive cargo. Only the following goods elivered to save a life of a patient may be accepted under this designation: • blood serum/ blood plasma, • vaccines and medicines Handling SHL must be handled with top priority. Handling Instructions must be attached to the outside of the package. Special Handling Code “SHL” shall be used following the description of goods. 4.3.10 Frozen Goods (FRO) Frozen goods may be any of the previously stated perishable goods to which freezing process have been applied. Frozen products must stay at low temperature during all phases of transport. The most common temperature for frozen goods is around -23°C Acceptance FRO shipments must have confirmed reservation from the origin to destination. Confirmation must be received that storage facilities (deep freezer) are available at origin, in transit and at destination. Air Waybill Handling Information box must have instructions that shipment must be stored in deep freezer prior to loading and after unloading. Marking Package must be marked on the outside with applicable handling instructions (temperature requirement). Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Handling FRO shipment shall be delivered to aircraft for loading as late as possible and shall be loaded last and unloaded first. Special arrangement must be made to transport such shipment immediately after unloading to the warehouse for storage in a freezer. Cargo Manifest Special Handling Code “FRO” shall be used in addition to any other applicable code, following the description of goods. 4.3.11 Handling Wet Cargo a) Definition Shipments containing liquids, or shipments which by their nature may produce liquids, and which are not subject to the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, shall be designated as “wet cargo”. b) Purpose To prevent and to contain the spillage of any liquids inside aircraft. This is because the danger that spillage or leakage during carriage by air could lead to corrosion or other damage to the aircraft structure or its components or damage to other load. c) Type of shipments The following types of cargo are considered as wet cargo: • Shipments of liquids in watertight containers; • shipments of wet materials not packed not packed in watertight containers, e.g. fish packed in wet ice, fresh meat, casings (fresh animal guts), wet hides, skins etc. • Goods which may produce liquid e.g. live animals. It is understood that the transportation of live animals (birds, reptiles, insects and certain mollusks, terrestrial) in appropriate animal containers (according to the most recent IATA LAR manual) do not pose a higher risk for corrosion than the normal transportation of baggage/cargo and are therefore excepted. For larger animals (usually mammals) where presence of faeces and urine is likely, plastic sheeting or tarpaulin must be placed under live animals containers in order to avoid spillage or aircraft holds, ULDs and other load. (Refer to LAR section 10.3) 4.4 Human Remains (HUM) Human remains are transported as either: • cremated (ashes) or • non-cremated (in coffin) Human remains must not be consolidated together with other goods under one Air Waybill. However a consolidated shipment may be wholly composed of human remains, see Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

TACT, Rules, Acceptance of Goods, Section 2.3.3. a) Human remains acceptance Human remains (HUM), except cremated, must be contained in a hermetically sealed inner coffin of lead or zinc inside a wooden coffin. The wooden coffin may be protected from damage by an outer packing and covered by canvas or tarpaulin so that the nature of its contents is not apparent. Cremated remains must be shipped in funeral urns which are efficiently cushioned by suitable packaging, against breakage. Marking Outer wooden cases containing cremated or non-cremated human remains must be marked with name, address and phone number of both, the shipper and the consignee Whenever there are more than one remains shipped under one Air waybill the outer packaging must bear the name of deceased. Individual pieces with gross weight exceeding 100 kg must have actual gross weight marked either on the outer packaging or cargo identification label. Labelling Human remains shall be labelled with cargo identification label and package orientation labels only. Documentation As a minimum the following documents must be attached to the Air Waybill: • Death certificate; • Pass check for corpse (Posmrtni potni list, Leichenpass, Laissez-passer mortuaire, Passaporto per Salma, Lijkendoorver); • Any other additional documentation as required by governmental regulations of countries in transit or destination, e.g. import permit, sanitary certificate, certificate of embalming, certificate of cremation, packaging certificate etc,) see TACT Rules, Section 7.3 b) Handling coffins Carriage of human remains in coffins on passenger and cargo aircraft is subject to the following conditions: - Non-cremated HUM shall not be loaded in close proximity of foodstuffs (EAT). - The Pilot-in-Command should be informed. Stowage position on the individual aircraft type shall be subject to company’s regulations. Special Handling code “HUM” must be entered after description of goods.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Loading Requirements • The coffins shall be loaded in a horizontal position. • Any coffin with gross weight exceeding 150 kg must be also handled as heavy cargo (HEA). • Loading of heavy pieces on top of the coffin is not permitted. For more information on Loading Requirements, see AHM 6.6 c) Handling urns Handling and loading as normal cargo. Note. There appears to be no scientific or technical reasons why HUM and live animals (AVI) should be segregated in aircraft cargo compartments. However, it may be ethical for cultural reasons to segregate them. 4.5 Live Animals (AVI) 4.5.1 General The following general principles apply when loading live animals, carried as cargo or passengers’ checked baggage: • • • • • • •

Animals are to be transported in accordance with the IATA Live-Animals Regulations. Live animals shall only be loaded into suitable aircraft compartments authorized by the carrier, taking into account the needs of the animals. Certain live animals shipments shall be treated as wet shipments, and must be manifested in all documents as AVI Where appropriate the floor of the container shall be covered with absorbent material, e.g. wood shavings, peat or sawdust. The use of hay or straw shall be avoided due to combustibility and quarantine regulations by some countries. Laboratory animals, carrying infectious diseases communicable to humans, shall only be carried by special arrangement with the carries and authorities concerned. For full aircraft loads of live animals, air conditioning units shall be used at loading and transit and be connected immediately upon arrival at destination. Loading and unloading of the animals into or out of the container should be carried out by the shipper/passenger, the consignee or, when agreed, by qualified handling staff.

4.5.2 IATA Requirements on Live Animal Transporting IATA Shipper Certification for Live Animals This document from recommended practice of IATA LAR latest edition is guidance for Cargo Handling staff to be used aditionally with all other necessary documents as Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

described in TIA CHM and IATA LAR 38 th edition or laterst revised edition published by IATA. IATA LAR Cities Appendix IATA LAR cities Appendix I-II-III is a document from Convention on International trade in endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora recognized by IATA/UNEP/ICAO. Is a latest reference guide and classification of species with specifics for carriage by air. A copy of this document together with IATA LAR 38 th edition Manual or latest updated manual published from IATA, is available for the Cargo Export-Import Agents. TIA Cargo Handling Agent is adopting the IATA recommended checklist for proper operations when transporting live animal by air. A copy of this checklist together with IATA LAR manual is available for the Cargo Export-Import Agents. Use of this check list is mandatory for all carriers withing proper guidance documentations or operating manuals on transporting live animals by air. Cargo Export-Import Agent to be familiar with IATA Live Animal recommended procedures and Internal Procedure No 027/TIA on Live Animal Operational Instuctions. 4.5.3 Ramp handling • •

Ground transportation and loading/unloading should be performed smoothly in order not to startle the animals. Animal shipments should not be left standing unnecessarily in the open, or on standing aircraft when the departure is delayed.

4.5.4 Stowage in aircraft • • • • •

Live animals shall not be packed inside a closed ULD, except for a few species, e.g. tropical fish. When loading containers onto pallets with igloos, the cages shall be stowed next to the igloo opening, with their main ventilation side facing the open side of igloo. The igloo protection cover (if any) shall remain folded up. The containers shall always be tied down or be otherwise secured against any kind of movement at take-off, landing and during flight, to prevent shifting or falling of the animal container. The containers shall be stowed in such a way that there is enough space between cages and other load to guarantee a sufficient air circulation. Cages should not be placed other loads. A departure from the normal loading sequence may be unavoidable, in order to ensure the best possible container location.

Depending on the quality of the animal container, care should be taken when stacking to prevent crushing of the lower levels: Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


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The containers shall be accessible, without needing to be off-loaded, when care of the animal is required during transit stops. in the event of an excessive delay, special care should be taken, according to shippers/passengers instructions, e.g. opening the compartment doors, extra watering/feeding, off-loading, etc, as necessary. the containers shall not be loaded directly in front or below air ventilation outlets, or in contact with the floor, or compartment walks, or internal lights.

Live animals shall not be loaded in close proximity to other loads which may have a negative effect on their health and welfare. Animals which are natural enemies shall not be loaded in close proximity to one another. If male and female animals are loaded in the same compartment or hold, they should be stowed as far apart as possible. Animals shall not be loaded in close proximity to cryogenic liquids (RCL), Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice) (ICE) and foodstuffs (EAT). Live animals shall not be stowed in the same compartment as poisons (RPB) and infectious substances (RIS). Live animals may be loaded together with radioactive materials, provided that the separation distances stated in the IATA Live-Animals Regulations are complied with. For carriage of birds on long haul flights, the cargo compartment lights shall be left switched on, to enable the birds to feed during flight.

There appears to be no scientific or technical reasons why live animals (AVI) and human remains (HUM) should be segregated in aircraft cargo compartments. However, it may be ethical for cultural reasons to segregate them. 4.6 Heavy Cargo (HEA) 4.6.1 General Heavy cargo (HEA) is used as a designation for individual pieces of load weighing 150 kg or more, when bulk loaded in lower compartments. Bulky items are pieces with overall dimensions (length + width + height) of 300 cm or more, which due to their size require special handling / equipment for loading and offloading. Heavy bulky items are pieces of 150 kg and more, and whose extreme dimensions and weight require special attention for loading and unloading through the compartment doors. Advance Arrangements

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Before accepting heavy cargo for carriage on a specific flight routing, consideration shall be given to the following: • Heavy/bulky items should be loaded/unloaded without the risk of injury to persons and damage to aircraft, equipment and load; • Aircraft limitations must not be exceeded; • Suitable ground handling equipment and manpower must be available at airports of loading and unloading; • Lashing equipment must be available at airport of loading; • Handling should be performed within the scheduled ground times. 4.6.2 Acceptance Packaging. Heavy cargo pieces must be packed either as solid wooden boxes or crates with a pallet base to enable loading/unloading with forklift. Marking and Labelling. Each heavy cargo piece must be marked with gross weight either on the outside surface of the packaging or must be gross weight inscribed in the “Cargo Identification Label”. If weight within the wooden box or crate is not distributed evenly, centre of gravity must be visibly marked on the outside to prevent heavy piece from falling off the forklift. Documentation. Information on heavy pieces within a consignment must be shown in the Air Waybill in the'Nature and Quantity of Goods'' box. 4.6.3 Handling Cargo Manifest. Special Handling Codes “HEA” must be entered in the cargo manifest after the description of goods. Pre-advice to Load Control. Cargo Handling Agent must upon completion of Cargo Manifest preadvice to load Control total number of heavy pieces. Aircraft Structural Loading Limitations. Consideration must be given to aircraft structural loading limitations before loading of heavy cargo pieces takes place. If any of the structural limitations for designated aircraft type have een exceeded, use calculation methods as laid down in AHM, see AHM 5.2, to obtain number of spreaders needed and appropriate lashing method to secure heavy load from shifting during flight. 4.7 Diplomatic Shipments (DIP) 4.7.1 General The term ''Diplomatic Shipments'' defines shipments containing goods moving between Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

a government and its accredited representative offices (embassies, consulates) abroad, or vice versa. According to the Convention of Vienna of 1954 diplomatic shipments are not subject to customs inspection and/or payment duties. Diplomatic Mail Diplomatic Mail means a shipment of diplomatic nature specified by the shipper on thecertificate to contain official correspondence. The confidential nature and the significance of diplomatic mail requires utmost care in handling such shipments. Diplomatic Cargo Diplomatic Cargo means any goods or property of a government other then diplomatic mail which are declared on the certificate as diplomatic cargo. Such shipments are handled as general cargo. Restrictions Diplomatic mail and/or cargo must not contain: • Dangerous goods • Live animals • Valuable cargo 4.7.2 Acceptance Packaging Diplomatic mail is delivered in bags (pouches) which are sealed. On acceptance of diplomatic shipments a thorough check must be done to verify that the bags and seals are undamaged whatsoever. In case seal is broken or bags show any sign of damage the delivering government office or embassy must be notified immediately to repack the mail. Marking and Labelling General requirements for cargo shipments are applicable. Documents The following information shall be entered into ‘’Nature and Quantity of Goods’’ box: • Description of goods, e.g. “Diplomatic Mail” or exact nature of goods and remark “DIPLOMATIC CARGO”. • Applicable special handling code “DIP” may be added. Supporting documents ‘’Declaration of Diplomatic Immunity’’ which indicates that the contents are official correspondence between government offices shall be attached to the Air Waybill. 4.7.3 Handling Cargo Manifest Special handling codes “DIP” must be entered in the cargo manifest after the description of goods. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

NOTOC Flight crew must be notified of any diplomatic mail being loaded. Delivery. The following delivery procedure has to be strictly respected: • Delivery should be made as soon as possible. The diplomatic bag shall be handed over to the consignee/diplomatic courier against signature of Delivery Receipt. • Diplomatic shipments shall only be delivered upon presentation of a written authorization from the respective Embassy, or consulate, entitling its holder to take delivery. The following Identity Card details must be noted down on the Delivery receipt: - first and last name of holder in capitals and - ID number • It is strictly forbidden to effect delivery without checking the identity and obtaining signed Delivery Receipt. 4.8 Valuable Cargo (VAL) Valuable cargo means a consignment which contains one or more of the following articles: - Any article having declared value for carriage of $ 1,000 (or equivalent) or more per gross kilogram; - Gold bullion (including refined and unrefined gold in ingot form), dore bullion, gold specie and gold only in different forms (form of grain, sheet, foil, powder, etc.) and platinum alloys in different forms (form of grain, sponge, bar, ingot, rod, etc.); - Legal banknotes, traveller’s cheques, securities, shares, share coupons and stamps (excluding mint); - Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, opals and real pearls; - Jewellery consisting of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, opals and real pearls; - Jewellery and watches made of silver and/or gold and/or platinum; - Articles made of gold and/or platinum, other than gold and/or platinum-plated; In addition the following items should be regarded as vulnerable cargo and be handled as valuable cargo: - Goods for which no value is declared but which obviously require security handling; - Blank airline documents, e.g. MCOs, AWBs, tickets etc. Diplomatic bags (when declared as valuable); - Narcotics (drugs such as opium and deritatives), etc. if required. Acceptance of valuable Cargo follows the same routine as regular Cargo. When valuable cargo arrives at Cargo Terminal for shipment, delivery or transfer, the valuable cargo shall be immediately checked against the air waybills and be placed in an area secured against unauthorized entry. For any valuable cargo which due to its size or other reason cannot be stored in the security area, TIA/Cargo Department must make special arrangements for its security.(see TACT 7.3.2–Albania) The detailed procedures for safeguarding valuable cargo shipments during transport from the Cargo Terminal to the aircraft, also prior to and during loading, shall be agreed

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

and arranged between those responsible for the cargo handling and for the ramp handling. Such consignments shall always be accompanied to the aircraft by an authorized person. A written form of information from banks with number of VAL-BAGS, weight and security declaration that the content inside has no DGR presence. However every single VAL-shipment must be weighed very accurately and handled according to Airline's regulations. VAL-shipments must be secured and sealed in VAL-BAGS and loaded/sealed in VAL-containers according to airline's regulations. Whenever aircraft security controlled stowage devices are not used, the valuable cargo shall be loaded in a specified area of the compartments. No loading or off-loading of any kind in this area shall take place without attendance/supervision of authorized personnel. Respective information to be handed over to the documentations' and operations' departments for further action according to airline's Regulations (pre advises, telexes etc) and AHM 331 for Handling and protection of valuable cargo. Shipments must be kept in the banks security van and accompanied to the Aircraft. TIA personnel should take the signature of Bank representative before close aircraft door. All valuable cargo should be handled as a separate category, distinct from regular air cargo. Special device and protection should be provided to valuable cargo by TIA/Cargo agents and special charges apply to compensate for the expense of this special protection. TIA/Cargo Management is responsible for managing the company’s exposure to operational risks for handling and transport of valuable cargo through the airport. Specific background checks for staff handling valuable cargo should be rigorously applied. Details about value, contents, routing and storage must be kept confidential and only those details which are absolutely necessary for handling proposes should be made available to the personnel directly involved. 4.9 Vulnerable Cargo (VUN) 4.9.1 General The term Vulnerable Cargo (VUN) in general applies to goods which obviously require security handling or goods which are particularly vulnerable to theft or pilferage but are NOT covered by definition of valuable cargo, ee IATA Resolution 012 (Definition of Valuable Cargo. The following articles shall be defined as Vulnerable Cargo for to be handled accordingly: • Precious stones (real or synthetic) not specified in IATA Resolution 012 (Definition of Valuable Cargo), including jewellery and articles made of such stones; • Gold and/or platinum plated articles; Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


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Silver in bars or other unfinished forms, silverware and silver plated watches and clocks; Coins of all kinds; Narcotics (drugs such as opium and derivatives); High-value pharmaceuticals (e.g. viagra etc) Works of art (paintings, sculptures etc) when not shipped as valuable cargo; Valid passports; Weapons and firearms including sporting and hunting weapons (SWP), and weapons and munitions of war (MUW) Any article for which the shipper requires security handling

Applicable Laws and Regulation The acceptance, handling and transportation of certain goods covered by definition of vulnerable cargo (such as narcotics, works of art, weapons and firearms etc) shall be in accordance with: • the government laws and regulations of the Countries of export, transit and import, when applicable and • the operator regulations, when applicable. 4.9.2 Acceptance Special acceptance and handling procedures are required in order to provide adequate security to shipments of vulnerable cargo. Shipments of vulnerable cargo shall be kept at the airport of origin and at the airport of destination (including transit airport if applicable) in strong-room and transport between the aircraft and cargo terminals shall be provided under security escort. Acceptance Times VUN shipment(s) with confirmed booking must be delivered ready-for-carriage no later than cut-off time of the scheduled flight departure. No flight departure shall be delayed due to late delivery of VUN shipment. Acceptance during weekends or public holidays shall be avoided. Acceptance Check Each VUN shipment must be carefully checked against the Air Waybill. If there is any discrepancy in view of number of pieces, actual gross weight, adequate packaging, seals, measurement, marking or labelling, the shipment must be refused. Security Check VUN shipments are not excluded from acceptance security checks in accordance with local regulations and any additional airline security measures. However hand search may only be performed in secured area in the presence of the shipper who shall open and re-seal the packages upon conclusion of the check.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Packaging VUN shipments shall be securely and durably packed as adequate in respect of their value quantity and weight, as well as with regard to both distance and duration of the entire transportation. Vulnerable goods must be packed in such a manner that contents cannot be tempered with or be removed without visible evidence being left on the outer packaging. Therefore VUN shipments shall be accepted for carriage only if contained in packages sealed with lead or sealing wax or closed by means of steel-straps which have to be sealed as well. Marking and Labelling Packages containing vulnerable items must not be labelled by stickers or labels bearing any form of advertising. Packages must be properly marked with the address of the shipper and consignee and labelled with cargo identification labels. Documentation The Air Waybill (AWB) must be issued in accordance with TACT Rules, Section 6. The following information must be entered in the respective boxes of the Air Waybill: • exact actual gross weight (even in fractions of kg); • dimensions of each package and statement “VULNERABLE CARGO” in the “Nature and Quantity of Goods” box; • statement “SECURITY HANDLING REQUESTED” in the “Handling Information” box • phone number of the shipper and the consignee. Cargo Manifest. A separate cargo manifest must be issued for VUN shipments. Short description of goods must be entered into the »Nature of Goods« column. Special cargo handling code VUN must be entered into respective column following the description of goods. Special cargo handling code SWP must be entered in addition to VUN in case of sporting and hunting weapons. Special cargo handling code MUW must be entered in addition to VUN in case of weapons of war. Notification to Captain (NOTOC). Notification to Captain must be issued for VUN shipments and delivered to Captain for signature. 4.10 Obnoxious Cargo (OBX) Obnoxious cargo means strongly smelling goods which, if not packed properly, can have annoying effect on passengers and crew and may also “contaminate” other cargo and baggage. The following goods have such properties: • Essential oils • Concentrates • Hides Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

4.10.1 Acceptance Packaging Strongly smelling goods must be packed in strong metal or plastic drums. Drums must be closed with a safety device to prevent accidental opening during carriage. The outside surface of drums must be clean and free of any spillage or leftover from filling the drums Marking and Labelling Drums must have the following handling markings applied on the outer surface: • “KEEP IN UPRIGHT POSITION” • “DO NOT PLACE OTHER CARGO ON TOP” • “CONTAINS STRONGLY SMELLING GOODS” “This Way UP” labels must be applied on every 120 around the drum 4.10.2 Handling Cargo Manifest Special Handling Code “OBX” shall be used in addition to any other applicable code, following the description of goods. Notification to Captain (NOTOC) Flight Crew must be notified of OBX shipment loaded on board. Loading When loading obnoxius cargo the following action shall be taken: • The floor of the aircraft compartment shall be protected by plastic foil/sheets or tarpaulins so as to catch any accidental spillage or leakage. • The drums must be stowed and secured in an upright position with the closure at the top. • No other cargo may be stowed on top of these drums. • Drums must be secured to prevent any movement during air carriage. 4.11 Baggage Shipped as Cargo Baggage Shipped as Cargo means baggage delivered for carriage by a passenger who holds a valid ticket for the same journey (route) and is not delivered later than scheduled departure stated on the ticket. In this case passenger is entitled to reduced cargo rate, see IATA TACT Rules 3.7.8 Baggage delivered by a person not holding a valid ticket for the same journey is considered general cargo containing personal effects and is not covered by this procedure. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

4.11.1 Security Measures For security reasons, cargo acceptance staff shall be suspicious of unaccompanied baggage delivered at short notice or for which bookings on specific flights are required. It is advisable in such cases to examine the contents in the presence of the shipper before the goods are accepted for transportation. Alternatively such shipments must be stored for 24 hours. 4.11.2 Acceptance Packaging Baggage may be delivered for carriage in suitcases, bags or boxes. If personal effects are packed in suitcases, each suitcase must be well locked. Keys should never be attached to the baggage (risk of pilferage) but shall be enclosed in a strong envelope and attached to the Air Waybill. Marking and Labelling Each piece shall be legibly marked with the name, address and phone number of the shipper and consignee. Cargo Identification label must be securely attached. In addition “Fragile” label may be used. Documentation

The Air Waybill. The following information must be entered in the respective boxes of the AWB. • “Accounting Information” box • “Handling Information” box • “Nature and Quantity of Goods” box • Declaration of Contents as a Supporting Documents Handling No special procedure applies for the handling of baggage shipped as cargo. Care should be taken that bags are not mixed with regular baggage on the flight and delivered to “Baggage Claim” instead to Cargo Terminal. In case of missing baggage always check passenger “Lost and Found” office. 4.12 Sporting Weapons (SWP) There is no internationally agreed definition of Sporting and Hunting Weapons (SWP). In general it may be any weapon which is NOT a Weapon or Munition of War (MUW). Sporting and hunting weapons include: • hunting knives, bows and other similar articles; Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

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antique weapons such as muskets etc; firearms (guns, rifles or pistols which fires a projectiles)

All shipments of sporting and hunting weapons must be treated as Vulnerable Cargo (VUN), therefore advance arrangements, acceptance, handling and transportation must also be in accordance with requirements of CHM 4.9. Acceptance Firearms or other weapons that can contain ammunition must be unloaded. All other acceptance requirements as for vulnerable cargo are applicable Handling All handling requirements as for vulnerable cargo are applicable 4.13 Weapons and Munitions of War (MUW) There is no internationally agreed definition of Weapons and Munitions of War (MUW). Some States may have defined them for their particular purposes or for national need. Therefore it is the responsibility of the operator to check, with the States concerned, whether or not a particular weapon or munitions is regarded as a weapon of war or munitions of war. All shipments of weapons of war must be treated as Vulnerable Cargo (VUN), therefore advance arrangements, acceptance, handling and transportation must also be in accordance with requirements of CHM 4.9. Acceptance All acceptance requirements as for vulnerable cargo are applicable. Handling All handling requirements as for vulnerable cargo are applicable.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

4. HANDLING OF MAIL 5.1 General Mail can either be high priority traffic or space available traffic depending on the nature of the goods being mailed and on the transport agreement between the air carrier and the contracting Postal Operator. As a result of an understanding with the UPU, air carriers may establish a maximum amount of mail by flight departure for which uplift is available. 5.2 Acceptance of Mail The Cargo Handling Service (CHS) provides or arranges for essential equipment, storage and handling facilities. At departure, the CHS receives and checks mail bags against documents provided by the Post Office Authority. The CHS places a copy of each CN 38 (first class/priority mail) or CN 41 (SAL second class/economy mail) in the special plastic envelope which he ties to one of the mail bags. The receptacle information shall be transmitted by the handling agent to the airline, or transmitted on behalf of the airline to the origin Postal Operator confirming the receipt of the receptacles by the air carrier. The CHS checks that all bags are in good condition and correctly sealed. Any discrepancy is immediately notified to the Post Office Authority and to TIA Cargo. The VAL mail must be escorted by security staff to the Aircraft and wait until it takes off. 5.3 Handling On arrival, the CHS collects the mail, checks the AV 7/ 41, and that all bags are in good order. He issues substitute documents, if necessary. VAL mail must be collected by security staff and stored in strong room. The import mail is delivered directly to the Post Office Authority against signature on the documents. Two copies of the Delivery Bill shall be tendered to the Postal Operator at destination. The inbound mail shall be checked against the respective documents or alternatively have the bar coded mail labels scanned by handling personnel to record the delivery time of each receptacle handed over to the Postal Operator at destination. On arrival, the TIA CHS gives a copy of each AV7/CN 41 to Post office. The CHS handles transit Post Office mail. The receptacle information in case of transfer mail (direct transshipment of mails using an intermediate transfer airport between the origin and destination) shall be transmitted by the handling agent to the airline concerned or transmitted by the handler on behalf of the airline(s) to the origin Postal Operator. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport NĂŤnĂŤ Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

The CHS distribute incoming/outgoing Post Office mail documents. When no documents are received, a substitute document has to be issued based on the details on the bags/containers received and has to be notified the destination Postal Operator that a substitute CN 38 has been raised and to request a duplicate copy of missing documents be send from origin station. 5.4 Irregularities The CHS handles lost, found and damaged mail and reports to TIA Cargo and the Postal Authorities in accordance with local practices. Irregularities should be documented and for every respective case of notified irregularities, an irregularity form to record the noted irregularity must be completed. Notification of MSMB/MISAV7 must be address by telex to the origin station and destination which will enable to notify its respective Postal Operator and give full details of the irregularity. The CHS maintains a file for all arrival/departure mail, including irregularities, for a mutually agreed period.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport NĂŤnĂŤ Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

5. IRREGULARITIES 6.1 General An irregularity is any departure from the normal routine of cargo handling. Whenever irregularities occur, it is the responsibility of the TIA Cargo Department/Cargo Handling Agent or/and Airlines to take immediate action. Responsibility. The station, which first discovers an irregularity, is responsible for handling and reporting such irregularity in accordance with the applicable instructions. Reporting. Irregularities will be reported to the issuing carrier at airport of departure. Notification of shippers is at the discretion of the issuing carrier. Information may, of course, be given to connecting carriers participating in the transportation to the extent required in each case for traffic reason. When irregularities have occurred prior to arrival or en-route, the last carrier at the last point of loading must be advised. Tracing Messages Standards. Message composition shall be in accordance with IATA “Cargo Interline Message Procedure” Manual. Cargo Tracing/ Irregularity Report Form. A “Cargo Tracing Report” and “Cargo Irregularity Report – IRP” shall be used as a written evidence of the irregularities. Tracing documents (forms, replay slips, letters, SITA messages) shall be filed according to AWB number. All tracing documents (forms, replay slips, letters, SITA messages) shall be filed for a period of 3 years. 6.2 Cargo Charges Correction Advice (CCA) The Cargo Charges Correction Advice (CCA) form, is to be raised whenever it is necessary to correct charges, and/or method of payment on an Air Waybill or as reflected in a shipment record. The CCA is used to advice all carriers involved of the change that has been made. Such correction shall be made in the following cases: • For charges incurring en route and not originally in the Air Waybill. If such charges can be inserted on the AWB during transit or transfer, a CCA need not be made out. Such charges must always be debited to the consignee. • For debiting outstanding charges (including collect weight and other charges) to the issuing carrier at the airport of departure, in case of non-delivery. • Incorrect weight, valuation and other charges (including undercollection or overcollection due to incorrect rate application and due to calculation errors). Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


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Every effort must be made to correct errors in charges. Any balance due from an overcharge shall be repaid, and TIA Cargo Department has a legal right to the balance due from shipper or consignee. This includes charges caused by incorrect by incorrect weight entries, in case of an undercharge. 6.3 Shipper’s Request for Changed Dispositions In accordance with the instructions published in TACT Rules 2.6., the shipper or his agent may give alternate disposal instructions for his shipment provided all obligations laid down in the Air Waybill (Contract of Carriage) are duly met. Every exercise of right of disposition must be applicable to the whole shipment and must be in writing and shall contain: • Positive identification of the shipment, including the AWB number; • Specification of the requested shipper’s disposition, • Confirmation to indemnify and hold TIA free from any consequences as a result of the exercise of the shipper’s right of disposition; • A guarantee to reimburse TIA for any expenses including the communication cost(SITA messages, E-mails, telegrams) etc.; • The signature of the shipper or his agent, written and printed. If the shipper is an organization then also the signature, written and printed of a responsible executive. The request must be accompanied by No.3 “Original for Shipper” of the AWB. Unless this stipulation is complied with, the party being in the possession of the AWB may hold the liable for any damage caused by the change requested. According to the applicable IATA regulations, a service charge must be paid by the shipper or his agent for any amendments or charge requested after dispatch of goods from the airport of departure. For deviations and detailed instructions regarding this service charge, refer to TACT Rules, 4.4. The charge shall accrue to the issuing carrier at the airport of departure. EU regulations require that a change of country of destination of a shipment which originates in the EU must be approved in writing by the customs authorities at the airport of origin. All documentation covering exercise of shipper’s right of disposition shall be filed for a period of 3 years. 6.4 Handling irregularities TIA employees take immediate necessary action in case of irregularity, damage, or mishandling. They coordinate these actions with airlines or their representatives about the discrepancies as soon as possible regarding:

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

• Goods not loaded and reasons; • Documents not shipped and flight on which it will be re-forwarded. 6.4.1 Handling irregularities at acceptance At the acceptance time can occur the following irregularities: - missing or incomplete documents; - customs clearance not performed; - incomplete or surplus shipment according to AWB; - improper packaging material; - damaged Cargo; - mislabeled Cargo; - pilfered Cargo, - wrong destination; - screening to show forbidden goods. Customs clearance not performed In case of Tl shipment classification, no acceptance can be performed unless the customs clearance is done. Incomplete or surplus shipment according to AWB TIA cargo export agent check if this shipment is going to be handled as a part shipment. Crosscheck has to be provided with the Airline in question, to get the AWB with the pertinent information. In case of incompleteness no acceptance is possible. In case that the amount of pieces does not match with stated amount in the AWB, no acceptance is possible (Either the AWB must be amended or the surplus must be taken back by the shipper). A general clarification with the Agent/Airline is required. Improper packaging material Under no circumstance the acceptance of a shipment with improper packaging material may be performed. Safety must be observed. 6.4.2 Import irregularities handling After incoming flight freight check, TIA employees immediately advise Airline about any irregularity such as: • • •

Parcel short shipped Parcel over carried Flight received with documents pouch missing

For missing AWB’s, an irregularity telex must be sent to the appropriate stations.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Irregularities noticed during physical cargo delivery in case that cargo arrived damaged or gets damaged during its stay in our custody, than the shipment is opened under custom supervision together with the cnee to determine the average and a protocols should be signed by both parties. In case that damage is presumed even though no damage is visible, checking can be made under the same conditions as in point. In accordance with instructions, TIA employees take appropriate measures if the customer refuses the freight or the payment. TIA employees advise the station of origin by telex. Once disposal instructions have been received from the shipper, TIA employees act accordingly to cargo handling manual and airline instructions (for general cargo usually the shipment is requested back or else given to local Custom for abandon procedure). 6.5 Damaged Cargo Damage to a shipment means any change in its original condition, interior or exterior, that may have or has caused depreciation, i.e. a reduction of its value. The damage can be of the following nature: breakage, distortion and dents, deterioration, spoilage, wetness, fissures, splintering and much alike. More-over, complete or partial disappearance by proven or presumed theft of the contents out of single packages or of individual packages / cargo pieces can be considered as identical with evident damage. Noticeably damaged or insufficiently packed shipments or shipments of which the attractive contents is accessible, must not be accepted for carriage. Leaking or evidently weak packages containing liquids, solids or other goods which might damage the aircraft in case of leakage shall not be loaded unless duly repaired and perfectly safe for transportation. In case of a damage noted, the original packaging must never be destroyed. When repacking is necessary, all parts of the original packaging exchanged against new ones must be kept available until ensuing claim has been settled. Damaged shipments may only be delivered to consignee against payment of all charges on the AWB. There must be no exemption from this rule. It is important that any damage is reported without delay. The purpose of such is to: • establish a detailed record of type and extent of the damage; • investigate how and where the damage occurred; • ascertain the party responsible for the damage; • serve as a basis for judging shipper’s consignee’s claim, if any; Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

• develop measures for the prevention of damage to air cargo. Damage must be reported by the form “Cargo Damage report (CDR). Under no circumstances the acceptance of a damaged shipment can be performed due to safety and liability reasons. Damage to Special Cargo Live Animals. In case of sick or injury to live animals, call a veterinary surgeon and state his diagnosis on the CDR. Quote also the instructions given in the AWB and on the “Live Animals” tag. Dead animals must be removed and disposal of in accordance with local regulations. An appropriate remark must be made on the CDR. Perishable Cargo. In case of damage to perishable cargo, all stations should have an up-to-date emergency plan available, specifying the action to be taken in case the goods are threatened with deterioration. The emergency plan should include a register of companies dealing with the most common types of perishables, should it be necessary to dispose of the goods locally. If time permits, the shipper shall be notified and requested for the disposal instructions. Pilferage and Theft In case of obvious pilferage or theft, it will, on principle, be necessary to inform the local police and other competent authorities (after previous agreement between airlines and Cargo Head Office) and ask them to investigate. Besides that action, notification about such incident must be given by means of the Cargo Damage Report. For special cargo any discrepancy must be regulated following the local Authorities disposal. 6.6 Delays in Forwarding Only shipments which have been delayed are subject to the regulations below. Irregularities delaying the scheduled movement of shipments cannot be wholly eliminated. In general, most clients will show a comprehensive attitude, if they are informed of an irregularity in an appropriate way. Politeness and sympathy with the client’s concern are of utmost significance. 6.7 Shortshipped/Offloaded or Overcarried Cargo Shortshipped cargo means cargo which has been manifested but not loaded on the intended flight due mistake in handling.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Offloaded cargo means cargo, which has been manifested but removed before departure of a flight at point of loading, or at a transit station between point of loading and point of un-loading due lack of payload or available space. Overcarried cargo means cargo, which has been carried beyond point of unloading detailed in the Cargo Manifest. Such irregularities may happen on multi-leg flights. Shortshipped, offloaded or overcarried cargo shall also be handled as delayed cargo. In such cases, the issuing carrier at airport of departure must be advised. The report must include reasons for delay and reforwarding details. In case of planned offloading observe loading priority. Retain the original AWB or an AWB copy and amend the Cargo Manifest. The intended point of unloading must be pre-advised by Discrepancy Message. 6.8 Part Shipments A part-shipment is a shipment which, although covered by one original AWB, is forwarded on two or more flights. 6.8.1 Handling of Part Shipments Acceptance. No part of a shipment shall be dispatched from the airport of origin until the complete shipment, including shipping documents, have been received. Forwarding. Part shipments should not be forwarded by different carriers, unless this is required due nature urgency (perishable nature of cargo, etc). Documentation. Where it is necessary to forward part-shipments separately the following procedure shall apply. 6.8.2 Delivery of Part Shipments Upon receipt of a part-shipment, the consignee shall be informed that part of his consignment has arrived and asked if he wishes to take delivery of the part on hand or if he prefers to wait and take delivery of the complete shipment. Depending on the consignee’s reply, the part- shipment shall be held or delivered against appropriate receipt. In case the original AWB copy is missing, delivery of the part-shipment shall be effected against usual reserves as appearing on the Substitute AWB. 6.9 Missing/Found Cargo and Documents Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Tracing of missing/found cargo and documents requires immediate and determined action. The principles for cargo tracing are laid down in IATA Recommended Practise 1600q (Cargo Tracing procedure). In case of missing or incomplete documents, TIA cargo export employee check if it's a shipment delivered by a private shipper. Keep shipment at the acceptance dock and advise shipper to get his documentation clarified. After clarification acceptance can be performed by GH. No acceptance deliver by Air Cargo Agent, can be performed unless documentation is complete. Missing Cargo (MSCA) Missing cargo means cargo which has not been received on the flight for which it was manifested. Mislabeled Cargo Check if the cargo was mislabeled or if the AWB does not belong to the shipment. A cross-check with the Airline/Agent in question is required. Wrong destination In case wrong destination, a mislabeling could have happen. TIA cargo agent should check if AWB shipment matches. A cross-check with the Airline/Agent in question is required. 6.10 Rerouting of Shipments In accordance with IATA Resolution 600e the routing originally shown on the Air Waybill by the shipper (or by the issuing carrier on the shipper’s behalf) must be strictly observed, unless such routing is changed to avoid delay in case of emergencies such as weather conditions, mechanical failure or accidents, congestion or embargoes. 6.11 Impediments in Delivery of Cargo Shipment tracking action must be initiated whenever shipper or consignee lodges a request for shipment status or a complaint about non-delivery of his shipment caused by delay in excess of the normal transportation time. If the shipper is in possession of a notification of non-delivery from the consignee, he should be requested to give: • AWB-number • the date of execution of the AWB • the date of the consignee’s complaint of non-delivery Upon receipt of this information, establish the date when the shipment was dispatched Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

and whether any irregularity has been reported. Tracking from the airport of destination can also be started upon consignee’s request if he can provide: • AWB-number • airport of departure, and • date of dispatch of the consignment If such information is not available the consignee should be tactfully asked to request the shipper to initiate tracking action from the airport of departure.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

6. ELWIS DATA HANDLING PROCESSING 7.1 Validation of the Elwis system data Elwis Cargo Handling System consists of the following functionality upon flight departures production of outgoing FFM, FRI, ASM, FSU messages. Terminal Warehouse - Definition and organization of storage areas and warehousing; - Warehouse handling of export, transit and import shipments (reception of parcels, storage, containerization, warehouse inventory); - ULD’s storage handling; - List of lying ULD’s management; - Production of delivery note; - Flight departure preparation (freight assignment, issue of manifests); - Processing of freight on arrival (flight tally, arrival advice, transfer between Carriers, delivery); - Processing of irregularities; - Tracking of shipments; - Warning systems (audit reports, “monitoring”); - Upon flight departures production of outgoing FFM, FRI, ASM, FSU messages. AWB’s Data Capture - Input of commercial information; - Issue of AWB and invoices; - Management of clients’ file; - Management of other charges. Ultra ULD’s control system made up with following function: - TIA cargo ULD’s property data base; - ULD tracking/tracing; - ULD movements in/out transferred; - UCM message switching. 7.2 NOTOC for TIA (Notification to Captain) The NOTOC is completed manually on form Mod ZZ9107 7650 ASM Sep. This message contains the details of IATA regulations for the transport of dangerous goods. It is mandatory to give the dangerous goods information (covered by the shipper’s declaration) to the Captain. In case of emergency during the flight, this information would enable the Captain to warn air navigation services of the nature, quantity and the position on board of the dangerous goods.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

The compilation of the NOTOC must be made by a skilled and certified member of staff to comply with regulation raised from IATA/JAR-OPS. The copy of NOTOC signed by the Captain along with the DGR documents (RAR, AWB copy) must be filed at the station for at least for six months. The file must be available upon request by the Authorities or the Carrier. Notification is made through the NOTOC exclusively. It is compulsory to inform the Captain of any other special load under the heading, "Other Special Load" of the NOTOC. The following items must appear: • • • •

Live animal (AVI); Perishables if requested re-setting of temperature in the holds; Arms (WAS); Notification of a HUM. 7.3 “TRUCK” System based on Elwis Cargo Handling Modules

This System manages trucks used by TIA Cargo. The main functions of the System are as follows: • • • • • • • •

Follow up of transport operations (loading); Follow up of punctuality; Tariff data base; Supervision of sub contractors (road haulage companies); Contracts for ordering truck movements; Haulage Company invoice control; Statistics; Optimization of road transport expenditure.

Optional. To satisfy customs requirements, and for financial and commercial purposes, it is essential that the SGHA enters the following information into “TRUCK”, punctuality details of road transport and covering references of Customs documents.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

7. CUSTOMS AND REGULATIONS 8.1 Conformity with procedures In accordance with local regulations, TIA employees hand over a copy manifest and/or AWB to Customs. If necessary, the freight is put under Customs control. Upon Customs request, TIA employees can block the shipments. GH personnel dealing with customs procedures, issue the customs protocol as well the General Declaration of the flight and attach the incoming manifests. Adequate stamps are put on all these documents (Airline and GH) according to customs requirements. Distribution: - originals for the customs protocol; - Copies for the general declaration; - Photocopies for the import-delivery office; - Photocopies for breakdown. 8.2 Customer Requirements according to SGHA Representation and accommodation TIA will provide or arrange for guarantee or bond to facilitate Cargo and mail activities for the Service Recipient/Customer. TIA is responsible for establishing and maintaining local procedures and actions and communications if necessary. TIA will prepare, forward, file and retain for a period specified in the SGHA, messages/ reports/ statistics/ documents and will perform other administrative duties in cargo and mail services. Load Control and Communication Cargo Department is responsible to convey and deliver flight documents between aircraft and cargo building. TIA GH is responsible to prepare, sign, distribute, clear/process and file documents, including but not limited to, loading instructions, loadsheets, weight and balance charts, Captain’s load information and manifests. • • • •

Compile, receive, process and send all messages in connection with the services performed by Handling Company, using the Carrier’s originator code or double signature procedure; Perform EDI (electronic data interchange) transactions; Inform the Carrier’s representative of the contents of such messages. Provide and operate means of communication between the ground station and the Carrier’s Aircraft.

Unit Load Device (ULD) control Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

• • • • •

Provide or arrange for storage space for cargo ULDs. Take action to prevent damage, theft or unauthorised use of the Carrier’s ULDs in the custody of Handling Company. Notify the Carrier immediately of any damage or loss. Take physical inventory of ULD stock and maintain records. Compile and dispatch ULD control messages. Prepare ULD exchange control documentation for all transfers of ULDs and obtain signature(s) of the transferring and receiving carrier(s) or approved third parties and distribute copies. Handle lost, found and damaged ULD matters and notify the Carrier of such irregularities.

Cargo handling-General Facilities and Equipment • Provide or arrange warehouse handling and storage facilities for: 1. General Cargo 2. Special shipments 3. Specialized Cargo products 4. Mail. •

Store Cargo.

Take appropriate action to prevent theft of, or damage to cargo and/or mail.

Provide or arrange for equipment for handling of: 1. General Cargo 2. Special shipments 3. Specialized Cargo products 4. Mail.

Provide or arrange for handling services for: 1. General Cargo 2. Special shipments 3. Specialized Cargo products 4. Mail 5. Diplomatic Mail / Cargo 6. Company cargo/material

Issue and obtain receipt upon delivery of cargo

monitor cargo delivery

Take action to prevent theft or unauthorized use of, or damage to the Carrier’s pallets, containers, nets, straps, tie-down, rings and other material in the custody of TIA Cargo Department. Notify the Carrier immediately of any damage to or loss of such items.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Customs control • Prepare customs documentation for Inbound/Outbound/Transfer Cargo. • Obtain Customs clearance for Inbound/Outbound/Transfer Cargo. • Place Cargo under Customs control for Inbound/Outbound/Transfer Cargo. • Present to Customs, cargo for physical examination. Document handling • Check all documents to ensure shipment maybe carried. The check shall not include the rates charged. • Obtain capacity/booking information for the carrier’s flights • Split air waybill. Forward applicable copies of manifests and air waybills to the Carrier. • Prepare cargo manifest(s). • Provide the load control unit with Special Load Notification. • When applicable, return copy of air waybill to shipper, endorsed with flight details. • Notify consignee or agent of arrival shipments • Make available cargo documents to consignee or agent. • Provide or arrange for: 1. Collection of “Charges Collect” as shown on the air waybill 2. Collection of other charges and fees as shown on the air waybill 3. Credit to consignees or agents. Irregularities handling • Take immediate action in respect of irregularities, damage or mishandling of dangerous goods and other special shipments; • Report to the Carrier any irregularities discovered in cargo handling • Handle lost, found and damaged cargo • Notify the Carrier of complaints and claims and process them • Take action when consignee refuses acceptance and payment. Miscellaneous • Take appropriate action to prevent theft or unauthorised use of, or damage to, the Carrier’s pallets, containers, nets, straps, tie-down rings and other material in the custody of TIA Cargo Department. Notify the Carrier immediately of any damage to or loss of such items. • Handle, as mutually agreed diplomatic cargo / mail and company mail. Physical Handling Outbound/Inbound • Accept cargo, ensuring that: (a) Machine-readable cargo labels are affixed and processed (b) Manual labels are affixed and processed (c) Shipments are “ready for carriage” (d) The weight and volume of the shipments are checked Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

(e) the regulations for the carriage of special cargo, particularly the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR), IATA Live Animals Regulations (LAR), and others have been complied with. •

Tally and assemble for dispatch cargo for the Carrier’s flights

Prepare Bulk cargo / ULDs for delivery onto flights.

Establish the weight of Bulk cargo / built-up ULDs and provide the load control unit with dead load weights.

(a) Offload bulk cargo from vehicles (b) Check incoming cargo against air waybills and manifests (c) Break down ULDs

Release cargo to the consignee or agent.

Outbound (export) cargo

Inbound (import) cargo

- Physical handling - Document handling - Customs Control

- Physical handling - Document handling - Irregularities handling

Transfer/transit cargo • Identify transfer/transit cargo and prepare transfer manifests for cargo to be transported by another carrier. • Provide or arrange for transport to the receiving carrier’s warehouse under cover of Transfer Manifest on/off airport • Accept/prepare transfer/transit cargo for onward carriage. Post Office Mail - Physical Handling - Document Handling - Irregularities Handling • • • • • • • •

Provide or arrange for essential equipment, storage and handling facilities. Check incoming mail against Post Office mail documents In case of missing documentation, issue substitutes Deliver inbound mail to on / off airport postal facility together with Post Office mail documents, against receipt from postal authorities Pickup outgoing mail from Postal Facility on / off airport Check outgoing mail from postal authorities against mail documents. Give receipt of acceptance of mail to postal authorities Handle and check transfer mail against accompanying mail documents Provide or Arrange for bulk mail / ULDs for delivery onto flights.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

• • • •

Establish the weight of Bulk mail / built-up ULDs and provide the load control unit with dead load weights. Distribute incoming and/or outgoing post office mail documents. Handle lost, found and damaged mail and report all irregularities to the Carrier and postal authorities. Maintain a file on all mail including irregularities for a period of time to be specified in Annex B of SGHA.

Ramp (Loading/Embarking and Unloading/Disembarking) Provide or arrange for equipment for transport and assembly of baggage, cargo, mail, and documents between agreed points on the airport. The main agreed points are the aircraft side and the TIA warehouse. Supervision and Administration •

Supervisory Functions of Services provided by others (pre-flight, on flight and post flight);

Administrative Functions.

Security In order to operate Cargo and Post Office Mail maintaining the higher level of security, the Company will provide or arrange for: 1. Control of access to the Cargo facilities; 2. Screening of Cargo and/or mail; 3. Physical examination of cargo; 4. Holding of Cargo and/or mail for variable periods; 5. Secure storage of cargo and/or mail; 6. decompression/pressure chamber. 8.3 Documents to be issued The document common to all road transport within Europe is the DAU (Document Administrative Unique) this is used for: • Transit • Exchange and Customs import/export administration TIA employees are responsible for the issue of DAU and associated documents (T1, T2, etc.) as required for Community transit. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

8.3.1 Preparation of customs protocol The set of originals and copies of the manifest are required. All EC and TI collies of all shipments have to be counted separately. All relevant stamps have to be on and the pertinent entries filled in on each page. Required stamps: - TIA cargo one - The Airline one - After receiving declaration number the customs one. Required entries: - On GH stamp employee's signature - On the Airlines stamp employee's signature as representative - On customs one the signature of customs officer The A/C registration, flight No/date and origin. The No of pieces (EC and T) separately has to be attached to the original manifest and set to the customs protocol. 8.3.2 Preparation of general declaration -

A copy of the manifest is required; the No of pieces (EC and T) must be stated separately as well as stamps with their entries; the general declaration is now filled in with required information, which is: A/C registration, flight No/date, origin, No of the crew members and No of passengers; attach set of manifest copies to the general declaration; the GH stamp with authorized GH signature; the rectangular customs (general declaration) stamp with date.

8.3.3 Customs protocol and general declaration to customs office -

Customs protocol and general declaration is now presented to customs in order to get the OFFICIAL DECLARATION No per flight. Customs keeps the general declaration for their files. Customs protocol stamped and signed by customs, will be returned to GH personnel for control of breakdown/separation. For the cargo traffic from European Community Airports, the simplified Customs procedure is to be followed for airlines with respective customs authorization non simplified procedure for the non authorized ones, as prescribed in the EC Regulations No 2454/93.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport NĂŤnĂŤ Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

8.3.4 Closing of protocol and final actions -

EC-original AWB or EC-AWB copies, together with customs protocol must be taken to customs for the C-Status check. Then the already checked set of AWB's is brought back to GH cargo office. The customs protocol has to be photocopied and the original and photocopy has to be brought back to customs. The signed copy (by customs) is picked up and handed over to GH for filing.

Each month the detailed lists have to be handed over to customs for irregularities (missing and found cargo) for each airline, as well as detailed lists for C and T shipments per origin for each airline not following the simplified Customs procedure. 8.4 Sealing of goods Customs do not accept any derogation from automatic plumbing. Special procedures must be agreed with customs for: -

Plumbing derogation or impossibility of plumbing due to nature of shipment (for example BIG); Accidental or intentional breaking of seals after inscription of the number on T form; Processing of ATA and TIR carnets; Overrunning of transit period; Change of destination of Customs office.

If Customs requests to hold a shipment, TIA employees have to inform the Carrier of the origin point by telex, as well as for Elwis system users an explanatory remark must be inserted in shipment record. 8.5 Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) The Albanian Custom Administration bases its activity on Law. No. 8449 dt.27.01.1999 named “On implementing provisions of Custom Code”. Based in articles 75-78 of law named “On implementing provisions of Custom Code”. and on order No. 2 date 06.10.2010 named “ On using temporary storage on Asycuda World System” the Albanian Customs authority has notify all warehouse or subjects with storage registered activity that from December 01, 2010 all temporary imports registers will be inserted electronically. The cargo agent and warehouse operators are mandatory entitled to insert the declared data information from carriers including not only the MAWB but also all HAWB’s. Carriers and clients are requested to inform the TIA Cargo Handling agents concerning their loaded goods into flight with destination Tirana prior their ETD. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

Any not advised Cargo LMC or transport without proper documents may be subject of Customs actions toward warehouse administrator and carriers itself. For more information visit in English version. 8.6 ICS - IMPORT CONTROL SYSTEM ICS (Import Control System) is the electronic security declaration management system for the importation of goods into the European Union customs territory. This EU regulation comes into force at the end of 2010. ICS (Import Control System) comes within the scope of the EU e-CUSTOMS program. Developed in the framework of the standards for international trade advocated by the World Customs Organization, its aim is to further ensure the protection of importation movements. The new regulation requires that a certain number of data elements be sent to the EU customs office of first entry before the merchandise enters the territory and in most cases, even before leaving the country of export. Upon receipt of the ENS (Entry Summary Declaration) message, the customs office of first entry performs the securityrelated risk analysis. These extra regulatory security measures will impose new work methods on exporters managing trade flows towards the EU: global data exchange in an EDI format, up-stream data transfer, and all this in a regulatory framework that differs from one EU Member State to another. All carriers operating cargo from Tirana has implemented through the Cargo Booking systems the interfacing for consolidation of goods and transfer of information to EU Customs. Cargo staff is obliged to insert the data’s of any export made from own department to the carrier booking system, keeping confidentiality and being precise on data transition.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

8. SECURITY 9.1 General Requirements and Responsibilities The safety and security of customer cargo shipments, equipment and personnel is TIA's first priority. In this regard, TIA endorses the security concepts of the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) Annex 17. Also, TIA is a Participating Airport of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and as such supports adherence to the security measures put forth in IATA's Recommended Practice 1630-Cargo Security. In order to offer to customers a safe and secure cargo handling, TIA objective is to detail the measures and procedures that operators of aircraft engaged in passenger commercial flight operations at Tirana Airport and any regulated air cargo agent or regulated postal authority shall implement to ensure that prohibited items are not taken into a security restricted area at the airport or on board an aircraft in any item of cargo, courier material, express parcels or mail at the airport. One hundred percent (100%) compliance with TIA's security policies and procedures is expected from Cargo Handling Agents. TIA Security policies, manuals, procedures and requirements must not be compromised, in any way, during the acceptance and loading of cargo on board aircraft and have to be proper implemented and followed up by all TIA staff and involved parties. The operator of any aircraft engaged in passenger commercial flight operations from Tirana International Airport is responsible for implementing the security controls required by TIA manual/procedures in respect of any consignment of cargo, courier material, express parcels or mail carried on any of his aircraft from the airport. However, aircraft operators need not to implement the aforementioned security controls if those security controls have already been implemented by an entity contracted to act on his behalf, a regulated air cargo agent or a regulated postal authority, as appropriate, and the consignments protected against unlawful interference since those controls were implemented. The Airport Security Department is responsible to ensure that the security controls detailed in relevant legislation and TIA manual/procedures in respect of cargo and mail have been fully implemented before being loaded onto an aircraft at Tirana International Airport and that the movement of cargo, mail and associated personnel within security restricted areas is properly controlled. In order to keep secure and safe TIA has adopt the segregation and separation of imports from exports. 9.2 Security control and confidentiality Requirements of National Civil Aviation Security Program (NCASP) are sensitive security information under relevant sovereign authority. This program requires certain security controls to be applied to cargo and mail before being loaded onto an aircraft Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport NĂŤnĂŤ Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

engaged in passenger commercial flight operations from Tirana International Airport. These security controls are to be applied either by a regulated air cargo agent or regulated postal authority, as appropriate, or by the aircraft operator. The NCASP further requires security controls to be applied to cargo and mail that is to be transported on allcargo aircraft. Information regarding TIA's established Security Program, policy and procedures shall be restricted to persons with a need to know. The CHS will take appropriate action to ensure protection of sensitive security information. Under no circumstances shall the CHS divulge the security measures to third party individuals. 9.3 Training The content of the training course shall be under each CHS/TIA sovereign authority taking recognized elements by the ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference) and by the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO), also on basis of Annex 17 of ICAO requirements and IATA's Recommended Practice 1630-Cargo Security. The CHS/TIA shall ensure that all employees responsible for the general acceptance and handling of cargo and cargo screening have successfully completed an approved security training course and annual recurrent security training and are knowledgeable of their security responsibilities. Security training programs are subject to review and approval by the National Authority. Upon request, the CHS/TIA shall make available to all employees training and test records. 9.4 Access Control The CHS/TIA will establish appropriate security measures ensuring the secure storage of Cargo and Mail. The CHS/TIA will ensure compliance with all required Access Control Policy and Procedures (i.e. Security Guards, Access Control and or Employee Identification Badges etc.). No unauthorized person(s) shall be permitted access to cargo storage areas. 9.5 Screening and Documentation a) General Acceptance Requirements

The CHS/TIA will provide or arrange the security screening and protection of cargo shipments in accordance with TIA's established policy and procedure. The CHS/TIA will apply "known" or "unknown" procedures to all export shipments. A list of "known" shippers will be supplied by the National Authority.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport NĂŤnĂŤ Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

The CHS/TIA will inspect all cargo, at the time of acceptance, for visual signs of tampering, exposed wires, or leaks that may render the cargo unsafe to transport. The inspection will consist of an exterior visual examination of containers or packaging. Any cargo that appears to have been tampered with has exposed wires, or shows evidence of leakage may not be transported. b) Interline Shipments

Interline shipments tendered from another air carrier may be accepted without applying additional security controls (other than and exterior visual examination), provided the transferring carrier has applied security procedures accepted or required by the appropriate national authority, which are in accordance with ICAO Annex 17 Standards 4.3.8 and 4.3.9. Verification can be made by TIA member. c) Regulated Agents and/or Freight Forwarders

Shipments tendered from Regulated Agents and/or Freight Forwarders may be accepted without applying additional security controls (other than and exterior visual examination), provided the Regulated Agent and/or Freight Forwarder has applied security procedures accepted or required by the appropriate national authority, which are in accordance with ICAO Annex 17 Standards 4.3.8 and 4.3.9. The CHS/TIA must verify required security controls have been applied. Verification can be made by TIA member. d) IATA Approved Agents

Shipments shall obtain a properly completed and signed General Cargo Declaration for each shipment tendered by an IATA approved agent. The General Cargo Security Declaration shall be in compliance with ICAO and IATA Requirements and on company letter head of the IATA approved agent tendering the cargo. In addition to obtaining a General Cargo Declaration, the CHS/TIA shall apply one of the following screening methods to each shipment of personal effects tendered by an IATA approved agent: • Physical Search; • X-Ray; • Decompression Chamber; • Explosive Trace Detection. e) Unknown Shipper

The CHS/TIA shall obtain a properly completed and signed Shipper Security Endorsement and personal identification information from the shipper and/or his representative when accepting cargo directly from an "Unknown Shipper". The Shipper Security Endorsement and personal identification information shall be retained with the airway bill copy at the origin station for thirty days. The CHS/TIA shall apply one of the following screening methods to each piece of the shipment when tendered directly by an unknown shipper: • Physical Search; Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

• X-Ray; • Decompression Chamber; • Explosive Trace Detection. Screening exceptions are applied for the following: • Human Organs and/or Human Organ by-products; • Human Blood and/or Human Blood by-products; • Emergency life-saving drugs; • Human Remains. Regarding the exceptions for cargo and mail screening, CHS/TIA provides as well the following: • Verifications about the source of the cargo by contacting the hospital, research institute, and/or funeral home. • Obtaining a properly completed and signed Shipper Security Endorsement. In this case, the "consent to search" portion in the Shipper Security Endorsement may be deleted by striking out and initialing the "consent to search" clause. • Obtaining personal identification information. Security Screening must be performed by the CHS/TIA, or authorized local security contractor, approved by National authority. f) Shipments of unaccompanied baggage and personal effects

The CHS/TIA shall apply one of the following screening methods to shipments of unaccompanied baggage and/or personal effects: • Physical Search; • X-Ray; • Decompression Chamber; • Explosive Trace Detection. Shipments of personal effects tendered by an IATA approved agent must be accompanied by a properly completed and signed General Cargo Declaration for each shipment, in addition to the above screening requirements. g) Post Office and Mail

The CHS/TIA will inspect Post Office and Mail, at the time of acceptance, for visual signs of tampering, exposed wires, or leaks that may render the cargo unsafe to transport. The inspection will consist of an exterior visual examination of containers or packaging. Any mail that appears to have been tampered with, has exposed wires, or shows evidence of leakage may not be transported. h) Documentation

The CHS/TIA shall maintain a copy of the air waybill and supporting security documentation (when applicable) in a separate file for a period of thirty days.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

The CHS/TIA shall maintain a record of all cargo screened prior to transportation. The record shall include: • The type of screening applied; • The Shipper Security Endorsement and personal identification information; • A copy of the air waybill; • Name of the shipper; • Number of pieces screened; • Name of screener and date of screening. The CHS/TIA will make available all required security documentation and personal identification information on file to the inspectors or ICAO/IATA approved agent upon request. A self-audit of cargo security procedures shall be conducted on a quarterly basis. The audit shall include a description of any general observations and any corrective & preventive actions taken. The Audit shall consist of: Screeners: Include the Name(s) and number of screener(s) on duty, and name of screening company if applicable. The screener's attentiveness to his or her duties shall be noted. Equipment Records: Verify that equipment logs are current and operational tests have been conducted. Verify that the annual radiation survey has been completed for each applicable X-Ray unit. Personal Records: - Verify training records are accurate and complete; - Verify that testing records are accurate and complete; - Verify that semiannual testing for screeners has been completed; - Verify that operators are knowledgeable of clearance procedures when cargo is suspect and the notification requirements when the suspected cargo cannot be resolved; - The CHS/TIA shall maintain a file of self-audits for a minimum of ninety days. Audit records must be made available upon request. 9.6 Inspection TIA member’s Security Inspectors may, at any time, check that the measures are duly taken and applied. The CHS/TIA must obtain access for them to all freight zones and make available all documents proving that the above measures were duly taken and applied. 9.7 Emergency preparedness and response TIA has addressed as top priority the issue of operational safety and security for all Cargo and mail services offered to customers. Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

All personnel will be aware of their involvement, role and responsibilities in case of an accident or emergency and their impact. The relevant procedures and training help to achieve this target. Furthermore there will be written instructions for work for all TIA staff and the Airport Emergency Plan provides guidelines on how to react in the case of an accident/emergency. TIA Emergency Plan is effective since the opening of the new passenger terminal in 2007 and should be implemented and followed properly by all TIA staff and responsible parties. Relevant procedures have been established to: •

• •

Identify potential for accidents and emergency situations (risk management) and ensure that all types of operation, regulatory requirements and environmental risk posed by airport activities and services are evaluated and identified according to the potential for accidents and emergencies; Respond to accidents and emergency situations; Provide for both periodic review of emergency preparedness and review following accident or emergency situations.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

9. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR AIR CARGO AND MAIL 10.1 Schedule 36 of the Concession Agreement Performance monitoring standards for air cargo and mail •

Failure to provide air Cargo or mail service, to the extent under the control of TIA, for 3 hours or more in one day (minor non-compliance)

Failure to provide air Cargo or mail service, to the extent under the control of TIA, for 6 hours or more in one day (intermediate non-compliance)

Failure to provide air Cargo or mail service, to the extent under the control of TIA, for 12 hours or more in one day (major non-compliance)

Failure to provide air Cargo or mail service, to the extent under the control of TIA, for 5 consecutive days (total non-compliance)

Responsibility for regular monitoring if these standards comply with the level of performance standards as specified in the Schedule 36 of CA carries out by the QEHS and Cargo Department. Identification of non-compliances, corrective and preventive actions, and follow up are the responsibility of Team Management. 10.2 Service Level Agreement TIA prepares Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for all organizations and persons providing cargo and mail services at the airport. At the same time, TIA monitors on regular basis with aim to ensure that the required standards are maintained to the level specified at the SLAs. Main performance standards established on the basis of the SLAs assigned between TIA and interested parties are as follows: a) On-time performance - Performance target: 98% This indicator measures compliance with the following close-out times: EXPORT: Flown cargo. Cargo ready in the Handling Company’s warehouse for ramp transport and loading on the aircraft: • 90 min before take-off of passenger aircraft • 60 min before take-off for Equation and Airport products Trucked Cargo. Freight ready to be loaded in the trucks: • 60 min before scheduled truck departure time for Shipper Built Pallets • 30 min before scheduled truck departure time for bulk freight IMPORT: Cargo ready for delivery to Customer after arrival in the warehouse/TIA Cargo Terminal: Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

120 min for narrow body Aircrafts after arrival to TIA Warehouse (A319/320/321 are considered narrow body); • 180 min after arrival of a truck or wide body Aircraft; • N.B. for both cases 60 min for Direct ULD. • Freighter aircraft timings to be advised (ad hoc) Unloading trucked freight no later than within: • 90 min for bulk freight after truck arrival • 60 min for pallets in other cases after truck arrival b) Pallet conformity - Performance target: 98% This indicator measures conformity in relation to the Carrier’s specifications with respect to pallet make-up. c) Shipment Data Capture - Performance target: 97% This indicator measures conformity in relation to the Carrier’s specifications with respect to Carrier’s computer systems updating. d) Trucking punctuality Update - Performance target: 99% This indicator measures conformity in relation to the Carrier’s specifications with respect to Carrier’s Trucking database updating. The TIA Cargo Handling Department will spontaneously notify results to the carrier at monthly intervals. 10.3 Monitoring and Measurement of Performance Regular monitoring is required to check progress against the overall policy commitments and to check the implementation of EQMS, in order to identify where corrective actions are needed. Continuing measurement and monitoring help to inform the day to day management of significant issues regarding cargo and mail operations at TIA. Evaluation of compliance should be seen as a separate activity from internal audit to check whether TIA Cargo Handling Manual, performance standards for air cargo and mail and TIA QMS is adequately implemented. The measurement of the quality of services offered by TIA is regarded as part of the whole quality system which works in a continuous cycle, leading to a system of continuous improvement. Periodic evaluation of legal compliance will need to be integrated. If an operational control procedure includes the management of a process regulated by legislation, the procedure might include a periodic review of the compliance criteria and actions to be taken in the event of potential or actual non-compliance. A related procedure has been established by TIA which defines responsibility and authority, for handling and investigating non-conformance, taking action to mitigate any impacts caused by cargo and mail handling and for initiating and completing corrective and preventive action.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

10. Management Control and records 11.1 Document control & records Effective and efficient document control is carried out within TIA. Records of training, audit results and reviews, evidences and other statistical data of cargo volume increase are controlled and kept properly. Maintaining of records, reports on ground equipment needs/supply and other documentation like shipper declaration for DGR, NOTOC, DGR Acceptance check-list, cargo mail weight information etc. Maintaining the records of meetings held within Cargo Department. According to the Pro 001OPS Document Control and Records, if the need for a new document or for a change in an existing one is determined by a process owner in collaboration with QEHS Department, he creates a new document or makes the changes in the existing one. The altered or new document is approved by the QEHS Director, approved and validated by TIA executives and then released and distributed to all TIA executives and senior management. 11.2 Inspections Inspections are carried out on regular basis by TIA Management to check the compliance with TIA’s objectives and policies, permits, relevant legislation and standards and assure proper implementation of manuals, procedures and work instructions regarding cargo and mail handling. The rights to perform the inspections are reserved to Cargo Handling Director, QEHS Departemnt and appointed Cargo Supervisors. Findings and conclusions from such inspections are regularly discussed with the responsible directors in the Operation Division Meetings for possible solutions, necessary actions to be taken and follow-up. The results of inspections should be reported to COO in written form together with approved from Cargo Management corrective measures planned and times estimated for accomplishing those corrections. Records of the inspections carried out at Cargo Department has to be maintained and filed by the responsible parties/TIA Cargo Department. 11.3 Internal Audit Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and to improve the TIA’s Cargo operations. It helps to accomplish Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. Audits are organized also by QEHS in close cooperation with the Internal Auditor of TIA and cover all areas where EQMS is implemented. Their results are documented in audit reports and analyzed in order to improve Cargo and Mail services and to check the compliance with TIA objectives and policies, permits, relevant legislation and regulations. Corrective and preventive measures and all audits results are regularly discussed at OPS Meetings and possible solutions are introduced and followed-up. 11.3.1 Internal Cargo Department Audit Plan This Internal Audit Plan (IAP) aims to ensure and check in periodic basis the work performance and standards follow up from Cargo Handling units and staff involved in cargo handling activity. This is a Cargo Handling Management internal document and procedure. The scope of this plan is to evidence, collect and ensure information relating daily working process performance and the implementation of the Concession Agreement standards and international standards. The internal audit plan is challenging the corrections to be evidenced and measures to be undertaked internally in the cargo handling operations. The Cargo Handling Department IAP will be performed periodically once a month on cargo operations as per time estabilished from this plan. The inspections are mandatory and confidential and may be performed from Cargo Management, QEHS Department or from any delegated Supervisor. After any internal inspection, the parties should meet together and propose the corrective measures to be implemented with respective time estimates. A signed copy should be delivered to Cargo Management from respective Supervisors. In case of evidence of missing progress on implementation of standards and avoidance of responsibilities evidenced, meetings must be organized with all parties or workshops with participation of working groups. Cargo Handling Department should organize after any internal audit a corrective meeting with participation of all staff involved. Topics of those meetings should be collected, printed and filled from Cargo Handling Supervisor.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport NĂŤnĂŤ Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

11. REFERENCES • EU OPS1 (April 1998), by which European Directives (replaced JAR OPS) and established to reinforce the Airlines’ organization and to guarantee flight safety; • Law: Freight Security (January 1999) which ensures conformity with recommendations of Annex 17 ICAO (April 1993), and the safety program advocated by the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC); • • • •

Law No. 9312, dated 11.11.2004 “On the ratification of the Concession Agreement Air Code of Albania; Albanian Customs Code, dated 27.01.1999; Law nr.9255 dt.15.07.2004 “For the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air”, • Law nr.8310 dt.19.03.1998 “For Civil Aviation Security”, changed. • • • • • • • •

Law No.9108, dated 17.7.2003 “On chemical substances and preparations”; Law No. 8025, dated 9.11.1995 “On Protection against Ionic Radiation”; IATA DGR Manual; TIA’s Airport Operation Manual; Service Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) between TIA and airlines; IATA Tact Rules Manual; Airlines Cargo Handling Manual; TIA Cargo Handling Manual.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2



Post Office mail manifest


Cargo Handling Service


Post Office docket (First class/priority mail).


Post Office docket (Second class/economy mail)




Document Administrative Unique


Dangerous Goods


European Civil Aviation Conference


Electronic Data Interchange (interface with ELWIS)


TIA Cargo EDP System


Express Cargo


Airline Flight Manifest message (interface with ELWIS)


Status Update message (interface with ELWIS)


Air Waybill Data message (interface with ELWIS)


Advice of Discrepancy message


Ground Handling


General Sales Agent


ULD Exchange Control: IATA control receipt necessary for pallet transfers


List of Freight Load: this print out indicates the flight load and its specific details. It is used to raise transport sheets and to check pallets and containers while loading


List of Cargo Information


List of Cargo for Transit


National Civil Aviation Security Programme


Notification To Captain


Service Ground Handling Agreement


Print Goods Discrepancies


System for ULDs (Unit load device control)


UNIT LOAD DEVICES (devices which interface directly with an aircraft restraint system and are registered by the IATA ULD Technical Board)

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2


Control message for ULDs.

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport NĂŤnĂŤ Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


Cargo Handling Manual Version 2

13. CONTACTS Person responsible: Igli Larashi Director of Ground Handling Department Phone: + 355 4 2381 700 Fax:

+ 355 4 2381 545


Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza Cargo Terminal Rinas, Tirana Albania Concerning contacts is easy to refer to IATA TACT Rules 2.0 Albania

Editor: I.Larashi Validated by: Andrea Gebbeken / Approved by: R. Castro-Vasquez Date of Validity 00.11.2011 Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381000 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:


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