Passenger Handling Manual guidelines

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PASENGER HANDLING MANUAL (GUIDELINES) Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza Administration Building, RinasAlbania Phone: +355 4 2381 600 Fax: +355 4 2381 545 Web site:

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Date: 24.06.09 Division/Department: Ground Handling Department Person responsible: Igli Larashi Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza Rinas, Tirana Albania Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax:

00355 4 2381 545


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Table of Contents

Page no.

1. Passenger Handling


2. Special categories of passenger


3. Baggage


4. Delay Handling


5. Boarding/Gate


6. Arrivals


7. Flight documentation


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For ad-hoc charter flights, airlines Space Reservation Office Control/Ground Operations Department will send a PRE - FLIGHT message to centalised Handling system (probably via SITA) one day prior to flight departure to the Handling Company. For scheduled flights airlines Space Reservation Office Control/Ground Operations Department will use repetitve PRE-FLIGHT message and new one will be sent only in case some special requests which can’t go self-explanatory in PNL and SSR messages. This message contains relevant information for the flight preparation such as:  requested ground handling services  booked cargo, if applicable;  comail to be sent;  special requests, etc. Use this message for flight preparation. Note: This message is based on booking figures received more than 24 hours before flight departure. It is therefore important to confirm with the airlines Representative or designated Representative all the relevant information a few hours before the check-in is commenced. Passenger Name List (PNL) and Special Services Request (SSR)

All passengers names are collected in Airline Reservation System provided by Airlines Centralized System / Space Control or via IATA Clearing House. For the time being airlines are maintaine also CRS connections. Airline will ensure that preliminary PNL and SSR are sent at least 24 hours prior to STD via SITA or fax or e-mail directly to the Handling Company. Final PNL and SSR must be sent 4 hours before every flight departure (STD) when the sales for all network agencies are closed. Passengers are to be accepted on the respective flight only based on received final PNL. Additional passengers may be accepted on the flight up to 30 minutes before scheduled time of departure (STD) what is usually check-in closing time, however only when authorization by airline airport Representative is given. Otherwise it is strictly forbidden to accept any passenger claiming to be booked on certain flight whose name in not included in final PNL. List of authorized airport Representatives for every station is given in airlines GOM. Revise PNL/SSR before opening the check-in, in order to ascertain whether there are any special cases such as infants, wheelchairs, special meals etc. In many airports is requested that PNL shell be sent in IATA standard format.

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Seat Pre-Assignment

Generally handling should allow pre-assignment of seats, but this does not exclude beforehand any possibility not to alowed operation in this direction. To be kept in mind that, whenever the airlines are receiving requests by the tour operators, or single passengers (customers) have their reasons for asking the pre-assignment to passenger handling agents. We must therefore comply to these requests whenever it is possible to do so. Note: Specific seat requests must, always, be granted to particular cases such as families with infants, VIPs, MAAS, PRM’s, etc. See the PNL. Pre-assignment of Groups is permissible only after an evaluation of:  the group‘s size;  the tour operator’s allotment compared to other tour operator/s on the flight;  the homogeneity of the group (class of service, etc.). Seat pre-assignment of large groups should be avoided. Previous experiences teach us that pre-assignment does not help as the individual group members will anyway be tempted to change the seating assignment according to their personal wishes. Check-in Preparation

In order to assure a smooth check-in and gate progress, it is essential to complete an accurate pre-flight preparation.  Ensure that all the passenger information such as seat reservation, cabin divider or dead head crew transportation requests, etc., is prepared and correctly dealt with. (see Passengers with special needs),  Ensure that all necessary material such as bag tags, boarding passes, seat maps, etc, are at the check-in counters at least 10 minutes before opening time.  Check that the correct signage is displayed (flight number and destination). Make sure that Airport monitors are updated with all relevant flight information (including known delays with new ETD).  Make sure that all equipments in place are working. Always keep in mind that passengers may not be familiar with the airport’s facilities, or may not speak the language of your country, thus take all the necessary actions to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation.



At check-in, our customers experience the first contact with airlines. Although this initial

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part of a passenger’s journey is normally very short, it may be decisive for the passenger’s impression and overall opinion on airlines. Our customers will expect short queues, a competent and friendly check-in process and an individual treatment. Do not treat the passengers as if they are merely numbers. The passenger must receive information such as items not to be carried at aircraft board due to dangerous goods restrictions, identification documents requests,valid travel documents,vaccination documents, seat requests, etc., by the check-in agent. Always ask the passenger for his seating preference. If the requested seat is not available, kindly explain the situation and try to accommodate the passenger in the best possible way. Staff Manners

Each passenger has to be treated as an individual guest, thus friendliness, a positive expression, addressing passengers by name, as well as welcoming and dismissing them, has to be a standard practice. Recognize the passenger’s needs and comply with these wherever possible. For example, a business traveler normally does not want to have small talk, but would appreciate information about his flight (gate number, boarding time, delay, etc.). On the other hand an elderly passenger would most probably be very glad to exchange a short chat. Note: Each staff must have a general knowledge of airlines in order to answer questions about our airline. Staff Duties

The check in agents will take care of the following duties:  verify the passenger’s passport, ticket and other documentation and compare it to the PNL;  verify that the documentation is complete in accordance with the immigration authorities of the destination and transit countries;  log in onto the check-in system, or when manual check-in is performed follow standard procedures;  assign the passenger a boarding card with a seat assignment (avoid double  veryfy if electronic ticket number (if applicable) is displayed on boarding passes  seating) and a sequence number to identify himself and his luggage;  note this sequence number on the boarding card, baggage tag/s and sequence number cards;  all larger cabin luggage items (carry-on) should be inspected and checked-in;  at the end of the check-in process, passengers are to be directed towards the transit area, any other additional information relevant to the flight will also be given at this time. Timing and Minimum Number of Counters

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In accordance with IATA GHSA the following guideline relating to check-in counters must be followed: Number of Check-in counters MD 82

50-100 PAX = 2 >100 PAX = 3

Opening time

Closure time



Note: An airlines Manager or Handling Supervisor on Duty must be available at any time during the check-in process. Queuing Time

Normally queuing time for all the passengers shouldn’t be longer than 10 minutes. Processing time should be flexible according to individual circumstances. For charter flights, Tour Operators should be advised to arrange for a differentiated passenger arrival (busses) in order to avoid all the passengers queuing at the same time. Group Check-in

Group check-in can be provided whenever necessary or when specifically requested by the Tour Operator or Group Leader. If possible, a separate check-in counter should be dedicated and the group’s name displayed. Late Passengers

After the standard closure time, with a request of carrier Representatives a check-in counter must remain available to receive late passengers until 15 minutes prior to STD (or ETD in case of delays). Every effort must be made to board these passengers. Before accepting the passengers, the Crew Commander has to be informed via the ramp handling agent. The Crew Commander will have the final word on the acceptance of late passengers basing his decision on operational aspects such as departure slot, airport limitations, payload limitations etc. An escort must be provided in order to make sure that late passengers proceed to the gate in the quickest possible way. Late Passengers’s Bags:  Will be tagged with limited release tags.  Passengers will be advised that their baggage may not make the flight even though every effort will be made to board them.  The ramp handling agent must be informed on number, color and type of late baggage, as well as bag tag numbers, in order to prepare the loading staff.

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 Every effort must be made to board the baggage of late passengers (if authorization has been granted and the passengers will make it to the aircraft in time).  No additional aircraft delay will be accepted caused by the loading of late baggage. Passenger Distribution and Allocation

Check-in agents must make sure that, whilst performing seating assignments, passengers are distributed evenly throughout the cabin (laterally and longitudinally), in order to assure a correct mass and balance of the aircraft, unless differently specified by the Load planner or Flight Crew. For different aircraft seat distribution direction should be specified in aircraft seating charts ( in carriers GOM) which shall be observed during seat allocation. The allocation of seats to passengers by ground handling staff depends upon the aircraft type, its seating version, aspects of mass and centre of gravity and the class of transportation (if any) held by the individual passenger. In general, the following rules apply:  Each person to be carried who is 2 years of age or older shall be allocated a separate seat or berth, equipped with a proper safety belt/harness.  Multiple occupancy of a seat by one adult and one child less than 2 years of age is permitted only if a supplementary loop belt or other restraint device for each child is being made available; in such a case, and when oxygen dispensing units are prescribed, one unit each shall be installed and available for both the adult and the child.  Passengers shall be seated where - in the event of an emergency evacuation - they may best assist and not hinder evacuation.  Only those persons who appear reasonably fit and strong should be seated adjacent to self-help exits. Persons who should be seated where they will not obstruct access to emergency equipment or exits or otherwise impede the crew in carrying out their duties include:  Persons who are physically or mentally handicapped to the extent that they would have difficulty in moving quickly if asked to do so.  Persons whose sight or hearing is impaired to the extent that they might not readily become aware of instructions given to begin evacuating the airplane.  Children and infants, whether or not they are accompanied by an adult.  Persons in custody and those who are being deported.  Persons whose physical size would prevent them from being able to move quickly. For further provisions governing the allocation of seats must be found on carriers PHM or GOM’s. Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

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Smoking section/s

Note: Today carriers are mostly a non smoking airline. In this case all passenger service handling staff and (or third parties as ticketing and sales officers,tour operators,representatives must be aware that our flights have only non-smoking seats. Emergency Exits

Do not allocate emergency exit seats to: handicapped, elderly, sick or infirm passengers; (PRM, WCH, MEDA, BLIND,) passengers with infants, children, or unaccompanied minors; (INF, CHD, UM) passengers that do not speak Albanian nor English; passengers that for any reason, in case of an emergency, would not be able to understand and/or follow the directives of the flight attendants to perform a quick evacuation of the aircraft.  persons in custody and those who are being deported. (DEPA, DEPU)  persons whose physical size would prevent them from being able to move quickly.    

Note: No Emergency Exit seat is to be pre-assigned. The passenger must be present at the check-in counter in order to verify that the before mentioned conditions are met. Note: Dead Head Crew (DHC) seats shell be assigned in the emergency rows. The DHC seats should be reserved in advance. Passenger Documentation

Although in the “General Conditions of Carriage” included on airlines tickets the passenger is held responsible for obtaining the correct entry requirements for the Airport of destination, such as:  Valid Passport and/or ID-card;  Valid Visa and/or Tourist card;  Valid Health certificate,  Other documents required by departure, transit and destination authorities The authorities at the destination Airport are considering the airlines subject of liable of fines or other expenses that might result from incorrect documentation. In addition, the passenger may be refused entrance in the country and will be sent back on the same flight or next possible one.

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Note: To prevent these incidents, the handling check-in agents are responsible to check possession of relevant documents and Visas. If an irregularity is detected, i.e. lack of respective documents, the passenger must be denied to board the aircraft. Every effort must be made to assist the passenger in a caring and sympathetic manner. Nevertheless, the Handling Company will not be held responsible in case of these incidents are resulted from falsification of documents. At certain airports, airlines are organizing pre-check of documents in front of check-in counters in order to minimize such cases. Passenger Manifest

Three Passenger manifests, containing the names of all boarded passengers, are mandatory to be printed/completed for each departing flight (even if NIL). One copy is to be handed to the airlines representatives or agent on duty before flight departure (with all the other flight documents), one is to be assembled together with flight coupons, while third copy is to be kept as station file. In manual check-in stations, the passenger manifest must be completed accurately in all details and must contain, at least, the following information:       

Passenger’s last name; First name initial; Mr, Mrs, Chd, or Inf; Seat assignment Final destination; Bag tag numbers. Special Category of passenger (UMNR,MEDA,VIP,WCHW,WCHR, WCHC etc if applicable)

The same apply for electronically printed Manifests from the DCS. Is requested mandatory a comment to be inserted during check-in. 1.3 TICKETS Passenger Ticket

The passenger ticket is the contract of carriage between the passenger and the carrier. Ticket may be considered as documentation for check-in. (if applicable maual ticket usage). The passenger tickets are not transferable to other persons and each passenger must have separate ticket, excluding when the master ticket use is authorised. Passenger tickect or ETKT PNR is valid only for indicated flight number and sector within the stated validitiy period. Flight coupons or electronic PNR numbers have to be used in the sequence shown on Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

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the coupon and each flight coupon must be properly validated. All restrictions on the ticket have to be applied, endorsement and interline agreements have to be respected. Airlines tickets acceptance:  Issued electornically, airlines authorized airlines only; Please refer to the List of authorized airlines in carriers GOM’s. 

In form of a reservation number (applicable to flights reserved through Internet, Web/on line tickets, with airlines reservation system only);

 Tour Operator tickets; All tickets must be issued by the Tour Operator that has chartered the aircraft must be recognised from airlines. Passengers are to be seated on the ticketed class of service. All details must be in accordance with the relevant flight. In case of errors, the Tour Operator representative must reissue the ticket with the correct information. Airlines Ground Operations OR Spaece Control must advise the Handling Company about Tour Operator name, portion of seat chartering and other restriuctions.  Issued by IATA and non IATA Carriers with whom Interline agreement exist; Please always refer to the List of Interline Agreements in carriers GOM or ask representatives.  Airlines Staff tickets The airlines Staff tickets are No Fare, free of charge tickets. There are two types, and must be handled accordingly: 1) CONFIRMED (airlines allotment); OK written in the status box 2) STAND-BY (Space Avilable) SA written in the status box The boarding priority MUST be adopted as given in below section.  Airlines Master ticket All tickets must be issued by airlines for the Tour Operator that has chartered the aircraft. Passengers are to be seated on the ticketed class of service. All details must be in accordance with the relevant flight. In case of errors, the airlines Representative must reissue the ticket with the correct information.

Boarding Priority on airlines flights

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The following boarding priority should be adopted frequently in case of fully-booked flight: Priority code A1





Load Category 1) Maintenace staff needed for emergency repairs at outstations 2) Deadheading crew (DHC) Revenue passengers and their baggage with confirmed space: 1) VIP 2) Code-share passengers 3) Special passengers: UM’s, PRM, INAD, DEPA, personal emergency cases 4) Commercially important passengers and groups 5) AIRLINES transfer passengers 6) Transfer passengers of other carriers 7) Locally joining passengers ID-S1/R1 passengers with confirmed space in the following sequence: 1) ID00S1/VP; service passengers (airlines managers) 2) ID00S1/PS; service passengers (other) 3) ID50S1; service passengers ID50 4) ID50R1; vacation travel ID50 5) DM50N1; 3rd party vacation travel booked 6) ID75R1; vacation travel ID75 7) ID00R1/FP; free pass for AIRLINES management, their families and flight deck management (priority: seniority code) 1) Passengers who were denied boarding on the previous flight 2) NOREC revenue passengers 3) Passengers with a misconnection 4) Passengers who were denied boarding on a non airlines flight ID-B1/N1 passengers with confirmed space in the following sequence: 1) ID50B1; foreign airline staff on duty travel 2) ID00B1; foreign airline staff on duty travel 3) ID50N1; foreign airline staff on private travel 4) ID00N1; foreign airline staff on private travel

In the event that not all the airlines stand-by passengers can be accommodated, a boarding priority has to be obtained from the airlines ground operations office or staff. Note: Any change to the any of the above points must be authorized by the consulting the airlines ground operations staff of airlines.

Acceptance of Other Airline Passengers

On airlines services, only passengers holding tickets or ticketless forms of airlines, or Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

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Airline contracted Tour Operator tickets/ticketless forms, or other IATA and non IATA carriers with whom an interline agreement exists will be boarded. In order to board passengers holding any other form of tickets, the authorization has to be obtained from airline Ground Operations Department. Coupon Set

The flight coupon set shall be prepared and inserted inside the airline coupon uplift envelope after the departure of the aircraft. The envelope is to be sent via comail on board the next available flight scheduled to Tirana International Airport, or by the Courier Mail. Example: AIRLINE / GROUND OPERATIONS PO BOX 12. XXXXXX- 5HBNI5, Tirana, Albania In the event that next available flight of airline is not scheduled within 14 days after the respective flight for which flight coupons are collected, the Handling Company is obliged to send coupons via Courier Mail (DHL, UPS, FedEx, etc.) to the above stated address. Note: Do not enclose in the coupon envelope invoices or other documents addressed to accounting or other departments. Important documents should always be sent in separate envelopes addressed to the respective department. With flight coupons only Loadhseet and Passenger Manifest shall be enclosed. Ticket-less Travel

Airline Ticket-less travel, is defined by the procedure whereby the passengers, traveling on airline flights, will be accepted on our services without a regular ticket, as we know it, but will rather have in their possession a substitute document containing all the flight details and reservation number. Nevertheless the names of such passengers will be recorded on the final PNL. The Substitute document is a printed sheet of paper (usually in more copies) which must contain the passengers names,date of travel, the travel itinerary (flight details) and conditions of carriage. The Ticket-less travel is subject to compliance with the following modalities:  The sheet must contain the ‘Conditions of Carriage’ and other information to the passengers (as in normal tickets);  The names of family, or homogenous group, members may be contained in the same travel document;  Each passenger, whose name is included in the travel document, must have in his possession an individual copy for the whole duration of the journey; Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

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 Each passenger, whose name appears in the PNL, will receive at the check-in an individual, nominative, boarding-pass;  Standard handling procedures as for the passengers holding a paper ticket shall be applied;  A Tour Operator representative must be present at the point of boarding in order to solve eventual booking/ticketing problems when Tour Operator has chartered or partially chartered respective flight. General Check-in procedure The procedure must keep under control that:  Only booked passengers are checked-in, and board the flight;  Checked-in, and On-board, passenger and baggage information is available;  Information of missing passenger and its luggage, is available at the gate;  The Passenger Manifest is correct in all details and sent to the final destination station;  Final passenger count, is correct and matches with the actual number of passengers on-board the aircraft. PNL

Airline has to provide the preliminary Passenger Name List (PNL) and Special Service Request (SSR) at least 24 hours before the check-in is to be opened and final PNL and SSR at least 4 hours before the check-in is to be opened. Preliminary PNL and SSR is to be inserted into DCS system (wherever possible) and corrections are to be done when final figures are received Check that the list has been accepted by the system and that all the passenger names are available for the check-in process. Seating assignment requests or any other information is to be processed at this time.


Before opening the check-in counters, Airline representative or Airline Ground Operations is to inform on any variations contained in the lists that were transmitted beforehand. Take note of these variations that will have to be handy when needed during the checkin process. Check-in the passengers using the same formats, including Passport and Visa inspection. The passengers will not present a normal ticket, but will rather have in their possession the before mentioned travel document. This document is to be returned to the passenger, while the boarding card jacket is to remain empty. Produce the boarding pass and baggage tags the usual way. Check with the tour operator/s the no-show list and establish the final closure.


Three Passenger Manifest lists (complete of seating assignment and Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania





baggage details in line with standard procedure) have to be printed/copied. One copy is to be handed to the SCCM, one is to be enclosed to collected flight coupons, while the other is to be retained as station file. In manual check-in stations, the list must be in the format explained in the ‘Passenger Manifest’ paragraph of this manual.

Master Ticket

Airline is to fill in a Master Ticket indicating their relevant passenger number (of the ticketless pax group). The master ticket coupon/s is/are to be inserted in the flight coupon set and sent on the next available flight as per normal procedure.

Departure Report

Fill in, in all details, the Departure Report, which must be sent as per regular procedure (if applicable).

Baggage processing Baggage handling normally is not change much from the normal check-in procedures. The only differences being:  Handling must check if baggage receipts are to be fixed behind the passenger’s travel document;  Handling is responsible for the number and weight of the checked in baggage is to be indicated on the document, next to the flight segment concerned.  The bag tag numbers, and the bags’ weight, must be included in passenger manifest. This is necessary in the event of missing passengers at the gate, lost and found cases, etc. Groups and Families Groups and Families will result on the same travel document, nevertheless each family, or group, member must have its individual copy. The passengers belonging to this category may check-in together or separately depending on the situation



Expectant mothers, families with young children and/or infants, handicapped and/or incapacitated passengers (passengers with reduced mobility), unaccompanied minors as Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

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well as other passengers in need of special assistance should receive preferred treatment to shorten queuing times. In terms of special categories of passengers are also considered deportees and inadmissible passengers due to special handling procedures. If the airline has given information on the presence of such passengers, adequate seats should be pre-assigned before the start of check-in (see pre-flight preparation and relevant seating chart in airlines GOM). 2.2


Infants are children below the age of 2 years during the whole validity of their ticketed itinerary. Note: An infant must always travel in the company of an adult. To ensure the necessary care of the infant during the flight, particularly during emergency situations (oxygen mask, life vest, and evacuation), one adult may travel with no more than one infant. Passengers traveling with infants must be accommodated, whenever possible, in seats that are specifically indicated for INF, see the relevant aircraft seating map in airlines GOM. Infants have no claim for their own passenger seat, but it is preferable to block a seat next to the adult if the flight is not fully booked. Infants on airlines flights are to be accepted acording to the JAA regulation, as mentioned in JAROPS 1 1.320 (B) (2); JAR-OPS K 1.825. 2.3


Expectant mothers, as such, are not regarded as Incapacitated Passengers, however when seats are assigned they shall not be seated where INCAP,MEDA,PRM, UM and INF category of passengers are not allowed to, as per respective aircraft seating charts in applicable on DCS or airlines GOMs. For their well being, the following general rules must be applied: Up to 28th week 28th week – 34th week

Last 2 weeks

No medical certificate is required. In this stage of pregnancy an expectant mother must present medical certificate issued within 72 hours of flight departure. This certificate must indicate that the passenger is fit for travel. An expectant mother may not, under any circumstance, be accepted for carriage. Check carefully the date of the return flight.

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From the moment that an expectant mother informs airline of her pregnant state, a Pregnancy Indemnity Form must be completed and signed by the passenger to waive liability on airline. This Indemnity Form must be kept, as station file, while a copy must be handed to the SCCM. Expectant mothers are not to be allowed under any circumstances to board the aircraft before they fill-in and sign the respective form. Both the Commander and the SCCM must be informed on the presence of an expectant mother and assignied seat must be marked on Passenger Manifest. Note: Sample of Pregnancy Indemnity Form is given in airlines documents as PSM or GOM’s. In case of missing airlines form use blank form when handwritte or type the handling and carrier names and all specifics. A copy of this document should be presented to carrier cabin crew/station supervisor and a copy should be inserted on Carrier trip files of Ground handling. Any irregularity should be reported immediately to Airline OCC . 2.4


Infant (INF) A passenger of age less than 2 years old. Child (CHD) A passenger of age between 2 and less than 12 years old. Unaccompanied Minor (UM) A ‘Child’ (5-12) must be considered an Unaccompanied Minor and thus the relevant UM procedures shall be applied, if he/she:  is traveling alone or  is not accompanied by an adult over 12 years of age. Adult (AD) A passenger over 12 years of age.

Young Passenger (YP) Young passengers are all those of age between 12 and 18 and traveling alone (or in the company of other passengers younger than 18). They may be considered unaccompanied minors and accepted as such if:

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 specially requested by their parents (or appointed guardian);  in doubt on the child’s capability to travel alone. In these cases the normal Unaccompanied Minor procedures will apply. Departure Station Procedure

The following procedure shall be followed at the UM’s departure Airport:  Written authorization of acceptance from airline must be received.  A maximum of 10 UMs are to be accepted per flight. If the number of UM's is more than 10 the procedure for the mass transportation of children must be followed.  UMs must arrive at check-in no later that 90 minutes prior to STD.  An airline UM Form must be filled-in in all details, signed by the parents or guardians, placed in an UM pouch and handed to the child. A copy has to be retained for station file, while another copy is to be handed to the SCCM.  Proof of identification must be asked to the parent or guardian and is to be compared to the information supplied.  The parents or guardians must be informed that they are to remain in the checkin vicinity until the aircraft has taken off and the Commander has reported “Ops Normal”. In case of delays or AOG, they are to be reachable by the ground staff.  The SCCM and the Commander must be informed of the presence of the UM. Information of the UMs must be included in the Passenger Manifest.  A SITA message has to be sent to the destination airport‘s Supervision and Handling Companies. This message must specify the following info:        

Child‘s full name/surname Age Passport or travel document number Flight number/date Destination Name/s, contact number/s and address of parents or guardians meeting the child at destination Name/s, contact number/s and address of parents or guardians that released the child in our care at the origin station.

The UMs must be escorted, by ground staff, from the time they are released by the parent or guardian’s custody, until they board the aircraft and are left in the care of the SCCM. They are never to be left unattended. Transit Station Procedure

 If possible, leave the UM on board during ground stop, under the supervision of the cabin crew.  If disembarkation is required, meet the UM at the front door of the aircraft and keep him in safe custody until re-boarding. Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

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 For re-boarding, proceed as for departure station. Arrival Station Procedure

 The arrival agent/supervisor must have the above SITA message handy when the aircraft is met upon arrival.  Before disembarkation of passengers, the arrivals agent will take custody of the UM from the SCCM.  The SCCM will hand to the agent copy of the UM Form.  The child must be escorted to the arrival hall and must be followed until the parents or receiving guardians are contacted and met.  Proof of identification must be asked to the parent or guardian and it must be confronted with the information in the SITA message and UM Form.  The UMs are never to be left unattended. If for any reason the parent or guardian is delayed, all the efforts must be made to contact them, while the UM must be cared at all time. Procedure for airlines Irregularities

In case of delay on departure, the UM must remain in the custody of the parent or guardian. If the route or/and the flight number has been changed, the departure airport should inform the arrival airports and the handling services on the route. Airlines services at the final UMs point of travel shall inform the parent or the guardian about the changes.

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MEDA passengers are passengers whose particular physical and mental health state is such to require special assistance onboard the aircraft and upon boarding and disembarking and for whom a medical clearance is required (INCAD form) MEDA passengers are to be accepted for carriage only after receiving written authorization from airlines Ground Operations Department, or airlines OCC. A medical certificate must be presented. This certificate must indicate that the passenger is fit for travel on an aircraft for the scheduled flight hours, as well as the indication whether a medical escort is necessary. A Incapacitated Passenger Handling Advice (INCAD form) must be completed and signed by the passenger to waive liability from airlines. This INCAD Form must be kept, as station file, while a copy must be handed to the SCCM. Both the Commander and the SCCM must be informed on the presence of the MEDA passenger in addition to any complication involved.



PRM passengers are defined as those passengers with physical or mental disability, or with a medical condition, who require individual attention or assistance on enplaning/deplaning, during flight and during ground handling. Note: Before accepting PRM passengers for transportation, airlines representatives shall ascertain the availability, from departure to arrival, of qualified and equipped staff. Types of PRM Passengers:




a passenger whose mobility is impaired, due to clinical cases with medical pathology in progress, being authorised to travel by medical authorities a passenger who can only be transported on a stretcher a passenger who can walk up and down stairs and move about in an airplane cabin, but who requires a wheelchair or other means for movements between the airplane and the terminal, in the terminal and between arrival and departure points on the city side of the terminal a passenger who can not walk up or down stairs, but who can move about in an airplane cabin and requires a wheelchair to move between the airplane and the terminal, in the terminal and between arrival and departure points on the city side of the terminal a passenger who is completely immobile, who can move about only with the help of a wheelchair or any other means and who requires assistance at all times from arrival at the Airport to seating in the airplane or, if necessary, in a special seat fitted to his specific needs, Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 20 E-mail: Website: Tirana International Airport SHPK

Tirana International Airport NĂŤnĂŤ Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania


the process being inverted at arrival self explanatory a passenger who is deaf or a passenger who is deaf without speech a blind and deaf passenger, who can move about only with the help of an accompanying person (meet and assist) all other passengers in need of special help.


Passengers on stretchers must be accompanied, either by a doctor/nurse, by a family member, or other escort, as decided by a medical doctor and as stated in the medical certificate. Note: Stretchers can only be installed in TIA, thus a request must be sent to airlines Ground Operations with notice of at least 72 hours. Written confirmation will be sent, by airlines Ground Operations, depending on:  stretcher availability;  booking availability (the use of a stretcher implies that 6Y-class seats will be inoperative for the rotation of the aircraft). Refer to airlines GOM to establish which seats are to be blocked. The airlines Ground Operations will anyway inform all the involved stations on the exact location as to where the stretcher has been installed. In case STCR passenger is booked on the flight maximum permissable number of accompanied WCH/R/S for carriage is 2 and booking and carriage of WCH/C is not permitted in this special case.



PRM must not be seated where they could obstruct emergency exits, impede the crew in their duties, obstruct access to emergency equipment or hinder aircraft evacuation. They may not be seated in a row next to an emergency door/exit, but should be seated as close to emergency exits as the above limitation allow. They shall occupy a window seat. For the exact allowable seating locations on each aircraft, refer to the airlines GOM. BLIND passengers traveling with seeing-eye dog in the cabin should be seated as close as possible to the seeing-eye dog which is to be seated on the floor next to passenger. If space available, close one seat next to the passenger.

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The acceptance for transportation of special categories of passengers is restricted in the interest of their own safety and that of other passengers. Following Index table shall be applied when accepting passengers for every flight: MD82 WCH/R/S WCH/C STCR PRM MEDA UM INF DEPA DEPU



3 2 1 37 37 N/A 16 4 N/A

5 0 0 5 5 10 0 0 2

In addition to Index table, following provisions are applicable: A passenger’s own wheelchair will be carried as checked baggage in the aircraft cargo compartment free of charge, but never in the passenger cabin. WCH/R/S/C, PRM and MEDA are considered accompanied when travelling with Able Body Passenger (ABP). Maximum allowable number of WCH/C per flight is 2. Unaccompanied WCH/C generally shall not be accepted for carriage. 2.10 EMBARKATION/DISEMBARKATION WCH/R/S/C should be boarded and disembarked separately (normally prior to all other boarding passengers / after all other disembarking passengers have left the cabin). This is necessary in order to facilitate the relevant assistance by company and/or Airport staff, as well as the embarkation or disembarkation of other passengers For Lift-on/Lift-off of WCH please coordinate with SCCM for usage of aircraft service doors, not main entry/exit doors.

2.11 INFORMATION Invalid or sick passengers including users of wheelchairs requiring any assistance at transit or disembarkation stations must be signaled to the Commander and on the Passenger Manifest. Information on passengers requiring any assistance at transit or destination stations must be forwarded by SITA or fax using the standard PSM format in order to prepare arrival of the aircraft in an adequate manner. Specify type of assistance to the next station (WCHR/WCHS/WCHC). Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



Note: 2.12

Airlines OCC must always be in copy. NON TRANSPORTABLE PASSENGERS

No transportation, under any circumstance, will be provided to:  Persons with a contagious/infectious disease, e.g. open tuberculosis, infectious hepatitis, scarlet fever, diphtheria, chicken pox etc.  Persons with a fresh heart attack (i.e. less than 8 weeks after the attack).  Persons with a fresh stroke (i.e. less than 8 weeks after the stroke).  Persons requiring medical treatment by a pneumatically or electrically operated apparatus which - for specific reasons is not permitted to be operated on board. 2.13 OXYGEN Supplementary oxygen can be provided on board airlines aircraft. A written request must be sent to airlines Technical department, via Ground Operations. Cabin crew is not authorized to handle medical oxygen bottle. Only 1 passenger requiring additional oxygen bottle may be accepted on airlines flights operated by MD82 aircraft. Only airlines bottles may be used on board. As an exception private bottles can be carried as cargo subject to prior approval by airlines Technical Department and relevant authorities. Note: Transportation of liquid oxygen and chemical oxygen generators is not permitted on an aircraft Note: For more information, refer to the airlines GOM.

2.14 REFUSAL OF CARRIAGE International agreements and national laws of the countries to which airlines operates, require airlines to do everything in its power to prevent any damage being caused to its passengers, staff and third parties in connection with our air service operation. In addition, international agreements and national laws require airlines to observe the ticketing conditions that have been approved by the respective authorities. In order to meet these legal obligations, airlines reserves the right to refuse carriage, or onward carriage, of a passenger if one or more of the following situations appears to deem such action appropriate:  passenger without a ticket; Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



 passenger holding a ticket which by the tariff conditions, or any other regulation, is in contrast with the intended flight:  when the safety of the passengers, crew, aircraft, load and/or other airlines staff or third parties is imperiled;  to prevent violation of applicable laws, regulations or orders of the country of departure and/or arrival and/or countries transited or over flown;  If the passenger refuses to follow instructions given by airlines in the interest of safety and/or based on laws, regulations or orders of a state or government authorities or an Airport administration.  when passenger require special assistance which airlines is unable to arrange for before departure;  unduly molest or endanger other passengers and crew (e.g. drunken or passengers under the influence of drugs);  when passenger constitute a risk for the safe and/or scheduled operation of the flight and/or the aircraft. The Station Manager or Supervisor on duty will decide on the refusal of carriage or further carriage and will explain to the passenger the reasons of the refusal in due form. Passengers who have been refused carriage are entitled to have the unused portion of their ticket refunded in accordance with the current refund rules. The Station Manager will decide whether to apply an “involuntary” refund. There will be no further liability of airlines to such passenger. Unruly Passengers

Unruly passengers are passengers failing to observe relevant airlines instructions, causing discomfort to other passengers, and/or by such disruptive behavior, jeopardizing the safety and security of passengers, staff or airline. Generally, unruly passengers can be classified as follows:  those who behave abusively in general;  those who repeatedly disregard instructions of the staff;  those who refuse to follow company rules (e.g. non-smoking, use of electronic equipment);  those who excessively use alcohol or drugs. airlines staff, appointed supervisors, and/or handling agents, shall:  not physically or verbally assault unruly passengers;  take reasonable steps to prevent disruptive and drunken behavior, and where necessary, manage the situation effectively as practicable, including refusal of carriage of passengers whose behavior could endanger the safety of the flight or any person;  encourage the police to prosecute disruptive and drunken passengers in appropriate cases, especially in case of assault on staff;  support witness statements to the police or to appear in court proceedings when Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 24 E-mail: Website: Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania


passengers are prosecuted. PRE-FLIGHT:  Emphasis should be on prevention, to avoid or prevent a violent situation.  Initial action should be taken by the Duty Manager, who decides to:  

either exclude the unruly passenger from the flight, make a record in the daily log and advise head office accordingly; or, confer with the Commander and the SCCM whether or not the passenger should be accepted and decide on the appropriate action if accepting the passenger to travel

Note: If a (potential) unruly passenger is accepted, head office, the Commander and SCCM must be informed before boarding. ARRIVAL:  head office and/or Commander must inform the arrival Airport airlines, Station Manager, or appointed supervisor, in the event of a severe incident on board;  head office and the arrival Airport airlines station manager, or appointed supervisor, must determine the best course of action when the aircraft lands, taking into account the applicable local regulations;  the Commander must be immediately informed of the available support of the ground services and security staff at the arrival station  this support depends on the local set-up, but must at least include the following:     

ground staff must ensure that authorities / security staff meet the aircraft upon arrival, if necessary if the authorities are called, written statements will be taken on arrival (copy of the statement must be sent to the airlines Ground Operations office in Tirana), the Security department at the head office must always be informed if a formal complaint is filed upon arrival, the Crew Report, filled in on board, is the basis of the complaint; a copy must then be given to the authorities if no formal complaint is filed, the matter must be reported anyway to the Security department and the customer relations department at the respective head office for follow-up.

Inadmissible Passengers (INAD)

Inadmissible Passengers (INADs) are passengers whom upon their arrival in a country are refused admission by the local authorities, e.g. due to lack of a visa, expired passport, lack of funds or suspected intent to illegally take up employment. airlines Representative (Handling Agent if no airlines Representative) and airlines Ground Operations department must be imediatelly informed about INAD passengers arrived with airlines flight. Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



airlines Representative (Handling Agent respectively) in coordination with airlines Ground Operations Department shall take all necessary actions to facilitate procedures ordered by authority who refused entry of the passenger. Unless explicitly ordered otherwise by the authority refusing entry, an INAD shall be carried outbound on flight/s that:  are operated by the inbound carrier (airlines respectively);  are destined no further than his home country or country of permanent residence; origin destination respectively INAD passengers which arrived with airlines inbound flight shall be preferrably transported, if appropriate, with the same airlines outbound flight or next possibe flight scheduled to origin destination, on airlines account, with prior clearance of airlines Ground Operations Department. INAD which arrived with inbound flight/s of other carrier/s and intended to be booked on airlines outbound flight shall not be boarded before written clearance from airlines Ground Operations Department is received. The presence of INADs must be reported to the Commander and the SCCM of the flight. When dispatching the flight a message must be sent to airlines OCC informing of the INAD’s name and reason of refusal. SEE ALSO SECURITY CHAPTER OF THE AIRLINES GOM. Accompanied Deportees (DEPA) / Unacconpanied deportees (DEPU)

Deportees are foreign persons who had legally been admitted to a country by its authorities, or who had entered a country illegally, and who at some later time are formally ordered by the authorities to be expelled from that country. Reasons for expulsion from a country may be:    

illegal entry; expiry of residence permit; offences or criminal acts committed in the deporting country; extradition upon the request of another country.

Maximum number of DEPA per flight = 4 provided they are escorted with minimum 2 guards. Maximum number of DEPU per flight = 2. Seat allocation given in relevant aircraft seating chart shall be applied. (see airlines GOM) Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



Note: The Commander must be notified prior to departure of the intended carriage of deportees or persons in custody, in addition to the reason for expulsion. Airline OCC must also be contacted beforehand for approval of carriage. SEE ALSO AIRLINES SECURITY CHAPTER OF THE GOM. Baggage Policy

When a passenger is refused for carriage, his baggage must be removed from the Aircraft and in no circumstance aircraft is allowed to take off before respective security measures are carried on. SEE ALSO AIRLINES SECURITY CHAPTER OF THE GOM. Tokyo Convention

The Commander may, in as far as it is necessary to protect the safety of the aircraft, persons or property therein, or to maintain good order and discipline on board, disembark in the territory of any State in which the aircraft lands any person who he has reasonable grounds to believe has committed, or is about to commit on board the aircraft an act which may or does jeopardize the safety of the aircraft, persons or property therein. The Commander may deliver to the competent authorities of any Contracting State in the territory of which the aircraft lands any person who he has reasonable grounds to believe has committed on board the aircraft an act which, in his opinion, is a serious offence according to the penal law of the carrier’s home country. Signatory countries to the Tokyo Convention are obliged to take custody of such passengers. The Commander has the obligation to deliver evidence and information to the authorities at the point of landing.

2.15 PAD TRAVEL These passengers have special traveling benefits on airlines flights, but have to comply with certain rules and procedures as described hereafter. Any change to these regulations must be authorized by the airlines Ground Operations Department. Definition

PADs are defined as those passengers that are available for disembarkation, thus are those traveling with stand-by tickets (normally AIRLINES employees or their family members).

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It is the employee’s responsibility to follow the airlines non-revenue regulations. The employee is responsible of the conduct and behavior of eligible relatives while traveling on non-revenue travel. Eligible passengers must hold all pertinent travel documents such as passport, visas and health certificate required by the country of destination and also by points en route in case offloading should become necessary for overbooking or other reasons. The employee is held responsible for the payment of any fines that result from improper documentation. Airlines Ground Operations staff, or appointed supervisors, are responsible to check that the rules and procedures, contained herein, are followed by all parties concerned. airlines Ground Operations staff, or appointed supervisors, will:  have control of the PAD acceptance, at check-in and gate;  establish the boarding priority;  have the right to refuse carriage if any of the rules or regulations are not followed by any of the persons concerned. Basic Rules

 Tickets or boarding passes are not transferable. Presentation at check-in must be at least 1½ hours prior to flight departure.  The use of travel privileges by the employee or the eligible relatives for personal business is prohibited.  All baggage must be tagged with personal identification tags or labels. The normal baggage allowance applies to non-revenue passengers. Dress Code and Behavior

Eligible passengers must ensure that no inconvenience is given to full fare paying passengers and that ground staff and cabin crew are not distracted from giving maximum service to such passengers. Eligible passengers must be dressed in accordance with public standards of good taste. This will normally mean smart casual wear. It excludes track-suits, shorts and similar extremes of casual wear. Unaccompanied Children

Children under sixteen (16) years of age may not travel unless accompanied by an adult holding a similar non-revenue ticket, or unless specifically authorized by the airlines head-office.

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Cockpit Permissions

On pleasure travel, no employee, family member or selected companion, is authorized to fly in the cockpit, unless specifically authorized by the airlines Director of Flight Operations (Postholder Flight Operation) and/or Commander of respective flight.

Ticket Validity

The free space available tickets on airlines flights are valid only on the ticketed itinerary, dates and flight numbers. If the change occurs in an Airport other than TIA, it is the passenger’s duty to report the variation to the airlines Ground Operations office as soon as the denied boarding has occurred, or as soon as possible. Our local supervising/handling company can send this message. This allows the planning of the correct boarding priority to be adopted on the next intended flight. Boarding

The following points establish the boarding priority order of PADs:  1st Employee title/position  2nd Employee seniority  3rd Date of ticket issue (DHC) Deadheading Crew

DHC is a crew traveling to/from their duty station to take up or to finish flight duty. They have to be checked-in and considered as passengers for weight and balance purposes. They are not part of working crew although they are uniformed. DHC seats are assigned in the emergency rows. The DHC seats should be reserved in advance. DHC is usually accepted on flight based on Flight Order if operationally possible. In case there is extended crew planned on certain sector and DHC number is in excess of crew members covered with Crew Insurance Policy, DHC shall hold valid passenger tickets Other company employees on Flight Order Following company employees shall be accepted for a flight based on Flight Order: 1. Mechanic on board 2. Observers (Mechanics, Engineers, Cabin Crew, Cockpit Crew, OCC employees) 3. Load Master 4. Station Manager 5. DHC Maximum allowable number of company employees, beside working crew, which are to be accepted on certain flight based on Flight Order is 9, provided standard working Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



crew (2/4) is operating the flight. All other company employees needs to hold valid passenger ticket and above set provisions for PAD travel must be observed.





Passengers traveling on airlines flights have the following checked baggage allowances: 15 Kg per passenger. 3.2


Each checked-in bag is to be tagged with a baggage tag and the receipt stapled to the passenger’s ticket. Limited Release Tags should be used for:    

fragile or inadequately packed items; perishable items; items, not allowed as cabin baggage; late check-in baggage.

Normal baggage tags have to be used for all other items checked-in, including surfboards, bicycles*, or security items. Note: The bicycle has to be packed properly, the air has to be released from the tiers and the tier valves are to remain open. 3.3


Only one piece per passenger is allowed. Dimensions must not exceed a total of 115cm(45 x 35 20), while the maximum allowable weight is 5kg. Passengers may carry the following items on-board:  overcoat or 1 wrap or 1 blanket;  1 small lady’s handbag or 1 small wrist-bag;  1 small bag with shoulder strap;  1 umbrella or 1 walking stick;  1 small camera and/or 1 binocular;  a reasonable amount of reading material for the flight;  infants: a normal day’s consumption of baby food for the journey. The secure stowage of hand baggage, as prescribed above, limits the permissible size and weight of hand baggage. Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



These limits vary with each airplane type/cabin layout combination. The company and its handling agent(s) shall brief passengers at check-in by means of placards/posters or orally, upon the maximum size and weight of hand baggage, where practicable, a receptacle should serve as a gauge. Note: For potentially hazardous substances refer to the ‘Dangerous Goods’ or airlines GOM. 3.4


Where, in exceptional cases, a passenger is prepared to pay for an extra seat in order to carry extremely valuable baggage (e.g. antique music instruments, works of art etc.), acceptance is only permitted if the safety and comfort of other passengers will not be impaired. Thus the size/weight/shape of such baggage must allow it to be secured in such a manner as to prevent forward, sideways, or upwards movement under crash impact (enough to contain inertia forces specified in the emergency landing condition of type certification). Authorization shall be received from the airlines Ground Operations Department, or OCC, prior to the acceptance of such loads. 3.5


Delivery at aircraft baggage are those bags, that are to be carried by the passenger until boarding the aircraft (baby strollers, wheelchairs, or other material that is necessary to the passenger until entering the aircraft). The check-in agent will tag the bag with a delivery at aircraft baggage tag (or normal tag). Take note of all the information necessary and pass it on to the operation staff. This info must be added to the LDM, in order to advise the down-line station. The bag will be collected, by the ramp staff, at the aircraft door and will be loaded in the compartment (bulk). When boarding is in progress, ground staff and crew members shall visually scan the hand baggage held by passengers, in case check-in personnel were bypassed. Where such baggage exceeds the allowance, politely deny the passenger access to the airplane until such baggage has been tagged, collected and loaded in the compartment. At the destination station, these articles are to be offloaded first and returned, to the relevant owner, by the aircraft’s door. 3.6 SECURITY ITEMS Collect the security item from the passenger and place it in an envelope, or box. Issue a bag tag, place it on the envelope or box and hand the receipt to the passenger. The article has to be brought to the ramp in order to stow the article in the bulk of the aircraft. Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



Note: Security items must not be handed to the cabin crew. Inform the passenger that the items (except arms and ammunition) will be delivered upon arrival at their destination by the conveyor belt as with other luggage. 3.7 ARMS AND AMMUNITION Whenever arms and ammunition are loaded on an aircraft, a separate message is to be sent to the destination station (copy to AIRLINES Air OCC), in order to alert the competent authorities as well as the Handling and Supervision companies of their presence and loading position Arms and ammunition are not to be delivered on the conveyor belt, but must be handed to the local Authorities. The passenger will collect these at the relevant office. For more specific information, refer to the specific chapters of the airlines GOM. 3.8


The carriage of live animals in the cabin is limited by aspects of the passenger’s safety and comfort on the one hand, and the size of the cabin on the other (separation of individual animals from each other). Carriage in the compartments depends on the type of cargo compartments available (heating, ventilation, and lighting). The passenger under whose care the animal travels is responsible that all required documents can be submitted to the appropriate authorities at the destination. He is also responsible to supply and to place the live animal in a water-resistant container that is adequate for air transportation. Note: Pets are to be accepted for travel only if carried in the correct containers of aeronautical standard. 3.9


 Maximum two per flight.  Max. Weight 5kg, shoulder height about 25cm or 10inches, length without tail about 50cm or 20 inches the total weight of the animal and the bag or case shall not exceed 7kg.  To be carried with lead and muzzle in a suitable leak-proof bag/kennel, with a maximum size of 55x35x25cm. The size of the bag/kennel must allow the pet to be comfortable during the whole journey.  The passengers shall have been informed in advance that the pets must stay in the container/bag on the floor during the whole flight  Whenever possible, block the seat next to the passenger traveling with a pet in the cabin.  Before boarding, inform the Commander and SCCM of the pet’s presence and the location in the cabin.  The handling staff and the Commander shall exclude all animals from carriage in the cabin, which might impede an emergency evacuation. Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania





The carriage of pets in cargo compartments shall take into account the specific needs of the animals. The basic environmental requirements shall be ascertained from all sources available. The temperature range and oxygen requirements must be matched by the heating and ventilation capability of the cargo compartment provided. The following guidelines must be followed whenever AVIH are to be accepted:  Maximum three per aircraft.  Cage must be of aeronautical standard and supplied by passenger.  It is very important to inform the Commander that you will be loading a live animal in the cargo compartment. This is necessary in order to make sure that the aircraft’s cargo ventilation system (where available) is activated.  The down-line stations must be informed by means of appropriate message. Loading instructions:  Containers shall be stowed in such a manner as to ensure enough space guarantee sufficient air circulation.  Containers shall be accessible, without needing to be offloaded when care of the animal is required on transit stations.  In the event of excessive delays, special care (according to shipper‘s instructions) shall be taken for the animal/s.  Containers shall normally not be loaded directly in front of/below air ventilation outlets or internal lighting.  Animals that are natural enemies shall not be loaded in close proximity of each other, e.g. cats and dogs.  Male and female animals should be stowed as far apart as possible.  In general, live animals shall not be loaded in close proximity to any other load that may have a negative effect on their wellbeing or health. Do not load dogs near human remains!  To be loaded in the bulk area.  The handling staff shall, by Special Loads Notification, inform the Commander before departure of all live animals, their requirements and their location.  Obtain confirmation from airlines Ground Operations if animals are not mentioned in the PAXPRE message.



Co-mail can be accepted on-board only if handed over by authorized airlines airport representative (refer to the airlines GOM). Modalities for Co-mail loading: 1. In the cabin (on hands of Crew); applicable for smaller amount of enevelopes; Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



shall be properly packed by airlines representative and marked as Co-mail; standard security measures as for the hand-cabin luggage apply 2. In the aircraft hold (as cargo); applicable for bigger amount of Co-mail; standard cargo security measures apply; shall be properly packed by airlines representative and marked as Co-mail At every airport where airlines has its own airport representatives, they shall agree with Handling companies about place of delivery of Co-mail. 3.12 SECURITY ITEMS Collect the security item from the passenger and place it in an envelope, or box. Issue a bag tag, place it on the envelope or box and hand the receipt to the passenger. The article has to be brought to the ramp in order to stow the article in the bulk of the aircraft. Note: Security items must not be handed to the cabin crew. Inform the passenger that the items (except arms and ammunition) will be delivered upon arrival at their destination by the conveyor belt as with other luggage. 3.13 ARMS AND AMMUNITION Whenever arms and ammunition are loaded on an aircraft, a separate message is to be sent to the destination station (copy to AIRLINES Air OCC), in order to alert the competent authorities as well as the Handling and Supervision companies of their presence and loading position Arms and ammunition are not to be delivered on the conveyor belt, but must be handed to the local Authorities. The passenger will collect these at the relevant office. For more specific information, refer to the specific chapters of the airlines GOM. 3.14 LIVE ANIMALS The carriage of live animals in the cabin is limited by aspects of the passenger’s safety and comfort on the one hand, and the size of the cabin on the other (separation of individual animals from each other). Carriage in the compartments depends on the type of cargo compartments available (heating, ventilation, and lighting). The passenger under whose care the animal travels is responsible that all required documents can be submitted to the appropriate authorities at the destination. He is also responsible to supply and to place the live animal in a water-resistant container that is adequate for air transportation. Note: Pets are to be accepted for travel only if carried in the correct containers of aeronautical standard.

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Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



3.15 PETS IN CABIN – PETC  Maximum two per flight.  Max. Weight 5kg, shoulder height about 25cm or 10inches, length without tail about 50cm or 20 inches the total weight of the animal and the bag or case shall not exceed 7kg.  To be carried with lead and muzzle in a suitable leak-proof bag/kennel, with a maximum size of 55x35x25cm. The size of the bag/kennel must allow the pet to be comfortable during the whole journey.  The passengers shall have been informed in advance that the pets must stay in the container/bag on the floor during the whole flight  Whenever possible, block the seat next to the passenger traveling with a pet in the cabin.  Before boarding, inform the Commander and SCCM of the pet’s presence and the location in the cabin.  The handling staff and the Commander shall exclude all animals from carriage in the cabin, which might impede an emergency evacuation. 3.16


The carriage of pets in cargo compartments shall take into account the specific needs of the animals. The basic environmental requirements shall be ascertained from all sources available. The temperature range and oxygen requirements must be matched by the heating and ventilation capability of the cargo compartment provided. The following guidelines must be followed whenever AVIH are to be accepted:  Maximum three per aircraft.  Cage must be of aeronautical standard and supplied by passenger.  It is very important to inform the Commander that you will be loading a live animal in the cargo compartment. This is necessary in order to make sure that the aircraft’s cargo ventilation system (where available) is activated.  The down-line stations must be informed by means of appropriate message. Loading instructions:  Containers shall be stowed in such a manner as to ensure enough space guarantee sufficient air circulation.  Containers shall be accessible, without needing to be offloaded when care of the animal is required on transit stations.  In the event of excessive delays, special care (according to shipper‘s instructions) shall be taken for the animal/s.  Containers shall normally not be loaded directly in front of/below air ventilation outlets or internal lighting.  Animals that are natural enemies shall not be loaded in close proximity of each other, e.g. cats and dogs.  Male and female animals should be stowed as far apart as possible.  In general, live animals shall not be loaded in close proximity to any other load that may have a negative effect on their wellbeing or health. Do not load dogs Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 35 E-mail: Website: Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania


near human remains!  To be loaded in the bulk area.  The handling staff shall, by Special Loads Notification, inform the Commander before departure of all live animals, their requirements and their location.  Obtain confirmation from airlines Ground Operations if animals are not mentioned in the PAXPRE message. 3.17


Co-mail can be accepted on-board only if handed over by authorized airlines airport representative (refer to the airlines GOM). Modalities for Co-mail loading: 3. In the cabin (on hands of Crew); applicable for smaller amount of enevelopes; shall be properly packed by airlines representative and marked as Co-mail; standard security measures as for the hand-cabin luggage apply 4. In the aircraft hold (as cargo); applicable for bigger amount of Co-mail; standard cargo security measures apply; shall be properly packed by airlines representative and marked as Co-mail At every airport where airlines has its own airport representatives, they shall agree with Handling companies about place of delivery of Co-mail.



A punctual departure is our first target. Nevertheless a delay could happen, often caused by factors beyond our control, such as slots, ATC, weather, technical problems, etc. As a result our customers do not get what they paid for. It’s hard to try to compensate a delayed arrival with a high level of service and high standard aircraft equipment. In these cases we must aim to keep the passengers’ inconvenience to a minimum and win back their sympathy showing a professional and competent ground service. Experience teaches us that the following aspects cause the most complaints in connection with delays:    

lack of, or contradictory, information given to passengers; airlines representatives not constantly present; lack of, or contradictory, information sent to the next station/s; insufficient, inadequate or poor quality refreshments.

Our goal is to eliminate these complaints. Passengers will be satisfied if we are able to manage such situations proficiently and will have good impression of airlines regardless of the delayed departure. No airline is invulnerable to delays, however the point is how we handle delay situations and how we treat our customers. The passengers must understand that Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



airlines regrets all inconvenience caused by the delay. The personal contact with the passengers is the most important aspect, we should always try to answer their questions and/or solve their problems. Even when the passengers are angry and aggressive we must keep a friendly, helpful and positive attitude. 4.1


The presence of airlines staff or the handling/supervision agent gives the passenger trust in our operation. Our staff must be able to keep the passenger informed at all times. That’s why the gate counter should always be manned by experienced staff. These staff must keep a constant communication link with the Operations office. Sometimes, it may not be easy to provide passengers with precise and tactful information; in such cases the most important thing to remember is that incomplete or unrealistic information should not be given as most passengers are very experienced air travelers and they will not accept distorted information. Note: The manager/supervisor on duty will need to co-ordinate his/her staff and make sure that each employee will give out the same information to the passengers.



The below guideline is to be used in case of delays (excluding ATC): After 2 hours After 4 hours After 6 hours After 12 hours

Only drinks Light refreshment (snacks) Hot meal Hotel accommodation

Note: The decision on the service to be provided is a responsibility of the Airport representatives, or supervisors, and should be based on the time, the expected duration of the delay, the local circumstances and finally how long our passengers have been away from their last accommodation. For any further clarification contact the airlines Ground Operations office (or Flight Dispatch after hours). In case of delays longer than 6 hours, co-ordinate with airlines Ground Operation’s office (or Flight Dispatch after hours) Remain in contact with the Tour Operator representatives at all time and inform them of any step, decision and/or provisions taken. Note: Meals and Refreshments have to be ordered by the airlines Airport Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



representatives, or supervisors. The tour operator representative is not entitled to do so, but should anyway be informed of our intended actions and preparations. The cost of all services should be adequate to the local Airport facilities, nearby hotels or restaurants. 4.3


Known delay If there is enough time, as for delays originating from the up-line station, the best solution is to co-ordinate, with the Ground Operations office in Tirana (or flight dispatch after hours) in addition to the tour operator/s, a delayed pick-up of the passengers from their hotels. Consequently the check-in will be delayed and there will be no need to offer snacks or hot meals at the Airport. Nevertheless, at least one check in counter must be opened at the normal scheduled time, in order to process the passengers that were not advised of the delay. To these passengers, offer snacks or hot meals according to our company regulations listed in the previous paragraph. Note: Keep the Tour Operator representative promptly informed of any change or update. Unexpected delays (excluding slot/ATC) The passengers and the Tour Operator representative should be kept informed the whole time. Our passengers expect to have as much information as possible, they will be annoyed if there is a delay, but the situation will degenerate if they will not be updated constantly. Frequent announcements shall be done, in English and local language, even if no new information is available. A delay announcement must contain the following information, without using terms that might be considered too technical or worrying for our passengers:     

airlines referred flight number and destination(s); reason of delay (for aircraft problems use the wording “Operational reasons”); estimated time of departure, or next information in 30 minutes; next steps (refreshments, snacks, meals, hotel accommodation, …) apologize for the delay and the inconvenience.

Whenever a delay, or a delay warning, is communicated, evaluate if any service should be offered to the passengers in order to have the time to pre-alert the local restaurant, snack bar or hotels. Whenever there is any doubt on the length of the delay (generally on technical delays), available Hotels must be found and their management alerted for a possible reprotection. Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 38 E-mail: Website: Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania


Delays caused by Slot/ATC Under one hour: Due to the possibility of obtaining a slot improvement, and considering the fact that the waiting time on the A/C would normally last not more than 20 minutes (the A/C can normally leave the parking position 10 minutes prior to slot time + the start up of the engines lasts approximately 5 minutes...), the following points should be followed in case of delays of this length and nature:  the Commander sends a ready for departure message;  no delay announcement;  boarding as for an on-time departure;  on board the passengers will be cared by the crew; More than one hour: Here again, the departure slot can be improved any minute, thus it is not advisable to order snacks or hot-meals (we could find ourselves in the position to refuse a slot improvement if we are not ready for an immediate departure). Nevertheless, we cannot leave our passengers unattended for hours. The decision on whether we: board on time; delay the boarding without additional services; or delay the boarding and offer snacks/meal, has to be coordinated with the Commander and flight dispatch. The passengers will be informed as soon as this decision has been taken. 4.4.2 Cabin Baggage Definition Cabin (or Hand) Baggage comprises all articles not listed as personal effects but wanted in the cabin by the passengers during the flight. Size, weight and quantity limitations for cabin baggage must be followed at all times to ensure safety. Limitations Scheduled international and domestic: • 1 piece with a maximum weight of 5kgs and max dimensions 55 x 40 x 20cm. International Charter Flights • 1 piece with max weight of 5kgs and max dimensions 55 x 40 x 20cm. Note: Items exceeding these limitations must be checked-in as registered baggage and stowed in the baggage holds. Reminder on Liability If a bag is considered unsuitable as hand baggage, the airport staff must remind the passenger to remove all valuable and fragile articles as well as all important documents such as passports, drivers license, etc. since dba does not accept any liabilities for those articles if contained in the checked baggage. Personal Effects Additionally to the free baggage allowance and the free hand baggage allowance as specified below, the following items may be carried by the passenger without charge: • a lady's handbag, pocket book or purse, • an overcoat, wrap or blanket, Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



• an umbrella or walking stick, • a small camera and/or pair of binoculars, • a reasonable amount of reading material, • infant's food for consumption during flight and a carrying basket, • a fully collapsible invalid's wheelchair and/or pair of crutches and/or braces or • other prosthetic items if the passenger is dependent on them, • a Laptop. 4.4.3 Cabin Baggage for Infants Allowance Infants will be allowed food and other requirements for the flight to a maximum weight of 6kg as Cabin Baggage in addition to the accompanying adult's allowance and may be carried in a bag with dimensions in accordance to the class of travel. Baby Buggy Baby Buggies may need to be checked in at the departure gate due to limited storage space on the airplane. Every effort should be made to return them to the airplane door on arrival. Baby buggies are always carried free of charge. Passengers are permitted to use buggies until reaching the airplane door from where the buggy will be loaded into the baggage holds.

4.4 Baggage Handling Definition Baggage that exceeds the free baggage allowance stated in the ticket can be accepted for transportation. The passenger has to pay the carrier for this transportation. The payment will be done during the normal check-in on airlines counters. Baggage that exceeds the free baggage allowance by more than 10 kg must be prior arranged through the carrier’s office and will be confirmed by telex. Single baggage items weighting more than 30 kg and/or bulky baggage which are not confirmed can only be accepted according to space and weight capacity. Excess Baggage International scheduled flights: • EUR 5.00 per additional kg over allowed (15 kg) This tariff may be changed as per company policy Exceptions Transportation of bicycles, pets, sporting equipment and musical instruments is also possible, but only under prior confirmation by the carrier. If not included in the passenger's free baggage allowance, special excess baggage charges apply. 4.4.5 Special Baggage Coverage This paragraph contains information regarding the acceptance of special baggage such as sporting equipment of any kind, musical instruments, bicycles and bulky or heavy items for carriage on board of airplane on a scheduled service. Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



An overview of all special baggage rates can be found on the next pages. Additional information will be given in the following paragraphs. Handling For several items such as surfboards, musical instruments, etc. additional handling fees are to be paid by the passenger. This must be done before check-in at airlines counters. All items accepted as checked baggage which are listed below will only be carried as Limited Release Item which means that airlines does not accept any liability in case of loss or damage. Airport staff are reminded to use Limited Release Tag whenever accepting special baggage. Bulky Cabin Baggage Belleair does not allow bulky baggage to be carried inside the passenger cabin. This includes: • musical instruments • works of art All items in excess of the free hand baggage allowance must be checked in and carried as hold baggage. Reservation All large and/or heavy items of special baggage (in particular surfboards, bicycles) must be reserved. Overview about Special Baggage Charges * Excess Baggage • Live Animals • Bicycles • Diving Equipment • Fishing Equipment • Golf Equipment • Ski/Snowboard • Musical Instruments • Surfboards • Weapons • Baby Buggy / Crutches / Wheelchairs always free of charge Note: Whenever it is said that carriage is "free of charge if within free baggage allowance" it implies that no single item may be in excess of 32kgs. All charges on Charter Flights are roundtrip related. Transportation of Sporting Equipment Bicycles Reservation required, add element in passenger PNR. A max. of six (6) bicycles can be reserved, any further bikes on request at day of departure at check-in. Handling advice: Pedals to be removed or fixed inwards, handlebars sideways, pressure in tires to be reduced. Bicycles will only be accepted as Limited Release Item which means that the carrier accepts no liability in case of loss or damage. A special Limited Release Tag must be used. It is therefore recommended to put the bicycle into a protective bag which cannot be obtained from airlines. Max. dimensions 254 x 86 x 76 Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 41 E-mail: Website: Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania


cm. Diving Equipment Bottles must be unpressurized. Diving lamps in checked baggage are not allowed. Fishing Equipment Angling / Fishing Equipment can be considered as one piece of baggage irrespective of its actual size and can be carried as part of the free baggage allowance providing that it is not more than 2 rods/ 1 reel/ 1 landing net/ 1 pair of fishing boots and 1 fishing tackle box. Golf Equipment A golf bag containing golf clubs and one pair of golf shoes can be considered as one piece of baggage. Skiing Equipment Ski Equipment comprising one (1) pair of skis plus boots and poles or one (1) snowboard plus boots is considered as one piece of baggage irrespective its actual size and weight. Surfboard On airplanes, the maximum permitted length of surfboards is 254 cm. Surfboards above this length cannot be carried due to restricted hold capacity. A maximum of five (5) surfboards and/or windsurfing equipment can be accepted. Advance reservation is recommended and passengers should be informed about an increased Minimum Check-in Time of 1 hour before STD. Windsurfing Equipment Windsurfing equipment contains one (1) surfboard plus one (1) collapsible and detachable sail. Maximum permitted weight of 30kgs. The length may not exceed 254 cm (see above). Paragliders A Paraglider which is suitably packed in one (1) protective bag can be considered as one piece of baggage and can be carried as part of the checked baggage allowance. If in excess of the normal allowance normal excess baggage rates apply. This applies for all scheduled flights. Maximum permitted weight of 30kgs. The length may not exceed 254 cm (see above). Vaulting Pole Refer to Operation Manual Bases Maximum Loads & Package Size Transportation of Musical Instruments / Bulky, Damaged or Heavy Items Refer to Chapter OM B Maximum Loads & Package Size Musical Instruments Bulky Musical Instruments such as Double Bass or Cellos can be accepted as checked baggage only. Many Carriers do not allow bulky items to be carried inside the passenger cabin. When carried as checked baggage, the instrument must be securely packed in a hard case. Passengers should be briefed that the acceptance will be as Limited Release Item, which means carrier accepts no liability in case of damage. Musical Instruments can also be carried in the cabin providing they meet the airlines hand luggage Regulations (max. 6 kgs, max. size 55x40x20cm). Limitations A maximum number of four (4) cellos per flight may be booked and accepted as checked baggage without referring to airlines operations. Any additional cellos must be requested by airlines Ground Operations. All musical instruments in excess of the Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 42 E-mail: Website: Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport NĂŤnĂŤ Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania


maximum permitted dimensions as stated in the airlines hand luggage Regulations must be loaded in the baggage hold. Prior confirmation from airlines Ground Operations is required. Damages Baggage which shows obvious signs of damage can only be accepted as Limited Release Item which means that airlines does not accept any liability in case of loss or further damage. Handling Advice: Draw passengers attention to any baggage received at check-in in a damaged condition. Enter details in the endorsements/restrictions box of the passenger's ticket. Use a manual Limited Release Tag whenever possible and identify the damage in the space provided. Bulky or Heavy Items Other bulky cabin baggage, e.g. Works of Art, cannot be transported. Baby buggies, crutches and collapsible support horses (invalid walkers) can be used until the airplane door and will be loaded into the hold due to limited storage space on board. Every effort should be made to return them to passenger at arrival. No bag in excess of 32 kg can be accepted for carriage. Any passengers with single items heavier than 32 kg are to be advised to repack before they can be checked-in. Free Baggage Allowance Definition: The free baggage allowance is the amount of baggage a passenger may check in for a specific flight without extra charge. The baggage allowance varies depending on the passenger's destination and class of travel. The following items are unacceptable as checked baggage: • Items which are likely to endanger the aircraft, persons or property on board the airplane, such as those specified in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations. • Items which are considered unsuitable for carriage by reason of their weight, size, shape or character or which are fragile or perishable. • Firearms and ammunition other than for hunting and sporting purposes are prohibited as baggage (all handguns are classified as Munitions of War). • Any item that is not properly packed in suitable containers. The following items should not be packed in checked baggage: Money, jewellery, medications, precious metals, computers, negotiable papers, securities or other valuables, business documents, passports and other identification documents. Airlines do not accept any liability for those articles in case of loss or damage. Limited Release Items If the passenger wishes to carry items as part of the checked baggage which are considered unsuitable for carriage because they are fragile or unsuitably packed, the baggage can only be accepted with a Limited Release Tag conforming that does not accept any liability in case of loss or damage. When using a manual Limited Release tag, the tag must contain the passenger's Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 43 E-mail: Website: Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania


name and the entire routing. The tag number must be entered manually. When using the Limited Release Field of an automatic Baggage Tag, the words "Limited Release" must be written on the tag and the reason stated in the appropriate field reverse. In addition, a Limited Release Tag must be used if a bag is accepted at check-in after the stipulated time limits ("check-in deadline"). Passenger concerned have to be informed that the bag might not be loaded on the flight they are travelling with and will not be delivered to passenger but must be picked up at the airport of destination. International On scheduled international flights, adult passengers and children over the age of two (2) years are allowed to carry: • one (1) piece of baggage not exceeding total combined dimensions of 170cm (height plus length plus width) • and with maximum weight of 15kgs. Charter Flights On charter flights, adult passengers and children over the age of two (2) years are allowed to carry • 20 kilograms of checked baggage. • If the tour operator of a specific flight has different regulations, those must be followed.



Passengers expect to receive a friendly and individual service at the gate, this includes the dismissal of the passengers. As a General rule, boarding shall be both on front door aircraft entrance and back door aircraft entrance. 5.1


Pier gates (jet-bridges) should be used whenever possible, unless specifically indicated by the airlines Ground Operations Department, OCC, or flight’s Commander. 5.2


In order to achieve an on-time departure, manning the gates in a timely manner is essential. One of the most important demands of our customers is punctuality. A minimal waiting time at the gate or in the bus can be very annoying. One Agent must be at the relevant gate at least 45 minutes prior to scheduled time of departure (STD), while the second must be present at boarding time: 30 minutes before STD. In the even of flight delays, the gate is to be manned constantly, from the before Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



mentioned start time - until boarding ends. This is necessary in order to ensure a continuous information flow to the departing passengers. The gate is never to be left unattended. A Manager on Duty or Supervisor must be available at all times. The last passenger should be on board not later than 10 minutes prior to estimated time of departure. 5.3


Actions have to be taken in order to ensure that Airport signs and monitors are correctly updated in all the displayed information (flight number, destination, boarding time, gate number, delay information, etc.). 5.4


Possibility of pre-boarding should be offered to passengers with special needs. Families with infants or children, elderly, handicapped passengers, MAAS, etc. must be accompanied personally to the aircraft. Only after these passengers with special needs have been seated should the others be boarded. 5.5 BOARDING ANNOUNCEMENTS The goal is to achieve a professional and systematic boarding, therefore the announcement must be made in a courteous and simple way, without using technical terms, take care to speak slowly and clearly. Note: The announcement must be made in English and the local language. 5.6


Jet-bridge First, or special assistance passengers (wheelchairs, families with Remote Parking children, VIPs, etc.), are to be invited to board the aircraft. with one door. Second, board the rest of the passengers. Remote Parking First, with two door special assistance passengers (wheelchairs, families with boarding. children, VIPs, etc.), are to be invited to board the aircraft. Second, announce the boarding of the rest of the passengers. Passengers with a seat allocation from the front to the mid of the aircraft are to be invited to board from the front door. Passengers with a seat allocation from the mid to the rear of the aircraft are to be invited to board from the rear door Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport NĂŤnĂŤ Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania





For most passengers this is an arrival in a foreign city and thus in a foreign Airport. Our duty is to welcome these passengers and to help them to find the right way through the Airport. Passengers have to be welcomed and assisted with hand luggage and help provided to parents with young children and babies etc. “Delivery at aircraft” baggage noted on the LDM must be handed over to the passenger directly at the aircraft. Arrival announcements must be made in English in addition to the local language. 6.1


Read all SITA messages concerning the incoming flight in order to arrange all necessary preparation of the arrival:  MVT (EA,...),  LDM (number of passengers,),  PSM (UM, WCH, MAAS, ...). Ensure that necessary equipment is in position and that all the information displayed on the Airport monitors is updated and complete. 6.2


A minimum of two staff should meet the aircraft. The incoming agent attends the arrival 10 minutes before the aircraft arrives. In the baggage hall, an agent must be at the passenger’s disposal at all time, until the last passenger has left the Arrivals Hall. 6.3


Expectant mothers, families with children and/or infants, handicapped, as well as other passengers in need of help will be assisted to disembark the aircraft or to find the right and shortest way through the Airport. 6.4


All the bags must be on the baggage belt within 15 minutes after the passengers arrive in the area.



Reaching one’s final destination without luggage is always very annoying. That’s why Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



we have to give the impression that we will endeavor to do our utmost to avoid further inconveniences as well as to find the lost luggage on the fastest possible way. Passengers may be very upset, never take unfriendly comments personally, because unfriendly reactions would worsen the situation. Passengers must receive a friendly, individual and competent treatment at the Lost & Found counter: The Lost & Found counter sign must be well visible and lost and found staff present from the arrival of the first passenger until the last one has left the Arrivals Hall. 6.6


Types of baggage carriage irregularities Irregularities connected to the carriage of checked baggage may result in the following;  missing baggage at the destination (baggage delayed in arrival, or lost baggage)  B-damage baggage  missing out of baggage (pilferage) All these irregularities require a special procedure, as described on the following pages. Procedure for baggage carriage irregularities in general Any kind of irregularities related to the checked baggage, notices during baggage claim has to be reported by passenger to airlines Handling Company at the Lost&Found office at the airport of arrival. Lost&Found office staff shell make a Property Irregularity Report-PIR or Damage report DPR, in case of missing baggage, its damage or missing items out of the baggage. A PIR (Property Irregularity Report) has to be completed, in all details, before the passenger leaves the Airport. The information is to be filled in, accurately and completely, as any small detail may help in the tracing or the eventual reimbursement. After all necessary data is entered in PIR, it shell be signed both by Lost&Found officer and the passenger. PIR shell be processed through a computer tracing system if Lost&Found office is connected to such system, and a print is given to the passenger. If Lost&Found office is not connected to the computer tracing system, the PIR is written manually in triplicate form:  the first copy is given to the passenger Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



 the second copy remains in the Lost&Found office  the third copy is given or forwarded to the Carrier- airlines. Carrier is obliged to inform the passenger of how to realize indemnity for damage that is result of carriage irregularities. 6.7


When passenger learns that his checked baggage is missing, he shell report that to the Lost&Found Office at the airport of his final destination. In that case, based on information from the ticket and baggage tag, Lost&Found Office issues a Property Irregularity Report (PIR). It can be computer generated (if station is connected to the computer tracing system), or, if not, shall be written manually in triplicate form. In both cases, passenger and officer shall sign the report, and a copy is given to passenger. In case when only one piece of checked baggage has not arrived along with the passenger, delivered baggage should be check-weighed in ordered to confirm the exact weight of missing baggage, and quantity and weight of totally checked and totally delivered baggage should be entered in corresponding boxes. Lost&Found Officer should explain the tracing procedure to the passenger and agree upon the way of informing him during the procedure. Our customers must be informed daily on the tracing developments. Ensure that correct and accurate information concerning the lost luggage is given at all times. If mishandled luggage information is available prior to arrival of the aircraft, it is important to page the passenger at the arrival hall. Give the passenger all the known information regarding the forwarding of the missing baggage. When the bag arrives, it must be delivered to the passenger’s address in the quickest way possible. Passenger is obliged, if Lost&Found Office that issued P.I.R. is not in area of passenger permanent place of living, to advice airlines Handling Company his temporary address and phone contact altogether with time restriction in delivery of baggage at that address. (This must be entered to Remark box). After that, Lost&Found Office should start action for baggage tracing; Lost&Found Office that issued the PIR should begin tracing procedure immediately. Tracing should be resumed irrespective of the passenger address or his next destination. If the Lost&Found Office is not connected to a computer tracing system, Lost&Found Officer at airport of arriving should perform manually tracing and search the aircraft, all station facilities including baggage sorting and Customs area. If search is negative Lost&Found Officer should send massage and advice Lost&Found Office at the airport of departure to search all station facilities including baggage sorting and Customs area. If search at departure airport is negative, AHL message should be forwarded to all airports expecting flights from station in question. Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



Lost&Found Office staff there receiving such a message might ensure a complete local inspection of Customs zone, all airport and town terminal facilities, cargo areas, as well as check all OHD or BOH messages about the baggage found from other carriers at this airport. If tracing procedure is successful, the baggage shall be delivered to the airport of passenger’s destination. At destinations within Albania, the passengers have to pick up their delayed baggage at the destination airport, after the Lost&Found Office has informed the passenger about its arrival. In case that baggage has not been picked up by the passenger in period of time stated in P.I.R., baggage shall be delivered to passengers permanent address. At destination outside Albania, if the passenger permanent address of living is in range of 50 km from airport, local Lost&Found Office shall inform passenger about baggage arrival and passenger have to pick up their delayed baggage. In case that passenger permanent address is in range more then 50 km, Handling Agent (usually Lost&Found office staff) shall deliver to the passenger home address stated in P.I.R. Delivery shall be arranged by the Lost&Found Office representative of the carrier carrying the passenger to his final destination. After P.I.R. has been issued by airlines Handling Company (usually Lost&Found Office staff), handling agent is obligated to forward SITA message or e-MAIL message to airlines Ground Operations (subject; delay/lost and message has to contain following informations:       

Passenger name File number Date Flight number and passenger route Baggage type and color Passenger addresses /permanent and temporary/ Remark

When baggage is recovered another message has to be sent at one of mentioned addresses and has to contain following informations;     

Passenger name File number Forwarding details Baggage receipt confirmation Reason of mishandling

Baggage receipt shall be verified by passenger’s signature and officer shall enter the date of baggage receipt in the passengers copy of P.I.R. In case that delayed baggage arrives damaged, a Damage Report (DPR) shall be issued, with ˝Baggage Received Damaged˝ box marked. For delay to checked-in baggage passenger must claim in writing within 21 day of its return. Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 49 E-mail: Website: Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania




On-hand baggage must be re-routed, to its tagged final destination, on the next available flight. Minimize the number of flights necessary to send the bag to its final destination (routings with too many connections should be avoided). Send a forwarding message to the destination station, as soon as possible, in order to promptly inform the passenger. Report to airlines any left behind tag-less bags that may, in your judgment, belong to one of the passengers that traveled on our services. For additional procedures/restrictions on Forwarding, refer to the airlines GOM. 6.9


In case of damaged baggage, passenger shall report it to the airlines Handling Company immediately upon baggage receipt at the airport of destination (Lost&Found office), where Damage Report shall be issued by airlines Handling Company, and signed by passenger and Lost&Found Officer. Only in exceptional case, when damage is not noticed immediately, passenger has to report it to the Lost&Found Office additionally, and the claim in writing has to be sent to the airlines within 7 days from baggage receipt. In Damage Report (DPR) should be entered following standard particulars of baggage damage:    

date of purchase age of a suitcase or a bag purchasing price the nature and degree of damage

Lost&Found Officer should advise the passenger to have baggage repaired if possible, and to forward a claim in writing for compensation of repair expanses to airlines Claims Department, enclosed to the claim. The outside damage of bag or a suitcase may also cause the inside damage to the contents of baggage. Damage to passenger clothing In case of passenger’s clothing being damaged during boarding the aircraft or while airborne, passenger shall report damage to the SCCM who shall indicate that in passenger ticket or in the Flight Report. Upon arrival at the airport of destination, damage shall be reported to the Lost&Found Office staff, which shall make the Damage Report. If damage occurred during boarding the aircraft, the validity of such Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



indemnity claim may be confirmed by Station Manager or appointed Supervisor Statement. Afterwards, the passenger shall forward the compensation claim in writing, along with a copy of Damage Report and invoice of repair or dry cleaning of the clothing airlines Claims Department.


6.10 MISSING OUT OF BAGGAGE (PILFERAGE) When baggage is collected by passenger who then states that there are items missing, it is said to have been pilfered. Claim time limits may be of great importance with pilferage claims, as loss of an item may not be discovered at the airport but during the unpacking. Additionally, delayed baggage, once delivered to customer, may be found to have been pilferaged. If discovered at the airport, the passenger shall report pilferage immediately at the Lost&Found, where a Damage Report (with marking a ˝Missing out of checked baggage˝ box) shall be issued ( with as much details as possible about the alleged missing items), and signed by passenger. Likely causes might be the following:  Bag was packed too folly and the locks have sprung open during the journey, spilling the items in the aircraft hold (a quick check of the aircraft is necessary).  Passenger has not in fact lost anything but did not bring the items at all.  Somewhere during the journey some items from the bag have been stolen. When Office receives such claim shall do the following:  Fill in Damage Report and mark ˝Missing out of checked baggage˝ box.  Enter all missing items, its price and purchase date, in ˝Baggage type or Missing article˝ box.  Check-weight the baggage and enter figures in ˝Weight of Damaged bag˝ box.  Dispatch a message to all stations along the passenger’s itinerary, with the heading ˝Alleged Pilferage˝. In case of visible damage to baggage (broken locks, zip or big hole), which indicates possibility of missing articles out of baggage, passenger is obligated to report pilferage to the airlines Handling Company immediately upon baggage receipt, and the report has to be issued and signed by passenger. However, if there is no visible damage to baggage, or if it has not been locked up, passenger can report the items missing out of baggage after coming home, during unpacking. In that case, the pilferage can be reported within a day after baggage receipt. Although usually rare, the stuff shall carefully observe such cases, and all details should be investigated through personal contact with the passenger, in order to judge the validity of passenger’s statement about pilferage. Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania





Airlines often see this type of activity as not being there responsibility; however, airlines should make every possible attempt to trace and restore lost unchecked item, as it creates a favorable impression with passenger when such items are returned to them. Airport Lost and Found Office staff shall take all data necessary and perform courtesy tracing. If found, such items have to be registered by the Lost&Found Office, and when delivered to a passenger, he shall verify by signing it, and his ID or Passport has to be checked.

7 7.1


The following completed information must be passed on to the Senior flight attendant (SCCM) before the end of boarding: Copies 1 1 1

Document Pax Manifest (inclusive of seating Assignments and special passenger information); Load-sheet (another copy remains in the cockpit); General Declaration forms (as required by destination countries).

The above information, improves the service on board, helps our administration and general operation, therefore it is of utmost importance that it is completed accurate. Note: The Passenger Manifest must be completed for each flight even if NIL. Note: Please refer to for a Distribution List of airlines GOM. 7.2


The Departure Report has to be completed fully and accurately after each airlines departure and sent, within 24 hours, to airlines Ground Operations. The following standard message format is to be used:

AIRLINES DEPARTURE REPORT FLT NBR:...….. DATE:………. ROUTE:....../......./….... Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania



A/C REG:……..

A/C TYPE:…….



STD .........

ATD ….../….....

DELAY CODE/DELAY TIME:....../...... DELAY REPORT:………………………………………………………………… PAX IN:.......

PAX OUT:…...





END:………. END:……….




Phone: 00355 4 2381 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: Website:

Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania


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