Pp lesson plan format 2

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LESSON PLAN FORMAT PP Lesson Plan Nº: 2 School: Salesiano School Type of school: Subsidized

Grade/Class: 9th grade A

Number of Ss: 45 F / M

Level of English: Pre - intermediate

Age Group: 14 aprox.

Date of lesson: October 29th, 2015

Time of lesson: 13:55 – 15:25

Length of lesson: 85 minutes.

Student-Teacher’s name: María Ignacia Aguilar Guide Teacher’s name: Marta Aguilar.

Course book Unit: Main Objective (skill based): At the end of the lesson, students will be able to… OAT/OFT Objective: Identify general and specific information from a text, in order to complete some tasks and work on the improvement of their reading comprehension skills. Subsidiary objective(s):

Students will listen respectfully to other classmates’ contributions.

Students will be able to identify general and specific information on a text.

Grammatical Contents:

Lexical Contents:

Passive Voice Description of Assessment of Main Objective:

Description of Assessment of OAT/OFT Objective:

Through observation and by using some checking comprehension questions, students will be assessed on their reading comprehension skills.

Through observation, students will be assessed on their respect to their classmates, by not talking while their classmates are talking and not laughing at them if they make any mistake.


Description of Activity/Methodology (student centered)

MI Theory


Time (min)


Students will be shown a video with the sinking scene of the Visual movie Titanic and they will have to share their ideas about Musical what was it about. Then, students will be explained what is the topic of the lesson and what are going to be the activities.

Video Speakers Laptop Projector

7 min.


Using a PPT, students will be shown some key vocabulary that Visual might help them to understand the text. Students will be also Musical asked to repeat the pronunciation of the words. Verbal/linguistic

PPT Projector Laptop

13 - 15 min.


Students will be given a worksheet and asked to work on Verbal/linguistic reading comprehension activities. First, they will have to read, Kinaesthetic underline verbs written in passive voice and then write them to complete a chart. After that, they will have to read the text again, in order to answer some reading comprehension questions. At the end of the class, the answers will be checked on the board. Some students will be asked to come to the front and write the answers.

Worksheet Board Marker PPT Projector Laptop

58 - 60 min.

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