Year 7 - 12
Year 7 - 12*
*IT levies are applicable for Year 12 students who have opted into the Laptop Program in 2025.
Building Fund
Edmund Rice
Special Projects Levy
Above dollar values are approximate and subject to change $1,786
Building Fund
$150.00 $150.00
Voluntary donations to the Building Fund are tax deductable, so all donors receive a direct benefit, regardless of the amount donated. We encourage every Ignatius Park College family to make a voluntary contribution to the Building fund, as your support is a real investment in present and future Ignatius Park College facilities.
Edmund Rice Special Projects Levy
This Levy is optional, but helpful in supporting Edmund Rice Foundation projects. Edmund Rice Foundation Australia (ERFA) is a trusted international development organisation. Our vision is for access to quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. The foundation assists poorly resourced and marginalised communities through access to education, enabling them to determine their own futures. For further information please visit
Fee Discounts & Assistance
A sibling discount is available to families with 2 or more students attending Ignatius Park College at the rates specified in the below table. To be eligible for a sibling discount a student must be the second or subsequent child attending the College concurrently on the same parent account. The discount applies on the Tuition Fee component only.
Sibling/s Discount
2 Brothers (attending at the same time) 15% for the second student
3 Brothers (attending at the same time)
4 Brothers (attending at the same time)
Payment Options
50% for the third student + 15% for the second student
80% for the fourth student + 50% for the third student + 15% for the second student
The College has partnered with Edstart to streamline the fee process and improve the payment experience. It helps reduce effort and complexity for schools with managing fee payments, while providing additional payment flexibility to families. This allows the school to have more time to focus on the education and wellbeing of our students. Visit for more information.
F ee Colle c tio n & P a ym e n t T e r m s
The enrolment contract is a legally binding contract and the signatories to the contract are joint and severally liable for the payment of college fees.
It is essential for the effective operation of the College that all fee accounts are paid on time. Fee accounts for tuition fees and levies will be sent out electronically prior to the commencement of each new term and are due for full payment within 14 days of being issued. Parents have access to fee statements via Parent Lounge. It is the responsibility of the parent to check their fee statement to ensure their account is paid by the due date. In the event your fee account is not paid by the due date, the College will follow up all overdue fee accounts. Failure to pay the balance owing on your account, to respond to reminder notices, or to contact the College will result in your account being pursued via debt collection processes or through legal resource. Any debt collection costs associated with the recovery of oustanding fees will be charged to your fee account.
The College is supportive of families experiencing extreme and unforeseen financial hardship during the course of their son’s enrolment and an application for a special concession can be made for each school year. A new application is to be made for each school year. Concession applications will be reviewed by the College and approved by the Principal using a just approach subject to submission of all paperwork requested.
A non-refundable $250.00 enrolment fee is required and must be paid with your signed acceptance letter.
Where school fees remain in arrears and direct debit / payment plan has not been setup, a student may be ineligible to participate in voluntary tours/co-curricular school trips.
Parents are required to provide one full Term’s written notice to the Principal of a student’s withdrawal from the College, or fees in lieu of notice will be charged.
The College is required to comply with the Goods and Services Tax (GST) introduced from 1 July, 2000. The basis on which GST is charged to parents may vary with changes to the GST legislation or its interpretation by Australian Taxation Office. GST may be charged to fee accounts for GST component of taxable activities which occur during the school year.
All enquiries about school fees should be directed to the Finance Office at Ignatius Park College at the following:
Mail: PO Box 121, Aitkenvale QLD 4814
Phone: (07) 4796 0222