I g n i t e F e m a l e C h a n g e M a k e r s / 21
D i a n a L oc k e t t “Our experiences do not define us; they inform us and can catapult us toward our deepest purpose.” My longing is that you, the reader, will remember that in spite of, or perhaps because of, your history, you have the power to heal, to connect to your soul’s purpose and to become your own unique Change Maker in the world. You are a miracle and your voice matters. May my story help you unlock the potential of your life, encourage you to turn your pain into your purpose, and use the gift of your voice to Ignite a difference in the world.
The Space Between the Words As a little girl, I loved talking, singing, and making up stories. I spoke so much that my twin sister didn’t need to speak until she was almost four years old, as I not only spoke for myself, I also spoke for her. That’s how vocal I was as a young child. I don’t recall the specifics of it, but I grew up hearing that narrative… a lot. And talking and singing were some of my favorite things to do during exciting events, holidays, and family gatherings, and especially at Christmas time. I loved Christmas. I adored everything about it: the way the lights danced on the tree, the excited feelings of the little girl in me, waking up Christmas morning, and opening the carefully wrapped presents. I enjoyed the feeling of my family coming together in celebration and singing carols, both in our community, at church, and at home. My father would put on his favorite Christmas