Ignite Story Sampler

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I g n i t e Y o u r L if e

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C o n scio u s L e a d e r s  / 29

Damian Culhane “To truly make a difference and serve others with your unique gifts and talents, you must have the courage to overcome your ingrained fears and win the battle of the soul.” I invite you to rise up and reach beyond your fear; to connect with what your heart wants and create a legacy beyond your unconscious ego. My desire is that you are inspired as a Conscious Leader to triumph over your self-imposed limitations, defeat the boundaries of your beliefs and create a life you love.

You Must Reach Beyond Your Limitations It was a winter morning. The journey to London’s specialist hospital felt eternally long and I felt ill-prepared for what lay ahead. On the hospital ward, I sensed awkwardness in the staff bustling around us, softening the moment and distracting from the impending news. We were there to receive lab results. I felt sick, my mouth dry, my whole body tense, similar to when the doctor had taken the muscle biopsy several weeks before. The specialist, in her early fifties and slightly aloof, dressed to match her age and disposition, engaged in a few moments of polite and gracious chat before coldly announcing the news my family had been dreading: “There was no dystrophin present in the muscles.” The announcement was like an ambush, poised in silent preparation for its strike as it exploded rudely into our world. Just like that, the fatal disease established its impenetrable stronghold. The destructive muscle wasting

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