Ignite Story Sampler

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I g n i t e Y o u r I n n e r S p i r i t  / 1


JB O w e n “Find the will to be completely you.” This is a story designed to awaken your Inner Spirit. It may not be an easy story to read. Others in the book may be more fun, introspective, and intelligent. My story shows how at times in our lives, when we are on the verge of emerging, we often have to crawl over broken glass to get to the other side. We have to swallow the heartache and endure the fury of the storm before there is calm. I wish for you to know that it is often through the most difficult moments that we traverse our reality and connect to the inner side: the side of self, of worth, peace, joy, understanding, and regard. The side where our spirit rules and our hearts follow suit, allowing us to rise up and be who we were created to be.

When She Stood Up, Everyone Rose June 16, 2015 It has been a long and grueling day of dealing with all the drama and chaos that comes with being in a relationship with an addict and an alcoholic. My ex-husband is on another bender; on another runaway train down the long corridor of repeated relapses and alcoholic behavior. Despite my hellish day, I desperately try to smile and look as though I am listening to my children, who have just come home from school and desire my attention. I want to be

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