Spark Success: Personal Growth -- October 2020

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New 21 Day Challenge! FINDING YOUR


l a n o s r e P rowth G


Your Growth Greatest Gain If you wanted to invest in the most successful outcome or find the highest rate of return, it would be the investment you make in YOU. It wouldn’t be the deal a friend told you about over lunch or a hot ticker-tape flashing across the bottom of a screen. Nor would it be something you found in a graph, from a report or by scouring the internet. The best investment that you will ever make is the investment you make in yourself. How much you put in is how much you get out, yet many of us spend countless hours betting on a fictitious ‘sure thing.’ I can assure you, the only sure thing is you! You have the potential to create massive results in your life — and the way to do it is through investing all you have in your own personal growth. Yet what is personal growth? Is it a few minutes of meditating? Or reading the latest book? Is it following a healthy diet or making sure there is incense burning in the room? A lot of us do ‘personal growth’ activities but don’t dive into the growth that makes the massive 2


change. We do the surface stuff, the easy stuff, and then wonder why we aren’t getting results. Jim Rohn said, “Work harder on yourself than you do your job.” Yet he also said, “Each of us has two distinct choices to make about what we will do with our lives. The first choice we can make is to be less than we have the capacity to be. To earn less. To have less. To read less and think less. To try less and discipline ourselves less. These are the choices that lead to an empty life.These are the choices that, once made, lead to a life of constant apprehension instead of a life of wondrous anticipation. And the second choice? To do it all! To become all that we can possibly be. To read every book that we possibly can. To earn as much as we possibly can. To give and share as much as we possibly can. To strive and produce and accomplish as much as we possibly can.” His words are a reminder that once we decide to live our lives in the grandest of ways, we then have to work on ourselves full out! Not

think about it or consider it, but fully immerse ourselves in the pursuit of improving, up-leveling, inspiring, and teaching ourselves to be all that we truly can be. This month, Spark Success isn’t about the short gain but the long gain — the one that comes from shifting your attention onto you. On every page, you will find tools and ideas to support you in moving from what is out there to what is inside of you. The focus is on what you can do to increase your output, improve your KPI’s, and accelerate your results by looking inward and working on what you find there. It’s going to be inclusive, introspective, and incredibly fun because working on oneself is a magical process that always yields outstanding results. Put aside any other distractions this month and sharpen your willingness to dive into the business of working on you!

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JB'S BOOK LIST Here are some of the amazing books I am reading right now: There is no doubt that reading is one of the key ways to both improve and up level your personal growth. Books are an infinite source of new ideas, cutting-edge concepts, and masterful ways for you to expand your thinking. They provide case studies, personal stories, and life-changing concepts designed to impact your actions and move you in a new direction. They make it easy for you to integrate something new into your own life and they offer an endless array of options designed to help you improve. Books give you a glimmer into what’s possible. Ask almost anyone and you’ll likely discover that there is one book that profoundly changed them. Somewhere, at some pivotal moment, they read a book that touched them so deeply that they were never the same. Books have that power. Books can speak to the soul and fundamentally move the spirit. They can make you laugh, they can make you cry, and they can have you rethinking what you already thought you knew. A great practice is to read every morning. Take 15-30 minutes to read something inspiring and thought-provoking each day when you wake up. That gets your mind moving, your ideas flowing, and sets you up for positivity and possibility right off the bat. I have a stack of books that I pick from and only read one chapter or one concept each day. I like to digest the full meaning of an idea and implement it into my day. I don’t read a book cover to cover or spend hours devouring a dozen chapters; I only read a few pages, fully understanding the concept, and then I sit and ponder that concept. I see how I can bring it into my life effectively and then work on implementing it into my day. Each book becomes a guide; a source of richness that I can draw from. Finishing a book is not my goal. Reading it thoroughly, understanding its meaning, and then actively doing what it suggests is the winning marker for me. I want to use the wisdom I read and actually do the steps it suggests. Fiction books are for endless reading and pure entertaining bliss. Personal Growth books are for growing you as a person.



The Art of being You, by Frank Richelieu

The DNA of Success, by Jack Zufelt

Awaken the Giant Within, by Tony Robbins

Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill

Change, by Ilchi Lee

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T. Harve Eker

No B.S. Wealth Attraction in the New Economy, by Dan S. Kennedy


P IN PERSONAL GROWTH Some people get a bit Prickly when they hear the words Personal

growth. For whatever reason, they think Pain or tears are involved. They avoid the Pursuant introspection of having to break down and be a Puddle on the floor. Many are reluctant to dig deep to find

the Pivotal moment when they made the decision to not discover

what is Possible in their lives. Others resist the Push, the Pressure,

and the Perseverance it takes. A few Peter out because they feel

it takes too long. Instead, a lot of People Pursue a Prettier Path that ultimately Pushes them off course. They Pick a Plan that feels

easier and Plop their butts into the Propensity of Petty Paucity.

If you have ever avoided the Pursuit of Personal growth you are

not alone. Sometimes it can be Provoking and somewhat Pyrrhic before it feels Powerful and Peachy keen. Yet, if you have picked

up your socks to Pick a new Paradigm in your life, then you know the Peaceful, Plethora of Positive emotions that indeed Prevails.

In the Push-Pull of moving forward, ask yourself, what Possible

reasons are Preventing me from Pursuing my most Prestigious and

Prolific dreams? What Problems am I Plotting? What Parameters am I Putting myself in? What Presumption of Panic am I Punishing myself with? I want you to look beyond any Paranoia to find the Perks and Pageantry that life is wanting to give you. The world is waiting to see your Potential Personified. Don’t let any Preposterous excuses stop you! Instead, Plow forward and be Proud of who you are. Pursue your Precious wishes and find Pride in your gifts. The Possibilities are endless. Go after them. Reach the Pinnacle of YOU.




Finding Your Why A lot of people speak about finding your why. Why find my why? What’s in it for me? Why will finding my why make my life better? John C. Maxwell said, “Find your why and you will find your way.” It is a very simple yet distinctly clear statement that solidifies the very essence of why you should know your why. In a world of endless distractions and an abundance of amazing opportunities, it is easy to become distracted, disillusioned and disheartened when trying to reach a status quo or live like the Joneses. Finding what makes you happy, what motivates you and speaks to your soul, will be the difference between ‘doing’ life on life’s terms or deciding to live in the most magnificent manner possible. Yet, how do I find my why? How do I know what my why really is?



Your why is a deeply personal and highly intrinsic value system that is 100 percent unique to you. Discovering your why is a process. It’s a journey to that fundamental layer of you not found on a luxury car lot or in a corner office. It is an introspection, an unveiling of sorts of why you do what you do and why you feel compelled to continue. Any great achievement had a big why behind it. From olympic athletes who wake up every day at 4 AM to humanitarian workers providing aid in the most horrific conditions, each person has a why that pushes them forward despite the hardships. To have that kind of conviction and feel that kind of commitment, you must be rooted in your why. Why does my dream matter to me? Why am I doing it? Why don’t I stop? Asking yourself these three questions can help you get that much closer to knowing your why

and being sure about it. A defined why with genuine intentions can heal a nation, inspire a generation, and change a mindset. It can take you from floundering in confusion to having the focus required to reach the top. Your why is why you do what you do. Not just for yourself, but for those around you and for humanity itself. Your why is what will get you through the tough times and give you joy in the good times. It will be the beacon you use to keep persevering, keep going after it, keep dreaming about it. If you are wanting to find your stride and start living in the very centre of the life you envision, take the time to discover your why. Ask yourself… Why do I want what I want? Why is it important to me?






ersonal growth is different for everyone. Some see it as sitting in a jammedpacked conference room listening to a prolific speaker. Others can’t wait to walk over burning coals or meditate for 12 days in total silence. Everyone has their idea of what will move the needle in transforming their lives. No two people are the same in the process they choose; they are alike only in that they want winning results. What is consistent in all personal growth is the journey, the experiences, and the emotions that we want to see happen. People are hungry to feel a great change after they ‘take the leap’ and a profound difference when they ‘make a date with destiny.’ They expect the program or course to push them in a new direction and help them overcome the things that might be holding them back. With live events all cancelled, everyone is turning to online and virtual experiences, yet many are not feeling the rush of motivation or spark of inner change. Their fundamental core is not being moved in a way that creates the catalyst for massive transformation. They feel lackluster and disconnected from the feelings that bring about the promising shift. Sitting at home, listening to another person never yields big results. To hear someone else talk about a realization or have them share what they believe lacks the power that comes from experiencing it yourself — and experience it you must. For the mind to redefine it’s thinking and the body 8


to behave in a new way, radical physical action has to take place in the individual themselves. It is up to us to get up from our computers, turn off our phones, and go out and do something that will challenge the mind and push the emotional boundaries. Recently, I decided to redefine my personal limits and go beyond my current comfort zone by cycling 5,000 kilometers across Canada on a tandem bike with my husband. Crazy, you say? Possibly, but I knew it was going to test my abilities and force me to find my edge. I was convinced it was going to be a heck of a lot more impactful than opening up my laptop and watching someone else on a small 15-inch screen tell me how to uplevel my life, and to do it their way. Without any real training, no athletic background, and only a map and a dream, we set off to conquer this goal. Before we left, I spent hours visualizing the road, seeing my body on the bike, imaging myself pedaling, pushing my muscles, enduring through all the elements, and getting to the finish line. I took the time to see each stretch of the journey before it actually happened and imagine myself accomplishing the ride with ease. This was a fundamental part of my training because the late spring snow and my office workload meant I could only cycle about 15 to 30 kilometers three to four times a week. I knew I would not be able to do 100km practice rides, so I had to see myself doing it in my mind first. As we set off, only 4 weeks after we decided to take on this adventure, we had a strict quota to meet each day and lofty expectations of how our bodies




needed to perform. And, on day 1 of the ride, something amazing happened… we rode 100 kilometers with ease! We had never ridden that far before. Ever! But we had seen it in our minds. We had done the mental training and envisioned the results previous to leaving. It was a profound validation of how powerful visualization can be. Our bodies knew what to do when they got on the bike because we had prepared mentally first. This proved to me that by seeing an activity in the mind, you can condition the body to perform in the same manner in real life. The mind believes what it sees. If you show it what you want with determination and vigor, the mind will awaken the body to become just that. If I would have seen myself failing, quitting, or giving up, my experience would have been just that. Instead, my only thought was getting up each day and riding to the finish line. In fact, as the days progressed and the first major milestone became obtainable, I focused on a new goal: riding 150 kilometers per day. And then 200 kilometers per day. And each day, we achieved exactly what we set our minds out to do. Some days, we rode 7.5 sunny and beautiful hours on the bike. Others days, we rode through pouring rain, ferocious winds, and over monumental hills. No matter what came at me, I did it one pedal at a time because not reaching the end wasn’t an option. I knew I was meant to get there. I had already seen it happening and it was the only option. Of course we had delays, detours, tired muscles, rained out days, and even a few saddle sores that required a whole pack of Band-Aids, but nothing was going to stop us. Like all things in life, we often had to reassess our first decision, make new plans, and pivot to overcome obstacles we hadn’t considered. Yes, we took a different road than we had thought we would when we left. Yes, we got behind in time and had to make it up. Yes, we had to shift and even compromise, but we never had to stop, nor were we going to quit. Challenges didn’t seem to matter. The end goal was the focus and doing whatever we had to in order to get there was all we concentrated on.



After 56 amazing days of travel and 44 days of persevering on the bike, we made it through 5 majestic provinces, victoriously reaching our 5,000 kilometer mark, triumphant, on Canada’s Parliament Hill. It was one of the single most rewarding experiences of my life — a cornucopia of pride, joy, excitement, accomplishment, and thankful gratitude. More growth, more awakening, and more realizations happened during those 56 days than have happened in years. I was doing personal growth, I wasn’t listening to it. I wasn’t reading a book or watching a podcast. I was actively participating in my own transformation. Challenging myself to experience it. Discovering what I was made of. Pushing myself to become it. I did the growth by making my mind, heart, spirit, and soul embody growth in every possible way. It wasn’t until I got home and returned to my habit of watching Ted Talks and showing up for virtual self-help summits that I realized how much I missed the power of being in the centre of doing my personal growth. I factored in all the hours I’ve sat listening, all the calls I’ve quietly attended, and concluded how much more effective that time would be if I just went out and did it myself. Sparking your success and Igniting your life means you have to go out and do it. You have to step forward and take real action. Trip and fall if you must, falter and flub up a few times, but no matter what, do it. Learn what you have to. Persevere with no regard to obstacles and find the determination that will get you to your finish line. Exponentially increase your success by mentally seeing it unfolding. Visually walk yourself through it and see it happening successfully in your mind’s eye. There is no greater feeling than the one you have when you witness your own greatness. There is no richer personal growth process than the one you experience with your own grit, determination, and grind. Get out there. Live life. Drink in the full experience and see it full Technicolor happening beautifully for you. Ignite every possibility.



Four Ways Fitness Leads to Greater Overall Success





hink of the most successful people you know. My guess is something about them stands out. They’re go getters. Fearless. Willing to take risks, speak up, or stand tall. Maybe they are just so confidently themselves that their energy is captivating. Some people have these qualities naturally, but me? I’m not one of those people. I’m calculated and cautious, and I’m naturally introverted. I’ve always wanted to be more outgoing or more fun. I’m not fearless. And I just wasn’t born bold. I’m kind of the runt of the success litter, right? But that’s ok! I’ve learned that the time spent sweating in my little home gym is like olympic training for my success muscles. I’ve seen it time and time again — fitness breeds success in so many parts of life. Here’s how: 1. Fitness as a keystone habit. Once you nail a fitness habit, it triggers a positive snowball effect

on other parts of your life. You start to clean up other habits too — including the habits that affect your energy and success. 2. Question your limiting beliefs. When you start to work out, there’s that one move you’re convinced you’ll never be able to do. Maybe it’s pushups, or running a mile, or completing a workout without a rest. As you work out, you will accomplish things you couldn’t do before. It never fails — fitness will teach you that your limits are fake news. 3. Dare to fail. You don’t start doing the impossible on day one. Getting better and doing the (formerly) impossible takes time and effort — and a good deal of failure! Fitness teaches you that there is progress in failure — sometimes a LOT of failure. But it also makes failing a little less scary in other parts of your life, too.

4. The power of goals and moving targets. Once you master that impossible move, you don’t quit working out. Your next goal is to do it faster, better, or hit more reps. You move the target and keep going. Fitness and complacency don’t jive. When you live a fit life, you learn to shoot outside your comfort zone and raise the bar in other areas as well. All these tools, I learned from fitness and they’ve led me to opportunities far greater than I would have planned for myself. (See those limiting beliefs back then?!) I’m a best-selling Ignite author. I lead workshops and speak publicly. I have massive goals! I’ve doubled my income in the last 6 years since starting a fitness routine — and I can do a whole lot of pushups! While your results might not be the same, I can say with 100 percent confidence that fitness will make you the kind of person who rises to opportunity and aims higher — and that is the real key to success.



YOUR 28-DAY PLAN MO NDAY Print this off and post were you can cansee seeit every every morning, then place an X on each day as you complete.

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t it! ll abou

Read a

Cozy up with the latest issue of Spark Success



Make a list of the things you do that energize you


Connect with oth

Who are the people who inspire you?



What’s preventing you from pursuing your dreams? List 3 ways to overcome these obstacles.

stone Fitness is a key habit

Schedule time for fitness in your calendar.


Question your own limiting beliefs. How are you holding yourself back from a life of infinite possibilities?


n "Work harder o ou do yourself than y your job." —Jim Rohn



Pick 3 ways to work hard on yourself this week.

What can you take to the next level?

et! Move that targ












What’s distracting you from what you really want to be doing?



No excuses!

How are you making time for the things that are most important to you today?

y? What’s your wh




Make time to breathe, reflect, and enjoy a quiet moment of solitude.

Why do you want what you want? Why is it important to you?

What can you do to increase your output today? Write it on a sticky note. Now do it!



What lessons have you learned over the past year? What do you still need to learn?

What books have your role models been recommending? Buy one today and start reading.





Read more!


Reward yourself for completing week 1


Reward yourself for completing week 2

Get outside and play! Choose something fun to do today!



Reward yourself for completing week 3

Soak in the marvelous bliss of spending time in nature.





Play & Rest

Be Proud & Celebrate!



g n i h c t a w n i t "I t isn’ s u s e k a m t a h t e n o e m so g n i o d n i s i t I . e l b a p a s feel c u s e k a m t a h t s e v l e it ours " . d e m r o f s n a r feel t - JB OWEN





here is a secret in the personal growth space that not many people talk about but that everyone seems to know: there are shortcuts in life. I am not referring to the laundry list of life hacks that you can find scattered across the internet, like taking cold showers to increase mental toughness or the next fad diet that will drop pounds instantly. Those are all nice but don’t really move the needle. I am talking serious wisdom about life-changing stuff. Like how to move up in your career. Or how to launch that new startup that has been at the back of your mind for months. Perhaps even how to deal with a broken relationship, romantic or otherwise. What you are going through — no matter how seemingly specific — is not unique to you. I know this is a tough thing to accept. Because we are all the stars of our own life, it may feel like our hardships or milestones are somehow common to all mankind yet situationally unique to ourselves. I am here to tell you that specificities don’t matter. It is the shared experience that does. Trust me… that’s a good thing! It means that there is someone out there who has gone through what you have. Be it a positive potential opportunity for which you may be underprepared, a neutral unfamiliar stage in life, or a negative and painful experience, you can usually find someone who can shine a guiding light.

That person is your mentor; the person who can help you through this wonderful winding journey called life. In my humble opinion, we all, at some point in our lives, need a mentor. Even if just for a short period of time. Mentors will come and they will go. The key is knowing how to spot the mentor and the characteristics that make up a strong mentor. You may have one or you may have multiple mentors at once, as not every person is good at everything. Be prepared to diversify the guidance you receive from multiple people with different backgrounds, experiences, and views. Here are some common traits to look for when considering a mentor: They are active listeners. • They are brutally clear and hyper-specific in their message.

• •

They are honest about their own limitations. They follow up to see how you are doing.

Everyone can, when needed, find a mentor. It’s up to you to honor the relationships that you have and never take them for granted. You must recognize that mentors are everyday people who have extraordinary advice. They are not superheroes with the magic bullet. They are there to provide guidance, provide points of view that you can’t see, and heal your soul (and even your body) when you are hurting. You, however, have to be ready to take action and do the real work. Only then will the mentor-mentee relationship come to life. Decide if you are ready for that little push and find yourself the mentor you need. Remember to also pay it forward… offer to be a mentor to someone who is in need! S PA R K S U CCESS






“I Believe” was the title of my blog for January, 2020. I went on to write about all the incredible lessons that I have learned over the last decade, lessons that I chose to pack and take with me as we transitioned into a new decade, ones that showed me how, instead of a decade of PTSD, I had chosen a decade of PTG (post traumatic growth). Here are a few things I packed : • I am resilient. I may fall to my knees many times, but I get to choose if I stay there and for how long. • What other people think of me is none of my business; I trust myself. • I am an unstoppable force; in fact, I’m pretty unf*ckwithable. • I am a Changemaker and I have a gift to heal, to teach, and to coach. • I am worthy. That one deserves a repeat: I am WORTHY. • I crave simplicity and quiet moments and am nourished in nature. • I get to choose which ‘brules’ (bullshit rules) I wish to hold onto and which I chose to leave behind. • I choose to nurture my relationships. No one ever died saying, “I wished I had worked more.” • I am abundant. • I am a miracle. • I have the DNA for greatness; it is up to me to create the

right mindset and environment to access my genius. • I am perfectly imperfect and I do not fear my weaknesses. • I am not broken and I do not need to be fixed. • I choose to show up with an open heart and mind . • I value self-care. • I have a unique story to share with the world. • I choose not to cover up my pain just because it hurts; that’s authenticity. • ‘FINE’ is a 4-letter word that means I’m not OK (Google the song by Steve Tyler). • Believing is seeing. • Storytellers change the world. • My desires, aligned and channelled through my open heart, are essential in the world. • I get to assign meaning to all my experiences. • My experiences do not define me, they refine me and can catapult me to my deepest purpose. • I am the writer, director, and lead actress in my life. • I don’t need to wait for greater moments to be grateful. • I can dream ANYTHING because everything in the world began with a dream. • I BELIEVE that the Universe has my back and Life is happening FOR me. These ah-ha’s were accompanied by drudgery, mud, resistance,

loss, grief, fear, and a large dose of pain. And with them came growth, insight, surrendered grace, love, compassion, and gratitude. I have learned to turn my pain into purpose and thank it for its many gifts, especially the ability to create a life where I GET to serve others. In January, I ended my blog with this wish: “I wish you a year and decade full of love, gentle moments, deep learning, warm connections, and intense belief. May we continue to BELIEVE that our journey is to walk each other gently home and remember the beauty of our hearts.” ‘Believe’ became my mantra. I had it stamped into a bracelet in late February. Who would have known that I would need to call upon my deepest truths and beliefs to navigate this journey of 2020? Today, my January 1st blessing to you remains true in my heart and I can clearly see how my life has been preparing me for this season. When you forget that you have the capacity to manage whatever you are managing in your life, when your belief in your life or in others is dim, re-read the statements above with ‘JUST LIKE ME,’ take a big exhale, and remember that this, too, shall pass. On October 19th, join Diana for a FREE live Realign to Thrive™ webinar to explore how to cultivate resilience and to fill your cup with more bliss filled moments. Diana Lockett is a Re-Alignment Life Coach. You can find her at



21-DAY CHALLENGE If you have read any of the Ignite books, you will know that each chapter within them begins with a personalized Power Quote. These punchy, power-packed statements are designed to get you thinking and then taking action.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



For your 21-day challenge this month, find 21 motivational quotes that stir you to the core. Look for those statements that inspire you to make a change when you read them. List 21 quotes from friends, authors, celebrities, and gurus that fire up your ambitions. List one each day or find all 21 at once and then re-read them every day. Use them to quickly get you going, or calmly reflect on them and find your peace. But use them. Power quotes have the power to transform. At the bottom of the page, you can craft your very own Power Quote. Make it juicy and entirely you!



12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21








rief happens to all of us. Someone we love dies and we mourn the loss. Relationships end, jobs change, and people move to new places. Loss is inevitable. To avoid loss, we would need to avoid loving and living. But grief and loss often lead to growth and possibility. The tragic death of my father when I was 13 led to tremendous growth for me as a person and brought me to live my purpose as a grief guide. Over the years, many clients who initially and appropriately were stricken by the intensity of grief have turned their pain and sorrow into successful nonprofit organizations, businesses, and other profound life changes. They altered their life path as a result of the wisdom and growth that grief can bring. This would be easier for most people if we lived in a culture that supported the expression of grief and encouraged mourning our losses. Grief is not as attractive to think about as dreaming and visioning, but the grief that gets expressed provides opportunities for transformation. The grief that is repressed or unexpressed can cause blockages and barriers to personal growth.

Reflect for a moment on the losses that have changed you. What wisdom did you gain? Did you live your life differently? What is the first loss you can remember? How did it change you? Do you have any unexpressed grief that you want to transform into wisdom and meaning for your life? Now is the time. I developed a grief wisdom wheel that can be used as a guide or a map to discover the path to growth in grief. A journey through the seasons of grief can reveal the places where we can nurture our spirit, body, emotions, and mind. From this place of self-nurturing, our grief can give us the momentum to change our lives in profound ways. Paying attention and listening to nature is one way to experience the power of the wheel. In the East, you might listen to the wind in the trees. In the South, perhaps it is a moment of stillness in the sunshine. For the West, wandering on the beach may be healing. In the North, try walking barefoot on the cool ground. All are powerful ways to connect with your grief, nature, and yourself. Life is meant to be lived with meaning and purpose. I invite you to move toward grief, knowing that your wisdom awaits you.




gnite Possibilities is an episodic TV series showing that everyday people can reach extraordinary heights when they feel the spark of possibility within them. Visionary and Possibility Queen JB Owen is embarking on a quest to Ignite dreams and possibilities in others — starting with her 5,000 kilometre bike ride across Canada and filming for a new TV series

The TV Series Her biggest dream is to show everyone that possibilities are achievable. In conjunction with the political, financial, and racial conversations in the world today, we also need to be speaking about potential and what we can make possible. Ending world hunger is possible; peace is possible; inclusion is possible. Igniting Possibilities is what we need more of as we go forward. These are her dreams, and she is embarking on a 50-week-long adventure to make them happen… all the while helping others accomplish their own dreams along the way. JB is going to be challenging the norms, empowering others, and standing up for the paradigm of possibility while also inviting others to challenge their limiting beliefs and go after their dreams. Bubbling over with her signature fun-filled determination, JB will use


her skills, contacts, and perseverance to inspire others as they launch themselves on the road to achieving their dreams. She will break down the idea of impossible and prove that we can accomplish our most deeply desired goals by working toward them with a firm conviction of the mind. JB’s journey will take her across Canada — safely socially distanced, of course — where she will be raising money for the Sunshine Foundation of Canada and helping dreams come true for kids facing serious challenges. Future episodes are planned for London, Paris, New York, Tallinn, St. Pete Beach, and Beirut. She will explore what possibility means in those countries, what believing in possibilities can accomplish, and show that no matter where you start from, you can achieve all that you desire.

g n hi t ny a . e l b i s is pos

You Could be on the show!! If you’ve always wanted to be on TV here is your chance, and not just doing something small, but doing something very big, amazing, and outrageous. Ignite your life by Igniting Possibilities in you. Tell us your dream. Share with us your big vision, and you could be on the show.  ignitepossibilities  ignitemypossibilities

t h g i r t r a t s n a c e n o y y "An e n r u o j e h t n i g e b d n now a " . m a e r d a d r towa - JB OWEN


This book is fun, fabulous, extraordinary, and designed to touch people and show them how anything is possible. 50 top notch individuals will be a part of this book, along with its link to the Ignite Possibilities TV series. IGNITE POSSIBILITES INCLUDES: One Ignite Chapter

One Year of Spark Success 6 Month Writing Mastermind 4 Hours of one-on-one professional editing 1 Ticket to the Gala Event 50 Copies of the Ignite Possibilities Ignite Television Sunshine Foundation Charity

So if you truly want to make anything possible in your life being an international best-selling author in a book about possibilities is absolutely what you need to showcase your brand and highlight your business message.

WRITE YOUR STORY IN AN IGNITE BOOK!! With over 400 amazing individuals to date writing their stories and sharing their Ignite moments, we are positively impacting the planet and raising the vibration of HUMANITY. Our stories inspire and empower others and we want to add your story to one of our upcoming books! If you have a story of perseverance, determination, growth, awakening and change… and you’ve felt the power of your Ignite moment, we’d love to hear from you. Go to our website, click How To Get Started and share a bit of your Ignite transformation. We are always looking for motivating stories that will make a difference in someone’s life. Our fun, enjoyable, four-month writing process is like no other — and the best thing about Ignite is the community of outstanding, like-minded individuals dedicated to helping others. Our road to sharing your message and becoming a bestselling author begins right here. YOU CAN IGNITE ANOTHER SO JOIN US TO IGNITE A BILLION LIVES WITH A BILLION WORDS.

Apply at: Inquire at: Find out more at:

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