World Book Day Pictures Parents Pages WOW Pictures HEYMAG.CO.UK
Britain’s most spectacular caves and legendary home of the infamous Witch of Wookey…Revamped, restored and totally remarkable, the new Wookey Hole Experience is bursting onto the 2014 holiday scene in an explosive mix of HISTORY, MYSTERY & FUN. Wookey Hole, a wonderful & unique Somerset family attraction. Come for a great Somerset day out, or stay longer at The Wookey Hotel. To win, simply answer the following question:
WIN FREE RIDE VOUCHERS AT THE GRAND PIER WESTON-SUPER-MARE! The ultimate 21st Century indoor theme park. Open every day, except Christmas Day, so come hail, rain or shine, you’ll always get a warm welcome here at the Grand Pier. Whatever the weather is doing outside, it’s still fun, fun, fun on the inside. We offer our visitors some world-class rides and attractions, and admission is absolutely free. To win, simply answer the following question:
Simple kit for future engineers and environmentalist. Solar Crab can continuously walk forwards under the sunshine. Its performance is amazing and great fun. To win, simply answer the following question:
8TH JUNE, BOWOOD HOUSE, CALNE. 10-5 Enjoy a day of farming in action with combine harvesters, tractors and diggers at work. Meet Tractor Ted and friends and take a tractor and trailer ride. Browse artisan producers and discover all about keeping hens, bees and sheep. Watch ferret racing, sheep shearing, horse and pony displays or tractor repairs! Entry includes the Bowood Charity Dog Show - join the pedigree and ‘have a go’ classes or watch the agility and retrieving displays. A wonderful day of discovery and entertainment! Buy your discount advanced tickets at, adult £8, child £4. To win one of 5 Family Tickets (2 adult, 2 child) answer the following question:
Daisy Pruden from Wookey Primary School has won the family swim pass.
Bethany Collins from St Aldhelms Primary School has won a family pass to Junction 21.
Declan TruanThatcher from Croscombe Primary school has won the family tickets to Wookey Hole.
To be in with a chance of winning these fantastic prizes, simply visit and click on the Competitions button, complete the form and enter your answers. It couldn’t be easier! Closing date for entries: 9th April 2014
Orla Ensor from Hindhayes Infant School has won the family ticket to Castle Combe Circuit.
HEY! magazine is published by Ignyte Limited Publisher: Tina Veater Business Address: Suite 7, Westfield Court, Third Avenue, Westfield Trading Estate, Radstock BA3 4XD Telephone: 01761 410141 Call Tina on: 07834 542955 Email: While every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in the publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Printed by Flying Colours Ltd, Weare, Somerset.
Ignyte do not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. Distribution: We deliver to 7500 families through primary schools and other outlets in the Wells, Shepton Mallet, Glastonbury and Street areas. The next edition is in May & is filling fast. Contact us on 01761 410141 or 07834 542955 or email to discuss your requirements. Hey Magazine
@IgnyteLtd HEY!
Hey Magazine
Farm Show Bowood House, Calne, Wiltshire, SN11 9NF Sunday 8th June 2014
Best day out of the year! Farming in Action • Tractor Ted & Friends Children’s Fun • Artisan Produce
Pedigree and ‘Have a go’ Classes
Buy Discount Advanced Tickets Now!
at • £8 adult / £4 child (2-16yrs)
Each year the children at Bowlish Infant School take part in a charity week to support and learn about local charities. This year the children are learning about the work of The Salvation Army and are working hard to support them. On Monday 10th March the charity week was launched with the children bringing in items for the Salvation Army food bank. Throughout the rest of the week the children took part in activities to raise funds for the charity, design posters to promote the charity and will also be donating toiletries to be given out to families along with their food parcels. In the assembly which launched the Charity Week the children were praised for their kind donations of food which will help families living in the Shepton Mallet area. Picture: School council members and Salvation Army representative, John Melia. 78 x 57mm Ashleys Farm Toys ad_Layout 1 24/09/2013 12:28 Pa We have a wide range of popular farm and equestrian toys (including Siku and Britains) online and by appointment at Lower Tunley Farm, Tunley, Bath BA2 0DS, so why not give us a call... T: 01761 471797 M: 07525 763927 E:
CHINA WEEK BOOK WEEK AT ASHCOTT SCHOOL It was an exciting book week for the children at Ashcott Primary School with a wide range of book related activities happening throughout the week. At the start of the week a reading trail was laid around the village of Ashcott using QR-Codes. Parents and members of the community could use their smartphones to scan the codes and read some of the children’s writing in different locations around the village. The following day the children were visited by Somerset children’s author Steve Voake. Steve shared some of his stories with the children before delivering a writing workshop with each class. The school book club have been reading Steve Voake’s first novel ‘The Dreamwalker’s Child’ during their weekly meetings and of course they had lots of questions for Steve about the book. Thursday was World Book Day and children came to school dressed as their favourite book character for the day. Children had the chance to listen to some of their teachers’ favourite stories as they moved around the school for a storytelling session. At the end of the week the school ‘Reading Stars’ organised a book swap and managed to accumulate nearly 200 books for children across the school to choose from. (The children are pictured here, waiting for their first customers for the book swap). The children and staff would like to thank Ms Catcheside for all her hard work in organising such an exciting book week!
The children at Ashcott Primary School have been learning about Chinese culture and language as part of a special China Week at the school. Using a special pack produced by the British Council (an organisation who help schools across the UK to bring the world into their classrooms), children took part in a range of Chinese themed activities during the week including the whole school learning to count to 10 in Mandarin! Children had the opportunity to taste Chinese food and many are beginning to get the hang of using chopsticks too! The children all wore red to school and took part in a Chinese dance using traditional Chinese music and props, when they were visited by a dance tutor from Education Group for the day. Each break time the children performed their morning exercises on the playground just like the children do at Ashcott’s link school,Yueyang Tower Primary School in Hunan Province, China. As the Chinese were celebrating the start of the Year of the Horse, the school held a horse-themed competition to make a model, paint a picture, write a poem or create something of their choice with a horse theme. The children’s designs and ideas were wonderful and they produced an exciting and colourful display of their work in the school hall. The children were also visited by a real American Miniature Horse on Monday morning to add to the Horse Theme. The week culminated in a sharing assembly for parents and members of the local community to show some of the children’s work from the week and to share their learning about China. The children thanked Mrs Serena Shore, the school’s International Link Teacher for organising such an exciting week for everyone!
BOWLISH INFANT SCHOOL PUPILS USE THEIR OWN IDEAS TO RAISE FUNDS FOR THE SALVATION ARMY Three pupils from Owl Class at Bowlish Infant School have used their own ideas to raise funds for the Salvation Army. Oliver attended a family wedding and decided to collect up the party hats from crackers to then sell them back to the wedding guests! When asked what he would do with the money he responded that he would give it to school for the Salvation Army. Taking a similar approach Lewis and Kobi from Owl Class asked family and friends at a party to make contributions towards the charity in return for some golden confetti. The children were praised for their ideas and efforts by John Melia from the Salvation Army when Oliver presented the cheque for £57.67 to him.
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION Before Christmas, Sabre Films were filming in the local area for their independent British feature film ‘The Hatching”. Some of the film was shot at Meare School and this gave staff an opportunity to meet the crew. The producers invited our filmmakers onto the set in Westhay, where they met film director Michael Anderson, the crew and some of the actors. The technical team talked through the cameras and equipment used in filming and interestingly the children had an opportunity to speak to the animatronics experts about the crocodiles used in the horror film. The highlight of the visit, however, was when the director invited our filmmakers to star in the final scene of the film with stars Jack McMullen (Waterloo Road) & Danny Kirrane (Trollied). After two takes ‘it was a wrap!’ and the children experienced working on a film set with the professionals and acting in a feature film. The film is now in post production and hopefully will be released later on in the year.
TAG RUGBY Well done to team Evercreech who came second in the recent tournament held at Sexey’s school. Team Evercreech won five matches and drew one which equalled first place, but lost out on total number of tries scored! A great team effort by everyone - brilliant!
WHO WANTS TO BE A SUPERHERO? This term the whole school learning quest is ‘May The Force Be With You’ and the school was visited by Science Made Simple. The children experienced live presentations, demonstrations and theatre techniques covering the subjects gravity, forces, energy, light, space, the environment and materials. This was also the perfect opportunity for the children to dress up as a superhero or scientist if they wished to!
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VISIT FROM THE RNLI Kite Class at Butleigh Primary School had a visit from the RNLI. Mr Tony Brown spoke to the children about the important role of the RNLI and how to keep themselves safe while visiting the beach. The children are looking forward to a visit to a RNLI station in March and meeting a RNLI crew involved in the recent flood rescues we have seen much of on television.
For a free Trial and details of all our classes Tel: (01749) 672431 email:
SOMERSET PUPILS GET CREATIVE FOR BARRATT HOMES Pupils from Brookside Primary School in Street have been demonstrating their creative skills by designing a site safety poster for Barratt Homes. Linda Porter and Blake Kendall from the nearby Houndwood development were on hand to present the prizes during a school assembly and said they had been really impressed with the designs. The three runners up, Roxi, Lorien and Shaun were presented with some tasty sweets and the lucky winner, Erin was awarded with a £10 book voucher. Mrs Claire Axten, head teacher at Brookside School said: “The pupils really enjoyed creating their entries and it’s really refreshing to have a large housebuilder like Barratt Homes work so closely with us. We look forward to working with them again in the near future.” Andrea Pilgrim, sales director for Barratt, comments: “It is really important for us to work closely with the communities in which we are creating new homes. We have established great relationships with schools in the area through previous initiatives such as Walk to School month and the competition was a lot of fun for the pupils and our staff who judged the entries.” 07845 693 273
Private Swimming Lessons for
Babies, Toddlers, Pre-School, Children, Adults Pools in Bath, Wells, Writhlington & Redhill. Swimming Teacher, Lifeguard, First Aid and De-Fib Training Courses available
Fun, safe, friendly classes, teaching your little ones life saving and water confidence skills from their first splash.
All lessons are only 1 or 2 children per teacher
POPPY’S PLAY DATES NOW AVAILABLE ON NATIONAL RADIO A children’s series produced by local production company Audio Factory is now available to listen on demand on CBeebies Radio, which can be found on the BBC website. Poppy’s Play Dates was created by Glastonbury resident Arran Dutton, who also co-wrote and produced the series with Dave Perry and Stuart Packer from Street. The ten episode series is a real local affair as the character of Poppy, played by eight-year-old local school girl Ruby, who is joined by other children and their families from the area for play date activities at the seaside,Yeovil Town Football Club, Glastonbury carnival and many more.
Having been commissioned to produce the series in October 2013, the Audio Factory team, who operate from Orchard Studios in Barton St David, spent the following ten weeks producing the series, which began on CBeebies Radio on Saturday 1st February. After impressing producers during auditions held in November, Ruby was cast in the lead role of Poppy and her wonderful talent shines through in every episode. The release of Poppy’s Play Dates rounds off a wonderful twelve months for Audio Factory who have built a strong reputation for producing a range of non-music based audio for clients in both the UK and United States. This includes being commissioned by New York Times bestselling author Mary Jo Putney to produce the audio book version of her novel The Bargain for Audible. However, producing radio content has always been the long-term objective for the Audio Factory team who are extremely grateful to BBC for this opportunity. The team at Audio Factory would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the participants involved in the ten episodes of Poppy’s Play Dates for their contribution to the series. In addition to this, Audio Factory would also like to thank Orchard Studios, Glastonbury’s Red Brick Building, Millfield Enterprises, Strode College,Yeovil Town Football Club, St. John’s Primary School, Mid Somerset Series, Glastonbury FM, Swanage Railway, Sheila Martin and fellow producers Paul Lund and Katy Gundry for helping to bring the series to life. The Poppy’s Play Dates series is currently available to stream at with new episodes uploaded every Saturday until 5th April. Each new episode can be downloaded for free seven days after its release. Episode links can also be found at
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The children and parents at Butleigh Primary School enjoyed tossing pancakes in races on pancake day, great fun for all the family.
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Street, Somerset
Children from schools across the area celebrated their love of literature on the 6th March on World Book Day.
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HAVE FUN WITH CHEESE AND ALMOND HEDGEHOGS Encourage healthy eating with these fun hedgehogs. Visit our website at for the full recipes and instructions.
BANANA AIRWAYS Have fun with fruit with this fabulous Banana Airline. Visit our website at for the full recipes and instructions.
DOLPHIN BANANA Flipper on your plate! Visit our website at for the full recipes and instructions.
SALLY STRAWBERRY For a child friendly way to encourage them to eat more fruit. Visit our website at for the full recipes and instructions.
Sometimes children just need a little inspiration to try new things. With this collection of ways to make food more fun, you’ll encourage your children to play with their food and enjoy it.
MOUSE FOR LUNCH Create a mouse house for your child’s lunch. Visit our website at for the full recipes and instructions.
RAINBOW CAKE IN A JAR Make your own colourful cakes and then eat them from the jar! Visit our website at for the full recipes and instructions.
FRUIT RUBIK’S CUBE Make this healthy Rubik’s cube, perfect for parties. Visit our website at for the full recipes and instructions.
LEGO COOKIES Make your own Lego cookies with M&M’s. Visit our website at for the full recipes and instructions.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Start at a moderate speed with your fee6t near the front and push the handle bars forward a bit and then lean forward. Try to balance like this as long as possible.
Start at a moderate speed and bend your knees, then take your back foot off the scooter and plant it on the ground. With your knees still bent, use the planted foot to boost yourself into the air. While in the air, bend your knees and put your foot back on the scooter, land and ride away. This trick is used for jumping higher and longer.
Ride up to a curb, rail, coping etc. and jay hop, try to land with the middle of the scooter on the curb and balance. When you are ready, lean back and bunny hop, if done correctly you should land safely riding backwards.
Ride at a moderate pace, move your feet to the back of the board. Keep your back foot on the board, lift pressure of your front foot and pull up on your handle bars. Lift the front wheel but keep the back on the ground.
Jayhop onto any edge such as a curb, park bench, rail or whatever. Balance as long as you can. Jahop back onto the ground.
Bunny hop off a ramp and while you are in the air, let go with one hand and grab the bar that connects the handle bars to the base, when you are done grab the handle bars again and land.
Bunny hop or no comply off a ramp and cross your legs like an x and bring them up a bit, then put your feet back on and land.
Ride up to a ledge or curb, going straight at it. Bunny hop and turn 90 degrees. While you are in the air, put your back foot on the brake then land on the curb with only your back wheel on it and your front wheel in the air. Balance as long as you can and then, when you are ready, bunny hop off of the ledge/curb and turn 90 degrees in the air, land and ride away.
Ride at a moderate pace, bend your knees, jump up and pull the board firmly against feet by pulling up on the handle bars. Land with your board straight or you’ll stack.
Do a wheelie then attempt a bunny hop. What you want to do is kinda like a wheelie but both wheels leave the ground. The front wheel should be higher than the back wheel.
A FAMILY DAY OUT Turn off the TV, lock up the PlayStation and have a great time on a day out with the children. Having a family day out with the children this Easter doesn’t need to be expensive. We understand every penny counts, so with this in mind here are some excellent tips to help you organise and have a brilliant day out with your family.
Cheddar Crazy Golf Family Fun for all ages
18 hole course in attractive setting Open daily from 11am Only £3 per person 01934 741112 7 Queens Row The Cliffs, Cheddar
PACKED LUNCH: Taking your own food and drink is a great way to save some money. If you’re outdoors then a picnic always goes down well with the children or if you’re going to be indoors then the usual supply of sandwiches, healthy snacks, crisps and fruit will be perfect. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OFFERS: Check out if there are any offers available at attractions. There are many websites that have 2 for 1 offers or maybe even children go free! DAY TRIPS are great fun for all the family and provide huge entertainment value for children and great family time together. CONTINUED
Come rain or shine, we’ve got it covered this Easter.
Open Easter Sunday 9am-5pm
West Somerset Railway Between Bishops Lydeard (near Taunton) & Minehead, 20 miles of steam travel. New for 2014: West Somerset Railway Augmented Reality Heritage Hunter App.
Daily April 5th to May 31st (except April 25th , 28th, May 2nd, 9th, 12th, 16th,) March 27th to 30th: our great “Spring Steam Gala” Every Saturday & Wednesday from April 5th: “Dunster Castle Express” April 12th: meet and greet with “Wallace & Gromit” May 3rd: meet and greet with “Mike the Knight”
More info & bookings or call 01643 704996
FARMS have grown in popularity in recent years, most probably because they are one of the few outlets that allow children to get up close to animals and to share in the experience of caring for them. Most farms actively encourage families to mix in with the animals, handle them and help with feeding - all of which can be huge fun for young children who’ve only really learnt about them from story books and songs. SEASIDE DAY trips to the beach are great fun and the children love the old traditions of building sand castles, paddling in the water and strolling along the promenade. Alternatively make a weekend of it and book a hotel or guest house for a night or two.You can find some great family-friendly options online. CASTLES & HISTORIC LOCATIONS Battles, princesses, forts, kings, lords or ladies, your child’s imagination will be fired with a visit to one of the magnificent castles and estate houses. There are many dotted all over the area and offer plenty of active role-play opportunities for children of all ages. Many offer Easter egg hunts and activity days. Educational days out/museums Lots of modern museums and educational centres have regular exhibitions and activities to appeal to children, making them a great destination for families. Children love to learn about dinosaurs and animals, science and the earth and an early appreciation and understanding of these topics will carry on through childhood.
PREPARATION For a stress free, fun family outing, preparation is key. Here are some tips to make your family days out as much fun as possible:
chocolate Eggheads Lacock Abbey
The joke is on you as you crack up with laughter on our Cadbury Easter Egg Trail. Discover all the Easter themed jokes around the grounds and win a delicious Cadbury chocolate Egghead. £1.50 per trail. Normal admission applies. Members and under 5s go free. Lacock is near Chippenham. 01249 730459
© National Trust Images. Registered Charity Number 205846.
Cadbury Easter Egg Trail 20 & 21 April, 10.30am-4pm
Plan the day before. Shop for food, lay out clothes, pack a bag, charge mobiles…this way you can have a leisurely start, set off relaxed and arrive early before the crowds. PREPARE A PICNIC Even if there are restaurants and food for sale where you are going. There are often big queues for food, it’s usually expensive and is usually fast-food. Bring a change of clothes, sunhats, sun cream, plasters, insect bite cream.
© National Trust Images. Registered Charity Number 205846.
CHECK OUT YOUR ROUTE Pack a map and print directions. Maybe bring a phone number for wherever you are headed in case you get lost. The children will be impatient to get there and the more preparation you can do, the easier the journey will be. MAKE THE JOURNEY part of the outing – lots of singing and fun and games in the car. CHECK if you can book and pay for your tickets in advance, either online or by phone. This way you can walk past the queues and straight in. RELAX, JOIN IN AND ENJOY YOURSELF We are so busy being responsible adults that we forget we can have fun too! See the day through the eyes of a child and wonder at the marvel of it all. Choose a special moment and use your senses to take in every detail: your child’s smile, the sounds of laughter, the warmth of the sun, the smell of summer: take a photo with your minds eye and imprint it in your memory.You’ll be able to revisit that moment in months and years to come.
Dunster Castle and gardens Easter fun-filled weekend and trail 19 & 20 April, 10am - 4pm
Become an Eggsplorer for the day at Dunster castle. Follow our Cadbury Easter Egg Trail around the grounds then collect your Cadbury chocolate Egghead when you return to base camp. £2 per trail
01643 823041
© National Trust Images/190629. Registered Charity Number 205846.
GUESS THE ANIMAL: Someone thinks of an animal, others ask questions about that animal – can it fly? Is it wild? To which the person can only answer yes or no. Or the person describes the animal and everyone else has to guess what it is.
Eggsploring at Prior Park Landscape Garden
Sat 19 - Mon 21 April, 10am - 4.30pm
Bring the family and join in the fun to follow our Cadbury Easter Egg Trail around the garden. Become a Cadbury Eggsplorer at Prior Park, find hidden Easter egg clues to unravel the mystery word and receive your Cadbury chocolate Egghead prize.
egg hunting
Normal admission prices apply. Trail £1.50.
01225 833422
THE ALPHABET GAME: Think of an easy category (like names, or places or animals) and then find a word for every letter of the alphabet. For example, if it was names, the first person might say Anna, the second Bill, and so on. WORD ASSOCIATION: Be as free as you like. The first person says apple, second person says banana, third person says monkey, etc.You can also play a version where you have to try and work back to the first word. SAUSAGES: One person has to answer people’s questions answering only with the word ‘sausages’. Everyone has to think of the silliest questions they can ask to try and make that person laugh or smile when they say it. If they do, they are no longer it, and the person who asked the question takes over.
THE PUB GAME: Look for pub signs and see how long it takes you to collect 5 heads, 10 arms and 20 legs. To do this, you simply count the number of legs and arms depicted on the pub sign, or in the name: ie, the Queen’s Head; the Phoenix and Falcon (4 legs) etc. THE NUMBER PLATE GAME: Look at the nearest number plate for the first group of three letters. The first letter is the initial of the person’s name; the second is where they come from, and the third is the job they do. THE NO ‘YESES’ OR ‘NOS’ GAME: You ask one person questions to which they can answer anything except yes or no. If they say yes or no they are out and it’s someone else’s turn. (What’s your name? Anna. Are you sure?)
Wolvershill Road, Banwell, Weston-super-Mare
Easter Stourhead
Join us for spring time family fun, Easter trails and of course a Cadbury chocolate Egghead prize. £2.50 per trail
01747 841152
© National Trust Images. Registered Charity Number 205846.
Cadbury Easter Egg Trails 18 - 21 April, 11am - 4pm
Brushing for life
Dental hygiene is one of the most important life skills you can teach your child. It’s never too early to start getting them used to looking after their teeth - and the dividends will pay off in future. First or baby teeth have usually developed before your child is born and will start to come through at around six months. All 20 baby teeth should be through by the age of two. The first permanent
A very British addiction Forget cigarettes and alcohol there is a new addiction sweeping the nation - snackoholism. We were brought up being told not to eat between meals but now it seems that we literally can’t help helping ourselves, with Brits admitting to being addicted to snacking and finding it impossible to quit. And it seems our need to snack is taking over our lives as six per cent of us even admit to snacking in bed. A third of us would rather give up alcohol than snacks and 13% of smokers said they’d rather kick their nicotine habit than give up chocolate, biscuits and crisps.
adult molars appear at about six years of age, behind the baby teeth and before the first teeth start to fall out at about six or seven. The permanent adult teeth will then replace the baby versions. The lower front teeth are usually the first to go, followed by the upper front teeth. All permanent teeth should be in place by the age of 13, except the wisdom teeth which can arrive any time between 18 and 25. Cleaning your child’s teeth should be part of their daily hygiene routine. You may find it easier to stand or sit behind your child, cradling their chin in your hand so you can reach their
top and bottom teeth more easily. It is important to supervise your child’s brushing until they are at least seven - and make sure they spit out the toothpaste rather than swallow it. Make tooth brushing a routine preferably in the morning, and last thing before your child goes to bed. And remember to encourage your child, as praise often gets results!
10 steps to avoiding snacking: 1. Identify what - Keeping a food diary can help you identify your snacking reality. 2. Identify where - Once you know what your snacks are, you need to consider where you are most likely to snack - then clear out your snack stash. 3. Identify when - Knowing when you snack can reveal the trigger. When you’ve sussed out your snacking patterns, you’re ready to confront them. 4. Find a healthier alternative - Try a low calorie chocolate drink instead of chocolate or popcorn instead of crisps. 5. Distract yourself Occupy your mind with other things - go for a walk, phone a friend, get busy cleaning or ironing, read a book, take a bath, paint your nails etc to get your mind off those treats. 6. Avoid tricky situations - Take a packed lunch
to work to avoid the temptation of shops, and cut back on tea or coffee if you usually have biscuits too. 7. Cut the portions - You can make anything instantly healthier by cutting the portions - this way you get a little of what you fancy, just in a smaller package. 8. Fill up on fruit and veg Aim for at least 5 a day, so if you feel yourself reaching for a snack, make it fruits or vegetables instead. 9.Make small changes - If you deprive yourself of everything that you like and that is habitual, it’s much harder, and is likely to end in a cycle of deprivation and bingeing. 10. Don’t forget drinks - Whether it’s a fizzy drink, orange juice or the mid-morning caramel latte - they add up, so choose a healthier alternative like green tea or water.
Focus On Feet To Give Children Firm Start
A rising number of children are being referred to podiatrists and GPs with more serious foot problems than ever before. Retailers have reported seeing far more serious foot health problems including Hallux Valgus, Ankle Valgus, heel bumps and Plantar Fasciitis in children - conditions which are usually only seen in the elderly. A lot of the problems can be traced to ill-fitting, cheap fashionable
shoes and are likely to result in leg, knee, back and neck pain, as well as migraine. One of the most important yet most abused parts of the human body is the feet. Feet are designed to take body weight and give mobility essential to quality of life. Feet are often crammed into the most unsuitably shaped shoes - often made of plastic - and the only time they are given a thought is when they hurt. From birth to early teens, feet are at their most vulnerable; in fact there are 26 bones in the foot, and they do not stop growing until around the age of 18. 

Shoe fitters and chiropodists spend the majority of their time trying to correct damage and ease discomfort which could have been avoided if shoes had been correctly fitted when purchased. Shoes should always be fitted by trained personnel as a fitting gauge plays only a small role in the selection of the correct shoe. Advice from the
SSF when choosing infant shoes is to pick those which are designed around the shape of the feet - slim at the heel and wide at the front because an infant’s foot is reasonably triangular in shape and consists mostly of gristle and cartilage. They should be firm and snug at the heel to cradle the foot and yet flexible at the front with an adjustable fastening. Materials should be natural - cotton and leather linings and leather uppers are porous and ensure that moisture is absorbed and allowed to escape, keeping the feet dry and avoiding irritating complaints such as Athletes Foot. Leather is also the only material to conform to the shape of the foot and stay there, thus making the best possible fit. This is why shoes should never be passed down to another child! Children aged four and upwards should have shoes checked every 10 to 12 weeks, and at the least every four months.
SPRING C AN UNDERWATER GARDEN This underwater flower arrangement is beautiful. Visit our website at for the full instructions.
GLASS TERRARIUM Bring the garden indoors with this beautiful terrarium. Visit our website at for the full instructions.
MAKE AN EGG GARDEN Enjoy watching your herbs and flowers sprouting each day. Visit our website at for the full instructions.
CRAFTS BUTTON PLANTS Brighten up your house plants with colourful buttons. Visit our website at for the full instructions.
MUD CUPCAKES Traditional mud pies with a twist! Visit our website at for the full instructions.
LITTLE GRASS HOUSE Create a bright grassy house for your home. Visit our website at for the full instructions.
Postman Pat is finally starring in his own feature length film! In this exciting tale, we see Pat venturing out of the village of Greendale and auditioning X-factor style to be the next big thing. When hardened judge Simon Cowbell is won over by Pat’s musical talents, things look set to change for the beloved postman, but the villagers of Greendale face a new problem… Who will deliver the post?!
Vibrant and full of energy, family adventure ‘Rio 2’ sees Blu swap the urban life in Rio for a tropical adventure in the wilderness of the Amazon. After the high-flying antics of ‘Rio’, Blu and Jewel have nested in the city. However, Jewel can’t ignore the call of the wild and she takes the feathered family to the Amazon, where they reconnect with her long-lost relatives. But their arrival in the tropical forest ruffles a few feathers…
Everyone’s favourite felt-skinned friends return for hilarious sequel ‘Muppets Most Wanted’ which sees the Muppets get mixed up with the world’s most notorious criminal. The Muppets are touring Europe when they unwittingly find themselves in the company of Kermit’s evil doppelganger Constantine, the World’s Number One Criminal. Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear and friends must band together on a highstakes mission to defeat the evil frog and his sinister sidekick Dominic.
Andrew Garfield swings back into action in ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’, which picks up with Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy as they prepare to graduate. The web-slinging, wisecracking superhero is struggling to keep his promise to stay away from Gwen. Meanwhile, he has a bunch of hulking new baddies to scare off, including The Rhino. But the real threat comes from super-charged enemy Electro, an Oscorp employee who gains powers of electrokinesis.
Tarzan and Jane battle it out with a greedy and ruthless boss of an energy company, whose plans to source a new energy supply threaten to destroy the planet. The company in question, Greystoke Energies, also happens to be the firm once owned by Tarzans parents, before they were killed in a plane crash. This modern retelling of the classic tale brings the much loved character to a whole new generation; boasting eye-popping animation, it’s a rollercoaster ride of romance and good versus evil.
ACTIVITIES Activities for school-age children are not only after school, but can run at weekends and during holidays. Are you wondering how your child might benefit by taking part in a holiday club? This list is simply a starting point, but it certainly gives you reasons to investigate clubs or holiday sessions in your area for your children… Getting Out Many children spend a lot of time in front of the TV or playing computer games. Clubs can give children an opportunity to explore more varied and healthier activities. Meeting People and Making Friends Joining a club gives children a comfortable and appropriate place to meet others with similar interests. This environment can form the basis for lifelong friendships. Learning New Skills Children who participate in a variety of activities are introduced
Outdoor learning and practical skills, Forest School activities, one-off events and bespoke birthday parties for children of all ages.
Hey Magazine
Ebborlands Riding Centre Adult courses for take up/back the reins about to start weekday mornings. Pony Club Centre sessions some Sundays & Easter holidays Wookey Hole, Wells 01749 672550
This isn’t the end of the list, we are sure you could add more ideas of your own, but these are great reasons to see what is out there!
Secret Valley Forest School Glastonbury
to new skills and are given a chance to develop them. As children realise they can do these things then their self-confidence grows. Developing Independence By participating in clubs, young children learn to exist and thrive outside of their family. Older children learn skills and values that will carry them through to their adult lives. Leadership and Responsibility Children have the opportunity to make their own decisions – they learn to lead, follow and carry their portion of responsibility. Plain Old Fashioned Fun Playing a game, camping, singing - whatever the focus, children participate because they enjoy the activities and sometimes fun is as good a reason as any other to join a club.
NETBALL 7-14 years
SUMMER COURSES BADMINTON 8-16 years CRICKET 7-14 years FOOTBALL 5-14 years MINI-MULTIS 2-4 years MULTI-ACTIVITY 5-14 years
If you go down to the woods today... Easter Forest School Club 2014 For 5 to 11 Year Olds 1 week at Free Rangers, Welton 1 week at All Hallows Prep School, Cranmore Free Rangers, 9am - 4pm, 8-11th April All Hallows, 9am - 4pm, 14-17th April £30 for 1 day. £25 for additional days
TENNIS 8-14 years RUGBY 8-14 years NEW FOR 2014
ATHLETICS 8-16 years NEW FOR 2014
NEW FOR 2014
HOCKEY 7-14 years NETBALL 7-14 years
Lunch included
Ed Harding 07925 417 261 Free Rangers BA3 2BW
MOTHERING SUNDAY LUNCH AND AFTERNOON TEA All mums need a treat on mother’s day so why not wine and dine them at Hestercombe! A special two or three course lunch served in the beautifully grand setting of the Bampfylde Hall. A bar will be available and tea or coffee can also be purchased.
EASTER FUN AT HESTERCOMBE Join us over the Easter holidays for some fun and exciting trails around the gardens. Follow the animal tracks through the landscape and answer clues to win a chocolatey prize! Play on your own or with friends in the outdoors and discover more about Spring.
9 & 16 APRIL
EASTER AT THE BISHOPS PALACE AND GARDENS 11am - 3pm. Join us in the Stable Yard activity room to celebrate this special time of year.You can decorate your own egg, make a bunny mask or take part in our special Easter trail.
18 - 19 APRIL
CADBURY EASTER EGG TRAIL AT DUNSTER CASTLE 11am - 3pm. Join our annual fun-filled weekend of eggcellent Easter-themed activities and win a Cadbury chocolate Egghead prize. Normal admission (NT members free), plus £2 per trail.
18 - 21 APRIL
HAVE A GO ARCHERY AT DUNSTER CASTLE 11am - 4pm. Try your hand at archery with the Bowmen of Danesfield in front of the castle on Green Court. Normal admission applies (NT members free), £3 for 6 arrows. See for more details.
19 - 20 APRIL
GLASTONBURY MEDIEVAL FAYRE Easter Weekend Festivities. The Knights of the Damned horsemanship will be tested once again to the fullest as they compete to be proclaimed Tournament Champion! Kids kingdom has a free craft tent, ferret racing, face painting along with have a go Archery and bouncy castle. See for full details.
19 - 21 APRIL
EASTER EGG EXPEDITION AT PRIOR PARK 10am-4.30pm Become a Cadbury Eggsplorer at Prior Park. Bring the family and join in the fun to follow our Cadbury Easter Egg Trail around the garden and collect the clues to receive your Cadbury chocolate Egghead. More information:Visitor Reception Team, 01225 833422,
24 - 27 APRIL
CREATIVE CRAFTS FAYRE AT THE BATH AND WEST SHOWGROUND Demonstrations, workshops and make & takes which cater for all levels of ability. Visit and use offer code PR2 to get £1.50 discount on the ticket price.
12 - 13 APRIL
EGG PAINTING WELLS CATHEDRAL 11am – 3pm. All materials provided will be provided for this creative Easter session to be held in the Cathedral’s Education Room! £2 per egg, adults and families are welcome. No booking required; arrive and leave when you like. FALCONRY DISPLAYS AT DUNSTER CASTLE 11am to 4pm. Watch these beautiful birds swooping, gliding and chasing prey in displays by Raphael Falconry; then meet a selection of falcons and owls at the Hawk House. See for more details.
MEET WALLACE AND GROMIT Minehead Railway Station10am and 4pm. Enjoy a 20 mile steam train ride to Minehead Station from any of our stations along the line. Free vintage bus ride trips round Minehead sea front from Minehead Station. Face painting. See for more details
WHIRLY BIRDS FUN DAY AT THE HELICOPTER MUSEUM Free aeroplane model kit for the first 200 visiting children. Learn about the amazing world of flight, hold a live owl and meet a variety of birds of prey and other flying creatures. Paper aeroplane competition. Flight simulator and open cockpit access.
MIKE THE KNIGHT AT MINEHEAD RAILWAY STATION 10am and 4pm. Enjoy a 20 mile steam train ride to Minehead Station from any of our stations along the line. Free vintage bus ride trips round Minehead sea front from Minehead Station. Face painting. Merchandise Stand on Minehead Station Platform. See for more details.
11 MAY
A FAMILY DAY WITH RHYMOCEROS! 11am - 4pm The Bishops Palace and Gardens Enjoy a performance from poet and performer, Leo Aylen and then explore the Palace and gardens through poetry, painting, music and plays. Be inspired to create your own which will help form the finale of the day. This is a full day activity for families and (free) places are limited so please pre-book with us by phoning 01749 988111 ext 200.
Hey Magazine
Your achievements in pictures
Emily aged 10 was awarded her medal for taking part in a cricket tournament, well done Emily.
Thomas aged 9 took part in a judo competition and was awarded a medal, well done Thomas.
Evie aged 6 has been awarded a certificate for 100% attendance at West Pennard School.Well done Evie.
Alice aged 8 has been awarded with the Austin Cup for superb progress at West Pennard School, well done Alice.
Lizzie Rose aged 8 has been awarded the Writer of the Month award in year 3 from West Pennard School, well done Lizzie.
Ben aged 8 has been awarded his medal for taking part in a football tournament. Well done Ben.
Lottie aged 11 has taken part in a netball tournament, well done Lottie.
Lyla aged 6 was awarded a certificate for completing the climb at Bristol Climbing Centre, well done Lyla.
Aiden aged 7 has passed his grade 1 in swimming, well done Aiden.
Gabriel aged 5 from West Pennard School gained a Pass with Distinction in speaking, verse and prose, Grade 1.Well done Gabriel.
Owen aged 7 has achieved a mountain of medals for running, wow Owen, well done.
Hebe aged 7 has been awarded the house captains cup for sitting nicely and superb behaviour, well done Hebe.
George aged 8 has been awarded a medal for football and a trophy for Go Karting where he came 1st and 3rd. Well done George, keep up the good work.
James (Yeovil) and Emma (Moorlinch) both 10, shared the same prize at Razzamataz Street. Well done James and Emma.
Jessica aged 7 has been awarded writer of the month in year 2 at West Pennard Primary School for her fantastic literacy skills, well done Jessica.
Tyler Martin aged 6 has passed his stage 4 swimming, well done Tyler.
William from Gillingham aged 8 who has won a full year’s scholarship to Razzamataz Yeovil. Well done William.
Reviews of the top selling games
NINTENDO 3DS : YOSHI’S NEW ISLAND Yoshi’s New Island keeps the series’ fun game-play mechanics, such as Yoshi’s Flutter Jump, Ground Pound and Egg Throw, while also offering new abilities. For example, use the giant-sized Mega Eggs to destroy objects, obtain coins and reveal hidden doors. Using the Nintendo 3DS system’s gyro sensor functionality and the new binocular ability, players can move the system around to uncover hidden areas as well as better aim Mega Egg throws.
Wii : MARIO KART 8 Join all your favourite characters from the Mario franchise as you race through exciting tracks from all around the Mushroom Kingdom. Turn the race on its head with the new antigravity feature which allows for never-imagined racing circuit designs. Take the race online in challenging 12-player online competitive play. Share all your highlights and best moments with Mario Kart TV. For the first time ever, race in HD with the first entry from the Mario Kart franchise on the Wii U. Coming 30th May.
XBOX ONE : PLANTS VS ZOMBIES GARDEN WARFARE Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare digs into the trenches with an explosive new action experience. Blast zombies, plants and new characters across a mine-blowing world that delivers the depth of a traditional online shooter blended on high with the refreshing humour of Plant vs. Zombies. Take on Co-op and Multiplayer action with your friends and sow the seeds of victory!
The UK’s number 1 gaming centre r! and ba Brilliant, unique birthday parties! An awesome, great value after school club! We are open from 1pm during the holidays! We offer a great menu from our cafe.. And After 7pm were NOT for Kids! Its g 2 Market Place, Radstock BA3 3AE
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