Keynsham News Spring 2014

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Spring 2014 - Issue 8

Produced for Keynsham Town Council


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Keynsham News is produced by Ignyte Ltd, Suite 7, Westfield Court, Third Avenue, Westfield Trading Estate, Radstock BA3 4XD Tel 01761 410141. While every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte or Keynsham Town Council does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.

For a wonderful range of fabrics, ribbons, buttons, books, patterns & haberdashery why not visit Millie Moon?

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to the Spring Newsletter from your W elcome Town Council. Thank goodness we have enjoyed some blue sky and sunshine after the grey skies and constant rain of the winter. We share concern with our friends in Somerset and hope they can make good progress after the floods. For the future this must be secured with the implementation of a range of effective anti flood measures. Your Council shows a real unity of purpose in seeking to achieve a high quality of life for our fifteen thousand residents. Our overall policy may be summarised as a clear objective of economic development with the creation of businesses and jobs for all those seeking employment. This to be achieved with a real concern for our ecology and social harmony while promoting and assisting health and wellbeing. We have 30% of residents above retirement age as opposed to 20% nationally. Consequently we need to be aware of the requirements and contribution of this growing group in our community. We are moving forward in a really dramatic way with all the developments taking place that promise real progress. But alongside this we celebrate ecological advances as shown by our winning, last September, a Silver Gilt award in South West in Bloom. The wonderful community spirit of Keynsham was reflected in the judges’ comments and we are looking for volunteers to help us make next years gold! B&NES have confirmed an increase in our Arts grant and we look forward to our annual provision of KTC grants to local societies, a full programme of bandstand events and our widely acclaimed Music Festival on 6 July. Its this exciting range of activities that helps make Keynsham a special place to work and live. Recently with colleagues, I enjoyed a tour of the new Civic Centre. Apart from trying not to embarrass myself by tripping over building materials I was most impressed with the structure. This major investment will also have a super piece of artwork in a clock to be chosen by residents. The opening of our Centre this autumn will provide another critical stage in our renaissance to be followed by further exciting phases of transformation in Temple Street and elsewhere. Enjoy the spring.

For all enquiries call our Keynsham shop on 0117 9864565

Cllr Clive Fricker Chair of Keynsham Town Council





busy start to the Festival this year with now over 220 acts having applied to perform. There are now far more than we take for all four stages! These range from the local community groups to local bands, national professional bands and, a new development, international bands and artistes. The breadth and standard of music this year will surely equal previous years.

Bohemian Embassy, one of the highlights to look for at this year’s festival.

Highlights to look out for will be Bath’s Bohemian Embassy, Bristol’s all female ska and funk band Meet your Feet, and opera singer Meeghan Shillington regularly seen in Bath and currently touring Australia

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We expect to build on the new venues established last year, the regular festival events and even more opportunities for performers and listeners. This year the Keynsham and Saltford Arts Trail will be incorporated into the Music Festival.

Booked for Friday night is Alaistair MacIntosh the Scottish eco-activist who led the campaign to buy the island of Eigg to save it from developers.

Events will be publicised as they become confirmed – watch the Festival website, and for more immediate news follow developments and see snippets of some of the possible bands and events on Twitter and Face Book. There are some surprises in store – but it all does depend on funding, our loyal sponsors and our band of volunteers without whom nothing would be possible.

and New Zealand. We are making particular moves this year to improve both performer and audience experience in the Band Stand and Performance Tents areas – so watch out for some new developments. Otherwise our aim is to build on the programme of events for last year and many suggestions have come from our new open style planning meetings held in The Talbot and The Ship. The main suggestion is for an opening event for the festival at the beginning of the week and this is being formulated at the moment based on public suggestions – making the Festival more democratic than ever before. You can also join the “voting” for our Friday night Cinema under the Stars by adding comments and suggestions on our Facebook page or by following us (Keynshamfest) on Twitter. The Friday night is going to be huge with a special festival event in St John’s for Keynsham’s flourishing choirs – giving them more time and space than that available in the Sunday’s performance tent – which is also going to have a facelift this year. Also on Friday is an event to match last year’s appearance by Satish Kumar. Already booked is Alaistair MacIntosh the Scottish eco-activist who led the campaign to buy the island of Eigg to save it from developers and whose influential book “Soil and Soul” is a best seller.

ChoirJam, one of the choirs who will be performing at St John’s Church on the Friday night.

The website is Email: Facebook: Search Keynsham Music festival Twitter is: @keynshamfest


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KEYNSHAM LIONS SUCCESS Keynsham Lions Club raised ÂŁ1325 in the High Street on Saturday 15 February for the Somerset Flood Relief Appeal. They would like to thank the residents of Keynsham and Saltford for the continued support to the work locally and internationally of Lions Clubs International. The Club has forwarded ÂŁ3000 to the Flood Relief Fund. Keynsham Lions Club is a member of Lions Clubs International, the largest service club organisation in the world, rated as the best non-governmental organisation. They are always pleased to see any fellow Lions or guests, particularly men or women who would

like to find out more about Lions Clubs International and the local club in Keynsham. They meet twice a month at 7.30pm at Fry Club, Somerdale, Keynsham for a members meeting on 2nd Monday and a dinner meeting, with partners on the 4th Monday of each month.






Last year’s winner of the Ed Sant Memorial Shield was awarded to Mr W B Jackson for the Most Inspiring Garden.


eynsham in Bloom Community Group are now a fully constituted resident led group. We are looking to work with residents, local businesses, schools and institutions or community groups within the Keynsham boundary. We will again be entering the South West in Bloom regional In Bloom competition and we have set our sights on achieving Gold for Keynsham. Judges will be visiting Keynsham in July and we want to showcase our town and our aim is to put Keynsham well and truly on the floral map. We have received a small grant CB funding from Keynsham Council Construction 1-4.pdf Town 1 05/11/2013




and 10:08

will be working in partnership with them. However, we are actively looking for sponsors to come forward to help us achieve Gold status for Keynsham. At their meeting on 22nd January, Denise James local resident, was elected Chair of the group, along with local resident Jim Bernard as Vice Chair. The group are still seeking new members to take up the post of Treasurer and Secretary, at the moment these posts are being covered by Dawn Drury - Deputy Town Clerk. If anyone would like join the group or would like to consider the posts of Secretary or Treasurer they should contact Dawn Drury on 0117 9868683 – deputytownclerk@ Members of the group will be available to talk to anyone who would like to be involved with our group at the Scout Plant Sale (Ashton Way Scout Hut) in the morning on Saturday 17th May 2014. We will be organising various competitions which residents, businesses, schools and community groups can take part in, application forms for the main In Bloom competition will be available from the Town Council office and the library from mid March 2014.


INTEREST FORM I am interested in being a member of the In Bloom Community Group I would be interested in volunteering and helping with future South West In Bloom gardening project






Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Tel: ………………………………………………….. Email: …………………………………………………………………………………………… Please return to Dawn Drury, Deputy Town Clerk Keynsham Town Council, 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham BS31 1HF or email

0117 926 9575




We provide activities and individual support to children and adults with moderate/severe learning disabilities some of whom also have physical disabilities. We welcome over 160 members from a wide area covering B&NES, East Bristol and South Gloucestershire.

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Our members, aged 5 – 70, have a wide range of severe learning disabilities. Many of our members also have physical disabilities and some are wheelchair users. Adults and children with learning disabilities, and their families, can suffer extreme social isolation For many of our adult members the Thursday 18+ Club is their only opportunity to socialise with their peers and to take part in community activities. Our Thursday 18+ Club ensures that our 72 adult members have regular weekly social contact. We also run 4 children’s clubs which are run by support workers and are supported by an army of dedicated volunteers. Children with learning disabilities often do not have the same opportunities to enjoy out of school activities as their peers. Our 4 clubs enable them to enjoy some of the social and recreational activities that are enjoyed by most other children. The clubs provide a relaxed environment for those young members who attend mainstream schools to meet others who face similar challenges. At our adult and children’s clubs members have the chance to relax and take part in activities which are great for improving the life experiences and social engagement our members need. We are always working towards furthering the opportunities we can provide and we are about to launch a new transition club for 16-25 year olds who can sometimes struggle with the changes adulthood brings. It will also support these young adults with growing independence needs. Excitingly we are also introducing the first Boccia club in the area! Boccia is an inclusive seated throwing sport which features in the Special Olympics Watch this space to see how we fair in our first matches. Anyone who is interested in joining Keynsham Mencap, finding out more about us or supporting us can contact us on 0117 986 5659 or find us at


KEYNSHAM FOOD BANK The Keynsham Foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust charity which runs foodbanks around the country. There is a core group who are ensuring it runs smoothly and a group of around 35 extra volunteers to help out where necessary, including at the distribution centres at Victoria Methodist Church (Mondays 10 – 12 noon) and St.Francis Church (Thursdays 10 – 12 noon). All food given out by foodbanks is donated. Often this is from schools, churches, businesses, individuals or through supermarket collections. The food is then sorted and stored at the warehouse. The Foodbank is accessible by a voucher

system and the vouchers are held by various professionals, social workers, Citizens Advice, GP practices, health visitors and many more. When they are in contact with a person, couple or family that they feel are in crisis they will provide them with a voucher. These are numbered and various details put on as to how many people there are and whether there are children in the household etc. This determines how much food and other items they may require. The vouchers are then taken to one of the Foodbank distribution centres and exchanged for the food. The Foodbank is intended to be accessed for help in crisis only and not for weekly feeding. Enquiries: t: 0117 9837923 e:



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100g green beans, cut into lengths

1. Heat the oil, then fry the leek until softened. Add the green beans and courgette, then pour in the stock and season to taste. Cover and simmer for 5 mins.

1 large courgette, diced

2. Meanwhile, make the pesto: put the basil, garlic, nuts, Parmesan, oil and ½ tsp salt in a food processor, then blitz until smooth. 3. Stir the tomatoes, cannellini beans and vermicelli into the soup pan, then simmer for 5 mins more until the veg are just tender. The soup and pesto can now be chilled for up to a day. 4. Reheat the soup, if necessary, then stir in half the pesto. Ladle into bowls and serve with the rest of the pesto spooned on top. Eat with chunks of crusty bread.

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1 tbsp olive oil 2 leeks, washed and chopped

1.2l hot vegetable stock 3 vine-ripe tomatoes, deseeded and chopped 400g can cannellini beans 1 nest vermicelli (about 35g) For the pesto 25g pack basil 1 garlic clove, crushed 25g pistachios nuts 25g vegetarian parmesan -style cheese 2 tbsp olive oil

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You are invited to...

ANNUAL TOWN MEETING ALL KEYNSHAM RESIDENTS WELCOME Monday 28th April 2014 at Keynsham Baptist Church, High Street, Keynsham at 7.30pm Agenda for meeting will be available from Town Council office and Keynsham Library

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Guest Speak er: Sarah Trew eek Keynsham’s Neighbourh ood Police Insp ector Presentatio n Keynsham of Good Citiz ens Awards






10th - Somerset Farmers Market in Ashton Way Car Park, from 9am to 1pm. 10th - An evening of country music with Dave Sherriff plus Slim Pickins at the Fry Club. 11th- ChiorJam at the Keynsham Bandstand in the Memorial Park at 2.30pm to 4.30pm. 13th - Quiz Night at the Fry Club. 16th - An evening of Rock and Roll with Shindig at the Fry Club.

5th - An evening of Country Music with Alan Britton at the Fry’s Club.

18th - Midsomer Norton and Radstock Silver Band at the Keynsham Bandstand in the Memorial Park. Time tbc.

7th - Keynsham Town Council Planning and Development Committee meeting at the Town Council Office at 7.30pm.

19th - Keynsham Town Council Planning and Development Committee meeting at the Town Council Office at 7.30pm.

11th - Jay McGee comedy Vocal Impressionist at the Fry Club.

20th - Keynsham Town Council meeting at the Council Chamber, 3rd floor, North Block, Riverside, Temple Street, Keynsham. Commencing at 7.30pm.

12th - Somerset Farmers Market in Ashton Way Car Park, from 9am to 1pm. 12th - KLOGS playing at the Keynsham Bandstand in the Memorial Park. Time tbc. 15th - Keynsham Town Council meeting at the Council Chamber, 3rd floor, North Block, Riverside, Temple Street, Keynsham. Commencing at 7.30pm. 15th - Quiz night at the Fry Club. 18th - Churches together ‘Walk of Witness’ at the Keynsham Bandstand in the Memorial Park. Time tbc. 27th - Keynhsam Brass Band at the Keynsham Bandstand in the Memorial Park at 3pm to 5pm. 28th - Annual Town Meeting at Keynsham Baptist Church at 7.30pm.

MAY 4th - Elemental Theatre Group at the Keynsham Bandstand in the Memorial Park. Time tbc. 7th - An evening of ballroom dancing with Sid and Roz at the Fry Club.

JUNE 1st - Marshfield Band at the Keynsham Bandstand in the Memorial Park at 3.00pm to 5.00pm. 4th - An evening of ballroom dancing with Sid and Roz at the Fry Club. 8th - First World War Centenary 2014 – Dodington Parish Band at the Keynsham Bandstand in the Memorial Park. Time tbc. 9th - Keynsham Town Council Planning and Development Committee meeting at the Town Council Office at 7.30pm. 14th - Somerset Farmers Market in Ashton Way Car Park, from 9am to 1pm. 15th - Avon Fire and Rescue Band at the Keynsham Bandstand in the Memorial Park at 2.30pm to 4.00pm. 17th - Keynsham Town Council meeting at the Council Chamber, 3rd floor, North Block, Riverside, Temple Street, Keynsham. Commencing at 7.30pm.




opportunity to those people to get involved in the burying ceremony on site in 2014.


Please send your entries to Time for your entries is limited so please be quick!

t is being planned to replace the time capsule which was unearthed during the construction of the new Town Hall, and we would like to hear your suggestions on objects that: Capture the Best of Keynsham in 2013 For future generations to get an appreciation of life in Keynsham in 2013. At this stage we are looking for suggestions of objects that might be included. Successful entries will be included in the time capsule and

The Consultation for the Time Capsule suggestions is ongoing and we have had an excellent response, with over 60 entries to date! Suggestions so far capture a fantastic image of the vibrant and varied community events and people in Keynsham, and will soon also capture a photographic day in the life for all ranges of people in the local community. We are still taking suggestions but time is running out fast – entries will stop being considered by the end of April, for a burial ceremony soon after. It’s a brilliant project Willmott Dixon are really pleased to be involved with. Thank you for your contributions so far!

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hoebe Bidgood has won the prestigious Chairman’s Community Award for Young Volunteer Leader of the Year 2014. Phoebe is 17 and has been attending the TimeOut Youth Club in Keynsham for just over 2 years. She is currently the Chair of the Curo sponsored Neighbour Hoodies project in Keynsham known as TimeOut Task Force. Phoebe has very much been the driving force behind the project which aims to challenge negative stereotypes about young people by carrying out positive action in the community and making a difference. Phoebe regularly represents young people in Keynsham by speaking at local PACT (Police and Community Together) meetings and promoting the Neighbour Hoodies through events like Youth Fest. Along with other Neighbour Hoodies in the area Phoebe proactively asks local residents how young people can help make a difference to their neighbourhoods. Phoebe said: ‘It’s brilliant to win this Award, with the help of Curo, being a Neighbour Hoodie in Keynsham has given our group far more recognition with members of the public for the work we do and the difference we make in our local neighbourhoods. The extra curricular activities are great for our CVs and have already opened doors for me personally in gaining work experience opportunities’. Over the past year Phoebe has been involved in a lot of planning, recruiting and training of her peer members of Task Force.

Through her involvement she has grown in confidence, developed her leadership skills and been a positive role model and advocate for young people in the town. Task Force was launched at Keynsham Youth Fest in September. So far they have completed painting the bins in the memorial park and have met with Curo to look at tasks they can do with them in Tintagel Close and nearby areas. They have also consulted other young people, councillors and residents Roy Staddon, Town Councillor, Chair of the Youth Liaison Working Party said “I am pleased that the Task Force has been formed and have great confidence in the young people doing great work within the community” If you live in Keynsham and have an idea or project which the Neighbour Hoodies could help with, then please do contact Mark Willcox, (Youth Worker) on 0117 9868683 or email





he Community Alarm Service provides special equipment that is linked to a person’s telephone system, which enables a person to get help quickly, via a 24 hour, 365 day monitoring centre. To call for help, a button is pressed on an easy to use pendant alarm, which places a call through to the monitoring centre. Friendly and trained operators respond to the call, and provide the appropriate support. This may include calling a nominated family member, neighbour or friend, or if necessary alert the emergency services. The people who answer the call will have access to

relevant information about you, so are able to respond quickly and appropriately to your call. It is also possible to link additional equipment such as smoke detectors, flood detectors, temperature detectors to the system which will send a warning to the monitoring centre if activated. The basic costs are £30 for installation, and £3.60 per week for hire and monitoring. There are some discounts available for those receiving means tested benefits. For a free home demonstration or if you would like to know more please contact the Community Alarm Service on 01225 477892 or fax 01761 415526.



FREE USE OF TENNIS COURTS Do you fancy getting fit but don’t want to spend time indoors? Then have you considered using the Keynsham Multi Sports pitches in the Memorial Park? The hire of tennis courts is FREE and the tennis courts are also available evenings and weekends. No need to book for tennis just turn up and play. (excluding block bookings and club bookings when pre booking and payment is required). The multi sports site also caters for five a side football and netball. (refundable key deposit £20 required).

The costs of hiring these courts are: Five a side/netball court £10.70 per hour per court - adults £6.60 per hour per court - juniors Tennis (block bookings/Clubs) £5.40 per hour. Juniors under the age of 12 will need adult supervision at all times. If you are interested in booking the courts or require further information contact Keynsham Town Council on 0117 986 8683 or e-mail

Transforming our special educational needs and disability support (SEND) for children in Bath & North East Somerset What’s changing – and why? New legislation to transform the support given to children with SEND is going through Parliament and will become law by September 2014. Changes are planned to the way statements, reviews and services will be delivered and publicised and how local authority responsibility will be defined for local young people with SEND up to age 25. The reform will look at the way support is provided for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Support will focus on enabling them to achieve their long-term aspirations. The plan is to have joined-up education, health and social care plans (EHC) instead of statements of SEN. EHC plans are being piloted over the next few months. The Council will be publishing its ‘Local Offer’; this sets out in one place all the arrangements, services and education settings for children and young people with SEN and/or disabilities.

We value your voice! We’d love you to get involved, so have a look at what we are doing on the link to the Council website and give us your comments. Email us on or post us a message on our Facebook page:






he Town Council awards a variety of grants to locally based organisations for the benefit of the Town. Over 30 groups benefitted last year and a budget of ÂŁ20,000 has been set for this year. Further details of the grant scheme can be obtained from Dawn Drury, Deputy Town Clerk on 0117 9868683 email Application process begins Mid-April when application forms are available on our website or collect from the Town Council office.

Cllr Gill Hellier presenting Mary Lambert 2013/14 Grant on behalf of Transition Keynsham.


WALKERS ARE WELCOME This is part of a national voluntary scheme to help make Keynsham a walker friendly town. It is early days, but the steering committee are very enthusiastic. It has the backing of the Town Council, (who are financing the membership fee of £50), the Keynsham Chamber of Commerce, the Joint Local Access Forum, and groups/ organisations/ traders and businesses around the town. The idea is to create walks, in leaflet form, around the beautiful countryside of our town, and make them available to the public, either on a monthly basis or for the independent hiker. There is the possibility of a walking festival later in the year. They will all emanate from Keynsham,

Mothers’ Day £9.95 for 2 courses FREE glass of wine for Mum*

taking in local beauty spots, points of interest, with stops at local hostelries/cafes/tea gardens along the way. It is hoped the scheme will be run by volunteers. The walks will be of varying lengths and difficulty - from 10 mile hikes to short easy walks as part of the “walking for health” campaign. Not only will it benefit local residents, and also traders, but also raise the profile of Keynsham as a welcoming town. For further information, go to or contact the Town Council 0117 9868683

PART-TIME COURSES SPRING 2014 Download our new course guide today

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2 Sunday dinners £10.95 Take away roast dinners from £5 63 Bristol Road, Keynsham BS31 2WA Tel: 0117 986 2150

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COUNCIL TAX 2014 - 2015 THIS IS HOW THE WEEKLY AMOUNT OFThis £1.58 IS the SPENT is how weekly amount of £1.58 is spent Administration

Outdoor Costs

Youth Provision

Grants & Contributions

Office running costs, staffing, training, IT, Heath & Safety, Audits, quarterly newsletters, publications. Includes one-off cost for forthcoming office move.

Keynsham Youth Service including TimeOut youth facility, projects and targeted youth work.

Capital Projects

Play area resurfacing and replacement equipment etc.

Keynsham Music Festival

Sunday, 6th July 2014

Sports Facilities

Including five football pitches at Manor Road, tennis courts/5-a-side courts and netball courts at Keynsham Memorial Park.


Funding for Arts work/projects, newsletters and much more.

Groundsmen salaries, council vans, workshop, maintenance of play areas, skateboard park, bus shelters, benches, noticeboards etc.

Over 30 groups received grants in 2013/14. See our website if you wish to apply

Keynsham Cemetery

The Town Council maintains Keynsham Cemetery and the Grade II listed Chapel.

Victorian Evening & Christmas Lights Friday, 28th November 2014

Activities & Services

Keynsham & South West in Bloom, Bandstand Events, Dial-a-Ride, Farmers’ Market.

*These amounts are rounded accordingly


ouncil nance of park, bus eboards

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t in Bloom, a-Ride,




2014/15 Expenditure £

Salaries Establishment Activities/Services Grants Other grants & contributions

143,142 125,700 39,850 20,000 5,450

Sub Total


OUTDOORS Salaries Capital Projects Cemetery Recreation Grounds Vehicle/Workshop Running Costs Sports Facilities Allotments Sub Total

82,500 25,190 21,000 11,250 9,100 6,850 1,250 157,140

YOUTH Salaries Youth Service

56,777 4,000

Sub Total




TOTAL To be met from Reserves Income Precept Grant from B&NES Total

£564,759 Income 48,756 46,760 423,953 45,290 £564,759






eynsham Town Councillors agreed at the beginning of the year to pilot a Youth Council. Local schools and youth organisations will explore the idea at a workshop run by a youth work specialist and Children’s Services officer from Bath and North East Somerset Council. The group will look at how to run the youth council, how elections will be held, roles and responsibilities for members and how often the Youth Council will meet among other issues. The Town Council have agreed to put £200 into the 2014/15 budget for the Youth Council. Young people will also be able to apply for additional funding from relevant funding

Adult abuse:

opportunities and small grants. Youth Worker Mark Willcox said: “Young people are the future of our communities and it is important that parish and town councils invest in them. The young people may not be able to vote yet but it is essential that these people are not ignored.” The Town Council will agree the powers and responsibilities of the Youth Council and review it after one year. It is important that Keynsham young people are involved in the decisions made in the local community that affect them. Setting up and developing a Youth Council can be a real way of incorporating young people into the community and can lead to a safer, more vibrant and sustainable community for all residents. To find out more about the Youth Council plans and to get involved, contact Mark Willcox on 0117 986 8683 or email

Abusers could be anyone, including relatives, friends, neighbours, strangers, paid carers or volunteers. Abuse can happen anywhere; in someone’s own Safeguarding Adults at Risk in home, a care home or a public Bath & North East Somerset place. Vulnerable adults at risk need other people, members of the Most of us know that children public as well as professionals, to can be abused and that Social Services are there to deal with it. support them in getting something done about it. However, adults can be abused as well. People can be especially In Bath & North East Somerset, all vulnerable if they have a disability, the agencies involved in caring making them less able to protect themselves. Abuse of an adult at risk can take many forms and includes sexual, physical, financial, emotional, neglect and discrimination. They can also suffer institutional abuse. This is when a setting, for example, a hospital or care home or a service such as a home care agency, undertakes care of a number of people in a way which causes harm or represents a lack of respect for their human rights.

don’t ignore it

for vulnerable people, work together to respond in a coordinated way to cases of suspected abuse. We aim to ensure that vulnerable adults can be offered help and protection whilst still respecting their rights as adults. The Local Safeguarding Adults Board brings together local statutory and independent sector agencies working with vulnerable adults at risk of abuse to ensure services work effectively and in partnership to protect adults at risk. It’s everybody’s business: act now. For more information, see If you are concerned about a vulnerable adult please telephone Sirona Care and Health: 01225 396000



THINGS TO DO MONDAY Keynsham short mat bowls group, meet every Monday between 1.45pm and 4pm, for more information call 0117 986 4014. Keynsham’s community singing group meet every Monday between 7.15pm to 9.30pm at Castle School. Contact Roy on 0117 949 8587 for more information. Free community play sessions are being held on Mondays in Downfield Park, Cleeve Grove, Keynsham between 3.30pm and 6pm. The sessions are arranged by Wansdyke Play Association. For more information, contact ChoirJam pop choir meets on Mondays 7.30 – 9 pm, Wellsway School, Keynsham. Fun choir for adults of all ages. For details/to book a taster call Emma Hutchinson 07793 983040 Baby Massage at Keynsham Children’s centre. For more information please contact the Health Visitors on 0117 9461000. Babies Group from 11.00am-12.30pm. For mums and dads with babies up to 18 months. Pregnant women and partners welcome at Keynsham Children’s Centre. Open drop in session at TimeOut where you can take part in a variety of activities. From 7pm to 9.30pm every week. Ages 13 to 19 welcome at 1-2 River Terrace, Temple Street.


Youth Group meets on a Monday night and is open to all young people in school year 8 and above. From 7pm to 9pm at St John’s Youth and Community Centre. Keynsham Elim Church Toddler group at 9.30am.

TUESDAY St Keyna Townswomens Guild meet every second Tuesday of the month between 9.45 am and 11.45 am in the Fear Hall, High Street, Keynsham. There are always lots of interesting speakers covering wide ranging subjects. Sub groups meet on other days and these include Art, Books, Outings, Skittles, Walkers, Scrabble and many more. It is most enjoyable way to make new friends or embark on a new hobby so do come along to our next meeting - enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and you will be made most welcome.

Chandag Road - Keynsham – Bristol Gym timetable now extended through the day

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Keynsham Old Time Dance Club meet at The Fear Hall High Street, Keynsham (Sept – May). 7.30 to 10pm. Professional Teachers; easy friendly social atmosphere. Visitors and New Members welcome. Further details on 0117 986 4014 or 0117 986 2819. The Fry Club joggers meet every Tuesday at 7pm in the entrance foyer to the club. For more information contact 0117 986 4785. Make new friends at the Keynsham Older People Social Group, they meet on the first Tuesday of every month between 2pm and 3pm at the Community @67 in Queens Road. For more information contact 0117 986 8623. Childminding Group from 9.30am-11.30am on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at Keynsham Children’s centre. Contact Sarah Allum on 01225 396071 or 07530 233002. Early Support Stay & Play Sessions from 9.30am11.15am on 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month. Contact Keynsham Children’s Centre 01225 395400 ChoirJam pop choir meets on Tuesdays 7.30 – 9 pm, Wellsway School, Keynsham. Fun choir for adults of all ages. For details/to book a taster call Emma Hutchinson 07793 983040 Get sorted at TimeOut from 10am to 3pm. Bored? Take time out to Get Sorted! If you’re aged 16-18 and not doing anything with your day, drop in and see us at 1-2 River Terrace, Temple Street. Holy Communion at Keynsham Baptist Church every third Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. Public swimming at Keynsham Leisure Centre from 6.30am to 8pm. Queens Road toddler group meet every Tuesday from 1pm to 2.30pm. Boxercise class at Keynsham Rugby Club from 7.30pm, for more information visit www.Studiofit. info Martial Arts at Keynsham Sports Centre from 7pm to 9pm.

WEDNESDAY The community@67 Book Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 7pm to 9pm. The 2014 season has started and our members have been introduced to a number of new authors and a wide variety of different categories. The new year gives the opportunity to welcome joining members so anyone interested can ring 0772 762 6794 or just come along. The Book Club meets at 67 Queens Rd, Keynsham. Keynsham Photographic Society meets weekly between September and April,upstairs in The Fear Hall, 7.30pm. For more information visit ChoirJam pop choir meets on Wednesdays 11.30am – 1pm, Wellsway School, Keynsham. Fun choir for adults of all ages. For details/to book a taster call Emma Hutchinson 07793 983040 Project night at TimeOut, Project based session aimed at developing young people’s life skills. from 7pm to 9pm every week. Ages 13 to 19 welcome at 1-2 River Terrace, Temple Street. Speech & Language Toddler Time 10am-12noon (referrals only). Telephone 01225 831752 or speak to your health visitor. Maths@67 runs every Wednesday in term time from 4pm to 5pm for children in years 5 and 6. For more information contact community@67 on 0117 9863961. Keynsham Elim Church Toddler group at 9.30am. Public swimming at Keynsham Leisure Centre from 6.30am to 4pm. Keynsham Ladies Running Group, every week from 7pm, for more information visit Kickboxing at Keynsham Sports Centre from 7pm to 8.30pm


THURSDAY Stay and Play (for 0-5 years) from 9.30am to 11.00am at Keynsham Children’s Centre. Play and development opportunities for parents and children to meet and have fun. Open drop in session at TimeOut where you can take part in a variety of activities. From 7pm to 9.30pm every week. Ages 13 to 19 welcome at 1-2 River Terrace, Temple Street. Keynsham Film Works meet on the first Thursday of every month (except in July and August) at the Fry Club, Keynsham at 7.45pm. Keynsham Elim Church Toddler group at 9.30am. Public swimming at Keynsham Leisure Centre from 6.30am to 11am and 12noon to 6.30pm. Keynsham Bootcamp at 6.30pm, for more information visit Aqua Aerobics at Keynsham Sports centre from 10.30am and 7pm. Housing Advise Service is held in the Keynsham Town Council offices, 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham on Thursdays between 9.00 and 12.30. Housing Officers from Bath and North East Somerset Council are available for short consultations on a first come first serve basis. For further information contact the Housing Options and Homelessness Team on 01225 396296.

Keynsham short mat bowls group meet every Friday between 7.30pm and 9.30pm, for more information contact 0117 986 4014. Parent Support Group from 9.30am-11.30am, Term Time Only Drop in group for parents/carers, get support, meet other parents and learn practical tips. A creche is available for 0-5 year olds. Places must be booked in advance, at Keynsham Children’s Centre. Keynsham Elim Church Toddler group at 9.30am. Keynsham Country Market Fear Hall, High Street, Keynsham. Every Friday 10.30am – 12 noon. Public swimming at Keynsham Leisure Centre from 6.30am, 12noon and 1pm to 7pm. Gentle Exercise to build strength and tone at The River Suite from 11am for 60 minutes. Body sculpt to build strength and tone at the Club Lounge from 5.45pm for 55 minutes. Zumba at the River Suite from 6.40pm every week for 50 minutes. Keynsham Leisure Centre run multi-sport drop in session on Fridays from 10 - 12noon where you can play badminton, squash or table tennis and have a swim. No need to book. Just turn up. Equipment is provided if you do not have your own.

Slimming World Classes at Keynsham Baptist Church, High street at 9.0am, 11.0am 3.30pm, 5.30pm and 7.30pm. Call Ann for more information on 07900 245304.

FRIDAY Crafty chats if you are interested in crafts and meeting likeminded people, come along to the Labbott Community Room between 11am and 1pm every week.


4-35 seaters available.


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Keynsham Town’s under 13’s football team train every Saturday between 10am and 12noon. Contact Darren on 07904 036483 for more information.

Inflatable play in the Swimming pool at Keynsham Leisure Centre from 3.45pm to 4.45pm

Public swimming at Keynsham Leisure Centre from 8.00am to 3.30pm. Energise and Burn exercise class at The River Suite from 10am for 45 minutes. Pay and Play badminton at Keynsham Sports Centre from 5pm to 7pm. Yoga Hatha at the River Suite from 11am for 60 minutes. Circuit training at the Club Lounge from 5:30pm for 55 minutes.

Holy communion/morning prayer at St John the Baptist Church at 9.30am. Open door service at St John the Baptist Church at 11.15am. Holy Communion at Keynsham Baptist Church at 10am. Sunday morning service at Keynsham Methodist Church at 10am. Keynsham Parish Players are looking for new members to join their happy band, both on and backstage. Rehearsals take place in the Parish Hall every other Sunday afternoon and often during the week, to join call 0117 986 3354.

The Grange Hotel Located between Bath and Bristol, The Grange Hotel offers a friendly atmosphere where our staff ensure personal service at all times.

We have 13 bedrooms comprising of single rooms, standard and superior twins and doubles and a disabled access room. Pet friendly & free wi-fi throughout.

We are now taking bookings for accommodation, meetings & functions. Buffets, office equipment, DJ’s etc all catered for, we can tailor the event to suit your needs.

42 Bath Road, Keynsham, Bristol , BS31 1 SN. Tel: 0117 9869181. Email:




eynsham Town Council manages and maintains Keynsham Cemetery as a peaceful and attractive resting place to serve the residents of Keynsham. We aim to offer a sympathetic service to the bereaved and deal with enquiries from the public, funeral directions and monumental masons. The Cemetery is situated on the Bristol Road (off Durley Lane) and the layout is designed to offer a range of interment choices such as lawn plots, traditional (kerb) plots, coffin burials, caskets of ashes and scattering of ashes. Fees and charges are set annually and staff can also help find records of family history. The Cemetery is open to the public weekdays and weekends. An attendant is usually on duty Monday to Thursday 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. (3.30 on Fridays). A leaflet for people using and visiting the Cemetery is available from the Town Council office or on the Council’s website and registers of grave spaces and burials and a plan of the Cemetery are available to view at the office of the Town Council , 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1HF. For further information telephone the Town Council office on 0117 9868683.

Have you moved address? If anyone has moved address since purchasing a grave at Keynsham Cemetery please could they advise the Town Council office in order for their records can be updated. Tel: 0117 9868683


NEW CROSS IN PLACE AT HAYCOMBE CHAPEL Bath & North East Somerset Council have advised that a new removable Cross that enables the congregation to see views across open green fields is now in place at Haycombe Crematorium. The expertly designed Cross adds to the peaceful surroundings in the Chapel and will be used for generations to come to celebrate the lives of family and friends. The Cross made of clear acrylic works in harmony with the view from the window across the Valley and means that, if requested, the Cross could be removed from the window for non-faith services.

Longwell Green Community Centre Shellards Road, Longwell Green,Bristol, BS30 9DU. Tel: 0117 932 3722

- 6 Rooms to hire for 20-200 people. - Many Clubs and Activities, throughout the week - Regular Carboot sales Recent winner of the Queens award for Voluntary Services! For facilitating a range of community events and activities open to people of all ages and backgrounds.






“To be able to choose a book for as little as 50p is a great deal and it means you will be supporting a fantastic Bristol cause at the same time. Funds raised in our shops goes towards supporting patients and families who really need our help.” As Bristol’s only adult hospice, St Peter’s Hospice cares for more than 2,670 patients each year as well as supporting family members. All services are provided free of charge but this care costs around £18,000 a day. For around £13,000 of that, the hospice relies on gifts in wills, kind donations and funds generated by the hospice shops. The book month scheme has been supported by best-selling author Amanda Prowse who recently visited the hospice to see first-hand the work they do. Amanda took copies of her latest book along and signed them for patients and staff. Janet continued: “It was great that Amanda visited the hospice, it gave a real boost to patients and allowed her to see the valuable service we provide.


t Peter’s Hospice is asking Bristolians to buy and donate books at their shops across the city to help the charity care for more patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families.

“This scheme is so easy to get involved with. Often people only read a book once and never look at it again so please bring any unwanted titles to us and pick something else up while you’re there!”

For the whole month of March books at the 47 St Peter’s Hospice shops in Bristol will be 50p for paperbacks and £1 for hardbacks.

For more information on St Peter’s Hospice visit

The scheme is kicked off at the beginning of March to mark World Book Day on Thursday 6 March. Janet Loud, head of shops at St Peter’s Hospice said: “We’re really encouraging people to get behind our book month whether that means having a clear out of the book shelves and donating some to us or popping into a shop and picking up a bargain! “We have so many great titles on offer in our shops from bestselling novels and recipe books to autobiographies and children’s books; there’s something for everyone and the books are all in excellent condition.



Unit 1A, Old Coach House Bath Rd, Longwell Green, Bristol BS30 6DL

0117 9477721









Opening times: Mon-Fri 9-5.30 Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4


FIND OUT MORE ABOUT YOUR AREA WITH THE LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY The Keynsham and Saltford Society was formed in 1965 as a non-profit making voluntary organisation concerned with researching and recording the history of the Keynsham and Saltford area. Since 1965 the Society has amassed a large archive of photographs, documents, maps and transcripts from primary sources and newspaper articles. Membership of the Society is open to everyone who is interested in local history. Monthly


meetings are held at the Key Centre, Charlton Road, Keynsham from September to April, normally on the third Monday and commencing at 7.30pm. We welcome a variety of experienced speakers who give illustrated talks on a wide range of subjects. Topics covered recently have included the Brabazon, the history of Aust Ferry, J S Fry & Sons of Frenchay, and Mills, Coal & Glass of Stanton Drew. During the summer months visits are arranged to local places of historical interest.

For more information please contact





FREE childcare places for 2,3 and 4 year olds Open 7am-6pm Rural location Book before April and receive 10% off your ďŹ rst month! Bath Road, Swineford, Nr Bitton, Bristol BS30 6LN

0117 932 2747

A Keynsham woman has opened a new nursery and pre-school at Swineford near Bitton. Rebecca Lewis is the owner and manager of Leaping Lambs Nursery on the Bath Road, Swineford which opened in January. The building is a former school and was originally a chapel. Ofsted registered, the nursery has the Zebra Room for 0 to 2 year olds and the Monkey Room for 2 to 5 year olds. The outside space backs onto rolling hills. There is an all-weather play area, a pets’ corner, including rabbits and chickens, and an allotment for children to grow their own produce and learn where food comes from. There are still spaces available at the nursery and pre school, where opening times are 7am to 6pm. Free childcare places are available for 2,3 and 4 year olds. For more information see www. or call 0117 9322747





Sun 15th June - Avon Fire & Rescue Band 2.30 - 4pm Sun 22nd June - Bristol East & Kingswood Band 3 - 4.45pm* Sun 29th June - Bath Spa Band 3 - 4.45pm Sun 6th July - Keynsham Music Festival 12 - 9pm Sun 13th July - City of Bristol Brass Band*

Summer Programme 2014 Sat 12th April - KLOGS* Fri 18th April - Churches Together ‘Walk of Witness’* Sun 27th April - Keynsham Brass Band 3 - 5pm Sun 4th May - Elemental Theatre Group*

Sun 20th July - Salvation Army, Hymns in the Park* Sun 27th July - Keynsham Brass Band 3 - 5pm Sun 31st August - Bath Spa Band 3 - 4.45pm Sun 7th Sept - Redland Wind Band 3 - 5pm Sun 14th Sept - Midsomer Norton & Radstock Silver Band*

Sun 11th May - ChoirJam 2.30 - 4.30pm

Sun 21st Sept - KLOGS*

Sun 18th May - Midsomer Norton & Radstock Silver Band*

For booking information and further details on performances please contact Keynsham Town Council on 0117 9868683 or email

Sun 1st June - Marshfield Band 3 - 5pm Sun 8th June - First World War Centenary 2014, Dodington Parish Band*

*time to be confirmed next to summer programme 2014

Celebrate Mothers Day at Grasmere Court Hotel

Spoil your mum with a delicious, relaxing meal in our family restaurant. Delicious, locally sourced food and friendly service make it the ideal venue for your celebrations. Special Mothers day menu available, including a special, homemade treat for Mum: 1 course £9.95 2 courses £12.95 3 courses £15.95 22-24 Bath Road, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1SN

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ishwish is a Keynsham based company which specialises in coaching all forms of angling (Coarse, Sea and Game etc.) to individuals and groups, of all ages and abilities. This year, it has been introducing young Keynsham residents (11-25) to the pleasure and sport of angling through free to attend Sportivate courses in partnership with Keynsham youth services at TimeOut. This has been part funded by the Olympic legacy, and receives ongoing interest from the local community, and Keynsham Angling Association (est. 1803), who manage many of the local fisheries, and provide an excellent match angling scene for the more competitive minded angler. The Sportivate courses have been taking place in the evenings and provide a series of short sessions to cover all of the technical basics, as well as how to catch and handle fish in a safe and ethical fashion. In just a few short sessions, the budding anglers are often amazed to discover and witness the abundance and range of fish species that exist in the River Chew. In addition to the fourteen or so indigenous species (how many can you name?!), there has been an increasing number of escapee Rainbow Trout washed out from flooded lakes upstream, so there is always a chance of catching a bonus fish for the cooking pot! This range of species is indicative of the health and cleanliness of the river that runs through the heart of Keynsham. The Memorial Park offers free fishing to anyone that possesses an Environment Agency rod licence, which can be purchased online, or from the post office. The season for coarse fishing on the river reopens on June 16th, but Keynsham AA’s ponds are open all year round.


Fishwish also provides nationally recognised courses to schools on behalf of the Fishing 4 Schools initiative; adult learning through Family Learning and Social Prescribing; and various bespoke courses to community focused third party specialist organisations working with disadvantaged people. The last five years has seen a significant growth in the number of projects and courses taking place. A fundamental, but underlying aim of all of these, is to promote the environmental awareness and ownership that develops with the understanding of the sport. Whether you are interested in fishing; volunteering or simply want to find out more information, please get in touch as we would love to hear from you. Tel: 07835 126138

TopTierServices A Keynsham based catering company, enjoying years of experience in weddings, private parties, hog roasts & a full catering service.

USING ONLY LOCALLY SOURCED PRODUCE We pride ourselves in being flexible, we can offer you a catering service individually tailored to your tastes. We offer a FREE tasting service to the bride and groom to be, to sample the delights of their chosen menus.

Tel: 0117 9861363



KEYNSHAM LIGHT OPERA GROUP Keynsham Light Opera Group are a non-professional theatre company based in Keynsham and Saltford. Established in 1969, they have entertained the Bath and Bristol area with musical productions for over 40 years. They are lucky enough to have a thriving membership of all ages and abilities, residing in Keynsham, Saltford and the surrounding area, and excellent relationships with other groups nearby. Their talented performers and production teams, working with a dedicated team behind the scenes, has gained KLOG a strong reputation for high-quality entertainment and fun for all the

family. They have been nominated for Bristol Evening Post Rose Bowl awards on several occasions. KLOG perform at Saltford Hall, a 200-seat theatre which enables them to “fly” scenery, something which few other companies can boast of. Rehearsals take place at Broadlands School in Keynsham. They have a reputation for being a friendly, fun group. They are always looking for new members, not only to appear in our productions but also to join our Wardrobe, Stage Management, Front of House and Technical teams. If you are interested, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us on

Quotations for new equipment with installation and removal service included free of charge, please call for further information.

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Established more than 60 years ago, Keynsham Amateur Swimming Club is highly regarded in competitive swimming circles, however, it has more to it than competition alone. The first squad of the Club is the Preliminary Squad, which meets on Monday and Friday evenings and helps youngsters to become competent swimmers. Those with the right skill and aptitude will be


asked to join the junior squad which meets as a squad on Monday & Wednesday, with further training opportunities on Friday nights. When a swimmer has achieved competence in all strokes they will be assessed for entry to the senior squad. This squad meets Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with further training slots on Friday nights. The Club also hold a technique session on a Thursday night that is open to swimmers from junior and senior squads. Swimmers in the Junior and Senior Squads who meet the criteria set out by the club, can also be invited to join the Gold Squad, which meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The Club also offers training opportunities for the older swimmer via its masters squad, which meets on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. If you would like more information about the club, please contact membershipsecretary@




L-R: Mike Swift, George Plummer, Teresa Plummer, Emma Plummer and Pat Cadey, Chair of Trustees.

For over 20 years, Mike Swift from Keynsham has decorated his house with Christmas lights in aid of different charities. We are pleased to announce Mike raised £340 from the street collection at his St Francis Road home during December 2013. Mike has personal experience of Time2Share, a locally based charity in Bristol, Bath and NE Somerset, supporting disabled children and their families. His 7 year old granddaughter Emma has a volunteer befriender who visits regularly. She has a rare genetic condition Beckwithweidermann Syndrome, which meant she developed epilepsy at 18 months old and this has caused her developmental delays.


Slimming World

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your Just £9.95 on first night then £4.95 a week.

Caring for Emma has at times been a challenge for her parents Mark and Teresa, and they just wanted a break for a few hours a week, to have time with their son George, and enable Emma to gain some independence and have fun with a volunteer. Time2Share provide volunteer befriending to disabled children and young people. Earlier this year, NE Somerset Co-Ordinator Sarah King matched Emma with a volunteer called Becky. Emma said, “I really love Becky coming and we have lots of fun doing lots of different activities!” At the Time2Share New Year Party on Sunday 26th January, Mike presented the collection to Chair of Time2Share Trustees, Mrs Pat Cadey. She thanked Mike for such a lot of hard work and explained how it would help local children and their families across Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset. Could you spare just a couple of hours a week having FUN with a disabled child or young person? We are looking for volunteers of all ages to come and join our successful befriending scheme in Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset. No previous experience is necessary, as full training and on-going support is provided. All we ask is you have an open mind and a caring approach. For more information about volunteering, please contact Sarah King on 0117 941 5868 or email: and our website


KEYNSHAM TOWN FOOTBALL CLUB Keynsham Town were founded in 1895. They first played in the Bristol & District League and progressed through the Bristol Combination, Bristol Premier and Somerset Senior League and won the Somerset Senior Cup in 1951-52 and 1957-58. KEYNSHAM TOWN JUNIORS The Junior club was founded in 1985 by Mike Sheppard to provide for the boys who had participated in the Wansdyke Cubs League and wished to continue their football careers. When the Club formed it was known as Keynsham Boys but changed their name to Keynsham Town Juniors in 1987 when they were accepted by the

Senior Club as a junior section. Keynsham Town football club has three main facilities. Its pitch, the clubhouse and our junior pitches, behind the main club pitches. You can rent our pitches and clubhouse or come and enjoy our catering and clubhouse facilities during match days or fund raising events. For more information contact




MEET THE TEAM VIVIENNE MCDONNELL Position: Administrative Officer Service with Keynsham Town Council: 22 years

Q. Do you live in Keynsham? A. No, but very close to Keynsham. Keynsham has played a key part in my life over the past 20 years and I feel there is a real sense of community in Keynsham, which you do not always find in larger towns and generally people are very friendly. Q: What do you enjoy most about your job? A: I have worked for Keynsham Town Council for over 20 years, and can honestly say I enjoy my work with the Council. I find the work interesting and there is a certain amount of flexibility and good working conditions. I like having my own workload with known deadlines and constraints, and then getting on with the job in my own way. We all work well together as part of a team which is a plus factor and there is a good working relationship between staff and Councillors. The Councillors are appreciative of the staff which is an important factor. There is a lot of variety in the job and no two days are the same. Part of my work is to carry out the administration of Keynsham Cemetery and I enjoy being able to help and assist those

bereaved families who have loved ones buried at the Cemetery. Q: Has the job changed since you started? A: Since the inauguration of the Town Council in 1991 the Council has become involved in a number of events i.e. Keynsham Music Festival, Victorian Evening, Keynsham in Bloom and also have taken over the running of Keynsham Cemetery, along with the creation of the multi sports facility in the Memorial Park, the widely used Skateboard Park, Manor Road football pitches and a number of childrens’ play areas. In 2011 the Town Council took over the Keynsham Youth Service, hence my duties have changed accordingly over the years. I have enjoyed being part of the Town Council as its role and responsibilities have developed. Q. Away from work what are your hobbies/ interests. A: I enjoy walking in the countryside, swimming, cooking, gardening , watching all kinds of sport and spending time with my family and pet tortoise Twizzler


KEYNSHAM PARISH PLAYERS Join in the fun! Keynsham Parish Players is a lively, active, friendly group who once a year put on a show at Keynsham Parish Hall. During preparation for the show they meet for rehearsals in the Parish Hall every Sunday afternoon and often during the week for additional practice. They specialise in home-grown productions and having fun! Every other year they put on a pantomime production in the spring and ‘in between’ years they work on a variety of other show styles such as their most recent production ‘Wake Up and Sing’ featuring a wide range of songs including a mini ‘opera’! Past productions include ‘Aladdin’, ‘Lights Up at Littlesham’, ‘Pantomania’,


‘Cinderella’, ‘Dick Whittington’, ‘All Clear’, ‘Treasure Island’, ‘The Pleasure of Yourthey began rehearsing for a pantomime, the title of which is yet to be confirmed. The Keynsham Parish Players encourage new members and welcome all levels of talent and experience. They always try to make sure all members of the cast feel included and nobody is “not good enough” for them. They also have a committed and efficient back-stage crew who are essential to achieving the standards that have come to be expected of the KPP. If you are interested in joining, either on stage or behind the scenes, please enquire at the Parish Office or call 0117 986 3354.





sing an innovative new website and a series of public events local residents will be able to share their ideas for new and improved cycling infrastructure. These ideas will help build the future of cycling in Bath and North East Somerset. This work comes as part of a Sustrans project to design a new ‘Strategic Cycle Network for Bath and North East Somerset’ which the council have committed to invest significant future funding into developing. This recommendation will form part of the council’s ‘Transport Strategy and shape their vision for cycling’. The website allows users to suggest their ideas for brand new or improved cycle routes over a map of Bath and North East Somerset.

Ian Barrett, South West Regional Director for Sustrans commented, “This project will ensure that we can reflect the demand for high quality cycle routes throughout the area and will create an ambitious vision for a network that will give more people the option to walk and cycle for every day trips.” Users are invited to highlight specific points on the map that they feel should be improved or draw extended routes, all of which can be annotated to provide detailed suggestions. Cllr Nigel Roberts, Bath and North East Somerset Council Cycling Champion added, “Cycling represents a significant part of the Council’s transport strategy, this audit is an important way of getting the views of cyclists and those who would like to cycle but currently don’t.” The new interactive website is online at

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Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on Friday 16th May 2014 whilst raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA’s vital services.


y 2014 16th Ma

You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre. SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting 8 friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £40.00 from your supper but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA.

Make the batte

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To request a fund raising pack: Call 0845 071 4350 Email fundraisi ng@siafishandchi Visit www.siaf Registe red Charity No 105409

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raise money

for the SIA


In 2014 SIA is celebrating its 40th anniversary and so we want to make the batter matter and raise £25,000 from everyone holding suppers. Last year we raised £12,500 from the suppers. The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal Injuries Association offer support to individuals who become paralysed and their families, from the moment a spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by providing services and publications which enable and encourage paralysed people to rebuild lives after spinal cord injury. Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone. Community Fundraising Manager, Elizabeth Wright, says, “The Fish and Chip Supper is a wonderful opportunity for a great evening with friends and family.” For more information or request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright on 0845 071 4350 or email or visit

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here are we? The office of Keynsham W Town Council is situated at 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1HF. We are open from 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday and are happy to answer any questions or queries you may have. You can contact us by: Telephone: 0117 986 8683, Fax: 0117 986 6359. Email:


COUNCIL MEETINGS 2014 Monthly meetings are held on Tuesday evenings at the Council Chamber, 3rd Floor, North Block, Riverside, Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol, commencing at 7.30pm. Tuesday 15th April Tuesday 20th May Tuesday 17th June Planning Development Committee Meetings are held on Monday evenings commencing at 7.30pm in the Town Council office, 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham. Monday 7th April Monday 19th May Monday 9th June Monday 30th June

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Dave Biddlestone Labour (South) 52 Chandos Road, BS31 2DB. Tel: 0117 9870081

Tony Crouch Labour (East) 25 Lays Drive, BS31 2LB. Tel: 0117 9864648

Chris Davis Labour (South) 29 Lays Drive, BS31 2LB. Tel: 0117 9861947

Carole Duckett Conservative (North) 8 Wheathill Close, BS31 2HL. Tel: 0117 9865350

Clive Fricker (Chair) Conservative (East) 62 Chandag Road, BS31 1PL. Tel: 0117 9869250

Gill Hellier Independent (East) 15 Orwell Drive, BS31 1QB. Tel: 0117 9862945

Brian Jenkins

Keith Kirwan

46 Bath Road, BS31 1SP Tel: 0117 9863842

David Johnson Conservative (South) 13a St John’s Court, BS31 2AX. Tel: 0117 3292346

29 St Ladoc Road BS31 2DR. Tel: 0117 9083546

Aubrey Matthews Conservative (North) 27 Old Vicarage Green, BS31 2DQ. Tel: 0117 9861339

Lisa O’Brien Conservative (North) 21 St Keyna Road, BS31 2UD. Tel: 07867906163

Steve Rossiter Labour (South) 10 Dudley Close, BS31 2PU. Tel: 0117 9860692

Brian Simmons Conservative (North) 82 St Ladoc Road, BS31 2EN Tel: 0117 9096596

Kate Simmons Conservative (South) 2b Tamworth Road, BS31 1BB Tel: 0117 9081783

Roy Staddon Labour (East) 54b Temple Street BS31 1EP Tel: 0117 9867447

British National Party (East)

Liberal Democrat (North)

Keynsham Town Council, 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1HF, Tel: 0117 9868683 Email: |

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