Midsomer Norton Life Summer 2016

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Summer 2016 Issue 19

Sponsored by Midsomer Norton Town Council


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his issue of LIFE is literally bursting at the seams with details of projects and events in Midsomer Norton – testament if proof were needed of the vibrancy and energy of our local community life. The Town Council, having purchased the land for the Town Park, is now pressing ahead on plans for the access road with B&NES and ecology surveys. At the same time Councillors voted recently to purchase the Town Hall and Somer Centre and to lease the Orchard Hall and by placing them in charitable trust secure them for future generations to enjoy. In terms of community events it is amazing how much is planned for this summer. There’s the Midsomer Arts Festival, 17th – 25th June, a week long showcase of visual and performing arts in the area. On the 17th & 18th June is the town’s first Pride event celebrating diversity in our community. On the 9th July is Midsomer Norton Fayre based on the Royal Charter of 1248 AND the newly launched M-Fest live music event. Finally, plans are well underway for a bigger and better than ever Carnival in November backed by plans to recruit new teams of volunteers for the event. For full details see the programmes included in this issue. This year is an In Bloom first with the town entering not just South West In Bloom but also Britain in Bloom with judging in July and August. Year round community events and activities all take a huge amount of time and effort to organise and so, as ever, the Midsomer Awards at the town’s civic service on the 19th June will be acknowledging those who serve the community. Have a wonderful Summer and I look forward to seeing you at one of the many town events.

Cllr Paul Myers Mayor of Midsomer Norton







































The next edition of Midsomer Norton Life will be in August. If you would like your group to be included in the next edition, please contact us on 01761 410141 before the deadline of 8th August 2016. If you have difficulty reading the print please contact the Town Clerk for a large print copy. You can also view Midsomer Norton Life on the council’s website at www.midsomernortonlife.co.uk Midsomer Norton Life is produced by Ignyte Media Ltd, Unit G5, Second Avenue, Westfield Industrial Estate, Radstock, BA3 4BH Tel 01761 410141. While every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte or Midsomer Norton Town Council does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.





The Somer Valley Chamber is now working on two potential solutions in partnership with one of its local members – Eye Tech IT. The first challenge is that business premises and houses are ‘too close to the telephone exchange’. This may seem absurd as a concept but it stems from the fact that Superfast Broadband is provided by upgrading ‘boxes’ in the street. In and around the town centre, premises are connected directly into the exchange with no box to upgrade. The solution the Chamber is looking at is to get BT to install some clever technology but it will rely on enough people being willing to sign-up to cover the installation cost.


one are the days when Superfast Broadband was a ‘nice to have’. It’s now an essential service whether you’re a business accessing large files or running e-commerce or a residential user watching HD film online. However, despite government initiatives and rhetoric broadband speed, coverage in excess of 5-10mb is non-existent in some areas and none more so than in the Somer Valley’s two key commercial areas of Midsomer Norton Town Centre and Westfield Trading Estate. The whole issue came to a head recently when the Somer Valley Chamber asked the views of local businesses and recorded a catalogue of poor speeds and costly leased lines as the only option. Such was the strength of feeling that a meeting was called with the Leader of B&NES, key officers and local B&NES Cllrs from across the Somer Valley to confront BT and press for a solution and it worked.

The second challenge is at Westfield where a plan is being developed to install another new ‘Green Fibre Cabinet' to which businesses across the estate can be connected and receive Superfast Broadband. Again the solution isn’t going to be cheap but the Chamber hopes to encourage as many businesses as possible to sign-up – spreading the cost over as many people as possible. In order to move the project forward the Chamber will shortly be inviting businesses and residents affected to a meeting at Midsomer Norton Town Hall. For further details please visit www. somervalleychamber.com. For now, all praise to the Chamber and B&NES for pressing for better local infrastructure for the Somer Valley.



MIDSOMER NORTON CIVIC AWARDS 2016 The town’s Annual Civic Service, at which awards to recognise volunteers in Midsomer Norton are presented, will take place at 6pm on Sunday 19th June at St John’s Church Midsomer Norton.

is that in Midsomer Norton at least, year on year there is no shortage of dedicated individuals and groups to honour”, said Paul Myers, Mayor of Midsomer Norton.

Originally started in 2007 by the Midsomer Norton Society, the Civic Awards have developed into an important part of the town’s civic calendar. The Town Council took on the awards when they were formed in 2011 as a way of recognising the contribution of local residents who volunteer their time.

Everyone is invited to join in the event which will celebrate and recognise people and groups in the community without whom the town would be a much less vibrant place.

“Over the years many people have been honoured for everything from specific projects to a complete lifetime of achievement. What is clear

Nominations will be considered at the Town Council’s meeting in early June and the whole community is warmly invited to attend the Civic Service. Anyone wishing to make a last-minute nomination should contact the Town Council by 31st May 2016 on 01761 418701.



TOWN PARK has begun on creating the Town Park W ork following the purchase of the land by the Town Council in early 2016. A second land contamination assessment has been carried out to address the conditions of the Town Council’s planning permission and design work on a new entrance has started. In addition, the Town Council has reviewed the Public Rights of Way (PROW) with the specialist team at B&NES Council which was followed by public consultation over proposed footpath diversions. The land assessment confirmed that there are no significant barriers to proceeding with the development of the park. The report is being considered by the Local Planning Authority who should then be in a position to remove a planning condition on work being started. The survey and design for the entrance to the park is being carried out in early June 2016 enabling final negotiations with B&NES Council to be completed which will allow progress on this key element to begin. The Council has now commenced work on developing a project management requirement for the park which will be completed in the summer. The successful contractor will support the Council in consulting widely on the park design, developing a masterplan and implementing the project in phases whilst providing a deep level of expertise on technical and legal aspects of the work. An ecology survey will be carried out in the next month enabling the Council to have a detailed understanding of the possible impact of the park on the current wildlife and how the development can place conservation issues firmly at the top of its agenda. The diverse wildlife in and around the park needs to be protected and encouraged and without professional advice it would be impossible to achieve this and meet the Town Council’s responsibilities in this area.

Consultation will be a key element of the project. A detailed plan will be developed to ensure that all stakeholders have an opportunity to influence the final masterplan for the Town Park. Details have yet to be confirmed but these will be widely publicised to ensure that what the Town Council delivers is what people want.

PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY IN THE TOWN PARK There were already public rights of way on the land when the Town Council bought it for the Town Park. But they dated back to the middle of the 20th century and were not deemed to be in the right places for the future use of the land. A joint project with B&NES Council Public Rights of Way team and the Town Council resulted in a proposal to divert one path and to formalise the adoption of another which has been used for many years. The plans were formally consulted on in March 2016 and provided there are no objections, the new routes will be incorporated as the development of the park begins to take shape. The new routes should improve north to south and east to west connections in and around the park.





IFE decided to catch up with the Town Council project team to hear about the recent decision to purchase the Town Hall and Somer Centre and lease the Orchard Hall in order to put them into charitable trust for the town. We spoke with Town Mayor Paul Myers and Deputy Mayor Steve Plumley who are leading the project.

WHY IS MIDSOMER NORTON TOWN COUNCIL CONSIDERING TAKING ON ASSETS? “Midsomer Norton has a number of community buildings which are owned by B&NES. Since the 1980’s individuals in our community have taken on unlimited personal liabilities by signing full repairing leases with B&NES for community buildings on behalf of local organisations. However, in today’s litigious, health and safety minded world this is a ‘big ask’ and increasingly people are no longer willing to do this. When we started looking these community buildings, we also began thinking ahead and the risk that if at a future date there was a reorganisation of local government, we might lose them if they aren’t protected.”

DO THESE BUILDINGS MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY? “Absolutely. There are over 100 community groups in the town and 42 alone use the Town Hall on a regular basis providing everything from counselling to keep fit and history talks to the community cinema. The importance of the community buildings was really highlighted by the Community Survey results in 2012.”

WHAT IS THE TOWN COUNCIL’S PLAN? “Our aim is to create an infrastructure to acquire, hold, maintain, develop and manage community buildings and spaces. We want to achieve this through a working partnership with the local community in order to provide a sustainable and resilient management structure to ensure that assets can be protected and handed down the generations. At a special meeting on Thursday 5th May, Midsomer Norton Town Council decided to press ahead with ambitious plans to purchase the Town Hall and the Somer Centre and also take a 99 year lease on the Orchard Vale Hall. Work will now start to put the legal and financial arrangements in place to achieve the proposed transfers before the Town Council is invited to endorse the signing of contracts planned for late summer 2016.”

HOW MUCH WILL IT COST AND HOW WILL THE TOWN COUNCIL PAY FOR THIS? “The purchase of the two key community buildings is intended to be funded through a loan of £300,000 from the Public Works Loans Board (PWLB) and work has begun to prepare an application. The PWLB is a statutory Crown body that, amongst other things, lends money to Parish and Town Councils at fixed rates for community projects. The Town Council will need to formally seek approval from the Department for Communities and Local Government to take out a loan.”


Extract from Midsomer Norton Community Survey 2012 QA3 – Has anyone in your household visited or used any of the following community buildings in the last 12 months (multiple answers)




WHAT CAN YOU DO TO PROTECT THEM? “The Town Council plans to hold freehold titles and leases in the Midsomer Norton Town Trust of which it is the corporate Trustee. The Town Trust is in the process of being registered as a charity which will ensure that the buildings can only be used for community purposes in line with the objects of the charity. This arrangement will therefore mean that assets purchased by the Council for the benefit of the community remain in community ownership and cannot be disposed of in the future without its agreement. Also, it provides a platform for securing future funding from external sources for transforming the Town Hall.”

WHAT ARE THE TIME SCALES? This was a defining moment for the town and the Town Council. We have been working on this since the Town Council came into being in 2011 and reaching the point where we were able to decide whether to press ahead with the two building purchases and the lease was only possible after extensive work with B&NES Council and obtaining detailed legal advice. We are now working towards putting the final package to the Town Council for a decision by the end of the summer.

The Town Council will be working in the coming months with the local community and in particular B&NES, Sarah Ann Trust, Orchard Recreation Community Association, Midsomer Norton Community Association, Town Trust and the Midsomer Norton Community Trust to take the Asset Transfer Project forward.

HAVE YOUR SAY: The Town Council is interested to hear your views on its plans to acquire and place in charitable trust the community buildings mentioned above. Please send comments to the Town Clerk by Friday 17th June 2016: email townclerk@ midsomernortontowncouncil.co.uk or by post addressed to the ‘Town Clerk, Town Hall, The Island, Midsomer Norton, Bath, BA3 2HQ’ .

INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING? Call Zoe on 01761 410141 or email her at: zoe@midsomernortonlife.co.uk




s the weather begins to improve, people in and around Midsomer Norton will now be able to take the opportunity to work out at a new outdoor gym at West Clewes Recreation Ground. The gym, installed by Midsomer Norton Town Council, offers five exercise stations and a multi-use static calisthenics centre along with a 40 metre all-weather track for running. The gym equipment is suitable for those aged 14 and over. The Town Council secured funding from B&NES Council through developer contributions to pay for the gym, the contract for which was awarded to Wicksteed Playgrounds after a competitive tendering process at the end of 2015. The facility will be free for all users and will provide those people who don’t feel comfortable with, or cannot afford gym membership, an opportunity get fit and improve their health. Deputy Mayor Cllr Steve Plumley worked on the project along with Town Clerk Clive Stilwell, supported by experts at B&NES Council. “It’s great to see the Recreation Ground offering something more than a play area and a football pitch as we, as a Town Council, hold the land in trust for the people of the town to use. We hope to see lots of people taking this opportunity to have access to free exercise equipment. The Olympics in 2012 were supposed to leave a legacy of healthy exercise and an interest in sport and we can think of no better way to celebrate this than with the

opening of the outdoor gym facility.” said Cllr Plumley. An official opening took place Sunday 1st May as part of a charity day run by Welton Rovers. Town Mayor Cllr Paul Myers and Cllr Plumley opened the facility along with Olympic torch bearer Ellis Grubb who has been heavily involved for some time in encouraging people to exercise. Mr Grubb brought the Olympic torch to the event and showed how the equipment can be used. Each station has a QR code that can be scanned with a smart phone to see videos and instructions on how to use it. Anyone wishing to use the facility for group sessions should contact the Town Council for information. A nominal charge (to help pay for maintenance) may be levied where people pay to take part in organised classes – otherwise it will be free for casual individual use.





he town is to have its first LGBT – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender in mid-June to celebrate the diversity of our community. So why do we need an LGBT Pride Festival? We caught up with event organiser and local boy Nik Jovcic-Sas to find out more. “There have been Pride Festivals across the world since the 1970s – but mainly in big cities. However, these festivals draw people from provincial areas where discrimination is often rife. So the aim is to provide a space to celebrate diversity for our local community, for LGBT individuals, their families and friends or just anyone who wants to join in because we want everyone to have a place in Midsomer Norton’s community.” There isn’t going to be a march and you don’t have to be LGBT to join - its more about a series of events designed to include everyone in the town. There is to be a Film Night at the Midsomer Norton Community Cinema at the Town Hall on Friday 17th June with a screening of 'PRIDE'. This multi-award winning comedy, based on a true story, follows the story of a group of Lesbian and Gay activists who raised money to help families affected by the Miners Strike in 1984. The National Union of Miners was initially reluctant to accept the group’s support so the activists decided to take their donations to a Welsh mining town, resulting in an unexpected alliance between the two communities. On Saturday afternoon there is to be a Bring a Cake Bake-Off Competition in the Town Hall from 2pm in the Assembly Room with a £100 prize. This is followed by a Champagne Afternoon Tea – with special guests. Attendees are invited to

come dressed for an occasion. Entrance is free for afternoon tea. In the evening there are two events. At the Wunder Bar will be ‘Pits and Perverts’ (based on a theme from the Friday night film presentation) – raising funds for the UKs only LGBT domestic abuse charity. There will be performances from local band Montroze and drag performers including ‘Cheddar Gorgeous'. Starting at 7pm the early birds will get a free glitter face paint. At the Greyhound there will be a Studio 54 Disco themed night starting at 9pm till late – capping off the night. For further details find us on Facebook.com/midsomernortonpride or visit www.midsomernortoncommunitytrust.co.uk







hanks to its return to the High Street, Midsomer Norton Carnival has experienced a revival in its fortunes over the last two years – it has to be said against all the odds. It’s therefore ironic that the very success of Carnival has now presented another challenge – to find more people to join the team and take it to the next level.

with a view to taking the event forward to new heights. Could you help crown a new generation of Carnival Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses? Would you like to help bring in sponsors to make Carnival bigger and better than ever before? Not only it is great fun organising a community event but the thousands of pounds raised for charity really changes people’s lives locally.

The catalyst for change was probably the formation of Midsomer Norton Town Council who’s first Mayor Paul Myers supported the Carnival to return to the High Street. It took several years and the rebuilding of a traffic island outside the Town Hall but the first floats rolled through the town in November 2014 watched by a capacity crowd of almost 8000 people. However, the 2014 Carnival highlighted the need for a major health and safety rethink and in 2015 Running High Events, organisers of the Bath Half Marathon, took on operational running of the Carnival in 2015. Today, Midsomer Norton Carnival has an overall budget of over £40,000 and has re-established itself as part of Midsomer Norton’s calendar.

The Midsomer Norton Round Table are looking to take part in the Marketing, Sponsorship and Promotion Team which has the objective of not just raising £10,000 for this year’s event, but also building stronger links between community groups and local businesses. With 8,000 people attending Carnival there are huge opportunities for local businesses to raise their profiles.

The Carnival Board are now looking to create two new organising teams – a Carnival Royalty Team and a Marketing, Sponsorship and Promotion Team

Carnival is an amazing organisation offering a great way to connect with your community. So if you're interested in helping to join in with the largest community event in the Somer Valley then ring 01761 415334 or 07595470883 or email h-franklin@sky.com to find out more. There will be an opportunity to meet the Carnival Team find out more about the roles available.




here’s a fantastic line-up of Arts for the summer season at the Town Hall - where attendances have blown all previous records with 2000 visits in the last 12 months. To name but a few there’s theatre with Helen Mirren in The Audience, Cinema with Brooklyn, Pride and Dad's Army and live music ranging from folk to Madam Butterfly with the Bath Opera Company. Tickets for all of these events are available online at www.ticketsource.co.uk/mnct or by phoning 01761 419133

We are delighted to present a double bill of folk influenced singer-songwriters as part of Midsomer Norton Arts Festival 2016.


Paul Armfield is based in the Isle of Wight and his first album Songs Without Words was released to wide critical acclaim. His voice has been compared to the likes of Cat Stevens and Nick Drake and the

Reg Meuross & Paul Armfield Sunday 19th June, 7.00pm

First up is Reg Meuros whose clever and imaginative lyrics have earned him the title of “Master Storyteller” (PennyBlack Music) and led Mike Harding (Mike Harding Folk Show) to introduce him onto the stage of The Royal Albert Hall as “one of the finest singer-songwriters this country has produced”. His words and music paint pictures that remain with the listener long after the song has been sung.

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music being described as Folk Noir. A big fan of Scott Walker Paul was likewise applauded for his renditions of Jacques Brel chansons as well as his own lovelorn, poetic songs.

Bath Opera: Madame Butterfly Friday 24th June, 7.30pm The award winning Bath Opera are bringing their highly anticipated production of Madame Butterfly to the Town Hall. Puccini’s deeply-felt and imaginative opera is in English and offers local residents critically acclaimed opera right on their doorstep. The Musical Director is Peter Blackwood and Stage Direction is by Jane Clark. The title role is played by Sophie Kirk-Harris, and Pinkerton is played by Nick Chiapetta. In 1901, it was not unusual for an American naval officer to undergo a form of marriage with a Japanese Geisha: the marriage was understood to be short-term and the Geisha returned (a little richer)

to the fold of her family and her profession. But when the touchingly young and naive Cho-Cho-San (Madame Butterfly) marries Lieutenant Pinkerton, she dedicates herself completely to him, renouncing Buddhism and as a consequence being disowned by her family. Three years later, now living with his child in poverty, she steadfastly clings to the hope he will return to them. But when he does, it is with an American wife, and when he learns that he has a son, they want to take him back to America.



CINEMA AT THE TOWN HALL NT Live: The Audience (Encore), Thursday 9th June, 7pm Come and celebrate Her Majesty’s 90th birthday with the National Theatre Live’s broadcast of the West End smash-hit The Audience starring Helen Mirren’s multiaward-winning performance as Queen Elizabeth II. For sixty years Queen Elizabeth II has met with each of her twelve Prime Ministers in a private weekly meeting. This meeting is known as The Audience. No one knows what they discuss, not even their spouses. From the old warrior Winston Churchill, to the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair right up to today’s meetings with the current incumbent David Cameron, the Queen advises her Prime Ministers on all matters both public and personal. Through these private audiences, we see glimpses of the woman behind the crown and witness the moments that shaped a monarch.

Brooklyn (12A) Saturday 18th June, 7.30pm

Dad's Army Saturday 23rd July, 7.30pm

In this British-Canadian drama an Irish immigrant lands in 1950s Brooklyn, where she quickly falls into a romance with a local. When her past catches up with her, however, she must choose between two countries and the lives that exist within.

The boys are back in this hilarious comedy based on the original hit series. The all-star cast includes Bill Nighy, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Toby Jones, Tom Courtenay and Michael Gambon.

This highly anticipated romanticdrama was written by the award winning British writer Nick Hornby, based upon Colm Tóibín’s original novel and stars Saoirse Ronan, Julie Walters, Emory Cohen, Domhnall Gleeson and Jim Broadbent

Set in 1944 as World War II is reaching its climax, morale amongst the Home Guard is low. However a new mission provides a great chance to revive spirits and reputation, that is until glamorous journalist Rose Winters arrives to write about their exploits, setting the pulses racing and putting the local women on red alert. Then MI5 discover a there's a spy on the loose! The outcome of the war is suddenly at stake, and it falls to our unlikely heroes to stand up and be counted.



TOWN HALL PUBLIC TOILET OPENED Work will soon be complete on the refurbishment of the public toilet in the Town Hall. The successful completion will provide a fully accessible toilet which residents and visitors will be free to use during working hours, Monday to Friday, and while public events are being held in the town and the Hall is open at weekends or evenings.

The new toilet can be reached through a fully automatic double door to The Island entrance of the Town Hall, allowing easy access, whilst modern fittings will ensure that the facility is able to cope with the additional demand. In the long term improved provision of more toilets within the Town Hall features high on the transformation project which will be the target for fundraising work once an agreement has been reached between the Town Council and B&NES Council on future ownership through the community asset transfer programme.

The decision to remove the previous automatic toilet to the side of the Town Hall was unavoidable due to constant vandalism. It is hoped that by having the new toilet in the main building this much needed facility can be protected.

Additional plumbing work has allowed the inclusion of a hot water supply to the facility which previously relied on cold water and an old electric heater. CCTV covers the entrance to the building in order to ensure that users can use the facilities safely and securely.

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he Midsomer Norton Community Allotments Association has received a makeover recently. The 65 plot holders have enjoyed regular E newsletters and a new website which keeps them updated daily about the latest developments. Social events plus informal networking ensures that plot holders get the support they need. The ground favours the growth of such staples as rhubarb, runner beans, potatoes, leeks and onions and a healthy return can be obtained from the ÂŁ15 a year and up for the annual rental. Regular supplies of manure and wood chippings are made available. All new allotment holders receive three months special attention and assistance from the committee. The Allotment Association is also liaising with other Allotment Associations in the area, notably Peasedown, Radstock, Farrington Gurney, Paulton and Timsbury, with the aim of sharing expertise and incorporating new ideas. Anyone interested in the possibility of having an allotment please visit the site www.msnallotments.net or write to the secretary at info@msnallotments.net or telephone the secretary Brian Snellgrove on (01761) 415473.

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omerset A.S.A. President Les Debenham visited Norton Radstock Swimming Club on Tuesday 17 May. During his visit he watched coaching sessions, spoke to the volunteer workforce and caught up with their news. Les congratulated the club on retaining the A.S.A. Swim 21 quality mark. He was delighted to hear Level 2 Coach Liam Willcox has been appointed as one of the Assistant Coaches for the A.S.A. South West Overseas Camp & Competition 2016. In June a team of Athletes, Coaches and Team Managers will compete at the Golden Bear International meet in Zagreb, Croatia.

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Liam has recently returned from the British Swimming International Para Meet which he attended with the SW Para squad. Club Chair Nicky Vause was appointed as a National Technical Official at this event. Nicky and Kay Willcox were appointed as NTOs at the LEN Masters Competition that was held at the London Aquatics Centre on the 24 - 28 May. After four rounds of the Cotswold League the club competed in the B Final at Horfield Bristol on 21 May. The next couple of months are busy with swimmers competing in the Frome Long Course Open Meet, Tim Bratchel Memorial Relay Gala and the Clevedon and Chard Open Meet. Senior swimmer Zak Zeeling competed at the A.S.A. Regional Youth Cchampionships held in Plymouth. He qualified for the 200M Breaststroke final and finished in seventh place.






25th - Deadline for library Design a Chocolate Bar Wrapper competition. Form available from your local library. 25th - Little Pickles Market, a family market with nearly new tables for hire to sell baby/children’s items. Prams, maternity items, clothes, shoes, toys, books, highchairs and so much more. Come and see what bargains you can find! Somer Centre, Gullock Tyning, 10.30am – 12pm.


26th - Summer Walk and Sausage Sizzle led by Tabby Sutton in the Nature Reserve. 3pm.

9th - The Audience (12A) National Theatre Live at Midsomer Norton Town Hall at 7.30pm.


13th - Planning Committee Meeting, 7:00pm in the Beauchamp Room, Midsomer Norton Town Hall. 15th - Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 10.30 - 11am at Midsomer Norton Library. Free. 18th - Midsomer Arts Festival throughout the High St. 18th - Brooklyn (12A) at Midsomer Norton Town Hall cinema 7.30pm. 18th - Live band, Sugar Stack, at The Riverside Bar, from 7.30pm. 19th - Singer Songwriter Showcase: Reg Meuross & Paul Armfield (Tickets £10) at Midsomer Norton Town Hall, 7.00pm. 19th - Annual Town Civic Service, St John's Church, 6pm. 21st - Poetry Liaisons 7-8pm at Midsomer Norton Library. Open to all and free to attend. See Libraries feature for more information. 22nd - Joined-Up Writers Group 1-3pm at Midsomer Norton Library. Open to all and free to attend. See Libraries feature for more information.

1st - Paradis Palm Court Trio at Midsomer Norton Town Hall, 12.30-1.30pm. 2nd - Farmers Market and Crafters Market, The Hollies Garden. 9am - 1pm. 2nd - Live Band, Venezuelan Pig Rustlers, The Riverside Bar, from 7.30pm. 4th - Council Meeting, 7:00pm in the Beauchamp Room, Midsomer Norton Town Hall. 4th - Midsomer Norton Society AGM, Town Hall, 7.30pm. 7th - First Thursday Social (Welton Rovers) 2pm-5pm. 9th - Midsomer Norton Fayre and MFest, Midsomer Norton High St and Gullock Tyning. 9th - Live Band, The Van Graham's, The Riverside Bar, from 7.30pm. 11th - Planning Committee Meeting. 7:00pm in the Beauchamp Room, Midsomer Norton Town Hall. 13th - Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under-3s. 10.3011am at Midsomer Norton Library. Free.

23rd - Blood Donor sessions. Community Hall Gullock Tyning. 1-3.30pm and 4.30-7.30pm. Book your appointment at www.myblood.co.uk

13th - Blood Donor sessions, Community Hall, Gullock Tyning. 1-3.30pm and 4.30-7.30pm. Book your appointment at www.myblood.co.uk

24th - Bath Opera: Madame Butterfly (Tickets £10) at Midsomer Norton Town Hall, 7.30pm.

16th - Summer Reading Challenge launches at Midsomer Norton library - for more information see our feature article.


16th - Mendip Male Voice Choir Annual Summer Concert. Midsomer Norton Methodist Church, 7.30pm. Tickets available from Nick on 01761 413842 or Eric on 01761 414070. 19th - Poetry Liaisons 7-8pm at Midsomer Norton Library. Open to all and free to attend. See Libraries feature for more information. 20th - Joined-Up Writers Group 1-3pm at Midsomer Norton Library. Open to all and free to attend. See Libraries feature for more information. 23rd - Butterfly & Bug Walk led by Anne Savage in the Nature Reserve, 11am.


4th - First Thursday Social (Welton Rovers) 2pm–5pm. 5th - Paradis Palm Court Trio at Midsomer Norton Town Hall from 12.30pm to 1.30pm, free entry. 6th - Farmers Market and Crafters Market, The Hollies Garden. 9am - 1pm. 10th - Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 10.30-11am at Midsomer Norton Library. Free. 10th - Secret World animal event for children at Midsomer Norton Library - details to be announced, booking essential.

23rd - Dad's Army at Midsomer Norton Town Hall cinema 7.30pm.

20th - New Bar opening ceremony, Summer Quiz and band in the evening at The Dolphin, Welton. from 12pm.

26th - The Bristol Shantymen return to Midsomer Norton Library. Event starts at 7pm. Free but booking required.

27th - Film TBC at Midsomer Norton Town hall cinema 7.30pm.

30th - Dodsy performs live at The Dolphin, Welton, from 7.30pm.

29th - Blood donor sessions, Community Hall Gullock Tyning. 1–3.30pm and 4.30–7.30pm. Book your appointment at www.myblood.co.uk

AUGUST 3rd - Mike Gould local children’s author and illustrator. Free morning event, details to be announced. Midsomer Norton Library. 4th - Blood Donor sessions, Community Hall Gullock Tyning. 1–3.30pm and 4.30–7.30pm. Book your appointment at www.myblood.co.uk. 77 High Street Midsomer Norton BA3 2DE Tel/Fax: 01761 418972

School Uniforms

Norton Hill • Somervale • Welton Primary Shoscombe Primary • St Benedicts Primary Fosse Way School • Westfield Primary • Mells Primary Midsomer Norton Primary • St John’s Primary High Littleton Primary • St Nicholas Primary Rode First School • Leigh On Mendip Primary Camerton Primary • St Julians Church School


Promote your Midsomer Norton event free of charge contact Zoe 01761 410141





CONTRACTOR APPOINTED era is about to begin with the recent A new decision by Midsomer Norton Town Council to appoint a contractor to manage the River Somer in the town centre. Whilst volunteers have made a valiant attempt to manage the river in recent years, the Town Council felt that the time had come to put in place a formal management programme, only possible by bringing in more resource. In future contractors Stonebarn Landscapes, who recently won the overall Horticulture contract for Midsomer Norton, will be carrying out a fortnightly rolling programme of trimming back vegetation to the stone edging in the river bed – removing all foliage encroaching into the main channel. Added to this undergrowth along the edges of the planted areas, called ‘berms’, will be pruned back to give enhanced visibility of the stream. “We’re really excited about taking on management of this key feature at the heart of Midsomer Norton and look forward to shaping the way it looks in the coming months”, said Jon Wheatley of local firm Stonebarn Landscapes, based at Chew Magna. More generally, there will be on-going management of the planting to create a clumping of different varieties of plants whilst at the same time allowing seed heads to remain for birds and other wildlife. This programme will run from 1st May to 31st October culminating in a complete cutting back of all vegetation in late October. Volunteers will still be involved, studying the wide array of wildlife in the river as well as helping from time to time on specific projects.

Original artists impression





the onset of summer we are looking W ithforward keeping our Green in a clean and tidy condition and are planning our rota to mow the area on a regular basis. Presently this task is supported by just a very small number of committee members who are dedicated to improving the environment of our village. Two thirds of this team are over 70 years old and we would very much welcome support on an occasional basis from other Welton residents. The future of the former Welton Bibby and Baron site continues to be one of the significant issues in the future of Welton and we offered an invitation to the consultants Wpb to meet with local residents and provide an update on the progress of the development. The specialist consultants are employed by Midsomer Norton Retail Estates (MNRE) and their brief is to develop a template to submit as an outline planning application addressing access routes (transport and pedestrian), and structural landscaping only. This must accord with the Placemaking Plan (SSV4) prepared by B&NES. The meeting, which was held in the Town Hall provided a clear and open update and also offered the opportunity to

Wpb briefing Wednesday 16th March 2016 question the consultants on specific aspects of the development. It was apparent that the present proposals are still at the conceptual phase but we have established constructive links with the consultants which we will maintain and develop. As Welton Village Group is affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society we are entitled to one free visit to RHS gardens per year. We therefore are planning a coach trip to Rosemoor gardens near Torrington Devon on Saturday 20th August 2016 for our members. If there are spare places on the coach temporary membership of Welton Village group will be available at a very small additional cost. If you wish to help with any of our initiatives or register an interest in the Rosemoor trip please contact our chairman on 01761 417216 or email rogertollervey@hotmail.com

WELCOME Welcome to the second Midsomer Arts Festival, a weeklong showcase of visual and performing arts, with the aim of sharing and celebrating the variety of arts and creativity in the area, and encouraging the local community to engage and participate in the Arts. Based in and around Midsomer Norton, one of the main objectives of the event is to involve and engage children and young people, as well as community groups with the Arts. Thanks to the inspirational work of many groups and individuals, in conjunction with the Midsomer Norton Community Trust, many people have been involved in projects and workshops creating works for display and performance during the Festival. These include, decorating petals to make large flowers, workshops in primary and secondary schools. This year we are pleased to introduce our new patron, Rodney Mathews, who originally hails from Paulton, and has had a long and successful career as a designer and illustrator. Rodney will be present at several events, including the opening ceremony, will be displaying his work, and is working with school students. We are very grateful to him for his support. He is giving a pre-Festival

talk about his life and work on Thursday 16th June and is always an informative and entertaining speaker. The organising team would like to thank the trustees of the Midsomer Norton Community Trust, without whose help and support this event could not take place. Thanks also to all the groups and individuals who have worked under the umbrella of the Midsomer Norton Community Trust to make the second Midsomer Arts Festival possible, adding to the richness of the event. This year we have over a week of exhibitions, workshops, displays, performances and markets around the area for you to enjoy. Thank you to the following for their generous sponsorship and support this year: Midsomer Norton Town Council Midsomer Norton Community Trust Midsomer Norton and Radstock Rotary Club Norton Radstock Round Table Radstock & Midsomer Norton Lions Club Tesco Sainsbury’s Wickes



• Pre-Festival talk and exhibition by Patron, Rodney Matthews. Midsomer Norton Town Hall Evening

• Town Hall Daytime Songwriting workshop with Paul Armfield


• Midsomer Norton Town Hall Evening Songwriters double-bill concert with Reg Meuross and Paul Armfield

• Midsomer Norton Town Hall Evening. Opening ceremony with Art work displays /Music performance

• Town Hall Daytime Ukulele workshop with J C Grimshaw

• Town Hall Art Exhibition opens throughout


• Midsomer Norton area Arts Trail and display of public art begins

• Midsomer Norton Library Evening Secondary Schools Concert

• Town Hall Evening Film Festival “Pride”

WEDNESDAY 22ND JUNE SATURDAY 18TH JUNE • Midsomer Norton High Street Daytime. Art and Craft Market/Art displays/Art workshops/ Live music • Town Hall Daytime Live music/Art displays/Art activities • Somerset & Dorset Railway Art Displays/Public Sculptures/Music • Silver Street Nature Reserve Art Displays/ Sculptures/Activities • Midsomer Norton Town Hall Evening Film Festival “Brooklyn”

• Midsomer Norton Library Evening Secondary Schools Concert

FRIDAY 24TH JUNE • Town Hall Evening Bath Opera perform Madame Butterfly

SATURDAY 25TH JUNE • Midsomer Norton Town Hall Evening. Closing & awards ceremony with Scratch Orchestra & community films

Find out more by visiting our facebook page Web: www.midsomerartsfestival.weebly.com Email: manager@midsomernortoncommunitytrust.co.uk Tel: 01761419133




Students and artists of all ages have been making bunting which will decorate the High Street. A group of students have been making printed banners inspired by individual retail businesses in the area. Some secondary school students have been working with DNA Arts to create large silk flags inspired by the natural world in the area.


Keep your eyes open for circular animal signs. These brightly coloured artworks were created by Norton Hill School students.

In 2015 groups and individuals decorated coal shovel shapes. Some of these will be on display during the festival.

PETAL AND FLOWERS Plywood petals have been handed out to groups and individuals to decorate. These will be reassembled to create large flowers, which express the blossoming of Midsomer Norton, and the community coming together.



An open submission of varied art works by amateur and professional artists.

A display of music-inspired work by school students.



Works created by students for display in the shop, large-scale art work by students.

SAINSBURYS Works created by students for display in the shop, large-scale art work by students.

LIBRARY Oil paintings and other works by selected students. Art Trail display.

Sculptures inspired by nature by primary and secondary school pupils - Sat 17th to Sun 18th.

SOMERSET & DORSET RAILWAY Sculptures inspired by nature by primary and secondary school pupils - Sat 17th to Sun 18th.

A DAY OF CREATIVE AC PERFORMANCES - SA This year’s Art Trail of secondary school pupils’ work has been extended to over 80 shops and businesses, and the area extended to include Westfield and Radstock. Trail leaflets with names of students, a map and a voting slip, are available from various venues (libraries, Jacaranda’s coffee shop, Sainsbury’s, secondary schools and the Town Hall.


DNA Arts Next Generation




Sue Harding


Rob Winder/Eagle Alley




Darren Hodge


Al O'Kane


Norton Hill School



Christian Cox

An exhibition of paintings and other artworks will be displayed along the riverside, in homage to Paris. Some will be for sale.


Sue Hill Dance


Man in Washington


Emma Shoosmith

Both Norton Hill and Somervale school pupils are displaying work, from year seven to thirteen (ages 11 to 18).

B TOWN HALL ART ACTIVITIES & WORKSHOPS There will be a variety of art activities for all ages throughout the day. Sign up in advance, though there may be spaces available on the day.

C TOWN HALL ART EXHIBITION An open submission of artworks is on display throughout the Town Hall from Friday afternoon to Sunday night. Some works will be for sale.

D ART AND CRAFT MARKET Experience a wide range of art and craft by local makers, and purchase something unique and handmade to take home.

E ART WORKSHOPS AND COMMUNAL ART ACTIVITY There will be several activities such as Flower making, Clay activity, & a Wound Workshop!

Some of these musicians will also be performing at venues in Silver Street.



There will be art works sited around the town in various venues. A map will be available closer to the Festival.

This year the Arts Festival extends its reach to the Somerset & Dorset Railway and the Nature Reserve, where there will be art works on display, and performances and workshops.

REFRESHMENTS As well as the local cafes and food outlets, there will be vintage and retro sweets, ice cream, fresh pizza, drinks and other items to sample or purchase.

FILM FESTIVAL There will be a screening of the film “Brooklyn” in the evening at the Town Hall.


Left Bank Art Fair


To Silver Street Nature Reserve


Town Hall Workshops


To S & D Heritage Railway


Town Hall Exhibition


Library Display & Information


Art and Craft Market


Sainsbury’s Display


Art & Craft Workshops


Jacarada’s Café Information


Performance Area


Number 6 Café Information

COMPETITIONS Details available from Town Hall, Norton Hill School, Library and other venues.

PHOTOGRAPHY Photographs of small details and patterns in the local area.

FILM AND VIDEO Films focusing on time and space in the local environment of between 1 to 3 minutes duration.

COLOURING Colour in one of the line drawings and using any media.

GRAPHIC DESIGN Create a graphic design in any media to promote PEACE.



PASSING OF NORMANDY VETERAN where he helped to build roads in some of the remote villages. It was whilst home on a month’s leave before going to India that Geoff met Dorothy and they wrote to each other every day while apart and married in October 1946. This year would have been their 70th wedding anniversary in October. After the war, Geoff worked as a miner in the Somerset Coal mines where he was a deputy and a member of the rescue team. Later he worked on farm construction for Blatchford’s and at Western Inks. When Western Inks closed, Geoff moved to Coates’ Inks from where he retired.

Midsomer Norton D Day veteran, 92 years old Geoff Plumley, died peacefully on Tuesday 19th April at a nursing home in Stratton on Fosse where he had been cared for following a stroke. Geoff was one of three children born to Albert and Mabel Plumley. His mother, Mabel, lived until she was 107, making Geoff still a youngster when he died. At the age of 20 he was called up to fight in the war, training in Devon with the Gloucester Regiment before being transferred to the 65th Anti-Tank Regiment and then to the Desert Rats. On 5th June, 1944, Geoff was one of thousands of soldiers who set sail for Normandy for the now famous D DAY landings. In his memoirs Geoff wrote that he was “in awe of the vastness of the operation” and was “proud to be part of the largest invasion in modern history”. Geoff survived the gruelling fighting on the beaches but soon after suffered a shrapnel injury and was shipped back to England to recover. He returned to fight in Holland, Belgium and Germany. Geoff’s final assignment was in India

In their early married life Geoff and Dorothy enjoyed taking their three children camping to Cornwall; in later years, they liked the luxury of holidaying abroad, going as far as Australia and New Zealand. They were also involved in the French Twinning Association. Geoff was formerly a keen golf and bowls player and loved ballroom dancing. Among his other interests were reading, doing crosswords, using the computer and following the adventures of his much loved family. Geoff leaves behind his devoted wife, Dorothy, his three children, Stephen, David and Diane, their spouses, six grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.




THINGS TO DO MONDAY 'Fitstep' exercise classes basic 'Strictly' moves, Cha cha, Salsa etc. Have fun, burn away calories! St. John's Church Hall, Midsomer Norton 10.30am 11.15am and 7.15pm - 8pm. Call 07961056700. Tai Chi at The Town Hall £4, 11am -12pm. Somerset and Dorset Railway is open every Monday from 1pm to 4pm for viewing only. Adult Tap Dancing classes (some experience needed). Fun exercises and routines using basic tap steps. St. John's Church Hall, Midsomer Norton, 6.15pm - 7pm. Call 07961056700. Storytime at Midsomer Norton Library 11-11.30 am. Stories followed by craft activity. For 0-5 year olds. Free.

Norton Radstock U3A hold a monthly Speaker meeting every 2nd Monday, 2-4pm at Somer Centre, Midsomer Norton, and a monthly Coffee Morning every last Monday 10.30am – noon at Somer Centre, Midsomer Norton. Lunch Bunch (1st Monday each month and cost varies) midday. Meet at various pubs around the area for a friendly lunch with like-minded people. Ring 01225 484510 for details.

TUESDAY Wellbeing Group improve health and mental wellbeing. 10.30am - 12.30pm, Town Hall, Midsomer Norton. Contact Sue on 01225 396042 or Mandy on 01225 835817. Midsomer Norton Townswomen’s Guild meets on the third Tuesday of each month at St John’s Church Hall at 2pm. For more information call 01761 413528. Methodist Church Women’s Fellowship meet fortnightly from September to June at the Methodist Church Centre at 3pm, for more information call 01761 235970.

Children and youth club (in term time) at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church, 6.15pm to 7.45pm.

Golden Oldies singing sessions at Greenacres Community Room, Midsomer Norton every Tuesday 2pm to 3pm. Open to all. Call 01761 470006 for more information.

Child-minding group for registered child-minders at Midsomer Norton Children’s Centre, fortnightly from 9.30am to 11.30am.

Midsomer Norton Short Mat Bowls Club meets every Tuesday and Friday at The Somer Centre from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Call 01761 346838 for more info.

High Street. (Opposite The Island)

Pure Taste Sandwich Shop provide catering for all functions from Birthday Parties to Weddings. For further info please visit www.puretastemidsomernorton.co.uk puretastemidsomernorton@hotmail.co.uk 01761 414499 ‘Add us on Facebook’


Pre School Speech and Language Therapy (appointments only) at Midsomer Norton Children’s Centre. Call 01225 831800 for more info. Oasis The Listening Project. Need someone to talk to? Feeling lonely or anxious? We are here for you, 10am – 12pm. No appointment needed. MSN Methodist Church. Age UK 10 - 11am Extend Exercise £3 inc refreshments at The Somer Centre. 11.30am - 2pm Cook & Eat £5 (1st and 3rd Tuesday monthly) at The Somer Centre. 10am - 12pm Gadget Busters at The Methodist Housing Association Lounge, Church Lane £3 including refreshments (commencing July 12th). 11.15am -12.15pm Short Walk leaving from The Somer Centre (1st and 3rd Tuesday monthly). 10 - 11.30am Book Buddies at The Library, High Street, MSN £3 donation (3rd Tuesday monthly). 2 - 4pm Social/Games afternoon including refreshments at The Methodist Housing Association Lounge, Church Lane (donations). 2.30 - 4pm Singing for Fun at The Town Hall £3 including refreshments (4th Tuesday monthly). To find out more please ring Age UK Active on 01225 484510 or www.ageukbanes.co.uk/activities.


Wednesdays at 2pm. Various speakers and topics. For more information call 01761 436770. Age UK Midsomer Norton Walks 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10am. Meet outside the Town Hall. Walking Group Meet at The Town Hall before heading off for a 2/3 mile walk, 10am. (1st and 3rd Wednesday each month). To find out more please ring Age UK Active on 01225 484510 or www.ageukbanes.co.uk/activities Roots Toddler Group at MSN Methodist Church, (in term time) 1 - 2.30pm. For info call 01761 410450.

THURSDAY Welton Vale over 50’s club meet in the Community Room from 2pm to 4pm, for more information call 417960. The Old Bakery Artists meet on the last Thursday of every month except December at The Fromeway in Radstock, for more information call 01761 418956. Somer Athletic Club meet at Norton Hill School every Thursday at 7pm. The club welcomes senior and junior members.


NYC - Midsomer Norton Youth Club, term time only, 6.30 - 8.30pm. Town Hall.

Jenny Peplow Singers meet every Wednesday at 7.15pm at St John’s Church Hall, Midsomer Norton. For more information call Jenny on 01373 812093.

Mendip Hockey Club training on the astroturf at Norton Hill School for senior ladies from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.

Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under 3s at Midsomer Norton Library. Sing along nursery rhymes 10.30 11am. Every fourth Wednesday.

Back to basics exercise to music for able bodied adults who prefer to work in smaller groups at Midsomer Norton Town Hall in the Assembly Room from 1.30pm to 2.30pm.

Casual swimming at Midsomer Norton Sports Centre every Wednesday at 6.30am to 10.30am, 11.30am to 1.30pm, 3.00pm to 6.00pm. Mendip Hockey Club training on the astroturf at Norton Hill School for senior men from 7.30-9.30pm. Wednesday Women’s Group at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church Centre meets alternative

Age UK Walking Football at MSN Sports Centre pay-as-you-play £4. 12 - 1pm. To find out more please ring Age UK Active on 01225 484510 or www.ageukbanes.co.uk/activities. Movement to Music, ideal for those who prefer smaller informal classes, Midsomer Norton Town Hall. For more info call Kay on 01761 435383.




Mass is celebrated at St John the Baptist Church from 9am every Saturday.

Short mat bowls every Friday at The Somer Centre from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Contact 01761 418400.

The Local Churches Men’s Breakfast Fellowship meet monthly (2nd Saturday) at 8.30am (breakfast from 8am) venues vary. For more information call Midsomer Methodist Centre on 01761 410450.

Meet for prayer at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church at 9.45am. Whist Club at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church from 2pm to 4pm from September to June.

Saturday Night Praise at 7.30pm on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church.

Casual swimming at Midsomer Norton Sports Centre every Friday at 6.30am to 12pm, 2.30pm to 6.00pm and 7.00pm to 8.30pm.

Whist Club at the Town Hall. 7.30pm. Ring Alex on 01761 419133.

SATURDAY Workdays take place every Saturday at Silver Street Nature Reserve from 10.30am. Please meet by the notice boards in the woods. For more information contact Lucy or James on 01761 411292.

Saturday Club, term time only, 10am - 1.30pm. Friendly group for young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Cooking, den building, games days, trips and much more. Ages 11 - 19 years. Sarah Ann Room, Town Hall, Midsomer Norton. Call 01761 568242 for more information or email admin@wpa-play.com.

SUNDAY Somerset and Dorset Railway is open every Sunday from 10am to 4pm for viewing, museum, wartime pillbox, buffet coach and gift shop. Welton Baptist Church Morning Service at 10.30am at Somervale School, morning worship service for all ages. Sunday service at St John the Baptist Church at 8am and 9.30am. Evening Worship from 6pm at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church. Welton Baptist Church Evening Service 6pm at Somervale School, evening service – café style. Casual swimming at Midsomer Norton Sports Centre every Sunday at 10am to 2pm, 3pm to 8pm. Midsomer Norton Choral Society 6.45pm, Town Hall. Sunday School at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church, 1st and 3rd Sundays, 10.30 am. For more info call 01761 410450.


EXHIBITION ON TOUR JUNE 17TH - JULY 17TH S & D Railway Trust Exhibition. From June 17th to July 17th Radstock Museum will be hosting the travelling exhibition compiled by the Somerset and Dorset Railway Trust, which is based in Washford. The exhibition is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and celebrates the 50th anniversary of the closure of the S&D Railway in March 1966. The railway theme will continue into August with material from our own collection and loaned by local collectors and organisations. Keep an eye on our website for further details or sign up for the Museum Newsletter using the red button on the Radstock Museum home page (www.radstockmuseum.co.uk)


INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING? Call Zoe on 01761 410141 or email her at: zoe@midsomernortonlife.co.uk

One - day Saturday courses, four- day workshops and evening classes running this Easter and summer

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SWAN DRIVERS CAN HELP PEOPLE WHO STRUGGLE TO USE THE BUS SWAN Transport Scheme is based in Radstock and provides transport to elderly, disabled and vulnerable people in the Bath and North East Somerset area. SWAN’s 25 volunteer drivers use their own vehicles to provide friendly and reliable transport enabling people to access essential services and use community facilities. SWAN provides transport to all of the hospitals, including Paulton Hospital, and the Bath Hospitals, as well as to doctor surgeries’, dentists and opticians. SWAN drivers work compassionately with people and will wait for their passenger during their appointment and take them home again afterwards. Other journeys that SWAN provides include; accessing support groups, day centres and social activities, as well as

taking people shopping and visiting friends and family. Swan drivers have provided 4,358 journeys over the last year, helping people to remain independent and renewing social contact, something that most of us take for granted. The criteria to use SWAN Transport Scheme is to have savings of less than £16,000. There is a suggested donation per journey, starting at £6.25 for a local return journey with a local driver, with higher donation bands covering journeys that are further afield. These help to cover the cost of the driver’s mileage. We are currently looking for volunteer drivers in the following areas: Bath, Keynsham, Timsbury, Peasedown St. John , High Littleton, Farmborough, and Clutton. To contact SWAN Transport Scheme to enquire about a journey we can provide for you, or for more information about volunteer driving with us, please call: 01761 439548 or email: swan.transport@btconnect.com




50TH ANNIVERSARY OF CLOSURE There will be diesel hauled passenger trains using restored coaches on June 5th, 18th and 19th , July 9th and 10th and August 8th. There may be additional running days during the Midsummer at Midsomer event over the weekend of June 18th and 19th and the Heritage weekend on September 10th and 11th.


016 is the fiftieth anniversary of the end of the Somerset and Dorset line. Many years of dedicated volunteer work have resulted in a station and grounds at Midsomer Norton south that look exactly, or even better than they were 50 years ago. Visitors to the station can see the restored station ticket office, signal box, greenhouse and gardens and the additional museums in the old stables and Pill box. The Station is open every week on a Sunday and a Monday and visitors are very welcome to view the gardens and buy plants, purchase books and souvenirs from the shop and stroll round the platforms.

Somerset and Dorset Heritage Railway people are looking forward to another big event at the station when Antiques Road Show star, Paul Atterbury, will be launching and naming the resident Sentinel steam locomotive on July 9th. Sentinel engines were used locally in the Radstock shunting yard and its restoration has taken many years. We will be very pleased to see lots of visitors on this historic occasion and there will be an opportunity to see what being a volunteer at the station entails.

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the summer including games and prizes to be won.

There is much to do on in the library this Summer. Children‘s Summer Drawing Competition - Design a Chocolate Bar Wrapper - collect a form from 28th May and return by 25th June and you may win a prize.

Our regular events for younger children also continue over the Summer - for children under 5 we hold regular Storytime sessions every Monday at 11am and four-weekly Baby Bounce and Rhyme for the under 3s. See What’s on for Baby Bounce dates.

On July 16th we launch our annual Summer Reading Challenge. This is a free national scheme for 4-11 year olds and over 2,000 children in Bath & North East Somerset took part last year.

For adults The Bristol Shantymen are returning to us on 26th July. This is a free event but you will need a ticket. Their last gig ‘sold out’ so book early.

• Children sign up at the library and read 6 books of their choice over the summer. • Children collect a poster and stickers along the way and are presented with a certificate and a medal when they complete the challenge.

Our monthly Joined-up Writers workshops and Poetry Liaisons nights continue through June and July, although they take a break in August. See What’s On for dates and times. Details of all our AFTER HOURS evening events can be found on our website, or come in and see us.

This year the theme is the Big Friendly Read, celebrating the 100th anniversary of Roald Dahl’s birth. We have themed activities at all libraries over

For more information about all our events please call in or look at our website or Facebook pages.


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7 Frome Road Radstock BA3 3PT

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he Irlen Method has helped children and adults overcome extreme difficulty with reading. Irlen syndrome can be a part of the problem for people who have eye problems, dyslexia, ADD/HD, autism, asperger syndrome, dyspraxia, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine and headaches.

If you or your child is experiencing visual effects such as text wobbling, moving, flickering, blocking out, underlining, halo effects, head aches, a feeling of over brightness then it would be useful to have an assessment in this regard.

Problems most often occur under conditions of bright lighting, fluorescent lighting, black/ white contrast, and continued performance. For individuals with Irlen Syndrome print may not be clear, stable or comfortable. As a result, reading can be slow and inefficient leading to skipping of words or lines, rereading, or poor comprehension.

If you would like more information or to book an appointment, contact Edwards Opticians on 01761 413212

For reasons that are still not well understood, these disturbing effects can often be reduced or even eliminated by placing a sheet of coloured plastic (an overlay) over the page or using coloured lenses. For some the benefits may be slight but for others the effects can be dramatic, significantly increasing reading speed and fluency and reducing headaches and eyestrain. Edwards opticians in Midsomer Norton have installed the ReadEZ software to help identify those who are likely to benefit from colour. They are the only opticians in the area offering this service at the moment and the test can be the answer to many reading and eyesight issues. As a company, they are dedicated to making solutions for Meares-Irlen syndrome accessible to all by offering high-quality, evidence-based products at affordable prices. The ReadEZ system provides a complete range of solutions including coloured overlays, coloured reading guides, coloured clip-ons and coloured prescription and non-prescription glasses.


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Midsomer Food which celebrates the joy of food and home cooking using fresh local produce continues to go from strength to strength. In May the group had a talk on baking from Sarah Jane Shepherd, who recently won a First prize and gold award at the London cake and Bake show in preparation for this year’s Town Show Cookery Sections being sponsored by Docky's and Jacarandas and which include Victoria Sponge, Fruit Cake, Five Scones, Savoury Flan, Five Biscuits, Lemon Drizzle Cake, Apple Cake, Jam and pickle entries and bread making.

INGREDIENTS: MAKES 1 LITRE • 4 very ripe bananas • 330g dark brown soft sugar • 900g plain Greek yogurt • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract METHOD 1. Preheat oven to 180°C / Gas 4. 2. Line a 20cm tin with foil. Peel the bananas and cut lengthways. Place bananas in the tin and cover with the brown sugar. Bake until the sugar melts and the banana is soft and roasted. 3. Reserve 1 banana and transfer the others along with the melted sugar to a large bowl. Mix in the yoghurt and the vanilla. Pour yoghurt in the ice cream maker and freeze it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Add the reserved banana just before you turn off the ice cream maker, this will ensure you have some chunks of banana in the frozen yoghurt. Enjoy it!

There is an action packed programme being prepared for the autumn including fruit preserving and soup making. So if you’re a foodie or just interested in finding out more, please visit www.midsomernortoncommunitytrust.co.uk or ring 01761 419133.


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he trail of the Midsomer Norton Knight, covered in the last issue of LIFE, culminated in a visit of the Midsomer Norton Society to Shepton Mallet on Thursday 19th May.

Such was the success of the visit discussions are now in hand to develop closer links with Shepton Mallet and its history society.

At a meeting in St Peter & St Paul’s Parish Church, just off the High Street in Shepton, local historian Monica Evans gave an amazing medieval history talk alongside the surviving almost 800 year old tomb effigies. History from this fascinating period was illustrated as never before as the lives and times of those depicted in the effigies, now believed to be those of Hugh de Vivonne and William de Forz II, were brought to life.

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CROSSMANS SOLICITORS We are a local firm of lawyers, on hand to help you with life’s difficult situations and decisions. Our Services include:Conveyancing Sale and Purchase of Residential Property/Transfer of Equity. Family Fixed Fee Divorce, Financial Settlement and Access to Children. Elderly Services Wills, Power of Attorney and Probate. Crime Police Station, Magistrates and Crown Court, including Motoring Offences. With issues such as these resolved, you will be able to move onto the new phase of your life with peace of mind that everything is in order and secure. We offer free home visits if you are unable to attend the office and a free initial assessment for all matrimonial and family matters on Friday mornings, please ring to make an appointment.


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IN BLOOM FIRST FOR 2016 This year is an In Bloom first with the town entering not just South West In Bloom but also Britain in Bloom. With almost twenty It’s Your Neighbourhood entries for the town all eyes are on making the town look stunning for the two judging days in July and August. Getting the town ready is a huge undertaking for the dedicated team of ‘Bloomers’ – weeding, planting and tending the precious floral displays throughout the town. So can you help? Even if you can only spare a couple of hours the weekend before judging, the In Bloom Committee would love to hear from you. Please ring 07530 042627 for further details on how you can help the town’s entry in 2016.





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idsomer Norton Rugby Club called time on a memorable twelve months, by gaining promotion to South West Division 1 for the first time in the Club's history.

to Bath City in the football league pyramid. Professionalism and money may be the watchwords of modern sport, but at Norton Down our local players still pay to play, for the love of the game.

A year ago Midsomer Norton completed a memorable Cup double when they secured the Bath Combination Plate on the Recreation Ground, Bath, to add to the Somerset Vase they'd won only a few days before.

At the bottom of Silver Street and along North Road, Welton Rovers have struggled to recreate the heroics of last season. Having spent most of the season at the wrong end of the table, the Green Army were looking for one final push to secure their Western Premier League survival. A rare win in late March, against local rivals Shepton Mallet, served only to prolong the inevitable. Relegation was finally confirmed by a four one defeat at the hands of eventual League winners, Odd Down.

Norton started this campaign as they'd finished the last, pushing eventual Southern Counties South League winners, Royal Wootton Basset, all the way for the title. Norton's impressive form has largely been built on their dominance at home, where they haven't been beaten for the past 15 months. As runners up in the league they'd earned the right to fight for promotion against the Southern Counties North runners up, Aylesbury RFC. A hard fought match against Aylesbury was played out on a glorious, but windy, day at Norton Down in front of a large crowd. Norton never lost the lead they established within eight minutes of the start and whilst Aylesbury were always in touch, they never had enough to wrestle control away from the home side. The rugby club's achievement is all the more remarkable for the fact that 14 of the 15 men who started the play off final came through the Club's Junior section. Next season, Midsomer Norton Rugby Club will play at a level higher than any they have played at in the Club's history, a level comparable

At Withies Lane Midsomer Norton Cricket Club are gearing up for life in the WEPL Bristol and North Somerset league. Following their indifferent form of last season, our cricketers will certainly be looking up rather than down, as a barometer of success for this season. If you are ever looking for something to do on a sunny Saturday or Sunday afternoon, Midsomer Norton Cricket Club is a welcoming venue where you can enjoy some of our beautiful local scenery, as well as excellent cricket! If this report has wetted your sporting appetite, tune in to Somer Valley FM every Tuesday at 6pm on 97.5FM for all the latest news from our local teams. Saturday Live, broadcast from 4pm every Saturday, provides live match updates for Midsomer Norton Cricket Club, along with a host of our other local and professional teams.





omervale School has been sending specialised subject teachers to conduct lessons at local Primary Schools, some of which are part of the partnership. The relationship that now exists is one that is exciting, providing outstanding opportunities for children. We are now coming to the end of the academic year which is an ideal opportunity to showcase what our local Primary schools have been producing under the guidance of one of our Somervale Art teachers. Once a fortnight we have been sending

Ms Guppy to work with, and inspire various primary year groups at St. John's, Clutton and High Littleton Primary Schools. The goal is to share subject expertise with local primaries to build up their creative skills early on and help prepare the children for a smoother transition into secondary school. By working with a secondary school teacher, the children are introduced to numerous techniques and a wide range of materials, stimulating lateral thinking and widening their skill set, all while building a fun learning bridge. Ms Guppy and the class teacher meet to discuss topics and need, with a view to design tailormade projects. Some of the materials explored are marbling, charcoal, collaging and mono-printing. Through this opportunity, the children have been thoroughly engaged in their lessons, and have gone as far as surprising their teachers with their capabilities and resulting works.

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ENDS OF THE EARTH WALK FOR SPORT RELIEF The students responded magnificently with every student in the school contributing some laps and many raising fantastic amounts for charity. It was an event that really brought the school together in a common charitable enterprise and brought out the best in all of us"


tudents, staff and friends of Somervale successfully completed their Walk the World Challenge by walking 67,400 times around the school-astro turf, the equivalent of walking to Australia and beyond in a distance of 22,916km. In completing this challenge, students, staff and local business raised an incredible £3,798 towards Sports Relief 2016.

Matthew Dochniak, the Head of PE, was responsible for coming up with the idea and managing the event to its successful conclusion. ‘We wanted to achieve something memorable that would get staff and students more active, whilst raising as much money as we could for an exceptional cause. I think we certainly achieved that! Students, staff and the community coming together was the real highlight and shows what a fantastic place Somervale School is to be a part of.’

Mark Kenny, Deputy Headteacher, said; "This was an incredible achievement, especially in a small school like our own. We needed to enlist the help of parents and friends to help us complete the laps and the support of many local businesses who sponsored us to help reach our goal of raising over £2,000 for Sports Relief. A huge thanks to them all for getting behind the challenge. The event really captured the imagination of local people and it really was a team effort.


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AUGUST 22 - 28 2016 S

tarting life as “Big Top” back in the year 2001, this immensely popular community event hosted by Welton Baptist Church received a makeover in 2009 to become N’fest. As always, all of the events are free of charge and this year run from August 22nd - 28th at Somervale School. The theme of the children's morning club for 4-11 year olds is “N’Fest Goes Wild” and plans for team games, songs, gunge tank, puppets, crafts, memory verse, dramas, messy games and stories are almost finalised. Most children will bring booking forms home from school in due course, but if you want to book ahead or don’t receive a form by July 17th please leave details on the church answerphone: 01761 410274 or visit our website. Book early to avoid disappointment as places are limited.

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The Playtots Toddler group for pre-schoolers and their parents or carers will be open at the school running alongside the Children’s club from 10am 12pm daily. For anyone wanting to just relax and chat for a couple of hours “Early Shift Café 3:16” will also be open at the school. With lots of free events in the afternoons and evenings including a dinner and dance, ladies only night, football tournament and much more. This is a week not to be missed! Visit www.weltonchurch.org.uk/nfest for the latest details. IAN MACDONALD INSURANCE SERVICES LTD

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upils at Midsomer Norton Primary school have been very busy sowing seeds from the RHS Rocket Science Project. The seeds were launched on Soyuz 44S on the 2nd of September 2015 and arrived on the International Space Station (ISS) two days later. British ESA astronaut Tim Peake took charge of the seeds while on the ISS for his Principia mission in December and the seeds spent six months in microgravity before being returned to Earth in March. Our diligent Gardening Club have been caring for the space seeds and they have reported they are germinating and growing well. It’s a very exciting project and the whole school is delighted to be part of it. Watch this space for more news on our space seeds!




he town lost one of its best known and much loved figures with the recent death of Norman Voake on 14th May 2016.

Methodist church and remained in this role until very recently when ill health forced him to stop preaching and instead become a parishioner.

Norman was born in Cardiff in 1931 and went to Michael Hall School until 1947 when he got his first job working for G.E.C in Cardiff. In 1949 he requested to complete his National service which saw him become part of the Royal Fusiliers until 1951. In 1954 Norman decided to further his education and he studied at Westminster College in London. He took up his first teaching role in 1956 in a small school in Cornwall but this role gave him the bug and his career in teaching took off from here.

1969 was the year that he gained his diploma in working with special needs and he was appointed as head of special needs at Somevale school, a role which he loved and talked of very fondly. Over the next 18 years Norman taught hundreds of Midsomer Norton pupils both at Somervale but also as part of the Norton Radstock Orchestra where he played the clarinet.


He came to Midsomer Norton in 1959 when he joined the staff and Somervale School, working with children with special educational needs. In 1960 Norman also became a local preacher at the

In 1988 Norman decided to take early retirement and his love of discovering our locval history came to the fore front of his life. Norman spent many years researching the schools in Midsomer Norton from as far back as the 18th century and when all this information was compiled he produced a series of books, focusing on the schools we



know today. During his retirement he lectured at a college for adult learners, took a study coarse with inmates in a local prison and also still worked as a supply teacher until the year 2000. In his retirement he also worked with the Midsomer Norton Society giving talks, wrote for the local radio station, Somer Valley FM and also keeps his hand in with a charity organisation that he helped to set up in 2002 as a relief fund for the people of Midsomer Norton. Norman played a huge role in the history of Midsomer Norton, through teaching many of our parents and grandparents, to educating our schools on their history as well setting up charities to help our local people. He was without doubt a much loved Nortonian who touched many lives in the community.




who really enjoy providing a social hub for young people in Midsomer Norton and the surrounding area.

NYC is thrilled to have been awarded a grant from Midsomer Norton Town Council to run the club for next year and will soon be starting a 'Cook-It' Highlights have course, supported by Sirona. The young people included working will also be supporting the Midsomer Norton with the Lions Club Summer Fayre as well as M-Fest, so please come on their international 'Peace Poster' campaign, of along and have a chat. which 3 of our young people received awards. We have also been presented with a state of the art The NYC was founded in September 2015 by coffee machine by Midsomer Norton & Radstock Midsomer Norton Town Council, Midsomer Rotary Club. Norton Community Trust and Wansdyke Play Association in order to provide a safe and For further details ring 01761 419133 or visit inclusive space for young people in Midsomer www.midsomernortoncommunitytrust.co.uk Norton and the surrounding area to meet up and socialise in a low level supportive environment. A fun and inclusive space on the second floor of Midsomer Norton Town Hall, NYC enables 11-18 year olds to meet friends and make new ones. The group runs on Thursday during term time only from 6.30-8.30pm, offering a programme of events. Young people can play on the x-box, table tennis, play music, create crafts, learn skills with the Barista coffee machine or just hang out with their friends. In 2015 the group rolled out an event programme in the main hall, including cinema nights, cafĂŠ experience, band jam sessions and a Christmas party. It is fully supported by two qualified staff from Wansdyke Play Association

Jacarandas Award Winning Coffee Shop

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n the last edition of Midsomer Norton Life, we gave you details of the Somer Valley Forum, which is part of the ‘Connecting Communities’ Programme. There are five area Forums in place across the Bath and North East Somerset District: Bath City; Bathavon; Chew Valley; Keynsham Area and Somer Valley. The Forums bring together Ward, Parish and Town Councillors with community groups; public service representatives and members of the public to discuss a range of topics at a local level. All the meetings are held in their local area and start with an ‘Informal Session’. A new feature of these is the opportunity for community groups and hosting Parish or Town Councils to give brief presentations on their work to share information and best practice. April’s Somer Valley Forum meeting was held in Midsomer Norton and those present heard about plans for the new Town Park, forthcoming community events and other initiatives that the Town Council is taking forward. The Police and Communities Together meetings (PACT) have now become part of the informal sessions of the Forums, with most meetings featuring an update from local Police staff and an opportunity to ask them questions. The Police have seen a rise in thefts from vehicles and while this isn’t specific to the local area it’s a good opportunity to remind you not to leave your vehicles unlocked or with any valuables (even loose change) on display. Also, there has been a worrying increase in dogs attacking sheep in rural parts of the district, so please do ensure that dogs are kept on leads where animals are grazing.

In the second part of the Forum meetings, items of importance to the local area are discussed. The Somer Valley Forum has recently received updates from Bath and North East Somerset Council on its 2016-17 budget and on the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone. The Somer Valley is one of 44 such zones in England which are part of the Government’s strategy for encouraging economic growth. We are looking forward to further information on progress with this soon. We also had the opportunity to learn about and comment upon the Green Spaces Strategy and the West of England Joint Spatial Plan and Transport Study which is looking at the housing; infrastructure and transport needs of Bath and North East Somerset; North Somerset; South Gloucestershire and Bristol until 2036. The Forum meetings give neighbouring communities the opportunity to discuss and consider issues like these together and help public services understand the views and aspirations of local people. The communities represented at the Somer Valley Forum are Farrington Gurney; High Littleton; Midsomer Norton; Paulton; Peasedown St John; Radstock; Timsbury and Westfield. Neighbouring Mendip Parishes are also invited. All Forum meetings are open to the public and it is possible to attend the meetings of other Forums in the Bath and North East Somerset area if there are items of interest on their agendas. Details of the meetings can be found on the Bath & North East Somerset Council calendar of meetings on its website www.bathnes.gov.uk



MIDSOMER NORTON & RADSTOCK COMMUNITY SERVICE VEHICLE TRUST Did you know there is a Community Mini Bus, based in Midsomer Norton, that is available for any organisation or small group that would like to hire a bus for an outing or to get to a special function? (i.e. Film evenings, Lunch clubs, Churches etc.) The Mini bus seats up to 12 people, it has a tailgate lift for wheelchairs which is easily accessed, making this ideal for the elderly and disabled. (All operated by our volunteer drivers) For further information please contact the new Co-ordinator Mrs Debbie Gunfield (Debbie has recently joined the team, after the retirement

of Mr Stephen Powell) on 01761 416910 or the Transport Manager Mr Nick Rogers on 01761 413872. Registered Charity No. 276166.




THE CLERK As we finally see summer arrive, the Council Officers are gearing up for a number of key jobs that need to be done. First, the Council’s Statement of Accounts and Annual Return have to approved and signed at the meeting on 6th June 2016 before they are sent for an external audit. Both Officers are heavily involved in providing the auditors with a range of information such as expenditure and income, risk assessments, VAT paid and reclaimed along with explanations of any variations from last year and demonstrating that our financial controls are effective.

I would like pay tribute to all of the Council members for the unpaid time they put in and the friendly and inclusive attitude they bring to their civic roles. The range of issues they have to deal with and the commitment they show is amazing. And finally, I’d like to thank my colleague and rock, Carole Sims, for her support and dedication – I’m lucky to have such an experienced and willing assistant (even though she turned 50 this year!). Clive Stilwell (MILCM) Town Clerk

New committees and working groups will be electing Councillors to chair them for the coming municipal year and we will be looking at any training that might be needed for Councillors or Officers. The municipal calendar will be updated, ensuring that all meetings are scheduled and regular returns on a range of issues such as pensions, trust income and expenditure and staff appraisal and tax and national insurance are completed on time. This summer, we will be working a new initiative to seek accreditation as a Quality Council. Gaining this award will require us to show that we comply with or exceed a whole range of best practice and legal standards and will be able to reassure council tax payers in the town that their Town Council is reaching the very highest standards in delivering its services and meeting its responsibilities. Whilst the Councillors will take a very well-earned recess (there are no Council meetings in August), we will be able to take the opportunity to catch up on routine tasks that often fall by the wayside when urgent and important business has to be covered.

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Alastair Slade 07714 898902 alastair@alastairslade.com

Richard Robertson 01761 415629 therobertsons@fsmail.net

Midsomer Norton Town Council Town Hall, The Island, Midsomer Norton Bath BA3 2HQ - 01761 418701 townclerk@midsomernortontowncouncil.co.uk midsomernortontowncouncil.co.uk

Amy Purchase 01761 411860

Lynda Robertson 01761 415629



Jane Lewis 01761 410216

Brian Lawrence 07701 007277

Michael Evans 01761 235996

Glyn Davis 07713 353430





Steve Plumley (Deputy Mayor) 07913 952901

Luke Barnes 07531 080008

Paul Myers Mayor 07530 042627




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