1 minute read
from The Wheel
by Tina Veater
BrightStart Children’s Centre Services are working in partnership with Family Action and Radstock Town Council to run a weekly ‘Food On Our Doorstep (FOOD)’ Club in the Radstock area. This moves on from the emergency food parcels that the Children’s Centre co-ordinated and delivered during the height of the pandemic.
FOOD Clubs provide families with good-quality food at a low cost, while also reducing food waste. It costs just £1 a year for your family to become a member. Once you’ve joined, you can purchase a bag of tasty food items every week worth approx. £15 for just £3.50! To become a member, you must live in BANES and live or work within 15minutes of the club (by car or walking) and have a child under 18 years. We will accept other applications in exceptional circumstances. The FOOD Club runs from: • Radstock Library:
Fridays, 1.30 - 3.30pm For further details, please contact:
Your local Children’s Centre via brightstartcc@bathnes.gov.uk Or the FOOD Club Co-ordinator via banesfoodclubs@family-action.org.uk Councillor Kevin Guy, cabinet member for Children’s Services at Bath & North East Somerset Council, said: “Sadly, many families in B&NES are facing food poverty and this situation has worsened due to the impact of Covid-19 on people’s finances. It’s fantastic that the community has pulled together to help families on low incomes access affordable food and I’m grateful to our partners for working with us to get the food clubs off the ground.” Heidi Limbert, Children’s Centre Services Manager, adds: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with Family Action, Fareshare, Radstock Town Council and others on the food poverty agenda to support local families and individuals and reduce food waste.”
Bright Start Children’s Centre Services
providing targeted early help and support to local families.