The Wheel
INFORMATION FOR ALL FROM LIVEWELL B&NES Do you, or a family member, need care, health
or well-being information? Are you looking for local Ofsted registered childcare, or an activity for your child with additional needs? Live Well B&NES provides signposting to information, resources, services and groups. The site supports people in Bath & North East Somerset: • Children and families • Adults with care or support needs • Parent carers of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and young people with additional needs
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There is a Cost-of-Living section providing information to support anyone experiencing financial challenges, including advice around benefits, energy, More than thirty Warm Spaces across the area are open and offering a warm welcome to all. Find out more: https://livewell.bathnes.gov.uk www.facebook.com/livewellbathnes www.instagram.com/Youth_Info_Bathnes or scan the QRcode