Details on page 25

Details on page 25
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Westfield has gone through a very busy period of events led by various organisations. 30 Days Wild, which takes place for the duration of June, saw well attended events such as willow weaving and a wildlife walk. The walk took those who attended through areas of interest in the Waterside Valley.
We also celebrated Love Parks Week. This brought us some interesting events firstly at Westhill Rec, where Tai Chi was demonstrated and those who attended got involved in. The feedback on this was excellent. There was also a litter pick at the Shakespeare Rd play area. I would like to thank our office staff for getting involved in this. One of the events that stood out and was supported by the community, with numbers that exceeded our expectations, was the D Day 80th Anniversary event. The support of the Royal British Legion and a bugler from the Norton Radstock Silver Band made it an outstanding, memorable event, so a big thank you to everyone who supported this and other events during the summer.
Please keep an eye open for further upcoming events that involve such areas as the Waterside Valley.
We have also arrived at the time of year when the Grants pot opens for applications which provides funding for organisations that are in Westfield or support Westfield residents. More information can be found on our website.
With the darker nights arriving, let’s remember those amongst us who may be feeling lonelier and wherever possible take a little time to assure them we are there to help if they need it.
Cllr Phil Wilkinson Chairman
Cover photo: Tasha Park Photographer
The next edition of the Westfield Warbler will be in October 2024. If you would like to submit events, news or photos, please contact us by 5th October.
You can view The Westfield Warbler on the Council’s website at www.westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk
The Westfield Warbler is produced by Ignyte Media Ltd, Bathway Farm, Bathway, Chewton Mendip, BA3 4LN. Tel 01761 410141.
Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher or it’s editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte Media and Westfield Parish Council do not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.
For the 10th year, the time has come for Westfield Parish Council to recognise the efforts of the Westfield gardeners in making their front gardens especially lovely.
As before, the judging was done at the start of July and, while some plants still had to find their colour or had gone past their best, the gardens of Westfield were looking spectacular. They had to deal with some very stormy weather in the couple of days before the judging and several people commented that some of their plants had been flattened by the rain!
Our judge, Mr Rob Wicke, was, as usual, delighted with the gardens he was asked to evaluate.
He said: “I’m always pleased to work with the Parish Council to show off the best of the gardens in Westfield. This year’s competition was very close between several gardens and the choice is getting harder each year. This year showed another challenge with the weather being very changeable and a very wet Spring has made it difficult for the gardeners.”
The winning garden was that of Mr and Mrs Holcombe of Waterside Road.
Mr and Mrs Holcombe have won this competition several times as their garden is always spectacular. Mr Holcombe said: “We’re really pleased. We love to see the result of all the hard work that goes into it and it is great to see passers-by slow down and take a look.”
Cllr Cooper, Chair of the Environment and Development Committee, presented the cups and prize. Of this garden she said: “This is
an absolutely stunning garden, full of colour, with a nice mixture of very healthy shrubs and flowers.”
The winning container category was won by Mr Ivor Boswell of Fosseway Gardens.
This is the first time that Mr Boswell has won the prize and he said: “I’m really satisfied that the baskets have been recognised. I bring on all the plants in my greenhouse from February onwards and they create a display for many months. Thank you for the prize from Thomsons of Radstock. It’ll go towards next year’s display!”
Cllr Cooper said that the baskets were absolutely outstanding, with the added benefit that they smelled wonderful!
The prizes were vouchers kindly donated by Thomsons Hardware and we are very grateful for their continued support.
The Chairman of Westfield Parish Council, Cllr Phil Wilkinson, said “It’s wonderful to see the people of Westfield showing off their front gardens. The number of entries has increased year on year, as has the quality of those entries. The current climate means it’s difficult for gardeners and we congratulate those that have done such a great job.”
Sometimes we have to add a special category while we are judging the competition because a garden may stand out as being different to many of the others. This year the judge asked if we could offer a commendation for the best use of a small space as the front of Sharon Maggs’ home in Upper Court was beautiful. Sharon said “I’m really buzzed. I’ve never won anything before and I get lots of comments about my garden from people who say they just love to see it. This cup will be donated to my 5 year old granddaughter, Erin, who loves to help me with the display.”
It’s been a wonderful year for the competition and we can’t wait for the entries in 2025.
Westfield Parish Council were among hundreds of organisations across the country who took part in Love Parks Week 2024.
The celebration took place from 26th July to 4th August, bringing together local authorities, green space managers, landowners, residents and community organisations to celebrate and support our fantastic green spaces all across the country. Westfield played host to several free community events as part of the campaign.
Chair of the Parish Council, Phil Wilkinson, said: “It’s good to see the community using the facilities and hopefully they will continue to do so.”
Keep Britain Tidy’s Chief Executive, Allison Ogden-Newton OBE, said: “Keep Britain Tidy’s Love Parks campaign is an opportunity for everyone to celebrate, appreciate and recognise the value of their park and green space. To talk about what that green space means for them and their communities. Parks improve our health and wellbeing, and we want everyone to hear that message so that during this week of putting the
With traffic accidents remaining a leading cause of injuries and fatalities, the two new Speed Indicator Devices on the A367 through Westfield have been universally welcomed.
SIDS offer a significant step forward in promoting safer driving, alerting drivers to reduce their speed if they are exceeding the limit. By providing realtime feedback, SIDs effectively raise awareness and encourage adherence to speed limits.
Chair of the Parish Council, Cllr Phil Wilkinson, said: “Our thanks to the Police and Crime Commissioner for funding these devices, we hope they’ll have an impact on driving habits through Westfield.”
spotlight on our precious parks people who may not think parks are for them, give their local space a visit.
“The Love Parks campaign would not be possible without the backing of our local authority partners, including Westfield Parish Council, park professionals and landowners.”
During love parks week we invited people to complete an anonymised survey regarding Westfield’s parks and green spaces. It showed us that the areas are used for a variety of activities, such as walking, nature study, use of the playgrounds, attending clubs and more. One of the questions on the survey was ‘what improvements would you like to see in these areas to enhance your experience?’ An answer that came up several times was to make improvements to footpaths at Waterside Valley. I am pleased to say is something the Parish Council are currently working on. Overall, 88% of people who completed the survey would recommend Westfield’s parks and green spaces to friends and family.
Wow! What a busy June we’ve had taking part in the Wildlife Trusts’ 30 Days Wild. From events to social media campaigns, to working in partnership with local organisations – it’s been a busy month!
At the time of writing this, we are now in July and have a chance to reflect on 30 Days Wild as a whole. After declaring a climate emergency in March 2021, the Parish Council decided it was time to act and felt that taking part in 30 Days Wild was one of the many steps to take in the right direction, with the predominant aim being to engage the local community with nature.
We are very lucky here in Westfield to have some lovely green spaces on our doorstep, with two well maintained recreation grounds, as well as
Waterside Valley.
We organised two successful events, Willow Weaving with Emily from EcoWild (luckily the rain stopped long enough for us to make some lovely willow bird feeders and bird houses!) and a Wildlife Walk at Waterside Valley with Steve England –Outdoor Learning, both were funded by Somer Valley Rediscovered.
We also shared lots of tips and ideas for getting involved in nature on our Facebook page.
If you are interested in reading more about how Westfield Parish Council plans to tackle the climate emergency, you can find our Nature Action Plan on our website at: www.westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk/ council/policies/
In conjunction with Somer Valley Rediscovered the Parish Council has been arranging Wildlife Walks in the Waterside Valley, led by Steve England of Outdoor Learning.
The walks have been brilliantly led by Steve and he has shown all sorts of things in the valley that most people just walk straight past. Did you know that, while a piece of corrugated iron will look like litter to most people, it hordes a host of wildlife beneath in the form of Slow worms, insects and bugs, all of which are crucial to bio-diversity.
Foraging was the subject of the first walk in June - which plants are safe to eat and which are not, though care should always be taken when identifying the different plants. Then in August we were led on a walk all about Pollinators and Plants. The huge variety of insects that do different jobs was fascinating.
There will be more going on in the Waterside Valley, all of which will be advertised well in advance on our website and Facebook, so look out for them.
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When you think of the allotments in Westfield, you would normally think about the beautifully kept grounds at Waterford Park, but did you know there is another allotment space? You can find this at Larch Court, here are a couple of photos of the lovely flower displays there.
Photos: Allotmenteers
Come along to the Green Open Homes event at The Trinity Hub, Radstock, on Saturday, 19th October to explore energy saving measures and learn about sustainable living. With rising energy prices and the increasing need to reduce carbon emissions, this event aims to help homeowners and renters to make their homes more energy efficient and affordable.
Event highlights:
• Expert advice and information: Visit the Trinity Hub for ‘ask the experts’ talks and advice sessions on energy efficiency. Learn how to lower your energy bills and keep your home warmer this winter.
• Learning and workshops: Participate in draughtproofing workshops and enjoy a slow cooking demonstration. Get guidance on available grants, assessment processes and selecting contractors for projects like solar and battery systems.
• Family friendly activities: Enjoy food, refreshments and a play area for children. This community event aims to help everyone understand the small changes that can make a big difference.
Green Open Homes B&NES is a partnership initiative designed to inspire and educate the Bath & North East Somerset community about sustainable living. Led by Bath & West Community Energy (BWCE) and its partners, the event fosters community engagement and knowledge-sharing.
Mark your calendars and spread the word, we look forward to seeing you there! www.greenopenhomesbanes.org.
On the 6th June, Councillors gathered alongside The Royal British Legion, Curate Nathanial Worsley, local school children and Parishioners at the memorial stone on Elm Tree Avenue to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.
Parish Council Chair, Phil Wilkinson, commenced the service with a reading of The Tribute. This was followed with the reading of poems written by local school children and prayer led by Curate Nathanial Worsley.
A Bugler was present to sound ‘The Last Post’ and ‘Reveille’. Wreaths were laid by local veteran Chris Copeland and Cllr Wilkinson, supported by children from two local schools.
Though a sombre event, it was good to see so many local people join together to mark 80 years since the D-Day landings.
Cllr Wilkinson said: “I was very impressed by the number of residents that attended, yet again it shows the commitment of our residents to such events. It was also good to have our local schools participate.”
Westfield Parish Council is made up of 11 people who have the best interests of the residents of Westfield at heart. It is a non-political group that works to make the environment around us as conducive as possible, either by submitting responses to planning applications in the parish or by enhancing the recreation grounds and the Waterside Valley. Did you know that the Waterside Valley land was purchased as a result of all Councillors wanting to ensure the land was retained in perpetuity for the enjoyment of the residents who choose to go there and to maintain, or increase, the bio diversity of Westfield?
There is often the concept that, in order to be a Councillor, you need to be retired, or well on the way to retirement. This is not the case. The Parish Council meets once a month on the first Monday (Tuesday if it’s a Bank Holiday) from 7pm – not usually for more
The Parish Council holds social events, such as the annual Christmas lights switch on and last year’s Coronation Big Lunch. We award grants to community groups each year and applications are discussed by a subcommittee. Involvement in anything like this can be as much or as little time as you are able to give. These are the sort of decisions you could become involved in should you be prepared to take the option to become a Parish Councillor.
than an hour and a half and there are two committees – Environment and Development, which considers planning requests, makes decisions on work at the recreation grounds, Waterside Valley and any other issues that affect the environment of Westfield and Finance and Personnel, which does what it says on the tin and discusses financial issues and Personnel. Each of these committees meets monthly as well and it is expected that each Councillor sits on at least one.
The role of a Councillor is also to be the face of the Parish Council and to be available to residents to find answers to any questions they may have. You wouldn’t be alone in trying to find the answers, either– the council staff are always on hand to help out!
One of the aspirations of the Parish Council is that Westfield is recognised as a Parish in its own right and not as an addition to Radstock or Midsomer Norton. This is an age-old debate and, whilst we have every respect for our neighbours and are always pleased to collaborate with them on issues that affect all of us, the fact is that Westfield deserves recognition for those that live and work here.
As far as personal development goes it is, of course, also an opportunity to gain valuable skills in leadership, communication and decision making while collaborating with fellow Councillors and engaging with community groups. There is training available for new Councillors, which has been found to be very useful, so you get help on how it all works!
If this is striking any chords with you, then please get in touch with us. You are more than welcome to come along to a Parish Council meeting to see how it all works or you can call the office on 01761 410669 or email us at council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk.
The Chairman of the Parish Council, Phil Wilkinson, would also be more than happy to talk through what it means to be a Parish Councillor, get in touch with him on: 07803 927626.
1st – Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
2nd – Carers’ Café, 10am, Mardons Community Club
2nd – Local History Club at Radstock Museum, 10.30 am
2nd – Westfield Parish Council Meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 7pm
3rd – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church
3rd – Memory Club at Radstock Museum, 10.30am
3rd – Summer Reading Challenge Marvellous Makers at Radstock Community Hub and Library
3rd – Westfield Inters Youth Club, Westfield Methodist Church, 6.30pm
5th – Summer Nature, Craft Connection with Somer Valley Rediscovered, 10 am Swallow Community Café
6th – Somer Valley Walking Festival, bat walk and family nature walk around Westfield, Somer Valley Rediscovered. More information on their website.
7th – Coffee morning at Trinity Methodist Church
7th – Super: D, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome
7th – Bennie Vee at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
8th – Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
9th – Wellbeing café for carers at Radstock Museum, 1pm
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9th – Westfield Parish Council, Environment and Development Committee meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 7pm.
10th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church
10th – Westfield Inters Youth Club, Westfield Methodist Church, 6.30pm
12th – Afternoon Social with Pete Holden at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
14th – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church
14th – The HonkyTonks, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome
14th – Alex Archer at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
16th – Local History Club, Radstock Museum, 10.30am
17th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church
17th – Memory Club at Radstock Museum, 10.30am
17th – Westfield Inters Youth Club, Westfield Methodist Church, 6.30pm
18th – Westfield Parish Council Finance and Personnel meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 10.30am.
20th – Race Night at Mardons Club, 7.30pm for 8pm start, supporting The Mike Gregory Darts Academy
21st – Coffee morning at Trinity Methodist Church
21st – Soul’d Out, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome
21st – Shazam at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
22nd– Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
23rd – Wellbeing Café for carers at Radstock museum, 1pm
24th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church
24th – Westfield Inters Youth Club, Westfield Methodist Church, 6.30pm
26th – Afternoon Social with Steven Cesari at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
27th – Cash Bingo at Mardons Club, raising funds for Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance, organised by The Cornish Bakery, eyes down for a 7.30pm start
27th – Family Night at Westfield Sports and Community Centre, free entry
28th – Coffee morning at Trinity Methodist Church
28th – The 7,8,9s, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome
28th – Tony B at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
29th – Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
1st – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church
1st – Memory Club at Radstock Museum, 10.30 am
1st – Westfield Inters Youth Club, Westfield Methodist Church, 6.30pm
5th – Coffee morning at Trinity Methodist Church
5th – Brakelight, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome
5th – Different Beat at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
6th – Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
7th – Carers’ Café, 10am, Mardons Community Club
7th – Local History Club, Radstock Museum, 10.30am
7th – Westfield Parish Council Meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 7pm
8th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church
8th – Westfield Inters Youth Club, Westfield Methodist Church, 6.30pm
10th – Afternoon Social with Steven Marsden at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
12th – Coffee morning at Trinity Methodist Church
12th – Limited Edition, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome
12th – Back 2 Bak at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
13th – Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
14th – Wellbeing café for carers at Radstock Museum, 1pm
14th – Westfield Parish Council, Environment and Development Committee meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 7pm
15th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church
15th – Memory Club at Radstock Museum, 10.30am
15th – Westfield Inters Youth Club, Westfield Methodist Church, 6.30pm
19th – Coffee morning at Trinity Methodist Church
19th – The Coyote Kings, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome
19th – Chris Rainbow at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
20th – Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
21st – Local History Club, Radstock Museum, 10.30am
22nd – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church
22nd – Westfield Inters Youth Club, Westfield Methodist Church, 6.30pm
23rd – Westfield Parish Council Finance and Personnel meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 10.30am
25th – Family night at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
26th – Coffee morning at Trinity Methodist Church
26th – Halloween Fancy Dress Party Night with live band Jimmy And The Judges, at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome
26th – Overboard at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
27th – Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
28th – Wellbeing Café for carers at Radstock Museum, 1pm
29th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church
29th – Westfield Inters Youth Club, Westfield Methodist Church, 6.30pm
31st – Afternoon social with Colin Lewis at Westfield Sports and Community Centre
2nd – Coffee morning at Trinity Methodist Church
2nd – Freefall, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome
4th – Carers’ Café, 10am, Mardons Community Club
4th – Local History Club, Radstock Museum, 10.30am
4th – Westfield Parish Council Meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 7pm
5th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church
5th – Memory Club at Radstock Museum, 10.30 am
5th – Westfield Inters Youth Club, Westfield Methodist Church, 6.30pm
9th – Coffee morning at Trinity Methodist Church
9th – Bombshell, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome
11th – Wellbeing Café for carers at Radstock Museum, 1pm
11th – Westfield Parish Council, Environment and Development Committee meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 7pm
12th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church
12th – Westfield Inters Youth Club, Westfield Methodist Church, 6.30pm
15th – Cash Prize Bingo at Mardons Club
16th – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church
16th – The Other Band, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome
18th – Local History Club, Radstock Museum, 10.30am
19th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church
19th – Memory Club, Radstock Museum 10.30am
19th – Westfield Inters Youth Club, Westfield Methodist Chruch, 6.30pm
20th – Westfield Parish Council Finance and Personnel meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 10.30am
23rd – The Walker Close Band, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome
23rd – Coffee morning at Trinity Methodist Church
25th – Wellbeing Café for carers at Radstock Museum, 1pm
26th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church
26th – Westfield Inters Youth Club, Westfield Methodist Church, 6.30pm
28th - Christmas Light Switch On, 6.30pm, at the living Christmas Tree, Elm Tree Avenue
30th – Coffee morning at Trinity Methodist Churc h
30th – The Skinny Dippers, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome
More than 60 children from Fosse Way School in Westfield visited Longleat Estate and Safari Park in June as part of the National Rotary KidsOut Day, sponsored by the Midsomer Norton and Radstock Rotary Club, and KidsOut charity.
Children and staff from the Primary school section of Fosse Way took a drive through the Safari Park, explored the animal kingdom and other attractions at the park on their fun day out. Jack, a student from the school, said: “The best part of the visit was the animals at the safari and the boat ride.”
Fosse Way supports children from age four to 19 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). It is located in Westfield and is one of three such schools in Bath & North East Somerset and also welcomes children from neighbouring counties.
Fiona Skinner, Head Teacher, said: “At Fosse Way, we are passionate about all our children being able to experience days out like the recent trip to Longleat. As a Special School there are additional challenges to a school trip but thanks to the National Rotary KidsOut Day they have had a fantastic time!”
The National Rotary KidsOut Day is one special day where thousands of children are taken on an unforgettable trip to places like the seaside, the cinema and theme parks. The KidsOut charity works in partnership with the National Rotary Club of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to make this happen.
Fosse Way School’s visit to Longleat was supported by KidsOut and the Midsomer Norton and Radstock Rotary Club.
In the last issue, I appealed for your assistance in taking dangerous drivers off the road. Thanks to your support and the valuable intelligence you provided, we have successfully confiscated several uaznsafe vehicles. These were being driven without MOT, insurance, proper licenses, or a combination of these violations. There are still others to seize, so please keep sending us the information.
This time, I am asking for your help to protect local children from significant dangers:
• The sale of illegal drugs
• The carrying of knives
As we approach the second anniversary of Charley Bates’ murder, I urge parents and grandparents to share any information they have about drug dealers or individuals carrying knives illegally in our area. These issues pose the greatest threats to our young people, preventing them from fulfilling
their potential and living happy lives. We need your help to stop these crimes from affecting our community’s youth.
You can share information with us confidentially in several ways:
• Call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
• Report online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org
• Text your local PCSO at 07889 659 028 with the details you wish to report
• Email your information to Jonathan.Hardy@ avonandsomerset.police.uk
• Drop in at one of our many beat surgeries
Your information could save a young person’s life or prevent their future from being ruined.
Jonathan Hardy, PCSO
A family nature walk, with a music workshop along the Pit Stops Heritage Trail in Westfield, and two evening bat walks all feature in this year’s expanded Somer Valley Walking Festival, which runs from Friday, 6th September to Sunday, 8th September.
The festival is hosted by Somer Valley Rediscovered in collaboration with the Somer Valley Ramblers and offers walkers a weekend of exploration, learning and community spirit.
On Saturday, 7th September, the activity walks include Forest Bathing, which focuses on mindfulness and forging a deep connection with nature, and Foraging led by local experts, Steve England, Luke Newman, and Leah Apostolou, who provide tips on how to identify edible plants and berries.
On Sunday, 8th September, the Ramblers will guide a series of walks including leisurely strolls and longer hikes across fields, valleys, and old
railway lines allowing walkers to experience nature, heritage, and wonderful scenic views. All the walks start from the Somer Centre in Midsomer Norton.
Also on Sunday, there will be a creative well-being photography walk from The Active Way and, in the evening, a walk identifying the local bats in the Waterside Valley, with Steve England.
This year, several new audio trails will be launched to encourage people to undertake self-guided walks around the area.
Councillor Sarah Warren, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel, said: “The walking festival provides a fantastic opportunity to explore the beautiful Somer Valley area. Whether you’re an avid walker or just looking for a fun and engaging weekend activity with your family, this festival has something for everyone. Participants will have the chance to immerse themselves in the natural beauty and rich history and biodiversity of the area, making new friends and learning from knowledgeable guides along the way.”
The full programme can be viewed on the Somer Valley Rediscovered website.
Tuesday October 1st:
‘The Trafalgar Way’ by Kathy Brown
The Trafalgar Way tells the story of how the news of the British victory at the Battle of Trafalgar, and the death of the British commander, Vice Admiral Nelson, reached London in an age before modern communication. Following the Battle of Trafalgar on 21st October 1805, Vice Admiral Collingwood, who took over command on the death of Nelson, sent a dispatch (report) to the Admiralty in London confirming that the British Navy had won the battle. This dispatch was entrusted to Royal Naval Officer Lieutenant John Richards Lapenotiere, commander of HMS Pickle. His sea voyage was beset with bad weather after which, he came ashore at Falmouth and hired a Post Chaise (a four wheeled horse drawn carriage) to take him to London, a journey of 37 hours. Kathy Brown of The 1805 Club will recount this fascinating story.
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Tuesday November 5th
‘Death and Service’ By Richard Cooper-Knight
This talk takes place in November, the month we remember our fallen war heroes. Richard CooperKnight is an author, photographer and genealogist. Richard’s research into the service personnel behind the seemingly anonymous names carved into the granite of the Commonwealth War Graves of Somerset, has led to a wealth of stories of family and tragedy; each name is brought to life with their own individual history. This research includes the stories behind those heroes whose names can be found on War Graves in the Midsomer Norton and Radstock area.
Presentations take place at the Somer Centre in Midsomer Norton at 7.30pm. Entry is £5, cash or card on the door, no booking required. Raising funds for Somerset Coalfield Life at Radstock Museum. Details can be on the ‘what’s on’ page at www.radstockmuseum.co.uk
Do you have;
• A desire to help people in your community
• A car and full driving licence
• A few hours to spare (times to suit) We would love to hear from you!
Come and join our friendly team; we offer flexible hours to suit and mileage reimbursement.
Our charity provides bespoke door to door community transport for local people. This is a crucial service and ensures access to medical and health appointments, visits to family and friends, clubs and social activities.
“It’s my lifeline” – passenger
This is a rewarding role, and you would be making a real and immediate difference to people’s lives.
Nightingale Way Westfield BA3 4NL
Tel: 01761 418100
Email: teddybearnursery@outlook.com
“I drive for SWAN because it feels good to help people get around, it makes me feel useful.” – SWAN volunteer
If you would like to find out more, contact our office on 01761 439548.
WhatsApp +44 7447 816479 office@swan-transport.co.uk www.swan-transport.com
I wanted to be a Parish Councillor, so that I could learn how a local Parish Council works and how I could assist with local issues. I also wanted to gain skills in leadership, and communication and to build my confidence by collaborating with my fellow Councillors and local community.
I am keen to ensure that Westfield is a really safe place for everybody to enjoy and I am happy to offer skills that I have gained from working in Health & Safety to offer advice about planned activities and any other issues.
I believe that Westfield is a safe and neighbourly place and in the past few years, has seen some great improvements. I hope that along with my fellow Councillors, we can continue to introduce and implement various improvements to make Westfield even better.
Outside of being a Councillor, I am a proud member of the Midsomer Norton and Radstock Silver Band as the Principle Solo Cornet and a member of the Band Committee as the Custodian of Band Assets. We perform at events throughout the year in the local area, as well as Bath and Keynsham. I am also an avid collector of Vinyl Records and currently have a collection of over 300 records from an assortment of musical genres.
There are several youth sessions taking place in the evenings, providing a safe and engaging environment for local young people. In Westfield,
Inters Youth Club is held every Tuesday from 6.30pm at Westfield Methodist Church, while there are several other clubs taking place at The Hub in Radstock.
Find out more about Youth Connect South West by visiting youthconnectsouthwest.org.uk or on Facebook/ Instagram for the latest updates.
SWALLOW Charity, the local charity supporting local teenagers and adults with learning disabilities, has spent the summer celebrating friendship.
Swallow brings people together for fun times and laughter with its range of social activities, including Men’s and Ladies’ Nights, weekly Boogie Night dance sessions and other fun club events at Westhill Social Club. These sessions help reduce social isolation and boost mental and physical health.
If you want to help SWALLOW achieve this aim of supporting local people and showing the value of friendship, why not become a Friend of SWALLOW? You can really make a difference in the lives of local people.
Get in touch with Nicky Tew to find out more on nickyt@swallowcharity.org or go to www. swallowcharity.org/friends
Mardons has enjoyed a brilliant summer, with the excitement of the Euros, a full season of Summer Skittles, and, of course, some exceptional bands like The Karport Collective and From Jovi, as well as a stand out performance from Sad Dad Club.
Entertainment does not let up as the club welcomes a whole host of talent this Autumn. Super: D and The 7,8,9s are back, as are stage-filling local legends, The Honky Tonks and Soul’d Out. In October the ever-popular Loretta and the guys of Limited Edition will entertain, and The Coyote Kings are set to return, this time sporting a new line up, and introducing their new vocalist, Martyn, and Jacob on bass.
A highlight earlier in the year, was the debut of Brakelight and the incredible vocals and performance from frontman Thomas Hiscocks,
The prestigious Halloween Party slot will go to Jimmy & The Judges, who promise to make the fancy dress party a night to remember with their terrific mix of music - always a fun night, start planning your costumes now!
Before that, there will be another chance to have a flutter on the horses, as committee member, Kev Doe, hosts a Race Night to support The Mike Gregory Darts Academy on Friday, 20th September.
Following the success of their charity quiz night at Mardons last year, locally-based company, The Cornish Bakery, return on Friday, 27th September to host a Bingo Night, with cash prizes and raffle, this time raising much-needed funds for Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
Keep up with what’s happening, check out the club’s events in the What’s On section and follow them at: www.facebook.com/mardonsclub
Soul’d Out - Saturday 21st September
As I type this message at the end of July, I am glad to say that the replacement of the footbridge at Waterside Valley is due to start on 19th August. The process from initial survey to fundraising and then the appointment of the contractor has taken well over a year – we look forward to seeing it come to fruition at last.
Also at Waterside Valley, we are out to tender for the creation of footpaths. Those who are familiar with the terrain will know that the paths flood regularly and are sometimes impassable. The specification
for the paths takes into account the natural springs, and we are looking to install small boardwalks at the points where the springs cross the paths to reach the waterway.
We hope you enjoyed the free activities at the Recreation Grounds for Love Parks week. At Westhill Recreation Ground, we are seeking tenders for the Creation of Changing Rooms, which will continue to widen and enhance use of the grounds.
Finally, you may have seen that we have a vacancy for a councillor and we very much hope that you will consider joining us to continue to work towards improvements in the parish. If you would like to know more, please phone or email – we would be happy to meet you to answer your questions.
Parish Clerk
Wow, what a summer its been for the Active Way! We have seen tremendous growth this summer, receiving over 4,500 referrals across the Somer Valley.
Our Active Steps walking and cycling programme in particular has been a huge hit. There will be more events taking place over the autumn, look out for pop ups at Tom Huyton Play Park and Hope House Surgery where there will be bike events and wellbeing walks.
Thank you for being part of our journey, let’s keep moving and exploring together.
It’s easy to join The Active Way or to refer someone you know. Just head over to our website and fill out our referral form at www.theactivewaybathnes. co.uk (through the “Join an Activity” section). You’ll
find links and information about all our activities. Once we receive your form, a team member will get in touch with you.
Prefer a face-to-face chat? Visit us at Hope House Surgery on Waterloo Road in Radstock. We’re there on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10am to 3pm.
Email us at info@theactivewaybathnes.co.uk
Website: www.theactivewaybathnes.co.uk
Email: info@theactivewaybathnes.co.uk
Phone: 01225 395205
Location: Hope House Surgery, 10 Waterloo Road, Radstock, BA3 3EP
Cllr Kit Biggs 07508 512195 kit.biggs@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk
Cllr Ron Hopkins 07460 819007 / 01761 435852 ron.hopkins@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk
Cllr Phil Wilkinson Chair 01761 431355 / 07803 927626 phil.wilkinson@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk
Cllr Diana Cooper 01761 415155 diana.cooper@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk
Cllr Eleanor Jackson 07979 968416 / 01761 438968 eleanor.jackson@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk (also BaNES councillor for the Westfield ward)
Cllr Pat Williams 01761 432630 pat.williams@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk
Cllr Michelle Curtis 07546 053528 michelle.curtis@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk
Cllr Paul Millard Paul.millard@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk
Cllr Geoff Fuller Vice Chair 07540 998603 geoff.fuller@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk
Cllr Robin Moss 07543 626184 robin.moss@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk (also BaNES councillor for the Westfield ward)
The Oval Office, Cobblers Way St Peter's Business Park, Westfield BA3 3BX Telephone: 01761 410669 Email: council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk @westfield_pc Westfield Parish Council @westfield__pc
Any queries can be emailed to council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk and will be answered during normal working hours which are Monday to Thursday 9am to 2.30pm.