Westfield Warbler Summer 2024

Page 28



Thursday, 6th June

Details on page 7

Produced for Westfield Parish Council
Parish Council SUMMER 2024 ISSUE 50


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Message from the Chairman

Hello to all our residents.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who responded to the Housing Needs Survey. There was a good return and all the information gathered will be vital in formulating policies in our Neighbourhood Plan.

Despite the exceptionally wet weather, some progress has been made with the ground at the Waterside Valley and, fingers crossed, we will continue to push this project forward when (or if!) the weather improves.

The Parish Council continues in its attempts to improve road safety on the A367. Having secured grant funding for 2 more speed indicator signs they are on order and will be installed shortly. Although it seems hard to believe, we are rapidly approaching exam season for our younger residents. It’s an important time in their lives and we wish them all the very best in their endeavours.

The next edition of the Westfield Warbler will be in August 2024. If you would like to submit events, news or photos, please contact us by 1st August.

You can view The Westfield Warbler on the Council’s website at www.westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

The Westfield Warbler is produced by Ignyte Media Ltd, Bathway Farm, Bathway, Chewton Mendip, BA3 4LN. Tel 01761 410141.

Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher or it’s editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte Media and Westfield Parish Council do not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.

The Westfield Warbler - 3 Contents 4 Inspirational Citizen Award 6 Remembering D-Day 8 Parish Council Precept 12 Waterside Valley 15 Front Garden Competition 18 What’s On 23 Westfield In Bloom 25 New Bus Service in Westfield 26 30 Days Wild 27 On-lead Dog Walking 30 Parish Clerk 31 Parish Councillors
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Westfield’s Inspirational Citizen 2024

A big part of the Annual Parish meeting has become the award to Westfield’s Inspirational Citizen. Over the last few years, Westfield Parish Council has been celebrating the people who make a difference to the lives of the Westfield community.

This year’s award goes to Sally Hicks, in recognition of her many years of fundraising for SWALLOW, the local charity that supports teenagers and adults with learning disabilities. Her nomination read: “Sally is a parent of a SWALLOW member with Down’s Syndrome, and has supported the charity for over 10 years - she is a fundraising extraordinaire! She has been organising an afternoon tea event at the Westfield Methodist Church as a fundraiser for SWALLOW since 2016. It’s always a popular, well-attended community event and raises more money for SWALLOW year on year, thanks to Sally’s efforts.

“Sally supports our community cafés, where our members train in catering and front of house skills, on a weekly basis and she is an active member of the local community. Despite struggling with health issues, she continues to organise events and garner the support of the wider community on behalf of SWALLOW. She also sells significant numbers of Christmas Raffle tickets for us each year.

We would love for Sally’s tireless efforts to be officially recognised and celebrated by her local community.”

Bev Craney, Chief Executive of SWALLOW, said: “We are so grateful for all the support that Sally has given to SWALLOW, she inspires us to do more.”

Chairman of Westfield Parish Council, Cllr Phil Wilkinson, said:

“From the information we have on this year’s winner of Westfield’s Inspirational Citizen award, the winner is not only a credit to the SWALLOW organisation, but also to the Westfield community.

Sally is exactly what this award is there to represent.”

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Read all about it at Westfield Primary!

Pupils at Westfield Primary School have been trying their hand at journalism, by taking part in the Guardian’s NewsWise project and creating their own newspapers.

The Guardian’s NewsWise is a national project that generates curiosity and critical engagements with news, which gives children the skills and knowledge to make sense of the world. Year 6 at Westfield Primary took part in a series of lessons where they were able to enjoy live sessions with Guardian journalists, as well as learning about fake news and how to spot signs of fake stories.

After the sessions, they put their new skills to work by creating their own newspaper reports. The children researched their chosen topics, interviewed staff and other pupils and then drafted, edited and published their stories. The children had great fun learning about journalism and the news cycle, which continued with another live session with Banseka Kayemba, a freelance journalist from Naked Politics, a platform working to engage young people with politics.

Westfield Pétanque Club

On April the 23rd, at the end of a long dreary winter, at last the boules season commenced. Westfield Pétanque Club are not a club in the true sense of the word, as we have no members, no rules and best of all no fees! Instead, we are a group of assorted people who meet every Tuesday evening, during the summer, for an enjoyable evening, and to play some boules. If you have never tried it, do come along, and give it a go.

Everyone is welcome, no booking required, just turn up, we would love to see you. We meet every Tuesday 6pm, at Norton Hill Recreation Ground. The boules court is just beyond the tennis court.

If you would like anymore information, then please don’t hesitate to contact me on 01761 415155.

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To advertise in the next edition, call 01761 458 192 or email enquiries@ignyte-uk.co.uk WestfieldParish Council AUTUMN2018 ISSUE Photosfromasizzling WestfieldWestfieldFunDayinside competitionFrontGarden winners6thareannounced September NeighbourhoodPlan Referendum ProducedforWestfieldParishCouncil WINTER2019 ISSUE33 Westfield Parish Council Westfield Parish Council WINTER ISSUE Produced for Westfield Parish Council SPRING Produced for Westfield Parish Council Council Details Businesses

Remembering D-Day

The 80th anniversary of D Day is coming on 6th June. Marking the event is this poem from Hannah, a year 6 pupil at St Benedict’s Primary School and ‘The light of day’ written by Isa belle of Fosse Way School.

Memories of the beach

Coldly blows the wind, Bearing the weight of that treacherous moment, Dolefully may it bind, Around those who to the beach were sent.

Water never departs its hold, Hence the reason memories float, Gun fires shimmer, white and gold, Here comes the enemies in a boat.

Sand fans away, But the memory never goes, Bombs exploding are certainly not there to play, Determinedly fighting; shifting toe after toe.

D-Day, D-Day, The memories that lingered there, All the fighters shout hooray! Finally, finally, gone be the nightmare.

Hannah, St Benedict’s School

The light of day

As dawn struck, They attack, Bombs everywhere, They look at their hands, Blood and dirt, They are scared, They want to go home, See their family, See their friends, They feel stuck, A thousand lives at stake, Not knowing if they’ll see the light of day, Over a thousand people know they will not see the light of day.

Isabelle, Fosse Way School

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Above: Pictures from Fosse Way School students.
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Westfield Parish Council Precept 2024/25

This article sets out the main areas of the Parish Council’s work and highlights where public money is spent within the parish.

The precept is the levy raised by the Parish Council to fund its planned expenditure for the year. Every year for the past four years has felt like an exceptional year, requiring deep and careful deliberation on each item of our budget.

Again, we have created the budget amidst the uncertainty and hardship of the cost-of-living crisis. The Parish Council’s priority remains easing the tax burden without jeopardising the recreational facilities in the Parish.

Conscientious monitoring of income and expenditure over the years has enabled Westfield Parish Council to create a stable financial base, from which to deliver projects for the community.

We are aware that our unitary authority, Bath and North East Somerset Council, has faced some severe challenges to its finances over recent years. This has, and will, continue to impact the services in Westfield and with continued careful control of its finances, the Parish Council can continue to support and mitigate this impact as much as possible.


 We are a statutory consultee on planning applications and provide a local voice on highways and environmental matters.

 We have a Neighbourhood Plan which directs future developments in the Parish ensuring the standards of development, as well as providing the Parish with a 25% portion of the

community infrastructure levy, which it uses to fund projects for the benefit of Westfield. The Neighbourhood Plan is under review this year and we are looking at keeping it useful and relevant.

 We fund youth services in the Parish.

 We manage sports and leisure facilities at Norton Hill and Westhill Recreation Grounds on behalf of two Miners’ Welfare Trusts.

 Our recreation ground facilities offer football pitches, a tennis court, play areas, a BMX track, gym equipment, a fitness track, table tennis, boules and basketball.

 Public open space at Waterside Valley increased this year and we are committed to managing this land for its bio-diversity and accessibility.

 We provide two allotment sites at Waterford Park and Larch Court, both of which are managed by the Westfield Allotment and Garden Society (WAGS)

 We encourage community spirit by funding events, such as the Christmas Lights Switchon, Christmas Decorations Award, the Front Garden competition and the Inspirational Citizen Award. This year also saw a Coronation Celebration and Community Bulb Planting.

 We support the parish environment by funding the hanging baskets and the planting schemes in the decorative pit trucks and raised beds around the parish, as well as additions to the parish, such as the Heritage Walking trails and campaigning to keep footpaths clear.

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 We support local organisations through grant funding and make provision in our budget to support St Nicholas Churchyard which is used and appreciated by many residents of Westfield.

 In partnership with community organisations, we provide and maintain seven public access defibrillators in the parish. Our thanks to Waterside Carnival Club for funding two new defibrillators this year – one was installed outside Westhill Club and the other replaced the aging defib at Elm Tree Avenue.

 We enhance communication in the Parish with the Westfield Warbler and our Facebook and Instagram pages.


Speeding on the A367 continues to be an issue and we are working with the Police and B&NES to fund and install two speed indicator devices.

Waterside Valley saw the installation of dog bins and welcomed events such as Bat Walks and Green Social Prescribing. We continue to work towards grass cutting and scrub clearance with grateful thanks to Somer Valley Rediscovered for all their support.

The ever-popular Christmas Lights Switch On event goes from strength to strength.

Youth Services continued to thrive and the Parish Council was pleased to continue to support the provision financially.

We continued to support local organisations with grant donations, including Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Dial-a-Ride, HeartTalks, Jesters Carnival Club, MSNRSB, Prattens Bowls Club, Radstock Baptist Church, Small Stuff Baby Bank, SWAN, Trinity Girls’ Brigade, Westhill Club, Westfield Primary School and Westfield Voices. This year we have arranged a Grants presentation evening to

celebrate the work of these organisations in our community along with the presentation of the South West In Bloom Awards in our parish.

The annual Front Garden competition is now in its ninth year and was won by Mr and Mrs Morgan of Waterford for their front garden, bursting with colour with many plants grown from seed. The winning container was a stunning display by Kay Pera of Magnolia Road. As an extra this year, we awarded a cup for the garden at Fosse Way School, managed beautifully by a former student of the school.

The Christmas Decorations award 2023 went to Mr Kevin Rabbitts of Ruskin Road.

The Parish Council welcomed the installation of a silhouette of a miner next to the coal truck planter at the top of Elm Tree Avenue. Funded and installed by the Somerset District Miners’ Trust, this is an imaginative way of preserving this important aspect of our heritage.

Dogs on leads was a key message to all visiting our recreation grounds this year and the message remains important as ever. Over the summer holidays, we invested in a Park Attendant who spoke with those exercising their dogs and encouraged them to use Waterside Valley for off lead exercise and keep dogs on leads in the recreation grounds.

Winter maintenance of the pavements is as important as ever and our heartfelt thanks go to the unsung heroes who voluntarily go out in the severest of weather to grit some of the pavements in the parish. Thank you for looking after our community. If you can join this lovely group of people and give a few hours in the cold weather, please contact the Parish Council office –council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

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WHAT IS NeW FOr 2025/26

The Parish Council is working with Westfield Sports and Community Centre to create changing rooms at Westhill Recreation Ground.

We are working towards the renovation of the brick footbridge at the Radstock end of Waterside Valley and a new footbridge at the opposite end to join Waterside Valley and Haydon Batch. The process is long but we are addressing each step of the process.

Scrub and grassland management at Waterside Valley are works in progress and we are working with Somer Valley Rediscovered to make sure we undertake both to encourage bio diversity.

We continue to budget cautiously and to ensure we have contingency reserves to maintain a healthy financial balance of providing for the community whilst anticipating future demands on its resources. We positively encourage your views and suggestions for the future of our Parish. Residents are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and you can view our 2024/25 budget at any time on our website.

FrequeNTly ASkeD queSTIONS

How is the Parish Council funded?

The Parish Council raises a precept based on its budgeted spending for the year. The precept is added to your Council Tax bill and is shown alongside other additions such as Police & Fire Services. In addition to the precept, the Council seeks funding in the form of grants for some of its projects. We also receive Community Infrastructure payments.

How much does the average household pay towards the Parish Council?

The precept total is apportioned per household according to Council Tax band and is presented in terms of a Band D equivalent. The 2024/25 precept of £240,802 will cost a Band D household £124.92 per year. This is an increase of £7.26 per year from last year.

How is the Parish Council run?

The Parish Council is made up of 11 Councillors elected by the people of Westfield every four years. The Parish Council employs three part time members of staff to administer the work of the Council. Details of the Councillors and contact details for the office can be found on our website and in the back of each edition of our quarterly newsletter, The Westfield Warbler.

The Parish Council is governed by statute, such as the Localism Act 2011. We are members of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) who advise on updates to the law and changes in legislation such as GDPR and website accessibility.

Westfield Parish Council

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Footbridge at Waterside Valley

It is a pleasure at all times to walk along Waterside valley, all the more so on a sunny day in Spring, now that the scrub clearance has revealed the curves and meandering nature of the river.

We were fortunate to be successful in grant funding from the WECA Rural Fund to remove the old wooden footbridges and replace them with a 16-meter footbridge, which will span the muddy banks, making it much more accessible in wet weather. We are working towards ensuring that this bridge eventually joins the accessible path, opening the valley to those in wheelchairs and buggies.

The treatment of the footbridges in the Waterside Valley Management Plan was clear - they are unusable for much of the time because of the difficult access across the mud banks. The new bridge has a vastly increased span, enabling easy and safe access from the path to the bridge. This will help join the communities of Radstock, Westfield and Haydon at all times of year.

Our challenge now is to find an appropriate contractor at a reasonable cost. It is worth taking some time to explore all options and we will keep you updated.

Grove Wood, Haydon Batch and Waterside Valley are all public spaces that are rich in nature. The project will enhance connectivity and allow richer experiences of nature either individually or in organised groups, such as bat walks, foraging, hedge layering, scrub clearance, mindfulness and green social prescribing. For more information about what’s on at Waterside Valley, visit www.somervalleyrediscovered.co.uk/

Further updates from Waterside Valley

We were hoping to get the grass cut in the meadow in the early spring but like farmers and landowners all over the country, we have been thwarted by the wet weather. The ground has begun to dry out a little now, but we have been advised not to cut until after early April, as there is always the chance that there may be ground nesting birds. Therefore, we are investigating the options for a late summer cut.

Behind the scenes, the Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART) have been surveying the Snails Brook and have drawn up a list of options for ways to improve the watercourse for wildlife. This includes letting some more light into the stream in some areas and creating some wetland areas around the springs. We are also working on the specification for stage 1 of the surfaced paths, which will make accessing the valley so much easier, especially in the winter months.

upcoming events in the valley:

Friday, 31st May – Nature Craft Connection – 5 week course

A free 5-week course for adults of all ages to explore Waterside Valley, meet new people and connect to nature run by Ecowild. Beneficial in supporting your health and wellbeing. To book, or for further information, visit https://bit.ly/3UQdC3z

Sunday 9th June - Festival of Nature, more information available soon.

Saturday 3rd August - Summer tree ID walk and their uses.

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Support with Sight Loss with local hub

Sight Support West of england is dedicated to enhancing the lives of visually impaired people across the region, ensuring that sight loss doesn’t hinder their potential. They offer practical and emotional support to empower individuals to live independently by providing the necessary tools and fostering social connections to combat isolation and are the sole charity in the region offering localised, face to face assistance.

Sight Support West of England hold a monthly hub where you can get guidance, trial equipment and speak to one of the many trained volunteered technical advisors who are on hand to offer personalised assistance.

The local Support with Sight Loss hub is held at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church on the 2nd Friday of each month between 10 and 11 am.

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16 - The Westfield Warbler
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What'S oN


1st – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church.

1st - 30th – 30 Days Wild, see Westfield Parish Council website and Facebook pages for more information.

1st – Live music with Impulse Duo, Westfield Sports and Community Centre.

2nd – Family service at St Peter’s Parish Church, 10am.

2nd – Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre.

3rd – Carer Café (Plus One) 10am at Mardons Community Club.

3rd – Local History Club, 10.30 am-12 noon, Radstock Museum.

3rd – Westfield Parish Council meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 7pm.

4th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church.

4th – Memory Club, 10.30am-12 noon, Radstock Museum.

4th – Youth Connect South West Games Group, 3.30pm – 5.30pm, Unit 14, South Road, MSN.

4th – Summertime crafting and storytelling with Michael Loader, hosted by Somer Valley Rediscovered. 3.30-6.30pm, Radstock Community Hub.

4th – Inters Youth Club, 6.30pm-8.30pm, Westfield Methodist Church.

5th – Youth Connect South West Senior Youth Club, 7-9pm, Radstock Youth Hub, Church Street.

5th – Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre.

6th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 10am.

6th – D-Day commemoration, 2pm at the Memorial Stone, Elm Tree Avenue, Westfield.

8th – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church. 8th – JPJ, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome.

8th – Live music with Dave C, Westfield Sports and Community Centre.

9th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am.

9th – Family Woodland Adventure, hosted by Somer Valley Rediscovered, 10.30am -12.30pm, meet at Westfield Surgery.

9th – Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre.

10th – Wellbeing Café, 1-2.30pm, Radstock Museum.

10th – Carer’s Centre Belly Dancing session, 4.30pm at Mardons Community Club.

10th – Westfield Parish Council, Environment and Development Committee meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 7pm.

11th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church.

11th – Youth Connect South West Games Group, 3.30pm – 5.30pm, Unit 14, South Road, MSN.

11th – Inters Youth Club, 6.30pm – 8.30pm, Westfield Methodist Club.

12th – Youth Connect South West Senior Youth Club, 7pm-9pm, Radstock Youth Hub.

12th – Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre.

13th - Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 10am.

13th – Social with Lee Ross, 2-5pm, Westfield Sports and Community Centre.

14th - Trinity Methodist Church Friday Club, 2-4pm.

15th – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church

15th – Cream teas in the church garden at St Peter’s Church, 2.30-5pm (in hall if wet).

15th – Tundra, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome.

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15th – Live music with Play It Again Steve, Westfield Sports and Community Centre.

16th – Service of the Word, St Peter’s Church, 9.30am.

17th – Local History Club, 10.30 am – 12 noon, Radstock Museum.

18th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church.

18th – Memory Club, 10.30 – 12 noon, at Radstock Museum.

18th – Youth Connect South West Games Group, 3.30-5.30pm, Unit 14, South Road, MSN.

18th – Inters Youth Club, 6.30pm-8.30pm, Westfield Methodist Church.

19th – Westfield Parish Council Finance and Personnel meeting, Oval Office, Cobbler’s Way, 10.30am

19th – Youth Connect South West Senior Youth Club, 7-9pm, Radstock Youth Hub.

19th – Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre.

20th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 10am.

21st – SWALLOW Charity Family Bingo Evening at Mardons Club, eyes down 7.30pm.

22nd – Jesters Jumble Sale 9am-4pm, Westfield Sports and Community Centre.

22nd – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church.

22nd – Steampunk at the station – a first for Somerset and Dorset Railway, unlimited train travel, steam punk stalls and live music. 11 am – 4pm. Somerset and Dorset Railway, Silver Street, MSN

22nd – 80s Fancy Dress Party Night with the excellent Outatime, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome.

22nd – Live music with Lee Ross, Westfield Sports and Community Centre.

23rd – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am

23rd – Bingo at Westfield Sports and Community Centre.

24th – Wellbeing Café, 1-2.30pm, at Radstock Museum

25th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church

25th – Youth Connect South West Games Group, 3.30-5.30pm, Unit 14, South Road, MSN

25th – Inters Youth Club, 6.30-8.30pm, Westfield Methodist Church

26th – Youth Connect South West Senior Youth Club, 7-9pm, Radstock Youth Hub

27th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 10am

28th – Open Mic Night (acoustic and electric) hosted by Ross Kirk, at Mardons Club, 8pm. Free entry and all welcome.

29th – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church


1st – Carer Café (Plus One), 10am, Mardons Community Club.

1st – Local History Club, 10.30am – 12 noon, Radstock Museum.

1st – Westfield Parish Council Meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 7pm.

2nd – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church.

2nd – Memory Club, 10.30 am – 12 noon, Radstock Museum.

2nd – Youth Club South West Games Group, 3.305.30pm, Unit 14 South Road, MSN.

2nd – Inters Youth Club, 6.30-8.30pm, Westfield Methodist Church.

3rd – Youth Club South West Senior Youth Club, 7pm-9pm, Radstock Youth Hub.

4th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 10am.

6th – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church. 7th – Family Service at St Peter’s Church, 10am.

8th – Wellbeing Café, 1-2.30pm, at Radstock Museum.

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8th – Westfield Parish Council, Environment and Development Committee meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 7pm.

9th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church.

9th – Youth Club South West Games Group, 3.30-5.30pm, Unit 14 South Road, MSN.

9th – Inters Youth Club, 6.30-8.30pm, Westfield Methodist Church.

10th – Youth Club South West Senior Youth Club, 7-9pm, Radstock Youth Hub.

11th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 10am.

12th – One Wild Night with From Jovi, Bon Jovi Tribute, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome.

13th – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church to raise money for Breast Cancer Care, we will be open for tea and coffee during the morning then cream teas to either eat in or take away.

14th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am.

15th – Local History Club, 10.30am-12 noon, Radstock Museum.

16th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church.

16th – Memory Club, 10.30am-12 noon, Radstock Museum.

16th – Youth Club South West Games Group, 3.30-5.30pm, Unit 14, South Road, MSN

16th – Inters Youth Club, 6.30-8.30pm, Westfield Methodist Church.

17th – Westfield Parish Council Finance and Personnel meeting, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, 10.30am.

17th – Youth Club South West Senior Youth Club, 7-9pm, Radstock Youth Hub.

18th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 10am.

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20 - The Westfield Warbler
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19th – Quiz Night at Mardons Club. Teams of up to six, £2.50 per person, 8pm prompt start. In support of Luckington Carnival Club.

20th – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church.

20th – The Karport Collective, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome.

21st – Service of the Word at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am.

22nd – Wellbeing Café, 1-2.30pm, at Radstock Museum.

23rd – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church.

23rd – Youth Club South West Games Group, 3.30-5.30pm, Unit 14 South Road, MSN.

23rd – Inters Youth Club, 6.30-8.30pm, Westfield Methodist Church.

24th – Youth Club South West Senior Youth Club, 7-9pm, Radstock Youth Hub.

24th – Love Parks Week, see Westfield Parish Council website and Facebook page for more information.

25th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 10am.

27th – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church.

27th – Summer Party Fancy Dress Night at Mardons Club - ‘Hawaiian Shirts and Hula Skirts’ theme. Entertainment comes from the exceptional Sad Dad Club, live from 9pm. Free entry and all welcome.

28th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am.

28th – Fun Family Prize Bingo at Mardons Club, eyes down 7.30pm. In support of Luckington Carnival Club.

30th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church.

30th – Youth Club South West Games Group, 3.30-5.30pm, Unit 14 South Road, MSN.

30th – Inters Youth Club, 6.30-8.30pm, Westfield Methodist Church.

31st – Youth Club South West Senior Youth Club, 7-9pm, Radstock Youth Hub.


3rd – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church.

3rd – Gift Day at St Peter’s Church, 10am-4pm.

3rd – Franky & The Buzzcatz, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome.

4th – Family Service at St Peter’s Church, 10am.

5th – Carer Café (Plus One), 10am, at Mardons Community Club.

6th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church.

6th – Memory Club, 10.30am-12 noon, Radstock Museum.

6th – Youth Club South West Games Group, 3.305.30pm, Unit 14 South Road, MSN.

6th – Inters Youth Club, 6.30-8.30pm, Westfield Methodist Church.

7th – Youth Club South West Senior Youth Club, 7-9pm, Radstock Youth Hub.

8th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 10am.

10th – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church.

10th – The Crash Gears, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome.

11th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am.

12th – Wellbeing Café, 1-2.30pm, at Radstock Museum.

13th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church.

13th – Youth Club South West Games Group, 3.30-5.30pm, Unit 14 South Road, MSN.

13th – Inters Youth Club, 6.30-8.30pm, Westfield Methodist Church.

14th – Carer Café (Plus One), 10am, at Mardons Community Club.

14th – Youth Club South West Senior Youth Club, 7-9pm, Radstock Youth Hub.

15th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 10am.

17th – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church.

The Westfield Warbler - 21

17th – Live band (TBA) at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome.

18th – Service of The Word at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am.

19th – Local History Club, 10.30am – 12 noon, Radstock Museum.

20th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church.

20th – Memory Club, 10.30am – 12 noon, Radstock Museum.

20th – Youth Club South West Games Group, 3.30-5.30pm, Unit 14 South Road, MSN.

20th – Inters Youth Club, 6.30-8.30pm, Westfield Methodist Church.

21st – Youth Club South West Senior Youth Club, 7-9pm, Radstock Youth Club.

22nd – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 10am

24th – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church.

24th – Trash Casino, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome.

25th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 9.30 am.

27th – Knit and Natter at Trinity Methodist Church.

27th – Youth Club South West Games Group, 3.30-5.30pm, Unit 14 South Road, MSN.

27th – Inters Youth Club, 6.30-8.30pm, Westfield Methodist Church.

28th – Youth Club South West Senior Youth Club, 7-9pm, Radstock Youth Hub.

29th – Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 10am.

31st – Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church.

31st – Freeze, live at Mardons Club, 9pm. Free entry and all welcome.



22 - The Westfield Warbler

Westfield In Bloom

Just as many plants and shrubs are late opening out for Spring, and allotmenteers scratch their heads over whether it is warm enough yet to plant the potatoes, so the Westfield in Bloom network are a bit later in appealing for funds and, more importantly, volunteers because it was unclear what could be done in the annual South West in Bloom competition.

It is only Westfield’s second time of entry in the Ayre Cup section and this time we will be up against the much more experienced Radstock entry. However, Britain in Bloom is more about making our neighbourhoods brighter, cleaner, better places to live, with the emphasis on community fun and saving the environment. Friendships are formed as people help each other. This year Westfield is taking the theme, ‘Gardening is Good for You’. Not only do volunteers find their mental and physical health improves, but work can be done to mitigate climate change and preserve the environment.

For several years, Westfield has already had a number of ‘outstanding’ entries in the It’s Your

Neighbourhood section of the competition. Westfield Primary School won a special prize in 2023 for the best compost heap in the South West, and Swallows’ Office Garden on Old Pit Lane, were recognised for their inclusivity as volunteers worked alongside each other. The Fosseway School did well, as did Westfield Allotments and Gardening Society - nothing less than ‘outstanding’ will do. This year there will be two new entries, the Waterside Project, which the Parish Council organises in the fields they now own along Snails Brook, and the Shakespeare Road Resident’s Community’s green verge project. These are the pearls on the string, and each project would appreciate new supporters. However, we most need helpers on ‘the chain’, who have IT skills, fundraising ideas, and can turn up for litter picking and special blitzes.

To help, please contact Eleanor Jackson (01761 438968 / eleanor-jackson@bathnes.gov.uk), Cllr Paul Millard (paul.millard@westfieldparishcouncil. co.uk) or the Parish Council itself to work on the Waterside Valley.

The Westfield Warbler - 23 WestfieldParish Council AUTUMN2018 ISSUE28 Photosfromasizzling WestfieldWestfieldFunDayinside competitionFrontGarden winners6thareannounced September NeighbourhoodPlan Referendum ProducedforWestfieldParishCouncil Westfield Parish Council Westfield Parish Council WINTER 2018 ISSUE 29 Produced for Westfield Parish Council SPRING 2019 ISSUE 30 Produced for Westfield Parish Council Westfield Parish Council SUMMER/AUTUMN 2020 ISSUE 35 Details of Westfield Businesses inside To advertise in the next edition, call 01761 458 192 or email enquiries@ignyte-uk.co.uk Advertise in the next edition o f the Westfield Warbler!

New bus service in Westfield

On 8th April 2024, the day, at last, arrived when Paulton Parish Council succeeded in launching the new ‘2v’ bus service to replace part of the much loved 82 bus route ( Paulton to Tyning, radstock), a yellow single-decker bus, provided by ‘Big lemon’, a Bristol-based company.

Paulton Parish Council officers, councillors and volunteers had laboured tirelessly to get through the WECA and central government funding bureaucracy to achieve this, supported by vocal Westfield Councillors, as so many older Westfield residents were marooned on the Waterside estate, and the ‘poets’ roads in Westfield. Few will forget the well organised demonstration by Somer Valley residents at a Bath and North East Somerset Council Full Council meeting when Westfield’s Mrs Harrington presented a petition to restore the service. Margaret and her neighbours also pursued the Metro Mayor at meetings through the Chew Valley and Keynsham to explain why Westfield estates need a proper regular and reliable local bus service.

Westfield is now connected to the rest of the world, but the new route from Radstock Victoria Hall (sadly, no extension to Tyning) to the Odd

Down Park and Ride takes in part of the former 786 route through Tunley, Timsbury and Dunkerton.

It is now being well used by Norton Hill and Somervale Schools pupils but if this service is to continue, more people need to ‘get back on the bus’. The trouble is that there are no timetables at many of the bus stops and often no bus shelter or ‘live time’ alerts. This is why it is ‘work in progress’, and the Westfield ward councillors continue campaigning. One piece of good news is that the rules for use of a Westlink bus have changed and Westfield residents can now get a ride direct from Westfield to the RUH, an important matter if one is ill and a victim of the hopelessly erratic 4 and 4A bus from Bath bus station to the hospital. A proper hospital shuttle is needed.

Find the time table online: www.thebiglemon.com/2v or they are available from the bus driver.

We also need to make sure that the 424 Frome-Midsomer Norton via Westfield service continues should Somerset Council withdraw the subsidy.

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30 Days Wild

March 2021 saw Westfield Parish Council declare a Climate emergency, along with a list of objectives which are embodied within the work of its environment and Development Committee. The committee meets monthly and enhancement of our green spaces is a key element of the work it takes on.

Our aim is to create a thriving natural environment in our parish. That is why we are taking part in the Wildlife Trusts’ annual challenge event, 30 Days Wild. Everyone involved does one wild thing a day throughout the month of June. This could be something as simple as walking barefoot in the grass in your own garden to taking part in a local event.

Find out more about how we are participating by visiting our website; www.westfieldparishcouncil. co.uk or find us on Facebook.


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26 - The Westfield Warbler Rated ‘OUTSTANDING’ by Ofsted ... affordable childcare where little ones thrive!
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Benefits of on-lead dog walking

With all the wet weather we’ve been having recently, many dog walkers have been taking to Norton Hill and Westhill recreation grounds to exercise their dogs (understandably, as these seem to be the only mud-free fields in Somerset!). But did you know that both grounds have a dogs on-leads policy?

Not only are there obvious social benefits for keeping dogs on leads (it’s also the law to ensure your dog is not dangerously out of control!), but there are also many lesser-known health and wellbeing benefits for the dog:

• On-lead walking encourages sniffing which stimulates a dogs mind. Dogs communicate through scent so smelling where another dog has been is a real feast for the senses! To enhance this, try stopping periodically and throwing a few treats on the ground, encouraging your dog to ‘find it’. It’ll put their nose to work along with giving them a tasty reward!

• It also gives a great opportunity to reinforce any training you’d like to progress. Loose lead walking, sit, wait, down (to name just a few) are all practicable on an on-lead walk. By giving your dog something to do while on lead, you’re working their mind as well as their legs.

• For walks in quieter areas, consider the use of a long-line. They allow the dog more freedom and opportunity to train at a distance, but with the security of still being attached to you.

Should you wish to exercise your dog off-lead, Westfield Parish Council would like to encourage the use of more appropriate areas. Waterside Valley is a great place for off-lead walking, with various paths around the valley accessed via The Dring, Linden Close, Cherry Tree Close and First Avenue.

Sarah Appleton - Midsomer Mutts (Dog Services)

The Westfield Warbler - 27

FREE Residents’ Discovery Card

The residents’ Discovery Card is completely free for all residents of Bath & North east Somerset and is your pass to fun, free, and discounted days out throughout our beautiful region.

It’s a great way to explore and enjoy all that our local area has to offer with discounts on activities, attractions, experiences, and places to eat and drink. Your Discovery Card gives you free entry to The Roman Baths, Bath Abbey, the changing exhibitions at Victoria Art Gallery, and the beautiful Parade Gardens in the heart of the city.

There are also discounts on a host of leisure activities, days out, and things to do including money off matches at Bath City FC, discounted entry to Radstock Museum, 2-for-1 tickets to Avon Valley Railway, reduced bike and boating hire, cut price comedy shows at Komedia, and special offers at Thermae Bath Spa.

New offers are added all the time. Signing up is easy – just fill in your details online and book an appointment to collect your new pass, then start planning your next day out in Bath & North East Somerset.

You can activate and pick up your card in Midsomer Norton Library, or alternatively in Keynsham or Bath whichever is the most convenient location to you.

To find out more, discover the benefits, and sign up, visit the Discovery Card website: www.beta.bathnes.gov.uk/residents-discovery-card

28 - The Westfield Warbler

Mardons Club

excitement is building for From Jovi’s return on Friday, 12th July. Their debut saw Mardons filled to capacity with all ages enjoying the two hour Bon Jovi tribute. The dance floor was full throughout, and the audience heaped praise on the talented band.

Demand for their return has been great and the club is very pleased to welcome them for one unmissable wild night. The original musicians return, this time with special guest vocalist, Ally Ward, joining the line up. Ally is renowned as front man of the highly acclaimed tribute band, Wrong Jovi, and his voice has wowed audiences across the country.

The Mardons Summer Party Night is all set for Saturday, 27th July. Following the overwhelming popularity of last year’s event, once again the theme will be ‘Hawaiian Shirts and Hula Skirts’ – so you can expect cocktails at the bar and you may even get leid!

From Jovi return on Friday 12th July

Making this night additionally exciting, entertainment will come from the mighty Sad Dad Club. Those who witnessed their non-stop, exuberant and dazzling performance last year will know they are perfectly suited to the night and are sure to make it one of the most memorable yet!

More new bands will be arriving this Summer, including the brilliant Karport Collective and The Crash Gears, as well as Franky & The Buzzcatz.


Before all that takes place, the guys of Outatime return on 22nd June for a joyous fancy dress night celebrating 80s music. Always popular, this is a chance to get involved with big hair and shoulder pads or anything from the colourful decade.

Following the positive feedback from the World Cup, screenings of all the Euro 24 England games, starting from Sunday,16th June, will be made exclusive to members only. With the club’s membership year running from June ‘24 to June ‘25 this makes it the perfect time to join or renew, just ask at the bar.

Keep up with what’s happening, check out the club’s events in the What’s On section and follow them at:


karport Collective Summer Party with Sad Dad Club

Parish Clerk The

Asuccessful grant application to W e CA has meant that we can now replace one of the footbridges at Waterside valley. regular visitors to the site will see the value of a long bridge spanning the muddy banks, which so often make the current footbridges inaccessible.

The wet start to the year meant that sadly the ground was not dry enough to cut the grass at Waterside Valley in March. This means that it will be scheduled for later in the year when the ground nesting birds have left. There is a wealth of activities

planned at Waterside Valley this year, these are highlighted in the Somer Valley Rediscovered website - https://somervalleyrediscovered.co.uk/

It is lovely to see that the community planting at Glebelands resulted in a beautiful display of spring flowers this year – thank you to all who took part. We are having some remedial works done to the hanging basket brackets before the hanging baskets go up for the summer and we hope for another fine display.

Thank you to all who came along to the Annual Parish Meeting in March – the well-deserved Inspirational Citizen Award was made to Sally Hicks, for her volunteering at SWALLOW.

As the warmer months approach, we very much hope that you take part in the activities in Westfield planned for Love Parks Week and 30 Days Wild. Details are on our Facebook page.

Lesley Close

Parish Clerk

Westfield housing Needs Survey

We hope that you have received and taken part in the Housing Needs Survey that has recently been circulating around Westfield’s residents.

The survey is a small part of the work being carried out on your behalf by the Parish Council as part of the revision of Westfield’s Neighbourhood Plan, which takes an overall view of our great parish as a guide to future housing and employment developments and residents’ local facilities.

During our research earlier in the review, it became clear that there was a strong desire amongst local families with long historic ties to the parish, to ensure that older residents could continue to enjoy their lives in Westfield and that younger residents could get housing within the Parish, close to their relatives, favoured schools etc.

The results of the Housing Needs Survey will show us exactly how existing housing stocks are utilised and how new developments can be planned to ensure that families can ensure their older members will be able to continue to enjoy their locality and younger members can plan for a long and happy future in Westfield.

Cllr Ron Hopkins

To advertise in the next edition, call 01761 458 192 or email enquiries@ignyte-uk.co.uk

30 - The Westfield Warbler

Your Councillors

Cllr k it Biggs 07508 512195 kit.biggs@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

Cllr James Honess james.honess@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

Cllr robin Moss 07543 626184 robin.moss@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk (also BaNES councillor for the Westfield ward)

Cllr Diana Cooper 01761 415155 diana.cooper@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

Cllr ron Hopkins 07460 819007 / 01761 435852 ron.hopkins@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

Cllr Phil Wilkinson Chair 01761 431355 / 07803 927626 phil.wilkinson@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

Cllr James Cradock James.cradock@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

Cllr e leanor Jackson 07979 968416 / 01761 438968 eleanor.jackson@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk (also BaNES councillor for the Westfield ward)

Cllr Pat Williams 01761 432630 pat.williams@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

Cllr Geoff Fuller Vice Chair 07540 998603 geoff.fuller@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

Cllr Paul Millard Paul.millard@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

The Oval Office, Cobblers Way St Peter's Business Park, Westfield BA3 3BX Telephone: 01761 410669 Email: council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk @westfield_pc Westfield Parish Council @westfield__pc

Any queries can be emailed to council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk and will be answered during normal working hours which are Monday to Thursday 9am to 2.30pm.

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