ISC‐Audubon is pleased to be offering for sale 2 note card sets featuring the art of ISC‐ Audubon Conservation Landscape Artist, Adriano Manocchia!
A percentage of each sale will support ISC‐Audubon efforts to create Bird & Wildlife Sanctuaries across America!
Wildlife Note Card Set
Landscapes Note Card Set These 2 note card sets are high quality folded note cards and are reproduced from some of Adriano Manocchia's most popular North American wildlife and Landscape paintings. Included in these sets are three each of four 5"x7" images for a total of twelve note cards along with matching envelopes. This elegant set comes shrink‐wrapped with an insert in the back that shows all four images. Cost per set: $19.95 Order soon, so you can send your friends and loved ones a personal note during the coming holiday season and order some extra’s as gifts too! Proceeds benefit the Bird Sanctuaries Across America project. Complete the order form below and mail, along with your check.
Order Form
Please send my ISC‐Audubon Conservation Note Cards as soon as possible!
Please send ( ) sets of the Wildlife Note Cards @ $19.95 each set. Please send ( ) sets of Landscapes Note Cards @ $19.95 each set. Total sets ( ) My check is enclosed in the amount of $_________________________ for my order. Please send my Note Cards to: (please print clearly) Name_______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Zip Code__________________________ Phone Number_____________________ Email Address________________________________ Print, complete and mail this order form along with your check payable to ISC‐ Audubon to:
ISC‐Audubon 1380 Indian Fields Road, Box 339 Feura Bush, New York 12067