Lesson 2

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Student Exchange Programs



A student exchange program is a program in which students in high school or university study abroad. Exchange students live with a ____________ family in a designated place, such as a hostel, an apartment or a dorm. Such programs are intended to increase the participants’ understanding and tolerance of other cultures through sharing of history, culture, and traditions of both countries, as well as improving their language skills and __________________ their horizons. An exchange student typically stays in the host country for a period of six months to a year.

5 the

Student exchange offers great benefits and outcomes for students who are willing to embark on this international adventure. 10 Write the following titles in the corresponding columns: Education / Long-term / Personal. • International learning

and ____________________ encourage students to accept and understand a wide range of different cultural perspectives. • Language acquisition is achieved through practical immersion. • Students acquire an enhanced interest in global issues as well as broader general knowledge.

• Self-development and awareness

lead to enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem. This is often the most noticeable change in exchange students when they return. • Maturity is fueled by the necessity to confront ___________________ outside a familiar support network and comfort zone. • A tremendous sense of accomplishment at the end of the program encourages students to develop independent opinions, make informed decisions and strive to attain fresh goals.

• Students who pursue higher

education find themselves more comfortable in ‘____________’ environments. • Prospective employers in almost every field look favorably upon experience gained while living overseas and knowledge obtained of another language and culture. • Successful program completion shows an excellent measure of personal flexibility, including the ability to reach compromise, focus and succeed through challenging times, which are valuable skills in the workplace.

Among the possible downsides of the experience, we can mention culture shock. ___________________________ and anthropologists have studied the reactions 15 and experiences of travelers and diplomats, business people and international students during the first few months in a new country. What most of them have in common is a series of reactions to the new culture. 20 Culture shock is usually overcome to make way for a more tolerant and open-minded __________________ toward differences.

Book II - Lesson 2


According to Wikipedia, a faux pas is “a socially awkward or tactless act, especially one that violates accepted social norms, standard customs, or the rules of etiquette.” When you are new in a foreign country, you are 25 particularly prone to make such mistakes. Here are some of them: • In India, Africa, and the ____________ __________, people always use their right hand for greeting, touching,

and eating. They consider the left hand unclean, so you should never use it for anything publicly. • You must never be more than 59 seconds late for an appointment in Hong Kong.

• On the other hand, if you’ve been invited to a gathering in France, always aim to arrive 15-30 minutes late to 30

allow the host time to get ready.

• It’s been _______________ to bring chewing gum into Singapore since 2004, because of the damage caused

to public buildings and facilities by people leaving their gum behind. You can also be fined for not flushing a public toilet.

• When eating a meal in Spain, you’ll be expected to clear your plate. In fact, leaving some food is seen as


________________. In Russia, on the other hand, you’re expected to leave a little as a sign that your host has provided enough to fill you up. And in China, a polite belch when you finish eating is considered a compliment to the chef, although it’s frowned upon in many other countries. • Make sure you’re appropriately ____________________ before going to church in Italy. This means your

shoulders, knees and midriff must all be covered, or you won’t be allowed in.

40 • In the United States, many people prefer to keep one to two meters’ space between friends and family members,

and up to three meters between strangers and business associates. These preferences are similar in the United Kingdom, Norway, Germany, and other European countries.

Making a cultural faux pas while studying abroad can be incredibly ____________________. You might have offended your dear, sweet host mother; accidentally defied your teacher; did the wrong thing on the bus; ordered 45 the wrong thing at the restaurant... The possibilities are endless. But, so is your resilience! Many people find that when they are abroad, they become bolder versions of themselves - better able to shake off embarrassment and bounce back from challenges. And in the process, they grow so much more than they ever could have in easier, more familiar surroundings. ____________________, the thought of fumbling around in a foreign setting can be overwhelming. So, to help 50 us all feel better about our propensity for error, here are some laugh-out-loud stories of cultural faux pas committed by real exchange students. Please read, laugh, enjoy, and remember that one thing you’ll most certainly learn while abroad is how to laugh at yourself!


Book II - Lesson 2

That one time I… ... wiped my wet shoes on my host father’s prayer rug. While studying abroad in Morocco, I lived with a _________________ host family in a traditionally styled home. The house had an inner, 55 open-air courtyard that got wet when it rained, and one rainy afternoon, I came home and I needed to quickly check my email. I rushed across the courtyard to the room, but before entering, I instinctively wiped my wet shoes on the mat at the entrance. Only after doing so did I realize that the “mat” was actually my host father’s 60 prayer rug! He had just finished his afternoon prayer, and the look on his face was something close to horrified. Islamic prayer rugs need to be kept ____________________ clean, since prayers must be conducted in a clean space, and I had completely ruined it. After I began apologizing profusely, though, his face softened and he graciously forgave my terrible blunder. 65 -Caitlin ... accidentally told people I was ____________________. When I studied abroad in Ecuador, I was hosted in a rural village, where not much English was spoken. I hadn’t spoken much Spanish other than in school, and when talking to my host family and other villagers I mistakenly said, “Estoy embarazado.” I wanted to express my embarrassment for my lack of Spanish language 70 skills, but instead, I told them I was pregnant. Lesson learned: Embarazado ____________________ pregnant! -Brad This text contains information taken and adapted from the following sites: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student_exchange_program www.onestopenglish.com/skills/speaking/lesson.../149708.article eurotalk.com/blog/tag/singapore/ http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/cross-cultural-mistakes.htm www.afsusa.org/afs-blog/study-abroad/article/?article_id=5519


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AWARENESS (n): knowledge or understanding of a subject, issue, or situation; • aware (adj) • raise / increase / promote / build / enhance / lack / awareness; • global / environmental / cultural / political / increasing awareness; • increasingly / vaguely / deeply aware a) A nonprofit tobacco control organization has increased public awareness of the harmful effects of cigarettes through advertising and funded research. b) Teenagers are well aware that older people still disapprove of those who have tattoos. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ AWKWARD (adj): causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience; • awkwardly (adv) • awkward position / silence / moment / question / conversation; • move /smile / walk / dance awkwardly a) It’s an awkward situation because Bart is Tina’s boyfriend but she’s still his boss. b) Brian was off balance and fell down. Mandy couldn’t help laughing while he awkwardly tried to get back on his feet. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ BOLD (adj; bolder/boldest): not afraid of danger or difficult situations; showing confidence or lack of fear; • boldly (adv) • boldness (n) a) It is now time for the country leaders to take bold decisions which will deliver results that our people are demanding. b) Whereas Marie always stands shyly by the door when she walks into a room full of people, Kate boldly steps forward and introduces herself. c) The businessman became fabulously wealthy because he had the boldness to seize the opportunity when it arose. d) _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ COMFORT ZONE (n): a situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested a) I need to expand my comfort zone and try new things. b) Anything that pushes us out of our comfort zone is positive. c) _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ COMPLIMENT (n): a polite expression of praise or admiration; • pay / give / offer / mean it as / earn / get / receive a compliment • compliment on (v) a) According to a new study involving 2,000 men and women, the number one compliment that you can give a woman is telling her that she looks thinner than the last time you saw her. b) Everyone complimented the chef on his new dish. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________


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COMPROMISE (n): an agreement between two sides who have different opinions, in which each side gives up something it had wanted; • compromise (v) a) If there is no compromise or softening of the Israeli and Palestine positions, it will be very difficult to reach any agreement. b) The couple is going through problems because neither is willing to compromise. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ DEFY / DEFIED (v): refuse to obey or to do something in the usual or expected way; • defiant (adj) • defiantly (adv) • defiance (n) • defy logic / orders / tradition / authority / stereotypes / the odds; • defiant tone / look / behavior / attitude; • gesture / tone / act / demonstration of defiance a) Many people defy evacuation orders and remain in their houses even when they are in danger of collapsing due to the fear of having their belongings stolen. b) Rick wasn’t sure if he should be angry at his daughter’s defiant attitude or amused by it. c) A man who defiantly stood in front of a column of tanks in China became famous as the Unknown Protester. d) Dropping the use of his surname had been an act of defiance against a father he despised. e) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ DOWNSIDE (n): disadvantage a) The downside of living abroad is being away from friends and family. b) Having one’s own company has the downside that you have to work much harder than everyone else. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ENHANCED (adj): used to talk about the good quality, value or status of somebody / something that is increased or further improved; enhance (v) • enhanced performance / security / version / skills / images; • greatly / significantly /slightly / digitally / artificially / surgically enhanced; • enhance the quality / ability / value / performance / experience / image / flavor; • enhance one’s chances / one’s reputation / one’s performance a) This is considered the era of the pursuit of physical perfection, even if one’s appearance has to be surgically enhanced. b) The politician’s staff advised him to visit the families whose houses had been destroyed in order to enhance his reputation as a caring person rather than a cold one. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ FINE (v): require (someone) to pay an amount of money as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law; fine (n) a) In some countries, there are stories of religious individuals who have lost their jobs or have been fined or jailed for their beliefs. b) If found guilty, Liam faces six months in jail and a heavy fine. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ FROWN UPON / ON (ph.v.): disapprove of something a) Traditionally rich families frown upon the nouveau riche because they tend to be more ostentatious.

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b) Martin tried to quit smoking several times before moving to the San Francisco Bay Area, where it is really frowned upon. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ GATHERING (n): an occasion when people come together as a group; • gather (v) a) Greg used to be my closest cousin, but we only meet at occasional family gatherings now. b) A crowd gathered outside the hotel to try to catch a glimpse of their idols. c) ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ MAKE WAY (ph.v.): to provide a space or an opportunity for something else a) Some beautiful old buildings were torn down to make way for the new parking lot. b) The government wants cars to make way for the city’s cyclists under a plan to make Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, more bike-friendly. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ OUTCOME (n): something that happens as a result of an activity or process • successful / favorable / desirable / expected / likely / negative / inevitable / predictable outcome; • affect / determine / influence / predict / accept the outcome a) Although Sarah’s disease is rather serious, Dr. Miller is confident that the treatment is going to produce a positive outcome. b) Brian believes there is no single event that determines the outcome of one’s destiny. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ PROFUSELY (adv): excessively, too much • sweat / apologize / bleed / weep profusely a) The sight of an injured bird used to make Emma cry profusely, and she was always bringing home animals to nurse back to health. b) At the beginning of his remarks, the graduate profusely thanked his parents and the teachers who had helped him attain his goal. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ PRONE (adj): likely to do something or be affected by something bad • be prone to motion sickness / infections / various diseases / worry about … / stumble / lose sth / flunk / forget a) After visiting California, it’s easy to understand why people insist on living there, even though the area is prone to earthquakes. b) Jeff drives so recklessly that he’s prone to cause an accident one of these days. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ RESILIENCE (n): the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens; • resilient (adj) • resiliently (adv) a) The earthquake destroyed thousands of people’s lives, but the journalist was struck by the incredible resilience of the survivors he met.


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b) Despite the devastating diagnosis, Mary remained resilient and fought until the very end. c) Few German Jews resiliently survived the Nazi regime without fleeing their country. d) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ STRIVE / STROVE / STRIVEN (v): to try hard to do something or make something happen for a long time or against difficulties • strive for excellence / success / peace / equality / power / autonomy / independence / leadership a) Janice always strives for perfection. b) A country is built by those striving for opportunity, willing to take their own responsibility to achieve their success. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ SURROUNDINGS (n): the places, conditions, or objects that are around a person • new / immediate / natural / familiar / pleasant / • humble / luxurious surroundings • explore /enjoy / admire / notice one’s surroundings a) Margaret felt completely at home in the splendid surroundings of the five-star hotel. b) American young black boys are taught at a very early age to watch themselves, be careful of their surroundings. If they’re stopped by the cops, they should protect their pride, but act with humility. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TACTLESS (adj): not careful about saying or doing something that could upset someone; tactlessly (adv); tactful (adj) (opposite) a) It was rather tactless of you to invite his ex-girlfriend, considering he still hasn’t gotten over the break-up. b) It’s great to be tactful. However, you also need to get your message across and make sure that your own rights are respected. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________


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Some new words in the text have similar meanings to others you already know or can be better understood through pictures. Can you find and number them accordingly? 1. to attain 2. to belch 3. to bounce back 4. mat 5. midriff 6. to shake off 7. to wipe (

) to recover


) to get rid of


) to burp


) to achieve

( ) ( ) ( )


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Book II - Lesson 2

1 Have you ever taken any courses abroad? 2 Are you the kind of student who fears to be behind your friends if you go on a student exchange


3 What are the main cultural differences that you have noticed between Brazil and other countries you

have been to?

4 Have you ever felt discriminated against in another country? 5 Which misconceptions did you use to have about a certain place before going there? 6 How does your culture deal with punctuality? 7 How do individuals relate to their elders in your country? 8 Would you say you live in a racist and / or sexist country? 9 What values does your state embrace that other states in your country don’t? 10 Do you feel you are treated differently than people from other states when you travel within your country? 11 Which kind of people is looked up to in your country? 12 Are there any aspects of your own culture that you disagree with? 13 Do you agree that you understand more about your culture when you take a trip abroad? 14 Do you wish you had been born in another country? 15 Would you like to live abroad for the rest of your life?

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BOX 1 - CONNECTORS Read these sentences:

Basically, reading exercises your brain cells. Reading helps to form more neural pathways. It makes you smarter! Is there anything wrong with them? Not really. Now, read these ones:

Basically, reading exercises your brain cells. Because of this, reading helps to form more neural pathways - thus making you smarter! This version is clearer because it uses words that show the relationship between sentences and ideas. These words can be called connectives, connectors or linking words. They are a great way of improving your English. The connector is chosen according to what you want to express. Some of the most usual are:




• by the time • then • previously • meanwhile • in the meantime • at first • afterwards

• as a result • as a consequence (of ) • thus • consequently • accordingly • for this/that reason

• unless • whether (or not) • provided/providing (that) • in the event (that) • in case • otherwise

Comparison • similarly • likewise • unlike • just as • just like


• in the same way • same as • compare(d) to / with • as if / though

• that is • in other words • that is to say

Addition and Listing • in addition / additionally • furthermore • as well (as) • both...and, • not only ... but also • besides • moreover


• first (firstly, first of all, to begin with, in the first place, for one thing) • second (secondly, in the second place) • finally, lastly, last of all

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Rules to remember! 1. These words are not always interchangeable. In other words, you cannot simply remove one of these words and add another even if they express the same idea. 2. In general, do not use two of these words or phrases in the same sentence if they express the same idea. 3. When you use these words and connectors, make sure the two sentences/ideas are related. The second sentence/idea should add information that is specifically related to the first idea. 4. Don't overuse connectors! It is not necessary to use them everywhere in your writing. Use connectors when you want to do the following: • clearly show a relationship between ideas • add information that builds on the idea in the preceding sentence 5. Pay close attention to the usage of punctuation.



________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

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Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable connective: a) Peter has gone to New York. I don’t know ____________________ he will come this week or not. b) You must remind him of it, ____________________, he may forget. c) Look at everything ____________________ you were seeing it either for the first or the last time. d) ____________________ of fire, break glass to sound the alarm. e) I got up at 9 o’clock yesterday and had a cold shower. ____________________ I had breakfast and left for work. f) Going to university gives you a chance to get important qualifications and a better job. ____________________, it gives you the chance to meet many new people. g) Albert does not have a gift for music ____________________ lacking motivation to practice. __________________, he will never become a good musician. h) In some countries, corrupt politicians are sentenced to death and Brazil should do ____________________. i) Sean passed his exams. ____________________, he had some good news to tell his parents. j) There is no wind on the moon, so ____________________ someone disturbs them, an astronaut’s footprints will last forever! k) After the accident, Pete was having trouble moving his neck and ____________________ stayed in hospital for more testing. l) Abigail spent four years studying for her law degree. ____________________, she continued to work at the bank. m) A baby goes through three procedures before it learns to walk. ____________________, it learns to crawl; ____________________, it learns to hold on to something firm to stand upright; ____________________, it learns to stand upright without support, and ____________________ it learns how to walk. n) ____________________ I pass my exam, I will invite all my friends to a party. o) “It was great meeting you!” “____________________”


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BOX 2 - WORD FORMATION We have already talked about the benefits of reading, and one of them is coming across new words. Look at these sentences: • They consider the left hand unclean, so you should never use it for anything publicly. • It’s been illegal to bring chewing gum into Singapore since 2004. • The possibilities are endless. You might not have seen them before, but it must be quite easy for you to guess their meanings. It is easy because many words are formed by adding affixes (prefixes and suffixes) to existing words. If you know the meanings of the original word and the affix, you can often guess the meaning of the new word. Prefixes are added to the beginning of a word, and suffixes to the end. Affixes can change words in many different ways. Let’s learn about some of the negative ones. Read the following sentences and try to figure out the rule to form the negative words. Remember there are always exceptions to the rules! 1. It takes teachers a long time to correct some students’ homework because their handwriting is nearly illegible. 2. Even though more than 50% of the Brazilian teenagers finish high school, functional illiteracy is still a major problem in the country. 3. A phobia is a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a desire to avoid it. 4. It’s very irresponsible of people to drink and drive. 5. In Hong Kong, it’s considered impolite to be even a minute late for an appointment. 6. Nothing is impossible. Some things are just less likely than others. 7. Alison admits she’s selfish, immature, and kind of lazy. However, she doesn’t make any effort to change. We usually use il- before _______________________________________________________ We usually use ir- before _______________________________________________________ We usually use im- before ______________________________________________________ Here are other prefixes that make the words negative: • De- usually used before a verb, or a word formed from that verb, and means to reverse the verb’s action, as in deregulate, or defrost. • Dis- can be used with verbs, nouns, adjectives or adverbs, as in disappear, disability, dishonest, and discouragingly. • In-, non-, and un- are usually used for nouns, adjectives, or the adverbs formed from them. They all mean not _____, as in independence, incredible, nonstop, nonexistent, unemployment, and unfortunately.

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• Mis- is used with verbs (and adjectives and adverbs made from them), as well as nouns. It means bad, wrong, or wrongly, as in misspell, misbehaved, and misuse. • -less is a suffix, and is used at the end of nouns to change them into adjectives, and nouns and adverbs related to them. It means without, not affected by, as in wireless, powerless, and effortlessly. Un- is the most common negative prefix in English.

If in doubt, it’s the best one to try.



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Book II - Lesson 2

Exercises 1. Use a word from the box to form a different word that fits in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0. Happiness 1. Satisfy 2. Understand 3. Respect 4. Complain 5. Possible

6. Available 7. Comfort 8. Tidy 9. Signify 10. Believe 11. Satisfy

12. Polite 13. Behave 14. Interest 15. Friend

Example: Hotels and their 0. unhappy guests How can hotels deal with 1. ________________________ guests? Sometimes, problems arise as a result of 2. ________________________ due to language problems – guests think the waiter is being 3. __________________ when he makes a friendly joke, for example. Very often, the 4. ________________________ are about things which are 5. ________________________ to correct without changing rooms, and sometimes another room is 6. ________________________. Such things may include the 7. ________________________ bed or the noisy room. One lady even complained because her view was 8. “________________________”! Some guests get upset about 9. ________________________ things like how brown their toast is. Others go to 10. ________________________ lengths to find fault with the hotel. They may find the staff 11. ________________________ - for example the hall porter smiled in a way that they consider 12. ________________________ although their children’s 13. ________________________ in the lift escaped their notice, or when the receptionist seemed 14. ________________________ in their excursion to some remote monument, they thought she was being 15. ________________________ and asked to see the manager. 2. Write the correct NEGATIVE form of the word in brackets to complete these sentences. Be very careful: some words have different negative forms (e.g. unbelievable (adj)/disbelief (n), unlike (prep)/ dislike (v), unable (adj)/disabled (adj)). a) He waited ________________________ for the train as he couldn’t wait to get home. (PATIENT) b) His answers were very ________________________, so he failed the physics exam. (ACCURATE) c) I can’t conceive why Tom Hanks, a great actor, agreed to star Larry Crowne! It is an ____________________ bad movie. (BELIEVE) d) I would never teach children. They always ________________________. (BEHAVE) e) It’s highly ________________________ that people will ever live on the moon. (LIKELY) f) Jake’s invited me to his party. It would be ________________________ to say no. (POLITE) g) Jenny looked at Tony in ________________________ when he told her the shocking news. (BELIEVE) h) Many Mexicans who want to start a new life in the U.S. cross the border ____________________. (LEGAL) i) Many people are ________________________ of the dangers of mobile phones. (AWARE) j) My dog is perfectly ________________________. He won’t bite, I promise. (HARM) k) That’s not what I said! You’ve ________________________ me. (UNDERSTAND) l) The dean’s speech was ________________________. I thought he’d never stop talking. (END) m) The former president was accused of being ________________________. (HONEST) n) The outfit she’s wearing is completely ________________________ for a job interview. (APPROPRIATE) o) The treatment was ________________________ - he never recovered. (EFFECT)

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3. Write the words which are in the box next to every affix it can be used with. Some words will be used more than once.

agree interpret


place (v) rest





popular sane




moral (adj)





sense (n) (2x)













Book II - Lesson 2

BOX 3 - USED TO - TO BE USED TO - TO GET USED TO - WOULD 1. USED TO means that something happened regularly or existed for some time in the past but not anymore (used + to-infinitive) a) The family used to live in a small village but now they live in Geneva. b) Nick used to hang out with his friends every weekend, but he hardly ever has the chance to get together with them now that he is taking the prep course to get into university. c) When Susie was a teenager, she used to bitterly cry whenever her parents forbade her from going to a nightclub. d) Cooking for the family on Sundays used to be a great pleasure to my grandmother when she was healthy. 2. TO BE USED TO means to be accustomed to (be used to + (ing-form) something) a) Derek is used to living alone. In fact, it even bothers him when his relatives from out of town visit for over a week. b) Driving a stick shift felt a bit strange at first because I wasn’t used to it. I was used to driving only automatic cars. c) Frank has just gotten a new job, but he finds it difficult to be at work by 7:30 because he is not used to getting up early. d) Living downtown can be a hassle to some, but I’m used to the noise. 3. TO GET USED TO means to become accustomed or used to something (get used to + (ing-form) something) a) Dylan got used to seeing blood as soon as he started going to medical school. b) If you do want to become a model, you need to get used to (wearing) high heels. c) The singer whose first CD was a big hit hasn’t gotten used to so much popularity. He’s overwhelmed by the number of people who want his autograph. d) I guess I’ll never get used to (taking) oral tests. I get really nervous as the finals approach. 4. WOULD can be used to express an action that was repeated regularly in the past. In this case, it means USED TO (habitual past). (would + infinitive) a) When I was a little kid, Mom would always read me a story before bed at night. b) When Pam was a high school student, she would stress out whenever she couldn’t manage to finish all her homework before the following class. c) I would take a nap after lunch nearly every day when I was in elementary school. d) My family and I used to take camping trips when I was younger. We would wake up to the sound of singing birds every morning.

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Exercises 1. Add an appropriate form of (BE/GET) USED TO or WOULD in order to form correct questions. Later, answer each one and develop interesting comments. a) Did your schedule ____________________ lighter a couple of years ago? (be) b) ___________ you ____________________ pretty early? (get up) c) Would it be easy to ____________________ a roommate if you moved to another city and had to share a place with someone? d) _____________ you ____________________ with your siblings when you were younger? (fight) e) Did it take you a long time to ____________________ your new school? f) _____________ you ____________________ your parents with the household chores? (help) g) Did you and your best friend ____________________ to the same school when you were little kids? (go) h) What do students need to ____________________ when they are preparing themselves to take the entrance exam? i) When you were in PRE I, ____________ you always ____________________ your mother to cut out the pictures for your CUT and STICK? (rely on) j) Did you ____________________ very shy when you were younger? (be) k) Do your parents say that their childhood was more fun because their friends ____________________ around and hang out in front of one another’s houses without any fear of being mugged? (gather) l) Can you mention a former teacher who ____________________ always be willing to help out those who had trouble understanding the topics? m) Could your dad rent a car in England although he ____________________ on the left? (drive) n) What do young people have to ____________________ when they move from their parents’ houses into their own apartments?


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BOX 4 - PREPOSITIONS 1. Fill in the gaps using the right preposition. When no preposition is needed, write an X. a) Bill’s interest _________ chess has brought forth great pride to his parents, as he often wins the competitions he takes part _________. b) Philip gets utterly annoyed when he is late _________ work because of his children. c) Philip gets utterly annoyed when he gets _________ work late because of his children. d) Sarah doesn’t like to use her cellphone when she is _________ the bus for fear of being mugged. e) Cindy bumped into an old friend _________ a restaurant last week. f) Jenny purchased an expensive purse when she was _________ Paris. g) The teacher lectured the students who had laughed _________ John for the comment he had made. h) The little boy apologized _________ the lady _________ having accidentally stepped on her foot. i) The class enjoys discussing _________ controversial topics before writing an essay about it. j) Tessa complained _________ her mother that she never helped her _________ homework. k) As Mark’s beloved grandfather died _________ lung cancer, he has vowed never to light a cigarette. l) Karen doesn’t mind lending her clothes _________ her best friend, provided she gives them back _________ her the day after she wears them. m) Despite being prejudiced _________ black people, Tim never voices his opinion in class out of fear of being ridiculed. 2. Now, make sentences using the COLLOCATIONS above with new vocabulary:

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Book II - Lesson 2


BOX 5 - PHRASAL VERBS BRING SB UP / BRING STH UP 1. Couples don’t usually bring sons and daughters up the same way. 2. Mark brings up his good grades whenever he wants to convince his parents to let him do something he believes they won’t. GROW APART / GROW ON SB 3. Bill and Stephen used to be close friends, but they grew apart when they went to different schools. 4. Jennifer didn’t use to be fond of her next-door neighbor, but he grew on her as time went by. KEEP AFTER SB (TO DO STH) / KEEP UP WITH SB/STH 5. Linda kept after her husband to change the light bulb. 6. It was hard for Sophia to keep up with her class after having missed two weeks of school. FEEL FOR SB / FEEL UP TO (DOING STH) 7. People worldwide feel for those who are victims of natural disasters. 8. Tim didn’t feel up to going to the gym after work last week. DO ONESELF UP / DO WITHOUT STH/SB 9. Girls usually enjoy doing themselves up for fancy parties. 10. Phil will have to do without a car because he will need to sell his to pay some bills. GO BACK ON STH (A PROMISE/ONE’S WORD) / GO THROUGH WITH STH 11. As Colin doesn’t like to go back on what he has said, he never makes promises he can’t keep. 12. The customer threatened to sue the saleswoman due to the way he had been treated, but he didn’t go through with it. • Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word in bold and use between two and five words: a) Kim is always asking her kids to do things around the house. (AFTER) Kim ___________________________________ to do things around the house. b) Tracy was too tired to go to the movies that day. (FEEL) Tracy ______________________________ going to the movies that day. c) Megan spent a long time getting dressed and putting on make-up before the party. (DOING) Megan spent a long time ______________________________ for the party. d) Molly mentioned the money she had lent to her best friend the last time they got together. (BROUGHT) Molly __________________________________ she had lent to her best friend the last time they got together. e) Mark didn’t use to like Ted, but now he does. (GROWN) Ted _________________________ Mark. f) Bill didn’t do as he had said he would. (WORD) Bill _____________________________________. g) James is having trouble running as fast as his friends. (WITH) James can’t ____________________________ his friends.


Book II - Lesson 2

h) The two brothers lost touch after they moved out of their parents’ house. (APART) The two brothers ______________________ after they moved out of their parents’ house. i) The lady deeply pities the homeless boy she sees on her way to work every day. (FOR) The lady _________________ the homeless boy she sees on her way to work every day. j) Patricia was the one who most took care of her nieces while they were growing up. (BROUGHT) Patricia practically _________________________________. k) Nobody believed Karen would take part in the race, yet she did. (THROUGH) Karen said she would take part in the race and ____________________ it. l) Kids don’t think they can survive if their parents are not by their side. (DO) Kids don’t think they ____________________________ their parents.



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Book II - Lesson 2


BOX 6 - VERBS Present



past participle


















be willing


has been wiling

















































































Book II - Lesson 2

BOX 7 - PATTERNS 1. To achieve: one’s goals / good exam results / success 2. To aim to: lose five pounds / finish sth / reduce sth 3. To acquire: a good knowledge of German / a taste for sth / luxury cars 4. To apologize: to sb / for (doing) sth 5. To be willing to: help / work overtime / learn 6. To commit: murder / lots of crimes / suicide 7. To encourage one: to quit smoking / to apply for a job 8. To expect: one to be on time / a call / great service / the economy to grow / improvement 9. To feel: well / sick / guilty / like doing sth 10. To fine sb for: speeding / drunk driving / selling alcohol to minors 11. To forgive one for (doing) sth 12. To gain: weight / support / experience / a reputation as… 13. To go on: an exchange student program / a trip / a cruise / a ride 14. To intend to: continue one’s education abroad / move out of one’s parents’ place 15. To laugh: out loud / at someone / at one’s jokes 16. To lead: a country / a group / one’s team to victory / a(n)…life 17. To leave: for school / the country for good 18. To order: a drink / a spicy dish 19. To overcome one’s: fear of flying / shyness 20. To provide: the poor with food / one with enough details / the essential services 21. To reach: an agreement / a conclusion / someone (phone) 22. To rush: to get somewhere / someone to hospital 23. To share: a taxi / the bills 24. To strive: to achieve recognition / to be a good parent / for peace / to keep fit 25. To wipe: one’s sweat from one’s face / the table with a damp cloth / one’s hands on the tablecloth



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Book II - Lesson 2


Listening You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about their visit to a city. For questions 1-5, choose from the list (A – H) what each speaker liked most about the city they visited. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use. A. the efficiency of the public transport system B. the natural beauty of the scenery C. the variety of goods in the markets D. the style of the architecture E. the well-designed plan of the city F. the helpfulness of the people G. the range of leisure opportunities H. the standard of the accommodation

Speaker 1: __________ Speaker 2: __________ Speaker 3: __________ Speaker 4: __________ Speaker 5: __________


Book II - Lesson 2

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