Have you noticed how our world has changed in the past few years? It's not as if it hadn't been changing before, but the changes we see today seem to be more drastic. Many of those changes have had a negative impact on our lives and things appear to be spinning out of control.
The Internet
5 The Internet plays such an important ________ in today’s
culture that many, particularly teenagers, cannot even imagine what the world was like before it existed. The Internet is fun, informative and a great means of communication. Furthermore, it’s an educational 10 tool. Sharing information ____________ the Internet is fast, easy and cheap. Today, people have access to massive amounts of information via texts, pictures and videos that they didn’t have 15 before. The Internet, like other new technologies, has both positive and negative effects on teenagers. They can become totally addicted to the Internet, to the point of having little 20 or no face-to-face contact with others, which can often lead to depression. Further issues involve teenagers hacking into school databases, banks, government websites, or even 25 their _____________ computers.
Cellphones and Texting
Cellphone technology has increased dramatically. We can take pictures, record videos, send emails, use social networking sites, download various apps 30 as well as communicate with our friends by text messaging, regardless of where we are. There are many advantages of having a cellphone, such as being able to call for help in an emergency or being __________ to your friends, family members 35 or co-workers. Most cellphones allow access to the Internet, as well as send and receive text messages. Unfortunately, the rush to send messages leads to the use of bad grammar, poor punctuation, and abbreviations, which affect academic writing. What’s worse, some 40 people text while driving, putting themselves, as well as others, at risk.
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Side Effects Of Technology
We all benefit from the advancement of technology as it makes our lives easier and provides us with entertainment, yet there’s also a downside. These 45 days, children prefer spending time at home in front of the computer to playing outside with friends. For this reason, the physical condition of youngsters is ___________ deteriorating; exercise and physical activity are becoming 50 nonexistent in their daily lives. And it is not so different with adults. They also spend too much time in front of the TV watching movies or programs 55 they just can’t miss. Their lives have become more static and sedentary than ever. Cars are no longer just a __________ means of transportation 60 but now one of the reasons why severe laziness is so pervasive in society. People have even stopped walking to nearby places such as the bakery; it is too far to walk anywhere. We don’t seem to realize that by bringing 65 more comfort into our lives, we have also unintentionally brought harm.
It seems as though the world has gone mad about shopping. Everyone wants to possess consumer goods, 70 and possess a lot. Looking at the younger generation, we get the impression that without regular trips to the mall, they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves in their free time. Why is it so important to obsessively buy new clothes, ________________, shoes, the latest electronic 75 devices, and even unneeded products? Spending has become one of the main forms of entertainment for people today. Even the day after Christmas is now ultimately consumed by shopping mania. As a matter of fact, for some people, shopping has become an addiction. 80
Along with consumerism came materialism. It is sad to see how we’ve stopped appreciating real human values, such as kindness, politeness, dignity and 85 honesty. Instead, society values good looks, wealth, power and fame. Real friendship seems to be ____________ its worth. These days, people tend to look at friendship from a different perspective, seeking to make only “useful” 90 friends, people who will help you achieve your goals. No longer are we interested in friendship to keep each other company or provide support when needed.
Child Behavior
The degradation in children’s behavior is alarming. They no longer respect their parents or appreciate what 95 they have. It’s a paradox that the more parents give their children, the less their effort is appreciated. Demands from children are becoming ________________. They don’t like getting inexpensive presents at Christmas or for their birthdays anymore. Now, gifts have to be impressive 100 and pricey as proof of their parents’ love. A student’s attitude toward a teacher is no different. It’s astonishing how much aggression, rudeness, disobedience and carelessness come from youngsters nowadays. The reason for all of this is merely 105 ________________ parenting. All in all, ... people have quick, easy access to all sorts of information that can help them develop a variety of skills. On the other hand, they lack basic principles such as respect, honesty and empathy. We should strive for not only the improvement of technology, but more importantly, of ourselves as human beings. In this way, we can all ___________________ to the kind of society we seek.
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Book II - Lesson 3
ASTONISHING (adjective): very surprising, difficult to believe, amazing a) I find it absolutely astonishing that you did not enjoy your trip to France. b) Going into the building to rescue people from the fire was an astonishing act of courage. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTITUDE (noun): the way that you behave towards someone or in a particular situation, especially when this shows how you feel a) Dylan doesn’t get along with anyone at work. He has a real attitude problem. b) Despite being regarded as the best player, Rod’s attitude didn’t help and the coach didn’t pick him. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ DEMAND (noun): the need or desire that people have for something in particular • Verb: to demand • Adjective: demanding a) Brazil will soon need to rely on new sources of energy to meet demand. b) The factory’s employees are on strike to demand higher pay. c) The teenager got home two hours past his curfew and his mother demanded an immediate explanation. d) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ DETERIORATE (verb): to become worse • conditions / health / air quality / relations between countries a) The lady’s health deteriorated to the point that she had to retire. b) My relatives’ discussions about politics often deteriorate into angry arguments. c) Relations between certain countries are deteriorating due to wars. d) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ EFFORT (noun): the physical or mental energy needed to do sth • To make an effort • It takes effort • Despite one’s effort • To put effort into sth a) Despite all the team’s effort, they lost the game and are no longer in the lead. b) Most parents agree that kids are hard work, but worth the effort. c) ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ INCREASE (verb): to become greater in number, value or amount • Noun: increase • Adjective: increasing • Adverb: increasingly difficult / strict / common / competitive / concerned / popular / famous a) Corruption has always been an issue in Brazil, but the problem has increased dramatically lately.
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b) Students are aware that there is an increase in the number of assignments when they go to high school. c) Middle class families have found it increasingly difficult to pay all their bills. d) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ e) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUE (noun): an important subject that people are discussing or arguing about a) The article the fourth graders read in the English class aimed at raising awareness of environmental issues. b) There’s always an argument when people talk about highly controversial issues, such as abortion, religion and politics. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ LACK (verb): to not have something that you need, or not have enough of it • Noun: lack of time / evidence / sleep / information / confidence / enthusiasm / interest / support / money a) The teacher was worried about the students whose grades were low and yet lacked willingness to study. b) Despite her lack of experience, the nurse got the job. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ MEANS (noun): a way of doing or achieving something • Means of transport / communication / identification • A means of doing sth a) Dylan won’t buy a car as soon as he moves to Germany. He’ll have to think of alternative means of transport for the first months. b) When my parents were my age, people didn’t use cellphones as a means of communication. c) Video games and television should not be used as a means of controlling hyperactive children. d) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ MERELY (adverb): used to emphasize how small, unimportant sth or sb is, only, just a) The teacher isn’t blaming any of the students. She’s merely trying to understand how the accident in the playground happened. b) Teaching French is Susan’s profession, not merely a temporary job. c) The host family tried to explain to the exchange student that his inappropriate behavior wasn’t merely a matter of culture, but of respect for others. d) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ REGARDLESS OF (adverb): without being affected or influenced by something a) Regardless of how developed it is, every country has a certain poverty rate. b) Everyone deserves to be treated respectfully, regardless of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ RUSH (verb): to hurry, to go very fast because you need to be somewhere or do sth fast • Noun: rush a) The family rushed to the gate as soon as they finished their check-in, otherwise they could miss the flight.
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b) There’s no rush for lunch because the children had breakfast late. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ SEEK / SOUGHT / SOUGHT: (formal) to try to obtain or achieve sth • Seek refuge / shelter / employment / revenge / advice / professional help / psychological help a) Despite the fact that most citizens had been displeased with the former president, he sought re-election. b) You must seek medical advice if you’ve been worried about your health. c) Some graduates rush to get a visa and move abroad before seeking employment in Brazil. d) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ SEVERE (adjective): very bad or very serious; • Severe problem / injury / illness / depression / damage / pain • Adverb: severely punished / affected / damaged / injured / wounded / criticized / depressed a) The earthquake caused severe damage to some areas in town. b) The country is facing severe economic problems and lots of citizens have been talking about moving abroad. c) Back when my parents were my age, children used to be punished more severely when they did something wrong. d) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ SPIN / SPUN / SPUN: to turn around and around very quickly; • to spin out of control / sb’s head is spinning / the room is spinning a) The driver who had just overtaken us spun the wheel sharply and made a U-turn in the middle of the road. b) Martha was pouring with sweat when she got off the treadmill and said the room had started to spin. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ULTIMATELY (adverb): finally, in the end, after everything has been done or considered a) Ultimately, the decision whether the man will be convicted of murder rests with the jury. b) Patterson’s long but ultimately successful struggle to overcome his addiction to drugs brought forth great joy to his family and friends. c) My grandfather had been warned by several doctors that smoking and a poor diet would ultimately lead to illness. d) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT SOMETHING IS LIKE: the way something is a) What is the weather like in Finland? b) When Julia went to the USA, Americans often asked her what Brazil is like. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ d) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________
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WORTH (noun): value a) The Internet has definitely proved its worth. Now, it’s up to us to make it work in our favor. b) Vandals cause millions of dollars’ worth of damage to the city every year. Other uses of worth • Be worth the time/effort/money • Be worth doing sth • Be worth it • Be worth a fortune/nothing c) The house we bought a couple of years ago was a real bargain but it’s worth a lot of money now. d) The ring Luke bought when he proposed to Cindy must be worth a fortune. e) Matt doesn’t think there’s ever anything worth watching on TV. f) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ YET (conjunction): used to introduce a fact, situation, or quality that is surprising after what you have just said a) Lucy doesn’t speak any Portuguese, yet she seems to understand most of what we say. b) Some restaurants in Goiânia charge incredibly high prices for their meals, yet customers keep going back for more. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________
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1 Kids have talked to their parents and siblings less since they started using technological gadgets. 2 People have grown accustomed to using their cell phones even when they are with friends and family. 3 Obesity has become a problem among teenagers due to the constant use of technology. 4 Teenagers who spend a lot of time online are likely to face relationship problems. 5 Kids and teenagers who play a lot of video games end up not enjoying outdoor activities. 6 People use their computers more for recreational reasons than for those related to work or studies. 7 Students shouldn’t rely on whatever information is provided by the Internet. 8 Teenagers have trouble disconnecting when they are at school. 9 People used to read more before they started using their cell phones and tablets so frequently. 10 Texting while driving has become a serious issue. 11 People have slept less and badly because they use their cell phones until late at night. 12 Instant messaging has a negative impact on people’s writing. 13 People enjoy whatever they do less than they used to because they feel they have to take pictures and
post them on social media while they are doing it.
14 Parents are to blame for being disrespected by their children. 15 People buy what they don’t really need to impress others.
Book II - Lesson 3
BOX 1 - CONNECTORS Here are some more connectors to help you improve your writing:
• due to • such...that • owing to • so that • so as (not) to • in order (not) to
• indeed • actually • in fact • as a matter of fact • certainly • of course
• in other words • to put it in a different way • put differently • that is • that is to say
Contrast Transition Examplification • for example • for instance • such as • including
• as for • as to • with regard to • with respect to • as regards/regarding • as far as X is concerned
• on the other hand • in contrast • yet • still • nonetheless • nevertheless • even so • in spite of • despite • whereas • (even) though • , though
Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable connector: a) I arrived late this morning ____________________ the heavy rain. b) Good readers should be able to read between the lines; ____________________, they should be able to draw conclusions about information that is communicated indirectly or given only partially. c) I had a terrible day at work and lost my umbrella too. ____________________, I spoke to that nice guy who works in the coffee shop at last! d) Muriel is a highly talented musician. ____________________, she has an extraordinary gift for music.
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e) My sister’s handwriting is always so neat, ____________________ mine is a total mess. f) Women generally live longer than men. ____________________, in the United States, life expectancy for women is 75, while it is 73 for men. g) ____________________ comfort ____________________, a car is definitely much better than a bicycle. ____________________, ____________________ convenience, the same can’t be said. h) He is a conservative. ____________________, he wants old institutions to be preserved in their original form. i) I’m determined to buy a house this year. I don’t know where exactly, ____________________. j) It was ____________________ a difficult exam ____________________ Bill knew he wouldn’t pass it ____________________ having studied really hard. k) Be careful when handling a knife ____________________ get injured. l) ____________________ most substances shrink when they are cooled, water ____________________ expands. 2. Choose which option best completes the sentence and be ready to explain why. a) The new supermarket is so much cheaper than the one on Main Street. ____________________, they do free home deliveries too. (However / On the whole / Furthermore) b) Australia has some beautiful areas. _______________, they also have a lot of dangerous animals.
(Though / However / Despite) c) ____________________ the high risk involved, many scientists chase tornadoes so they can study them more closely. (But / Though / Despite) d) ____________________ television can be educational, I think it’s better to read a book. (On the other hand
/ Even though / However) e)Alice seems to be quite intelligent; ____________________, she often gets poor grades. (whereas
otherwise / nonetheless) f) This restaurant has some of the best chefs in the town. ____________________, their service is excellent.
(In addition to / Moreover / Nevertheless) g) I tried to look happy ____________________ feeling miserable. (in spite of / although / however)
Book II - Lesson 3
BOX 2 - WORD FORMATION Knowing prefixes and suffixes is very useful when you read a word and recognize part of it, but not all. Some other times, you need an adjective and only know the noun related to it. Using affixes, you can form a word that is another part of speech and makes your sentence accurate. We will learn about some of them. 1. Changing verbs and adjectives into nouns These are some of the suffixes you can use to make this change:
• -age
• postage
• -al
• arrival
• -ance/-ence
• insistence, appearance
• -dom
• boredom, freedom
• -ee
• employee
• -er/-or
• driver, director, actor
• -hood
• childhood
• -ism
• capitalism
• -ist
• capitalist
• -ity/-ty
• brutality, equality, security
• -ment
• amazement
• -ness
• happiness, kindness
• -ry
• robbery
• -ship
• membership
• -sion/-tion/-xion
• expression, protection, complexion
Book II - Lesson 3
2. Changing verbs and nouns into adjectives These are some of the suffixes you can use to make this change:
EXAMPLES OF adjectives
• -able/-ible
• portable, flexible
• -al
• brutal, postal
• -ed
• tired, surprised, amazed
• -en
• broken, golden
• -ese
• Japanese, Vietnamese
• -ful
• helpful, useful
• -i
• Pakistani, Yemeni
• -ic
• classic, Islamic
• -ing
• tiring, surprising
• -ish
• childish, Spanish, selfish
• -ive
• active, productive
• -less
• hopeless, useless, penniless
• -ly
• monthly, yearly
• -ous
• cautious, nervous, anxious
• -y
• rainy, windy
• -an
• Mexican
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3. Changing nouns and adjectives into verbs These are some of the affixes you can use to make this change:
suffix / PREFIX
• -ate
• complicate, irritate, graduate
• -en/en-
• shorten, sadden, enable, endanger
• -ify
• beautify, clarify
• -ise/-ize
• apologize, prioritize,
• be-
modernize, emphasize (-ise UK; -ize US) • befriend, behead
_________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Book II - Lesson 3
Exercise 1. Complete the word families below. If there are more than one possibility or negative words for any of them, add them too. Some of them don’t have all the forms.
enjoy mercy healthy
6 7
courage dangerous
9 10
3 4
1 2
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Book II - Lesson 3
0. Entertain 1. Expect 2. Increase 3. Disappoint 4. Amaze 5. Interesting
6. Simple 7. Near 8. Succeed 9. Digit 10. Impress 11. Act
12. Part 13. Astonish 14. Fascinate 15. Create
Special Effects in Movies George Lukas’ Star Wars transformed 20th century 0. entertainment and raised audience 1. __________________ to alarming heights for film producers. Since Star Wars was made in 1977, special effects have become 2. __________________ important in selling a film. The script of Jurassic Park, for example, was rather 3. __________________ but the film was a box office success because the dinosaurs were 4. __________________ realistic. However, special effects do not always guarantee success. 5. __________________, when Lost World came, the technology was far superior, but people had become tired of dinosaurs and were 6. __________________ not motivated enough to go and see them anymore. The film was not 7. __________________ as 8. __________________ as its predecessor. But wasn’t seeing Jar Binks in The Phantom Menace, the first ever 3D interactive 9. __________________ character shown on film, 10. __________________? Computer-generated 11. __________________ movies are certainly the way ahead, but you may be surprised to discover that the most expensive special effect was filmed in 1956. The 12. __________________ of the Red Sea in Cecille DeMille’s The Ten Commandments cost an 13. __________________ £2 million. But what does the future hold? It is 14. __________________ to think that with computer-generated images filmmakers may be able to 15. __________________deceased movie stars, such as James Dean and Marilyn Monroe. 2. For each item, fill the space in the sentence using the base word given in bold at the end. a) I’d like to know the ____________________ explanation for why it’s foggy near the coasts. (science) b) How could you consider him a ____________________when he won three matches for us last year? (fail) c) The Sultan spent over fifty million dollars making the capital city’s main hotel the most ____________________ in the country. (luxury) d) Police working on solving the bank robbery have by chance ____________________ a plan to murder a leading politician. (cover) e) We should go and eat at Franco’s, which is ____________________ a great little restaurant. (suppose) f) I left the house at 8am and stared at the empty garage in ____________________. My car was nowhere to be seen. Someone had stolen it! (believe) g) Buying and selling antiques can be a very ____________________ hobby if you know how to find a good bargain. (profit)
Book II - Lesson 3
BOX 3 - INVERSION Read this sentence:
No longer are people interested in friendship to keep each other company, for support or conversations. You could understand the sentence, but probably noticed that the order of the words seems somewhat different. The usual way of writing it would be:
People are no longer interested in friendship to keep each other company, for support or conversations. This change in the structure is called INVERSION. It is a more sophisticated, formal structure, more commonly used in written English, not spoken. Inversion can be used in some situations. Let’s start from the one shown above.
1. Negative and limiting adverbials 1.1 Time expressions: never, rarely, seldom - These time expressions are used with a
perfect form or with modals and often include comparatives: a. Seldom does Gina squander money on fancy clothes. (seldom = rarely) b. Never had the students come up with such an ambitious project. 1.2 Time expressions: hardly, barely, no sooner, or scarcely - These time expressions
are used when one thing happens after another in the past.
a. Hardly had I started the course when I was congratulated on my English. b. Scarcely had the gate opened when Debbie gathered her belongings and rushed to board the plane. c. No sooner had it occurred to Kate that she had not seen Tony in a long while than she came across him at the mall. 1.3 After ‘Only’ expressions such as ‘only after’, ‘only when’, ‘only then’, etc.- ‘Only’ is
used with a time expression. a. Sean went through some hardship. Only then did he realize how sheltered his life had been until that time. b. Only after going through some hardship did Sean appreciate the effort his parents had put into giving him a good education. c. Only after coming back from his trip did Kevin realize he had had a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 1.4 After ‘Little’- ‘Little’ is used in a negative sense. a. Little did she know that working with special children would drastically change her life. 1.5 After negative adverbial expressions a. At no time did Matt allow his parents to exert any influence on his choice of career. b. Not only is Natalie Portman a great actress but she has also graduated in psychology from Harvard. c. Not until Susan started studying in earnest did she stop feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information she received at school every single weekday. d. Under no circumstances will the authorities preclude the press from doing their job.
Book II - Lesson 3
Conditionals with inversions
In conditional sentences we can sometimes drop if and use an inversion.
a. Should you require any further information, please contact us at our office downtown. b. Were more investment in education to be made, it would bring forth great benefit to the country. c. Had Amy pursued the career she was passionate about, she would be a happier professional today. Note that SHOULD, WERE and HAD are the only verbs that can be inverted in this way. (And WERE is also used with he, she and it.)
I nversion after ‘So’, ‘Such’, and ‘That’
a. So bitterly did Melanie regret the words she had told her mother that she couldn’t sleep that night. b. So fond of his grandfather is Brian that he insisted on naming his son after him. c. Such was people’s indignation that the politicians involved in the scandal couldn’t get away with it. d. Such was Madison’s disappointment that she couldn’t conceal it and burst into tears.
Exercises 1. Complete the sentence so that it means the same as the first one: a) You can only fully enjoy the view from the Sugar Loaf on a clear day. Only ________________________________________________________________________________. b) Nobody had any suspicion that the worst was yet to come. Little ________________________________________________________________________________. c) Becky had hardly crept into her room and gotten into bed when her mother came to check on her. Hardly _______________________________________________________________________________. d) Lucy had just gotten over her mother’s death when her father fell ill. No sooner ____________________________________________________________________________. e) If people had been aware of how pervasive corruption was throughout the president’s term of office, he wouldn’t have been reelected. Had _________________________________________________________________________________. f) He had been working so hard that he had hardly seen his family for the past six months. So __________________________________________________________________________________. g) Jeff rarely exerted his influence to help a friend get a job. Rarely _______________________________________________________________________________.
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h) If Ben decides to start his own business, he will take out a loan. Should _______________________________________________________________________________. i) We seldom predict what consequences our actions may have. Seldom ______________________________________________________________________________. j) If a movie were to be made about your life, what would it be called, and who would play you? Were ________________________________________________________________________________. k) Owen didn’t know at the time what the future had in store for him. Little ________________________________________________________________________________. l) You should not let that toddler out of your sight at any time. At no time ____________________________________________________________________________. m) Muriel was so engrossed in the book that she lost track of time and missed her appointment. So __________________________________________________________________________________. n) Besides inundating coastal areas, global warming is likely to cause more extreme climate effects. Not only ______________________________________________________________________________. o) The situation was such that the tiniest incident might have started a riot. Such ________________________________________________________________________________. p) Talking back to their elders is not acceptable under any circumstances in Japan. Under ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. q) Students’ interest in the subject was such that the principal decided to schedule another lecture on it. Such _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________. r) Portugal didn’t join the European Union until 1986 although its predecessor, the European Economic Community, had existed since 1957. Not until ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.
Book II - Lesson 3
BOX 4 - PREPOSITIONS 1. Fill in the gaps using the right preposition. When no preposition is needed, write an X: a) Marjorie seldom goes swimming because she suffers _________ bronchitis. b) Parents often worry _________ the effect their children’s friends have _________ their kids. c) People have gotten increasingly addicted _________ their cellphones. d) Some students feel they learn more _________ teachers who demand more _________ them. e) Alcohol can lead teenagers _________ the use of illicit drugs. f) Cory is so mad _________ working out that she lifts weight even _________ Sundays and holidays. g) Due to the Internet, we now have easy access _________ any kind of information we need. h) Nobody believed Jimmy would be capable _________ committing such hideous crimes. i) The impact the recession will have _________ the country in the long run is unpredictable. j) The two students only noticed the teacher had been looking _________ them for some minutes when they started being poked by their friends. k) Miriam prefers jogging _________ cycling in an attempt to lose weight. l) Treena started working as an intern six months after she entered _________ university. m) Which do you think is the best steakhouse _________ Goiânia? 2. Now make great oral sentences of 20 words using new vocabulary and the collocations above.
___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
Book II - Lesson 3
1. Check out these examples and discuss the meaning of the phrasal verbs:
a) Sally realized her son was lying, yet she decided to play along with him to see how far he would go. b) The government always tries to play down the crisis the country is in to pretend things are under control. c) Clair often played her father off (against) her mother so as to get her way. d) Tim missed out on a great opportunity when he decided not to go on a student exchange program because of his girlfriend. e) Marian turned down her current boyfriend’s marriage proposal because she realized she hadn’t gotten over her former boyfriend. f) Several mothers turn their children in to the police so that they won’t commit crimes anymore. g) Learning that the classmate she despises was going to be at the party turned Lilly off and she decided not to go. h) Despite not being interested in her neighbor, Kathy led him on because she liked the attention. crimes. i) When Cindy was promoted, her close friends said that called for a celebration and invited her out. j) Cindy called off the celebration when she learned that her fiancé had been in a car accident. k) Cindy’s friends called on her and her fiancé a week later and could see everything had turned out all right. l) Students feel their teachers are picking on them when they are often called on to answer questions in class. m) Tina got upset when she realized the chocolate powder had been used up, as she wanted to bake a chocolate cake. 2. Fill in the gaps using the right phrasal verb: a) Bob realized Tamara was _________________ him __________ when he saw her treating another colleague of theirs the same flirtatious way. b) Kim felt she was ____________________________ the whole college experience when she saw her friends having fun while she had to work two jobs to pay the tuition. c) Karen decided to ____________________________ James when he told his family they were dating so as to get them off his back. d) Tom’s request for a raise was ____________________________ by his boss because he didn’t think Tom deserved it. e) The wedding was ______________________ hours before it took place. f) The shy girl __________________________ the importance of the award she had gotten because she didn’t want people to think she was conceited. g) The terrorist _________________ himself _______ to the authorities only to blow up the police station. h) Doing voluntary work is something that ___________________________ generosity. i) Presidential candidates often _________ their opponents _________________ each other to gain the vote of the undecided ones.
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j) As the eggs had been _______________________, the maid decided to make something other than omelet for lunch. k) Stephen is such a good student that he never waits to be ________________________to answer a question; he volunteers to answer it whenever he sees nobody knows the answer. l) Jim is a right-wing extremist, so finding out that Suzy is a member of the Democratic Party _________________ him _________ her.
_________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
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BOX 6 - VERBS Present
past participle
be aware
been aware
end up
ended up
ended up
there to be
there was / there were
Book II - Lesson 3
BOX 7 - PATTERNS 1. To appear: calm / rude / to be better 2. To appreciate: one’s hospitality / one’s help / one’s concern 3. To be aware: of the danger of using drugs / that one’s kid is not studying hard 4. To become: a millionaire / friends with someone / increasingly anxious 5. To bring: the check / the bill / a souvenir 6. To buy: a gift for someone / a car for $5000 7. To commit: suicide / murder / a crime 8. To cope with: two jobs / the loss of one’s husband
9. To come: home / out of one’s bedroom / closer 10. To end up: in prison / fired / going somewhere else 11. To increase (*population / prices / salaries / the crime rate)* used before the verb 12. To kick: a ball around the yard / the door hard 13. To lack: experience / confidence / discipline / concentration 14. To own: a beach house / a couple of businesses in town 15. To put one’s life in danger 16. To realize how: smart / big / dangerous…sb / sth is 17. To seem: concerned / uninterested / weird / unlikely 18. To seek: employment / advice / re-election / professional help / counseling / shelter 19. To shop for: vegetables / groceries / clothes 20. To tend to do sth 21. To win: a race / an election / the gold medal / by 10 points 22. There to be issues to discuss
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Book II - Lesson 3
Listening You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C). 1. You overhear a man talking about an experience he had at an airport. What did he lose? A) his passport B) his wallet C) a piece of luggage 2. You hear an advertisement on the radio. What is special about the Fretlight guitar? A) it plays recorded music B) it teaches you how to play C) it plugs into a computer 3. You hear part of a radio programme. What is the presenter talking about? A) food safety B) meal times C) healthy recipes 4. You hear two people discussing a type of pollution. What do the speakers agree about? A) the best way to solve the problem B) how they feel about this type of pollution C) how they reacted to the solution they saw 5. You hear a conversation between a shop assistant and a customer about a compact disc. What was the cause of the problem? A) the customer gave the wrong number B) a mistake was made on the order form C) the disc was incorrectly labeled 6. You overhear a conversation at a football game. What does the speaker say about his team? A) they’re better than usual B) they’re as good as he expected C) they tend to be unlucky 7. You overhear a schoolgirl talking to her friend. What does she think about her new teacher? A) he is clever B) he is funny C) he is interesting 8. In a hotel, you overhear a conversation. Who is the woman? A) a tour guide B) a tourist C) a hotel receptionist
Book II - Lesson 3
Curiosities... ’
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Book II - Lesson 3