Septic Arthritis – Learn about the Symptoms and Treatment Options Septic arthritis is inflammation of a joint caused by a bacterial infection. The article discusses the causes, symptoms and treatment options for this painful condition.
Septic arthritis is a painful infection that affects the joints. Also known as infectious arthritis, the condition occurs when an infection (caused by bacteria or virus) spreads to a joint or the synovial fluid surrounding the joint. It can also occur when a penetrating injury delivers germs directly into the joint. Infectious arthritis typically affects the knees, but it also can affect the hips, shoulders and other joints, and is often seen in children, older adults and people who use illegal drugs. The infection can severely damage the cartilage and bone within the joints. Reliable pain management centers in Brooklyn, NYC offer several effective treatment modalities to reduce the severity of the infection associated with the condition. Bacterial infection with Staphylococcus aureus (staph) is the most common cause of septic arthritis. The infection can originate anywhere in the body. The infection may also begin as the result of an open wound, surgery, or unsterile injection. The potential risk factors associated with the joint infection include – a weak immune system, skin fragility, existing joint problems, joint trauma, open wounds, and consuming medications for rheumatoid arthritis. Having a combination of risk factors puts a person at higher risk than having just one risk factor. Symptoms The symptoms associated with the condition can vary from one person to another and depend on age, joint problems, and medications consumed. Symptoms usually arise rapidly and include:
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Intense joint pain and swelling Fever Warmth and redness around the joint Chills Fatigue and generalized weakness Decreased appetite A rapid heart rate Irritability Inability to move the limb with the infected joint
How Infectious Arthritis is Diagnosed and Treated Initial diagnosis of this condition will begin with a detailed joint examination. The physician will ask questions about your typical symptoms. Diagnostic tests like joint fluid analysis, blood tests and other imaging tests will be conducted to analyze the exact cause of the joint pain and other symptoms. Joint fluid analysis (arthrocentesis) involves inserting a needle into the affected joint to take a sample of synovial fluid. The sample is examined for color, consistency, and the presence of white blood cells and bacteria. This in turn will verify whether the patient has an infection in the joint and if so what factors are causing the infection. Blood sample analysis – which involves checking the white blood cell count – will help determine whether any bacterial infections are present in the blood stream. In addition, imaging tests such as x-rays, MRI scan, CT scan and nuclear scan of the affected joint may be done to assess damage to the joint. Treatment for septic arthritis involves a combination of modalities to address pain and swelling. Commonly used treatment options include synovial fluid drainage, oral antibiotics, and physical therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, resting the joint and splinting the affected joints. As part of the initial treatment, patients will need to take bed rest for a few days to take pressure off the affected joint. Drainage of the infected area will be done for rapid clearing of the infection. Synovial fluid is often drained using arthroscopy, but it can be done in an open surgical procedure. Antibiotics are usually prescribed for 4 to 6 weeks, orally or intravenously to treat the bacterial infection. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen help decrease swelling, pain, and fever. A physical therapy program consisting of manual therapy and exercise may be recommended to improve pain and restore function and movement. Splints are used to protect and support weak or unstable joints in people with septic arthritis. A splint immobilizes an affected joint, reduces pain and swelling and can help preserve joint function. Septic arthritis can affect people at any age (including infants and children). In adults, the condition typically affects the weight-bearing joints (hips, knees and ankles) the most. In children, septic arthritis usually affects the shoulders, hips, and knees. Untreated infectious arthritis can cause permanent joint damage. If treated early, patients are most likely to see an improvement in their symptoms within 48 hours of starting treatment.
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