Tips to Prevent Winter-related Injuries Taking basic safety precautions can help prevent common injuries that occur in winter.
Winter is a wonderful time of the year but winter weather comes with risks for a variety of personal injuries. Injury during winter can occur from performing even simple activities, especially if you are not prepared. Pain and injuries in the areas such as back, shoulder, neck, joints and knees are the commonplace during the winter. While healthcare centers offer chiropractic care and physical therapy in Brooklyn to address pain due to joint injuries, taking basic precautions can help prevent common accidents and injuries that occur in winter. Here are some winter weather-related hazards and tips to deal with them: 
Slips and falls on ice and snow – Injuries due to slips and falls are amongst the most common orthopedic problems that occur in winter weather. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of injury among older Americans and winter weather conditions only worsen that concern. Bruises, head or brain injuries including concussions, ankle strains and twists and other kinds of muscle sprains and ligament strains, broken bones most commonly hip and wrist fractures, back injuries including spinal compression fractures and injuries to the spinal cord are the most common injuries that can occur from falls on ice. Taking the following precautions can keep you and your family safer:
Keep pedestrian areas and roads clear of snow and ice; scatter rock salt on these areas to melt the ice. Wear proper shoes with good traction or apply a slip-on traction device to your
footwear. Take short steps and walk slowly, when you have to walk outdoors Always keep de-icer or sand on hand for when things get slippery around your house. Always have your cell phone handy If you have to do outdoor tasks, take your time and don’t hurry. Muscle strain from shoveling snow or scraping ice off the car - Shoveling the driveway and sidewalk is the one of the most unpleasant winter jobs; it can take a long time and needs a lot of physical exertion. In fact, shoveling snow is one of the main causes of back injury during the winter months. The repetitive tasks of twisting and lifting while shoveling strains the muscles and ligaments and can cause serious injuries like a herniated disc. The most common injuries reported due to shoveling were soft tissue injuries mostly to the lower back region. Other injuries reported include lacerations and fractures, injuries to the hands, arms and head. Here are some tips to prevent injuries due to shoveling snow: Spread sand or salt over slick areas to create foot traction and if you experience any pain, then stop shoveling and ask for assistance. Warm up your muscles before going out into the cold weather. A little light stretching and gentle twisting can reduce muscles stiffness and lessen the risks of strain. Bend at the hip and do the lifting with your leg muscles instead of using your back
muscles Work at a slow, steady pace and take breaks often. Start shoveling early in the storm. Use a shovel has a curved handle or adjustable handle length. Using a lightweight plastic spade instead of a heavy shovel. Shoveling in layers puts less strain on the body. Push the snow with the shovel as far as possible, instead of lifting and carrying it. When you have to lift and throw the snow, keep your back upright and knees slightly
bent, and avoid twisting. Invest in a snow blower. Driving and Motor Vehicle Collisions - The winter weather brings with it all types of potentially dangerous road conditions, such as wet pavement, sleet and slush and full coverings of snow and ice. The U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration reports that, each year, 24% of weather-related vehicle crashes occur on the snowy, slushy or icy pavements, with 15% occurring during snowfall or sleet. Here are some precautions to take while driving in winter:
Before getting on the road, clean your windows and mirrors so that you will have a clear
view free of snow or frost. Never tailgate. Keep lights on to increase visibility to other drivers. Give yourself sufficient room for making turns and stopping. Watch out for hazardous sections of roadways, including bridges, overpasses. Make sure the car’s roof is cleared of snow Never use cruise control. Check your tire tread and pressure. Keep your gas tank full to avoid getting ice in the tank or the fuel lines. Do not slam on your brakes. Double check the exhaust pipe. Drive slowly and avoid sudden changes of direction. Acceleration and deceleration should be slower.
Limit your driving as much as possible in wintry weather. Avoid driving at night if possible and drive with someone else.
Falling or colliding while playing winter or sports activities – Winter is a great time for all kinds of activities and sports such as ice hockey, skating , skiing and snowboarding,. In fact, there are plenty of ways to stay active and have fun in the winter. If you are not practicing safety, these winter activities can be quite risky. Falls and collisions in many winter activities can lead to several types of injury.
Some injuries from these winter accidents include head injuries,
shoulder injuries, back injuries, neck pain and tension, knee joint pain and soreness, wrist sprains, elbow fractures and dislocation, ankle sprains and strains and hip fracture and soreness. Here are certain precautions to take while engaging in winter sports: Avoid participating alone. Warm up thoroughly before playing or participating. Wear proper protective gear, including goggles, helmets, gloves and padding. Check whether equipment is working properly prior to use. Wear several layers of light, loose and water and wind-resistant clothing for warmth and protection. Wear proper footwear that provides warmth and dryness as well as enough ankle support. Learn sports like skiing and snowboarding from a qualified instructor. In fact, learning how to fall correctly and safely can reduce the risk of injury. Pay attention to warnings about upcoming storms and severe drops in temperature. Get medical attention immediately if you, or anyone with you, is experiencing hypothermia or frostbite. Stay hydrated before, during and after activities. Never participating in sports when you are in pain or exhausted.
If you are injured, assess the severity level. Minor problems can be treated with medication and ice/heat application. If the injury is severe, get proper medical care. Reliable pain management centers in Brooklyn offer comprehensive care for all types of musculoskeletal injuries.