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Igor Swann

Sandton, South Africa

The author, shortly after being hatched, proceeded to lead the life that would constitute the fantasies of most parentally supervised mental midgets. He managed a miraculous escape from the festivities at university with his mind mostly intact. He then became an instructor on special weapons, attended the Military Academy and survived Special Forces. An epiphany or two later he found that he preferred the life of a wealthy nerd dodging viruses to a poor jock dodging bullets. He descended into the world of bytes where he soon reached the top of his profession as a senior systems architect. He got bored, became a lecturer, got bored, and became a quant. He is now happily doing extreme maths, and has apparently mastered multiplication in addition to addition. In this time, he managed to raise cheetahs, race huskies, do modelling, fling himself from serviceable airplanes, and scuba with those teeth with fish.
