Ignatian Solidarity Network 2017-2018 Annual Report

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Annual Report


board of directors Susan Baber Vincent C. Caponi Salvador Colon Matt Cuff Christina Dominguez Elizabeth A. Donnelly Cecilia González-Andrieu Tina Facca-Miess, Ph.D. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. Paris Jones Fred Kammer, S.J. Robert Lassalle-Klein Charlotte Mahoney Nicholas Napolitano Brent Otto, S.J. Scott Powers Stephen Privett, S.J. Margaret Murphy Stockson Kerry Weber Justin T. White


national advisory council Mike Allison, Ph.D. Jennifer Ayala, Ph.D. Sam Deitch Maria DeSangles Samii Hartman Mike Hayes Ryan Heffernan Ann Holmquist Ken Homan, S.J. Shannon Hughes Mark McGuire Ed Nuñez Nathan Sessoms, Ph.D.



Lena Chapin Networking & Development Director Elizabeth Cross Administrative Assistant Riley Justice Intern Christopher Kerr Executive Director Anna Masica Intern Kim Miller Program Director Josie Schuman Intern Kelly Swan Communications Director Leanne Tang Intern

ISN’s network includes more than 90 institutional members from 24 states and Canada, including Jesuit and other Catholic high schools, colleges and universities, parishes, and other partner organizations.


Member institutions Bellarmine College Preparatory Bellarmine Preparatory School Bishop Canevin High School Bishop O’Dowd High School Boston College Boston College High School Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School Brophy College Preparatory Canisius College Carondelet High School Center of Concern Cheverus High School Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola College of St. Francis Xavier High School College of the Holy Cross Creighton Preparatory School Creighton University De La Salle High School De Smet Jesuit High School Fairfield College Preparatory School Fairfield University Fordham Preparatory School Fordham University Georgetown Preparatory School Georgetown University Gesu Church Gonzaga College High School Gonzaga University Holy Trinity Catholic Church Ignatian Spiritual Life Center Jesuit College Preparatory School Jesuit High School Jesuit High School Portland Jesuit Schools Network Jesuit Volunteer Corps Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest

John Carroll University Kino Border Initiative Le Moyne College Loyola Academy Loyola Blakefield Loyola High School Loyola High School of Los Angeles Loyola Marymount University Loyola School Loyola University Chicago Loyola University Maryland Loyola University New Orleans Marquette University Marquette University High School McQuaid Jesuit High School NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice Notre Dame School of Manhattan Our Lady of Guadalupe Regis High School Regis Jesuit High School Regis University Rockhurst High School Rockhurst University Sacred Heart Preparatory Saint Joseph’s University Saint Louis University Saint Peter’s Preparatory School Saint Peter’s University Santa Clara University Scranton Preparatory School Seattle University Spring Hill College St. Agnes Catholic Church St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Church St. Bonaventure’s College St. Francis Xavier Parish St. Ignatius Church St. Ignatius College Prep St. Ignatius College Preparatory St. Ignatius High School St. Ignatius Loyola Parish St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish St. John’s Jesuit High School and Academy St. Joseph’s Preparatory School St. Louis University High School St. Mary Student Parish St. Paul’s High School St. Peter’s Catholic Church St. Therese Catholic Church St. Xavier High School The Father McKenna Center University of Detroit Mercy University of San Francisco University of Scranton Villanova University Walsh Jesuit High School Wheeling Jesuit University Xavier University

From the Director The Ignatian Solidarity Network’s capacity to network, educate, and form advocates for justice grows each year. This growth is vital at a time when many forces in our society seek to diminish the dignity of those who are most vulnerable. At the root of our work is forming advocates who have a deep respect for the dignity of all people—those who migrate, those affected by the degradation of creation, those who experience marginalization from racial discrimination in our institutions and country. We do this throughout the year in many ways—through digital storytelling, in-person experiences to encounter the issues as lived experiences, programs for emerging justice leaders, and opportunities to directly engage in advocacy with political leaders—uniquely emphasizing a culture of dignity emblematic of our grounding in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Christopher Kerr ISN Executive Director

^ ^ PICTURED: ISN Executive Director Christopher Kerr offers the welcome at the 2017 Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice

launc h ed a p r i l 2 017

campaign for hospitality

“Hospitality, which is one of the works of mercy, is revealed as a truly human and Christian virtue.” Pope Francis The second year of the Campaign for Hospitality saw great strides in the Ignatian network’s presence as a community of welcome—particularly in the face of increasingly hostile national discourse on immigration issues. Thousands of high school and college students, faculty, and staff, members of Jesuit parishes, and others connected to Jesuit ministries responded as advocates with a commitment to learning, action, and friendship with and for those who are forced to migrate.

Campaign for


^ ^ PICTURED: Nationwide, Campaign for Hospitality engagement ranged from border immersions and legislative action to social media campaigns, prayer vigils, and campus awareness events—all providing opportunities for encounter, understanding, and action on a host of immigration issues.

Love Your Neighbor

For Valentine’s Day in February of 2018, the Ignatian network mobilized to show love to our neighbors. ISN’s Love Your Neighbor Campaign united more than 5,000 individuals in efforts to support, advocate with, and affirm the dignity of those who migrate through a valentine-writing initiative to Congressional members throughout the U.S. and a robust social media campaign. ^ ^ PICTURED: (Top) On Ash Wednesday, members of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, a Jesuit parish in Washington, D.C., delivered “Love Your Neighbor Valentines” to the offices of U.S. senators and representatives who are graduates of Jesuit schools or serve a district or state which contains a Jesuit institution. (Bottom) A Loyola Blakefield student writes a Valentine to his representative.

wha t i f ev er y churc h h ad a s ign out fr o nt p r oc l ai m i ng , “ im m i g r ants a n d r efug ee s w e l c o m e ” ?

We’re making it happen.

encounter ISN joined Jesuit Central and Southern province staff and parish members for a border immersion in El Paso. Participants deepened their understanding of border complexities and encountered realities of migration through visits to shelters, legal offices, and a detention facility.



Brophy College Preparatory in Phoenix organized a DACA Teach-In, featuring student stories from four DACA recipients and perspectives from Kino Border Initiative— livestreamed with assistance from ISN to build a culture of understanding throughout the Jesuit network.

During the summer of 2018, the Ignatian network advocated for families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. 5,841 individuals joined ISN’s legislative advocacy efforts, and Jesuit parish and school groups joined “Families Belong Together” marches across the country.

^ ^ PICTURED: (Left) El Paso border immersion participants (Center) DACA recipients prepare to speak at Brophy College Prep [Cr. Jake Kelly ‘09] (Right) A young Ignatian network member participates in the Cleveland “Families Belong Together” rally

t he t each-in shif ted M y w orldview by co nne cti n g m e w it h peo pl e who h av e c omple tel y di f f erent st ories and li f e exper i e n ce s f rom my o wn. caitlin drake walsh jesuit high school ‘18

nov em b er 2 0 1 7

ignatian family teach-in for justice The 20th annual Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice built upon a network for justice, equipping the 2,000 attendees to “row into the deep�—to be challenged and strengthened in order to build a greater, stronger, more enduring love of justice and ability to work for change. Beyond Teach-In speakers, breakout sessions, policy briefings, and networking events, more than 1,400 individuals participated in Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill, advocating for the Dream Act and a racially-just criminal justice system.

^ ^ Pictured: (Left) Advocacy Day attendees unite in prayer. (Center) Fr. Bryan Massingale, professor at Fordham University and racial justice scholar, emphasized the pervasive injustice of racism as a keynote speaker. (Right) Exhibitors and attendees network at the 2017 Teach-In

F o r mati on f o r a f a it h t h a t d o e s j u s t ic e d o es n’ t end a t g r ad u atio n. ISN recognizes that young alumni are critical to building a more just future—which is why ISN’s programs geared toward this demographic are always expanding.


(2) The always-vibrant Young Alumni Happy Hour Q&A held each year at the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice saw 150+ in attendance for a conversation with Sr. Simone Campbell, S.S.S., emceed by Fr. James Martin, S.J.



(1) Annie Boyd-Ramirez (Marquette University ‘07) and Andrew Lunetta (Le Moyne College ‘12) were recognized in April of 2018 with the Moira O’Donnell Emerging Leaders for Justice Award. The award, named for Moira O’Donnell, an ISN executive director who passed away unexpectedly at age 33, was presented this year by her sister, Aimee O’Donnell.


(3,4) This year saw major growth in ISN’s Solidarity on Tap series, hosted with Jesuit Volunteer Corps and Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest. More than 425 people attended 16 events across the U.S.

april 20 1 8

robert m. holstein faith doing justice award ISN presented the Robert M. Holstein Faith Doing Justice award to Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J., founder of Homeboy Industries. He has committed his life’s work to providing hope, training, and support to formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated men and women.

esta b l i s h i n g ad v ocacy lin k s of m u t u al su pport This year, the Ignatian network robustly answered the call of the Jesuits’ 35th General Congregation to “engage in. . . establishing advocacy links of mutual support between those who hold political power and those who find it difficult to voice their interests.”

for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the Dream Act, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. ISN also worked with Loyola University Chicago and Saint Peter’s University to coordinate advocacy outreach urging a stay of deportation for family members of two students.

The need for advocacy with and for those whose voices are not given power in our nation has never been more critical. ISN coordinated efforts on behalf of the Deferred Action

Participants met with U.S. Senate and House offices, discussing root causes of migration, family separation at the U.S.-Mexico border, and the situation of DACA recipients.

In collaboration with the Jesuit Conference Office of Justice and Ecology, ISN coordinated a sub-region meeting of the Jesuit Migration Network of Central and North America—with representatives from 15 Jesuit and partner institutions.

^^ PICTURED : (Top) Letters from Sacred Heart Catholic Church, a Jesuit

parish in Richmond, Va., were delivered to Senate offices. (Bottom left) Participants at the Jesuit Migration Network meeting. (Bottom right) ISN intern Leanne Tang at the Catholic Day of Action with Dreamers in Washington, D.C.

a d v o ca cy h igh l i g h t s

1,500+ participated in legislative advocacy meetings

Focal advocacy issues included migration, racial justice, and care for creation


participated in advocacy action alerts


Ignatian Network institutions signed on to the Catholic Climate Covenant “We Are Still In” campaign, in support of the Paris Climate Agreement


advocated against the deportation of two members of the Jesuit network

ISN has effectively conceptualized advocacy in a very tangible way for me. It has shaped, and will continue to shape, my trajectory as an agent of change in through an Ignatian lens, and for that I am truly grateful. pedro guerrero loyola university chicago ‘14

ju ne 2018

parish justice summit Parishioners, staff, and clergy from 15 Jesuit parishes across the U.S., joined by representatives from JustFaith, the Jesuit Conference Office of Justice and Ecology, and Jesuits West, gathered at Regis University in Denver for ISN’s Jesuit Parish Justice Summit. The Summit provided opportunities for idea sharing and networking

around parish work for social justice—with a focus on immigration, care for creation, and racial justice. The Summit marked the kickoff of ISN’s Jesuit Parish Collaboration Framework—promoting a stronger Jesuit parish network leading to coordinated discernment and action on justice issues.

Pictured: Brian Christopher, S.J., delivers the opening keynote.

f ebr uary + m a r ch 2018

arrupe leaders summit

ISN facilitated Arrupe Leaders Summits in Maryland, Ohio, and California, providing social justice leadership training grounded in the legacy of Pedro Arrupe, S.J. and Ignatian spirituality to more than 100 high school students from nearly 25 schools. Throughout the Summit, students and faculty shared social justice programming ideas and made connections with fellow social justice leaders from around the country. “As a scho o l com mu n i t y , w e a r e s o g rateful t o t h e A rru p e L e ad e r s Su mmit fo r mo l di n g o ur s t u d e nt s to lead wit h co n f i de n ce a nd le a d with the h e a rt .” beth mueller stewart, m.div. bishop o’dowd high school

Our c o m m i t m en t t o a more ju s t wor ld n ev e r s t ops. ISN’s web presence is working around the clock to keep you connected to a network that does justice.

207,000 ISN’s 2018 daily Lenten series asked: How will we work together to build a world in which the dignity of all people is upheld? “So how do we break forth and claim our places in the church? . . . by realizing that all of us baptized Christians are part of the church . . . by remembering that we all have a right to participate and make our voices known . . . by remembering that in the midst of sin there is grace; in the midst of inertia there is progress, and in the midst of death there is new life.” james martin, s.j. good friday: claiming a place

website visitors


followers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

r e sp o nse t o c u r r ent ev ent s ISN provided online networking opportunities and resources in response to the repeal of DACA, school shootings, and family separation at the U.S.-Mexico border.

ig na t ia n ec o l o g ic a l ex a m en

A tool for prayer, reflection, and action in the I gnatian tradition, responding to Pope Francis’ call in L audat o Si’ to care for creation and to reconcile our relationship with God, creation, and one another.


God, Creati

on and Huma

In Laudato Si’ Pope Francis asked us reconcile our relati to onship with God, care for creation and to creation and one Borrowing from the great Ignati another. an tradit Ecological Exam en asks you to reflec ion of examens, this with creation, to t acknowledge and on your personal relationship amend your ways ecological justice and to by standing in solida by environmental rity with those most promote harm. impacted Begin the Exam en by placing yours elf or your group allows you to be in open to the ways the Spirit is worki a posture that are six steps in the Examen: ng in you. There I give than ks to God for creation and wonderfully for being made. (Where did I feel God’s presence in creation today ?) I ask for the grace to see in all its sple creation as God does – ndor and suff ering. (Do I see the beaut y of creation and and the poor?) hear the cries of the earth EcoExamen


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nity: An Ign atian Exa


I ask for the grace to look my life choi closely to see ces impact how creation and vulnerable. the poor and (What challenges or joys do I exper ience as I recall creation? How can my care I turn away from instead stand in a throwaway cultur for solidarity with creati e and on and the poor? ) I ask for the grac ecological justi e of conversion tow ards ce and reco nciliation. (Where have I fallen short in caring for and sisters? How do I ask for a conve creation and my brothers rsion of heart?) I ask for the grac with God, crea e to reconcile my rela tionship tion and hum solidarity thro anity, and to stand in ugh my actio ns. (How can I repair my relationship with creation and consistent with my desire for recon make choices ciliation with creati on?) I offer a closi ng prayer for vulnerable the earth and in our socie the ty.




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The ecological examen supports reflection in print and online.

july 201 7

ignatian justice summit

38 students. 14 Jesuit colleges and universities. A shared capacity for compassion. For four days at the 2017 Ignatian Justice Summit, Jesuit college and university students gathered from throughout the U.S. to connect, educate, and network for immigration justice.

“The Summ i t ga v e m e t h e t o o ls t o s a y ‘t h i s i s p ar t o f o u r Je su it valu e s’: i t’ s not just a b ou t w o rk i n g f o r j u s t i c e f o r m e o r f o r o the r immigran ts, b ut it is wh a t o ur J e sui t m i s s i o n v a lu e s a r e a b o u t . ”

José Cabrera, Xavier University student and DACA recipient

june 20 1 8

immersion coordinators summit Twenty-seven staff from twenty Ignatian network colleges and universities gathered in Chicago to share best practices and network to develop ethical and holistic immersion program experiences. “This gathering always provides a unique and crucial space for collegiality, collaboration, and learning. Ongoing formation and spaces like these are essential and we seek to ensure that our programs are responsible, responsive, ethical, and engaging.�

Susan Haarman, Summit Facilitator Loyola University Chicago

Susan Haarman Anne Hansen Kathleen Hartley Kathleen Haser Lori Hawkins Tom and Eileen Houlihan Ann and Robert Holmquist Elizabeth Hughes $10,000+ Programa Velasco Eileen Burke-Sullivan Catherine Huston Jesuit Conference of Canada and Xavier Jesuit Community Cara Caponi Michael Hutchinson the United States Brian Zaiger Sharon Carpenter Jesuits West John and Barbara Schubert Greg Carpinello Mary Jolley USA Midwest Province of the $500-$999 Catherine Carroll Kelly Jones Society of Jesus Michael Anderson Margie Carroll Susan and Russ Kadota Susan Baber Christians for Peace in El Salvador Alexia Kelley $5,000-$9,999 Stephen Callahan (CRISPAZ) Colleen Kennedy Vince and Robyn Caponi John and Geri Cusenza Dominic Cirincione, Ph.D. Larry and Dolores Kerr Loretta Holstein Christina Dominguez Kris Coffey Christopher Kerr and Jill DiPiero Peter Albert and Charlotte Fordham University Barbara Colyar Tom King Mahoney Vince Herberholt Mavis and Robert Connolly Lake Catholic High School Kristin Heyer and Mark Potter Kimberly Cox Jacqueline Landry $2,500-$4,999 Bill Hobbs Michele Crespo-Fierro and Luca Jennifer Larrabee Association of Jesuit Colleges and Jesuit Community at University of Fierro Robert Lassalle-Klein Universities Detroit Mercy Timothy Daaleman David Lester Charles and Nancy Geschke Jesuit Community of Brebeuf Jim DeGraw Loyola Jesuit Community Richard P. Hogan, Jr. and Jennifer Mark Kuczewski Marie Dennis Dennis and Pam Lucey Ruch Hogan Jerry and Mary Caye Lagomarsino Joan Desmond James Lund Maryland Province of the Society Bill and Stacia Masterson Daniel Dolan of Jesus Sharon Miller Mary Dolan St. Ignatius Jesuit Community Arthur Milholland and Luann Sue Donnelly U.S. Central and Southern Mostello Myles Duffy Province of the Society of Jesus Mission Santa Clara Sara Dwyer USA Northeast Province of the John Mulvahill Robert Ellsberg Society of Jesus Sean Nalty Mary Englerth John and Leah Sealey Onita Estes-Hicks $1,000-$2,499 Robert and Joanne Smith Tina Facca-Miess Melissa Collins Di Leonardo Maria Stephan Rev. Robert Fambrini, S.J. Salvador Colon Kerry Weber Bill Fellows Betty Anne Donnelly Xavier High School Richard Fiesta Julie Dowd and Tim Freundlich Mary and William Zant Paula Fitzgerald Richard Ferry Stan Fitzgerald Jesuit Community of Fordham $100 - $499 Fordham University University Michael Allison Mary Ellen and Michael Fox Jesuit Community of St. Aloysius Arminda Au Jenene Francis John Carroll University Jesuit Robert Backis Trish Fuller Community Elaine Bakan Emily Gelfman Ann Magovern and Kate Carter Matt Barmore Jo Ann Gonzalez Dr. Joseph Michon Bonnie Behre Cecilia Gonzålez-Andrieu Robert and Jackie O’Donnell Danitria Bradley Molly Gradowski Sarah and Jack Raslowsky Sharon Bramante Rich Grimes

Yo u r Impact Makes a Dif f erenc e.

our generous donors

Pictured: Students develop action plans at the Ignatian Justice Summit.

Michael McCann Jack McLean Marcus Mescher Judy Michalek Mary Pat Michel Allison Moore Linda Mullen Dennis Mulvihill Joseph Muriana Margaret Murphy Stockson Judith Navetta Joe Naylor and Yosuke Chikamoto Ellen and Peter J. Notehelfer Corinne O’Connell James O’Connor Robert O’Sullivan Rev. Brent Otto, S.J. Jeff and Allison Otto Ronald and Rosemary Plue Suzanne Polen Pam Rector Michael J. Richwalsky Sheila and Denis Ring Patrick Rombalski Leonard Rubio Ronan Ryan Rosemary Ryan

Saint Louis University Saint Peter’s Preparatory School Alexis Santora Jane Santoro Peter and Sherri Sawaya Michael Schuck Elisabeth Shippey Sarah Signorino Melani Smith St. Ignatius College Preparatory Daniel St. Laurent Margaret Stanton Ted and Monica Steiner Kevin Tuerff Brian Unitt Jacquelyn Unitt Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy Philip and Melanne Verveer Thomas Vozzo Weinandy Family Thomas Wheeler Scott and Jeannie Wood Richard Woolery Thomas Zeko $50-$99 Carlos Aedo Jose Aguto

Jose Altamirano Marilyn Antonik Raymond Baranek Camille Basak Teresa Bautista Meg Beugg Ashley Boone Stephen Bruns Rev. Francis Canfield, S.J. Jocelyn Collen Murray Dalziel Colleen Davis Kathy and Zack Desmond Eileen Dooley Br. Edward Driscoll, CFX Jon Dwyer Joanne Farrell Daphne Dubois-Figuiredo Rev. Paul Fitzgerald, S.J. Charlie Freel Barbara Fuller Kate Gaertner Charlie Gibson Martin Gleason Edward Greene Dan and Michele Gunther Marie Hojnacki Br. Ken Homan, S.J. Jean Johnson Joseph Kelly Lorraine Knight Aileen Koger Barbara Kohnen Lawrence Lutz Rev. Donald Macmillan, S.J. Judith McCarthy Giulia McPherson Jimmy Menkhaus Leilani Miller Mary Misura Peggy and William Moylan Beth Mueller Chris Murphy Carlos Nunez Kevin O’Brien William and Donna O’Connell Jeanne Ortiz Gina Parnaby Susan Petrak Barbara Ripp

DONOR SPOTLIGHT a ly ssa p erez

ISN feels like my moral compass. It has kept me accountable as I work to integrate justice into my life beyond my volunteer experience. It has been integral to my re-entry into the U.S. after two years in Belize. I believe in ISN’s mission and the future the network seeks. I give because I know that an organization can have the best mission in the world, but if they don’t have the funds to do the work the mission cannot be achieved.

“ i bel i eve i n ISN’ s mi ssi o n a nd the f utu re the netw o rk s eeks.” Alyssa Perez, ISN Donor

Pictured: ISN Board of Directors and staff visited Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles.

Your donation makes a difference. 80% of every dollar goes directly to programming. James Roche Maria Rodrigues Jan Ryszkowski Robert Sapunor Beth Scanlon Jennifer Seelman Stiven Sally Staff Azusa Takegami Nancy Taylor Maura Toomb Gail Tovrog Sonia Umanzor Rev. Mike Van Cleve John Veal John Vu Michael Warner Megan Wilson-Reitz Kim Zarif $1-$49 Matthew Anderson Roy Bakos Megan Barry McKenzae Bartels Keith Bateman Candace Backer Bud Blake Matt Brazil Ann Marie and Patrick Brennan Renin Broadnax Joan Byrne Howard Cameron CeCe Campbell Victor Carmona Lena Chapin Hon. William Chinnock Brian Cloyd Bridget Cullen Sadie Curtin Liz D’Onofrio Sara Damewood Ray and Peggy Daull Johnnie DeWilde Jason Downer, S.J. Michael Due

Mark Ehrbar Patricia Enos Sandra Epley Dan and Gia Esposito Jacqueline Fitzgerald Rev. James Flynn, S.J. Karen Frederick Frank and Mary Frost Maria Garcia Colin Gilbert Rev. Marcos Gonzales, S.J. Oliver Goodrich Timothy Green Rev. Paul Grubb, S.J. Charles Gurklis Laura Hancock Lorna Hays Ryan Heffernan Rev. Peter Henriot, S.J. Tim Hinkle Jacob Holder Adelina Huerta Bianca Huertas Alie Iwanenko Ricardo and Guadalupe Jimenez Rev. Fred Kammer, S.J. Margaret Keating Sarah Kelley Juman Khweis Marilynn Kiel Thomas Kowalski Franz Kuo George and Jen LaMaster Joan Lang, C.S.J. Ian Langella Grace Laskowski Brianna Lazarchik Sr. Frances Lombaer, OP Joan MacDonnell Erin Mackey Marissa Madden Michael Mookie Manalili Mary Grace Manning Timothy Manning

Daniel Marcin Rev. Michael J. Marco, S.J. Mark McGuire Mary Marks Mary Ann McDonald Paul and Peggy McElligott Rev. Mark McKenzie, S.J. Ms. Beth Ford McNamee Steven Meier Jason Miller Jim and Judy Miller John Monczunski Mary Mondello Marietta Morrissey Evarlyne Ndeti Yvonne Nguyen Mary Nicholas

Patrick Nugent Patrick and Liz O’Brien Rev. Brian O’Donnell, S.J. Margaret Owens Jeffrey Peak Alyssa Perez Sally Peters Amy Phillips Bridget Power Scott Powers Michael Purkerson Angelica Quinonez Ernest Ramirez Robert Rausch Mike and Jennifer Richwalsky Colleen Ross Reid Ruble Guy Savastano John Schaberg Matt Schaefer Catherine Schmitt André Sicard


ISN has been part of my life for 10 years, from taking students to the Teach-In in Georgia, to board service and beyond. I’m committed to ISN as an educator and a Catholic. I believe it is one of the best ways we can introduce young people to social justice as an important part of their faith lives. I give so ISN can continue to develop young leaders for the church and society.

“I g i v e s o ISN c a n c o ntin u e to d e v e lo p yo u ng le ad e rs fo r the c h u r c h an d s o c i e t y. ” Bill Hobbs, ISN Donor

Boreta Singleton Dr. Mariah Snyder Deanna Howes Spiro St. Peter’s Catholic Church Brian Stefan-Szittai Geralyn Stenger Agnes Stipetich Hadley Stocker Natalie Terry Rev. Benjamin J. Urmston, S.J. Rev. Robert Uzzilio Marie Viola Raymond Ward Eric Weislogel Justin White Woconish Family Charles Wymes Martín Zaldívar Mary Zuegner In Honor Of: All of our young advocates Rev. George Anderson, S.J. Anonymous Teresa Bautista’s nieces and nephews Rev. Greg Boyle, S.J. Robyn and Vince Caponi and family Rowan Chinnock Rev. Charlie Currie, S.J. Joud Dabaj Katie Davis Grace Donnelly Tim Finn Andy Gleason Rev. Dan Hartnett, S.J. Robert Holstein Eunice Howitt Rev. T Howland, S.J. Rev. Jim Hug, S.J. Jesuit Volunteer Corps Paige Katzfey Hannah Kelley Chris Kerr Rev. James King, S.J. Baby Knestrick-Myers Barbara Kohnen Rev. Gap LoBiondo, S.J. Rev. Don Macmillan, S.J. James Martin, S.J.

LOYOLA CIRCLE ($5,000) Betsy and Andy Ackerman Loretta Holstein XAVIER CIRCLE ($2,500) Jeanne Anderson-West and David West The California Endowment Kate Carter and Ann Magovern Girardi Keese John Carroll University St. John’s Well Child & Family Center ARRUPE CIRCLE ($1,000) Anonymous Robyn and Vince Caponi

program participation fees 36%

c 38%

b 11%

institutional membership 11%

Very Rev. John Cecero, S.J., USA Northeast Province of the Society of Jesus Anthony Day, President, Loyola Blakefield High School James Fitzpatrick Rev. Michael J. Graham, S.J., President, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH Jennifer Bruch Hogan and Richard P. Hogan, Jr. Very Rev. Robert M. Hussey, S.J., Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus Ignatian Solidarity Network Board of Directors Very Rev. Scott Sanatrosa, S.J., Jesuits West Bob and Jacqueline O’Donnell St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Catholic Church

expense: $638,000 c Development 11% 11% b

a 4%

management 9% 9%

grants 4%

Jesuit Conference and Province Support other 5% income 1%

individual donations 20%

campaign and event sponsorship 20%

d 21%

MAGIS LEVEL ($8,000) America Media Boston College School of Theology and Ministry

Holstein award event 2018 Sponsors

income: $619,000

e 21%

Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice 2017 Sponsors

XAVIER LEVEL ($2,500) Be The Light Youth Theology Institute at Canisius College Bread for the World Center of Concern Catholic Relief Services Creighton University Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor Sojourners

ARRU PE LEVEL ($1,500) The Clifford M. Lewis, S.J. Appalachian Insititute at Wheeling Jesuit University Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach Fairfield University Center for Faith and Public Life Fordham Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest International Samaritan Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States Jesuit Schools Network Jesuit Refugee Service/USA Loyola Press Service Year Saint Louis University

f 1%

In Memory of: Rev. Joe Currie, S.J. Sr. Peg Dolan, RHSM of Loyola Marymount University George Dwyer Arthur Archangelo Facca Dolores Frederick Solomon Fuller Bernard P. and Fay M. Gurklis Robert M. Holstein John and Henry and Lillian Kowalski Cora Linehan and Harriet Linehan Skogstrom Rev. Kenneth Loftus, S.J. Rev. George Menke, S.J. Zach Misleh Leonora Jasmine Caroselli Moylan John and Kathleen Nalty Margaret Nicholas Kostic and John Lyster Nicholas The Grandmother of Yvonne Nguyen Moira Erin O’Donnell Christopher Ripp Infant Ryszkowski Bishop Walter F. Sullivan Antonio Zaldivar

LOYOLA LEVEL ($5,000) Ethix Merch Jesuit Volunteer Corps Jesuit School of Theology and Ministry at Santa Clara University University of San Francisco McGrath Institute for Jesuit Catholic Education

g 4%

Maryland Province Jesuits Anne Mueller Quentin Orem Rev. Brent Otto, S.J. Erin Ramsey-Tooher Michael Richwalsky Elanor Sheehan, C.S.J. SLUH Community Marianne Stephan Diane Taylor Rev. Joseph Tetlow, S.J.

Programs a 80%


The Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN) is a national organization that networks, educates, and forms advocates for social justice animated by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the witness of the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador and their companions. Learn more: ignatiansolidarity.net

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