Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice 2013 Program

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I ll u m i n at i n g t h e h o r i zo n o f h o p e Was h i n gto n D .C . | | N o v e m b e r 1 6- 1 8, 2 0 1 3 IGNATIAN S O LI DAR I T Y NE T WO R K

SCHEDULE saturday, November 16

sunday, november 17


Registration - Foyer


Regather & Announcements - Ballroom


Gathering & Reconnecting - Ballroom


Opening Prayer Student Speaker Kieran Halloran - “Kwa Uzima, Serving AIDS Affected Orphans in Kenya”

4:45 Welcome & Introductions 4:55

Opening Prayer



Breaking Open the IFTJ Christopher Kerr

9:10 Keynote Sarita Gupta

5:10 Keynote James Martin, S.J. 5:55

Student Speakers Jaime Rodriguez Jr. - “Framing Our Justice” Kelsey Witzgall - “The ‘F’ word: Addressing Femi- nism and Women’s Issues on Jesuit Campuses”

6:15 Dinner

Student Speaker Emma Coley & Thomas Imhoff “Challenges of Living a Faith that Does Justice: Inform, Inspire, Empower”

10:00 Breakout Session #1 - See pages 15-16 10:50 Break 11:10 Breakout Session #2 - See pages 17-18


Networking Session #1 - See page 5


Student Speakers - Ballroom Claire Lucas - “Six at a Time: Operation Streamline” Alan Pelaez Lopez - “Seeing Hope Through Story- telling in the Undocumented and Queer Movement”

9:10 Keynote Peggy O’Neill, S.C. 9:40


12:00 Lunch 1:30

Student Speaker Raeesah Reese & Linda Tenerowicz “Supporting an End to the Occupation of Palestine; Changing Our Social Contract for a Hopeful Future”

1:40 Keynotes Dan Misleh & Kyle Kramer

Prayer for the Jesuit Martyrs

10:00 T-Shirt Swap & Open Mic Night

Monday, November 18


Breakout Session #3 - See pages 19-20


Networking Session #2 - See page 5


Advocacy Training - Ballroom

5:30 Dinner 9:00

Public Witness & Advocacy Day - See page 12

@ i g S O L I DA R IT Yn e t | # iftj1 3


7:30 Liturgy

facebook.com /ignatiansolidar ity

ignatians ol i dari t y. net



On behalf of the Ignatian Solidarity Network, I would like to welcome you to the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice (IFTJ)! This year marks our sixteenth gathering to learn, network, reflect, and take action in solidarity with our brothers and sisters throughout the world. The Teach-In continues to be a cornerstone of ISN’s efforts to to educate and advocate for social justice in the spirit of St. Ignatius of Loyola. We often refer to those who are connected to our work as members of the “Ignatian Family.” Please know that through your presence here this weekend, you are a part of that family. I hope that we may continue to support your passion for faith and justice for many years to come. Our theme calls us to “Illuminate the Horizon of Hope.” This is a challenge we can take on both personally and collectively. Our time together this weekend and our advocacy on Monday can be one manner in which we take on this challenge. However, we also need to consider how we will continue to be “illuminators” in our world when we return home. I invite you to reflect on how you might do this personally and how we can collectively work as one “Ignatian family” as well.

IFTJ STEERING COMMITTEE Shaina Aber U.S. Jesuit Conference Patrick Cassidy Jesuit Volunteer Corps Rich Clark John Carroll University Matt Cuff U.S. Jesuit Conference Ben Horgan Loyola Blakefield High School Billy Kavula Spring Hill College Bill Kriege Rockhurst University Dylan Lang University of Scranton Greg Lynch, S.J. College of the Holy Cross Don MacMillan, S.J. Boston College Jason Miller Alumni Nick Napolitano NY/NE/MD Provinces Brent Otto, S.J. Jesuit School of Theology Jeff Peak Creighton University Christian Santa Maria Gonzaga University Beth Scanlon Le Moyne College Sara Seligmann Santa Clara University Sarah Signorino Canisius College Mary Small Jesuit Refugee Service Natalie Terry Jesuit School of Theology Maura Toomb St. Peter’s Preparatory Danielle Trollinger Regis Jesuit High School Jeff Wallace Boston College School of Theology & Ministry

Again, thank you for being here and for being a member of the “Ignatian Family!”

Ch r i s to p h e r K e rr E x e c u ti v e D i r e ct or


To p r o t ect cr e a tio n , to p r o te ct e ve r y m a n a n d e v e ry wo m a n , to lo o k u p o n th e m with l o v e , with te n d e r n e ss, is to o p e n u p a h o r i z o n o f h o p e , it is to le t a sh a ft o f lig h t b r e a k th r o u g h th e h e a vy clo u d s. Pope Francis

Christopher Kerr Executive Director Kim Miller Program Director Mary Jo Lupica Bookkeeper McKenzae Bartels Grace Donnelly Shannon Doyle Interns

The Ignatian Solidarity Network promotes leadership and advocacy among students, alumni, and other emerging leaders from Jesuit schools, parishes, and ministries by educating its members on social justice issues; by mobilizing a national network to address those issues; and by encouraging a life-long commitment to the “service of faith and the promotion of justice.”

































8 F























BIN 1700

























maps A




C o ff ee Shops




A . C rystal Ga tewa y M ar r iot t



F. Pot belly Sandw i c h e s ( $ ) :

J. Chipotle ($):

N . C a f e Pi zza i o l o ( $ $ ) :

T: 703- 415- 0003

T: 7 0 3 - 9 2 0 - 8 7 7 9

(703) 894-2250

Sat / Sun 11: 00AM – 5 : 0 0 P M

1 0 : 3 0 A M - 11 : 0 0 P M

S a t 11 AM - 1 0 PM

B . E in stein ’s Ba ge ls

S u n 1 2 P M - 9 PM

G . Cos i ( $) :

Re s ta u r a n ts

C. D unkin Do nu ts ($ ) :

T: 703- 521- 1904

K. Neramitra ($$):

O . C u c i n a Vi va ce ( $ $ ) :

703-412 -89 12

Sat , 7: 30AM - 10P M

T: 7 0 3 - 4 1 3 - 8 8 8 6

T: ( 7 0 3 ) - 9 7 9 - 7 6 7 6

6:00A M - 8 :00 PM

Sun, 7: 30AM - 9PM

11 : 0 0 A M - 1 0 : 0 0 P M

5 P M - 1 0 PM

D. S t arbu cks ($ ):

H. Noodles & Co. ( $ $ ) :

L. King Street Blues ($$):

P. C a n t i n a M e xi ca n a ( $ $ ) :

703-418 -02 26

T: 703- 979- 1525

T: 7 0 3 - 4 1 5 - B L U E

T: ( 7 0 3 ) - 9 7 9 - 7 0 3 3

S at / S un 8:0 0AM – 3:0 0PM

Sat 11: 00AM - 10: 0 0 P M

S a t 11 : 0 0 A M – M i d n i g h t

S a t 11 AM - 11 PM

Sun 10: 30AM – 9 : 0 0 P M

S u n 11 : 0 0 A M – 11 : 0 0 P M

S u n 11 A M - 1 0 PM

E . S ubwa y ($ ):

I . G ood St uff Eate r y ( $ ) :

M. San Antonio Grill ($$):

O th e r

T: 703 -41 3-2 23 3

T: 703- 415- 4663

T: 7 0 3 - 4 1 5 - 0 1 2 6

P. R i t e Ai d Ph a r m a cy

S at 8:00 AM – 8 :00 PM

Sat 11: 00AM – 11 : 0 0 P M

S a t 11 : 0 0 A M – 1 0 : 0 0 P M

T: ( 7 0 3 ) - 4 1 3 - 5 4 3 0

Q u i ck Bit es

S un 8:00 AM – 6 :00 PM

S a t 8 A M- 7 PM S u n 1 0 A M - 6 PM

Res t aur ant D i re c to ry : w w w.th e c ry s ta l c i tyshops.com

S hort on ti me? C al l ahead food or der s


n etwo r k i n g NETWORKING SESSION #1 Get the conversation started! During networking session #1, connect with other members of the Ignatian family who represent similar institutions and walks of life. Sessions will be based on the following groups: college/university students & staff, high school students & staff, parishioners, current volunteers, and alumni & friends of the Ignatian family.

NETWORKING SESSION #2 Share, brainstorm, and create opportunities for collaboration with the broader network! Immigration: Connect with the Ignatian network around our continued

their campuses, parishes, and communities. | Salon H

work to advocate for humane immigration reform and educate our communities on the need for humane reform | Salon 1

Public Health: Connect and learn about how partnerships between NGOs, the public sector, and academic institutions are advancing global

Access to Food: Join us for this opportunity to discuss current efforts

health equity through health system strengthening. | Jackson

to address access to food issues and how we can work together on a larger scale | Salon A

Capital Punishment: This networking session will give attendees the chance to brainstorm opportunities for education, advocacy, and

Domestic Poverty: Join the Ignatian network in sharing ideas for

careers that promote restorative justice and abolish capital punishment.

engaging domestic poverty issues and consider how we can create

| Potomac 1

opportunities for nationwide collaboration | Salon 2 Considering a Theologate: Current STM and JST students will present Environmental Justice: Come together and collaborate to meet

and speak to prospective students about the benefits of graduate

other activists, learn what they’re doing, and find out what you can do

theological studies, as well as their own experiences at graduate school.

together to better the world. | Salon B

We hope this session will be a fruitful time for all those seeking more information about graduate theological studies. | Salon G

Justice for the Working Poor: Come and learn about Interfaith Worker Justice’s work to advance justice with low wage workers in

Just Parenting: For the parent who finds him or herself in the life stage

America. We will talk about practical ways you can get involved.

between college and retirement and is looking for small ways to make

| Madison

their family’s life more just—come engage with other parents about topics including just investing, picking schools, volunteering with your

Creating Gay-Friendly Catholic Communities: This session will

children and getting politically involved with little time.| Jefferson

connect members of Catholic schools and parishes who want to create communities more inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender

Peace & Nonviolence: Join us in talking about how we can creatively

people, as well as connecting them with resources to assist their

raise peace and nonviolence issues in our communities. | Lee

outreach. | Salon C Refugees & IDPs: Meet other folks who are interested in working and Women’s Rights: Together, we’ll share our ideas for raising women’s

advocating with forced migrants. Discuss how we might think about this

rights issues in our communities and brainstorm opportunities to

topic within broader conversations about global migration. | Madison

connect our efforts. | Salon J Social Media & Social Justice: What are the opportunities and Fair Trade: Meet and brainstorm with other Ignatian family members

limitations for doing social justice work through social media? Join us for

who are interested in increasing the presence of fair trade products in

this group brainstorm! | Alexandria

Want to host a interest-based networking session? Stop by the registration table to sign up!


From Top Left: The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador and their companions; Inside the Teach-In tent in Columbus, GA during IFTJ 2004; Tom Smolich, S.J. presiding over Mass at the IFTJ 2006; Ignatian family members gathering for our first public witness & advocacy day on Capitol Hill at IFTJ 2010; Prayer for the Jesuit Martyrs during IFTJ 2012; Marching at the gates of the School of Americas during IFTJ 2008

o u r h i sto ry On November 16, 1989, six Jesuit priests - Ignacio Ellacuría, Segundo Montes, Ignacio Martín-Baró, Joaquín López y López, Juan Ramón Moreno, and Amando López - were murdered by the Salvadoran military on the campus of the University of Central America (UCA) in San Salvador, El Salvador. Their housekeeper, Julia Elba Ramos, and her daughter Celina Ramos, were murdered there as well. Nineteen of the twenty-six soldiers involved with the murders received training at the former U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA), a U.S. Army training school for soldiers from Latin America which remains open today under the new name Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC). The Jesuits martyrs were labeled subversives by the Salvadoran government for speaking out against the oppressive socio-economic structure of Salvadoran society. Their commitment to defending the poor ultimately led to their assisinations. However, the Jesuits were not the only victims of El Salvador’s tulmultuous Civil War; from 1980-1990, over 70,000

people were killed, the vast majority by El Salvador’s armed forces and paramilitary death squads. The death of the Jesuits sparked international outrage and pressure upon the Salvadoran government to negotiate an end to the Civil War; further, as people tied to the Jesuit network learned of the SOA’s role in training the Jesut martyrs’ assasins, it prompted thousands to join in the movement to close the SOA in 1990. School of the Americas Watch formed out of this movement and began organizing yearly vigils at the gates of Fort Benning (home of the SOA) in Columbus, Georgia. By the mid-1990’s, groups from Jesuit universities, parishes, and high schools participated, and in 1996, the first Jesuit gathering (a Mass) at the SOA vigil took place in a Columbus-area hotel. From 1998-2002, the TeachIn took shape in a tent (which you will see referenced in the ISN logo) adjacent to the Chattahoochee River in downtown Columbus. In 2003, the Teach-In became so large that it was moved to the Columbus Convention Center and drew over 3,000 peo-

ple for the closing Mass. The IFTJ was the pre-cursor to the Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN), which officially incorporated in 2004. After much discernment, the IFTJ moved to Washington D.C. in 2010, allowing for the opportunity to advocate on Capitol Hill. So far, the IFTJ has brought over 1,500 people to the halls of Congress to advocate for social justice causes including humane immigration reform, human rights in Latin America, and more. Despite the many changes that the Teach-In has experienced over the years, the gathering continues to be grounded in the witness of the Jesuit martyrs and their companions. We often use the Spanish term “Presente!” to express that their spirits remain within us as we gather.

Learn more about IS N : ignatiansolidar ity.net/about


keynotes 7

James Martin, S.J.

Peggy O'Neill, S.C.

Author & Editor At Large America Magazine

Director Centro Arte Para La Paz

@jamesmartinsj The Rev. James Martin, S.J. is a Jesuit priest, the culture editor of America magazine and author of numerous books, including The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything. He is also the author of My Life with the Saints (over 100,000 copies sold), which Publishers Weekly named one of the Best Books of 2006. Father Martin is a frequent commentator in the national and international media, and has appeared in such diverse venues as NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross, Fox TV’s The O’Reilly Factor, PBS’s The Newshour with Jim Lehrer, Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report, as well as in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Wall Street Journal, the History Channel, BBC and Vatican Radio. Before entering the Jesuits in 1988 he graduated from the Wharton School of Business and worked with General Electric for several years. He lives in New York City.

Sr. Peggy O’Neill, S.C. has lived in El Salvador for the past 25 years, has been an active member of the Pastoral Team, Santa Lucia Parish Suchitoto. She is the director of Centro Arte para la Paz (Center of Arts for Peace), a regional educational cultural center promoting peace through dance, art, and theological reflection in Suchitoto, El Salvador. Sr. Peggy founded this healing space in 2006 and works toward building a culture of peace using the arts as a vehicle. A highly respected long-time peace activist, Sr. Peggy has received many honors and awards including the 2008 Peacemaker Award of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, recognizing her years of peace efforts in El Salvador and honoring her “contribution to peacemaking and work for justice.” Sr. Peggy earned a M.A. in Theology from Marquette University and an Ed.D. in Religious Education from New York University. A lifelong educator in both the USA and El Salvador, Sr. Peggy served as assistant professor of Augsburg College, Center for Global Education and at Santa Clara University, Casa de Solidaridad in the Jesuit University, El Salvador. She also served as associate professor at Iona College in New Rochelle, N.Y.

James Martin, S.J. Sarita Gupta

Dan Misleh

Kyle Kramer

Director Jobs With Justice

Executive Director Catholic Coaltion on Climate Change

Author A Time to Plant: Life Lessons in Work, Prayer, and Dirt

@saritagupta Sarita Gupta is the executive director of Jobs with Justice (JwJ) and American Rights at Work. Sarita began organizing as a student on campus and was elected president of the U.S. Student Association (1997–1998). Sarita has 15 years of local, national, and global coalitionbuilding experience through her time at Chicago JwJ and National JwJ. She has a long history of organizing at the intersections of workers’ rights, immigrants’ rights, global justice, racial justice, and women’s rights issues and movements. In recent years, Sarita has provided leadership to movementbuilding processes that have attempted to converge movements across different sectors in order to build the kind of power we need to make transformative change. Sarita serves as co-director of Caring Across Generations, a national coalition of 200 advocacy organizations working together for quality care and support and a dignified quality of life for all Americans. Caring Across Generations is dedicated to building a movement of everyday people committed to transforming long-term care and implementing solutions to fill the care gap. She also serves on multiple boards including the International Labor Rights Forum.

@catholicclimate Since 1982, Daniel Misleh has been involved in the social mission of the Church. He has served as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Director of Diocesan Relations for the Dept. of Social Development and World Peace. He has trained Catholic leaders nationwide in principles of Catholic social teaching, parish social ministry, community organizing, and the Catholic approach to issues such as agriculture, environment, and criminal justice. As Executive Director of the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change and with the endorsement of the USCCB, he has engaged the Catholic community in a serious conversation about a Catholic approach to climate change focused on the promoting the common good, protecting poor people and exercising prudence in order to more fully implement the USCCB’s 2001 statement on climate change. Under his direction, the Coalition has launched a major nationwide education campaign, The Catholic Climate Covenant: The St. Francis Pledge to Care for Creation and the Poor. This effort aims to reach as many US Catholics as possible to encourage them to embrace ancient teachings about the care of creation and our priority concern for the poor in the face of unfolding climate change.

Kyle T. Kramer was educated at Indiana University, the Universität Hamburg, and Emory University. With his wife Cyndi and their three young children (Eva, Clare, and Elijah), he farms organic fruits and vegetables on 27 acres in southwest Indiana and lives in a solar- and windpowered home he designed and built himself. Kyle serves as the director of graduate lay degree programs and spiritual formation for Saint Meinrad Archabbey, a Benedictine monastery and school of theology, where he also chairs the Archabbey Environmental Stewardship Committee. He is a former columnist for America magazine, serves as a Catholic Climate Ambassador for the USCCBsponsored Catholic Coalition on Climate Change, and is the author of A Time to Plant: Life Lessons in Work, Prayer, and Dirt (Ave Maria Press, 2010). Kyle’s writing and speaking mainly concern the intersections of simple living, ecology and Catholic spirituality.

H eard somethi n g great? S hare i t:



Kelsey witzgall

claire lucas

jaime rodriguez jr.

Xavier University

Jesuit High School

Fordham University

Kelsey Witzgall is a senior History and French double major with minors in Peace Studies and Gender and Diversity Studies at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH. She is excited to be the co-coordinator for Xavier’s delegation this year. While at Xavier, Kelsey has focused on women’s rights, immigration reform and creating interfaith dialogue.

Claire Lucas is a junior at Jesuit High School in Portland, OR. She lives with my mom, 14 yearold brother and dog, Chance. Some of her favorite things to do include playing softball, participating in the school swim team, and being a member of the Mock Trial team. She loves to spend time on the beach and to be with her friends and family. This past summer she went on an immersion trip to the Mexican-American border and learned a lot about the injustices that take place there and what must be done to try and change them in the future.

Kieran halloran Georgetown University Kieran Halloran is a Senior at Georgetown University studying Peace and Conflict Studies and International Development. He is a Knight of Columbus and retreat leader at Georgetown University. This past summer Kieran spent two months volunteering with Nyumbani Village, an orphanage in rural Kenya for HIV/AIDS affected children.


Jaime Rodriguez Jr. is a Fordham College at Lincoln Center Senior majoring in Psychology and Latin American and Latino Studies and minoring in History. He hails from Bridgeport, CT and is the proud alum of Fairfield College Preparatory School. He is proud to work as a Student Coordinator at his university’s Dorothy Day Center for Service and Justice, where he also serves as a Social Justice Leader and as an Urban Plunge Coordinator. He has explored women’s issues through a service project to Nicaragua through Global Outreach and currently serves as a Networking Coordinator on the GO! Board. He is passionate about working with others to dismantle systemic oppression and to foster dialogue towards undoing racism. This is his second Teach-In and he is excited to reflect with others through the spirit of the Jesuit tradition!

Pedro guerrero Loyola University Chicago Pedro Guerrero is a senior at Loyola University Chicago pursuing a degree in Political Science and International Studies. He currently serves as the President of the Unified Student Government Association and has been involved in the movement to become a water bottle free campus as well as helped to create Loyola Chicago’s Undocumented Student Act. A passionate activist for immigrant rights, Pedro has taken his voice to Washington D.C. during the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice and beyond. This will be his fourth Teach-In, and he looks forward to serving as a co-emcee!

emma coley + thomas imhoff Walsh Jesuit High School Emma Coley graduated grade school from St. Joseph’s parish school in Cuyahoga Falls, OH and is currently a junior at Walsh Jesuit. While at Walsh Jesuit, Emma has been involved in both the Labre and Gonzaga ministries which work to build community with the impoverished and elderly in the Akron area. Outside of school, Emma competes with the Hudson Interscholastic Equestrian Team. Thomas Imhoff is the current president of the Walsh Jesuit High School Class of 2015. He has been an active member of the swim team and campus ministry since his freshmen year. This past school year, they spurred a capital punishment educational and advocacy initiative while attempting to “set the world on fire.”

F o l l o w - u p w i t h t h e stu d e n t sp e a ke r s o n Twitte r. Use #i ftj 13 and reference the speakers’ names to ask questi ons & conti nue the c onv ers ati on.

Fairfield University Originally from México City, Alan Pelaez-Lopez has become a national activist in both the migrant and queer justice movements here in the US. By coming to terms with his AfroIndigenous roots, Alan intersects his undocumented status and queer identity to create solidarity through storytelling and the arts. Alan is a community organizer in Boston, but does work in Connecticut, DC and California. In June 2013, Alan was recognized as one of three winners of the National Youth Courage Award—the first time an undocumented individual received recognition—and in August, Alan was named a finalist to the National Young Activist Award, which led to receiving a grant to continue his efforts. Now, Alan is an undergraduate at Fairfield University studying Sociology and Professional Writing and holds a fellowship at Young People For, crafting a social justice blueprint to advocate for incarcerated undocumented and queer individuals.

raeesah reese + linda tenerowicz Loyola Marymount University Raeesah Reese is a senior at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) studying screenwriting and theological studies. She has explored her interests in social justice through storytelling, having worked on projects that examine immigrant rights and the struggles of undocumented youth in the U.S. Her interest in the politics and social justice issues of the Middle East extend to her passion for raising awareness about Palestinian human rights abuses in Israel and the West Bank. After participating in an Alternative Break Trip to Israel and Palestine, she was profoundly changed and inspired to take action surrounding the issue. During the trip, her group not only met with both Palestinian and Jewish Israeli peace activists, but got to further understand their stories of living under occupation. The people she met expressed their continued hope for a resolution despite the failed peace process. Their hope rests with the “people” and so does hers.

colleen smyth Rockhurst University

Linda Tenerowicz is from South San Francisco, CA and is currently pursuing a degree in political science at Loyola Marymount University (LMU). She is greatly interested in human rights advocacy and the non-profit sector. She wishes to learn more about the development and sustainability of non-profit organizations, namely gathering support, mobilizing grassroots activism, and reaching those most in need. In the summer of 2012 Linda attended an immersive trip to Israel and the occupied West Bank and gained firsthand knowledge and experience about the Palestine/Israel conflict, prospects for peace, and the reality on the ground for Israelis and Palestinians. Since then she has co-founded a Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter at LMU and serves as co-president. She hopes that SJP will shed light on the Palestinian narrative and bring greater awareness of the issue to the student body.

student speakers

alan pelaez lopez

Colleen Smyth is a senior at Rockhurst University pursuing a degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting and a minor in Non-profit Leadership Studies. She serves as President of VOICES for Justice, Rockhurst’s social justice club. Colleen is an Admissions Ambassador and active member of Alpha Sigma Alpha as well as a co-leader of CLC. Colleen is excited to co-emcee the Ignatian Family Teach-In because this event has both opened her eyes to the world around her and transformed her into the person who God is calling her to be.



I g n at i a n Fa m i ly A dvo cacy M o n t h feb rua ry 2 0 1 4

Join the national effort to learn, pray, & act for justice

Dig into social justice issues

Schedule in-district meetings


& advocacy training during

with your legislators and join

meetings with ISN and our

the Teach-In. In December,



ISN will provide advocacy


resources on three issues with

nationwide in speaking out for

specific legislative asks.

social justice!

schools, and

universities, ministries





post pictures and reflections from the experience online.

i g n at i a n s o li d a r i t y .n et /I FA M 11


public witness K i c k-o ff a dvo cacy day

Sunday, 11/18: 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

This year’s public witness will provide opportunities for members of the Ignatian family to show their commitment to advocating for immigration reform, fair wages, and access to food. We will gather with signs, banners, and our strong voices to pray, listen to active advocates, and commit ourselves to the work for justice to which we are called. Help us make a statement: If you have an institutional banner, please bring it to the public witness. We’re also asking participants to hold posters showing support for our advocacy priorities. Look out for the “poster station” to make your own!

Lo cat i o n: We st Lawn, U S C apit o l Bu i l d i n g

Please allow yourselves 40 minutes to travel to the public witness site. 1.Yellow line (toward Mt. Vernon) to L’Enfant Plaza 2. Blue/Orange line (toward New Carrollton/Largy) to Capitol South 3. Walk W on First St/New Jersey Ave 4. Walk S on Independence Ave 5. Enter Capitol Lawn

public w i t n es s


el Sa lva d o r D e le g at i o n

wo r ldv i ew fo r s o li da r i ty

online n etw o r k

“Reflecting on their Witness: 25th Anniversary Delegation to El Salvador” will gather members of the Ignatian network for an 8-day journey to commemmorate the lives of the Jesuit Martyrs. The program will provide participants with a framework for exploring the historical elements of the martyrs’ lives from a contemporary lens while engaging very personally in the modern issues of social justice that our brothers and sisters in El Salvador encounter.

School & Ministry Staff: Learn practical methods for engaging immersion program participants in meaningful reflection on issues of race, class, culture, and privilege, throughout the preparation and follow-up of their immersion experience program. Throughout the 3-day/2-night program, you’ll have opportunities to experience many activities and simulations that can immediately be brought back to your immersion experience program for use with student participants as well as moderators, faculty, etc.

Ignatiansolidarity.net is a go-to resource whether you’re looking for new ideas, ways to connect to others working for social justice, faith/social justice events to attend, or jobs to apply for. Our website and online presence is expanding with new content & resources every day!

The experience will include the opportunity to visit important sites related to the lives of the Jesuits and their companions, stay with Salvadoran families in countryside communities, and explore issues of injustice through presentations and activities. Issues include migration, labor rights, environmental sustainability, access to water, etc. ISN will partner with Christians for Peace in El Salvador (CRISPAZ) to facilitate the delegation. July 24 - August 1, 2014 Registration Deadline: December 20, 2013


This program will be co-facilitated with Training for Change, a national organization that facilitates training seminars aimed at empowering individuals to be to facilitate engaging activities on race, culture, class, and other elements of our diverse world. January 27-29, 2014 Houston, TX

Facebook/Twitter: provides a daily dose of social justice articles, highlights from the network, quotes to share & more! Networking ListServs: promote connecting with students, parishioners, and staff across the country via email. The listservs offer a space to ask questions and share ideas with the network! Blogs: cover topics ranging from imersion experience reflections, to current events, to “Just Parenting” (bringing faith and justice into parenting). Contact Us: We’re here to help you connect with the Ignatian network. Please don’t hesitate to contact us whenver you have questions, ideas, or a story you’d like to share! Email: info@ignatiansolidarity.net

arrupe u n i v ers i ty l ea d e rs s u m m i t l e a d ers s u m m i t High School Students & Staff: Learn more about the life of Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J. as it applies to social justice leadership, share faith and social justice programming ideas with students and faculty from other Jesuit high schools and parishes, meet new friends and recharge for another year of working for social change inspired by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola! 2014 Schedule: January 18-20 | Los Gatos, CA March 7-9 | Parma, OH Deadline for early registration: December 2nd, 2013 Learn more & register: ignatiansolidarity.net/arrupe

University Students: Build upon your Teach-In experience and spend four days deepening your understanding of how Ignatius and other prominent Jesuit leaders inform social justice leadership, explore your call to work for justice, and enhance planning and programming skills to strengthen your work to effect positive social change. Network with other student leaders to share ideas, insights, and build new friendships that will extend beyond the Summit and create collaborative oppportunities for future justice work! Learn more: ignatiansolidarity.net/universityleaders-summit

isn m ed i a t e a m University Students: Jesuit universities across the nation are digging into the gritty reality and working for social justice in their classrooms & communities. The ISN Media Team consists of college students who are engaged in this work for justice and desire to connect their community’s stories and ideas with change leaders in the wider network. Don’t miss your chance to write for a national audience, and connect with other students and media leaders in Ignatian and faith/justice oriented news. The time commitment is 3 posts per semester and a short meeting each month. Applications due: April 2014 To apply: please contact Kim Miller at kmiller@ignatiansolidarity.net.

the network

Staying Connected Beyond The Teach-In 14


Session #1 Sunday 10:00-10:50

Restorative Justice and Catholic Social Teaching 101

the sustainability of the policy. Organizing against impunity is important

Wayne Hipley & Emily Dillon - Catholic Mobilizing Network to End the

for change. |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Repeated: Lee

Use of the Death Penalty Learn about “restorative justice,” a community-centered approach to

Practicing What We Preach?: Workers’ Rights on Our Campuses

justice that views crime as a violation of people and relationships, rather

Nick Wertsch - Kalmanovitz Initiative

than simply a violation of law. Understand how Catholic Social Teaching

We will discuss the importance of respecting the dignity of workers

fits into the RJ model, focusing on victim’s needs and the offender’s

and the best ways to protect workers’ rights on our campuses. Some

responsibility to repair harm and foster healing. @CMNEndtheDP

universities have taken steps to address this issue, and we will look at

|US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Alexandria

how to extend this pro-active approach across the Jesuit network. @GeorgetownKILWP |US-US*| Madison

Faithful Response to Mass Incarceration Bill Mefford - United Methodist Church

Ignatian Advocacy - Create Change on Your Campus

With the United States leading the world in mass incarceration what

Cat Keating, Michelle Villegas, Roselle Agdipa, Christine Prissel, Kelly

should be the response by people of faith? How can we respond

Sullivan, Maria Benevento - Creighton Center for Service and Justice

missionally and create a system that is genuinely fair and trustworthy?

Our Ignatian Advocacy student team will share tools and experiences

Join this discussion to learn and share your thoughts! @GBCSUMC

to structure on-going advocacy actions on your campus. Our students

|US-CV| Salon J

use their experience as a lens through which to analyze, engage and change unjust structural systems in our local, national and international

Illuminating Education: The Visions of Arrupe & Merton

communities. @creighton_ccsj |HS-US-HS*-US*| Manassas

Natalie Terry & Jimmy Menkhaus - Jesuit School of Theology: A Graduate School of Santa Clara University

One Beat One Body

Through the witness of Pedro Arrupe, S.J. and Thomas Merton this

Pierre Sanders - The KYF Mission

session with utilize contemplative prayer, conversation and art in

This is an interactive session that uses the art of stepping as an object

uncovering how the mission of Jesuit education, when lived out in our

lesson to understand what it means to be called to be part of the body

daily lives, can be a beacon of hope for us and our communities.

of christ. Students will learn that even through our differences we can

|HS-US-HS*-US*| Fairfax

come together to create a beautiful world. @pierresanders30 |HS-US-AFVF-P-CV| McLean

Celebrating a World of Brokenness and Beauty at L’Arche Caitlin Smith, Dale Iglesia, Charles Clark, Deb Green - L’Arche Greater

Building a Community of Hope

Washington DC

Jesuit Volunteer Corps

Through hands-on art we will explore our own vulnerabilities and places

The Jesuit Volunteer Corps encourages individuals to commit to a

of growth and hope. We will use L’Arche, an intentional community, as a

lifestyle focused on relationships and community. By naming and

model of this in our world today. We will share our stories of sharing life

celebrating the layers of community each of us are connected to, we all

with people with and without intellectual disabilities at L’Arche in DC.

share the privilege and platform to be a light of hope in our world.

|HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Jackson

@JVCNation |HS-US-HS*-US*| Mt. Vernon

Civil Society Calls for Peace and Justice in Mexico

Ending Tax Avoidance: How Closing Corporate Loopholes and

Ruth Robles - Latin America Working Group Education Fund

Combating Tax Havens Benefits the Global Poor

During this session we will discuss how Mexican Civil Society is striving

Andrew Dusek - Jubilee USA Network

for peace, justice, and dignity in honor of the thousands upon thousands

This session will provide information about Jubilee USA Network’s work

of loved ones which have been disappeared or murdered in organized

regarding economic justice issues that serve the global poor. It will

crime-related violence. @lawgaction

highlight measures ranging from combating tax avoidance schemes

|HS-US-HS*-AFVF-P-CV| Jefferson

to moving forward bipartisan legislation that ensures fairness in the international financial system. |US-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Rosslyn 2

Impunity: Turning “Isolated” Scandals into Consistent Policy


Mark Lester - Center for Global Education at Augsburg College

Stereotypes with a Twist: The Black Experience

The Iran-Contra “scandal” of the 80s will be used to show that what the

Shawn Turner - Loyola University Maryland (CCSJ)

media present as “scandals” are actually brief glimpses of what are very

During this session, we will explore the effects of stereotypes on

consistent policy options overtime. Impunity for the participants is key to

personal development and the African American identity. Students will

GUIDE: HS: High School Students US: University Students HS*: High School Staff

US*: University Staff P: Parish Members CV: Current Volunteers AFVF: Alumni, Former Volunteers & Friends

learn how stereotypes actually operate, and how their existence affect the

addressing cultures and dialogue with other religious traditions, and,

African American community. @loyolaccsj |HS-US| Rosslyn I

most recently at the 35 Jubilee reconciliation with God, one another, and all creation. This workshop will discuss the roots of this mission in

In 1,000 Days, You Can Change the Future

Ignatian spirituality, the influence of Church teaching on this articulation,

Beth Ann Saracco & Ryan Quinn - Bread for the World

and the evolution of Jesuit thinking and action for justice.

The 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s 2nd

@JesuitSocialRes |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Salon D

birthday offer a unique window of opportunity to shape healthier and more prosperous futures. The right nutrition during this 1,000 day window can

Human Trafficking: Modern-Day Slavery

have a profound impact on a child’s ability to grow, learn, and rise out of

Sr. Anne Victory, HM & Sr. Cecilia Liberatore, SND - Collaborative to

poverty. |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Salon 1

End Human Trafficking This session will explore the issue of human trafficking: what it is,

Moving Mountains With the Power of Hope

its prominence globally and locally, who the victims and traffickers

Gabriel Bol Deng - HOPE for Ariang

are, and how to respond to this crime. The presentation connects

During this session Gabriel will share his personal story as a 10 year old

relevant Catholic Social Teaching principles and the role of faith-based

boy fleeing war in South Sudan and how twenty years later he returned

organizations in prevention and response to victims.

to help bring clean water and education to his war-devastated village.

|HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Repeated: Salon K

Students will learn that they can “move mountains” in their own lives. @GabrielBolDeng |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Repeated: Salon B

All Children Deserve Hope: Reforming Life Without Parole Matt Gritzmacher - Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth

Small Farmers, Fair Trade and Caring for Creation

During this session, we will show how respect for human dignity

Peter Buck & Courtney Lare - Equal Exchange/CRS Fair Trade

necessitates an end to life without parole for youth. Participants will be

Small farmers depend on the natural world and are not insulated from

able to identify the inhumane effects of this sentence, positive trends

climate change and environmental degradation. If they don’t care for their

towards fairer sentencing of youth, and the societal benefits of a move

world, it won’t feed them. Your solidarity, through Fair Trade, is crucial to

away from extreme sentencing. @theCFSY |HS-US-CV| Salon E

small farmers’ survival. Come taste some delicious coffee, chocolate and snacks and learn more. @EqExCoop @CRSFairtrade

Fracking the Promised Land

|US-US*-P| Repeated: Salon F

Ken Homan - Food and Water Watch What on earth is hydraulic fracturing, and why is it dangerous? In this

Working for Peace in Eastern Congo

session, we will discuss what fracking is, why it’s harmful to us and the

Rachel Finn & John Bagwell - Enough Project

environment, and what we can do to stop it. Come energized and ready

During this session, we will discuss the work of the Enough Project

to learn environmental advocacy skills and fighting for hope.

and the ongoing mass atrocities in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

@foodandwater |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P| Salon H

Participants will learn what they can do and how they can engage to make a difference in bringing about peace. @enoughproject

Engaging the St. Francis Pledge


Dan Misleh - Catholic Coalition on Climate Change This session will explore how to engage the Catholic community in

Solidarity in Action: Partners In Health & Liberation Theology

climate change through the Feast of St. Francis Program of the Catholic

Phil Garrity - Partners In Health

Coalition on Climate Change. This year’s program features the work of

Partners In Health (PIH) is a leading NGO focused on providing a

James Balog, director of the Extreme Ice Survey and of the film Chasing

preferential option for the poor in health care. As a global health

Ice. @CatholicClimate |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Repeated:

practitioner and a recent cancer survivor, Phil Garrity will explore PIH’s

Salon 2

theological underpinnings and their connection to structural violence, social justice, and solidarity with suffering. @pih |US-US*-AFVF-P-CV|

Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Ignatian Family Priorities

Repeated: Salon C

Shaina Aber & Mary Small - Jesuit Conference/Jesuit Refugee Service Deepen your understanding of the policy priorities of the Jesuits within

A Scriptural Intro to Faithjustice—Part One: The Jewish Scriptures

the context of the current Immigration debate. Review immigration

Fred Kammer, S.J. - Jesuit Social Research Institute

talking points and help us to amplify the voices of communities most

Jesuits articulated their mission of “the service of faith and the promotion

affected by the current U.S. immigration policy. @jesuitjustice @jrsusa

of justice” at the 32 General Congregation in 1975, refined it to include




Session #2 Sunday 11:10-12:00

Illuminating Humanity: ‘Undoing Racism’

Holding the Earth in Holiness

Sandra Lobo & Dr. Jeannine Hill Fletcher- Fordham University Dorothy

Dirk Dunfee, S.J - Rockhurst Jesuits

Day Center

We Catholics may be surprised to learn that we have a legacy of

Illuminating Humanity: ‘Undoing Racism’ will provide an opportunity for

environmental holiness upon which to draw. Using words and images,

participants to explore racism and why it is important to the Ignatian

we’ll investigate the lives and work of holy women and men down

family and our world. Grounded in a Catholic and Jesuit framework,

through the centuries who give us reason to hope in the midst of

the workshop will help participants understand how anti-racist work

environmental crisis. |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Lee

illuminates the dignity of all of humanity. |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Alexandria

Fair Trade: Advocating for Global Justice April Linton - Fair Trade Colleges and Universities

Tokimane: A Story of Congolese Resilience

Fair Trade is a market-based approach to empowering farmers and

John O’Keefe - Creighton University

farm workers and promoting sustainable economic development and

Tokimane is a 26 minute documentary film that profiles the Catholic

environmental stewardship. This session will provide an overview of the

diocese of Tshumbe and the efforts of some remarkable people to

Fair Trade system and show why and how high schools, colleges, and

rebuild after catastrophic war. Among those profiled is Nicolas Djomo,

universities can make a difference by getting involved.

the charismatic bishop of the diocese.

|HS-US-HS*-US*| Madison

|HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Ballroom Ending Torture Everywhere The Impact of Full-Time Service

Paz Artaza-Regan - National Religious Campaign Against Torture

Katie Mulembe, Michael Garcia, Gordon Wong - Catholic Volunteer

In this session we will examine U.S. sponsored torture, both with post


9/11 detainees and in U.S. prisons and detention centers. Participants

This breakout is an opportunity to learn more about post-grad and

will learn about advocacy opportunities to ensure that the United States

summer volunteer programs including how to choose a program, what

becomes 100% torture free. @nrcattweets |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-

are the benefits, and what you need to know before your serve.

CV| Manassas

@CatholicVolNet |US-US*-AFVF-CV| Salon G With Christ on the Border We the Taxpayers: An Interfaith Converstion

Pete Neeley, S.J. - Kino Border Initiative

Shannon Hughes - NETWORK Education Program

Using a power point and testimony from students who have been to the

Inequality is on the rise, and the way we use and move money (through

border on immersion trips we will address the empowering that goes

taxes!) can bring us closer to who we want to be, or drive us farther

on for both the migrant and the student. @iniciativa_kino |HS-US|

apart. Participants will look at what we pay, what we don’t pay, and what

Repeated: McLean

we get out of our tax system. @NETWORKLobby |HS-US-HS*-US*AFVF-P-CV| Jackson

Responding to Disease with Love: Nyumbani Village Kieran Halloran - Georgetown University/Nyumbani Orphanage

The US Juvenile Justice System: The Federal Role and Areas in

During this session you will hear of my personal experience as a

Need of Reform

volunteer in rural Kenya with Nyumbani Village and learn about the HIV/

Alexandra Staropoli & Shaena Faza - Coalition for Juvenile Justice/

AIDS crisis in Kenya today. Students will also learn about ways they can

Youth Advocate Programs, Inc.

get their schools and communities involved in helping Nyumbani’s work.

This session will explore the federal role in the US juvenile justice

|US-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Mt. Vernon

system, focusing on how the system works and areas in need of reform. Participants will learn how the justice system affects youth, families, and

Peace-building in Words, Actions and Behaviors

communities, and how advocates are working to improve the system.

Sr. Anne-Louise Nadeau, Minette Achankeng, Corinne Helwig - Pax

@4justice @yapinc

Christi USA

|HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Repeated: Jefferson

During this session we will begin to look at our use of violent language in everyday conversations; examine the effect of language on our behavior and attitudes towards others. How do we begin to absorb and take


GUIDE: HS: High School Students US: University Students HS*: High School Staff

US*: University Staff P: Parish Members CV: Current Volunteers AFVF: Alumni, Former Volunteers & Friends

seriously the words of Jesus “peace is my gift to you.” @paxchristiusa

A Scriptural Intro to Faithjustice—Part Two: Five Jesus Things

|HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Rosslyn 1

Fred Kammer, S.J. - Jesuit Social Research Institute Steeped in the Jewish Scriptures, Jesus embodies important themes

Persistent Insecurity: Abuses against Central Americans in Mexico

from the religion of his people in both what he says and does. In doing

Mary Small - Jesuit Refugee Service

so, he builds on the foundation of the faith-that does-justice and brings it

This session will explore issues surrounding the migration of Central

to a new level that should animate Christians everywhere. [Part Two is a

Americans--especially from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador--

stand-alone workshop—it does not require attendance at Part One.]

through Mexico, helping students to think critically about the overlap

@JesuitSocialRes |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Salon D

between migration, transportation, security and drug policy. @jrsusa |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Rosslyn 2

Love that Produces Hope: Building Community in a Nation Held Hostage

“I Want a Mess!” Answering Pope Francis’ call to Combat Poverty

Shaina Aber & Kirsti Tasala - Jesuit Conference & Canadian Jesuits

and the Lack of Decent Work


Thomas Mulloy - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Honduras has the highest homicide rate in the world and grapples

This session will use Pope Francis’ statements dealing with poverty,

with challenges ranging from drug violence to insecure land rights

hunger, work, inequality, and economic justice to explore how these

to criminalization of marginalized communities by multinational

issues are playing out in the United States today. The session will

corporations; to police abuse and creeping militarization and

conclude with a discussion about responding to the call to serve “the

authoritarianism. How are the Jesuits of Honduras approaching these

least of these.” |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Salon 1

challenges to build God’s community? @jesuitjustice @JesuitsinCanada |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Salon H

Twenty-Six Years in El Salvador: Come and Know why I Stay! Peggy O’Neill - Centro Arte Para La Paz

Immigration Reform in Congress: The Path Forward

I will share my life as it has evolved in Suchitoto, El Salvador during the

Don Lyster - National Immigration Law Center

cruel war, the post war re-building, and the healing of all of the trauma

Hear the latest on immigration reform efforts in Congress, including a

as we try to build a culture of peace using art as the vehicle. I continue

review of legislative activity to date, and what’s expected in the months

to get glimpses of the Promised land and invite you to consider a gap

ahead. @don_nilc |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Salon J

year with me to know better why I stay. |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Salon A Moving Mountains With the Power of Hope – HOPE for Ariang Working and Still Poor: Why Hardworking Americans Still Live in

(Repeated, See Description from Session One) Salon B

Poverty Sung Yeon Choimorrow - Interfaith Worker Justice

Solidarity in Action: Partners In Health & Liberation Theology -

This sessions will inform participants on the plight of low wage workers

Partners In Health (Repeated, See Description from Session One)

in America and why they live in poverty even though they work more

Salon C

than 40 hours a week. We will discuss how the Catholic Social Teachings call us to respond to justice for workers in our country.

Human Trafficking: Modern-Day Slavery - Collaborative to End

@IWJNational |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Repeated: Salon E

Human Trafficking (Repeated, See Description from Session One) Salon K

Opening Doors: How to Develop LGBT-Friendly Catholic Campuses Bob Shine & Francis DeBernardo - New Ways Ministry Participants will reflect on how Catholic campuses can open their doors to LGBT people in light of Pope Francis’ words, the Catholic social justice tradition, and personal experiences. Examples from LGBTfriendly Catholic colleges will serve as discussion starters on how campuses can make their environments welcoming and friendly to all. @NewWaysMinistry |HS-US-HS*-US*-P| Salon F



Session #3 Saturday 1:30-2:20

“No hay humanidad sin solidaridad compartida” Ignacio Ellacuria,

Youth Ending Slavery

S.J. (There is no humanity without shared solidarity)

Colette Copic - Youth Ending Slavery

Kevin Yonkers Talz - Casa Educational Program

During this session, Youth Ending Slavery will discuss the discrepancies

This session will explore the imagination of the UCA martyrs and

often surrounding human trafficking and call youth to educate

highlight their continued influence today. The session will include a

themselves and speak out. YES target youth because they have the

video of testimonies from people in El Salvador as well as the United

immense power to raise awareness, potential get involved, and the

States. |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Ballroom

chance to promote legislative change. |HS| Mt. Vernon

A Model of Neighborhood Engagement

The Art of Non-Violent Resistance in Israel and Palestine and

Lauren Heery - Loyola University Maryland Center for Community

Tackling Issues Through Theater of the Oppressed

Service and Justice

Raeesah Reese & Linda Tenerowicz - Students for Justice in Palestine

This session will focus on Loyola University Maryland’s York Road

(Loyola Marymount University)

Initiative and Students Association as models for other universities and

This session will focus on the non-violent artistic resistance movement

high schools with an interest in neighborhood engagement. We’ll share

to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. We will examine the conflict in

some of successes and challenges as well as tips for getting your own

light of human rights abuses and the means by which young people in

neighborhood engagement organization started. @LoyolaCCSJ |HS-

Palestine resist injustice and how students in the US stand in solidarity

US-HS*-US*| Alexandria

with them. |HS-US| Rosslyn I

Stories of Ecological Justice: How We Can Create a More

Appalachia: The Unbroken Circle

Sustainable Presence on Earth

Tom Breiding - Appalachian Institute Wheeling Jesuit University

Steph Haas & Julia Brown - Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest

This presentation is an introduction to the Appalachian Institute’s

In this session, JVC Northwest staff invite participants to think more

Immersion program and offers an historical perspective of existing

deeply about the value and importance ecological justice through

issues in Appalachia through song.

creativity, humor, and real life stories of former Jesuit Volunteers.

|HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Salon 1

Participants in this interactive workshop will leave with tangible ideas, resources, and inspiration to live a greener, more sustainable lifestyle.

UndocuQueer: How the Undocumented and Queer Movement saw

@JVCNorthwest |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Jackson

Hope in Coming Out of a Double-Closet through the Arts Alan Pelaez-Lopez - Fairfield University

Ministry of Light: Suicide Prevention and Ignatian Imagination

This breakout session will deal with a brief history and timeline where

Quang D. Tran, S.J.

queer immigrants were prevented from migrating to the U.S. The

This session provides general information on suicide awareness and

presentation will explore ways in which art (paintings/graphics, spoken

prevention and explores the applications of Ignatian contemplation, one

word, etc.) has united both the queer and migrant justice movement,

aspect of Catholic spirituality, in suicide prevention. The challenge:

leading to the finding of the Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project,

a contemplative who encounters Christ the Eternal Light has the

and coming out of a double-closet.

responsibility to be a bearer of Light. @LeMeTellUSumtin


|HS-US-HS*-AFVF-P-CV| Madison Joining the “Circle of Protection” around the Poor and Hungry How to Empower and Inspire Hope Through Responsible

Billy Kangas & Amelia Kegan - Bread for the World


Despite the months that have gone by since sequestration took effect,

Chris Cobb - Courts for Kids

the stakes remain high for the millions of hungry people in the US and

During this session we will discuss how volunteer projects, and some

around the world who depend on programs on the chopping block.

charities can harm the people or communities we intend to empower

Learn how to take action by urging policy makers on behalf of the

and help. Participants will learn how to analyze volunteer opportunities

hungry. @bread4theworld |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Salon B

and development projects to identify those that truly help the needy. |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Manassas

Raising the Minimum Wage -- Raising the Dignity of Work Judy Conti - National Employment Law Project


GUIDE: HS: High School Students US: University Students HS*: High School Staff

US*: University Staff P: Parish Members CV: Current Volunteers AFVF: Alumni, Former Volunteers & Friends

Catholic Social Justice teachings tell us of the importance of the dignity

we can advocate for social change. @CenterofConcern

of work, and fair wages are the centerpiece of that dignity. Learn about

@PatFinan17 |HS-US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Salon 2

and how to become part of the state and federal campaigns to raise the minimum wage and restore dignity to work and workers. |HS-US-HS*-

Catholic Social Teaching and the Death Penalty

US*-AFVF-P-CV| Salon C

Vicki Schieber - Catholic Mobilizing Network to End the Death Penalty Led by Vicki Schieber, who lost her daughter to murder, attendees

Justice for Immigrants: What the Catholic Church is Doing and

will learn about Catholic Social Teaching on the death penalty and

How You can Help

restorative justice. Attendees will hear Vicki’s personal journey,learn

Tony Cube & Todd Scribner - USCCB/Justice for Immigrants

about Catholic pro-life teaching on the death penalty, and hear about

The issue of immigration elicits strong opinions and emotions on both

how they can become involved in this issue. @CMNEndtheDP

sides. Learn about the U.S. Catholic bishops’ activities as pastors and


public citizens in assisting newcomers and their families to our nation. @usccbjfi |US-HS*-US*-AFVF-P-CV| Salon K

Mexico: Mujer en Pie de Lucha por La Paz (Mexico: Women in Struggle for Peace)

H2O: Horizons, Hope, Opportunities

Maria Christina - Trabajo Cultural Caminante

Ken Homan - Food and Water Watch

The workshop will touch on 1. efforts women are waging for peace 2.

Bottled water seems innocent, but it endangers the environment, human

Trans-Pacific Partnership (NAFTA on steroids). 3. The role of U.S.

rights and our future. Come learn about the challenges of taking back

foreign policy’s in the war (School of Americas trainees, the false

the tap; what we can hope for; and what opportunities exist for getting

war on drugs, arms flow to mexico). The workshop will include some

more involved. @foodandwater |HS-US-HS*-US*-P| Salon H

materials and ideas of what students can do. |HS-US| Rosslyn 2

Jesuits and Justice: An Evolving Tradition

Small Farmers, Fair Trade and Caring for Creation - Equal

Fred Kammer, S.J. - Jesuit Social Research Institute

Exchange Co-operative/CRS Fair Trade (Repeated, See Description

How has the Church of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries come

from Session One) Salon F

to talk about justice at the heart of our faith? Isn’t this some departure from scripture and tradition? This session will attempt to root our

Impunity: Turning “Isolated” Scandals into Consistent Policy -

current concerns for the faith-that-does-justice in basic themes of the

Center for Global Education at Augsburg College (Repeated, See

Jewish scriptures and tie that explanation to a contemporary spiritual

Description from Session One) Lee

awareness that is essential in the face of an increasingly consumerist and isolating culture where rich and poor—nations and individuals—

The US Juvenile Justice System: The Federal Role and Areas in

are sharply divided. [Part One is a stand-alone workshop—it does not

Need of Reform - Coalition for Juvenile Justice/ Youth Advocate

require attendance at Part Two.] @JesuitSocialRes |HS-US-HS*-US*-

Programs, Inc. (Repeated, See Description from Session One)

AFVF-P-CV| Salon D


Creating High Impact Videos for Social Justice Campaigns

With Christ on the Border - Kino Border Initiative (Repeated, See

Sarah Stoch & Laura Cervantes - Archbishop Mitty H.S.

Description from Session Two) McLean

Our breakout session will help train participants in creating high impact videos to be used with social media to build awareness around an

Working and Still Poor: Why Hardworking Americans Still Live in

organized social justice campaign. |HS-US-HS*-US*-CV| Salon G

Poverty - Interfaith Worker Justice (Repeated, See Description from Session Two) Salon E

Where is Your Brother?: Immigration Reform Dianna Ortiz & Pat Finan - Center for Concern We’ll explore how Catholic Social Teaching applies to the debate over comprehensive immigration reform. Learners begin with an interactive role play., then explore the signs of the times, including the current broken system. We will reflect on scripture and CST and discuss ways


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The National Catholic Reporter is seeking applicants for its Bertelsen Internship Program, a paid editorial opportunity for college graduates. Bertelsen interns work as full-time staff members in our Kansas City, Mo., headquarters. You will report, help maintain our website and assist with production of the biweekly newspaper. This is a paid internship.

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At John Carroll University, students discover their gifts, talents, and leadership abilities through


Education Service Social justice Community Spirituality


7-10 day trips to domestic and international locations. Students engage in service, participate in experiential learning, and make educational site visits – while living in the communities they serve.

The Jesuit Social Research Institute works to transform the Gulf South through action research, analysis, education, and advocacy on the core issues of poverty, race, and migration.

Faith that leads to justice.

Prophetic vision that leads to transformation.

Love of neighbor that leads to solidarity.

Scholarship that leads to action.

Jesuit Social Research Institute Loyola University New Orleans 6363 St. Charles Avenue, Box 94 New Orleans, LA 70118 (504) 864-7746

JSRI publishes the JustSouth Quarterly and E-newsletter. Sign up free by emailing jsri@loyno.edu. Connect with us!

lwp.georgetown.edu 202.687.2293 @GeorgetownKILWP

Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor develops creative strategies and innovative public policy to improve workers’ lives in a changing economy. Our Jesuit Just Employment Project brings together Jesuit colleges and universities from across the country to support just employment policies that reflect Catholic social teaching and respect workers.

The Initiative draws on Georgetown’s distinctive identity—its commitment to intellectual excellence, grounding in the Catholic and Jesuit traditions, history of interreligious cooperation, global reach, and prominence as an arena of policy debate in the nation’s capital—to advance prosperity, broadly-shared economic justice, and respect for the dignity of labor.

How does a

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adult faith?

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Be transformed by the renewal of your mind —romans 12:2

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How are you being called to serve?

For information about the vocation of Jesuit Priests and Brothers contact:

Jesuit Conference 1016 16th Street, NW, #400 Washington, DC 20036 202.462.0400


The annual central gathering of Catholic social ministers and advocates! Join the Young Leaders Initiative — contact us by the end of November.

Get poverty facts, news, and interactive resources, and join the conversation!

PovertyUSA.org PobrezaUSA.org Facebook.com/PovertyUSA Twitter.com/EndPovertyUSA

Catholic Campaign for Human Development A program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Justice & peace news from our bishops! Notes for Neighbors is an e-newsletter from the U.S. Catholic Bishops on our call to do Justice. Sign up at: www.usccb.org/jphd/resources-and-tools.cfm

JSEA salutes the commitment of Jesuit High School faculty, staff, and students to the work of justice in our schools, our communities, our nation, and our world. JSEA i ni ti a te s p r o g r a m s a n d p r o vide s se rvice s th at e n able its m e m ber s chools to s u s t ai n th e i r I g n a t ia n v isio n a n d J e suit m ission of e ducation al e xce llence in the f ormati o n o f yo un g m e n a n d wome n of com p e te n c e , c on scie n c e an d compas s io n.

2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 I S n m e m b e r i n s t i t u t i o n s As of 10/31/13

Be l l armine Chapel ( OH ) Be l l armine College P re p a ra to ry Be l l armine P r epar at o ry S c h o o l Bo sto n College Bo sto n College High Sc h o o l Cani si u s College Cheve r us High S c ho o l Church of S t . I gnat iu s o f L o y o l a (N Y) Col l ege of t he Holy C ro s s Cre i g ht on Univ er s it y De Smet J es uit High S c h o o l Fai rfi e ld College P r e p a ra to ry Fai rfi e ld Univ er s it y Ford ham P r epar at or y S c h o o l Ford ham Univ er s it y Georg et own Univ er s i ty Church of t he G es u (OH ) Gonza ga College Hig h S c h o o l Gonza ga Univ er s it y Hol y Trinit y Cat holic C h u rc h (D C ) Je su i t C ollege P r epa ra to ry Sc h o o l Je su i t H igh S c hool (OR ) Je su i t Volunt eer Corp s Jo hn Car r oll Univ er s i ty Le Mo y ne College Loyo l a B lak ef ield Hi g h S c h o o l Loyo l a High S c hool o f L o s A n g e l e s

L o y o l a Marymount U ni versi ty L o y o l a S chool L o y o l a U ni versi ty C hi cago L o y o l a U ni versi ty Maryl and L o y o l a U ni versi ty N ew Orl eans M a rq u e tte U ni versi ty M a rq u e tte U ni versi ty H i gh S chool Ol d S t . Joseph’s C hurch R e g i s Jesui t H i gh S chool R e g i s U ni versi ty Sa n ta C l ara U ni versi ty Se a ttl e U ni versi ty St. A l phonsus R odri guez C hurch (MD ) St. Ig nati us C ol l ege P reparatory (C A ) St. Ig nati us C ol l ege P reparatory (IL) St. Ig nati us H i gh S chool St. Ig nati us of Loyol a C hurch (MD ) St. Ig nati us Loyol a P ari sh (C A )

S t. Ignati us of Loyola Par ish ( M A) S t. John’s Jesui t High School S t. Joseph’s P repar at or y School S t. Joseph’s U ni v er sit y S t. Loui s U ni versit y High School S t. Mary’s S tudent Par ish ( M I ) S t. P eter ’s P reparat or y School S ts. P eter and P a ul Chur ch ( M I ) U ni versi ty of D etr oit M er cy U ni versi ty of D etr oit M er cy U ni versi ty of S an Fr ancisco U ni versi ty of S crant on Verbum D ei H i gh School Wal sh Jesui t H i gh School W heel i ng Jesui t Univer sit y X avi er H i gh S choo l ( NY) X avi er U ni versi ty U .S . Jesui t Vocations

sponsors T h a n k you for help ing to make th e Ig n a t ia n F a m i l y Teach-In for Ju stice possib le .

Apply now for life-changing domestic and international placements.


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