Messages From the President
setting energy access back and forcing
Aligned with this change, the
people to switch to dirtier fuels
Korean presidency of the IGU will be
because of an affordability crisis.
extended until we hand over to China at
That in turn contributes to worsening
WGC2022. China’s Triennium will run
air pollution, a major contributor to
from 2022 until 2025, when they will
premature mortality, including from
hand over to Italy – who was chosen by
our full Council meeting last month to
There was a positive impact, with emissions dropping to levels not seen in
hold the Presidency from 2025 to 2028. Also over the last few months we
a decade – also the biggest single cut in
have completed the process to choose
history. But it came at a great cost and
our next Secretary General, and we
unless significant actions to retool our
are delighted that experienced energy
economies for a sustainable recovery
executive Mr Andy Calitz will lead
are planned in the coming months, it
us from the establishment of new
will be short-lived.Even though this
permanent headquarters in London in
current picture is looking pretty grim, I
August next year. Andy will join us as
think that it highlights the value of the
Deputy Secretary General for a four-
opportunity that lies ahead of us. The
month transition period from 1st of
Welcome to the second issue of
value is to rebuild better. And gas will
April 2021, working with our current
the Global Voice of Gas, the digital
play a key role in that.
Secretary-General Luis Bertran,
Dear reader,
magazine of the International Gas Union. The six months since the first edition
Just last week the 7th IEF-IGU
who will step down in August and be
Ministerial Gas Forum heard a strong
named an Honorary Secretary-General
have seen many challenges and some
message from virtually every speaker
for his six years’ service to the global
exciting developments for the global
on emissions reduction, including the
gas industry.
gas industry.
need for real action on methane, but
The pandemic has truly shaken up
Another significant departure from
constant reminders on the reliability and
our team was the resignation of our
the world, taking lives and crippling
affordability of energy, and the economic
long-serving Public Affairs Director
livelihoods.This year has not been kind
activity our industry underpins.
Mel Ydreos in July. Mel brought many
to the most vulnerable. According to
As you will see elsewhere in this
the World Bank, over 100mn people
edition of the Global Voice of Gas, the
outreach efforts in his time in the role –
could be pushed into extreme poverty.
last six months has been a very busy
including this digital magazine – and we
Budget deficits reached levels not seen
period for the IGU. We have made
wish him well in his future endeavours.
since World War 2, and the global
the important decision to reschedule
economy will likely be almost one tenth
the next edition of the World Gas
Presidency team, I wish you a happy
smaller in 2030, than it would have
Conference from June 2021 to
ending to 2020 and a prosperous New
been otherwise.
May 2022. We are confident this
Year and beyond.
It has also had an historic impact
is the right move for our members,
innovations to our advocacy and
On behalf of the entire Korea
We have risen to the challenge this
on the energy sector – a dramatic 20%
exhibitors and all participants, and
decline in investments, something we
that WGC2022 will again demonstrate
have never experienced.It threatens
our conference is the meeting place
— Prof. Joe M. Kang
the sustainable development agenda,
for the global gas industry.
President, International Gas Union
year – and will do so again in 2021.