News from organisations affiliated to IGU This issue we have news on developments
Looking back over 75 years of accomplish
from the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) which
ments, Illinois-based GTI has achieved an
recently celebrated 75 years of operation.
impressive record of success in improving the
They highlight some of their latest projects and
ways energy is produced, transported and used
initiatives from all points along the gas value
around the world. These contributions are the
chain. The International Group of Liquefied
foundation of GTI’s reputation as a trusted
Natural Gas Importers (GIIGNL) reports on its
partner to industry and government.
General Assembly which was held in New
Looking to the future, society needs
Orleans in October last year. And finally we
innovative solutions to deliver the affordable
have an overview of the World LPG Associ
and reliable energy that is critical for
ation’s new Exceptional Energy in Action
developing nations currently dealing with
website, a highly comprehensive database of
population growth, urbanisation and poor air
information about LPG and its applications
quality. Natural gas, coupled with the many
across all sectors of society.
technologies under development at GTI and elsewhere, will help ensure that expanding
GTI continues to build on 75-year
global energy needs will be met responsibly
legacy of technical innovations and
and safely for decades to come.
market impact By Diane Miller
Efficient and sustainable production
For more than seven decades, Gas Technology
of shale gas
Institute scientists and engineers have
Shale gas is one of America’s premier examples
developed high-impact technologies and
of joint government and industry R&D yielding
provided technical insights to unlock the
tremendous cost/benefit ratios and long-term,
potential of natural gas and other energy
transformational societal value. After 30 years
resources, helping make them economically and
of research and field experiments conducted by
environmentally sustainable, while reducing
the Department of Energy (DOE), GTI and the
costs for consumers.
private sector, the ‘shale revolution’ emerged during the recent recession, providing a securely accessible, low-cost energy resource for the 21st century while supporting the country’s economic resurgence with millions of industry jobs and billions in annual economic value. Innovations in reservoir mapping, hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling coupled with favourable tax policies unlocked a national treasury of unconventional oil and natural gas. With recovery of shale hydrocarbons in place under 20%, the US industry has just scratched
130 N e w s f r o m o r g a n i s a t i o n s a f f i l i a t e d t o I G U