Ref: IG8954
Video of the Week – DryLin “Fast Forward” from igus For quick adjustment of slide position on leadscrew drives Linear expert igus UK introduces DryLin “Fast Forward” – a mechanism that allows quick positional adjustment of the slide on a trapezoidal lead screw drive. This saves considerable amounts of time when adjusting machine settings, particularly in applications that involve long leadscrews. The location of the linear slide can still be positioned extremely precisely on the trapezoidal thread using the conventional hand wheel adjustment mechanism; the “Fast Forward” function on the other hand releases the slide from the thread to enable it to be slid quickly to a new ‘approximate’ position by hand first followed by more precise positioning with the hand wheel. The lubricant-free DryLin linear tables with “Fast Forward” are available in two types: the SHT series, which is a precise, rigid aluminium version made of machined and anodised aluminium parts; and the SHTP series, a lightweight, low-price alternative made of solid plastic To watch how easy it is to use DryLin “Fast Forward”, please visit: Or for regular updates follow us on Twitter:
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Feb. 16 – 17 Apr. 6 – 7